664 lines
27 KiB
664 lines
27 KiB
* $RCSfile: compiler.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.14 $
* last change: $Author: er $ $Date: 2002-11-21 16:10:18 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* =================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
* Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
* Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
* obligations concerning the Software.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#include <string.h> // wg. memcpy() und bitte nicht memory.h (WKC)
#ifndef _SVMEMPOOL_HXX //autogen
#include <tools/mempool.hxx>
#include "global.hxx"
#ifndef SC_TOKEN_HXX
#include "token.hxx"
#include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <hash_map>
// Konstanten und Datentypen auch fuer externe Module (Interpreter etc.):
#define MAXCODE 512 // Maximale Anzahl Tokens
#define MAXSTRLEN 256 // Maximale Laenge fuer Eingabestring
// (auch Formeln), "Verlaengerung" durch
// Namensvergabe moeglich
#define MAXMATSIZE 100
#define SC_DOUBLE_MAXVALUE 1.7e307
#define errIllegalChar 501
#define errIllegalArgument 502
#define errIllegalFPOperation 503
#define errIllegalParameter 504
#define errIllegalJump 505
#define errSeparator 506
#define errPair 507
#define errPairExpected 508
#define errOperatorExpected 509
#define errVariableExpected 510
#define errParameterExpected 511
#define errCodeOverflow 512
#define errStringOverflow 513
#define errStackOverflow 514
#define errUnknownState 515
#define errUnknownVariable 516
#define errUnknownOpCode 517
#define errUnknownStackVariable 518
#define errNoValue 519
#define errUnknownToken 520
#define errNoCode 521
#define errCircularReference 522
#define errNoConvergence 523
#define errNoRef 524
#define errNoName 525
#define errDoubleRef 526
#define errInterpOverflow 527
// wird nicht angezeigt, temporaer fuer TrackFormulas
// Zelle haengt von einer ab, die errCircularReference ist
#define errTrackFromCircRef 528
// Interpreter internal: existing cell has no value but value queried
#define errCellNoValue 529
// Interpreter: needed AddIn not found
#define errNoAddin 530
// Interpreter: needed Macro not found
#define errNoMacro 531
#define NOVALUE 0x7fff
// flag values of CharTable
#define SC_COMPILER_C_ILLEGAL 0x00000000
#define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR 0x00000001
#define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_BOOL 0x00000002
#define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_WORD 0x00000004
#define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_VALUE 0x00000008
#define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_STRING 0x00000010
#define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_DONTCARE 0x00000020
#define SC_COMPILER_C_BOOL 0x00000040
#define SC_COMPILER_C_WORD 0x00000080 // auch in spstring.cxx dekl.
#define SC_COMPILER_C_WORD_SEP 0x00000100 // und rangenam.cxx (WORD und CHAR_WORD)
#define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE 0x00000200
#define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE_SEP 0x00000400
#define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE_EXP 0x00000800
#define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE_SIGN 0x00001000
#define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE_VALUE 0x00002000
#define SC_COMPILER_C_STRING_SEP 0x00004000
#define SC_COMPILER_C_NAME_SEP 0x00008000 // es kann nur einen geben! '\''
#define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_IDENT 0x00010000 // identifier (built-in function) start
#define SC_COMPILER_C_IDENT 0x00020000 // identifier continuation
#define SC_COMPILER_FILE_TAB_SEP '#' // 'Doc'#Tab auch in global2.cxx
class ScDocument;
class ScMatrix;
class ScRangeData;
// Konstanten und Datentypen compilerintern:
#if 0
OpCode eOp; // OpCode
StackVar eType; // type of data
USHORT nRefCnt; // reference count
BOOL bRaw; // nicht per Clone auf passende Groesse getrimmt
OpCode eOp; \
StackVar eType; \
USHORT nRefCnt; \
BOOL bRaw;
struct ScDoubleRawToken
{ // union nur um gleiches Alignment wie ScRawToken sicherzustellen
double nValue;
BYTE cByte;
struct ScRawToken
friend class ScCompiler;
// Friends, die temporaere Raw-Tokens auf dem Stack benutzen (und deswegen
// den private dtor brauchen) und wissen, was sie tun..
