2007/01/16 12:18:23 mmeeks Submitted by: mmeeks Kill 'memory::Segment' - no longer needed. Bin some other (empty / redundant) headers. 2007/01/12 11:48:33 mmeeks Remove a load of unneeded Accessor fluff Fix SimpleReferenceObject - it has to have 1 virtual method. 2007/01/11 10:35:36 mmeeks Submitted by: mmeeks Large scale re-factoring, remove fine-grained locking in favor of a simple, single global lock (still in progress). Identify and fix various hot-spots. Remove otherwise empty / non-compiled files. Kill UpdateAccessor 2007/01/08 20:49:02 mmeeks Issue number: Submitted by: mmeeks Substantial configmgr re-factoring #1 ... + remove endless typedef chains + remove custom allocator & associated complexity + remove Pointer, and 'Address' classes
396 lines
14 KiB
396 lines
14 KiB
* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: cacheline.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.10 $
* last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2007-11-23 14:36:37 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_configmgr.hxx"
#include "cacheline.hxx"
#include "setnodeaccess.hxx"
#include "treeaccessor.hxx"
#include "builddata.hxx"
#include "treechangefactory.hxx"
#include "mergechange.hxx"
#include "configexcept.hxx"
#include "tracer.hxx"
#ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
namespace configmgr
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static inline CacheLine::Name implExtractModuleName(CacheLine::Path const& _aConfigPath)
return _aConfigPath.getModuleName();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CacheLine
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CacheLine::CacheLine(Name const & _aModuleName)
: m_base(NULL)
, m_name(_aModuleName)
, m_nDataRefs(0)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CacheLine::CacheLine(Name const & _aModuleName, data::TreeAddress _pSegment)
: m_base(_pSegment)
, m_name(_aModuleName)
, m_nDataRefs(0)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CacheLine::setBase(data::TreeAddress _base)
OSL_PRECOND(m_base == NULL, "CacheLine: Data base address was already set");
OSL_PRECOND( _base != NULL, "CacheLine: Cannot set NULL base address");
m_base = _base;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CacheLineRef CacheLine::createAttached( Name const & _aModuleName,
data::TreeAddress _aSegment
if (_aModuleName.isEmpty())
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Cannot make a cache line without a name");
return NULL;
if (_aSegment == NULL)
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Cannot attach a cache line to a NULL segment");
return NULL;
CacheLineRef xResult = new CacheLine(_aModuleName,_aSegment);
return xResult;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CacheLineRef CacheLine::createNew( Name const & _aModuleName
if (_aModuleName.isEmpty())
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Cannot make a cache line without a name");
return NULL;
CacheLineRef xResult = new CacheLine(_aModuleName);
return xResult;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CacheLine::Name CacheLine::getModuleName() const
return m_name;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data::TreeAddress CacheLine::getPartialTree(Path const& aConfigName) const
data::SetNodeAccess aParentSet( internalGetNode(aConfigName.getParentPath()) );
if (aParentSet.isValid())
return aParentSet.getElementTree(aConfigName.getLocalName().getName());
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CacheLine::hasDefaults() const
if ( m_base != NULL ) return false; // cannot get defaults without data
data::TreeAccessor aModuleTree(m_base);
OSL_ASSERT( aModuleTree != NULL);
return aModuleTree->hasDefaultsAvailable();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data::NodeAccess CacheLine::internalGetNode(Path const& aConfigName) const
OSL_ENSURE( m_base != NULL, "Cannot get a node from a dataless module");
data::TreeAccessor aModuleTree(m_base);
OSL_ASSERT(aModuleTree != NULL);
data::NodeAccess aNode = aModuleTree.getRootNode();
OSL_ENSURE( aNode.isValid(), "CacheLine contains no nodes");
Path::Iterator it = aConfigName.begin();
OSL_ENSURE( it != aConfigName.end(), "Empty Path can't match any module");
OSL_ENSURE( aNode.isValid() && aNode.getName() == it->getInternalName(), "Module part in config path does not match selected CacheLine");
// find child of node
// might be done using a visitor
while(aNode.isValid() && ++it != aConfigName.end())
aNode = data::getSubnode(aNode,it->getName());
return aNode;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data::NodeAddress CacheLine::getNode(Path const& aConfigName) const
data::NodeAccess aNode = internalGetNode(aConfigName);
return aNode;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
data::TreeAddress CacheLine::setComponentData( backend::ComponentData const & _aComponentInstance,
bool _bWithDefaults
OSL_PRECOND(_aComponentInstance.data.get(), "CacheLine::insertDefaults: inserting NULL defaults !");
