Change-Id: Id13e7acfbe34eca5e124c9032d36d6f158bfb831
1335 lines
40 KiB
Executable file
1335 lines
40 KiB
Executable file
eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
# This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
# OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
# <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
# deliver.pl - copy from module output tree to solver
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::DosGlob 'glob';
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
#### script id #####
( $script_name = $0 ) =~ s/^.*\b(\w+)\.pl$/$1/;
#### globals ####
### valid actions ###
# if you add a action 'foo', than add 'foo' to this list and
# implement 'do_foo()' in the implemented actions area
@action_list = ( # valid actions
# copy filter: files matching these patterns won't be copied by
# the copy action
@copy_filter_patterns = (
$is_debug = 0;
$error = 0;
$module = 0; # module name
$repository = 0; # parent directory of this module
$base_dir = 0; # path to module base directory
$dlst_file = 0; # path to d.lst
$ilst_ext = 'ilst'; # extension of image lists
$umask = 22; # default file/directory creation mask
$dest = 0; # optional destination path
$common_dest = 0; # common tree on solver
@action_data = (); # LoL with all action data
@macros = (); # d.lst macros
@addincpath_list = (); # files which have to be filtered through addincpath
@dirlist = (); # List of 'mkdir' targets
@zip_list = (); # files which have to be zipped
@common_zip_list = (); # common files which have to be zipped
@log_list = (); # LoL for logging all copy and link actions
@common_log_list = (); # LoL for logging all copy and link actions in common_dest
$logfiledate = 0; # Make log file as old as newest delivered file
$commonlogfiledate = 0; # Make log file as old as newest delivered file
$files_copied = 0; # statistics
$files_unchanged = 0; # statistics
$opt_force = 0; # option force copy
$opt_check = 0; # do actually execute any action
$opt_zip = 0; # create an additional zip file
$opt_silent = 0; # be silent, only report errors
$opt_verbose = 0; # be verbose (former default behaviour)
$opt_log = 1; # create an additional log file
$opt_link = 0; # hard link files into the solver to save disk space
$opt_deloutput = 0; # delete the output tree for the project once successfully delivered
$opt_checkdlst = 0;
$delete_common = 1; # for "-delete": if defined delete files from common tree also
if ($^O ne 'cygwin') { # iz59477 - cygwin needes a dot "." at the end of filenames to disable
$maybedot = ''; # some .exe transformation magic.
} else {
my $cygvernum = `uname -r`;
my @cygvernum = split( /\./, $cygvernum);
$cygvernum = shift @cygvernum;
$cygvernum .= shift @cygvernum;
if ( $cygvernum < 17 ) {
$maybedot = '.';
} else {
$maybedot = ''; # no longer works with cygwin 1.7. other magic below.
($gui = lc($ENV{GUI})) || die "Can't determine 'GUI'. Please set environment.\n";
$tempcounter = 0;
# zip is default for RE master builds
$opt_zip = 1 if ( defined($ENV{DELIVER_TO_ZIP}) && uc($ENV{DELIVER_TO_ZIP}) eq 'TRUE');
$has_symlinks = 0; # system supports symlinks
for (@action_list) {
# trap normal signals (HUP, INT, PIPE, TERM)
# for clean up on unexpected termination
use sigtrap 'handler' => \&cleanup_and_die, 'normal-signals';
#### main ####
check_dlst() if $opt_checkdlst;
write_log() if $opt_log;
zip_files() if $opt_zip;
cleanup() if $opt_delete;
delete_output() if $opt_deloutput;
#### implemented actions #####
sub do_copy
# We need to copy two times:
# from the platform dependent output tree
# and from the common output tree
my ($dependent, $common, $from, $to, $file_list);
my $line = shift;
my $touch = 0;
$dependent = expand_macros($line);
($from, $to) = split(' ', $dependent);
print "copy dependent: from: $from, to: $to\n" if $is_debug;
glob_and_copy($from, $to, $touch);
sub do_dos
my $line = shift;
my $command = expand_macros($line);
if ( $opt_check ) {
print "DOS: $command\n";
else {
# HACK: remove MACOSX stuff which is wrongly labled with dos
# better: fix broken d.lst
return if ( $command =~ /MACOSX/ );
