800 lines
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Executable file
800 lines
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Executable file
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' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
' This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
' <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
' **
' ** owner : joerg.skottke@oracle.com
' **
' ** short description : Tools to draw and select form controls in basic-ide
' **
private const ICONTROLCOUNT = 22
function hGetControlParams( cParam as string ) as integer
'///<h3>Retrieve basic parameters to draw formcontrols to a dialog</h3>
'///<i>All values are in percent relative to the window size.
'///+ All values are optimized for 1024x768 pixels screen resolution but
'///+ have been tested successfully with 1280x1024 and 800x600</i><br>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Name of the coordinate (string). Valid options are:</li>
'///+<li>"XOREGO" (Upper left corner)</li>
'///+<li>"YOREGO" (Upper left corner)</li>
'///+<li>"XDIST" (Distance between the upper left corners of neighbor controls)</li>
'///+<li>"YDIST" (Distance between the upper left corners of neighbor controls)</li>
'///+<li>"XSIZE" (Width of control)</li>
'///+<li>"YSIZE" (Heighth of the control)</li>
'///+<li>Coordinate/Distance/Size in percent of window size (integer)</li>
'///+<li>A number between 1 and 100</li>
'///+<li>0 on error (invalid function parameter)</li>
cParam = ucase( cParam )
'///+<li>Currently following values are defined:</li>
select case ( cParam )
'///+<li>XOREGO = 31</li>
case "XOREGO" : hGetControlParams() = 31
'///+<li>XDIST = 8</li>
case "XDIST" : hGetControlParams() = 8
'///+<li>XSIZE = 6</li>
case "XSIZE" : hGetControlParams() = 6
'///+<li>YOREGO = 30</li>
case "YOREGO" : hGetControlParams() = 30
'///+<li>YDIST = 7</li>
case "YDIST" : hGetControlParams() = 7
'///+<li>YSIZE = 5</li>
case "YSIZE" : hGetControlParams() = 5
'///+<li>Incorrect function parameter = 0</li>
case else : hGetControlParams() = 0
end select
end function
function hGetControlName( iControl as integer ) as string
'///<h3>A function to deliver a speaking name for all form controls</h3>
'///<i>Note that the numbers of the controls are unique</i><br>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 22, see description below</li>
'///+<li>Name for a control (string)</li>
'///+<li>Name for a control (may contain whitespaces)</li>
'///+<li>An empty string in case of an invalid function parameter</li>
'///+<li>Currently following control are defined:</li>
select case iControl
'///+<li>Push Button</li>
case 1 : hGetControlName() = "Push Button"
'///+<li>Image Control</li>
case 2 : hGetControlName() = "Image Control"
'///+<li>Check Box</li>
case 3 : hGetControlName() = "Check Box"
'///+<li>Radio Button</li>
case 4 : hGetControlName() = "Radio Button"
'///+<li>Fixed Text</li>
case 5 : hGetControlName() = "Fixed Text"
'///+<li>Edit Field</li>
case 6 : hGetControlName() = "Edit Field"
'///+<li>List Box</li>
case 7 : hGetControlName() = "List Box"
'///+<li>Combo Box</li>
case 8 : hGetControlName() = "Combo Box"
'///+<li>Vertical ScrollBar</li>
case 9 : hGetControlName() = "Vertical ScrollBar"
'///+<li>Horizontal ScrollBar</li>
case 10 : hGetControlName() = "Horizontal ScrollBar"
case 11 : hGetControlName() = "Frame"
'///+<li>Progress Bar</li>
case 12 : hGetControlName() = "Progress Bar"
'///+<li>Vertical Fixed Line</li>
case 13 : hGetControlName() = "Vertical Fixed Line"
'///+<li>Horizontal Fixed Line</li>
case 14 : hGetControlName() = "Horizontal Fixed Line"
'///+<li>Date Field</li>
case 15 : hGetControlName() = "Date Field"
'///+<li>Time Field</li>
case 16 : hGetControlName() = "Time Field"
'///+<li>Numeric Field</li>
case 17 : hGetControlName() = "Numeric Field"
'///+<li>Currency Field</li>
case 18 : hGetControlName() = "Currency Field"
'///+<li>Form Field</li>
