Rüdiger Timm 2d69f3bf3f INTEGRATION: CWS impress38 (1.11.24); FILE MERGED
2005/03/20 15:56:59 af #i45568# Added support for new UpdateLockManager.
2005-03-30 08:26:01 +00:00

354 lines
12 KiB

* $RCSfile: ViewShellBase.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.12 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-03-30 09:26:01 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* =================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
* Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at
* Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
* obligations concerning the Software.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#include "ViewShell.hxx"
#ifndef SD_GLOB_HXX
#include "glob.hxx"
#include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
#ifndef _VIEWFAC_HXX
#include <sfx2/viewfac.hxx>
#include <memory>
class SdDrawDocument;
class SfxRequest;
namespace sd { namespace tools {
class EventMultiplexer;
} }
namespace sd {
class DrawDocShell;
class FormShellManager;
class PaneManager;
class PrintManager;
class UpdateLockManager;
class ViewShell;
class ViewShellManager;
/** SfxViewShell descendant that the stacked Draw/Impress shells are
based on.
<p>The "base" part of the name does not mean that this is a base
class of some class hierarchy. It rather is the base of the
stacked shells.</p>
<p>This class starts as a new and relatively small class. Over
time as much code as possible should be moved from the stacked
shells to this class.</p>
class ViewShellBase
: public SfxViewShell
/** This constructor is used by the view factory of the SFX macros.
Note that LateInit() has to be called after the constructor
terminates and before doing anything else.
ViewShellBase (
SfxViewFrame *pFrame,
SfxViewShell* pOldShell,
ViewShell::ShellType eDefaultSubShell = ViewShell::ST_NONE);
virtual ~ViewShellBase (void);
/** This method is part of the object construction. It HAS to be called
after the constructor has created a new object.
virtual void LateInit (void);
ViewShellManager& GetViewShellManager (void) const;
/** Return the main view shell stacked on the called ViewShellBase
object. This is usually the view shell displayed in the center
ViewShell* GetMainViewShell (void) const;
PaneManager& GetPaneManager (void);
/** When given a view frame this static method returns the
corresponding sd::ViewShellBase object.
When the SfxViewShell of the given frame is not a
ViewShellBase object then NULL is returned.
static ViewShellBase* GetViewShellBase (SfxViewFrame* pFrame);
DrawDocShell* GetDocShell (void) const;
SdDrawDocument* GetDocument (void) const;
/** Callback function for retrieving item values related to menu entries.
void GetMenuState (SfxItemSet& rSet);
/** Callback function for general slot calls. At the moment these are
slots for switching the pane docking windows on and off.
virtual void Execute (SfxRequest& rRequest);
/** Callback function for retrieving item values related to certain
slots. This is the companion of Execute() and handles the slots
concerned with showing the pane docking windows.
virtual void GetState (SfxItemSet& rSet);
/** Make sure that the given controller is known and used by the frame.
@param pController
The new controller. Usually that of the main view shell.
void UpdateController (SfxBaseController* pController);
SvBorder GetBorder (bool bOuterResize);
virtual void InnerResizePixel (const Point& rOrigin, const Size& rSize);
virtual void OuterResizePixel (const Point& rOrigin, const Size& rSize);
/** This call is forwarded to the main sub-shell.
virtual ErrCode DoVerb (long nVerb);
/// Forwarded to the print manager.
virtual SfxPrinter* GetPrinter (BOOL bCreate = FALSE);
/// Forwarded to the print manager.
virtual USHORT SetPrinter (
SfxPrinter* pNewPrinter,
/// Forwarded to the print manager.
virtual PrintDialog* CreatePrintDialog (::Window *pParent);
/// Forwarded to the print manager.
virtual SfxTabPage* CreatePrintOptionsPage (
::Window *pParent,
const SfxItemSet &rOptions);
/// Forwarded to the print manager.
virtual USHORT Print (SfxProgress& rProgress, PrintDialog* pDialog);
/// Forwarded to the print manager.
virtual ErrCode DoPrint (
SfxPrinter *pPrinter,
PrintDialog *pPrintDialog,
BOOL bSilent);
/// Forwarded to the print manager.