$command =~ s#/#\\#g if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
sub do_addincpath
# just collect all addincpath files, actual filtering is done later
my $line = shift;
my ($from, $to);
my @globbed_files = ();
$line = expand_macros($line);
($from, $to) = split(' ', $line);
push( @addincpath_list, @{glob_line($from, $to)});
sub do_linklib
my ($lib_base, $lib_major,$from_dir, $to_dir);
my $lib = shift;
my @globbed_files = ();
my %globbed_hash = ();
print "linklib: $lib\n" if $is_debug;
print "has symlinks\n" if ( $has_symlinks && $is_debug );
return unless $has_symlinks;
$from_dir = expand_macros('../%__SRC%/lib');
$to_dir = expand_macros('%_DEST%/lib');
@globbed_files = glob("$from_dir/$lib");
if ( $#globbed_files == -1 ) {
foreach $lib (@globbed_files) {
$lib = basename($lib);
if ( $lib =~ /^(lib\S+(\.so|\.dylib))\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?$/
|| $lib =~ /^(lib\S+(\.so|\.dylib))\.(\d+)$/ )
push(@{$globbed_hash{$1}}, $lib);
else {
print_warning("invalid library name: $lib");
foreach $lib_base ( sort keys %globbed_hash ) {
$lib = get_latest_patchlevel(@{$globbed_hash{$lib_base}});
if ( $lib =~ /^(lib\S+(\.so|\.dylib))\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?$/ )
$lib_major = "$lib_base.$3";
$long = 1;
$long = 0;
if ( $opt_check ) {
if ( $opt_delete ) {
print "REMOVE: $to_dir/$lib_major\n" if $long;
print "REMOVE: $to_dir/$lib_base\n";
else {
print "LINKLIB: $to_dir/$lib -> $to_dir/$lib_major\n" if $long;
print "LINKLIB: $to_dir/$lib -> $to_dir/$lib_base\n";
else {
if ( $opt_delete ) {
print "REMOVE: $to_dir/$lib_major\n" if ($long && $opt_verbose);
print "REMOVE: $to_dir/$lib_base\n" if $opt_verbose;
unlink "$to_dir/$lib_major" if $long;
unlink "$to_dir/$lib_base";
if ( $opt_zip ) {
push_on_ziplist("$to_dir/$lib_major") if $long;
my $symlib;
my @symlibs;
if ($long)
@symlibs = ("$to_dir/$lib_major", "$to_dir/$lib_base");
@symlibs = ("$to_dir/$lib_base");
# remove old symlinks
foreach $symlib (@symlibs) {
print "LINKLIB: $lib -> $symlib\n" if $opt_verbose;
if ( !symlink("$lib", "$symlib") ) {
print_error("can't symlink $lib -> $symlib: $!",0);
else {
push_on_ziplist($symlib) if $opt_zip;
push_on_loglist("LINK", "$lib", "$symlib") if $opt_log;
sub do_mkdir
my $path = expand_macros(shift);
# strip whitespaces from path name
$path =~ s/\s$//;
if (( ! $opt_delete ) && ( ! -d $path )) {
if ( $opt_check ) {
print "MKDIR: $path\n";
} else {
mkpath($path, 0, 0777-$umask);
if ( ! -d $path ) {
print_error("mkdir: could not create directory '$path'", 0);
sub do_symlink
my $line = shift;
$line = expand_macros($line);
($from, $to) = split(' ',$line);
my $fullfrom = $from;
if ( dirname($from) eq dirname($to) ) {
$from = basename($from);
elsif ( dirname($from) eq '.' ) {
# nothing to do
else {
print_error("symlink: link must be in the same directory as file",0);
return 0;
print "symlink: $from, to: $to\n" if $is_debug;
return unless $has_symlinks;
if ( $opt_check ) {
if ( $opt_delete ) {
print "REMOVE: $to\n";
else {
print "SYMLINK $from -> $to\n";
else {
return unless -e $fullfrom;
print "REMOVE: $to\n" if $opt_verbose;
unlink $to;
if ( $opt_delete ) {
push_on_ziplist($to) if $opt_zip;
print "SYMLIB: $from -> $to\n" if $opt_verbose;
if ( !symlink("$from", "$to") ) {
print_error("can't symlink $from -> $to: $!",0);
else {
push_on_ziplist($to) if $opt_zip;
push_on_loglist("LINK", "$from", "$to") if $opt_log;
sub do_touch
my ($from, $to);
my $line = shift;
my $touch = 1;
$line = expand_macros($line);
($from, $to) = split(' ', $line);
print "touch: $from, to: $to\n" if $is_debug;
glob_and_copy($from, $to, $touch);
#### subroutines #####
sub parse_options
my $arg;
my $dontdeletecommon = 0;
$opt_silent = 1 if ( defined $ENV{VERBOSE} && $ENV{VERBOSE} eq 'FALSE');
$opt_verbose = 1 if ( defined $ENV{VERBOSE} && $ENV{VERBOSE} eq 'TRUE');
while ( $arg = shift @ARGV ) {
