2001-09-27 12:42:25 +00:00

1129 lines
47 KiB

* $RCSfile: progressmonitor.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
* last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2001-09-27 13:42:25 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* =================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
* Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at
* Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
* obligations concerning the Software.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
// my own includes
#include "progressmonitor.hxx"
// includes of other projects
#include <com/sun/star/awt/GradientStyle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/RasterOperation.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Gradient.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/XGraphics.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/PosSize.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/typeprovider.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#ifndef _SOLAR_H
#include <tools/solar.h>
// includes of my project
#include "progressbar.hxx"
// namespace
using namespace ::cppu ;
using namespace ::osl ;
using namespace ::rtl ;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno ;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang ;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt ;
namespace unocontrols{
// construct/destruct
ProgressMonitor::ProgressMonitor( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& xFactory )
: BaseContainerControl ( xFactory )
// Its not allowed to work with member in this method (refcounter !!!)
// But with a HACK (++refcount) its "OK" :-(
++m_refCount ;
// Create instances for fixedtext, button and progress ...
m_xTopic_Top = Reference< XFixedText > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( FIXEDTEXT_SERVICENAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ;
m_xText_Top = Reference< XFixedText > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( FIXEDTEXT_SERVICENAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ;
m_xTopic_Bottom = Reference< XFixedText > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( FIXEDTEXT_SERVICENAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ;
m_xText_Bottom = Reference< XFixedText > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( FIXEDTEXT_SERVICENAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ;
m_xButton = Reference< XButton > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( BUTTON_SERVICENAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ;
m_xProgressBar = Reference< XProgressBar > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( SERVICENAME_PROGRESSBAR ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ;
// ... cast controls to Reference< XControl > (for "setModel"!) ...
Reference< XControl > xRef_Topic_Top ( m_xTopic_Top , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_Text_Top ( m_xText_Top , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_Topic_Bottom ( m_xTopic_Bottom , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_Text_Bottom ( m_xText_Bottom , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_Button ( m_xButton , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_ProgressBar ( m_xProgressBar , UNO_QUERY ) ;
// ... set models ...
xRef_Topic_Top->setModel ( Reference< XControlModel > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( FIXEDTEXT_MODELNAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ) ;
xRef_Text_Top->setModel ( Reference< XControlModel > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( FIXEDTEXT_MODELNAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ) ;
xRef_Topic_Bottom->setModel ( Reference< XControlModel > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( FIXEDTEXT_MODELNAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ) ;
xRef_Text_Bottom->setModel ( Reference< XControlModel > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( FIXEDTEXT_MODELNAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ) ;
xRef_Button->setModel ( Reference< XControlModel > ( xFactory->createInstance ( OUString::createFromAscii( BUTTON_MODELNAME ) ), UNO_QUERY ) ) ;
// ProgressBar has no model !!!
// ... and add controls to basecontainercontrol!
addControl ( OUString::createFromAscii( CONTROLNAME_TEXT ) , xRef_Topic_Top ) ;
addControl ( OUString::createFromAscii( CONTROLNAME_TEXT ) , xRef_Text_Top ) ;
addControl ( OUString::createFromAscii( CONTROLNAME_TEXT ) , xRef_Topic_Bottom ) ;
addControl ( OUString::createFromAscii( CONTROLNAME_TEXT ) , xRef_Text_Bottom ) ;
addControl ( OUString::createFromAscii( CONTROLNAME_BUTTON ) , xRef_Button ) ;
addControl ( OUString::createFromAscii( CONTROLNAME_PROGRESSBAR ) , xRef_ProgressBar ) ;
// FixedText make it automaticly visible by himself ... but not the progressbar !!!
// it must be set explicitly
Reference< XWindow > xWindowRef_ProgressBar( m_xProgressBar, UNO_QUERY );
xWindowRef_ProgressBar->setVisible( sal_True );
// Reset to defaults !!!
