Ivo Hinkelmann a1f6aa642f INTEGRATION: CWS configrefactor01 (1.6.84); FILE MERGED
2007/02/07 12:14:55 mmeeks remove obsolete memory::Segment forward decls.
2007/01/16 12:18:28 mmeeks Submitted by: mmeeks
Kill 'memory::Segment' - no longer needed.
Bin some other (empty / redundant) headers.
2007/01/11 20:16:06 mmeeks Submitted by: mmeeks
More re-factoring, lots of locking rationalized, drastically reduced
the mutex count, also removed ~300k interlocked increments with a non-interlocking
SimpleReferencedObject base
2007/01/11 10:35:41 mmeeks Submitted by: mmeeks

Large scale re-factoring, remove fine-grained locking in favor of a simple,
single global lock (still in progress).
Identify and fix various hot-spots.
Remove otherwise empty / non-compiled files.
Kill UpdateAccessor
2007/01/08 20:49:06 mmeeks Issue number:
Submitted by: mmeeks
Substantial configmgr re-factoring #1 ...
	+ remove endless typedef chains
	+ remove custom allocator & associated complexity
	+ remove Pointer, and 'Address' classes
2007-11-23 13:50:21 +00:00

277 lines
12 KiB

* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: viewstrategy.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.7 $
* last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2007-11-23 14:50:21 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "viewnode.hxx"
#include "groupnodeimpl.hxx"
#include "setnodeimpl.hxx"
#include "utility.hxx"
#ifndef _RTL_REF_HXX_
#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
namespace configmgr
namespace configuration
class SetElementChangeImpl;
class ValueChangeImpl;
namespace view
struct NodeFactory;
using configuration::Name;
using configuration::NodeOffset;
using configuration::TreeDepth;
typedef com::sun::star::uno::Any UnoAny;
typedef com::sun::star::uno::Type UnoType;
class ViewStrategy : public configmgr::SimpleReferenceObject
// node attributes
/// retrieve the attributes of the node
Name getName(Node const& _aNode) const;
/// retrieve the attributes of the node
node::Attributes getAttributes(Node const& _aNode) const;
// tracking pending changes
typedef configuration::NodeChanges NodeChanges;
void collectChanges(Tree const& _aTree, NodeChanges& rChanges) const;
bool hasChanges(Tree const& _aTree) const;
bool hasChanges(Node const& _aNode) const;
void markChanged(Node const& _aNode);
// commit protocol
std::auto_ptr<SubtreeChange> preCommitChanges(Tree const& _aTree, configuration::ElementList& _rRemovedElements);
void finishCommit(Tree const& _aTree, SubtreeChange& rRootChange);
void revertCommit(Tree const& _aTree, SubtreeChange& rRootChange);
void recoverFailedCommit(Tree const& _aTree, SubtreeChange& rRootChange);
// notification protocol
typedef configuration::NodeChangesInformation NodeChangesInformation;
/// Adjust the internal representation after external changes to the original data - build NodeChangeInformation objects for notification
void adjustToChanges(NodeChangesInformation& rLocalChanges, Node const & _aNode, SubtreeChange const& aExternalChange);
// visitor dispatch
typedef configuration::GroupMemberVisitor GroupMemberVisitor;
typedef configuration::SetNodeVisitor SetNodeVisitor;
GroupMemberVisitor::Result dispatchToValues(GroupNode const& _aNode, GroupMemberVisitor& _aVisitor);
/// Call <code>aVisitor.visit(aElement)</code> for each element in this set until SetNodeVisitor::DONE is returned.
SetNodeVisitor::Result dispatchToElements(SetNode const& _aNode, SetNodeVisitor& _aVisitor);
// value (element) node specific operations
/// Does this node assume its default value
/// retrieve the current value of this node
UnoAny getValue(ValueNode const& _aNode) const;
/// get the type of this value
UnoType getValueType(ValueNode const& _aNode) const;
// group node specific operations
typedef configuration::ValueMemberNode ValueMemberNode;
typedef configuration::ValueMemberUpdate ValueMemberUpdate;
/// does this hold a child value of the given name
bool hasValue(GroupNode const& _aNode, Name const& _aName) const;
/// does this hold a child value
bool hasValue(GroupNode const& _aNode) const;
/// are defaults for this node available ?
bool areValueDefaultsAvailable(GroupNode const& _aNode) const;
/// retrieve data for the child value of the given name
ValueMemberNode getValue(GroupNode const& _aNode, Name const& _aName) const;
/// retrieve data for updating the child value of the given name
ValueMemberUpdate getValueForUpdate(GroupNode const & _aNode, Name const& _aName);
// set node specific operations
typedef configuration::ElementTreeData SetNodeElement;
typedef configuration::SetEntry SetNodeEntry;
/// does this set contain any elements (loads elements if needed)
bool isEmpty(SetNode const& _aNode) const;
