557 lines
20 KiB
557 lines
20 KiB
* Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
* OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
* <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_extensions.hxx"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stardiv/uno/repos/implementationregistration.hxx>
#include <stardiv/uno/script/script.hxx>
#include <stardiv/uno/beans/exactname.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <vos/dynload.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <usr/services.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <usr/ustring.hxx>
#include <usr/weak.hxx>
#include <tools/string.hxx>
#include <vos/conditn.hxx>
using namespace rtl;
using namespace vos;
using namespace usr;
#define PCHAR_TO_USTRING(x) StringToOUString(String(x),CHARSET_SYSTEM)
class NullEngineListenerRef : public XEngineListenerRef
virtual void interrupt(const InterruptEngineEvent& Evt) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) {}
virtual void running(const EventObject& Evt) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) {}
virtual void finished(const FinishEngineEvent& Evt) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) {}
#define USTRING_TO_PCHAR(x) OUStringToString(x , CHARSET_DONTKNOW ).GetCharStr()
class CmdDebugger :
public XEngineListener,
public OWeakObject
m_pDebuggingRef = 0;
m_pEngineRef = 0;
m_bIsTerminating = FALSE;
m_bIsRunning = FALSE;
CmdDebugger( XDebuggingRef *p, XEngineRef *pEngine , XInvokationRef *pInvokation)
attach( p , pEngine , pInvokation );
if( m_pDebuggingRef ) {
BOOL queryInterface( Uik aUik, XInterfaceRef & rOut );
void acquire() { OWeakObject::acquire(); }
void release() { OWeakObject::release(); }
void* getImplementation(Reflection *p) { return OWeakObject::getImplementation(p); }
void attach( XDebuggingRef *p , XEngineRef *pEngine , XInvokationRef *pInvokation )
m_pDebuggingRef = p;
m_pEngineRef = pEngine;
m_pInvokationRef = pInvokation;
m_bIsRunning = FALSE;
m_bIsTerminating = FALSE;
void detach( );
virtual void disposing( const EventObject &o )
if( m_pDebuggingRef ) {
virtual void interrupt(const InterruptEngineEvent& Evt) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
if( m_pDebuggingRef && ! m_bIsTerminating ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n" , USTRING_TO_PCHAR(Evt.ErrorMessage ) );
fprintf( stderr, "%s.%s (%d)\n", USTRING_TO_PCHAR(Evt.SourceCode),
Evt.StartLine );
m_bIsRunning = TRUE;
virtual void running(const EventObject& Evt) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
if( m_pDebuggingRef && ! m_bIsTerminating ) {
m_bIsRunning = TRUE;
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n" , "Script starts\n" );
virtual void finished(const FinishEngineEvent& Evt) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
if( m_pDebuggingRef && ! m_bIsTerminating ) {
m_bIsRunning = FALSE;
fprintf( stderr , "%s\n", USTRING_TO_PCHAR( Evt.ErrorMessage ) );
void dumpIntrospectionToStream( const XIntrospectionAccessRef &, FILE *f );
void dumpVarToStream( const char *pcName, const UsrAny &any, FILE *f );
void cmdLine();
OCondition m_aDebugCondition;
XDebuggingRef *m_pDebuggingRef;
XEngineRef *m_pEngineRef;
XInvokationRef *m_pInvokationRef;
int m_bIsRunning;
int m_bIsTerminating; // The listeners ignore everything when set
void CmdDebugger::cmdLine()
char pcLine[80];
fprintf( stderr, "entering debugger\n" );
while( TRUE ) {
fprintf( stderr , "(debug %d) : " , m_bIsRunning );
fflush( stderr);
fgets( pcLine , 79 , stdin );
if( strlen( pcLine) ) pcLine[strlen(pcLine)-1] =0;
String sLine( pcLine );
if( ! strcmp( pcLine , "g" ) ) {
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
else fprintf( stderr,"no script running !\n" );
else if( ! strcmp( pcLine , "s" ) ) {
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
else fprintf(stderr, "no script running !\n" );
