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* $RCSfile: oleobjw.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
* last change: $Author: jl $ $Date: 2000-10-19 11:00:15 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* =================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
* Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
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* Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
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* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#ifndef __OLEOBJW_HXX
#define __OLEOBJW_HXX
#include "ole2uno.hxx"
#include <tools/presys.h>
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400
#define _WIN32_DCOM
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <vector>
#include <hash_map>
#include <tools/postsys.h>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase3.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XInitialization.hpp>
#ifndef _RTL_USTRING_
#include <rtl/ustring>
#include <typelib/typedescription.hxx>
#include "unoconversionutilities.hxx"
using namespace cppu;
using namespace rtl;
using namespace std;
using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace com::sun::star::bridge;
namespace ole_adapter
typedef hash_map<OUString, pair<DISPID, unsigned short>, hashOUString_Impl, equalOUString_Impl> DispIdMap;
typedef hash_map<OUString, unsigned int, hashOUString_Impl, equalOUString_Impl> TLBFuncIndexMap;
// This class wraps an IDispatch and maps XInvocation calls to IDispatch calls on the wrapped object.
// If m_TypeDescription is set then this class represents an UNO interface implemented in a COM component.
// The interface is not a real interface in terms of an abstract class but is realized through IDispatch.
class IUnknownWrapper_Impl : public WeakImplHelper3<XInvocation, XBridgeSupplier2, XInitialization>,
public UnoConversionUtilities<IUnknownWrapper_Impl>
IUnknownWrapper_Impl(Reference<XMultiServiceFactory> &xFactory, sal_uInt8 unoWrapperClass, sal_uInt8 comWrapperClass);
// XInvokation
virtual Reference< XIntrospectionAccess > SAL_CALL getIntrospection( ) throw(RuntimeException);
virtual Any SAL_CALL invoke( const OUString& aFunctionName, const Sequence< Any >& aParams, Sequence< sal_Int16 >& aOutParamIndex, Sequence< Any >& aOutParam ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL setValue( const OUString& aPropertyName, const Any& aValue ) throw(UnknownPropertyException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException);
virtual Any SAL_CALL getValue( const OUString& aPropertyName ) throw(UnknownPropertyException, RuntimeException);
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasMethod( const OUString& aName ) throw(RuntimeException);
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasProperty( const OUString& aName ) throw(RuntimeException);
// XBridgeSupplier2
// This interface is implemented to provide a safe way to obtain the original
// IUnknown or IDispatch within the function anyToVariant. The function asks
// every UNO object for its XBridgeSupplier and if it is available uses it to convert
// the object with its own supplier.
virtual Any SAL_CALL createBridge( const Any& modelDepObject, const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aProcessId, sal_Int16 sourceModelType, sal_Int16 destModelType ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException);
// XInitialization
virtual void SAL_CALL initialize( const Sequence< Any >& aArguments ) throw(Exception, RuntimeException);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Any invokeWithDispIdUnoTlb(DISPID dispID, const Sequence< Any >& Params, Sequence<sal_Int16 >& OutParamIndex, Sequence< Any >& OutParam) throw (IllegalArgumentException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException);
// Is used for OleObjectFactory service
virtual Any invokeWithDispIdComTlb(DISPID dispID,
const Sequence< Any >& Params,
Sequence< sal_Int16 >& OutParamIndex,
Sequence< Any >& OutParam)
throw ( IllegalArgumentException, CannotConvertException,
InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException);
virtual void setValueWithDispId(DISPID dispID, const Any& Value) throw ( UnknownPropertyException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException);
virtual Any getValueWithDispId(DISPID dispID) throw (UnknownPropertyException, RuntimeException );
// UnoConversionUtilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Reference<XInterface> createUnoWrapperInstance();
virtual Reference<XInterface> createComWrapperInstance();
// These functions are for the case if an object of this class wraps an IDispatch
// object that implements UNO interfaces. In that case the member m_seqTypes
// is set through XInitialization::initialize.
void getMethodInfo( TypeDescription& methodDescription);
// used by get MethodInfo
TypeDescription getInterfaceMemberDescOfCurrentCall( );
ITypeInfo* getTypeInfo();
// Gets information about the parameter types ( VARTYPE) and mode ( in, out, in/out)
sal_Bool getParameterInfo();
// analyses the type information provided by the COM component and saves the idizes of the
// out and in/out parameter in the member m_outIndizes
// sal_Bool prepareOutParams( VARIANT* params, sal_uInt32 count );
// Builds up the complete vartype from a TYPEDESC, e.g VT_BSTR, VT_BYREF | VT_I4, VT_BYREF|VT_ARRAY|VT_I1
sal_Bool getElementTypeDesc( TYPEDESC *desc, VARTYPE& varType );
// Iterates over all functions and put the names and indices into a map (TLBFuncIndexMap)
sal_Bool buildComTlbIndex();
// Determines whether the map m_mapComFunc has already been set up
sal_Bool isComTlbIndex();
// The information is necessary for getReturnType and getOutParameterType because they obtain
// the information for the current call on Invocation.
void setCurrentInvokeCall( const OUString& name){ m_usCurrentGet=L""; m_usCurrentInvoke= name;}
void setCurrentGetCall( const OUString& name){ m_usCurrentInvoke= L""; m_usCurrentGet= name;}
// Finds out wheter the wrapped IDispatch is an JScript Object. This is is done by
// asking for the property "_environment". If it has the value "JScript" ( case insensitive)
// then the IDispatch is considered a JScript object.
sal_Bool isJScriptObject();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DispIdMap::iterator getDispIdEntry(const OUString& name);
// If UNO interfaces are being implemented in JScript objects, VB or C++ COM objects
// and those are passed as parameter to a UNO interface function, then
// the IDispatch* are wrapped by objects of this class. Assuming that the functions
// implemented by the IDispatch object returns another UNO interface then
// it has to be wrapped to this type. But this is only possible if an object of this
// wrapper class knows what type it is represting. The member m_TypeDescription holds this
// information.
// m_TypeDescription is only useful when an object wrapps an IDispatch object that implements
// an UNO interface. The value is set during a call to XInitialization::initialize.
Sequence<Type> m_seqTypes;
IUnknown* m_pUnknown;
IDispatch* m_pDispatch;
DispIdMap m_dispIdMap;
Reference<XIdlClass>* m_pxIdlClass;
Mutex m_mutex;
// see prepare OutParams
Sequence< sal_Int16 > m_seqOutIndizes;
// The name of the function being executed ( invoke)
OUString m_usCurrentInvoke;
// The name of the property being retrieved ( getValue)
OUString m_usCurrentGet;
// used by isJScriptObject
enum JScriptDetermination{ JScriptUndefined=0, NoJScript, IsJScript};
JScriptDetermination m_eJScript;
// The map is filled by buildComTlbIndex and
TLBFuncIndexMap m_mapComFunc;
// Keeps the ITypeInfo obtained from IDispatch::GetTypeInfo
CComPtr< ITypeInfo > m_spTypeInfo;
// keeps the modes of parameters of the current function call
// These values correspond to Windows PARAMFLAGS constants ( PARAMFLAG_FIN, PARAMFLAG_FOUT)
// The Sequence contains only the in and out flag
// The length of the sequence reprensentsf the number of parameters.
Sequence< sal_Int32> m_seqCurrentParamTypes;
// contains the VARTYPES of the parameters of the current call
Sequence<sal_uInt16> m_seqCurrentVartypes;
} // end namespace