$arg =~ /^-force$/ and $opt_force = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-check$/ and $opt_check = 1 and $opt_verbose = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-quiet$/ and $opt_silent = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-verbose$/ and $opt_verbose = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-zip$/ and $opt_zip = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-delete$/ and $opt_delete = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-dontdeletecommon$/ and $dontdeletecommon = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-help$/ and $opt_help = 1 and $arg = '';
$arg =~ /^-link$/ and $ENV{GUI} ne 'WNT' and $opt_link = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-deloutput$/ and $opt_deloutput = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-debug$/ and $is_debug = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-checkdlst$/ and $opt_checkdlst = 1 and next;
print_error("invalid option $arg") if ( $arg =~ /^-/ );
if ( $arg =~ /^-/ || $opt_help || $#ARGV > -1 ) {
$dest = $arg;
# $dest and $opt_zip or $opt_delete are mutually exclusive
if ( $dest and ($opt_zip || $opt_delete) ) {
# $opt_silent and $opt_check or $opt_verbose are mutually exclusive
if ( ($opt_check or $opt_verbose) and $opt_silent ) {
print STDERR "Error on command line: options '-check' and '-quiet' are mutually exclusive.\n";
if ($dontdeletecommon) {
if (!$opt_delete) {
$delete_common = 0;
# $opt_delete implies $opt_force
$opt_force = 1 if $opt_delete;
sub init_globals
($module, $repository, $base_dir, $dlst_file) = get_base();
print "Module=$module, Base_Dir=$base_dir, d.lst=$dlst_file\n" if $is_debug;
$umask = umask();
if ( !defined($umask) ) {
$umask = 22;
my $common_outdir = $ENV{'COMMON_OUTDIR'};
my $inpath = $ENV{'INPATH'};
my $solarversion = $ENV{'SOLARVERSION'};
# do we have a valid environment?
if ( !defined($inpath) ) {
print_error("no environment", 0);
$common_outdir = $inpath;
$dest = "$solarversion/$inpath" if ( !$dest );
$common_dest = $dest;
$dest =~ s#\\#/#g;
$common_dest =~ s#\\#/#g;
# the following macros are obsolete, will be flagged as error
# %SDK%
# %__OFFENV%
# %UPD%
# valid macros
@macros = (
[ '%__PRJROOT%', $base_dir ],
[ '%__SRC%', $inpath ],
[ '%_DEST%', $dest ],
[ '%COMMON_OUTDIR%', $common_outdir ],
[ '%COMMON_DEST%', $common_dest ],
[ '%GUI%', $gui ]
# find out if the *HOST* system supports symlinks. They all do except Windows
$has_symlinks = $ENV{GUI} ne 'WNT';
sub get_base
# a module base dir contains a subdir 'prj'
# which in turn contains a file 'd.lst'
my (@field, $repo, $base, $dlst);
my $path = getcwd();
@field = split(/\//, $path);
while ( $#field != -1 ) {
$base = join('/', @field);
$dlst = $base . '/prj/d.lst';
last if -e $dlst;
pop @field;
if ( $#field == -1 ) {
print_error("can't find d.lst");
else {
if ( defined $field[-2] ) {
$repo = $field[-2];
} else {
print_error("Internal error: cannot determine module's parent directory");
return ($field[-1], $repo, $base, $dlst);
sub parse_dlst
my $line_cnt = 0;
open(DLST, "<$dlst_file") or die "can't open d.lst";
while(<DLST>) {
next if /^#/;
next if /^\s*$/;
if (!$delete_common && /%COMMON_DEST%/) {
# Just ignore all lines with %COMMON_DEST%
if ( /^\s*(\w+?):\s+(.*)$/ ) {
if ( !exists $action_hash{$1} ) {
print_error("unknown action: \'$1\'", $line_cnt);
push(@action_data, [$1, $2]);
else {
if ( /^\s*%(COMMON)?_DEST%\\/ ) {
# only copy from source dir to solver, not from solver to solver
print_warning("illegal copy action, ignored: \'$_\'", $line_cnt);
push(@action_data, ['copy', $_]);
# for each resource file (.res) copy its image list (.ilst)
if ( /\.res\s/ ) {
my $imagelist = $_;
$imagelist =~ s/\.res/\.$ilst_ext/g;
$imagelist =~ s/DEST%\\bin\\/DEST%\\res\\img\\/;
push(@action_data, ['copy', $imagelist]);
# call expand_macros()just to find any undefined macros early
# real expansion is done later
expand_macros($_, $line_cnt);
sub expand_macros
# expand all macros and change backslashes to slashes
my $line = shift;
my $line_cnt = shift;
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i<=$#macros; $i++) {
$line =~ s/$macros[$i][0]/$macros[$i][1]/gi
if ( $line =~ /(%\w+%)/ ) {
if ( $1 ne '%OS%' ) { # %OS% looks like a macro but is not ...