friend class ScTokenArray;
friend class ScInterpreter;
union {
double nValue;
ComplRefData aRef;
BYTE cByte;
ScMatrix* pMat;
USHORT nIndex; // Index fuer Name-Tabelle
sal_Unicode cStr[ MAXSTRLEN+1 ]; // String (bis 255 Zeichen + 0)
short nJump[MAXJUMPCOUNT+1]; // If/Chose-Token
ScRawToken() : bRaw( TRUE ) {}
~ScRawToken() {} //! nur via Delete() loeschen
StackVar GetType() const { return (StackVar) eType; }
OpCode GetOpCode() const { return (OpCode) eOp; }
void NewOpCode( OpCode e ) { eOp = e; }
void IncRef() { nRefCnt++; }
void DecRef() { if( !--nRefCnt ) Delete(); }
USHORT GetRef() const { return nRefCnt; }
void Delete();
// Diese Methoden nur auf Tokens, die nicht im TokenArray stehen,
// anwenden, da der RefCount auf 0 gesetzt wird!
void SetOpCode( OpCode eCode );
void SetString( const sal_Unicode* pStr );
void SetSingleReference( const SingleRefData& rRef );
void SetDoubleReference( const ComplRefData& rRef );
void SetByte( BYTE c );
void SetDouble( double fVal );
void SetInt( int nVal );
void SetName( USHORT n );
void SetMatrix( ScMatrix* p );
void SetExternal(const sal_Unicode* pStr);
// Diese Methoden sind hingegen OK.
ComplRefData& GetReference();
void SetReference( ComplRefData& rRef );
ScRawToken* Clone() const; // real copy!
ScToken* CreateToken() const; // create typified token
void Load30( SvStream& );
void Load( SvStream&, USHORT nVer );
static xub_StrLen GetStrLen( const sal_Unicode* pStr ); // as long as a "string" is an array
static size_t GetStrLenBytes( xub_StrLen nLen )
{ return nLen * sizeof(sal_Unicode); }
static size_t GetStrLenBytes( const sal_Unicode* pStr )
{ return GetStrLenBytes( GetStrLen( pStr ) ); }
class ScRawTokenRef
ScRawToken* p;
inline ScRawTokenRef() { p = NULL; }
inline ScRawTokenRef( const ScRawTokenRef& r ) { if( ( p = r.p ) != NULL ) p->IncRef(); }
inline ScRawTokenRef( ScRawToken *t ) { if( ( p = t ) != NULL ) t->IncRef(); }
inline void Clear() { if( p ) p->DecRef(); }
inline ~ScRawTokenRef() { if( p ) p->DecRef(); }
inline ScRawTokenRef& operator=( const ScRawTokenRef& r ) { return *this = r.p; }
inline ScRawTokenRef& operator=( ScRawToken* t )
{ if( t ) t->IncRef(); if( p ) p->DecRef(); p = t; return *this; }
inline BOOL Is() const { return p != NULL; }
inline BOOL operator ! () const { return p == NULL; }
inline ScRawToken* operator&() const { return p; }
inline ScRawToken* operator->() const { return p; }
inline ScRawToken& operator*() const { return *p; }
inline operator ScRawToken*() const { return p; }
enum ScRecalcMode40
{ // alter RecalcMode bis einschliesslich 4.0
RC_ONLOAD, // immer nach dem Laden
RC_ONLOAD_ONCE, // einmal nach dem Laden
RC_FORCED, // auch wenn Zelle nicht sichtbar
RC_ONREFMOVE // wenn Referenz bewegt wurde (ab SP3, 05.11.97)
// neuer (ab 5.0, 14.01.98) RecalcMode Zugriff nur noch noch via TokenArray
// SetRecalcMode / IsRecalcMode...
typedef BYTE ScRecalcMode;
// von den exklusiven Bits kann nur eins gesetzt sein
// wird von TokenArray SetRecalcMode... Methoden gehandelt
#define RECALCMODE_NORMAL 0x01 // exklusiv
#define RECALCMODE_ALWAYS 0x02 // exklusiv, immer
#define RECALCMODE_ONLOAD 0x04 // exklusiv, immer nach dem Laden
#define RECALCMODE_ONLOAD_ONCE 0x08 // exklusiv, einmal nach dem Laden
#define RECALCMODE_FORCED 0x10 // kombiniert, auch wenn Zelle nicht sichtbar
#define RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE 0x20 // kombiniert, wenn Referenz bewegt wurde
#define RECALCMODE_EMASK 0x0F // Maske der exklusiven Bits
// werden neue Bits definiert, muessen ExportRecalcMode40 und AddRecalcMode
// angepasst werden!
