760 lines
29 KiB
760 lines
29 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
* OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
* <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Test_10er" script:language="StarBasic">REM 10er Test
const sSWLogFileName = "swlog.dat", sSCLogFileName = "sclog.dat"
const sSDLogFileName = "sdlog.dat", sSMathLogFileName = "smalog.dat"
const sSImDLogFileName = "simlog.dat", sSChartLogFileName = "schlog.dat"
const sSHptLogFileName = "shptlog.dat", sSMessageLogFileName = "smeslog.dat"
const sSDrawLogFileName = "sdrwlog.dat", sJavaLogFileName = "javalog.dat"
const sSDBLogFileName = "dblog.dat", sExtLogFileName = "extlog.dat"
const sLogFileName = "log.dat"
const cTempFileName = "ttt"
const cMessageSaveOpen8Doc = "Save/Open open Documents (8.0)"
const cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc = "Save/Open Document XML (6/7)"
const cMessageSaveOpen50Doc = "Save/Open Document 5.0"
const cMessageNewDoc = "New Document"
const cMessageCloseDoc = "Close Document"
Global sWorkPath$
Global sWorkPathURL$
Global FileChannel%
Global MainFileChannel%
Sub Main
call TestAllDocs()
end Sub
Sub DeleteAllSavedFiles()
Dim sFileName as String
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmWriter)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmCalc)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmImpress)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmDraw)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmHyperText)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmWriter or cFltXML)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmCalc or cFltXML)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmImpress or cFltXML)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmDraw or cFltXML)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmWriter or cFlt50)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmCalc or cFlt50)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmImpress or cFlt50)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmDraw or cFlt50)
If FileExists (sFileName) then
Kill (sFileName)
End If
End Sub
Sub DeleteAllLogFiles()
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSWLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSWLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSCLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSCLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSDLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSDLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSMathLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSMathLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSImDLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSImDLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSChartLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSChartLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSHptLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSHptLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSMessageLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSMessageLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSDrawLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSDrawLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sJavaLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sJavaLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSDBLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sSDBLogFileName)
End If
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sExtLogFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sExtLogFileName)
End If
end Sub
Function OpenLogDat (sFileName as String) as Integer
Dim LocaleFileChannel%
If FileExists (sWorkPath+sFileName) then
Kill (sWorkPath+sFileName)
End If
LocaleFileChannel% = Freefile
Open sWorkPath+sFileName For Output As LocaleFileChannel%
OpenLogDat = LocaleFileChannel%
end Function
Function GetWorkPath as string
sTemp = "$(userpath)/temp/"
GetWorkPath = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.config.SpecialConfigManager").SubstituteVariables(sTemp)
End Function
Function GetWorkURL as string
sTemp = "$(userurl)/temp/"
GetWorkURL = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.config.SpecialConfigManager").SubstituteVariables(sTemp)
End Function
Function GetSystem (sTmpWorkPath as string) as string
GetSystem = ""
if InStr (sTmpWorkPath, ":") then
GetSystem = "windows"
GetSystem = "unix"
