2005/09/05 17:17:26 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL
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* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: packethandler.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-07 19:28:48 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* This file is intended to work inside and outside the StarOffice environment.
* Only adaption of file commtypes.hxx should be necessary. Else it is a bug!
#include "packethandler.hxx"
#include "commtypes.hxx"
#include "commdefines.hxx"
#include "communiio.hxx"
Forces switch to multichannel headers even for old communication Method
PacketHandler::PacketHandler( ITransmiter* pTransmitter_, IReceiver* pReceiver_, comm_BOOL bMC )
: pTransmitter( pTransmitter_ )
, pReceiver( pReceiver_ )
, bMultiChannel( bMC )
unsigned char PacketHandler::CalcCheckByte( comm_UINT32 nBytes )
comm_UINT16 nRes = 0;
nRes += HIBYTE( HIWORD( nBytes ) ) ^ 0xf0;
nRes += LOBYTE( HIWORD( nBytes ) ) ^ 0x0f;
nRes += HIBYTE( LOWORD( nBytes ) ) ^ 0xf0;
nRes += LOBYTE( LOWORD( nBytes ) ) ^ 0x0f;
nRes ^= HIBYTE( nRes );
return LOBYTE( nRes );
#define READ_SOCKET( pBuffer, nLength )\
if ( !bWasError )\
bWasError |= pReceiver->ReceiveBytes( pBuffer, nLength ) != C_ERROR_NONE;\
#define READ_SOCKET_LEN( pBuffer, nLength, nTotal )\
READ_SOCKET( pBuffer, nLength );\
if ( !bWasError )\
{nTotal += nLength;}
comm_BOOL PacketHandler::ReceiveData( void* &pData, comm_UINT32 &nLen )
DBG_ASSERT( !pData, "pData should be NULL -> memory leak" )
nLen = 0;
pData = NULL;
comm_BOOL bWasError = FALSE;
comm_BOOL bForceMultiChannelThisPacket = FALSE;
if ( pReceiver )
comm_UINT32 nBytes;
nReceiveProtocol = CM_PROTOCOL_OLDSTYLE;
nReceiveHeaderType = CH_NoHeader;
READ_SOCKET( &nBytes, sizeof(nBytes) )
if ( bWasError )
return FALSE;
if ( 0xFFFFFFFF == nBytes ) // Expliziter Request f<>r dieses Datenpaket auf MultiChannel umzuschalten
READ_SOCKET( &nBytes, sizeof(nBytes) )
if ( bWasError )
return FALSE;
bForceMultiChannelThisPacket = TRUE;
nBytes = NETDWORD( nBytes );
if ( bMultiChannel || bForceMultiChannelThisPacket )
comm_ULONG nReadSoFar = 0;
comm_ULONG nHeaderReadSoFar = 0;
// Pr<50>fbyte f<>r L<>ngenangabe
unsigned char nLenCheck;
READ_SOCKET_LEN( &nLenCheck, 1, nReadSoFar );
// Stimmt das Pr<50>fbyte?
bWasError |= nLenCheck != CalcCheckByte( nBytes );
comm_UINT16 nHeaderBytes;
READ_SOCKET_LEN( &nHeaderBytes, 2, nReadSoFar );
nHeaderBytes = NETWORD( nHeaderBytes );
// reicht der Header <20>ber das Ende hinaus?
bWasError |= !(nBytes >= nReadSoFar + nHeaderBytes);
READ_SOCKET_LEN( &nReceiveHeaderType, 2, nHeaderReadSoFar );
nReceiveHeaderType = NETWORD( nReceiveHeaderType );
switch ( nReceiveHeaderType )
case CH_SimpleMultiChannel:
READ_SOCKET_LEN( &nReceiveProtocol, 2, nHeaderReadSoFar );
nReceiveProtocol = NETWORD( nReceiveProtocol );
case CH_Handshake:
DBG_ERROR("Unbekannter Headertyp in der Kommunikation");
bWasError = TRUE;
if ( bWasError )
return FALSE;
/// L<>ngen anpassen und ggf restheader <20>berlesen.
while ( nHeaderBytes > nHeaderReadSoFar )
unsigned char nDummy;
READ_SOCKET_LEN( &nDummy, 1, nHeaderReadSoFar );
nReadSoFar += nHeaderReadSoFar;
nBytes -= nReadSoFar;
/* @@@ Notes @@@
* 1) a 'void*' allocated via 'new char[]' is always deallocated
* via plain 'delete()', not via array 'delete[]()'; it's just
* raw memory.
