624 lines
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624 lines
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* $RCSfile: configset.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.2 $
* last change: $Author: jb $ $Date: 2000-11-10 12:17:22 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
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* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
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* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#include "configset.hxx"
#include "nodechange.hxx"
#include "nodechangeimpl.hxx"
#include "treeimpl.hxx"
#include "template.hxx"
#include "cmtreemodel.hxx" // grr, need this only for IRefCountedTemplateProvider ref counting (and the ValueNode stuff)
namespace configmgr
namespace configuration
// class ElementTree
ElementTree::ElementTree(ElementTreeImpl* pTree)
: m_aTreeHolder(pTree)
ElementTree::ElementTree(ElementTreeHolder const& pTree)
: m_aTreeHolder(pTree)
ElementTree::ElementTree(ElementTree const& aOther)
: m_aTreeHolder(aOther.m_aTreeHolder)
ElementTree& ElementTree::operator=(ElementTree const& aOther)
m_aTreeHolder = aOther.m_aTreeHolder;
return *this;
bool ElementTree::isValid() const
return !!m_aTreeHolder.isValid();
ElementTreeHolder ElementTree::get() const
return m_aTreeHolder;
ElementTreeImpl* ElementTree::getImpl() const
return m_aTreeHolder.getBodyPtr();
TemplateHolder ElementTree::getTemplate() const
OSL_PRECOND(isValid(),"ERROR: Trying to get the template of a NULL element tree");
if (m_aTreeHolder,isValid())
return m_aTreeHolder->getTemplate();
return TemplateHolder();
ElementTreeImpl* ElementTree::operator->() const
return m_aTreeHolder.operator->();
ElementTreeImpl& ElementTree::operator*() const
return m_aTreeHolder.operator*();
Tree ElementTree::getTree() const
return Tree(m_aTreeHolder.getBodyPtr());
ElementTree ElementTree::extract(Tree const& aTree)
TreeImpl* pTree = TreeImplHelper::impl(aTree);
ElementTreeImpl* pImpl = pTree ? pTree->asElementTree() : 0;
return ElementTree(pImpl);
void ElementTree::releaseOwnedElement(std::auto_ptr<INode>& rNewOwner, ElementTree const& aElementTree)
OSL_PRECOND(aElementTree.isValid(),"ERROR: Trying to take over the content of a NULL element tree");
OSL_PRECOND(aElementTree->isFree(),"Trying to take over the content of a owned element tree - returning NULL");
void ElementTree::releaseOwnedElementAs(std::auto_ptr<INode>& rNewOwner, ElementTree const& aElementTree, Name const& aNewName)
OSL_PRECOND(aElementTree.isValid(),"ERROR: Trying to take over the content of a NULL element tree");
OSL_PRECOND(aElementTree->isFree(),"Trying to take over the content of a owned element tree - returning NULL");
// class SetElementInfo
SetElementInfo::SetElementInfo(TemplateHolder const& aTemplate)
: m_aTemplate(aTemplate)
OSL_ENSURE(m_aTemplate.isValid(), "ERROR: Configuration: Creating element info without template information");
if (!m_aTemplate.isValid())
throw configuration::Exception("Creating element info without template information");
SetElementInfo::SetElementInfo(UnoType const& aElementType)