USHORT SetPrinterOptDlg (
SfxPrinter* pNewPrinter,
BOOL _bShowDialog = TRUE);
virtual void PreparePrint (PrintDialog* pPrintDialog);
/// Forward methods to main sub shell.
virtual void WriteUserDataSequence (
::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence <
::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >&,
sal_Bool bBrowse = sal_False);
/** Pass the given properties to the main view shell. After that we
ensure that the right view shell type is displayed in the center
virtual void ReadUserDataSequence (
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence <
::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >&,
sal_Bool bBrowse = sal_False);
virtual void UIActivating( SfxInPlaceClient* );
virtual void UIDeactivated( SfxInPlaceClient* );
virtual void Activate (BOOL IsMDIActivate);
virtual void Deactivate (BOOL IsMDIActivate);
virtual void SetZoomFactor (
const Fraction &rZoomX,
const Fraction &rZoomY);
virtual USHORT PrepareClose (BOOL bUI = TRUE, BOOL bForBrowsing = FALSE);
virtual void WriteUserData (String&, BOOL bBrowse = FALSE);
virtual void ReadUserData (const String&, BOOL bBrowse = FALSE);
virtual SdrView* GetDrawView (void) const;
virtual void AdjustPosSizePixel (const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize);
/** Arrange GUI elements of the pane which shows the given view shell.
The returned border contains the controls placed by the method.
SvBorder ArrangeGUIElements (const Point& rOrigin, const Size& rSize);
/** When <TRUE/> is given, then the mouse shape is set to hour glass (or
whatever the busy shape looks like on the system.)
void SetBusyState (bool bBusy);
/** Call this method when the controls of this view shell or the
embedded sub shell need to be rearranged. This is necessary
e.g. when the border has been modified (UpdateBorder() calls this
This method is like ResizePixel() with no arguments.
void Rearrange (void);
/** Update the border that is set with SfxViewShell::SetBorderPixel().
This is done by adding the border used by the ViewShellBase itself
with the border used by the main view shell.
@param bForce if true the borders are also updated if old border
and new border are same.
void UpdateBorder ( bool bForce = false );
/** With this method the UI controls can be turned on or off. It is
used by the FuSlideShow to hide the UI controls while showing a
non-full-screen or in-window presentation in the center pane.
void ShowUIControls (bool bVisible);
/** this method starts the presentation by
executing the slot SID_PRESENTATION asynchronous */
void StartPresentation();
/** this methods ends the presentation by
executing the slot SID_PRESENTATION_END asynchronous */
void StopPresentation();
/** Return an event multiplexer. It is a single class that forwards
events from various sources. This method must not be called before
LateInit() has terminated.
tools::EventMultiplexer& GetEventMultiplexer (void);
/* returns the complete area of the current view relative to the frame window */
inline const Rectangle& getClientRectangle() const;
UpdateLockManager& GetUpdateLockManager (void) const;
osl::Mutex maMutex;
/** The view tab bar is the control for switching between different
views in one pane.
::std::auto_ptr<ViewTabBar> mpViewTabBar;
virtual void SFX_NOTIFY(SfxBroadcaster& rBC,
const TypeId& rBCType,
const SfxHint& rHint,
const TypeId& rHintType);
::std::auto_ptr<ViewShellManager> mpViewShellManager;
::std::auto_ptr<PaneManager> mpPaneManager;
DrawDocShell* mpDocShell;
SdDrawDocument* mpDocument;
/// The print manager is responsible for printing documents.
::std::auto_ptr<PrintManager> mpPrintManager;
::std::auto_ptr<FormShellManager> mpFormShellManager;
::std::auto_ptr<tools::EventMultiplexer> mpEventMultiplexer;
// contains the complete area of the current view relative to the frame window
Rectangle maClientArea;
::std::auto_ptr<UpdateLockManager> mpUpdateLockManager;
/** Common code of OuterResizePixel() and InnerResizePixel().
void ResizePixel (
const Point& rOrigin,
const Size& rSize,
bool bOuterResize);
/** Determine from the properties of the document shell the initial type
of the view shell in the center pane. We use this method to avoid
starting with the wrong type. When ReadUserDataSequence() is called
we check that the right type is active and change again if that is
not the case because something went wrong.
ViewShell::ShellType GetInitialViewShellType (void);
/** Wait for the ViewTabBar to become visible so that its correct height
can calculated and the border can be updated.
inline const Rectangle& ViewShellBase::getClientRectangle() const
return maClientArea;
} // end of namespace sd