Patrick Luby 9ee57f36e2 tdf#82115 Commit uncommitted text when a popup menu is opened
The Windows implementation of the SalFrame::EndExtTextInput() method commits or discards the native input method session. It appears that most macOS applications discard the uncommitted text when cancelling a session so always commit the uncommitted text. This change also commits any uncommitted text and cancels the native input method session whenever a window loses focus like in Safari, Firefox, and Excel.

Note: if there is any marked text, SalEvent::EndExtTextInput may leave the cursor hidden so commit the marked range to force the cursor to be visible.

Dispatching SalEvent::EndExtTextInput in SalFrame::EndExtTextInput() creates some other related native input method handling bugs that have also been fixed in this patch:

- Whenever a SalEvent::EndExtTextInput event is dispatched, cancel the native input method session so that the native input context's state is in sync with LibreOffice's internal state. The only exceptions are in [SalFrameView insertText:replacementRange:] or [SalFrameView setMarkedText:selectedRange:replacementRange:] because when these two selectors commit text, the native input method session has already been cancelled and calling [SalFrameView endExtTextInput] will cause repeated text insertions from the native macOS Character Viewer dialog to overwrite previous insertions.

- Highlight all characters in the selected range. Normally uncommitted text is underlined but when an item is selected in the native input method popup or selecting a subblock of uncommitted text using the left or right arrow keys, the selection range is set and the selected range is either highlighted like in Excel or is bold underlined like in Safari. Highlighting the selected range was chosen because highlighting was used in LibreOffice 7.4.x and using bold and double underlines can get clipped making the selection range indistinguishable from the rest of the uncommitted text.

- The fix for ooo#106901 always returns a zero length range if [self markedRange] called outside of mbInKeyInput. If a zero length range is returned, macOS won't call [self firstRectForCharacterRange:actualRange:] for any newly appended uncommitted text and the native input method popup will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen. So, [self markedRange] now returns the marked range if is valid.

- Commit uncommitted text before dispatching menu item selections and key shortcuts. In certain cases such as selecting the Insert > Comment menu item or pressing Command-Option-C in a Writer document while there is uncommitted text will call AquaSalFrame::EndExtTextInput() which will dispatch a SalEvent::EndExtTextInput event. Writer's handler for that event will delete the uncommitted text and then insert the committed text but LibreOffice will crash when deleting the uncommitted text because deletion of the text also removes and deletes the newly inserted comment.

Change-Id: I4ff4682aeef7d42ce26059aa76f971a68128833c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <>
2022-12-08 09:33:38 +00:00

