78 lines
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78 lines
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rem _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
rem Test script for helper class "framework/helper/OComponentAccess and OComponentEnumeration.
rem These two classes are used for "framework/baeh_services/Desktop::getComponents()" only.
rem _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sub Main
rem ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
rem Get all current components of the frame tree as an enumeration access object.
rem The return value must be a valid reference!
xComponentAccess = StarDesktop.Components
if( isNull(xComponentAccess) = TRUE ) then
msgbox "Error: Desktop return null reference as enumeration access to all tree components!"
exit Sub
rem ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
rem Control service specification of helper class "framework/helper/OComponentAccess".
rem The follow output must occure: com.sun.star.lang.XTypeProvider
rem com.sun.star.container.XEnumerationAccess -> com.sun.star.container.XElementAccess
msgbox xComponentAccess.dbg_supportedInterfaces
rem ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
rem Test interface XElementAccess of helper OComponentAcces.
rem Method hasElements() must return TRUE, because if you call this from the basic IDE at least one task must exist ...
rem the IDE by himself. Normaly two tasks exist - an empty writer document and a basic frame.
rem Attention: Not all tasks or frames must support a full implemented component!
if( xComponentAccess.hasElements <> TRUE ) then
msgbox "Error: xComponentAccess has no elements - but I can't believe it!"
exit Sub
rem Method getElementType() must return the cppu type of XComponent.
rem Otherwise something is wrong or implementation has changed.
if( xComponentAccess.getElementType.Name <> "com.sun.star.lang.XComponent" ) then
msgbox "Error: xComponentAccess return wrong type as element type! - Has implementation changed?"
exit Sub
rem ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
rem Test interface XEnumerationAccess of helper OComponentAcces.
rem The return value must be a valid reference!
xComponentEnumeration = xComponentAccess.createEnumeration
if( isNull(xComponentEnumeration) = TRUE ) then
msgbox "Error: Could not create a component enumeration!"
exit Sub
rem ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
rem Control service specification of helper class "framework/helper/OComponentEnumeration".
rem The follow output must occure: com.sun.star.lang.XTypeProvider
rem com.sun.star.lang.XEventListener
rem com.sun.star.container.XEnumeration
msgbox xComponentEnumeration.dbg_supportedInterfaces
rem ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
rem Test interface XEnumeration of helper OComponentEnumeration.
nElementCounter = 0
while( xComponentEnumeration.hasMoreElements = TRUE )
xElement = xComponentEnumeration.nextElement
if( isNull(xElement) = TRUE ) then
msgbox "Error: An empty component in enumeration detected! Whats wrong?"
exit Sub
nElementCounter = nElementCounter + 1
if( nElementCounter < 1 ) then
msgbox "Warning: The enumeration was empty. I think it's wrong ... please check it again."
msgbox "Info: An enumeration with " + nElementCounter + " element(s) was detected."
rem ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
rem If this point arrived our test was successful.
msgbox "Test of framework/helper/OComponentAccess & OComponentEnumeration was successful!"
End Sub