// (progressbar take automaticly its own defaults)
m_xButton->setLabel ( OUString::createFromAscii( DEFAULT_BUTTONLABEL ) ) ;
m_xTopic_Top->setText ( OUString::createFromAscii( DEFAULT_TOPIC ) ) ;
m_xText_Top->setText ( OUString::createFromAscii( DEFAULT_TEXT ) ) ;
m_xTopic_Bottom->setText ( OUString::createFromAscii( DEFAULT_TOPIC ) ) ;
m_xText_Bottom->setText ( OUString::createFromAscii( DEFAULT_TEXT ) ) ;
--m_refCount ;
// Initialize info lists for fixedtext's
m_pTextlist_Top = new IMPL_Textlist ;
m_pTextlist_Bottom = new IMPL_Textlist ;
impl_cleanMemory () ;
// XInterface
Any SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::queryInterface( const Type& rType ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Attention:
// Don't use mutex or guard in this method!!! Is a method of XInterface.
Any aReturn ;
Reference< XInterface > xDelegator = BaseContainerControl::impl_getDelegator();
if ( == sal_True )
// If an delegator exist, forward question to his queryInterface.
// Delegator will ask his own queryAggregation!
aReturn = xDelegator->queryInterface( rType );
// If an delegator unknown, forward question to own queryAggregation.
aReturn = queryAggregation( rType );
return aReturn ;
// XInterface
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::acquire() throw()
// Attention:
// Don't use mutex or guard in this method!!! Is a method of XInterface.
// Forward to baseclass
// XInterface
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::release() throw()
// Attention:
// Don't use mutex or guard in this method!!! Is a method of XInterface.
// Forward to baseclass
// XTypeProvider
Sequence< Type > SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::getTypes() throw( RuntimeException )
// Optimize this method !
// We initialize a static variable only one time. And we don't must use a mutex at every call!
// For the first call; pTypeCollection is NULL - for the second call pTypeCollection is different from NULL!
static OTypeCollection* pTypeCollection = NULL ;
if ( pTypeCollection == NULL )
// Ready for multithreading; get global mutex for first call of this method only! see before
MutexGuard aGuard( Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
// Control these pointer again ... it can be, that another instance will be faster then these!
if ( pTypeCollection == NULL )
// Create a static typecollection ...
static OTypeCollection aTypeCollection ( ::getCppuType(( const Reference< XLayoutConstrains >*)NULL ) ,
::getCppuType(( const Reference< XButton >*)NULL ) ,
::getCppuType(( const Reference< XProgressMonitor >*)NULL ) ,
// ... and set his address to static pointer!
pTypeCollection = &aTypeCollection ;
return pTypeCollection->getTypes();
// XAggregation
Any SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::queryAggregation( const Type& aType ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Ask for my own supported interfaces ...
// Attention: XTypeProvider and XInterface are supported by OComponentHelper!
Any aReturn ( ::cppu::queryInterface( aType ,
static_cast< XLayoutConstrains* > ( this ) ,
static_cast< XButton* > ( this ) ,
static_cast< XProgressMonitor* > ( this )
// If searched interface not supported by this class ...
if ( aReturn.hasValue() == sal_False )
// ... ask baseclasses.
aReturn = BaseControl::queryAggregation( aType );
return aReturn ;
// XProgressMonitor
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::addText( const OUString& rTopic, const OUString& rText, sal_Bool bbeforeProgress ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Safe impossible cases
// Check valid call of this method.
DBG_ASSERT ( impl_debug_checkParameter ( rTopic, rText, bbeforeProgress ) , "ProgressMonitor::addText()\nCall without valid parameters!\n") ;
DBG_ASSERT ( !(impl_searchTopic ( rTopic, bbeforeProgress ) != NULL ) , "ProgresMonitor::addText()\nThe text already exist.\n" ) ;
// Do nothing (in Release), if topic already exist.
if ( impl_searchTopic ( rTopic, bbeforeProgress ) != NULL )
return ;
// Else ... take memory for new item ...