261 lines
10 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <osx/salinst.h>
#include <osx/saldata.hxx>
#include <osx/salframe.h>
#include <osx/salframeview.h>
#include <osx/salmenu.h>
#include <osx/salnsmenu.h>
@implementation SalNSMenu
-(id)initWithMenu: (AquaSalMenu*)pMenu
mpMenu = pMenu;
return [super initWithTitle: [NSString string]];
-(void)menuNeedsUpdate: (NSMenu*)pMenu
SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
if( mpMenu )
const AquaSalFrame* pFrame = mpMenu->getFrame();
if( pFrame && AquaSalFrame::isAlive( pFrame ) )
SalMenuEvent aMenuEvt;
aMenuEvt.mnId = 0;
aMenuEvt.mpMenu = mpMenu->mpVCLMenu;
if( aMenuEvt.mpMenu )
pFrame->CallCallback(SalEvent::MenuActivate, &aMenuEvt);
pFrame->CallCallback(SalEvent::MenuDeactivate, &aMenuEvt);
OSL_FAIL( "unconnected menu" );
else if( mpMenu->mpVCLMenu )
// Hide disabled items
NSArray* elements = [pMenu itemArray];
NSEnumerator* it = [elements objectEnumerator];
id element;
while ( ( element = [it nextObject] ) != nil )
NSMenuItem* item = static_cast< NSMenuItem* >( element );
if( ![item isSeparatorItem] )
[item setHidden: ![item isEnabled]];
-(void)setSalMenu: (AquaSalMenu*)pMenu
mpMenu = pMenu;
@implementation SalNSMenuItem
-(id)initWithMenuItem: (AquaSalMenuItem*)pMenuItem
mpMenuItem = pMenuItem;
id ret = [super initWithTitle: [NSString string]
action: @selector(menuItemTriggered:)
keyEquivalent: [NSString string]];
[ret setTarget: self];
return ret;
-(void)menuItemTriggered: (id)aSender
SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
// Commit uncommitted text before dispatching the selecting menu item. In
// certain cases such as selecting the Insert > Comment menu item in a
// Writer document while there is uncommitted text will call
// AquaSalFrame::EndExtTextInput() which will dispatch a
// SalEvent::EndExtTextInput event. Writer's handler for that event will
// delete the uncommitted text and then insert the committed text but
// LibreOffice will crash when deleting the uncommitted text because
// deletion of the text also removes and deletes the newly inserted
// comment.
NSWindow* pKeyWin = [NSApp keyWindow];
if( pKeyWin && [pKeyWin isKindOfClass: [SalFrameWindow class]] )
[static_cast<SalFrameWindow*>(pKeyWin) endExtTextInput];
// tdf#49853 Keyboard shortcuts are also handled by the menu bar, but at least some of them
// must still end up in the view. This is necessary to handle common edit actions in docked
// windows (e.g. in toolbar fields).
NSEvent* pEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
if( pEvent && [pEvent type] == NSEventTypeKeyDown )
unsigned int nModMask = ([pEvent modifierFlags] & (NSEventModifierFlagShift|NSEventModifierFlagControl|NSEventModifierFlagOption|NSEventModifierFlagCommand));
NSString* charactersIgnoringModifiers = [pEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
if( nModMask == NSEventModifierFlagCommand &&
( [charactersIgnoringModifiers isEqualToString: @"v"] ||
[charactersIgnoringModifiers isEqualToString: @"c"] ||
[charactersIgnoringModifiers isEqualToString: @"x"] ||
[charactersIgnoringModifiers isEqualToString: @"a"] ||
[charactersIgnoringModifiers isEqualToString: @"z"] ) )
[[[NSApp keyWindow] contentView] keyDown: pEvent];
const AquaSalFrame* pFrame = mpMenuItem->mpParentMenu ? mpMenuItem->mpParentMenu->getFrame() : nullptr;
if( pFrame && AquaSalFrame::isAlive( pFrame ) && ! pFrame->GetWindow()->IsInModalMode() )
SalMenuEvent aMenuEvt( mpMenuItem->mnId, mpMenuItem->mpVCLMenu );
pFrame->CallCallback(SalEvent::MenuCommand, &aMenuEvt);
else if( mpMenuItem->mpVCLMenu )
// if an item from submenu was selected. the corresponding Window does not exist because
// we use native popup menus, so we have to set the selected menuitem directly
// incidentally this of course works for top level popup menus, too
PopupMenu * pPopupMenu = dynamic_cast<PopupMenu *>(mpMenuItem->mpVCLMenu.get());
if( pPopupMenu )
// FIXME: revise this ugly code
// select handlers in vcl are dispatch on the original menu
// if not consumed by the select handler of the current menu
// however since only the starting menu ever came into Execute
