Michael Weghorn 97b827aa61 android: Port from deprecated "archivesBaseName"
Port from deprecated Gradle API that is planned to
be removed in Gradle 9.0, as was warned about in the
build output previously:

    > Configure project :
    Script '/home/michi/development/git/libreoffice-WORKTREE-android/android/source/liboSettings.gradle': line 22
    The org.gradle.api.plugins.BasePluginConvention type has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 9.0. Consult the upgrading guide for further information:
            at liboSettings_bbauwf0uak693a4tmdwwty192$_run_closure3.doCall$original(/home/michi/development/git/libreoffice-WORKTREE-android/android/source/liboSettings.gradle:22)
            (Run with --stacktrace to get the full stack trace of this deprecation warning.)
            (Run with --stacktrace to get the full stack trace of this deprecation warning.)
    Script '/home/michi/development/git/libreoffice-WORKTREE-android/android/source/liboSettings.gradle': line 22
    The BasePluginExtension.archivesBaseName property has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 9.0. Please use the archivesName property instead. For more information, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
            at liboSettings_bbauwf0uak693a4tmdwwty192$_run_closure3.doCall$original(/home/michi/development/git/libreoffice-WORKTREE-android/android/source/liboSettings.gradle:22)
            (Run with --stacktrace to get the full stack trace of this deprecation warning.)

As described in the upgrading guide [1], use the "base"
configuration block in build.gradle instead.


Change-Id: I358569a72b508efd31d2872d5009ac4f060398d4
Reviewed-by: Michael Weghorn <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
2024-07-17 12:14:37 +02:00

122 lines
5.1 KiB

# Common Makefile pieces for building Java / Android apps.
# BOOTSTRAPDIR needs to be set to this directory before starting this
# Probably would be best to just stop fooling around with the possibilities to
# set various stuff with the -env command line parameters (and environment
# variables?) and in a plethora of rc files, and hardcode construction of
# *all* required pathnames based on the app installation location for Android
# (and iOS), etc. We don't really win anything by having so many layers of
# configurability on platforms like Android and iOS where apps based on LO
# code are very much self-contained pre-packaged thingies.
# Helpful rules ...
echo sdk.dir=$(ANDROID_SDK_DIR) >
# Build / link the single .so for this app
ALL_STATIC_LIBS := $(shell $(SRCDIR)/bin/lo-all-static-libs)
LIBS = \
-Wl,--start-group \
NSSLIBS = freebl3 \
nspr4 \
nss3 \
nssckbi \
nssdbm3 \
nssutil3 \
plc4 \
plds4 \
smime3 \
softokn3 \
sqlite3 \
ssl3 \
-Wl,--whole-archive \
$(addprefix -l,$(strip \
$(if $(ENABLE_JAVA),juh) \
)) \
$(OBJLOCAL)/ : native-code.cxx $(ALL_STATIC_LIBS)
@echo "Linking $@"
mkdir -p $(OBJLOCAL)
$(CXX) -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--version-script=../Bootstrap/ -Wl,--no-undefined -DANDROID -DDISABLE_DYNLOADING -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $(OBJLOCAL)/ -I$(BUILDDIR)/config_host -I$(SRCDIR)/include native-code.cxx -L$(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER) $(WHOLELIBS) $(LIBS) -lc++_static -lc++abi $(if $(filter-out arm64-v8a x86_64,$(ANDROID_APP_ABI)),-landroid_support) $(if $(filter armeabi-v7a,$(ANDROID_APP_ABI)),-lunwind) $(addprefix -l,$(NSSLIBS)) -lGLESv2 -landroid -ljnigraphics -llog -lz
mkdir -p $(SODEST)
#to keep some symbols, eg.: $(STRIP) -o $(SODEST)/ $(OBJLOCAL)/ -w -K 'Java*'
$(SODEST)/nss-libraries :
mkdir -p $(SODEST)
$(foreach lib,$(NSSLIBS),$(STRIP) -o $(SODEST)/lib$(lib).so $(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/lib$(lib).so;)
mkdir -p $(SODEST)
cp $< $@
link-so: $(SODEST)/ $(SODEST)/nss-libraries $(SODEST)/
# If you reinstall an app several times *on the emulator*, even if you
# uninstall it between, disk space seems to leak that won't get recycled until
# you stop and start... No idea if this holds for a device, too. (And you
# can't "stop" a device anyway.)
$(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)/platform-tools/adb shell stop && $(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)/platform-tools/adb shell start && sleep 10
# build-host specific stuff (build paths and the like) to keep build.gradle static
liboSettings.gradle: $(BUILDDIR)/ $(BUILDDIR)/ \
$(wildcard $(INSTDIR)/program/version.ini $(INSTDIR)/program/versionrc) \
@echo "creating $@"
( \
echo "// created by Makefile.shared - your changes will be overridden" \
&& echo "ext {" \
&& echo " liboSrcRoot = '$(SRC_ROOT)'" \
&& echo " liboJniLibsdir = '$(JNILIBSDIR)'" \
&& echo " liboWorkdir = '$(WORKDIR)'" \
&& echo " liboInstdir = '$(INSTDIR)'" \
&& echo " liboEtcFolder = '$(LIBO_ETC_FOLDER)'" \
&& echo " liboUreMiscFolder = '$(LIBO_URE_MISC_FOLDER)'" \
&& echo " liboSharedResFolder = '$(LIBO_SHARE_RESOURCE_FOLDER)'" \
&& echo " liboUREJavaFolder = '$(LIBO_URE_SHARE_JAVA_FOLDER)'" \
&& echo " liboShareJavaFolder = '$(LIBO_SHARE_JAVA_FOLDER)'" \
&& echo " liboVersionMajor = '$(LIBO_VERSION_MAJOR)'" \
&& echo " liboVersionMinor = '$(LIBO_VERSION_MINOR)'" \
&& echo " liboGitFullCommit = '$(shell cd $(SRCDIR) && git log -1 --format=%H)'" \
&& echo "}" \
&& echo "android {" \
&& echo " ndkPath '$(ANDROID_NDK_DIR)'" \
&& echo " ndkVersion '$(ANDROID_NDK_VERSION)'" \
&& echo "}" \
&& echo "android.defaultConfig {" \
&& echo " applicationId '$(ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME)'" \
&& echo " minSdkVersion $(ANDROID_API_LEVEL)" \
&& echo " versionCode project.hasProperty('cmdVersionCode') ? cmdVersionCode.toInteger() : $(if $(versionCode),$(versionCode),1)" \
&& echo " buildConfigField('String', 'BUILD_ID_SHORT', '\"$(shell cd $(SRCDIR) && git log -1 --format=%h)\"')" \
&& echo " buildConfigField('String', 'VENDOR', '\"$(OOO_VENDOR)\"')" \
&& echo " buildConfigField('String', 'PRIVACY_POLICY_URL', '\"$(PRIVACY_POLICY_URL)\"')" \
&& echo "}" \
) > $@