print_error("unknown/obsolete macro: \'$1\'", $line_cnt);
$line =~ s#\\#/#g;
return $line;
sub walk_action_data
# all actions have to be excuted relative to the prj directory
# dispatch depending on action type
for (my $i=0; $i <= $#action_data; $i++) {
if ( $action_data[$i][0] eq 'mkdir' ) {
# fill array with (possibly) created directories in
# revers order for removal in 'cleanup'
unshift @dirlist, $action_data[$i][1];
sub glob_line
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
my $to_dir = shift;
my $replace = 0;
my @globbed_files = ();
if ( ! ( $from && $to ) ) {
print_warning("Error in d.lst? source: '$from' destination: '$to'");
return \@globbed_files;
if ( $to =~ /[\*\?\[\]]/ ) {
my $to_fname;
($to_fname, $to_dir) = fileparse($to);
$replace = 1;
if ( $from =~ /[\*\?\[\]]/ ) {
# globbing necessary, no renaming possible
my $file;
my @file_list = glob($from);
foreach $file ( @file_list ) {
next if ( -d $file); # we only copy files, not directories
my ($fname, $dir) = fileparse($file);
my $copy = ($replace) ? $to_dir . $fname : $to . '/' . $fname;
push(@globbed_files, [$file, $copy]);
else {
# no globbing but renaming possible
# #i89066#
if (-d $to && -f $from) {
my $filename = File::Basename::basename($from);
$to .= '/' if ($to !~ /[\\|\/]$/);
$to .= $filename;
push(@globbed_files, [$from, $to]);
if ( $opt_checkdlst ) {
my $outtree = expand_macros("%__SRC%");
my $commonouttree = expand_macros("%COMMON_OUTDIR%");
if (( $from !~ /\Q$outtree\E/ ) && ( $from !~ /\Q$commonouttree\E/ )) {
print_warning("'$from' does not match any file") if ( $#globbed_files == -1 );
return \@globbed_files;
sub glob_and_copy
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
my $touch = shift;
my @copy_files = @{glob_line($from, $to)};
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#copy_files; $i++) {
next if filter_out($copy_files[$i][0]); # apply copy filter
copy_if_newer($copy_files[$i][0], $copy_files[$i][1], $touch)
? $files_copied++ : $files_unchanged++;
sub is_jar {
my $file_name = shift;
if (-f $file_name && (( `file $file_name` ) =~ /Zip archive/o)) {
return '1' if ($file_name =~ /\.jar\.*/o);
return '';
sub execute_system {
my $command = shift;
if (system($command)) {
print_error("Failed to execute $command");
sub copy_if_newer
# return 0 if file is unchanged ( for whatever reason )
# return 1 if file has been copied
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
my $touch = shift;
my $from_stat_ref;
my $rc = 0;
print "testing $from, $to\n" if $is_debug;
push_on_ziplist($to) if $opt_zip;
push_on_loglist("COPY", "$from", "$to") if $opt_log;
return 0 unless ($from_stat_ref = is_newer($from, $to, $touch));
if ( $opt_delete ) {
print "REMOVE: $to\n" if $opt_verbose;
$rc = unlink($to) unless $opt_check;
return 1 if $opt_check;
return $rc;
if( !$opt_check && $opt_link ) {
# hard link if possible
if( link($from, $to) ){
print "LINK: $from -> $to\n" if $opt_verbose;
return 1;
if( $touch ) {
print "TOUCH: $from -> $to\n" if $opt_verbose;
else {
print "COPY: $from -> $to\n" if $opt_verbose;
return 1 if( $opt_check );
# copy to temporary file first and rename later
# to minimize the possibility for race conditions
local $temp_file = sprintf('%s.%d-%d', $to, $$, time());
$rc = '';
$rc = copy($from, $temp_file);
if ( $rc) {
if ( is_newer($temp_file, $from, 0) ) {
$rc = utime($$from_stat_ref[9], $$from_stat_ref[9], $temp_file);
if ( !$rc ) {
print_warning("can't update temporary file modification time '$temp_file': $!\n
Check file permissions of '$from'.",0);
fix_file_permissions($$from_stat_ref[2], $temp_file);