else if( ! strcmp( pcLine , "so" ) ) {
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
else fprintf(stderr, "no script running !\n" );
else if( ! strcmp( pcLine , "si" ) ) {
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
else fprintf(stderr, "no script running !\n" );
else if( ! strncmp( pcLine , "sbp" , 3 ) ){
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
(*m_pDebuggingRef)->setBreakPoint( UString( L"<string>" ),
atoi(&pcLine[3]) , TRUE );
else if( ! strncmp( pcLine , "rbp" , 3 ) ){
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
(*m_pDebuggingRef)->setBreakPoint( UString( L"<string>" ),
atoi(&pcLine[3]) , FALSE );
else if( ! strncmp( pcLine , "dv " , 3 ) ) {
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
int nCallstack = 0;
if( sLine.GetQuotedTokenCount( String("''"),' ' ) == 3 ) {
nCallstack = atoi( sLine.GetQuotedToken( 3 , String("''"), ' ' ).GetCharStr() );
UString str = (*m_pDebuggingRef)->dumpVariable(
PCHAR_TO_USTRING( &pcLine[3]),nCallstack);
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n" , USTRING_TO_PCHAR( str ) );
else if( ! strncmp( pcLine , "sv " , 3 ) ) {
int nCallstack = 0;
if( sLine.GetQuotedTokenCount( String("''"),' ' ) == 3 ) {
nCallstack = atoi( sLine.GetQuotedToken( 3 , String("''"), ' ' ).GetCharStr() );
StringToOUString( sLine.GetQuotedToken( 1 , String("''"), ' ' ), CHARSET_SYSTEM ),
StringToOUString( sLine.GetQuotedToken( 2 , String("''"), ' ' ), CHARSET_SYSTEM ),
nCallstack );
else if( ! strncmp( pcLine , "ci" ,2 ) ) {
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
UString *aUString ;
ContextInformation ci = (*m_pDebuggingRef)->getContextInformation(atoi(&pcLine[2]));
int i,iMax;
fprintf( stderr, "File %s (%d)\n", USTRING_TO_PCHAR(ci.Name),
ci.StartLine );
fprintf( stderr, "Available variables : \n" );
aUString = ci.LocalVariableNames.getArray();
iMax = ci.LocalVariableNames.getLen();
for( i = 0 ; i < iMax ; i++ ) {
fprintf( stderr, " %s\n" , USTRING_TO_PCHAR( aUString[i]) );
else if ( !strcmp( pcLine , "d" ) ) {
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
UString * aUString ;
Sequence<UString> seq = (*m_pDebuggingRef)->getStackTrace();
aUString = seq.getArray();
int iMax = seq.getLen();
for( int i = 0; i < iMax ; i++ ) {
fprintf( stderr , "%s\n" , USTRING_TO_PCHAR( aUString[i] ) );
else if( !strcmp( pcLine , "c" ) ) {
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
else fprintf( stderr,"no script running !\n" );
else if( !strcmp( pcLine , "q" ) ) {
if( m_bIsRunning ) {
else {
m_bIsTerminating = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "Debugger terminates\n" );
else if( ! strcmp( pcLine , "id" ) ) {
XIntrospectionAccessRef ref = (*m_pInvokationRef)->getIntrospection();
dumpIntrospectionToStream( ref , stderr );
else if( ! strncmp( pcLine , "idv" , 3) ) {
try {
UsrAny any = (*m_pInvokationRef)->getValue( PCHAR_TO_USTRING( &(pcLine[4]) ) );
dumpVarToStream( &(pcLine[4]) , any , stderr );
catch(UnknownPropertyException& e ) {
fprintf( stderr, "UnknownPropertyException\n" );
catch(IllegalArgumentException& e ) {
fprintf( stderr, "IllegalArgumentException\n" );
else if( !strcmp( pcLine , "t" ) ) {
else if( !strcmp( pcLine , "h" ) ) {
fprintf( stderr , "\nvalid commands :\n"
"Go : g\n"
"StepOver : s\n"
"StepIn : si\n"
"StepOut : so\n"
"Set BreakPoint : sbp Line [ModuleName]\n"
"Remove BreakPoint : rbp [Line] [ModuleName]\n"
"via XDebugging Interface :\n"
" dump Variable : dv varname [CallStack]\n"
" set Variable : sv varname value [CallStack]\n"
"globals via XInvokation Interface :\n"
" dump Global vars : id\n"
" dump Variable : idv varname\n"
" set Variable : isv varname value\n"
"ContextInformation : ci\n"
"Dump callstack : d\n"
"Cancel : c (stops actual script)\n"
"Quit : q (exits debugger)\n"
else if( ! strlen( pcLine ) ) {
else {