: m_aTemplate( makeSimpleTemplate(aElementType))
OSL_ENSURE(m_aTemplate.isValid(), "ERROR: Configuration: Cannot create template wrapper for simple type");
if (!m_aTemplate.isValid())
throw configuration::Exception("Cannot create template wrapper for simple type");
TemplateHolder SetElementInfo::getTemplate() const
return m_aTemplate;
UnoType SetElementInfo::getElementType() const
return m_aTemplate->getInstanceType();
Name SetElementInfo::getTemplateName() const
return m_aTemplate->getName();
Name SetElementInfo::getTemplatePackage() const
return m_aTemplate->getPackage();
AbsolutePath SetElementInfo::getTemplatePath() const
return m_aTemplate->getPath();
TemplateHolder SetElementInfo::extractElementInfo(Tree const& aTree, NodeRef const& aNode)
OSL_ENSURE(!aTree.isEmpty(), "ERROR: Getting Element Info requires a valid tree");
OSL_ENSURE(aNode.isValid(), "ERROR: Getting Element Info requires a valid node");
OSL_ENSURE(aTree.isValidNode(aNode), "ERROR: Tree/Node mismatch");
if (aNode.isValid() )
Node* pNode = TreeImplHelper::node(aNode);
OSL_ENSURE (pNode->isSetNode(), "WARNING: Getting Element Info requires a SET node");
if (pNode->isSetNode())
return pNode->setImpl().getElementTemplate();
return TemplateHolder();
// class TemplateProvider
TemplateProvider::TemplateProvider(IRefCountedTemplateProvider* pProvider)
: m_aProvider(pProvider)
TemplateProvider::TemplateProvider(Holder const& aProvider)
: m_aProvider(aProvider)
TemplateProvider::TemplateProvider(TemplateProvider const& aOther)
: m_aProvider(aOther.m_aProvider)
// class SetElementFactory
SetElementFactory::SetElementFactory(TemplateProvider const& aProvider)
: m_aProvider(aProvider)
OSL_ENSURE(aProvider.get().isValid(), "WARNING: Template Instance Factory created without template provider - cannot instantiate elements");
SetElementFactory::SetElementFactory(SetElementFactory const& aOther)
: m_aProvider(aOther.m_aProvider)
SetElementFactory& SetElementFactory::operator=(SetElementFactory const& aOther)
m_aProvider = aOther.m_aProvider;
return *this;
ElementTree SetElementFactory::instantiateTemplate(TemplateHolder const& aTemplate)
OSL_ENSURE(m_aProvider.get().isValid(), "ERROR: Template Instance Factory has no template provider - cannot instantiate element");
OSL_ENSURE(aTemplate.isValid(), "ERROR: Template is NULL - cannot instantiate element");
if (!m_aProvider.get().isValid()) return 0;
if (!aTemplate.isValid()) return 0;
ElementTree aRet( new ElementTreeImpl( aTemplate, m_aProvider.getBodyPtr() ) );
return aRet;
// class TreeSetUpdater and ValueSetUpdater
// Value Element Factory methods
ElementTreeHolder ValueSetUpdater::makeValueElement(Name const& aName, UnoAny const& aValue)
UnoType aType = m_aTemplate->getInstanceType();
std::auto_ptr<INode> pNode;
if (aValue.hasValue())
pNode.reset( new ValueNode(aName.toString(),aValue) );
pNode.reset( new ValueNode(aName.toString(),aType) );
return new ElementTreeImpl(m_aTemplate, pNode);
ElementTreeHolder ValueSetUpdater::makeValueElement(Name const& aName, NodeRef const& , UnoAny const& aValue)
// for now ignoring the node.