class ScTokenArray
friend class ScCompiler;
friend class ScTokenIterator;
ScToken** pCode; // Token code array
ScToken** pRPN; // RPN array
USHORT nLen; // Length of token array
USHORT nRPN; // Length of RPN array
USHORT nIndex; // Current step index
USHORT nError; // Error code
short nRefs; // Count of cell references
ScRecalcMode nMode; // Flags to indicate when to recalc this code
BOOL bReplacedSharedFormula; // If code was created by replacing
// a shared formula, a temporary flag during
// UpdateReference() until StartListeningTo()
void Assign( const ScTokenArray& );
ScToken* Add( ScToken* );
void ImportRecalcMode40( ScRecalcMode40 );
ScRecalcMode40 ExportRecalcMode40() const;
inline void SetCombinedBitsRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode nBits )
{ nMode |= (nBits & ~RECALCMODE_EMASK); }
inline ScRecalcMode GetCombinedBitsRecalcMode() const
{ return nMode & ~RECALCMODE_EMASK; }
inline void SetMaskedRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode nBits )
{ nMode = GetCombinedBitsRecalcMode() | nBits; }
// in nMode gesetzte exklusive Bits werden genullt,
// nVal kann auch kombinierte Bits enthalten,
// aber nur ein exklusives Bit darf gesetzt sein!
ScTokenArray( const ScTokenArray& ); // Zuweisung mit Referenzen auf Tokens
ScTokenArray* Clone() const; // echte Kopie!
void Clear();
void DelRPN();
ScToken* First() { nIndex = 0; return Next(); }
ScToken* Next();
ScToken* GetNextName();
ScToken* GetNextDBArea();
ScToken* GetNextReference();
ScToken* GetNextReferenceRPN();
ScToken* GetNextReferenceOrName();
ScToken* GetNextColRowName();
ScToken* GetNextOpCodeRPN( OpCode );
ScToken* PeekNext();
ScToken* PeekPrevNoSpaces(); // nur nach First/Next/Last/Prev !
ScToken* PeekNextNoSpaces(); // nur nach First/Next/Last/Prev !
ScToken* FirstRPN() { nIndex = 0; return NextRPN(); }
ScToken* NextRPN();
ScToken* LastRPN() { nIndex = nRPN; return PrevRPN(); }
ScToken* PrevRPN();
BOOL HasOpCodeRPN( OpCode ) const;
BOOL HasName() const; // token of type svIndex
BOOL HasNameOrColRowName() const; // token of type svIndex or opcode ocColRowName
BOOL IsReference( ScRange& rRange ) const; // exactly and only one range
BOOL GetTableOpRefs( // exactly and only one multiple operation
ScAddress& rFormula,
ScAddress& rColFirstPos, ScAddress& rColRelPos,
ScAddress& rRowFirstPos, ScAddress& rRowRelPos,
BOOL& rbIsMode2 ) const;
ScToken** GetArray() const { return pCode; }
ScToken** GetCode() const { return pRPN; }
USHORT GetLen() const { return nLen; }
USHORT GetCodeLen() const { return nRPN; }
void Reset() { nIndex = 0; }
USHORT GetError() const { return nError; }
void SetError( USHORT n ) { nError = n; }
short GetRefs() const { return nRefs; }
void SetReplacedSharedFormula( BOOL bVal ) { bReplacedSharedFormula = bVal; }
BOOL IsReplacedSharedFormula() const { return bReplacedSharedFormula; }
inline ScRecalcMode GetRecalcMode() const { return nMode; }
void AddRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode nBits );
// Bits werden nicht direkt gesetzt sondern
// geprueft und evtl. nach Prio behandelt,
// wenn mehrere exklusive gesetzt sind!
inline void ClearRecalcMode() { nMode = RECALCMODE_NORMAL; }
inline void SetRecalcModeNormal()
{ SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_NORMAL ); }
inline void SetRecalcModeAlways()
{ SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_ALWAYS ); }
inline void SetRecalcModeOnLoad()
{ SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_ONLOAD ); }
inline void SetRecalcModeOnLoadOnce()
{ SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_ONLOAD_ONCE ); }
inline void SetRecalcModeForced()
inline void ClearRecalcModeForced()
inline void SetRecalcModeOnRefMove()
inline void ClearRecalcModeOnRefMove()
inline BOOL IsRecalcModeNormal() const
{ return (nMode & RECALCMODE_NORMAL) != 0; }
inline BOOL IsRecalcModeAlways() const
{ return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ALWAYS) != 0; }
inline BOOL IsRecalcModeOnLoad() const
{ return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ONLOAD) != 0; }
inline BOOL IsRecalcModeOnLoadOnce() const
{ return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ONLOAD_ONCE) != 0; }
inline BOOL IsRecalcModeForced() const
{ return (nMode & RECALCMODE_FORCED) != 0; }
inline BOOL IsRecalcModeOnRefMove() const
{ return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE) != 0; }
inline OpCode GetOuterFuncOpCode(); // OpCode der aeusseren Funktion
// ermittelt Ausdehnung direkt angrenzender Refs
// nur auf echte Funcs wie z.B. GetOuterFuncOpCode() == ocSum anwenden!