fprintf( stderr , "unknown command %s\n" , pcLine );
void CmdDebugger::dumpIntrospectionToStream( const XIntrospectionAccessRef &ref, FILE *f )
int i,iMax;
fprintf( stderr, "Callable Attributes (Methods) :\n" );
Sequence<XIdlMethodRef> seq = ref->getMethods( 0 );
iMax = seq.getLen();
XIdlMethodRef *aRef = seq.getArray();
for( i = 0; i < iMax ; i++ ) {
fprintf( f, " %s\n" , USTRING_TO_PCHAR( aRef[i]->getName( ) ) );
fprintf( stderr, "Other attributes\n" );
Sequence<Property> seqProp = ref->getProperties( 0 );
iMax = seqProp.getLen();
Property *aProp = seqProp.getArray();
for( i = 0; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
fprintf( f, " %s %s\n" , USTRING_TO_PCHAR( aProp[i].Type->getName() ),
USTRING_TO_PCHAR( aProp[i].Name ) );
void CmdDebugger::dumpVarToStream( const char *pc , const UsrAny &aValue, FILE *f )
TypeClass type = aValue.getReflection()->getTypeClass();
if( TypeClass_INT == type ) {
fprintf( f, "INT32 %s : %d\n" , pc , aValue.getINT32() );
else if( TypeClass_ENUM == type ) {
fprintf( f, "ENUM %s : %d\n", pc , aValue.getEnumAsINT32() );
else if( TypeClass_STRING == type ) {
fprintf( f, "STRING %s : %s\n" , pc , USTRING_TO_PCHAR( aValue.getString()) );
else if( TypeClass_BOOLEAN == type ) {
fprintf( f, "BOOL %s : %d\n", pc , aValue.getBOOL() );
else if( TypeClass_CHAR == type ) {
fprintf( f, "char %s : %d\n", pc , ( INT32) aValue.getChar() );
else if( TypeClass_SHORT == type ) {
fprintf( f, "INT16 %s : %d\n", pc , (INT32) aValue.getINT16());
else if( TypeClass_LONG == type ) {
fprintf( f, "LONG %s : %d\n", pc , (INT32) aValue.getINT32());
else if( TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT == type ) {
fprintf( f, "UINT16 %s : %d\n", pc , (INT32) aValue.getUINT16() );
else if( TypeClass_UNSIGNED_BYTE == type ) {
fprintf( f, "Byte %s : %d\n", pc , (INT32) aValue.getBYTE() );
else if( TypeClass_UNSIGNED_INT == type ) {
fprintf( f, "UINT32 %s : %d\n", pc , aValue.getUINT32() );
else if( TypeClass_FLOAT == type ) {
fprintf( f, "float %s : %f\n" , pc , aValue.getFloat() );
else if( TypeClass_DOUBLE == type ) {
fprintf( f, "double %s : %f\n" , pc , aValue.getDouble() );
else if( TypeClass_VOID == type ) {
fprintf( f, "void %s :\n" , pc );
else if( TypeClass_INTERFACE == type ) {
// Check, what has been put in
if( aValue.getReflection() == XPropertySet_getReflection() ) {
// XPropertySet !
XPropertySetRef *pRef = ( XPropertySetRef * ) aValue.get();
XPropertySetInfoRef refInfo = (*pRef)->getPropertySetInfo();
Sequence< Property > seq = refInfo->getProperties();
int i,iMax = seq.getLen();
Property *pArray;
pArray = seq.getArray();
fprintf( stderr, "Property List :\n" );
for( i = 0; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
fprintf( f, "%s\t %s\n" , USTRING_TO_PCHAR(pArray[i].Type->getName()),
USTRING_TO_PCHAR( pArray[i].Name ) );
else if( aValue.getReflection() == XInvokation_getReflection() ) {
XInvokationRef *pRef = ( XInvokationRef * ) aValue.get();
XIntrospectionAccessRef refIntro = (*pRef)->getIntrospection();
dumpIntrospectionToStream( refIntro, stderr );
else if( TypeClass_SEQUENCE == type ) {
fprintf( f , "%s Sequence \n" , pc );
String s( " " );
s += pc;
SequenceReflection *pSeqRefl = ( SequenceReflection * ) aValue.getReflection();
int i,iMax = pSeqRefl->getLen( aValue );
for( i = 0 ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
dumpVarToStream( s.GetCharStr() , pSeqRefl->get( aValue , i ) , stderr );
else {
fprintf( f, "%s : unknown %d\n" , pc , type );
void CmdDebugger::detach()
OSL_ASSERT( m_pDebuggingRef );
m_bIsRunning = FALSE;
m_pDebuggingRef = 0;
m_pEngineRef = 0;
m_pInvokationRef = 0;
// Methoden von XInterface
BOOL CmdDebugger::queryInterface( Uik aUik, XInterfaceRef & rOut )
if( aUik == XEngineListener::getSmartUik() )
rOut = (XEngineListener*)this;
return OWeakObject::queryInterface( aUik, rOut );
return TRUE;
* main.