IMPL_TextlistItem* pTextItem = new IMPL_TextlistItem ;
if ( pTextItem != NULL )
// Set values ...
pTextItem->sTopic = rTopic ;
pTextItem->sText = rText ;
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
// ... and insert it in right list.
if ( bbeforeProgress == sal_True )
m_pTextlist_Top->Insert ( pTextItem, LIST_APPEND ) ;
m_pTextlist_Bottom->Insert ( pTextItem, LIST_APPEND ) ;
// ... update window
impl_rebuildFixedText () ;
impl_recalcLayout () ;
// XProgressMonitor
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::removeText ( const OUString& rTopic, sal_Bool bbeforeProgress ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Safe impossible cases
// Check valid call of this method.
DBG_ASSERT ( impl_debug_checkParameter ( rTopic, bbeforeProgress ), "ProgressMonitor::removeText()\nCall without valid parameters!\n" ) ;
// Search the topic ...
IMPL_TextlistItem* pSearchItem = impl_searchTopic ( rTopic, bbeforeProgress ) ;
if ( pSearchItem != NULL )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
// ... delete item from right list ...
if ( bbeforeProgress == sal_True )
m_pTextlist_Top->Remove ( pSearchItem ) ;
m_pTextlist_Bottom->Remove ( pSearchItem ) ;
delete pSearchItem ;
// ... and update window.
impl_rebuildFixedText () ;
impl_recalcLayout () ;
// XProgressMonitor
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::updateText ( const OUString& rTopic, const OUString& rText, sal_Bool bbeforeProgress ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Safe impossible cases
// Check valid call of this method.
DBG_ASSERT ( impl_debug_checkParameter ( rTopic, rText, bbeforeProgress ), "ProgressMonitor::updateText()\nCall without valid parameters!\n" ) ;
// Search topic ...
IMPL_TextlistItem* pSearchItem = impl_searchTopic ( rTopic, bbeforeProgress ) ;
if ( pSearchItem != NULL )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
// ... update text ...
pSearchItem->sText = rText ;
// ... and update window.
impl_rebuildFixedText () ;
impl_recalcLayout () ;
// XProgressBar
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::setForegroundColor ( sal_Int32 nColor ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if ( () )
m_xProgressBar->setForegroundColor ( nColor ) ;
// XProgressBar
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::setBackgroundColor ( sal_Int32 nColor ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if ( () )
m_xProgressBar->setBackgroundColor ( nColor ) ;
// XProgressBar
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::setValue ( sal_Int32 nValue ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if ( () )
m_xProgressBar->setValue ( nValue ) ;
// XProgressBar
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::setRange ( sal_Int32 nMin, sal_Int32 nMax ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if ( () )
m_xProgressBar->setRange ( nMin, nMax ) ;
// XProgressBar
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::getValue () throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if (
return m_xProgressBar->getValue () ;
return 0 ;
// XButton
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::addActionListener ( const Reference< XActionListener > & rListener ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if ( () )
m_xButton->addActionListener ( rListener ) ;
// XButton
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::removeActionListener ( const Reference< XActionListener > & rListener ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if ( () )
m_xButton->removeActionListener ( rListener ) ;
// XButton
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::setLabel ( const OUString& rLabel ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if ( () )
m_xButton->setLabel ( rLabel ) ;
// XButton
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::setActionCommand ( const OUString& rCommand ) throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if ( () )
m_xButton->setActionCommand ( rCommand ) ;
// XLayoutConstrains
Size SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::getMinimumSize () throw( RuntimeException )
// XLayoutConstrains
Size SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::getPreferredSize () throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
ClearableMutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
// get information about required place of child controls
Reference< XLayoutConstrains > xTopicLayout_Top ( m_xTopic_Top , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XLayoutConstrains > xTopicLayout_Bottom ( m_xTopic_Bottom , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XLayoutConstrains > xButtonLayout ( m_xButton , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XWindow > xProgressBarWindow ( m_xProgressBar , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Size aTopicSize_Top = xTopicLayout_Top->getPreferredSize ();
Size aTopicSize_Bottom = xTopicLayout_Bottom->getPreferredSize ();
Size aButtonSize = xButtonLayout->getPreferredSize ();
Rectangle aTempRectangle = xProgressBarWindow->getPosSize ();
Size aProgressBarSize = Size( aTempRectangle.Width, aTempRectangle.Height );
aGuard.clear () ;
// calc preferred size of progressmonitor
sal_Int32 nWidth = 0 ;
sal_Int32 nHeight = 0 ;
nWidth = 3 * FREEBORDER ;
nWidth += aProgressBarSize.Width ;
nHeight = 6 * FREEBORDER ;
nHeight += aTopicSize_Top.Height ;
nHeight += aProgressBarSize.Height ;
nHeight += aTopicSize_Bottom.Height;
nHeight += 2 ; // 1 for black line, 1 for white line = 3D-Line!