BOOL GetAdjacentExtendOfOuterFuncRefs( USHORT& nExtend,
const ScAddress& rPos, ScDirection );
// Operatoren +,-,*,/,^,&,=,<>,<,>,<=,>=
// mit DoubleRef in Formel?
BOOL HasMatrixDoubleRefOps();
void Load30( SvStream&, const ScAddress& );
void Load( SvStream&, USHORT, const ScAddress& );
void Store( SvStream&, const ScAddress& ) const;
ScToken* AddToken( const ScRawToken& );
ScToken* AddToken( const ScToken& );
ScToken* AddOpCode( OpCode eCode );
ScToken* AddString( const sal_Unicode* pStr );
ScToken* AddString( const String& rStr );
ScToken* AddDouble( double fVal );
ScToken* AddSingleReference( const SingleRefData& rRef );
ScToken* AddDoubleReference( const ComplRefData& rRef );
ScToken* AddName( USHORT n );
ScToken* AddMatrix( ScMatrix* p );
ScToken* AddExternal( const sal_Unicode* pStr );
ScToken* AddExternal( const String& rStr );
ScToken* AddColRowName( const SingleRefData& rRef );
ScToken* AddBad( const sal_Unicode* pStr ); // ocBad with String
ScToken* AddBad( const String& rStr ); // ocBad with String
// Zuweisung mit Referenzen auf Tokens
ScTokenArray& operator=( const ScTokenArray& );
// make 3D references point to old referenced position even if relative
void ReadjustRelative3DReferences(
const ScAddress& rOldPos,
const ScAddress& rNewPos );
inline OpCode ScTokenArray::GetOuterFuncOpCode()
if ( pRPN && nRPN )
return pRPN[nRPN-1]->GetOpCode();
return ocNone;
struct ImpTokenIterator;
class ScTokenIterator
friend class ScInterpreter; // fuer Jump()
ImpTokenIterator* pCur;
void Jump( short nStart, short nNext );
void Push( ScTokenArray* );
void Pop();
ScTokenIterator( const ScTokenArray& );
void Reset();
const ScToken* First();
const ScToken* Next();
struct ScArrayStack;
struct ScStringHashCode
size_t operator()( const String& rStr ) const
return rtl_ustr_hashCode_WithLength( rStr.GetBuffer(), rStr.Len() );
typedef ::std::hash_map< String, OpCode, ScStringHashCode, ::std::equal_to< String > > ScOpCodeHashMap;
class ScCompiler
static String* pSymbolTableNative; // array of native symbols, offset==OpCode
static String* pSymbolTableEnglish; // array of English symbols, offset==OpCode
static USHORT nAnzStrings; // count of symbols
static ScOpCodeHashMap* pSymbolHashMapNative; // hash map of native symbols
static ScOpCodeHashMap* pSymbolHashMapEnglish; // hash map of English symbols
static ULONG* pCharTable; // array of ASCII character flags
ScDocument* pDoc;
ScAddress aPos;
String cFormula; // String -> TokenArray
String aCorrectedFormula; // autocorrected Formula
String aCorrectedSymbol; // autocorrected Symbol
sal_Unicode cSymbol[MAXSTRLEN]; // current Symbol
String aFormula; // formula source code
xub_StrLen nSrcPos; // tokenizer position (source code)
ScTokenArray* pArr;
ScRawTokenRef pRawToken;
ScTokenRef pToken;
OpCode eLastOp;
ScToken** pCode;
ScArrayStack* pStack;
String* pSymbolTable; // which symbol table is used
ScOpCodeHashMap* pSymbolHashMap; // which symbol hash map is used
short nNumFmt; // bei CompileTokenArray() gesetzt
short nMaxTab; // letzte Tabelle im Doc
short nRecursion; // GetToken Rekursionen
BOOL glSubTotal; // Merkvariablen fuer Zelle
BOOL bAutoCorrect; // AutoCorrection ausfuehren
BOOL bCorrected; // AutoCorrection ausgefuehrt
BOOL bCompileForFAP; //! kein echtes RPN sondern Namen
// werden nicht aufgeloest
BOOL bIgnoreErrors; // bei AutoCorrect und CompileForFAP
// trotz Fehler RPN erzeugen
BOOL bCompileXML;
BOOL bImportXML;
BOOL GetToken();
BOOL NextNewToken();
OpCode NextToken();
void PutCode( ScRawToken* );
void PutCode( ScToken* );
void Factor();
void UnionCutLine();
void Unary();
void PowLine();
void MulDivLine();
void AddSubLine();
void ConcatLine();
void CompareLine();
void NotLine();
OpCode Expression();
String MakeColStr( USHORT nCol );
void MakeColStr( rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, USHORT nCol );
String MakeRowStr( USHORT nRow );