# Ugly hack: on windows file locking(?) sometimes prevents renaming.
# Until we've found and fixed the real reason try it repeatedly :-(
my $try = 0;
my $maxtries = 1;
$maxtries = 5 if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' );
my $success = 0;
while ( $try < $maxtries && ! $success ) {
sleep $try;
$try ++;
$success = rename($temp_file, $to);
if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' && $to =~ /\.bin$/) {
# hack to survive automatically added .exe for executables renamed to
# *.bin - will break if there is intentionally a .bin _and_ .bin.exe file.
$success = rename( "$to.exe", $to ) if -f "$to.exe";
if ( $success ) {
# handle special packaging of *.dylib files for Mac OS X
if ( $ENV{OS} eq 'MACOSX' )
system("macosx-create-bundle", "$to=$from.app") if ( -d "$from.app" );
system("ranlib", "$to" ) if ( $to =~ /\.a/ );
if ( $try > 1 ) {
print_warning("File '$to' temporarily locked. Dependency bug?");
return 1;
else {
print_error("can't rename temporary file to $to: $!",0);
else {
print_error("can't copy $from: $!",0);
my $destdir = dirname($to);
if ( ! -d $destdir ) {
print_error("directory '$destdir' does not exist", 0);
return 0;
sub is_newer
# returns whole stat buffer if newer
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
my $touch = shift;
my (@from_stat, @to_stat);
@from_stat = stat($from.$maybedot);
if ( $opt_checkdlst ) {
my $outtree = expand_macros("%__SRC%");
my $commonouttree = expand_macros("%COMMON_OUTDIR%");
if ( $from !~ /$outtree/ ) {
if ( $from !~ /$commonouttree/ ) {
print_warning("'$from' does not exist") unless -e _;
return 0 unless -f _;
if ( $touch ) {
$from_stat[9] = time();
# adjust timestamps to even seconds
# this is necessary since NT platforms have a
# 2s modified time granularity while the timestamps
# on Samba volumes have a 1s granularity
$from_stat[9]-- if $from_stat[9] % 2;
if ( $to =~ /^\Q$dest\E/ ) {
if ( $from_stat[9] > $logfiledate ) {
$logfiledate = $from_stat[9];
@to_stat = stat($to.$maybedot);
return \@from_stat unless -f _;
if ( $opt_force ) {
return \@from_stat;
else {
return ($from_stat[9] > $to_stat[9]) ? \@from_stat : 0;
sub filter_out
my $file = shift;
foreach my $pattern ( @copy_filter_patterns ) {
if ( $file =~ /$pattern/ ) {
print "filter out: $file\n" if $is_debug;
return 1;
return 0;
sub fix_file_permissions
my $mode = shift;
my $file = shift;
if ( ($mode >> 6) % 2 == 1 ) {
$mode = 0777 & ~$umask;
else {
$mode = 0666 & ~$umask;
chmod($mode, $file);
sub get_latest_patchlevel
# note: feed only well formed library names to this function
# of the form libfoo.so.x.y.z with x,y,z numbers
my @sorted_files = sort by_rev @_;
return $sorted_files[-1];
sub by_rev {
# comparison function for sorting
my (@field_a, @field_b, $i);
$a =~ /^(lib[\w-]+(\.so|\.dylib))\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
@field_a = ($3, $4, $5);
$b =~ /^(lib[\w-]+(\.so|\.dylib))\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
@field_b = ($3, $4, $5);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
if ( ($field_a[$i] < $field_b[$i]) ) {
return -1;
if ( ($field_a[$i] > $field_b[$i]) ) {
return 1;
# can't happen
return 0;
