2005/09/05 13:21:58 rt 1.5.374.1: #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL
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* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: present.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 04:12:54 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef _SFXITEMSET_HXX //autogen
#include <svtools/itemset.hxx>
#include "sdattr.hxx"
#include "present.hxx"
#include "present.hrc"
#include "sdresid.hxx"
#include "cusshow.hxx"
|* Ctor
SdStartPresentationDlg::SdStartPresentationDlg( Window* pWindow,
const SfxItemSet& rInAttrs,
List& rPageNames, List* pCSList ) :
ModalDialog ( pWindow, SdResId( DLG_START_PRESENTATION ) ),
aRbtAll ( this, SdResId( RBT_ALL ) ),
aRbtAtDia ( this, SdResId( RBT_AT_DIA ) ),
aLbDias ( this, SdResId( LB_DIAS ) ),
aRbtCustomshow ( this, SdResId( RBT_CUSTOMSHOW ) ),
aLbCustomshow ( this, SdResId( LB_CUSTOMSHOW ) ),
aGrpRange ( this, SdResId( GRP_RANGE ) ),
aRbtStandard ( this, SdResId( RBT_STANDARD ) ),
aRbtWindow ( this, SdResId( RBT_WINDOW ) ),
aRbtAuto ( this, SdResId( RBT_AUTO ) ),
// aFtPause ( this, SdResId( FT_PAUSE ) ),
aTmfPause ( this, SdResId( TMF_PAUSE ) ),
aCbxAutoLogo ( this, SdResId( CBX_AUTOLOGO ) ),
aGrpKind ( this, SdResId( GRP_KIND ) ),
aCbxManuel ( this, SdResId( CBX_MANUEL ) ),
aCbxMousepointer ( this, SdResId( CBX_MOUSEPOINTER ) ),
aCbxPen ( this, SdResId( CBX_PEN ) ),
aCbxNavigator ( this, SdResId( CBX_NAVIGATOR ) ),
aCbxAnimationAllowed ( this, SdResId( CBX_ANIMATION_ALLOWED ) ),
aCbxChangePage ( this, SdResId( CBX_CHANGE_PAGE ) ),
aCbxAlwaysOnTop ( this, SdResId( CBX_ALWAYS_ON_TOP ) ),
aGrpOptions ( this, SdResId( GRP_OPTIONS ) ),
aBtnOK ( this, SdResId( BTN_OK ) ),
aBtnCancel ( this, SdResId( BTN_CANCEL ) ),
aBtnHelp ( this, SdResId( BTN_HELP ) ),
pCustomShowList ( pCSList ),
rOutAttrs ( rInAttrs )
Link aLink( LINK( this, SdStartPresentationDlg, ChangeRangeHdl ) );
aRbtAll.SetClickHdl( aLink );
aRbtAtDia.SetClickHdl( aLink );
aRbtCustomshow.SetClickHdl( aLink );
aCbxMousepointer.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SdStartPresentationDlg, ChangeMousepointerHdl ) );
aLink = LINK( this, SdStartPresentationDlg, ClickWindowPresentationHdl );
aRbtStandard.SetClickHdl( aLink );
aRbtWindow.SetClickHdl( aLink );
aRbtAuto.SetClickHdl( aLink );
aTmfPause.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SdStartPresentationDlg, ChangePauseHdl ) );
aTmfPause.SetFormat( TIMEF_SEC );
// Listbox mit Seitennamen fuellen
for( UINT16 i = 0;
i < rPageNames.Count();
i++ )
aLbDias.InsertEntry( *( String* ) rPageNames.GetCurObject() );
if( pCustomShowList )
USHORT nPosToSelect = (USHORT) pCustomShowList->GetCurPos();
SdCustomShow* pCustomShow;
// Listbox mit CustomShows fuellen
for( pCustomShow = (SdCustomShow*) pCustomShowList->First();
pCustomShow != NULL;
pCustomShow = (SdCustomShow*) pCustomShowList->Next() )
aLbCustomshow.InsertEntry( pCustomShow->GetName() );
aLbCustomshow.SelectEntryPos( nPosToSelect );
pCustomShowList->Seek( nPosToSelect );
if( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_CUSTOMSHOW ) ).GetValue() && pCSList )
else if( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_ALL ) ).GetValue() )
aLbDias.SelectEntry( ( ( const SfxStringItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_DIANAME ) ).GetValue() );
aCbxManuel.Check( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_MANUEL ) ).GetValue() );
aCbxMousepointer.Check( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_MOUSE ) ).GetValue() );
aCbxPen.Check( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_PEN ) ).GetValue() );
aCbxNavigator.Check( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_NAVIGATOR ) ).GetValue() );
aCbxAnimationAllowed.Check( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_ANIMATION_ALLOWED ) ).GetValue() );
aCbxChangePage.Check( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_CHANGE_PAGE ) ).GetValue() );