case 19 : hGetControlName() = "Form Field"
'///+<li>Pattern Field</li>
case 20 : hGetControlName() = "Pattern Field"
'///+<li>File Control</li>
case 21 : hGetControlName() = "File Control"
'///+<li>Tree Control</li>
case 22 : hGetControlName() = "Tree Control"
'///+<li>"" for function parameter < 1 or > 22 </li>
case else : sControl = ""
end select
end function
function hInsertControl( iControl as integer ) as string
'///<h3>Function to insert one of the BASIC formcontrols by index</h3>
'///<i>Note that the numbers of the controls are unique</i><br>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 22, see description below</li>
'///+<li>Name for a control (string)</li>
'///+<li>Name for a control (may contain whitespaces)</li>
'///+<li>An empty string in case of an invalid function parameter</li>
const CFN = "hInsertControl::"
Kontext "ToolsCollectionBar"
'///+<li>Click on the requested button on the ToolsCollectionBar:</li>
select case iControl
'///+<li>Push Button</li>
case 1 : InsPushButton.click()
'///+<li>Image Control</li>
case 2 : InsImgCtrl.click()
'///+<li>Check Box</li>
case 3 : InsCheckbox.click()
'///+<li>Radio Button</li>
case 4 : InsRadioButton.click()
'///+<li>Fixed Text</li>
case 5 : InsFixedText.click()
'///+<li>Edit Field</li>
case 6 : InsEditField.click()
'///+<li>List Box</li>
case 7 : InsListbox.click()
'///+<li>Combo Box</li>
case 8 : InsComboBox.click()
'///+<li>Vertical ScrollBar</li>
case 9 : InsScrollBarV.click()
'///+<li>Horizontal ScrollBar</li>
case 10 : InsScrollBarH.click()
case 11 : InsFrame.click()
'///+<li>Progress Bar</li>
case 12 : InsProgressbar.click()
'///+<li>Vertical Fixed Line</li>
case 13 : InsFixedLineV.click()
'///+<li>Horizontal Fixed Line</li>
case 14 : InsFixedLineH.click()
'///+<li>Date Field</li>
case 15 : InsDateField.click()
'///+<li>Time Field</li>
case 16 : InsTimeField.click()
'///+<li>Numeric Field</li>
case 17 : InsNumField.click()
'///+<li>Currency Field</li>
case 18 : InsCurrencyField.click()
'///+<li>Form Field</li>
case 19 : InsFormField.click()
'///+<li>Pattern Field</li>
case 20 : InsPatternField.click()
'///+<li>File Control</li>
case 22 : InsFileCtrl.click()
'///+<li>Tree Control</li>
case 22 : InsTreeControl.click()
end select
'///+<li>"" for function parameter < 1 or > 22 </li>
hInsertControl() = hGetControlName( iControl )
end function
function hDrawControlOnDialog( iControl as integer ) as string
'///<h3>Draw a control on a dialog at a fixed position</h3>
'///<i>Note that the numbers of the controls are unique</i><br>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 22, see description for hInsertControl()</li>
'///+<li>Name for a control (string)</li>
'///+<li>Name for a control (may contain whitespaces)</li>
'///+<li>An empty string in case of an invalid function parameter</li>
const CFN = "hDrawControlOnDialog::"
dim sControl as string ' The name of the current control
dim brc as boolean ' some returnvalue
' coordinates of the controls on the dialog in the dialog-editor
dim iXO as integer
dim iYO as integer
dim iXE as integer
dim iYE as integer
'///+<li>determine where the control is to be painted (hGetControlPos...)</li>
iXO = hGetControlPosXO( iControl )
iYO = hGetControlPosYO( iControl )
iXE = hGetControlPosXE( iControl )
iYE = hGetControlPosYE( iControl )
'///+<li>click the desired control</li>
sControl = hInsertControl( iControl )
printlog( CFN & " Index=" & iControl & _
" at XO=" & iXO & _
" XE=" & iXE & _
" YO=" & iYO & _
" YE=" & iYE & _
" : " & sControl )
'///+<li>Draw the control (using hDrawControl(...))</li>
brc = hDrawControl( iXO, iYO, iXE, iYE )
hDrawControlOnDialog() = sControl
end function
function hDrawControl( xPos as integer, _
yPos as integer, _
xEnd as integer, _
yEnd as integer ) as boolean
'///<h3>Draw a control on the dialog pane in the dialog editor</h3>
'///<i>Starting point: Basic IDE/Dialog editor</i><br>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///<i>Note: All units are in percent of the relative to the current window size</i><br>