End If
end Function
Function ConvertPathToWin (sTmpWorkPath as string) as string
for i%=1 to Len(sTmpWorkPath)
sTemp = Mid (sTmpWorkPath, i%, 1)
if sTemp = "/" then
sTmpWorkPath = Left (sTmpWorkPath, i%-1) + "\" + Right (sTmpWorkPath, Len(sTmpWorkPath)-i%)
if sTemp = "|" then
sTmpWorkPath = Left (sTmpWorkPath, i%-1) + ":" + Right (sTmpWorkPath, Len(sTmpWorkPath)-i%)
end If
end If
next i%
ConvertPathToWin = sTmpWorkPath
end Function
Sub TestAllDocs()
DIM sDocURL as String, sDocPath as String
DIM nStrPos as Long
sWorkPath = GetWorkPath
sWorkPathURL = GetWorkURL
if GetSystem (sWorkPath) = "windows" then
sWorkPath = ConvertPathToWin (sWorkPath)
end if
'search ExtensionURL
sDocURL = gOutPutDoc.URL
nStrPos = InStrRev (sDocURL, "/" )
sExtensionURL = Left (sDocURL, nStrPos)
call DeleteAllSavedFiles()
call DeleteAllLogFiles()
MainFileChannel = OpenLogDat (sLogFileName)
call WriteTestSequence (MainFileChannel)
if bMakeWriterTest then
call MakeDocTest (frmWriter)
end if
if bMakeCalcTest then
call MakeDocTest (frmCalc)
end if
if bMakeImpressTest then
call MakeDocTest (frmImpress)
end if
if bMakeDrawTest then
call MakeDocTest (frmDraw)
end if
if bMakeHTMLTest then
call MakeDocTest (frmHyperText)
end if
if bMakeChartTest then
call MakeChartTest (frmChart)
end if
if bMakeMathTest then
call MakeNewDoc (frmMath)
end if
if bMakeJavaTest then
call TestJava (frmJava)
end if
if bMakeDBTest then
call Test_DB.TestDB (frmDataBase)
end if
if bMakeExtensionTest then
call Test_Ext.TestExtensions (frmExtension)
end if
Close #MainFileChannel
end Sub
Sub WriteTestSequence (FileChannel as integer)
Print #FileChannel, "Sequence of testing"
if bMakeWriterTest then
WriteTests ("writer : ", true, FileChannel)
end if
if bMakeCalcTest then
WriteTests ("calc : ", true, FileChannel)
end if
if bMakeImpressTest then
WriteTests ("impress : ", true, FileChannel)
end if
if bMakeDrawTest then
WriteTests ("draw : ", true, FileChannel)
end if
if bMakeHTMLTest then
WriteTests ("HTML : ", true, FileChannel)
end if
if bMakeChartTest then
WriteTests ("chart : ", false, FileChannel)
end if
if bMakeMathTest then
WriteTests ("math : ", false, FileChannel)
end if
if bMakeJavaTest then
WriteTests ("Java : ", false, FileChannel)
end if
if bMakeDBTest then
WriteDBTests ("Database : ", FileChannel)
end if
if bMakeExtensionTest then
WriteExtensionTests ("Extension : ", FileChannel)
end if
Print #FileChannel
end Sub
Sub WriteTests (sText as string, bTestAll as boolean, nFileChannel as integer)
Dim sWriteStr as string
sWriteStr = sText
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + "new"
if bTestAll then
if bMakeSaveOpen8Test then
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", save 8.0"
end if
if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest then
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", save XML"
end if
if bMakeSaveOpen50Test then
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", save 5.0"
end if
if bMakeSaveOpen8Test then
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", open 8.0"
end if
if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest then
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", open XML"
end if
if bMakeSaveOpen50Test then
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", open 5.0"
end if
end if
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", close"
Print #nFileChannel, sWriteStr
end Sub
Sub WriteDBTests (sText as string, nFileChannel as integer)
Dim sWriteStr as string
sWriteStr = sText
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + "open / services"
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", insert"
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", delete"
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", seek"
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", close"
Print #nFileChannel, sWriteStr
end Sub
Sub WriteExtensionTests (sText as string, nFileChannel as integer)
Dim sWriteStr as string
sWriteStr = sText
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + "services"
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", install"
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", uninstall"
Print #nFileChannel, sWriteStr
end Sub
Sub MakeDocTest (FilterType as Integer)
Dim oDoc as Object
Dim sFileNameXML$, sFileName50$, sFileName8$
Dim bError as Boolean
Dim nCurrentAction as Integer
nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed
FileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(FilterType))
nCurrentAction = cDocNew
oDoc = LoadDoc ("private:factory/" + GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc))
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, not IsNull (oDoc))
if not IsNull (oDoc) then
nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpen8
if bMakeSaveOpen8Test and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFlt8) then
sFileName8 = sWorkPathURL+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(FilterType or cFlt8)
SaveDoc (sFileName8, oDoc, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFlt8))
end if
nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpenXML
if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFltXML) then
sFileNameXML = sWorkPathURL+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(FilterType or cFltXML)
SaveDoc (sFileNameXML, oDoc, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltXML))
end if
nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpen50
if bMakeSaveOpen50Test and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFlt50) then
sFileName50 = sWorkPathURL+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(FilterType or cFlt50)
SaveDoc (sFileName50, oDoc, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFlt50))
end if
' oDoc.dispose
nCurrentAction = cDocClose
oDoc.close (true)
' bError = true ' nur zum ¦bergang, weil bError = oDoc.CurrentController.frame.close nicht geht
' LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType)+" "+ cMessageCloseDoc, FileChannel)
' LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType)+" "+ cMessageCloseDoc, MainFileChannel)
' SetStatus (FilterType, cDocClose, bError)
nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpen8
if bMakeSaveOpen8Test and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFlt8) then
oDoc = LoadDoc (sFileName8)
' oDoc = Documents.open(sFileName)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageSaveOpen8Doc, FileChannel)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageSaveOpen8Doc, MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocSaveOpen8, not IsNull (oDoc))
if not IsNull (oDoc) then
' oDoc.dispose
nCurrentAction = cDocClose
oDoc.close (true)
end If
end if
nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpenXML
if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFltXML) then
oDoc = LoadDoc (sFileNameXML)
' oDoc = Documents.open(sFileName)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc, FileChannel)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc, MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocSaveOpenXML, not IsNull (oDoc))
if not IsNull (oDoc) then
' oDoc.dispose
nCurrentAction = cDocClose
oDoc.close (true)
end If
end if
nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpen50
if bMakeSaveOpen50Test and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFlt50) then
oDoc = LoadDoc (sFileName50)
' oDoc = Documents.open(sFileName)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageSaveOpen50Doc, FileChannel)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageSaveOpen50Doc, MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocSaveOpen50, not IsNull (oDoc))
if not IsNull (oDoc) then
' oDoc.dispose
nCurrentAction = cDocClose
oDoc.close (true)
end If
end if
end If
Print #FileChannel, "---"
Close #FileChannel%
Exit Sub ' Without error
If (nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed) then
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, False)
Exit Sub
LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), FileChannel)
LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, nCurrentAction, False)
Close #FileChannel%
End If
Exit Sub ' With error
End Sub
Sub MakeNewDoc (FilterType as Integer)
DIM oDoc as Object
Dim bError as Boolean
Dim nCurrentAction as Integer
nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed
FileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(FilterType))
nCurrentAction = cDocNew
' oDoc = Documents.Add(GetDocFilter(FilterType))
oDoc = LoadDoc ("private:factory/" + GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc))
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, not IsNull (oDoc))
if not IsNull (oDoc) then
nCurrentAction = cDocClose
' oDoc.dispose
oDoc.close (true)
' bError = true ' nur zum ¦bergang, weil bError = oDoc.CurrentController.frame.close nicht geht
' LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType)+" "+ cMessageCloseDoc, FileChannel)
' LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType)+" "+ cMessageCloseDoc, MainFileChannel)
' SetStatus (FilterType, cDocClose, bError)
end If
Print #FileChannel, "---"
Close #FileChannel%
Exit Sub ' Without error
If (nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed) then
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, False)
Exit Sub
LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), FileChannel)
LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, nCurrentAction, False)
Close #FileChannel%
End If
Exit Sub ' With error
End Sub
Sub MakeChartTest (FilterType as Integer)
Dim oCharts as Object
Dim oDoc as Object
Dim oRange(0) as New com.sun.star.table.CellRangeAddress
Dim oRect as New com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle
const cChartName="TestChart"
Dim bError as Boolean
Dim nCurrentAction as Integer
nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed
FileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(FilterType))
nCurrentAction = cDocNew
oDoc = LoadDoc ("private:factory/" + GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc))
if not IsNull (oDoc) then
oCharts = oDoc.sheets(0).Charts
oCharts.AddNewByName (cChartName, oRect, oRange(), true, true)
LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, bError)
' oDoc.dispose
nCurrentAction = cDocClose
oDoc.close (true)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (frmCalc, cDocNew, not IsNull (oDoc))
End if
Print #FileChannel, "---"
Close #FileChannel%
Exit Sub ' Without error
If (nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed) then
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, False)
Exit Sub
LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), FileChannel)
LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, nCurrentAction, False)
Close #FileChannel%
End If
Exit Sub ' With error
End Sub
Sub LogState (bState as Boolean, sText as String, nLocaleFileChannel as integer)
if bState then
Print #nLocaleFileChannel, sText+" -> ok"
Print #nLocaleFileChannel, sText+" -> error"
end If
end Sub
Function GetDocEndings (DocType as Integer) as String
Select Case ( DocType )
case frmWriter or cFlt8
GetDocEndings = "odt" ' Textdokument
case frmCalc or cFlt8
GetDocEndings = "ods" 'Tabellendokument
case frmImpress or cFlt8
GetDocEndings = "odp" 'PrÕsentation
case frmDraw or cFlt8
GetDocEndings = "odg" 'Zeichen
case frmHyperText, frmHyperText or cFlt50, frmHyperText or cFltXML
GetDocEndings = "html" 'Hypertext-Dokument
case frmWriter or cFlt50
GetDocEndings = "sdw" ' Textdokument 5.0
case frmCalc or cFlt50
GetDocEndings = "sdc" 'Tabellendokument 5.0
case frmImpress or cFlt50
GetDocEndings = "sdd" 'PrÕsentation 5.0
case frmDraw or cFlt50
GetDocEndings = "sda" 'Zeichen 5.0
case frmWriter or cFltXML
GetDocEndings = "sxw" ' Textdokument
case frmCalc or cFltXML
GetDocEndings = "sxc" 'Tabellendokument
case frmImpress or cFltXML
GetDocEndings = "sxi" 'PrÕsentation
case frmDraw or cFltXML
GetDocEndings = "sxd" 'Zeichen
case else
GetDocEndings = ""
end Select
end Function
Function GetDocFilter (DocType as Integer) as String
Select Case ( DocType )
case frmWriter or cFlt8
GetDocFilter = "writer8" ' Textdokument
case frmCalc or cFlt8
GetDocFilter = "calc8" 'Tabellendokument
case frmImpress or cFlt8
GetDocFilter = "impress8" 'Präsentation
case frmDraw or cFlt8
GetDocFilter = "draw8" 'Zeichen
case frmMath or cFlt8
GetDocFilter = "math8" 'Formel
case frmWriter or cFltXML
GetDocFilter = "StarOffice XML (Writer)" ' Textdokument
case frmCalc or cFltXML
GetDocFilter = "StarOffice XML (Calc)" 'Tabellendokument
case frmImpress or cFltXML
GetDocFilter = "StarOffice XML (Impress)" 'Präsentation
case frmDraw or cFltXML
GetDocFilter = "StarOffice XML (Draw)" 'Zeichen
case frmMath or cFltXML
GetDocFilter = "StarOffice XML (Math)" 'Formel
case frmHyperText, frmHyperText or cFlt50, frmHyperText or cFltXML
GetDocFilter = "HTML" 'Hypertext-Dokument
case frmWriter or cFlt50
GetDocFilter = "StarWriter 5.0" ' Textdokument 5.0
case frmCalc or cFlt50
GetDocFilter = "StarCalc 5.0" 'Tabellendokument 5.0
case frmImpress or cFlt50
GetDocFilter = "StarImpress 5.0" 'Präsentation 5.0
case frmDraw or cFlt50
GetDocFilter = "StarDraw 5.0" 'Zeichen 5.0
case frmMath or cFlt50
GetDocFilter = "StarMath 5.0" 'Formel 5.0
case frmWriter or cFltNewDoc
GetDocFilter = "swriter" ' Textdokument
