cut down on some of these invalidations when the setting didn't change and we don't need the expensive invalidation Change-Id: Id84a79636fcd7f21c7a8dbe86218b75d32b26487 Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/161784 Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <caolan.mcnamara@collabora.com>
587 lines
23 KiB
587 lines
23 KiB
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#pragma once
#include <svl/SfxBroadcaster.hxx>
#include <svl/lstner.hxx>
#include <svl/undo.hxx>
#include <svx/svddrag.hxx>
#include <svx/svdlayer.hxx>
#include <svtools/colorcfg.hxx>
#include <svl/itemset.hxx>
#include <svx/svxdllapi.h>
#include <unotools/options.hxx>
#include <vcl/event.hxx>
#include <vcl/idle.hxx>
#include <vcl/timer.hxx>
#include <memory>
// Pre defines
class SdrPageWindow;
namespace com::sun::star::awt {
class XControlContainer;
namespace sdr::overlay { class OverlayManager; }
class SdrPage;
class SdrView;
class SfxItemSet;
class SfxStyleSheet;
class SdrOle2Obj;
class SdrModel;
class SdrObject;
enum class GraphicManagerDrawFlags;
namespace sdr::contact {
class ViewObjectContactRedirector;
// Defines for AnimationMode
enum class SdrAnimationMode
class SdrPaintView;
namespace sdr::contact { class ViewObjectContactRedirector; }
namespace vcl {
class Window;
class SvxViewChangedHint final : public SfxHint
explicit SvxViewChangedHint();
class SdrPaintWindow;
* Helper to convert any GDIMetaFile to a good quality BitmapEx,
* using default parameters and graphic::XPrimitive2DRenderer
BitmapEx convertMetafileToBitmapEx(
const GDIMetaFile& rMtf,
const basegfx::B2DRange& rTargetRange,
const sal_uInt32 nMaximumQuadraticPixels);
// SdrPaintView
// SdrSnapView
// SdrMarkView
// SdrEditView
// SdrPolyEditView
// SdrGlueEditView
// SdrObjEditView
// SdrExchangeView
// SdrDragView
// SdrCreateView
// SdrView
// DlgEdView
// GraphCtrlView
// E3dView
// DrawViewWrapper
// FmFormView
// ScDrawView
// sd::View (may have more?)
// sd::DrawView
// SwDrawView
// OSectionView
class SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC SdrPaintView : public SfxListener, public SfxRepeatTarget, public SfxBroadcaster, public ::utl::ConfigurationListener
friend class SdrPageView;
friend class SdrGrafObj;
// the SdrModel this view was created with, unchanged during lifetime
SdrModel& mrModel;
std::unique_ptr<SdrPageView> mpPageView;
VclPtr<OutputDevice> mpActualOutDev; // Only for comparison
VclPtr<OutputDevice> mpDragWin;
SfxStyleSheet* mpDefaultStyleSheet;
OUString maActualLayer; // Current drawing layer
OUString maMeasureLayer; // Current layer for measurements
// Container aPagV; // List of SdrPageViews
// All windows this view is displayed on
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SdrPaintWindow>> maPaintWindows;
Size maGridBig; // FIXME: We need to get rid of this eventually
Size maGridFin; // FIXME: We need to get rid of this eventually
SdrDragStat maDragStat;
tools::Rectangle maMaxWorkArea;
SfxItemSet maDefaultAttr;
Idle maComeBackIdle;
SdrAnimationMode meAnimationMode;
sal_uInt16 mnHitTolPix;
sal_uInt16 mnMinMovPix;
sal_uInt16 mnHitTolLog;
sal_uInt16 mnMinMovLog;
bool mbPageVisible : 1;
bool mbPageShadowVisible : 1;
bool mbPageBorderVisible : 1;
bool mbBordVisible : 1;
bool mbGridVisible : 1;
bool mbGridFront : 1;
bool mbHlplVisible : 1;
bool mbHlplFront : 1;
bool mbGlueVisible : 1; // Persistent; show gluepoints
bool mbGlueVisible2 : 1; // Also show gluepoints for GluePointEdit
bool mbGlueVisible3 : 1; // Also show gluepoints for EdgeTool
bool mbGlueVisible4 : 1; // Show gluepoints, if one edge is selected
bool mbSomeObjChgdFlag : 1;
bool mbSwapAsynchron : 1;
bool mbPrintPreview : 1;
// These bools manage, the status that is displayed
bool mbAnimationPause : 1;
// Flag which decides if buffered output for this view is allowed. When
// set, PreRendering for PageView rendering will be used. Default is sal_False
bool mbBufferedOutputAllowed : 1;
// Flag which decides if buffered overlay for this view is allowed. When
// set, the output will be buffered in an overlay vdev. When not, overlay is
// directly painted to OutDev. Default is sal_False.
bool mbBufferedOverlayAllowed : 1;
// Allow page decorations? Quick way to switch on/off all of page's decoration features,
// in addition to the more fine-granular other view settings (see *visible bools above).