'///+<li>X-Orego (Upper left corner) (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Min = 0</li>
'///+<li>Max = 100 (allowed but not useful)</li>
'///+<li>Y-Orego (Upper left corner) (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Min = 0</li>
'///+<li>Max = 100 (allowed but not useful)</li>
'///+<li>X-End (Lower right corner) (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Min = 0</li>
'///+<li>Max = 100 (allowed but not useful)</li>
'///+<li>Y-End (Lower right corner) (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Min = 0</li>
'///+<li>Max = 100 (allowed but not useful)</li>
'///+<li>Errorstatus (boolean)</li>
'///+<li>TRUE on success</li>
'///+<li>FALSE on failure</li>
const CFN = "hDrawControl::"
'///+<li>Set context to Basic IDE</li>
Kontext "BasicIDE"
'///+<li>Draw the control using mouse actions</li>
'///+<li>Mouse down on pos X/Y-Orego</li>
'///+<li>Mouse move to pos X/Y-End</li>
'///+<li>Mouse up on pos X/Y-End</li>
autoexecute = false
DialogWindow.MouseUp( 20 , 20 ) : wait 100
DialogWindow.MouseMove ( xPos, yPos ) : wait 100
DialogWindow.MouseDown ( xPos, yPos ) : wait 100
DialogWindow.MouseMove ( xEnd, yEnd ) : wait 100
DialogWindow.MouseUp ( xEnd, yEnd ) : wait 100
hDrawControl() = true
warnlog( "#i39852# " & CFN & "Unable to complete mouseactions on dialog" )
hDrawControl() = false
autoexecute = true
end function
function hGetControlPosXO( iControl as integer ) as integer
'///<h3>Retrieve the upper left X-coordinate for a control</h3>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 22, see description for hInsertControl()</li>
'///+<li>X-Orego in percent of window size (integer)</li>
dim xOffset as integer
xOffset = hGetControlParams( "xorego" )
dim xDistance as integer
xDistance = hGetControlParams( "xdist" )
'///+<li>Define an offset for the control depending on its ID</li>
'///+<li>< 7 : Column one</li>
'///+<li>7 ... 12 : Column two</li>
'///+<li>13 ... 18 : Column three</li>
'///+<li>> 18 : Column four</li>
select case ( iControl )
case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 : hGetControlPosXO() = xOffset
case 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 : hGetControlPosXO() = xOffset + 1 * xDistance
case 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 : hGetControlPosXO() = xOffset + 2 * xDistance
case 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 : hGetControlPosXO() = xOffset + 3 * xDistance
end select
end function
function hGetControlPosYO( iControl as integer ) as integer
'///<h3>Retrieve the upper left Y-coordinate for a control</h3>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 21, see description for hInsertControl()</li>
'///+<li>Y-Orego in percent of window size (integer)</li>
dim yOffset as integer
yOffset = hGetControlParams( "yorego" )
dim yDistance as integer
yDistance = hGetControlParams( "ydist" )
'///+<li>Define an offset for the control depending on its ID</li>
'///+<li>1 , 7 , 13 , 19 : Row one</li>
'///+<li>2 , 8 , 14 , 20 : Row two</li>
'///+<li>3 , 9 , 15 , 21 : Row three</li>
'///+<li>4 , 10 , 16 , 22 : Row four</li>
'///+<li>5 , 11 , 17 : Row five</li>
'///+<li>6 , 12 , 18 : Row six</li>
select case ( iControl )
case 1, 7, 13, 19 : hGetControlPosYO() = yOffset
case 2, 8, 14, 20 : hGetControlPosYO() = yOffset + 1 * yDistance
case 3, 9, 15, 21 : hGetControlPosYO() = yOffset + 2 * yDistance
case 4, 10, 16, 22 : hGetControlPosYO() = yOffset + 3 * yDistance
case 5, 11, 17, 23 : hGetControlPosYO() = yOffset + 4 * yDistance
case 6, 12, 18, 24 : hGetControlPosYO() = yOffset + 5 * yDistance
end select
end function
function hGetControlPosXE( iControl as integer ) as integer
'///<h3>Retrieve the lower right X-coordinate for a control</h3>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 22, see description for hInsertControl()</li>