case frmCalc or cFltNewDoc
GetDocFilter = "scalc" 'Tabellendokument
case frmMessage or cFltNewDoc
GetDocFilter = "Message" 'Nachricht
case frmImpress or cFltNewDoc
GetDocFilter = "simpress" 'Präsentation
case frmDraw or cFltNewDoc
GetDocFilter = "sdraw" 'Zeichen
case frmMath or cFltNewDoc
GetDocFilter = "smath" 'Formel
case frmImage or cFltNewDoc
GetDocFilter = "simage" 'Bild
case frmHyperText or cFltNewDoc
GetDocFilter = "swriter/web" 'Hypertext-Dokument
case frmChart or cFltNewDoc
GetDocFilter = "schart" 'Diagramm
case else
GetDocFilter = ""
end Select
end Function
Function GetLogFileName (DocType as Integer) as String
Select Case ( DocType )
case frmWriter
GetLogFileName = sSWLogFileName ' Textdokument
case frmCalc
GetLogFileName = sSCLogFileName 'Tabellendokument
case frmMessage
GetLogFileName = sSMessageLogFileName 'Nachricht
case frmImpress
GetLogFileName = sSDLogFileName 'PrÕsentation
case frmDraw
GetLogFileName = sSDrawLogFileName 'Zeichnen
case frmMath
GetLogFileName = sSMathLogFileName 'Formel
case frmImage
GetLogFileName = sSImDLogFileName 'Bild
case frmHyperText
GetLogFileName = sSHptLogFileName 'Hypertext-Dokument
case frmChart
GetLogFileName = sSChartLogFileName 'Diagramm
case frmJava
GetLogFileName = sJavaLogFileName 'Java
case frmDataBase
GetLogFileName = sSDBLogFileName 'Database
case frmExtension
GetLogFileName = sExtLogFileName 'Extension
case else
GetLogFileName = ""
end Select
end Function
Function GetErrorMessageOnAction (nAction as Integer) as String
Select Case ( nAction )
case cDocNew
GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageNewDoc
case cDocSaveOpen8
GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageSaveOpen8Doc
case cDocSaveOpenXML
GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc
case cDocSaveOpen50
GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageSaveOpen50Doc
case cDocClose
GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageCloseDoc
case else
GetErrorMessageOnAction = ""
end Select
end Function
Function IsFilterAvailable (FilterType as Integer) as boolean
IsFilterAvailable = true
if ((FilterType = (frmHyperText or cFlt50)) or (FilterType = (frmHyperText or cFltXML))) then
IsFilterAvailable = false
end if
End Function
Function TestJava (FilterType as Integer) as boolean
Dim oObj as Object
FileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(FilterType))
oObj = createUnoService(cUnoJavaLoader)
LogState (not IsNull (oObj), "Java "+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
LogState (not IsNull (oObj), "Java "+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, not IsNull (oObj))
Print #FileChannel, "---"
Close #FileChannel%
TestJava = not IsNull (oObj)
End Function
Sub LoadLibrary( LibName as String )
dim args(1)
dim arg as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
arg.Name = "LibraryName"
arg.Value = LibName
args(0) = arg
dim url as new com.sun.star.util.URL
dim trans as object
trans = createUnoService("com.sun.star.util.URLTransformer" )
url.Complete = "slot:6517"
trans.parsestrict( url )
dim disp as object
disp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch( url, "", 0 )
disp.dispatch( url, args() )
End Sub
Sub LoadDoc (DocName as String) as Object
dim trans as object
trans = createUnoService("com.sun.star.util.URLTransformer" )
url = createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.util.URL" )
url.Complete = DocName
if Left(DocName, 5 ) <> "file:" then
trans.parsestrict( url )
Dim aPropArray(0) as Object
aPropArray(0) = CreateUnoStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue")
aPropArray(0).Name = "OpenFlags"
aPropArray(0).Value = "S"
dim doc as object
dim noargs()
doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( url.Complete, "_blank", 0, aPropArray() ) ' XModel
LoadDoc = doc
End Sub
Sub SaveDoc (DocName as String, oDoc as Object, sFilterName as string )
dim trans as object
trans = createUnoService("com.sun.star.util.URLTransformer" )
url = createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.util.URL" )
url.Complete = DocName
if Left(DocName, 5 ) <> "file:" then
trans.parsestrict( url )
if not (sFilterName = "") then
Dim aPropArray(0) as Object
aPropArray(0) = CreateUnoStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue")
aPropArray(0).Name = "FilterName"
aPropArray(0).Value = sFilterName
oDoc.storeAsURL( url.Complete, aPropArray() )
MessageBox "Filtername is unknown!"
end if
end Sub