nHeight += aButtonSize.Height ;
// norm to minimum
if ( nWidth<DEFAULT_WIDTH )
if ( nHeight<DEFAULT_HEIGHT )
// return to caller
return Size ( nWidth, nHeight ) ;
// XLayoutConstrains
Size SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::calcAdjustedSize ( const Size& rNewSize ) throw( RuntimeException )
return getPreferredSize () ;
// XControl
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::createPeer ( const Reference< XToolkit > & rToolkit, const Reference< XWindowPeer > & rParent ) throw( RuntimeException )
if (!getPeer().is())
BaseContainerControl::createPeer ( rToolkit, rParent ) ;
// If user forget to call "setPosSize()", we have still a correct size.
// And a "MinimumSize" IS A "MinimumSize"!
// We change not the position of control at this point.
Size aDefaultSize = getMinimumSize () ;
setPosSize ( 0, 0, aDefaultSize.Width, aDefaultSize.Height, PosSize::SIZE ) ;
// XControl
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::setModel ( const Reference< XControlModel > & rModel ) throw( RuntimeException )
// We have no model.
return sal_False ;
// XControl
Reference< XControlModel > SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::getModel () throw( RuntimeException )
// We have no model.
// return (XControlModel*)this ;
return Reference< XControlModel > () ;
// XComponent
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::dispose () throw( RuntimeException )
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
// "removeControl()" control the state of a reference
Reference< XControl > xRef_Topic_Top ( m_xTopic_Top , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_Text_Top ( m_xText_Top , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_Topic_Bottom ( m_xTopic_Bottom , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_Text_Bottom ( m_xText_Bottom , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_Button ( m_xButton , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XControl > xRef_ProgressBar ( m_xProgressBar , UNO_QUERY ) ;
removeControl ( xRef_Topic_Top ) ;
removeControl ( xRef_Text_Top ) ;
removeControl ( xRef_Topic_Bottom ) ;
removeControl ( xRef_Text_Bottom ) ;
removeControl ( xRef_Button ) ;
removeControl ( xRef_ProgressBar ) ;
// do'nt use "...->clear ()" or "... = XFixedText ()"
// when other hold a reference at this object !!!
xRef_Topic_Top->dispose () ;
xRef_Text_Top->dispose () ;
xRef_Topic_Bottom->dispose () ;
xRef_Text_Bottom->dispose () ;
xRef_Button->dispose () ;
xRef_ProgressBar->dispose () ;
BaseContainerControl::dispose () ;
// XWindow
void SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::setPosSize ( sal_Int32 nX, sal_Int32 nY, sal_Int32 nWidth, sal_Int32 nHeight, sal_Int16 nFlags ) throw( RuntimeException )
Rectangle aBasePosSize = getPosSize () ;
BaseContainerControl::setPosSize (nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, nFlags) ;
// if position or size changed
if (
( nWidth != aBasePosSize.Width ) ||
( nHeight != aBasePosSize.Height)
// calc new layout for controls
impl_recalcLayout () ;
// clear background (!)
// [Childs was repainted in "recalcLayout" by setPosSize() automaticly!]