// Default is true.
// This controls processing of the hierarchy elements:
// -ViewContactOfPageBackground: formally known as 'Wiese', the area behind the page
// -ViewContactOfPageShadow: page's shadow
// -ViewContactOfPageFill: the page's fill with PageColor/PaperColor
// (MasterPage content here, not affected by this flag)
// -ViewContactOfOuterPageBorder: the border around the page
// -ViewContactOfInnerPageBorder: The border inside the page, moved inside by PageBorder distances
// -ViewContactOfGrid: the page's grid visualisation (background)
// -ViewContactOfHelplines: the page's Helplines (background)
// (Page content here, not affected by this flag)
// -ViewContactOfGrid: the page's grid visualisation (foreground)
// -ViewContactOfHelplines: the page's Helplines (foreground)
// Note: background/foreground means that one is active, grid & helplines can be displayed in
// front of or behind object visualisations/page content
bool mbPageDecorationAllowed : 1;
// Allow MasterPage visualization, default is true
bool mbMasterPageVisualizationAllowed : 1;
// Is this a preview renderer?
bool mbPreviewRenderer : 1;
// Flags for calc and sw for suppressing OLE, CHART or DRAW objects
bool mbHideOle : 1;
bool mbHideChart : 1;
bool mbHideDraw : 1; // hide draw objects other than form controls
bool mbHideFormControl : 1; // hide form controls only
bool mbPaintTextEdit : 1; // if should paint currently edited text
// Interface for BufferedOoutputAllowed flag
bool IsBufferedOutputAllowed() const;
void SetBufferedOutputAllowed(bool bNew);
// Interface for BufferedOverlayAllowed flag
bool IsBufferedOverlayAllowed() const;
void SetBufferedOverlayAllowed(bool bNew);
// Allow page decorations? See details above at mbPageDecorationAllowed declaration
bool IsPageDecorationAllowed() const { return mbPageDecorationAllowed;}
void SetPageDecorationAllowed(bool bNew);
// Allow MasterPage visualization, default is true
bool IsMasterPageVisualizationAllowed() const { return mbMasterPageVisualizationAllowed;}
void SetMasterPageVisualizationAllowed(bool bNew);
virtual rtl::Reference<sdr::overlay::OverlayManager> CreateOverlayManager(OutputDevice& rDevice) const;
svtools::ColorConfig maColorConfig;
Color maGridColor;
// Interface to SdrPaintWindow
void DeletePaintWindow(const SdrPaintWindow& rOld);
void ConfigurationChanged( ::utl::ConfigurationBroadcaster*, ConfigurationHints ) override;
static void InitOverlayManager(rtl::Reference<sdr::overlay::OverlayManager> xOverlayManager);
sal_uInt32 PaintWindowCount() const { return maPaintWindows.size(); }
SdrPaintWindow* FindPaintWindow(const OutputDevice& rOut) const;
SdrPaintWindow* GetPaintWindow(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const;
// Replacement for GetWin(0), may return 0L (!)
OutputDevice* GetFirstOutputDevice() const;
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ImpComeBackHdl, Timer*, void);
sal_uInt16 ImpGetMinMovLogic(short nMinMov, const OutputDevice* pOut) const;
sal_uInt16 ImpGetHitTolLogic(short nHitTol, const OutputDevice* pOut) const;
// If one does not want to wait for the IdleState of the system (cheated as const)
void FlushComeBackTimer() const;
void TheresNewMapMode();
void ImpSetGlueVisible2(bool bOn) { if (mbGlueVisible2!=bOn) { mbGlueVisible2=bOn; if (!mbGlueVisible && !mbGlueVisible3 && !mbGlueVisible4) GlueInvalidate(); } }
void ImpSetGlueVisible3(bool bOn) { if (mbGlueVisible3!=bOn) { mbGlueVisible3=bOn; if (!mbGlueVisible && !mbGlueVisible2 && !mbGlueVisible4) GlueInvalidate(); } }
void ImpSetGlueVisible4(bool bOn) { if (mbGlueVisible4!=bOn) { mbGlueVisible4=bOn; if (!mbGlueVisible && !mbGlueVisible2 && !mbGlueVisible3) GlueInvalidate(); } }
bool ImpIsGlueVisible() const { return mbGlueVisible || mbGlueVisible2 || mbGlueVisible3 || mbGlueVisible4; }
virtual void Notify(SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint) override;
void GlueInvalidate() const;
// ModelHasChanged is called, as soon as the system is idle again after many SdrHintKind::ObjectChange.
