Stephan Bergmann 8c3657658a Tweak comments
(Preventing documentation of macros via @cond ... @endcond is apparently at
least broken in Doxygen 1.8.3 and working in Doxygen 1.8.4.)

Change-Id: I2ee582119dba2c3d27db5298786d3076921af46d
2013-05-29 15:03:01 +02:00

375 lines
14 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at .
#include <uno/any2.h>
#include <typelib/typedescription.h>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Type.h>
#include "cppu/unotype.hxx"
#include <rtl/alloc.h>
namespace com
namespace sun
namespace star
namespace uno
/** C++ class representing an IDL any.
This class is used to transport any type defined in IDL. The class inherits from the
binary C representation of uno_Any.
You can insert a value by either using the <<= operators or the template function makeAny().
No any can hold an any. You can extract values from an any by using the >>= operators which
return true if the any contains an assignable value (no data loss), e.g. the any contains a
short and you >>= it into a long variable.
class Any : public uno_Any
/// @cond INTERNAL
// these are here to force memory de/allocation to sal lib.
inline static void * SAL_CALL operator new ( size_t nSize ) SAL_THROW(())
{ return ::rtl_allocateMemory( nSize ); }
inline static void SAL_CALL operator delete ( void * pMem ) SAL_THROW(())
{ ::rtl_freeMemory( pMem ); }
inline static void * SAL_CALL operator new ( size_t, void * pMem ) SAL_THROW(())
{ return pMem; }
inline static void SAL_CALL operator delete ( void *, void * ) SAL_THROW(())
/// @endcond
/** Default constructor: Any holds no value; its type is void.
inline Any() SAL_THROW(());
/** Templated ctor. Sets a copy of the given value.
@param value value of the Any
template <typename T>
explicit inline Any( T const & value );
/// Ctor support for C++ bool.
explicit inline Any( bool value );
/** Copy constructor: Sets value of the given any.
@param rAny another any
inline Any( const Any & rAny ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Constructor: Sets a copy of the given data.
@param pData_ value
@param rType type of value
inline Any( const void * pData_, const Type & rType ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Constructor: Sets a copy of the given data.
@param pData_ value
@param pTypeDescr type of value
inline Any( const void * pData_, typelib_TypeDescription * pTypeDescr ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Constructor: Sets a copy of the given data.
@param pData_ value
@param pType type of value
inline Any( const void * pData_, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pType ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Destructor: Destructs any content and frees memory.
inline ~Any() SAL_THROW(());
/** Assignment operator: Sets the value of the given any.
@param rAny another any (right side)
@return this any
inline Any & SAL_CALL operator = ( const Any & rAny ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Gets the type of the set value.
@return a Type object of the set value
inline const Type & SAL_CALL getValueType() const SAL_THROW(())
{ return * reinterpret_cast< const Type * >( &pType ); }
/** Gets the type of the set value.
@return the unacquired type description reference of the set value
inline typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * SAL_CALL getValueTypeRef() const SAL_THROW(())
{ return pType; }
/** Gets the type description of the set value. Provides ownership of the type description!
Call an explicit typelib_typedescription_release() to release afterwards.
@param ppTypeDescr a pointer to type description pointer
inline void SAL_CALL getValueTypeDescription( typelib_TypeDescription ** ppTypeDescr ) const SAL_THROW(())
{ ::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription( ppTypeDescr, pType ); }
/** Gets the type class of the set value.
@return the type class of the set value
inline TypeClass SAL_CALL getValueTypeClass() const SAL_THROW(())
{ return (TypeClass)pType->eTypeClass; }
/** Gets the type name of the set value.
@return the type name of the set value
inline ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL getValueTypeName() const SAL_THROW(());
/** Tests if any contains a value.
@return true if any has a value, false otherwise
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasValue() const SAL_THROW(())
{ return (typelib_TypeClass_VOID != pType->eTypeClass); }
/** Gets a pointer to the set value.
@return a pointer to the set value
inline const void * SAL_CALL getValue() const SAL_THROW(())
{ return pData; }
#if ! defined(EXCEPTIONS_OFF)
/** Provides a value of specified type, so you can easily write e.g.
sal_Int32 myVal = myAny.get<sal_Int32>();
Widening conversion without data loss is taken into account.
Throws a com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException if the specified type
cannot be provided.
@return value of specified type
@exception com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException
in case the specified type cannot be provided
template <typename T>
inline T get() const;
#endif // ! defined(EXCEPTIONS_OFF)
/** Sets a value. If the any already contains a value, that value will be destructed
and its memory freed.
@param pData_ pointer to value
@param rType type of value
inline void SAL_CALL setValue( const void * pData_, const Type & rType ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Sets a value. If the any already contains a value, that value will be destructed
and its memory freed.
@param pData_ pointer to value
@param pType type of value
inline void SAL_CALL setValue( const void * pData_, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pType ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Sets a value. If the any already contains a value, that value will be destructed
and its memory freed.