aCbxAlwaysOnTop.Check( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_ALWAYS_ON_TOP ) ).GetValue() );
const BOOL bEndless = ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_ENDLESS ) ).GetValue();
const BOOL bWindow = !( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_FULLSCREEN ) ).GetValue();
const long nPause = ( ( const SfxUInt32Item& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_PAUSE_TIMEOUT ) ).GetValue();
aTmfPause.SetTime( Time( 0, 0, nPause ) );
// set cursor in timefield
Edit *pEdit = aTmfPause.GetField();
Selection aSel( pEdit->GetMaxTextLen(), pEdit->GetMaxTextLen() );
pEdit->SetSelection( aSel );
aCbxAutoLogo.Check( ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_SHOW_PAUSELOGO ) ).GetValue() );
if( bWindow )
aRbtWindow.Check( TRUE );
else if( bEndless )
aRbtAuto.Check( TRUE );
aRbtStandard.Check( TRUE );
/* #109180# change in behaviour, even when always start with current page is enabled, range settings are
still used
BOOL bStartWithActualPage = ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( ATTR_PRESENT_START_ACTUAL_PAGE ) ).GetValue();
if( bStartWithActualPage )
aRbtAll.Enable( FALSE );
aRbtAtDia.Enable( FALSE );
aLbDias.Enable( FALSE );
aLbCustomshow.Enable( FALSE );
aGrpRange.Enable( FALSE );
ChangeRangeHdl( this );
ChangeMousepointerHdl( this );
ClickWindowPresentationHdl( NULL );
ChangePauseHdl( NULL );
|* Setzt die ausgewaehlten Attribute des Dialogs
void SdStartPresentationDlg::GetAttr( SfxItemSet& rOutAttrs )
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_ALL, aRbtAll.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_CUSTOMSHOW, aRbtCustomshow.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxStringItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_DIANAME, aLbDias.GetSelectEntry() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_MANUEL, aCbxManuel.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_MOUSE, aCbxMousepointer.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_PEN, aCbxPen.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_NAVIGATOR, aCbxNavigator.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_ANIMATION_ALLOWED, aCbxAnimationAllowed.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_CHANGE_PAGE, aCbxChangePage.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_ALWAYS_ON_TOP, aCbxAlwaysOnTop.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_FULLSCREEN, !aRbtWindow.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_ENDLESS, aRbtAuto.IsChecked() ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxUInt32Item ( ATTR_PRESENT_PAUSE_TIMEOUT, aTmfPause.GetTime().GetMSFromTime() / 1000 ) );
rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem ( ATTR_PRESENT_SHOW_PAUSELOGO, aCbxAutoLogo.IsChecked() ) );
USHORT nPos = aLbCustomshow.GetSelectEntryPos();
pCustomShowList->Seek( nPos );
|* Handler: Enabled/Disabled Listbox "Dias"
IMPL_LINK( SdStartPresentationDlg, ChangeRangeHdl, void *, EMPTYARG )
aLbDias.Enable( aRbtAtDia.IsChecked() );
aLbCustomshow.Enable( aRbtCustomshow.IsChecked() );
return( 0L );
|* Handler: Enabled/Disabled Checkbox "Pen"
IMPL_LINK( SdStartPresentationDlg, ChangeMousepointerHdl, void *, EMPTYARG )
if( aCbxMousepointer.IsChecked() )
aCbxPen.Enable( FALSE );
aCbxPen.Check( FALSE );
return( 0L );
|* Handler: Enabled/Disabled Checkbox "AlwaysOnTop"
IMPL_LINK( SdStartPresentationDlg, ClickWindowPresentationHdl, void *, EMPTYARG )
const BOOL bAuto = aRbtAuto.IsChecked();
// aFtPause.Enable( bAuto );
aTmfPause.Enable( bAuto );
aCbxAutoLogo.Enable( bAuto && ( aTmfPause.GetTime().GetMSFromTime() > 0UL ) );
if( aRbtWindow.IsChecked() )
aCbxAlwaysOnTop.Enable( FALSE );
aCbxAlwaysOnTop.Check( FALSE );
return( 0L );
|* Handler: Enabled/Disabled Checkbox "AlwaysOnTop"
IMPL_LINK( SdStartPresentationDlg, ChangePauseHdl, void *, EMPTYARG )
aCbxAutoLogo.Enable( aRbtAuto.IsChecked() && ( aTmfPause.GetTime().GetMSFromTime() > 0UL ) );
return( 0L );