// Any sub-class override this method, MUST call the base class' ModelHasChanged() method
virtual void ModelHasChanged();
// #i71538# make constructors of SdrView sub-components protected to avoid incomplete incarnations which may get casted to SdrView
// A SdrView always needs a SdrModel for lifetime (Pool, ...)
SdrPaintView(SdrModel& rSdrModel, OutputDevice* pOut);
virtual ~SdrPaintView() override;
// SdrModel access on SdrView level
SdrModel& getSdrModelFromSdrView() const { return mrModel; }
SdrModel& GetModel() const { return mrModel; }
virtual void ClearPageView();
virtual bool IsAction() const;
virtual void MovAction(const Point& rPnt);
virtual void EndAction();
virtual void BckAction();
virtual void BrkAction(); // Cancel all Actions (e.g. cancel dragging)
virtual void TakeActionRect(tools::Rectangle& rRect) const;
// Info about TextEdit. Default is sal_False.
virtual bool IsTextEdit() const;
// Must be called for every Window change as well as MapMode (Scaling) change:
// If the SdrView is shown in multiple windows at the same time (e.g.
// using the split pane), so that I can convert my pixel values to logical
// values.
void SetActualWin(const OutputDevice* pWin);
void SetMinMoveDistancePixel(sal_uInt16 nVal) { mnMinMovPix=nVal; TheresNewMapMode(); }
void SetHitTolerancePixel(sal_uInt16 nVal) { mnHitTolPix=nVal; TheresNewMapMode(); }
sal_uInt16 GetHitTolerancePixel() const { return mnHitTolPix; }
// Data read access on logic HitTolerance and MinMoveTolerance
sal_uInt16 getHitTolLog() const { return mnHitTolLog; }
// Using the DragState we can tell e.g. which distance was
// already dragged
const SdrDragStat& GetDragStat() const { return maDragStat; }
// Registering/de-registering a PageView at a View
// The same Page cannot be registered multiple times.
// Methods ending in PgNum expect being passed a Page number.
// Methods ending in PvNum, instead, expect the number of the
// PageView at the SdrView (iterating over all registered Pages).
virtual SdrPageView* ShowSdrPage(SdrPage* pPage);
virtual void HideSdrPage();
// Iterate over all registered PageViews
SdrPageView* GetSdrPageView() const { return mpPageView.get(); }
// A SdrView can be output to multiple devices at the same time
virtual void AddDeviceToPaintView(OutputDevice& rNewDev, vcl::Window* pWindow);
virtual void DeleteDeviceFromPaintView(OutputDevice& rOldDev);
void SetLayerVisible(const OUString& rName, bool bShow);
bool IsLayerVisible(const OUString& rName) const;
void SetLayerLocked(const OUString& rName, bool bLock=true);
bool IsLayerLocked(const OUString& rName) const;
void SetLayerPrintable(const OUString& rName, bool bPrn);
bool IsLayerPrintable(const OUString& rName) const;
// PrePaint call forwarded from app windows
void PrePaint();
// Used internally for Draw/Impress/sch/chart2
virtual void CompleteRedraw(OutputDevice* pOut, const vcl::Region& rReg, sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector* pRedirector = nullptr);
// #i72889# used from CompleteRedraw() implementation internally, added to be able to do a complete redraw in single steps
// BeginCompleteRedraw returns (or even creates) a SdrPaintWindow which will then be used as the
// target for paints. Since paints may be buffered, use its GetTargetOutputDevice() method which will
// return the buffer in case it's buffered.
// DoCompleteRedraw then draws the DrawingLayer hierarchy
// EndCompleteRedraw does the necessary refreshes, paints text edit and overlay as well as destroys the
// SdrPaintWindow again, if needed.