// TODO: take attributes etc. from that node's value
return makeValueElement(aName, aValue);
TreeSetUpdater::TreeSetUpdater(Tree const& aParentTree, NodeRef const& aSetNode, SetElementInfo const& aInfo)
: m_aParentTree(aParentTree)
, m_aSetNode(aSetNode)
, m_aTemplate(aInfo.getTemplate())
ValueSetUpdater::ValueSetUpdater(Tree const& aParentTree, NodeRef const& aSetNode, SetElementInfo const& aInfo)
: m_aParentTree(aParentTree)
, m_aSetNode(aSetNode)
, m_aTemplate(aInfo.getTemplate())
/// validates that a actual set and an updater's construction parameters match
static void doValidateSet(Tree const& aParentTree, NodeRef const& aSetNode)
if (aParentTree.isEmpty())
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: Unexpected NULL tree");
if (!aSetNode.isValid())
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: Unexpected NULL node");
if (!aParentTree.isValidNode(aSetNode))
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: node does not match tree");
if (! TreeImplHelper::isSet(aSetNode))
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: node is not a set");
if (!aSetNode.getAttributes().writable)
throw ConstraintViolation( "Set Update: Set is read-only !" );
/// validates that the actual set and the construction parameters match
void TreeSetUpdater::implValidateSet()
if (!m_aTemplate.isValid())
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: No template available for tree set update");
if (m_aTemplate->isInstanceValue())
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Tree set update invoked on a value-set");
if ( TreeImplHelper::node(m_aSetNode)->setImpl().getElementTemplate() != m_aTemplate)
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: template mismatch");
/// validates that the actual set and the construction parameters match
void ValueSetUpdater::implValidateSet()
UnoType aThisType = m_aTemplate->getInstanceType();
switch ( aThisType.getTypeClass())
case uno::TypeClass_VOID: throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Value set element type is void");
case uno::TypeClass_INTERFACE: throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Value update invoked on a complex set");
case uno::TypeClass_STRUCT:
case uno::TypeClass_EXCEPTION: throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Unexpected/Invalid type for set elements");
default: break;
if ( TreeImplHelper::node(m_aSetNode)->setImpl().getElementTemplate()->getInstanceType() != aThisType)
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: element type mismatch");
static void doValidateElement(Tree const& aTree, NodeRef const& aNode)
if (!aNode.isValid())
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: Unexpected NULL element node");
if (aTree.isEmpty())
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: Unexpected NULL element tree");
if (!aTree.isValidNode(aNode))
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: node does not match tree");
if (TreeImplHelper::offset(aNode) != TreeImplHelper::impl(aTree)->root())
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: node must be a root node");
// DISABLED: replaceable/removable != writable
// if (!aNode.getAttributes().writable)
// throw ConstraintViolation( "Set Update: Existing element is read-only !" );
// DISABLED: replaceable/removable != nullable
// if (!aNode.getAttributes().nullable)
// throw ConstraintViolation( "Set Update: Existing element cannot be removed (or replaced) !" );
/// validates that the given element is valid in this context and returns its name
Name TreeSetUpdater::implValidateElement(Tree const& aTree, NodeRef const& aNode)
// ElementTreeImpl* pElement = TreeImplHelper::elementImpl(aTree)->isTemplateInstance();
// OSL_ENSURE( pElement, "INTERNAL ERROR: Set Element has wrong type of tree");
// OSL_ENSURE( !pElement || pElement->isTemplateInstance(), "INTERNAL ERROR: Set Element without associated template found");
// OSL_ENSURE( !pElement || pElement->isInstanceOf(m_aTemplate), "INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: existing element does not match template");
return aNode.getName();
/// validates that the given element is valid and can be replaced in this context and returns its name
Name ValueSetUpdater::implValidateElement(Tree const& aTree, NodeRef const& aNode)
UnoType aNodeType = aNode.getUnoType();
OSL_ENSURE(aNode.getUnoType().getTypeClass() != uno::TypeClass_VOID, "INTERNAL ERROR: Set Element without associated type found");
OSL_ENSURE(aNode.getUnoType().getTypeClass() != uno::TypeClass_INTERFACE,"INTERNAL ERROR: Set Element with complex type found");