/// does this set contain an element named <var>aName</var> (loads elements if needed)
SetNodeEntry findElement(SetNode const& _aNode, Name const& aName) const;
/// does this set contain an element named <var>aName</var> (and is that element loaded ?)
SetNodeEntry findAvailableElement(SetNode const& _aNode, Name const& aName) const;
/// insert a new entry into this set
void insertElement(SetNode const& _aNode, Name const& aName, SetNodeEntry const& aNewEntry);
/// remove an existing entry into this set
void removeElement(SetNode const& _aNode, Name const& aName);
/** Create a Subtree change as 'diff' which allows transforming the set to its default state
(given that <var>_rDefaultTree</var> points to a default instance of this set)
<p>Ownership of added trees should be transferred to the SubtreeChange.</p>
std::auto_ptr<SubtreeChange> differenceToDefaultState(SetNode const& _aNode, ISubtree& _rDefaultTree) const;
/// Get the template that describes elements of this set
configuration::TemplateHolder getElementTemplate(SetNode const& _aNode) const;
/// Get a template provider that can create new elements for this set
configuration::TemplateProvider getTemplateProvider(SetNode const& _aNode) const;
// create a view::Tree from a configuration::SetEntry
Tree extractTree(SetNodeEntry const& _anEntry);
// creating/changing state/strategy
NodeFactory& getNodeFactory();
// access to node innards
/// provide access to the data of the underlying node
data::NodeAccess getNodeAccess(Node const& _aNode) const;
/// provide access to the address of the underlying node
data::NodeAddress getNodeAddress(Node const& _aNode) const;
/// retrieve the name of the underlying node
Name getNodeName(Node const& _aNode) const;
/// retrieve the attributes of the underlying node
node::Attributes getNodeAttributes(Node const& _aNode) const;
//helper for migration to new (info based) model for adjusting to changes
static void addLocalChangeHelper( NodeChangesInformation& rLocalChanges, configuration::NodeChange const& aChange);
void implAdjustToValueChanges(NodeChangesInformation& rLocalChanges, GroupNode const& _aGroupNode, SubtreeChange const& rExternalChanges);
void implAdjustToSubChanges(NodeChangesInformation& rLocalChanges, GroupNode const & _aGroupNode, SubtreeChange const& rExternalChanges);
void implAdjustToElementChanges(NodeChangesInformation& rLocalChanges, SetNode const& _aNode, SubtreeChange const& rExternalChanges, TreeDepth nDepth);
void implAdjustToElementChange (NodeChangesInformation& rLocalChanges, SetNode const& _aNode, Change const& rElementChange, TreeDepth nElementDepth);
void implCommitDirectIn(data::TreeAccessor const& _aPlaceHolder, Node const& _aNode);
void checkInstance(Tree const& _aTreeForThis) const;
SetNodeEntry implFindElement(SetNode const& _aNode, Name const& aName) const;
SetNodeElement implMakeElement(SetNode const& _aNode, SetNodeEntry const& anEntry) const;
// virtual interface - these functions must be provided
// change handling
virtual bool doHasChanges(Node const& _aNode) const = 0;
virtual void doMarkChanged(Node const& _aNode) = 0;
virtual NodeFactory& doGetNodeFactory() = 0;
// virtual interface - these functions all have default implementations without support for pending changes
// change handling
virtual void doCollectChanges(Node const& _aNode, NodeChanges& rChanges) const;
// commit protocol
virtual std::auto_ptr<SubtreeChange> doPreCommitChanges(Tree const& _aTree, configuration::ElementList& _rRemovedElements);
virtual void doFailedCommit(Tree const& _aTree, SubtreeChange& rChanges);
virtual void doFinishCommit(Tree const& _aTree, SubtreeChange& rChanges);
virtual void doRevertCommit(Tree const& _aTree, SubtreeChange& rChanges);
// notification protocol
virtual configuration::ValueChangeImpl* doAdjustToValueChange(GroupNode const& _aGroupNode, Name const& aName, ValueChange const& rExternalChange);
// common attributes
virtual node::Attributes doAdjustAttributes(node::Attributes const& _aAttributes) const = 0;
// group member access
virtual ValueMemberNode doGetValueMember(GroupNode const& _aNode, Name const& _aName, bool _bForUpdate) const = 0;
// set element access
virtual void doInsertElement(SetNode const& _aNode, Name const& aName, SetNodeEntry const& aNewEntry) = 0;
virtual void doRemoveElement(SetNode const& _aNode, Name const& aName) = 0;
inline Name ViewStrategy::getName(Node const& _aNode) const
{ return getNodeName(_aNode); }
inline node::Attributes ViewStrategy::getAttributes(Node const& _aNode) const
{ return doAdjustAttributes(getNodeAttributes(_aNode)); }
inline bool ViewStrategy::hasChanges(Node const& _aNode) const
{ return doHasChanges(_aNode); }
inline NodeFactory& ViewStrategy::getNodeFactory()
{ return doGetNodeFactory(); }