OSL_PRECOND(_aComponentInstance.name == this->getModuleName(),"Data location does not match module");
OSL_PRECOND(base() == NULL, "Data is already loaded");
if (base() == NULL) // no data yet
this->setBase( data::buildTree(_aComponentInstance.data->getName(), *_aComponentInstance.data, _bWithDefaults) );
return this->base();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data::TreeAddress CacheLine::insertDefaults( backend::NodeInstance const & _aDefaultInstance
OSL_PRECOND(_aDefaultInstance.data().get(), "CacheLine::insertDefaults: inserting NULL defaults !");
OSL_PRECOND(_aDefaultInstance.root().isModuleRoot(), "Should have complete component to fill tree with defaults");
OSL_PRECOND(_aDefaultInstance.root().getModuleName() == this->getModuleName(),"Data location does not match module");
OSL_PRECOND(m_base != NULL, "Data must already be loaded to insert defaults");
if (m_base != NULL)
return m_base;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtendedCacheLine::ExtendedCacheLine(Name const & _aModuleName)
: CacheLine(_aModuleName)
, m_pPending()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtendedCacheLine::ExtendedCacheLine(Name const & _aModuleName,
data::TreeAddress _aSegment)
: CacheLine(_aModuleName,_aSegment)
, m_pPending()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtendedCacheLineRef ExtendedCacheLine::createAttached( Name const & _aModuleName,
data::TreeAddress _aSegment
if (_aModuleName.isEmpty())
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Cannot make a cache line without a name");
return NULL;
if (_aSegment == NULL)
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Cannot attach a cache line to a NULL segment");
return NULL;
ExtendedCacheLineRef xResult = new ExtendedCacheLine(_aModuleName,_aSegment);
return xResult;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtendedCacheLineRef ExtendedCacheLine::createNew( Name const & _aModuleName
if (_aModuleName.isEmpty())
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Cannot make a cache line without a name");
return NULL;
ExtendedCacheLineRef xResult = new ExtendedCacheLine(_aModuleName);
return xResult;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ExtendedCacheLine::addPending(backend::ConstUpdateInstance const & _anUpdate) CFG_UNO_THROW_RTE( )
Path aRootLocation = _anUpdate.root().location();
OSL_PRECOND(!aRootLocation.isRoot(),"Pending change cannot be located at root");
OSL_PRECOND(aRootLocation.getModuleName() == this->getModuleName(),"Pending change location does not match module");
OSL_PRECOND(_anUpdate.data() != NULL,"Adding NULL 'pending' change");
OSL_PRECOND(_anUpdate.data()->getNodeName() == aRootLocation.getLocalName().getName().toString(),
"Path to pending change does not match change name");
using std::auto_ptr;
// first make the _pSubtreeChange a full tree starting at the module root
auto_ptr<SubtreeChange> pRootChange;
SubtreeChange *pExistingEntry = NULL;
Path::Iterator last = aRootLocation.end();
OSL_ASSERT(last != aRootLocation.begin());
for (Path::Iterator it = aRootLocation.begin();
it != last;
OSL_ASSERT( it != aRootLocation.end());
OSL_ASSERT( it+1 != aRootLocation.end());
// We need to create a new SubtreeChange
Name const aChangeName = it->getName();
Name const aElementTypeName = (it+1)->getTypeName();
auto_ptr<SubtreeChange> pNewChange =
OTreeChangeFactory::createDummyChange(aChangeName, aElementTypeName);
if (pExistingEntry == NULL)
OSL_ASSERT(pRootChange.get() == NULL);
pRootChange = pNewChange;
pExistingEntry = pRootChange.get();
OSL_ASSERT(pRootChange.get() != NULL);
Change* pChange = pExistingEntry->getChange(aChangeName.toString());
pExistingEntry = static_cast<SubtreeChange*>(pChange);
OSL_ENSURE(pChange && pChange->ISA(SubtreeChange), "ERROR: Cannot recover change just added");
auto_ptr<SubtreeChange> pAddedChange( new SubtreeChange(*_anUpdate.data(), SubtreeChange::DeepChildCopy()) );
if (aRootLocation.getDepth() > 1)
OSL_ASSERT(pRootChange.get() != NULL && pExistingEntry != NULL);
// the _pSubtreeChange did not start at root, so add its clone to the built dummies
OSL_ASSERT(pRootChange.get() == NULL && pExistingEntry == NULL);
// the _pSubtreeChange starts at root, so just reset pRootChange
pRootChange = pAddedChange;
OSL_ASSERT(pRootChange.get() != NULL);
if (m_pPending.get() == NULL)
// no merge is need, because the existing pending changes are empty
m_pPending = pRootChange;
// We need to merge the new rebased changes into the m_pPending
catch (configuration::Exception& e)
OUString sMessage(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Update cache for module: Could not add pending changes at"));
sMessage += aRootLocation.toString();
sMessage += OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(". Internal Exception:")) + e.message();
throw uno::RuntimeException(sMessage,0);
OSL_POSTCOND(m_pPending.get() != NULL, "Could not insert new pending changes");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace configmgr