'///+<li>X-End in percent of window size (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Get pos for X-Orego, add "XSIZE"</li>
hGetControlPosXE() = hGetControlPosXO( iControl ) + _
hGetControlParams( "xsize" )
end function
function hGetControlPosYE( iControl as integer ) as integer
'///<h3>Retrieve the lower right Y-coordinate for a control</h3>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 22, see description for hInsertControl()</li>
'///+<li>Y-End in percent of window size (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Get pos for Y-Orego, add "YSIZE"</li>
hGetControlPosYE() = hGetControlPosYO( iControl ) + _
hGetControlParams( "ysize" )
end function
function hGetControlPosXM( iControl as integer ) as integer
'///<h3>Retrieve the center (X) of a control</h3>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 22, see description for hInsertControl()</li>
'///+<li>X-Center in percent of window size (integer)</li>
dim XO as integer
dim XE as integer
'///+<li>Find X-Orego</li>
XO = hGetControlPosXO( iControl )
'///+<li>Find X-End</li>
XE = hGetControlPosXE( iControl )
'///+<li>Calculate the distance, find the middle between the two</li>
hGetControlPosXM() = XO + 0.5 * ( XE - XO )
end function
function hGetControlPosYM( iControl as integer ) as integer
'///<h3>Retrieve the center (Y) of a control</h3>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...). The coordinates
'///+ returned by this function can be used to draw and to select a control.</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 22, see description for hInsertControl()</li>
'///+<li>Y-Center in percent of window size (integer)</li>
dim YO as integer
dim YE as integer
'///+<li>Find Y-Orego</li>
YO = hGetControlPosYO( iControl )
'///+<li>Find Y-End</li>
YE = hGetControlPosYE( iControl )
'///+<li>Calculate the distance, find the middle between the two</li>
hGetControlPosYM() = YO + 0.5 * ( YE - YO )
end function
function hSelectControl( iControl as integer ) as boolean
'///<h3>Function to select one of the BASIC formcontrols by index</h3>
'///<i>Note: Refer to the inline documentation for implementation details</i><br>
'///<i>In most cases it is desired to place multiple controls on a single
'///+ dialog pane. To prevent the controls from overlapping each other
'///+ they are arranged in rows and columns. Each control is identified
'///+ by a unique number (see description for hInsertControl(...)). The
'///+ dimensions are defined in hGetControlParams(...).</i><br>
'///+<li>Number of the control (integer)</li>
'///+<li>Any number between 1 and 22, see description for hInsertControl()</li>
'///+<li>Errorstatus (boolean)</li>
'///+<li>TRUE if the properties-button on ToolsCollectionBar is enabled</li>
'///+<li>FALSE in any other case</li>
dim xPos as integer
dim yPos as integer
dim iCurrentSelectionMethod as integer
const SELECT_MIDDLE = 1 ' click into the middle of the control
const SELECT_UPPER_LEFT = 2 ' click the upper left corner of the control
const SELECT_LOWER_RIGHT = 3 ' click the lower right corner of the control
const SELECT_FRAME_AROUND = 4 ' select by drawing a frame around the control
const EXTRA_FRAME_SIZE = 1 ' one percent in-/outside the border of the control
const SELECTION_METHODS = 4 ' this function sports four ways of seleting a control
const REPEAT_COUNT = 5 ' number of times to send a keystroke to the dialog window
hSelectControl() = false
'///+<li>Verify that the ToolsCollectionBar is visible. if not: Abort</li>
kontext "ToolsCollectionBar"
if ( not ToolsCollectionBar.exists() ) then
warnlog( "The ToolsCollectionBar is not visible, open it first" )
exit function
'///+<li>Enable the selection mode on ToolsCollectionBar</li>
' Note: The controls have areas where they ignore a mouseclick. E.g. the
' framecontrol can only be grabbed at the border, you won't be able to
' select it by clicking in the middle. Furthermore - even if the Dialog-
' editor-window is maximized - we might still miss the upper left corner.