sub push_default_actions
# any default action (that is an action which must be done even without
# a corresponding d.lst entry) should be pushed here on the
# @action_data list.
my $subdir;
my @subdirs = (
push(@subdirs, 'zip') if $opt_zip;
push(@subdirs, 'idl');
push(@subdirs, 'pus');
my @common_subdirs = (
push(@common_subdirs, 'zip') if $opt_zip;
if ( ! $opt_delete ) {
# create all the subdirectories on solver
foreach $subdir (@subdirs) {
push(@action_data, ['mkdir', "%_DEST%/$subdir"]);
push(@action_data, ['mkdir', "%_DEST%/inc/$module"]);
push(@action_data, ['mkdir', "%_DEST%/res/img"]);
# need to copy libstaticmxp.dylib for Mac OS X
if ( $^O eq 'darwin' )
push(@action_data, ['copy', "../%__SRC%/lib/lib*static*.dylib %_DEST%/lib/lib*static*.dylib"]);
sub walk_addincpath_list
my (@addincpath_headers);
return if $#addincpath_list == -1;
# create hash with all addincpath header names
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#addincpath_list; $i++) {
my @field = split('/', $addincpath_list[$i][0]);
push (@addincpath_headers, $field[-1]);
# now stream all addincpath headers through addincpath filter
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#addincpath_list; $i++) {
add_incpath_if_newer($addincpath_list[$i][0], $addincpath_list[$i][1], \@addincpath_headers)
? $files_copied++ : $files_unchanged++;
sub add_incpath_if_newer
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
my $modify_headers_ref = shift;
my ($from_stat_ref, $header);
push_on_ziplist($to) if $opt_zip;
push_on_loglist("ADDINCPATH", "$from", "$to") if $opt_log;
if ( $opt_delete ) {
print "REMOVE: $to\n" if $opt_verbose;
my $rc = unlink($to);
return 1 if $rc;
return 0;
if ( $from_stat_ref = is_newer($from, $to) ) {
print "ADDINCPATH: $from -> $to\n" if $opt_verbose;
return 1 if $opt_check;
my $save = $/;
undef $/;
open(FROM, "<$from");
# slurp whole file in one big string
my $content = <FROM>;
$/ = $save;
foreach $header (@$modify_headers_ref) {
$content =~ s/#include [<"]$header[>"]/#include <$module\/$header>/g;
open(TO, ">$to");
print TO $content;
utime($$from_stat_ref[9], $$from_stat_ref[9], $to);
fix_file_permissions($$from_stat_ref[2], $to);
return 1;
return 0;
sub push_on_ziplist
my $file = shift;
return if ( $opt_check );
# strip $dest from path since we don't want to record it in zip file
if ( $file =~ s#^\Q$dest\E/##o ) {
push(@zip_list, $file);
} elsif ( $file =~ s#^\Q$common_dest\E/##o ) {
push(@common_zip_list, $file);
sub push_on_loglist
my @entry = @_;
return 0 if ( $opt_check );
return -1 if ( $#entry != 2 );
if (( $entry[0] eq "COPY" ) || ( $entry[0] eq "ADDINCPATH" )) {
return 0 if ( ! -e $entry[1].$maybedot );
# make 'from' relative to source root
$entry[1] = $repository ."/" . $module . "/prj/" . $entry[1];
$entry[1] =~ s/$module\/prj\/\.\./$module/;
# platform or common tree?
my $common;
if ( $entry[2] =~ /^\Q$dest\E/ ) {
$common = 0;
} else {
warn "Neither common nor platform tree?";
# make 'to' relative to SOLARVERSION
my $solarversion = $ENV{'SOLARVERSION'};
$solarversion =~ s#\\#/#g;
$entry[2] =~ s/^\Q$solarversion\E\///;
if ( $common ) {
push @common_log_list, [@entry];
} else {
push @log_list, [@entry];
return 1;
sub zip_files
my $zipexe = 'zip';
$zipexe .= ' -y' unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
my ($platform_zip_file, $common_zip_file);
$platform_zip_file = "%_DEST%/zip/$module.zip";
$platform_zip_file = expand_macros($platform_zip_file);
my (%dest_dir, %list_ref);
$dest_dir{$platform_zip_file} = $dest;
$list_ref{$platform_zip_file} = \@zip_list;
my @zipfiles;
$zipfiles[0] = $platform_zip_file;
foreach my $zip_file ( @zipfiles ) {
print "ZIP: updating $zip_file\n" if $opt_verbose;
next if ( $opt_check );
if ( $opt_delete ) {
if ( -e $zip_file ) {
unlink $zip_file or die "Error: can't remove file '$zip_file': $!";
local $work_file = "";
if ( $zip_file eq $common_zip_file) {
# Zip file in common tree: work on uniq copy to avoid collisions
$work_file = $zip_file;
$work_file =~ s/\.zip$//;
$work_file .= (sprintf('.%d-%d', $$, time())) . ".zip";
die "Error: temp file $work_file already exists" if ( -e $work_file);
if ( -e $zip_file ) {
if ( -z $zip_file) {
# sometimes there are files of 0 byte size - remove them
unlink $zip_file or print_error("can't remove empty file '$zip_file': $!",0);
} else {
if ( ! copy($zip_file, $work_file)) {
# give a warning, not an error:
# we can zip from scratch instead of just updating the old zip file
print_warning("can't copy'$zip_file' into '$work_file': $!", 0);
unlink $work_file;