void MakeRowStr( rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, USHORT nRow );
String MakeTabStr( USHORT nTab, String& aDoc );
String MakeRefStr( ComplRefData& rRefData, BOOL bSingleRef );
void MakeRefStr( rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, ComplRefData& rRefData, BOOL bSingleRef );
void SetError(USHORT nError);
xub_StrLen NextSymbol();
BOOL IsValue( const String& );
BOOL IsOpCode( const String& );
BOOL IsOpCode2( const String& );
BOOL IsString();
BOOL IsReference( const String& );
BOOL IsMacro( const String& );
BOOL IsNamedRange( const String& );
BOOL IsDBRange( const String& );
BOOL IsColRowName( const String& );
void AutoCorrectParsedSymbol();
void AdjustReference( SingleRefData& r );
void PushTokenArray( ScTokenArray*, BOOL = FALSE );
void PopTokenArray();
void SetRelNameReference();
ScCompiler(ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress& );
ScCompiler( ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress&,
const ScTokenArray& rArr );
static void Init();
static void DeInit();
static void CheckTabQuotes( String& ); // fuer ScAddress::Format()
// schliesst String in Quotes ein, wenn nicht-alphanumerische Zeichen
// enthalten sind, bestehende Quotes werden escaped
static BOOL EnQuote( String& );
// entfernt Quotes, escaped Quotes werden unescaped
static BOOL DeQuote( String& );
//! _entweder_ CompileForFAP _oder_ AutoCorrection, _nicht_ beides
void SetCompileForFAP( BOOL bVal )
{ bCompileForFAP = bVal; bIgnoreErrors = bVal; }
void SetAutoCorrection( BOOL bVal )
{ bAutoCorrect = bVal; bIgnoreErrors = bVal; }
void SetCompileEnglish( BOOL bVal ); // use English SymbolTable
void SetCompileXML( BOOL bVal )
{ bCompileXML = bVal; }
void SetImportXML( BOOL bVal )
{ bImportXML = bVal; }
BOOL IsCorrected() { return bCorrected; }
const String& GetCorrectedFormula() { return aCorrectedFormula; }
ScTokenArray* CompileString( const String& rFormula );
BOOL CompileTokenArray();
short GetNumFormatType() { return nNumFmt; }
ScToken* CreateStringFromToken( String& rFormula, ScToken* pToken,
BOOL bAllowArrAdvance = FALSE );
ScToken* CreateStringFromToken( rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, ScToken* pToken,
BOOL bAllowArrAdvance = FALSE );
void CreateStringFromTokenArray( String& rFormula );
void CreateStringFromTokenArray( rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer );
void MoveRelWrap();
static void MoveRelWrap( ScTokenArray& rArr, ScDocument* pDoc,
const ScAddress& rPos );
BOOL UpdateNameReference( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
const ScRange&,
short nDx, short nDy, short nDz,
BOOL& rChanged);
ScRangeData* UpdateReference( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
const ScAddress& rOldPos, const ScRange&,
short nDx, short nDy, short nDz,
BOOL& rChanged);
/// Only once for converted shared formulas,
/// token array has to be compiled afterwards.
void UpdateSharedFormulaReference( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
const ScAddress& rOldPos, const ScRange&,
short nDx, short nDy, short nDz );
ScRangeData* UpdateInsertTab(USHORT nTable, BOOL bIsName );
ScRangeData* UpdateDeleteTab(USHORT nTable, BOOL bIsMove, BOOL bIsName, BOOL& bCompile);
ScRangeData* UpdateMoveTab(USHORT nOldPos, USHORT nNewPos, BOOL bIsName );
BOOL HasModifiedRange();
/// Is the CharTable initialized? If not call Init() yourself!
static inline BOOL HasCharTable() { return pCharTable != NULL; }
/// Access the CharTable flags
static inline ULONG GetCharTableFlags( sal_Unicode c )
{ return c < 128 ? pCharTable[ UINT8(c) ] : 0; }
/// If the character is allowed as first character in sheet names or references
static inline BOOL IsCharWordChar( sal_Unicode c )
return c < 128 ?
ScGlobal::pCharClass->isLetterNumeric( c );
/// If the character is allowed in sheet names or references
static inline BOOL IsWordChar( sal_Unicode c )
return c < 128 ?
ScGlobal::pCharClass->isLetterNumeric( c );