' So what happens in this loop is that we try to click in the middle of the
' control. This works in 21 out of 22 cases. If it fails, we try to grab the
' border, first upper left corner then lower right. If this still fails,
' we try to select the control by using a rectangle selection around the
' control. If this last resort fails, the function exits gracefully but
' with a warnlog (causing some other functions to fail with warnings
' as well). Beware of possible problems with screen resolutions.
' This function has been tested for 1024x768 and 1280x1024 pixels.
' Method 4 is dangerous because it might accidentially select the
' background window which is the reason why this is not the default.
'///+<li>Try four different ways of selecting the control before giving up</li>
'///+<li>Mouse-Click in the middle</li>
'///+<li>Mouse-Click on upper left corner</li>
'///+<li>Mouse-Click on lower right corner</li>
'///+<li>Rubberband around the control (Mouse movement)</li>
'///+<li>Deselct everything and use <TAB> to activate the control</li>
autoexecute = false
for iCurrentSelectionMethod = 1 to SELECTION_METHODS
Kontext "BasicIDE"
DialogWindow.typeKeys( "<UP><LEFT>" , REPEAT_COUNT )
select case ( iCurrentSelectionMethod )
xPos = hGetControlPosXM( iControl )
yPos = hGetControlPosYM( iControl )
DialogWindow.MouseMove( xPos, yPos )
DialogWindow.MouseDown( xPos, yPos )
DialogWindow.MouseUp ( xPos, yPos )
xPos = hGetControlPosXO( iControl ) + EXTRA_FRAME_SIZE
yPos = hGetControlPosYO( iControl ) + EXTRA_FRAME_SIZE
DialogWindow.MouseMove( xPos, yPos )
DialogWindow.MouseDown( xPos, yPos )
DialogWindow.MouseUp ( xPos, yPos )
xPos = hGetControlPosXE( iControl ) - EXTRA_FRAME_SIZE
yPos = hGetControlPosYE( iControl ) - EXTRA_FRAME_SIZE
DialogWindow.MouseMove( xPos, yPos )
DialogWindow.MouseDown( xPos, yPos )
DialogWindow.MouseUp ( xPos, yPos )
xPos = hGetControlPosXO( iControl ) - EXTRA_FRAME_SIZE
yPos = hGetControlPosYO( iControl ) - EXTRA_FRAME_SIZE
DialogWindow.MouseMove( xPos, yPos )
DialogWindow.MouseDown( xPos, yPos )
xPos = hGetControlPosXE( iControl ) + EXTRA_FRAME_SIZE
yPos = hGetControlPosYE( iControl ) + EXTRA_FRAME_SIZE
DialogWindow.MouseMove( xPos, yPos )
DialogWindow.MouseUp ( xPos, yPos )
end select
if ( iControl = 11 ) then
wait( 100 )
printlog( "tried method: " & iCurrentSelectionMethod )
hSelectControl() = true
exit for
next iCurrentSelectionMethod
autoexecute = true
end function