} else {
# No pre processing necessary, working directly on solver.
$work_file = $zip_file;
# zip content has to be relative to $dest_dir
chdir($dest_dir{$zip_file}) or die "Error: cannot chdir into $dest_dir{$zip_file}";
my $this_ref = $list_ref{$zip_file};
open(ZIP, "| $zipexe -q -o -u -@ $work_file") or die "error opening zip file";
foreach $file ( @$this_ref ) {
print "ZIP: adding $file to $zip_file\n" if $is_debug;
print ZIP "$file\n";
fix_broken_cygwin_created_zips($work_file) if $^O eq "cygwin";
if ( $zip_file eq $common_zip_file) {
# rename work file back
if ( -e $work_file ) {
if ( -e $zip_file) {
# do some tricks to be fast. otherwise we may disturb other platforms
# by unlinking a file which just gets copied -> stale file handle.
my $buffer_file=$work_file . '_rm';
rename($zip_file, $buffer_file) or warn "Warning: can't rename old zip file '$zip_file': $!";
if (! rename($work_file, $zip_file)) {
print_error("can't rename temporary file to $zip_file: $!",0);
unlink $work_file;
unlink $buffer_file;
} else {
if (! rename($work_file, $zip_file)) {
print_error("can't rename temporary file to $zip_file: $!",0);
unlink $work_file;
sub fix_broken_cygwin_created_zips
# add given extension to or strip it from stored path
require Archive::Zip; import Archive::Zip;
my $zip_file = shift;
$zip = Archive::Zip->new();
unless ( $zip->read($work_file) == AZ_OK ) {
die "Error: can't open zip file '$zip_file' to fix broken cygwin file permissions";
my $latest_member_mod_time = 0;
foreach $member ( $zip->members() ) {
my $attributes = $member->unixFileAttributes();
$attributes &= ~0xFE00;
print $member->fileName() . ": " . sprintf("%lo", $attributes) if $is_debug;
$attributes |= 0x10; # add group write permission
print "-> " . sprintf("%lo", $attributes) . "\n" if $is_debug;
if ( $latest_member_mod_time < $member->lastModTime() ) {
$latest_member_mod_time = $member->lastModTime();
die "Error: can't overwrite zip file '$zip_file' for fixing permissions" unless $zip->overwrite() == AZ_OK;
utime($latest_member_mod_time, $latest_member_mod_time, $zip_file);
sub get_tempfilename
my $temp_dir = shift;
$temp_dir = ( -d '/tmp' ? '/tmp' : $ENV{TMPDIR} || $ENV{TEMP} || '.' )
unless defined($temp_dir);
if ( ! -d $temp_dir ) {
die "no temp directory $temp_dir\n";
my $base_name = sprintf( "%d-%di-%d", $$, time(), $tempcounter++ );
return "$temp_dir/$base_name";
sub write_log
my (%log_file, %file_date);
$log_file{\@log_list} = "%_DEST%/inc/$module/deliver.log";
$log_file{\@common_log_list} = "%COMMON_DEST%/inc/$module/deliver.log";
$file_date{\@log_list} = $logfiledate;
$file_date{\@common_log_list} = $commonlogfiledate;
my @logs = ( \@log_list );
foreach my $log ( @logs ) {
$log_file{$log} = expand_macros( $log_file{$log} );
if ( $opt_delete ) {
print "LOG: removing $log_file{$log}\n" if $opt_verbose;
next if ( $opt_check );
unlink $log_file{$log};
} else {
print "LOG: writing $log_file{$log}\n" if $opt_verbose;
next if ( $opt_check );
open( LOGFILE, "> $log_file{$log}" ) or warn "Error: could not open log file.";
foreach my $item ( @$log ) {
print LOGFILE "@$item\n";
close( LOGFILE );
utime($file_date{$log}, $file_date{$log}, $log_file{$log});
push_on_ziplist( $log_file{$log} ) if $opt_zip;
sub check_dlst
my %createddir;
my %destdir;
my %destfile;
# get all checkable actions to perform
foreach my $action ( @action_data ) {
my $path = expand_macros( $$action[1] );
if ( $$action[0] eq 'mkdir' ) {
$createddir{$path} ++;
} elsif (( $$action[0] eq 'copy' ) || ( $$action[0] eq 'addincpath' )) {
my ($from, $to) = split(' ', $path);
my ($to_fname, $to_dir);
my $withwildcard = 0;
if ( $from =~ /[\*\?\[\]]/ ) {
$withwildcard = 1;
($to_fname, $to_dir) = fileparse($to);
if ( $withwildcard ) {
if ( $to !~ /[\*\?\[\]]/ ) {
$to_dir = $to;
$to_fname ='';
$to_dir =~ s/[\\\/\s]$//;
$destdir{$to_dir} ++;