* 2) as the caller of this routine later-on changes ownership
* of 'pData' via 'SvMemoryStream::SetBuffer()' (in 'simplecm.cxx',
* 'SimpleCommunicationLinkViaSocket::DoReceiveDataStream()'),
* the allocator used here for 'void* pData' must match the
* deallocator used in 'SvMemoryStream::FreeMemory()', i.e.
* '::operator delete()'.
pData = ::operator new(nBytes);
READ_SOCKET( pData, nBytes )
if ( bWasError )
::operator delete(pData), pData = 0;
return FALSE;
nLen = nBytes;
bWasError = TRUE;
return !bWasError;
/*#define WRITE_SOCKET( pBuffer, nLength )\
if ( !bWasError )\
bWasError |= !pStreamSocket || (pStreamSocket->write( pBuffer, nLength ) != nLength)*/
#define WRITE_SOCKET( pBuffer, nLength )\
if ( !bWasError )\
{bWasError |= pTransmitter->TransferBytes( pBuffer, nLength ) != C_ERROR_NONE;}
comm_BOOL PacketHandler::TransferData( const void* pData, comm_UINT32 nLen, CMProtocol nProtocol )
comm_UINT32 nBuffer = nLen;
comm_BOOL bWasError = FALSE;
if ( bMultiChannel )
nBuffer += 1+2+2+2; // f<>r einen CH_SimpleMultiChannel
if ( !bMultiChannel )
comm_UINT32 n32;
n32 = 0xffffffff; // Umschalten auf MultiChannel
n32 = NETDWORD( n32 );
WRITE_SOCKET( &n32, 4 );
comm_UINT32 nNetworkBuffer = NETDWORD( nBuffer );
WRITE_SOCKET( &nNetworkBuffer, sizeof(nNetworkBuffer) );
if ( bMultiChannel )
comm_UINT16 n16;
unsigned char c;
c = CalcCheckByte( nBuffer );
WRITE_SOCKET( &c, 1 );
n16 = 4; // L<>nge des Headers f<>r einen CH_SimpleMultiChannel
n16 = NETWORD( n16 );
WRITE_SOCKET( &n16, 2 );
n16 = CH_SimpleMultiChannel; // Typ des Headers
n16 = NETWORD( n16 );
WRITE_SOCKET( &n16, 2 );
nProtocol = NETWORD( nProtocol );
WRITE_SOCKET( &nProtocol, 2 );
WRITE_SOCKET( pData, nLen );
return !bWasError;
comm_BOOL PacketHandler::SendHandshake( HandshakeType aHandshakeType, const void* pData, comm_UINT32 nLen )
comm_BOOL bWasError = FALSE;
comm_UINT32 nBuffer = 0;
// if ( pMyManager->IsMultiChannel() ) Wir senden immer FFFFFFFF vorweg -> immer MultiChannel (Oder GPF bei <20>lteren)
nBuffer += 1+2+2; // f<>r einen CH_Handshake
nBuffer += 2; // f<>r den Typ des Handshakes
switch ( aHandshakeType )
case CH_REQUEST_HandshakeAlive:
nBuffer += 0; // Keine extra Daten
case CH_RESPONSE_HandshakeAlive:
nBuffer += 0; // Keine extra Daten
case CH_REQUEST_ShutdownLink:
nBuffer += 0; // Keine extra Daten
case CH_ShutdownLink:
nBuffer += 0; // Keine extra Daten
nBuffer += 2 ; // one word extradata for options
case CH_SetApplication:
nBuffer += 0 ; // one word extradata for options
DBG_ERROR("Unknown HandshakeType");
if ( pData )
nBuffer += nLen; // Extra data in Buffer
comm_UINT32 n32;
n32 = 0xffffffff; // Umschalten auf MultiChannel
n32 = NETDWORD( n32 );
WRITE_SOCKET( &n32, 4 );
comm_UINT32 nNetworkBuffer = NETDWORD( nBuffer );
WRITE_SOCKET( &nNetworkBuffer, sizeof(nNetworkBuffer) );
comm_UINT16 n16;
unsigned char c;
c = CalcCheckByte( nBuffer );
WRITE_SOCKET( &c, 1 );
n16 = 2; // L<>nge des Headers f<>r einen CH_Handshake
n16 = NETWORD( n16 );
WRITE_SOCKET( &n16, 2 );
n16 = CH_Handshake; // Typ des Headers
n16 = NETWORD( n16 );
WRITE_SOCKET( &n16, 2 );
n16 = aHandshakeType; // Typ des Handshakes
n16 = NETWORD( n16 );
WRITE_SOCKET( &n16, 2 );
switch ( aHandshakeType )
n16 = NETWORD( n16 );
WRITE_SOCKET( &n16, 2 );
if ( pData )
WRITE_SOCKET( pData, nLen );
return !bWasError;