// and repaint the control
impl_paint ( 0, 0, impl_getGraphicsPeer() ) ;
// impl but public method to register service
const Sequence< OUString > ProgressMonitor::impl_getStaticSupportedServiceNames()
MutexGuard aGuard( Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
Sequence< OUString > seqServiceNames( 1 );
seqServiceNames.getArray() [0] = OUString::createFromAscii( SERVICENAME_PROGRESSMONITOR );
return seqServiceNames ;
// impl but public method to register service
const OUString ProgressMonitor::impl_getStaticImplementationName()
// protected method
void ProgressMonitor::impl_paint ( sal_Int32 nX, sal_Int32 nY, const Reference< XGraphics > & rGraphics )
if (
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
// paint shadowed border around the progressmonitor
rGraphics->setLineColor ( LINECOLOR_SHADOW ) ;
rGraphics->drawLine ( impl_getWidth()-1, impl_getHeight()-1, impl_getWidth()-1, nY ) ;
rGraphics->drawLine ( impl_getWidth()-1, impl_getHeight()-1, nX , impl_getHeight()-1 ) ;
rGraphics->setLineColor ( LINECOLOR_BRIGHT ) ;
rGraphics->drawLine ( nX, nY, impl_getWidth(), nY ) ;
rGraphics->drawLine ( nX, nY, nX , impl_getHeight() ) ;
// Paint 3D-line
rGraphics->setLineColor ( LINECOLOR_SHADOW ) ;
rGraphics->drawLine ( m_a3DLine.X, m_a3DLine.Y, m_a3DLine.X+m_a3DLine.Width, m_a3DLine.Y ) ;
rGraphics->setLineColor ( LINECOLOR_BRIGHT ) ;
rGraphics->drawLine ( m_a3DLine.X, m_a3DLine.Y+1, m_a3DLine.X+m_a3DLine.Width, m_a3DLine.Y+1 ) ;
// private method
void ProgressMonitor::impl_recalcLayout ()
sal_Int32 nX_Button ;
sal_Int32 nY_Button ;
sal_Int32 nWidth_Button ;
sal_Int32 nHeight_Button ;
sal_Int32 nX_ProgressBar ;
sal_Int32 nY_ProgressBar ;
sal_Int32 nWidth_ProgressBar ;
sal_Int32 nHeight_ProgressBar ;
sal_Int32 nX_3DLine ;
sal_Int32 nY_3DLine ;
sal_Int32 nWidth_3DLine ;
sal_Int32 nHeight_3DLine ;
sal_Int32 nX_Text_Top ;
sal_Int32 nY_Text_Top ;
sal_Int32 nWidth_Text_Top ;
sal_Int32 nHeight_Text_Top ;
sal_Int32 nX_Topic_Top ;
sal_Int32 nY_Topic_Top ;
sal_Int32 nWidth_Topic_Top ;
sal_Int32 nHeight_Topic_Top ;
sal_Int32 nX_Text_Bottom ;
sal_Int32 nY_Text_Bottom ;
sal_Int32 nWidth_Text_Bottom ;
sal_Int32 nHeight_Text_Bottom ;
sal_Int32 nX_Topic_Bottom ;
sal_Int32 nY_Topic_Bottom ;
sal_Int32 nWidth_Topic_Bottom ;
sal_Int32 nHeight_Topic_Bottom ;
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
// get information about required place of child controls
Reference< XLayoutConstrains > xTopicLayout_Top ( m_xTopic_Top , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XLayoutConstrains > xTextLayout_Top ( m_xText_Top , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XLayoutConstrains > xTopicLayout_Bottom ( m_xTopic_Bottom , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XLayoutConstrains > xTextLayout_Bottom ( m_xText_Bottom , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XLayoutConstrains > xButtonLayout ( m_xButton , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Size aTopicSize_Top = xTopicLayout_Top->getPreferredSize () ;
Size aTextSize_Top = xTextLayout_Top->getPreferredSize () ;
Size aTopicSize_Bottom = xTopicLayout_Bottom->getPreferredSize () ;
Size aTextSize_Bottom = xTextLayout_Bottom->getPreferredSize () ;
Size aButtonSize = xButtonLayout->getPreferredSize () ;
// calc position and size of child controls
// Button has preferred size!
nWidth_Button = aButtonSize.Width ;
nHeight_Button = aButtonSize.Height ;
// Left column before progressbar has preferred size and fixed position.
