2005-05-27 14:04:04 +00:00
uretest #121392# Changed Makefile 1.1 -> Makefile.pln, and Makefile.sdk 1.1 -> Makefile. 2005-05-26 13:49:28 +00:00
delzip #121392# Moved testtools/source/ure/delzip 2005-05-26 08:43:38 +00:00
jvmfwk3.ini #121932# Windows-specific ini files. 2005-05-26 08:46:39 +00:00
jvmfwk3rc #121392# Moved scp2/source/ure/jvmfwk3rc 2005-05-26 08:44:12 +00:00 #121392# New ure module for URE-specific files; Windows-specific ini files. 2005-05-26 09:00:14 +00:00
README #121932# Missing uwinapi.dll. 2005-05-27 14:04:04 +00:00 #121392# Moved scp2/source/ure/ 2005-05-26 08:44:47 +00:00
uno.ini #121932# Windows-specific ini files. 2005-05-26 08:46:39 +00:00
unorc #121392# Moved scp2/source/ure/unorc 2005-05-26 08:45:07 +00:00

#   $RCSfile: README,v $
#   $Revision: 1.4 $
#   last change: $Author: sb $ $Date: 2005-05-27 15:04:04 $
#   The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
#   either of the following licenses
#          - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
#          - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
#   Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
#   GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
#   =============================================
#   Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#   901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
#   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
#   MA  02111-1307  USA
#   Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
#   =================================================
#   The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
#   Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
#   License at
#   Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
#   See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
#   obligations concerning the Software.
#   The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#   Copyright: 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#   All Rights Reserved.
#   Contributor(s): _______________________________________

Overview of  URE installation:

Unix-like platforms (Linux x86, Solaris x86, Solaris SPARC):

/opt/  [Linux x86 only]
/opt/  [Solaris only]
/opt/  [Linux x86 only]
/opt/  [Solaris only]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private; Linux x86 only]
/opt/  [private; Solaris only]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private; Linux x86 only]
/opt/  [private; Solaris only]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
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/opt/  [private]
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/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private; Linux x86 only]
/opt/  [private; Solaris only]
/opt/  [private; Linux x86 only]
/opt/  [private; Linux x86 only]
/opt/  [private]
/opt/  [private]


Program Files\URE\LICENSE
Program Files\URE\README
Program Files\URE\bin\uno.exe
Program Files\URE\bin\regcomp.exe
Program Files\URE\bin\regmerge.exe
Program Files\URE\bin\regview.exe
Program Files\URE\bin\cppu3.dll
Program Files\URE\bin\cppuhelper3MSC.dll
Program Files\URE\bin\sal3.dll
Program Files\URE\bin\salhelper3MSC.dll
Program Files\URE\java\unoloader.jar
Program Files\URE\java\juh.jar
Program Files\URE\java\jurt.jar
Program Files\URE\java\ridl.jar
Program Files\URE\misc\types.rdb
Program Files\URE\misc\services.rdb
Program Files\URE\bin\uno.ini  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\reg3.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\rmcxt3.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\store3.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\jvmaccess3MSC.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\jvmfwk3.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\sunjavaplugin.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\JREProperties.class  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\jvmfwk3.ini  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\msci_uno.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\java_uno.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\urp_uno.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\jpipe.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\juh.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\juhx.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\stlport_vc7145.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\msvcr71.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\msvcp71.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\bin\uwinapi.dll  [private]
Program Files\URE\java\java_uno.jar  [private]
Program Files\URE\misc\javavendors.xml  [private]

Files marked as "private" are private to the URE installation.  Applications
that use the URE must not make any assumptions about their existance or

Notes on the public files of a URE installation:

uno is an executable to run UNO components.  See the SDK Developer's Guide for

regcomp, regmerge, and regview are tools to work with binary registries that
contain UNO type or service information.  See the SDK Developer's Guide for
details.  (Note that these tools may in the future be superseded by a more
elaborate mechanism, like unopkg already used by

javaldx is a helper program specific to Sun's JDK/JRE (and compatible) that is
needed on Unix-like platforms so that processes can reliably start a Java VM.
Executables like uno and regcomp automatically take care of running this helper.

cppu, cppuhelper, sal, and salhelper are the public C++ UNO runtime dynamic
libraries that client code can call.  See the "C++ Reference" section of the SDK
HTML documentation for details of the functionality offered.  (The corresponding
C++ header files are not part of the URE, but are part of the SDK.)

unoloader.jar, juh.jar, jurt.jar, and ridl.jar are the public Java UNO runtime
JARs that client code can call.  See the "Java UNO Runtime Reference" section of
the SDK HTML documentation for details of the functionality offered.

types.rdb and services.rdb are preconfigured UNO type and service registries.
See "Notes on deployment" below for details.

Notes on deployment:

Per default, the URE is installed in a platform-specific location
(/opt/ on Unix-like platforms, Program Files\URE on Windows).
This can be overridden during installation (e.g., with rpm --relocate on Linux).
The URE is designed so that multiple instances, installed in arbitrary
locations, can coexist on a single system.  (See below for the use of a per-user
javasettings_$(_OS)_$(_ARCH).xml file.)

