Oliver Bolte 9432997833 INTEGRATION: CWS pchfix02 (1.11.80); FILE MERGED
2006/09/01 17:30:54 kaib #i68856# Added header markers and pch files
2006-09-17 08:32:05 +00:00

228 lines
7.4 KiB

* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: transliteration_Ignore.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.12 $
* last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-09-17 09:32:05 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_i18npool.hxx"
// prevent internal compiler error with MSVC6SP3
#include <utility>
#include <transliteration_Ignore.hxx>
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace rtl;
namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace i18n {
inline sal_Int32 Min( sal_Int32 a, sal_Int32 b ) { return a > b ? b : a; }
sal_Bool SAL_CALL
transliteration_Ignore::equals(const OUString& str1, sal_Int32 pos1, sal_Int32 nCount1, sal_Int32& nMatch1,
const OUString& str2, sal_Int32 pos2, sal_Int32 nCount2, sal_Int32& nMatch2 ) throw(RuntimeException)
Sequence< sal_Int32 > offset1;
Sequence< sal_Int32 > offset2;
// The method folding is defined in a sub class.
OUString s1 = this->folding( str1, pos1, nCount1, offset1);
OUString s2 = this->folding( str2, pos2, nCount2, offset2);
const sal_Unicode * p1 = s1.getStr();
const sal_Unicode * p2 = s2.getStr();
sal_Int32 length = Min(s1.getLength(), s2.getLength());
sal_Int32 nmatch;
for ( nmatch = 0; nmatch < length; nmatch++)
if (*p1++ != *p2++)
if (nmatch > 0) {
nMatch1 = offset1[ nmatch - 1 ] + 1; // Subtract 1 from nmatch because the index starts from zero.
nMatch2 = offset2[ nmatch - 1 ] + 1; // And then, add 1 to position because it means the number of character matched.
else {
nMatch1 = 0; // No character was matched.
nMatch2 = 0;
return (nmatch == s1.getLength()) && (nmatch == s2.getLength());
Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL
transliteration_Ignore::transliterateRange( const OUString& str1, const OUString& str2 ) throw(RuntimeException)
if (str1.getLength() < 1 || str2.getLength() < 1)
throw RuntimeException();
Sequence< OUString > r(2);
r[0] = str1.copy(0, 1);
r[1] = str2.copy(0, 1);
return r;
sal_Int16 SAL_CALL
transliteration_Ignore::getType() throw(RuntimeException)
// The type is also defined in com/sun/star/util/TransliterationType.hdl
return TransliterationType::IGNORE;
transliteration_Ignore::transliterate( const OUString& inStr, sal_Int32 startPos, sal_Int32 nCount,
Sequence< sal_Int32 >& offset ) throw(RuntimeException)
// The method folding is defined in a sub class.
return this->folding( inStr, startPos, nCount, offset);
Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL
transliteration_Ignore::transliterateRange( const OUString& str1, const OUString& str2,
XTransliteration& t1, XTransliteration& t2 ) throw(RuntimeException)
if (str1.getLength() < 1 || str2.getLength() < 1)
throw RuntimeException();
Sequence< sal_Int32 > offset;
OUString s11 = t1.transliterate( str1, 0, 1, offset );
OUString s12 = t1.transliterate( str2, 0, 1, offset );
OUString s21 = t2.transliterate( str1, 0, 1, offset );
OUString s22 = t2.transliterate( str2, 0, 1, offset );
if ( (s11 == s21) && (s12 == s22) ) {
Sequence< OUString > r(2);
r[0] = s11;
r[1] = s12;
return r;
Sequence< OUString > r(4);
r[0] = s11;
r[1] = s12;
r[2] = s21;
r[3] = s22;
return r;
transliteration_Ignore::folding( const OUString& inStr, sal_Int32 startPos,
sal_Int32 nCount, Sequence< sal_Int32 >& offset)
// Create a string buffer which can hold nCount + 1 characters.
// The reference count is 0 now.
rtl_uString * newStr = x_rtl_uString_new_WithLength( nCount ); // defined in x_rtl_ustring.h
sal_Unicode * dst = newStr->buffer;
const sal_Unicode * src = inStr.getStr() + startPos;
// Allocate nCount length to offset argument.
sal_Int32 *p = 0;
sal_Int32 position = 0;
if (useOffset) {
offset.realloc( nCount );
p = offset.getArray();
position = startPos;
if (map) {
sal_Unicode previousChar = *src ++;
sal_Unicode currentChar;
// Translation
while (-- nCount > 0) {
currentChar = *src ++;
Mapping *m;
for (m = map; m->replaceChar; m++) {
if (previousChar == m->previousChar && currentChar == m->currentChar ) {
if (useOffset) {
if (! m->two2one)
*p++ = position;
*p++ = position++;
*dst++ = m->replaceChar;
if (!m->two2one)
*dst++ = currentChar;
previousChar = *src++;
if (! m->replaceChar) {
if (useOffset)
*p ++ = position ++;
*dst ++ = previousChar;
previousChar = currentChar;
if (nCount == 0) {
if (useOffset)
*p = position;
*dst ++ = previousChar;
} else {
// Translation
while (nCount -- > 0) {
sal_Unicode c = *src++;
c = func ? func( c) : (*table)[ c ];
if (c != 0xffff)
*dst ++ = c;
if (useOffset) {
if (c != 0xffff)
*p ++ = position;
newStr->length = sal_Int32(dst - newStr->buffer);
if (useOffset)
*dst = (sal_Unicode) 0;
return OUString( newStr ); // defined in rtl/usrting. The reference count is increased from 0 to 1.
sal_Unicode SAL_CALL
transliteration_Ignore::transliterateChar2Char( sal_Unicode inChar) throw(RuntimeException, MultipleCharsOutputException)
return func ? func( inChar) : table ? (*table)[ inChar ] : inChar;
} } } }