// This means: the SdrPaintWindow is no longer safe after this closing call.
virtual SdrPaintWindow* BeginCompleteRedraw(OutputDevice* pOut);
void DoCompleteRedraw(SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow, const vcl::Region& rReg, sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector* pRedirector = nullptr);
virtual void EndCompleteRedraw(SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow, bool bPaintFormLayer);
// Used for the other applications basctl/sc/sw which call DrawLayer at PageViews
// #i74769# Interface change to use common BeginCompleteRedraw/EndCompleteRedraw
// #i76114# bDisableIntersect disables intersecting rReg with the Window's paint region
SdrPaintWindow* BeginDrawLayers(OutputDevice* pOut, const vcl::Region& rReg, bool bDisableIntersect = false);
// Used when the region passed to BeginDrawLayers needs to be changed
void UpdateDrawLayersRegion(const OutputDevice* pOut, const vcl::Region& rReg);
void EndDrawLayers(SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow, bool bPaintFormLayer);
// Used to paint the form layer after the PreRender device is flushed (painted) to the window.
void ImpFormLayerDrawing( SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow );
static vcl::Region OptimizeDrawLayersRegion(const OutputDevice* pOut, const vcl::Region& rReg, bool bDisableIntersect);
/// Draw Page as a white area or not
bool IsPageVisible() const { return mbPageVisible; }
/// Draw Page shadow or not
bool IsPageShadowVisible() const { return mbPageShadowVisible; }
/// Draw Page as a white area or not
bool IsPageBorderVisible() const { return mbPageBorderVisible; }
/// Draw Border line or not
bool IsBordVisible() const { return mbBordVisible; }
/// Draw Grid or not
bool IsGridVisible() const { return mbGridVisible; }
/// Draw Grid in front of objects or behind them
bool IsGridFront() const { return mbGridFront ; }
/// Draw Help line of the Page or not
bool IsHlplVisible() const { return mbHlplVisible; }
/// Draw Help line in front of the objects or behind them
bool IsHlplFront() const { return mbHlplFront ; }
const Color& GetGridColor() const { return maGridColor;}
void SetPageVisible(bool bOn = true)
if (mbPageVisible != bOn)
mbPageVisible = bOn;
void SetPageShadowVisible(bool bOn)
if (mbPageShadowVisible != bOn)
mbPageShadowVisible = bOn;
void SetPageBorderVisible(bool bOn = true)
if (mbPageBorderVisible != bOn)
mbPageBorderVisible = bOn;
void SetBordVisible(bool bOn = true)
if (mbBordVisible != bOn)
mbBordVisible = bOn;
void SetGridVisible(bool bOn)
if (mbGridVisible != bOn)
mbGridVisible = bOn;
void SetGridFront(bool bOn)
if (mbGridFront != bOn)
mbGridFront = bOn;
void SetHlplVisible(bool bOn = true)
if (mbHlplVisible != bOn)
mbHlplVisible = bOn;
void SetHlplFront(bool bOn)
if (mbHlplFront != bOn)
mbHlplFront = bOn;
void SetGlueVisible(bool bOn = true) { if (mbGlueVisible!=bOn) { mbGlueVisible=bOn; if (!mbGlueVisible2 && !mbGlueVisible3 && !mbGlueVisible4) GlueInvalidate(); } }
bool IsPreviewRenderer() const { return mbPreviewRenderer; }
void SetPreviewRenderer(bool bOn) { mbPreviewRenderer=bOn; }
// Access methods for calc and sw hide object modes
bool getHideOle() const { return mbHideOle; }
bool getHideChart() const { return mbHideChart; }
bool getHideDraw() const { return mbHideDraw; }
bool getHideFormControl() const { return mbHideFormControl; }
void setHideOle(bool bNew) { if(bNew != mbHideOle) mbHideOle = bNew; }
void setHideChart(bool bNew) { if(bNew != mbHideChart) mbHideChart = bNew; }
void setHideDraw(bool bNew) { if(bNew != mbHideDraw) mbHideDraw = bNew; }
void setHideFormControl(bool bNew) { if(bNew != mbHideFormControl) mbHideFormControl = bNew; }
void SetGridCoarse(const Size& rSiz) { maGridBig=rSiz; }
void SetGridFine(const Size& rSiz) {
if (maGridFin.Height()==0) maGridFin.setHeight(maGridFin.Width());
if (mbGridVisible) InvalidateAllWin();
const Size& GetGridCoarse() const { return maGridBig; }
const Size& GetGridFine() const { return maGridFin; }
void InvalidateAllWin();
void InvalidateAllWin(const tools::Rectangle& rRect);
/// If the View should not call Invalidate() on the windows, override
/// the following 2 methods and do something else.