The URE installation comes preconfigured with a number of UNO types (types.rdb)
and UNO services (services.rdb).  The UNO deployment variable UNO_TYPES is
automatically set up so that UNO types are searched for in the following places,
in the given order:

Unix-like platforms:
- share/misc/types.rdb within the URE installation;
- /etc/opt/ure/types.rdb, if it exists;
- ~/.ure/types.rdb, if it exists.

- misc/types.rdb within the URE installation;
- Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\URE\types.rdb, if it

Similarly, the UNO deployment variable UNO_SERVICES is automatically set up so
that UNO services are searched for in the following places, in the given order:

Unix-like platforms:
- share/misc/services.rdb within the URE installation;
- /etc/opt/ure/services.rdb, if it exists;
- ~/.ure/services.rdb, if it exists.

- misc/services.rdb within the URE installation;
- Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\URE\services.rdb, if it

(Note that on Windows there currently is no support for system-wide deployment,
for example under Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\URE; this
may be added in the future.)

See the SDK Developer's Guide and <
micro_deployment.html> for details about the UNO deployment variables and
mechnisms to override them.

Additional UNO types and services can be deployed using regcomp.  No additional
UNO types and services should be deployed into the types.rdb and services.rdb
within the URE installation.

(The URE installation contains a private unorc or uno.ini that is responsible
for setting up UNO_TYPES and UNO_SERVICES.  That file additionally contains the
private deployment variables URE_INTERNAL_LIB_DIR and URE_INTERNAL_JAVA_DIR,
which are necessary for a properly working URE.)

When a URE executable (uno etc.) starts a Java VM, it uses the URE Java
Framework (see <
javavendorextension.sxw>) to search for a suitable JDK/JRE installation.  The
URE installation comes preconfigured with a (private) javavendors.xml that
supports various JDK/JRE versions, and with a (private) jvmfwk3rc or jvmfwk3.ini
that specifies where information about suitable JDK/JRE installations is stored:

Unix-like platforms:
- Information is first looked for in
- if no information is found there, then information is looked for in
- if no information is found there, a suitable JDK/JRE installation is searched
  for, and any relevant information is stored in
  ~/.ure/javasettings_${_OS}_${_ARCH}.xml (which is created as necessary).

- Information is first looked for in Documents and Settings\<User
  Name>\Application Data\URE\javasettings_${_OS}_${_ARCH}.xml;
- if no information is found there, a suitable JDK/JRE installation is searched
  for, and any relevant information is stored in
  ~/.ure/javasettings_${_OS}_${_ARCH}.xml (which is created as necessary).

(On Unix-like platforms, a system administrator can copy some existing
~/.ure/javasettings_${_OS}_${_ARCH}.xml to
/etc/opt/ure/javasettings_${_OS}_${_ARCH}.xml, so that all users automatically
find the same JDK/JRE installation.  On Windows, there currently is no support
for such a system-wide deployment, for example under Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\URE; this may be added in the future.  On any platform,
any javasettings_${_OS}_${_ARCH}.xml file can simply be deleted in case it
contains any stale data and might thus cause problems.)

The location of a suitable JDK/JRE installation can also be specified directly
with the UNO_JAVA_JFW_JREHOME deployment variable, see
<> for details.

Within the SDK (when configured for the URE; see the "Installation Guide"
section of the SDK HTML documentation for details), the selected Java
(environment variable OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME) is used when any of the executables
javac, jar, or java is run (typically from a makefile).  However, when a URE
executable (uno etc.) starts a Java VM, the URE Java Framework mechanism is used
instead, as explained above.  Note that this may lead to problems when those two
Java versions are incompatible (e.g., when the SDK uses Java 5 to create class
files, and the URE Java Framework mechanism selects a Java 1.4 VM which cannot
read them).

Notes on programming:

C++ UNO components run from within the uno executable can depend on an
environment in which the public C++ UNO runtime dynamic libraries (cppu,
cppuhelper, sal, salhelper) are already available (i.e., on Unix-like platforms,
a component dynamic library need not make sure that the UNO runtime dynamic
libraries it needs can be found on its RPATH).

Java UNO components can depend on an environment in which the public Java UNO
runtime JARs are already available (i.e., a component JAR need not list in its
manifest Class-Path the UNO runtime JARs it needs).

If a Java UNO component JAR brings along new UNO types in the form of Java
classes, it should make use of the new manifest UNO-Type-Path entry:  Analogous
to the standard Class-Path manifest entry, the UNO-Type-Path manifest entry can
contain (relative) URLs of JARs or directories that contain (Java classes
representing) additional UNO types.  The UnoClassLoader (see below) evaluates
this manifest entry, and makes sure that those UNO types are available within
the whole Java UNO environment.  As a special case, "<>" (a less-than sign
immediately followed by a greater-than sign) can be specified in the
UNO-Type-Path entry, denoting the current JAR itself.  This is mainly useful for
backwards compatibility, when any additional UNO types are directly included in
the JAR; also for backwards compatibility, a missing UNO-Type-Path is equivalent
to one containing only "<>".

If a Java application wants to make use of the Java UNO environment, it has to
make sure that all relevant classes are loaded through the UnoClassLoader (see and in the "Java UNO Runtime Reference" section
of the SDK HTML documentation).  A simple example of how to do that is in the uretest bundle (packed up as runner.jar, which is used in the
makefiles to launch the example javaclient.jar application).