// But "Width" is oriented on left column below progressbar to!!! "max(...)"
nX_Topic_Top = FREEBORDER ;
nY_Topic_Top = FREEBORDER ;
nWidth_Topic_Top = Max ( aTopicSize_Top.Width, aTopicSize_Bottom.Width ) ;
nHeight_Topic_Top = aTopicSize_Top.Height ;
// Right column before progressbar has relativ position to left column ...
// ... and a size as rest of dialog size!
nX_Text_Top = nX_Topic_Top+nWidth_Topic_Top+FREEBORDER ;
nY_Text_Top = nY_Topic_Top ;
nWidth_Text_Top = Max ( aTextSize_Top.Width, aTextSize_Bottom.Width ) ;
// Fix size of this column to minimum!
sal_Int32 nSummaryWidth = nWidth_Text_Top+nWidth_Topic_Top+(3*FREEBORDER) ;
if ( nSummaryWidth < DEFAULT_WIDTH )
nWidth_Text_Top = DEFAULT_WIDTH-nWidth_Topic_Top-(3*FREEBORDER);
// Fix size of column to maximum!
if ( nSummaryWidth > impl_getWidth() )
nWidth_Text_Top = impl_getWidth()-nWidth_Topic_Top-(3*FREEBORDER) ;
nHeight_Text_Top = nHeight_Topic_Top ;
// Position of progressbar is relativ to columns before.
// Progressbar.Width = Dialog.Width !!!
// Progressbar.Height = Button.Height
nX_ProgressBar = nX_Topic_Top ;
nY_ProgressBar = nY_Topic_Top+nHeight_Topic_Top+FREEBORDER ;
nWidth_ProgressBar = FREEBORDER+nWidth_Topic_Top+nWidth_Text_Top ;
nHeight_ProgressBar = nHeight_Button ;
// Oriented by left column before progressbar.
nX_Topic_Bottom = nX_Topic_Top ;
nY_Topic_Bottom = nY_ProgressBar+nHeight_ProgressBar+FREEBORDER ;
nWidth_Topic_Bottom = nWidth_Topic_Top ;
nHeight_Topic_Bottom = aTopicSize_Bottom.Height ;
// Oriented by right column before progressbar.
nX_Text_Bottom = nX_Topic_Bottom+nWidth_Topic_Bottom+FREEBORDER ;
nY_Text_Bottom = nY_Topic_Bottom ;
nWidth_Text_Bottom = nWidth_Text_Top ;
nHeight_Text_Bottom = nHeight_Topic_Bottom ;
// Oriented by progressbar.
nX_3DLine = nX_Topic_Top ;
nY_3DLine = nY_Topic_Bottom+nHeight_Topic_Bottom+(FREEBORDER/2) ;
nWidth_3DLine = nWidth_ProgressBar ;
nHeight_3DLine = 1 ; // Height for ONE line ! (But we paint two lines!)
// Oriented by progressbar.
nX_Button = nX_ProgressBar+nWidth_ProgressBar-nWidth_Button ;
nY_Button = nY_Topic_Bottom+nHeight_Topic_Bottom+FREEBORDER ;
// Calc offsets to center controls
sal_Int32 nDx ;
sal_Int32 nDy ;
nDx = ( (2*FREEBORDER)+nWidth_ProgressBar ) ;
nDy = ( (6*FREEBORDER)+nHeight_Topic_Top+nHeight_ProgressBar+nHeight_Topic_Bottom+2+nHeight_Button ) ;
// At this point use original dialog size to center controls!