virtual void InvalidateOneWin(OutputDevice& rWin);
virtual void InvalidateOneWin(OutputDevice& rWin, const tools::Rectangle& rRect);
void SetActiveLayer(const OUString& rName) { maActualLayer=rName; }
const OUString& GetActiveLayer() const { return maActualLayer; }
/// Leave an object group of all visible Pages (like `chdir ..` in MS-DOS)
void LeaveOneGroup();
/// Leave all entered object groups of all visible Pages (like `chdir \` in MS-DOS)
void LeaveAllGroup();
/// Determine, whether Leave is useful or not
bool IsGroupEntered() const;
/// Default attributes at the View
/// Newly created objects are assigned these attributes by default when they are created.
void SetDefaultAttr(const SfxItemSet& rAttr, bool bReplaceAll);
const SfxItemSet& GetDefaultAttr() const { return maDefaultAttr; }
void SetDefaultStyleSheet(SfxStyleSheet* pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr);
void SetNotPersistDefaultAttr(const SfxItemSet& rAttr);
void MergeNotPersistDefaultAttr(SfxItemSet& rAttr) const;
/// Execute a swap-in of e.g. graphics asynchronously.
/// This does not reload all graphics like Paint does, but kicks off
/// the loading there. When such an object is done loading, it is displayed.
/// TODO: Only works at the moment, if SwapGraphics is enabled in the model.
/// The default = false flag is non-persistent
bool IsSwapAsynchron() const { return mbSwapAsynchron; }
void SetSwapAsynchron(bool bJa=true) { mbSwapAsynchron=bJa; }
virtual bool KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt, vcl::Window* pWin);
virtual bool MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& /*rMEvt*/, OutputDevice* /*pWin*/) { return false; }
virtual bool MouseButtonUp(const MouseEvent& /*rMEvt*/, OutputDevice* /*pWin*/) { return false; }
virtual bool MouseMove(const MouseEvent& /*rMEvt*/, OutputDevice* /*pWin*/) { return false; }
virtual bool RequestHelp(const HelpEvent& /*rHEvt*/) { return false; }
virtual bool Command(const CommandEvent& /*rCEvt*/, vcl::Window* /*pWin*/) { return false; }
void GetAttributes(SfxItemSet& rTargetSet, bool bOnlyHardAttr) const;
void SetAttributes(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReplaceAll);
SfxStyleSheet* GetStyleSheet() const; // SfxStyleSheet* GetStyleSheet(bool& rOk) const;
void SetStyleSheet(SfxStyleSheet* pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr);
virtual void MakeVisible(const tools::Rectangle& rRect, vcl::Window& rWin);
/// For Plugins
/// Is called by the Paint of the OLE object
virtual void DoConnect(SdrOle2Obj* pOleObj);
/// Enable/disable animations for ::Paint
/// Is used by e.g. SdrGrafObj, if it contains an animation
/// Preventing automatic animation is needed for e.g. the presentation view
bool IsAnimationEnabled() const { return ( SdrAnimationMode::Animate == meAnimationMode ); }
void SetAnimationEnabled( bool bEnable=true );
/// Set/unset pause state for animations
void SetAnimationPause( bool bSet );
/// Mode when starting an animation in the Paint Handler:
/// 1. SdrAnimationMode::Animate (default): start animation normally
/// 2. SDR_ANIMATION_DONT_ANIMATE: only show the replacement picture
/// 3. SdrAnimationMode::Disable: don't start and don't show any replacement
void SetAnimationMode( const SdrAnimationMode eMode );
/// Must be called by the App when scrolling etc. in order for
/// an active FormControl to be moved too
void VisAreaChanged(const OutputDevice* pOut);
void VisAreaChanged();
bool IsPrintPreview() const { return mbPrintPreview; }
void SetPrintPreview(bool bOn = true) { mbPrintPreview=bOn; }
const svtools::ColorConfig& getColorConfig() const { return maColorConfig;}
void onChangeColorConfig();
// #103834# Set background color for svx at SdrPageViews
void SetApplicationBackgroundColor(Color aBackgroundColor);
// #103911# Set document color for svx at SdrPageViews
void SetApplicationDocumentColor(Color aDocumentColor);
// #i38135#
// Sets the timer for Object animations and restarts.
void SetAnimationTimer(sal_uInt32 nTime);
/// @see vcl::ITiledRenderable::setPaintTextEdit().
void SetPaintTextEdit(bool bPaint) { mbPaintTextEdit = bPaint; }
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