// the hierarchy is not build up. Workaround this by getting
// the menu it should have been
// get started from hierarchy in vcl menus
AquaSalMenu* pParentMenu = mpMenuItem->mpParentMenu;
Menu* pCurMenu = mpMenuItem->mpVCLMenu;
while( pParentMenu && pParentMenu->mpVCLMenu )
pCurMenu = pParentMenu->mpVCLMenu;
pParentMenu = pParentMenu->mpParentSalMenu;
pPopupMenu->SetSelectedEntry( mpMenuItem->mnId );
pPopupMenu->ImplSelectWithStart( pCurMenu );
OSL_FAIL( "menubar item without frame !" );
@implementation OOStatusItemView
-(void)drawRect: (NSRect)aRect
NSGraphicsContext* pContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
[pContext saveGraphicsState];
// "'drawStatusBarBackgroundInRect:withHighlight:' is deprecated: first deprecated in macOS
// 10.14 - Use the standard button instead which handles highlight drawing, making this
// method obsolete"
[SalData::getStatusItem() drawStatusBarBackgroundInRect: aRect withHighlight: NO];
if( AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar )
const std::vector< AquaSalMenu::MenuBarButtonEntry >& rButtons( AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar->getButtons() );
NSRect aFrame = [self frame];
NSRect aImgRect = { { 2, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
for( size_t i = 0; i < rButtons.size(); ++i )
const Size aPixSize = rButtons[i].maButton.maImage.GetSizePixel();
const NSRect aFromRect = { NSZeroPoint, NSMakeSize( aPixSize.Width(), aPixSize.Height()) };
aImgRect.origin.y = floor((aFrame.size.height - aFromRect.size.height)/2);
aImgRect.size = aFromRect.size;
if( rButtons[i].mpNSImage )
[rButtons[i].mpNSImage drawInRect: aImgRect fromRect: aFromRect operation: NSCompositingOperationSourceOver fraction: 1.0];
aImgRect.origin.x += aFromRect.size.width + 2;
[pContext restoreGraphicsState];
-(void)mouseUp: (NSEvent *)pEvent
/* check if button goes up inside one of our status buttons */
if( AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar )
const std::vector< AquaSalMenu::MenuBarButtonEntry >& rButtons( AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar->getButtons() );
NSRect aFrame = [self frame];
NSRect aImgRect = { { 2, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
NSPoint aMousePt = [pEvent locationInWindow];
for( size_t i = 0; i < rButtons.size(); ++i )
const Size aPixSize = rButtons[i].maButton.maImage.GetSizePixel();
const NSRect aFromRect = { NSZeroPoint, NSMakeSize( aPixSize.Width(), aPixSize.Height()) };
aImgRect.origin.y = (aFrame.size.height - aFromRect.size.height)/2;
aImgRect.size = aFromRect.size;
if( aMousePt.x >= aImgRect.origin.x && aMousePt.x <= (aImgRect.origin.x+aImgRect.size.width) &&
aMousePt.y >= aImgRect.origin.y && aMousePt.y <= (aImgRect.origin.y+aImgRect.size.height) )
if( AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar->mpFrame && AquaSalFrame::isAlive( AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar->mpFrame ) )
SalMenuEvent aMenuEvt( rButtons[i].maButton.mnId, AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar->mpVCLMenu );
AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar->mpFrame->CallCallback(SalEvent::MenuButtonCommand, &aMenuEvt);
aImgRect.origin.x += aFromRect.size.width + 2;
NSStatusBar* pStatBar = [NSStatusBar systemStatusBar];
NSSize aSize = { 0, [pStatBar thickness] };
[self removeAllToolTips];
if( AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar )
const std::vector< AquaSalMenu::MenuBarButtonEntry >& rButtons( AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar->getButtons() );
if( ! rButtons.empty() )
aSize.width = 2;
for( size_t i = 0; i < rButtons.size(); ++i )
NSRect aImgRect = { { aSize.width,
static_cast<CGFloat>(floor((aSize.height-rButtons[i].maButton.maImage.GetSizePixel().Height())/2)) },
{ static_cast<CGFloat>(rButtons[i].maButton.maImage.GetSizePixel().Width()),
static_cast<CGFloat>(rButtons[i].maButton.maImage.GetSizePixel().Height()) } };
if( rButtons[i].mpToolTipString )
[self addToolTipRect: aImgRect owner: rButtons[i].mpToolTipString userData: nullptr];
aSize.width += 2 + aImgRect.size.width;
[self setFrameSize: aSize];
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