# Check: copy into non existing directory?
if ( ! $createddir{$to_dir} ) {
# unfortunately it is not so easy: it's OK if a subdirectory of $to_dir
# gets created, because mkpath creates the whole tree
foreach my $directory ( keys %createddir ) {
if ( $directory =~ /^\Q$to_dir\E[\\\/]/ ) {
$createddir{$to_dir} ++;
print_warning("Possibly copying into directory without creating in before: '$to_dir'")
unless $createddir{$to_dir};
# Check: overwrite file?
if ( ! $to ) {
if ( $destfile{$to} ) {
print_warning("Multiple entries copying to '$to'");
$destfile{$to} ++;
sub cleanup
# remove empty directories
foreach my $path ( @dirlist ) {
$path = expand_macros($path);
if ( $opt_check ) {
print "RMDIR: $path\n" if $opt_verbose;
} else {
rmdir $path;
sub delete_output
my $output_path = expand_macros("../%__SRC%");
if ( "$output_path" ne "../" ) {
if ( rmtree([$output_path], 0, 1) ) {
print "Deleted output tree.\n" if $opt_verbose;
else {
print_error("Error deleting output tree $output_path: $!",0);
else {
print_error("Output not deleted - INPATH is not set");
sub print_warning
my $message = shift;
my $line = shift;
print STDERR "$script_name: ";
if ( $dlst_file ) {
print STDERR "$dlst_file: ";
if ( $line ) {
print STDERR "line $line: ";
print STDERR "WARNING: $message\n";
sub print_error
my $message = shift;
my $line = shift;
print STDERR "$script_name: ";
if ( $dlst_file ) {
print STDERR "$dlst_file: ";
if ( $line ) {
print STDERR "line $line: ";
print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n";
$error ++;
sub print_stats
print "Module '$module' delivered ";
if ( $error ) {
print "with errors\n";
} else {
print "successfully.";
if ( $opt_delete ) {
print " $files_copied files removed,";
else {
print " $files_copied files copied,";
print " $files_unchanged files unchanged\n";
sub cleanup_and_die
# clean up on unexpected termination
my $sig = shift;
if ( defined($temp_file) && -e $temp_file ) {
if ( defined($work_file) && -e $work_file ) {
print STDERR "$work_file removed\n";
die "caught unexpected signal $sig, terminating ...";
sub usage
my $exit_code = shift;
print STDERR "Usage:\ndeliver [OPTIONS] [DESTINATION-PATH]\n";
print STDERR "Options:\n";
print STDERR " -check just print what would happen, no actual copying of files\n";
print STDERR " -checkdlst be verbose about (possible) d.lst bugs\n";
print STDERR " -delete delete files (undeliver), use with care\n";
print STDERR " -deloutput remove the output tree after copying\n";
print STDERR " -dontdeletecommon do not delete common files (for -delete option)\n";
print STDERR " -force copy even if not newer\n";
print STDERR " -help print this message\n";
if ( !defined($ENV{GUI}) || $ENV{GUI} ne 'WNT' ) {
print STDERR " -link hard link files into the solver to save disk space\n";
print STDERR " -quiet be quiet, only report errors\n";
print STDERR " -verbose be verbose\n";
print STDERR " -zip additionally create zip files of delivered content\n";
print STDERR "Options '-zip' and a destination-path are mutually exclusive.\n";
print STDERR "Options '-check' and '-quiet' are mutually exclusive.\n";
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