OSL_ENSURE(aNode.getUnoType() == m_aTemplate->getInstanceType() ||
uno::TypeClass_ANY == m_aTemplate->getInstanceType().getTypeClass(),
"INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: existing element does not match template type");
return aNode.getName();
void TreeSetUpdater::implValidateTree(ElementTree const& aElementTree)
if (!aElementTree.isValid())
throw ConstraintViolation( "Set Update: cannot replace element of complex set with NULL node. Remove the element instead !" );
if (! aElementTree->isTemplateInstance())
throw TypeMismatch(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("<Unnamed> (Template missing)")),
m_aTemplate->getName().toString(), " - new element without template in Set Update");
if (!aElementTree->isInstanceOf(m_aTemplate))
throw TypeMismatch( aElementTree->getTemplate()->getPath().toString(),
m_aTemplate->getPath().toString(), " - new element without template in Set Update");
void ValueSetUpdater::implValidateValue(UnoAny const& aValue)
UnoType aValType = aValue.getValueType();
UnoType aThisType = m_aTemplate->getInstanceType();
if (aValType.getTypeClass() == uno::TypeClass_INTERFACE)
throw TypeMismatch(aValType.getTypeName(), aThisType.getTypeName(), " - cannot replace value by complex tree in Set update");
if (aValue.hasValue())
if (aValType != aThisType && uno::TypeClass_ANY != aThisType.getTypeClass())
throw TypeMismatch(aValType.getTypeName(), aThisType.getTypeName(), " - new element does not match template in SetUpdate");
// cannot do anything about null values here
OSL_ASSERT(aValType.getTypeClass() == uno::TypeClass_VOID);
void ValueSetUpdater::implValidateValue(NodeRef const& aElementNode, UnoAny const& aValue)
// Here we assume writable == removable/replaceable
if (!aElementNode.getAttributes().writable)
throw ConstraintViolation( "Set Update: Existing element is read-only !" );
// Here we assume nullable != removable
if (!aValue.hasValue())
if (!aElementNode.getAttributes().nullable)
throw ConstraintViolation( "Set Update: Value is not nullable !" );
NodeChange TreeSetUpdater::validateInsertElement (Name const& aName, ElementTree const& aNewElement)
SetEntry anEntry = TreeImplHelper::node(m_aSetNode)->setImpl().findElement(aName);
if (anEntry.isValid())
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: Element to be inserted already exists");
NodeChange aChange(new SetInsertTreeImpl(aName, aNewElement.get()) );
aChange.impl()->setTarget(TreeImplHelper::impl(m_aParentTree), TreeImplHelper::offset(m_aSetNode));
return aChange;
NodeChange ValueSetUpdater::validateInsertElement (Name const& aName, UnoAny const& aNewValue)
SetEntry anEntry = TreeImplHelper::node(m_aSetNode)->setImpl().findElement(aName);
if (anEntry.isValid())
throw Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Set Update: Element to be inserted already exists");
NodeChange aChange(new SetInsertValueImpl(aName, makeValueElement(aName, aNewValue)));
aChange.impl()->setTarget(TreeImplHelper::impl(m_aParentTree), TreeImplHelper::offset(m_aSetNode));
return aChange;
NodeChange TreeSetUpdater::validateReplaceElement(Tree const& aElementTree, NodeRef const& aElementNode, ElementTree const& aNewElement)
Name aName = implValidateElement(aElementTree, aElementNode);
NodeChange aChange(new SetReplaceTreeImpl(aName, aNewElement.get()) );
aChange.impl()->setTarget(TreeImplHelper::impl(m_aParentTree), TreeImplHelper::offset(m_aSetNode));
return aChange;
NodeChange ValueSetUpdater::validateReplaceElement(Tree const& aElementTree, NodeRef const& aElementNode, UnoAny const& aNewValue)
Name aName = implValidateElement(aElementTree, aElementNode);
implValidateValue(aElementNode, aNewValue);
NodeChange aChange(new SetReplaceValueImpl(aName, makeValueElement(aName, aElementNode,aNewValue)));
aChange.impl()->setTarget(TreeImplHelper::impl(m_aParentTree), TreeImplHelper::offset(m_aSetNode));
return aChange;
NodeChange TreeSetUpdater::validateRemoveElement (Tree const& aElementTree, NodeRef const& aElementNode)
Name aName = implValidateElement(aElementTree, aElementNode);
NodeChange aChange(new SetRemoveTreeImpl(aName));
aChange.impl()->setTarget(TreeImplHelper::impl(m_aParentTree), TreeImplHelper::offset(m_aSetNode));
return aChange;
NodeChange ValueSetUpdater::validateRemoveElement (Tree const& aElementTree, NodeRef const& aElementNode)
Name aName = implValidateElement(aElementTree, aElementNode);
NodeChange aChange(new SetRemoveValueImpl(aName));
aChange.impl()->setTarget(TreeImplHelper::impl(m_aParentTree), TreeImplHelper::offset(m_aSetNode));
return aChange;