Release Engineers b84d6fb52b CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS native262
2009-08-18 16:35:06 +0200 is  r275118 : #i102939# differ between ok-label and install-label
2009-08-13 17:24:47 +0200 is  r274960 : #i102939# mac languagepacks
2009-08-13 17:22:22 +0200 is  r274959 : #i102939# mac languagepacks
2009-08-13 17:15:01 +0200 is  r274958 : #i102939# mac languagepacks
2009-08-13 17:13:36 +0200 is  r274957 : #i102939# mac languagepacks
2009-08-13 17:12:57 +0200 is  r274956 : #i102939# mac languagepacks
2009-08-13 17:12:20 +0200 is  r274955 : #i102939# mac languagepacks
2009-08-13 17:11:41 +0200 is  r274954 : #i102939# mac languagepacks
2009-08-13 17:10:52 +0200 is  r274953 : #i102939# mac languagepacks
2009-08-26 06:41:14 +00:00

115 lines
4.3 KiB

This script is meant to
1) Identify installed instances of the product
2) check whether the user has write-access (and if not
ask for authentification)
3) install the shipped tarball
-- strings for localisations - to be meant to be replaced
-- by a makefile or similar
set OKLabel to "[OKLabel]"
set InstallLabel to "[InstallLabel]"
set AbortLabel to "[AbortLabel]"
set intro to "[IntroText1]
set chooseMyOwn to "[ChooseMyOwnText]"
set listPrompt to "[ListPromptText]"
set chooseManual to "[ChooseManualText]"
set listOKLabel to "[ListOKLabelText]"
set listCancelLabel to "[ListCancelLabel]"
set appInvalid to "[AppInvalidText1]
[AppInvalidText2]" -- string will begin with the chosen application's name
set startInstall to "[StartInstallText1]
set IdentifyQ to "[IdentifyQText]
set IdentifyYES to "[IdentifyYES]"
set IdentifyNO to "[IdentifyNO]"
set installFailed to "[InstallFailedText]"
set installComplete to "[InstallCompleteText]
set sourcedir to (do shell script "dirname " & quoted form of POSIX path of (path to of me))
display dialog intro buttons {AbortLabel, InstallLabel} default button 2
if (button returned of result) is AbortLabel then
return 2
end if
set the found_ooos to (do shell script "mdfind \"kMDItemContentType == '' && kMDItemDisplayName == '[PRODUCTNAME]*' && kMDItemDisplayName != '[FULLPRODUCTNAME].app'\"") & "
" & chooseMyOwn
-- the choice returned is of type "list"
-- Show selection dialog only if more than one or no product was found
if (get first paragraph of found_ooos) is "" then
set the choice to (choose from list of paragraphs in found_ooos default items (get last paragraph of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
if choice is false then
-- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
return 2 --aborted by user
else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
-- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
-- the user would not be able to select the .app
set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "" without showing package contents and invisibles)
end if
else if (get second paragraph of found_ooos) is chooseMyOwn then
-- set choice to found installation
set the choice to (get first paragraph of found_ooos)
set the choice to (choose from list of paragraphs in found_ooos default items (get first paragraph of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
if choice is false then
-- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
return 2 --aborted by user
else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
-- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
-- the user would not be able to select the .app
set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "" without showing package contents and invisibles)
end if
end if
-- now only check whether the path is really from [PRODUCTNAME]
do shell script "grep '<string>[PRODUCTNAME] [PRODUCTVERSION]' " & quoted form of (choice as string) & "/Contents/Info.plist"
on error
display dialog (choice as string) & appInvalid buttons {InstallLabel} default button 1 with icon 0
return 3 --wrong target-directory
end try
display dialog startInstall buttons {AbortLabel, InstallLabel} default button 2
if (button returned of result) is AbortLabel then
return 2
end if
set tarCommand to "/usr/bin/tar -C " & quoted form of (choice as string) & " -xjf " & quoted form of sourcedir & "/tarball.tar.bz2"
do shell script tarCommand
on error errMSG number errNUM
display dialog IdentifyQ buttons {IdentifyYES, IdentifyNO} with icon 2
if (button returned of result) is IdentifyYES then
do shell script tarCommand with administrator privileges
on error errMSG number errNUM
display dialog installFailed buttons {OKLabel} default button 1 with icon 0
-- -60005 username/password wrong
-- -128 aborted by user
-- 2 error from tar - tarball not found (easy to test)
return errNUM
end try
return 2 -- aborted by user
end if
end try
display dialog installComplete buttons {OKLabel} default button 1