nDx = (impl_getWidth ()/2)-(nDx/2) ;
nDy = (impl_getHeight()/2)-(nDy/2) ;
if ( nDx<0 )
nDx=0 ;
if ( nDy<0 )
nDy=0 ;
// Set new position and size on all controls
Reference< XWindow > xRef_Topic_Top ( m_xTopic_Top , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XWindow > xRef_Text_Top ( m_xText_Top , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XWindow > xRef_Topic_Bottom ( m_xTopic_Bottom , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XWindow > xRef_Text_Bottom ( m_xText_Bottom , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XWindow > xRef_Button ( m_xButton , UNO_QUERY ) ;
Reference< XWindow > xRef_ProgressBar ( m_xProgressBar , UNO_QUERY ) ;
xRef_Topic_Top->setPosSize ( nDx+nX_Topic_Top , nDy+nY_Topic_Top , nWidth_Topic_Top , nHeight_Topic_Top , 15 ) ;
xRef_Text_Top->setPosSize ( nDx+nX_Text_Top , nDy+nY_Text_Top , nWidth_Text_Top , nHeight_Text_Top , 15 ) ;
xRef_Topic_Bottom->setPosSize ( nDx+nX_Topic_Bottom , nDy+nY_Topic_Bottom , nWidth_Topic_Bottom , nHeight_Topic_Bottom , 15 ) ;
xRef_Text_Bottom->setPosSize ( nDx+nX_Text_Bottom , nDy+nY_Text_Bottom , nWidth_Text_Bottom , nHeight_Text_Bottom , 15 ) ;
xRef_Button->setPosSize ( nDx+nX_Button , nDy+nY_Button , nWidth_Button , nHeight_Button , 15 ) ;
xRef_ProgressBar->setPosSize ( nDx+nX_ProgressBar , nDy+nY_ProgressBar , nWidth_ProgressBar , nHeight_ProgressBar , 15 ) ;
m_a3DLine.X = nDx+nX_Topic_Top ;
m_a3DLine.Y = nDy+nY_Topic_Bottom+nHeight_Topic_Bottom+(FREEBORDER/2) ;
m_a3DLine.Width = nWidth_ProgressBar ;
m_a3DLine.Height = nHeight_ProgressBar ;
// All childcontrols make an implicit repaint in setPosSize()!
// Make it also for this 3D-line ...
Reference< XGraphics > xGraphics = impl_getGraphicsPeer () ;
xGraphics->setLineColor ( LINECOLOR_SHADOW ) ;
xGraphics->drawLine ( m_a3DLine.X, m_a3DLine.Y, m_a3DLine.X+m_a3DLine.Width, m_a3DLine.Y ) ;
xGraphics->setLineColor ( LINECOLOR_BRIGHT ) ;
xGraphics->drawLine ( m_a3DLine.X, m_a3DLine.Y+1, m_a3DLine.X+m_a3DLine.Width, m_a3DLine.Y+1 ) ;
// private method
void ProgressMonitor::impl_rebuildFixedText ()
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
// Rebuild fixedtext before progress
// Rebuild left site of text
if (
OUString aCollectString ;
// Collect all topics from list and format text.
// "\n" MUST BE at the end of line!!! => Else ... topic and his text are not in the same line!!!
for ( sal_uInt32 n=0; n<m_pTextlist_Top->Count(); ++n )
IMPL_TextlistItem* pSearchItem = m_pTextlist_Top->GetObject (n) ;
aCollectString += pSearchItem->sTopic ;
aCollectString += OUString::createFromAscii("\n") ;
aCollectString += OUString::createFromAscii("\0") ; // It's better :-)
m_xTopic_Top->setText ( aCollectString ) ;
// Rebuild right site of text
if (
OUString aCollectString ;
// Collect all topics from list and format text.
// "\n" MUST BE at the end of line!!! => Else ... topic and his text are not in the same line!!!
for ( sal_uInt32 n=0; n<m_pTextlist_Top->Count(); ++n )
IMPL_TextlistItem* pSearchItem = m_pTextlist_Top->GetObject (n) ;
aCollectString += pSearchItem->sText ;
aCollectString += OUString::createFromAscii("\n") ;
aCollectString += OUString::createFromAscii("\0") ; // It's better :-)
m_xText_Top->setText ( aCollectString ) ;
// Rebuild fixedtext below progress
// Rebuild left site of text
if (
OUString aCollectString ;
// Collect all topics from list and format text.