int __LOADONCALLAPI main (int argc, char **argv)
XMultiServiceFactoryRef xSMgr = createRegistryServiceManager();
registerUsrServices( xSMgr );
setProcessServiceManager( xSMgr );
XInterfaceRef x = xSMgr->createInstance( L"stardiv.uno.repos.ImplementationRegistration" );
XImplementationRegistrationRef xReg( x, USR_QUERY );
sal_Char szBuf[1024];
ORealDynamicLoader::computeModuleName( "pythonengine", szBuf, 1024 );
UString aDllName( StringToOUString( szBuf, CHARSET_SYSTEM ) );
xReg->registerImplementation( L"stardiv.loader.SharedLibrary", aDllName, XSimpleRegistryRef() );
ORealDynamicLoader::computeModuleName( "aps", szBuf, 1024 );
aDllName = UString( StringToOUString( szBuf, CHARSET_SYSTEM ) );
xReg->registerImplementation( L"stardiv.loader.SharedLibrary", aDllName, XSimpleRegistryRef() );
XInterfaceRef y = xSMgr->createInstance( L"stardiv.script.Python" );
XEngineRef yEngine( y, USR_QUERY );
x = xSMgr->createInstance( L"stardiv.script.Python" );
XEngineRef xEngine( x, USR_QUERY );
UString Script;
Sequence<UsrAny> args(3);
UsrAny *pArray = args.getArray();
pArray[0].setString( L"Arg_0" );
pArray[1].setString( L"Arg_1" );
pArray[2].setString( L"Arg_2" );
if( argc > 2) {
Script = StringToOUString( String( argv[2] ) , CHARSET_DONTKNOW );
XInvokationRef xInvokation( x , USR_QUERY );
XDebuggingRef xDebug( x , USR_QUERY );
CmdDebugger *pDbg = new CmdDebugger( &xDebug , &xEngine , &xInvokation );
XEngineListenerRef xDebugRef( (XEngineListener *) pDbg , USR_QUERY);
xEngine->addEngineListener( xDebugRef );
if( argc >1 && ! strcmp( argv[1] , "1" ) ) {
fprintf( stderr, "one thread only\n" );
Script = UString( L"print 'Hello World'\n" );
xEngine->runAsync( Script , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef() );
else if( argc >1 && ! strcmp( argv[1] , "2" ) ) {
xEngine->runAsync( UString( L"x=1\nprint 1\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef() );
xEngine->runAsync( UString( L"x=x+1\nprint 2\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef() );
xEngine->runAsync( UString( L"x=x+1\nprint 3\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef());
xEngine->runAsync( UString( L"x=x+1\nprint 4\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef() );
else if( argc >1 && ! strcmp( argv[1] , "3" ) ) {
fprintf( stderr , "1st thread in engine y, next 5 threads in engine x\n" );
yEngine->runAsync( UString( L"print 1\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef() );
xEngine->runAsync( UString( L"print 2\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef() );
xEngine->runAsync( UString( L"print 3\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef() );
xEngine->runAsync( UString( L"print 4\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef());
xEngine->runAsync( UString( L"print 5\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef());
xEngine->runAsync( UString( L"print 6\n") , XInterfaceRef(), args , XEngineListenerRef());
xEngine->removeEngineListener( xDebugRef );
xReg->revokeImplementation( aDllName, XSimpleRegistryRef() );
fprintf( stderr, "main terminates\n" );
return 0;