@param pData_ pointer to value
@param pTypeDescr type description of value
inline void SAL_CALL setValue( const void * pData_, typelib_TypeDescription * pTypeDescr ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Clears this any. If the any already contains a value, that value will be destructed
and its memory freed. After this has been called, the any does not contain a value.
inline void SAL_CALL clear() SAL_THROW(());
/** Tests whether this any is extractable to a value of given type.
Widening conversion without data loss is taken into account.
@param rType destination type
@return true if this any is extractable to value of given type (e.g. using >>= operator)
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL isExtractableTo( const Type & rType ) const SAL_THROW(());
/** Tests whether this any can provide a value of specified type.
Widening conversion without data loss is taken into account.
@return true if this any can provide a value of specified type
(e.g. using >>= operator)
template <typename T>
inline bool has() const;
/** Equality operator: compares two anys.
The values need not be of equal type, e.g. a short integer is compared to a long integer.
@param rAny another any (right side)
@return true if both any contains equal values
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator == ( const Any & rAny ) const SAL_THROW(());
/** Unequality operator: compares two anys.
The values need not be of equal type, e.g. a short integer is compared to a long integer.
@param rAny another any (right side)
@return true if both any contains unequal values
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator != ( const Any & rAny ) const SAL_THROW(());
// not impl: forbid use with ambiguous type (sal_Unicode, sal_uInt16)
explicit Any( sal_uInt16 );
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// Omitting the following private declarations leads to an internal compiler
// error on MSVC (version 1310).
// not impl: forbid use with ambiguous type (sal_Unicode, sal_uInt16)
#if ! defined(EXCEPTIONS_OFF)
template <>
sal_uInt16 get<sal_uInt16>() const;
#endif // ! defined(EXCEPTIONS_OFF)
template <>
bool has<sal_uInt16>() const;
#endif // defined(_MSC_VER)
/** Template function to generically construct an any from a C++ value.
@tparam C value type
@param value a value
@return an any
template< class C >
inline Any SAL_CALL makeAny( const C & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// additionally specialized for C++ bool
inline Any SAL_CALL makeAny( bool const & value ) SAL_THROW(());
class BaseReference;
class Type;
/** Template binary <<= operator to set the value of an any.
@tparam C value type
@param rAny destination any (left side)
@param value source value (right side)
template< class C >
inline void SAL_CALL operator <<= ( Any & rAny, const C & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// additionally for C++ bool:
inline void SAL_CALL operator <<= ( Any & rAny, bool const & value )
/** Template binary >>= operator to assign a value from an any.
If the any does not contain a value that can be assigned without data loss, then this
operation will fail returning false.
@tparam C value type
@param rAny source any (left side)
@param value destination value (right side)
@return true if assignment was possible without data loss
template< class C >
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, C & value ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Template equality operator: compares set value of left side any to right side value.
The values need not be of equal type, e.g. a short integer is compared to a long integer.
This operator can be implemented as template member function, if all supported compilers
can cope with template member functions.
@tparam C value type
@param rAny another any (left side)
@param value a value (right side)
@return true if values are equal, false otherwise
template< class C >
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator == ( const Any & rAny, const C & value ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Template unequality operator: compares set value of left side any to right side value.
The values need not be of equal type, e.g. a short integer is compared to a long integer.
This operator can be implemented as template member function, if all supported compilers
can cope with template member functions.
@tparam C value type
@param rAny another any (left side)
@param value a value (right side)
@return true if values are unequal, false otherwise
template< class C >
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator != ( const Any & rAny, const C & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// additional specialized >>= and == operators
// bool
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, sal_Bool & value ) SAL_THROW(());
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator == ( const Any & rAny, const sal_Bool & value ) SAL_THROW(());
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( Any const & rAny, bool & value )
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator == ( Any const & rAny, bool const & value )
// byte
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, sal_Int8 & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// short
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, sal_Int16 & value ) SAL_THROW(());
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, sal_uInt16 & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// long
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, sal_Int32 & value ) SAL_THROW(());
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, sal_uInt32 & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// hyper
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, sal_Int64 & value ) SAL_THROW(());
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, sal_uInt64 & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// float
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, float & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// double
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, double & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// string
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, ::rtl::OUString & value ) SAL_THROW(());
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator == ( const Any & rAny, const ::rtl::OUString & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// type
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, Type & value ) SAL_THROW(());
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator == ( const Any & rAny, const Type & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// any
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator >>= ( const Any & rAny, Any & value ) SAL_THROW(());
// interface
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator == ( const Any & rAny, const BaseReference & value ) SAL_THROW(());
/** Gets the meta type of IDL type any.
There are cases (involving templates) where uses of getCppuType are known to
not compile. Use cppu::UnoType or cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned instead.
The dummy parameter is just a typed pointer for function signature.
@return type of IDL type any
inline const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type & SAL_CALL getCppuType( SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any * ) SAL_THROW(())
return ::cppu::UnoType< ::com::sun::star::uno::Any >::get();
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