// "\n" MUST BE at the end of line!!! => Else ... topic and his text are not in the same line!!!
for ( sal_uInt32 n=0; n<m_pTextlist_Bottom->Count(); ++n )
IMPL_TextlistItem* pSearchItem = m_pTextlist_Bottom->GetObject (n) ;
aCollectString += pSearchItem->sTopic ;
aCollectString += OUString::createFromAscii("\n") ;
aCollectString += OUString::createFromAscii("\0") ; // It's better :-)
m_xTopic_Bottom->setText ( aCollectString ) ;
// Rebuild right site of text
if (
OUString aCollectString ;
// Collect all topics from list and format text.
// "\n" MUST BE at the end of line!!! => Else ... topic and his text are not in the same line!!!
for ( sal_uInt32 n=0; n<m_pTextlist_Bottom->Count(); ++n )
IMPL_TextlistItem* pSearchItem = m_pTextlist_Bottom->GetObject (n) ;
aCollectString += pSearchItem->sText ;
aCollectString += OUString::createFromAscii("\n") ;
aCollectString += OUString::createFromAscii("\0") ; // It's better :-)
m_xText_Bottom->setText ( aCollectString ) ;
// private method
void ProgressMonitor::impl_cleanMemory ()
// Ready for multithreading
MutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
// Delete all of lists.
sal_uInt32 nPosition ;
for ( nPosition = 0; nPosition < m_pTextlist_Top->Count () ; ++nPosition )
IMPL_TextlistItem* pSearchItem = m_pTextlist_Top->GetObject ( nPosition ) ;
delete pSearchItem ;
m_pTextlist_Top->Clear () ;
delete m_pTextlist_Top ;
for ( nPosition = 0; nPosition < m_pTextlist_Bottom->Count () ; ++nPosition )
IMPL_TextlistItem* pSearchItem = m_pTextlist_Bottom->GetObject ( nPosition ) ;
delete pSearchItem ;
m_pTextlist_Bottom->Clear () ;
delete m_pTextlist_Bottom ;
// private method
IMPL_TextlistItem* ProgressMonitor::impl_searchTopic ( const OUString& rTopic, sal_Bool bbeforeProgress )
// Get right textlist for following operations.
IMPL_Textlist* pTextList ;
// Ready for multithreading
ClearableMutexGuard aGuard ( m_aMutex ) ;
if ( bbeforeProgress == sal_True )
pTextList = m_pTextlist_Top ;
pTextList = m_pTextlist_Bottom ;
// Switch off guard.
aGuard.clear () ;
// Search the topic in textlist.
sal_uInt32 nPosition = 0 ;
sal_uInt32 nCount = pTextList->Count () ;
for ( nPosition = 0; nPosition < nCount ; ++nPosition )
IMPL_TextlistItem* pSearchItem = pTextList->GetObject ( nPosition ) ;
if ( pSearchItem->sTopic == rTopic )
// We have found this topic ... return a valid pointer.
return pSearchItem ;
// We have'nt found this topic ... return a nonvalid pointer.
return NULL ;
// debug methods
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
// addText, updateText
sal_Bool ProgressMonitor::impl_debug_checkParameter ( const OUString& rTopic, const OUString& rText, sal_Bool bbeforeProgress )
// Check "rTopic"
if ( &rTopic == NULL ) return sal_False ; // NULL-pointer for reference ???!!!
if ( rTopic.getLength () < 1 ) return sal_False ; // ""
// Check "rText"
if ( &rText == NULL ) return sal_False ; // NULL-pointer for reference ???!!!
if ( rText.getLength () < 1 ) return sal_False ; // ""
// "bbeforeProgress" is valid in everyway!
// Parameter OK ... return sal_True.
return sal_True ;
// removeText
sal_Bool ProgressMonitor::impl_debug_checkParameter ( const OUString& rTopic, sal_Bool bbeforeProgress )
// Check "rTopic"
if ( &rTopic == NULL ) return sal_False ; // NULL-pointer for reference ???!!!
if ( rTopic.getLength () < 1 ) return sal_False ; // ""
// "bbeforeProgress" is valid in everyway!
// Parameter OK ... return sal_True.
return sal_True ;
#endif // #ifdef DBG_UTIL
} // namespace unocontrols