Noel Grandin 193207c5ab improve loplugin passparamsbyref
I think I managed to disable this when I converted it to
use the shared plugin infrastructure.

So fix that, and then make it much smarter to avoid various
false positives.

Change-Id: I0a4657cff3b40a00434924bf764d024dbfd7d5b3
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2024-11-19 07:46:25 +01:00

308 lines
12 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
#include "document.hxx"
#include <docsh.hxx>
namespace sc
// These values are MS compatible
enum ObjectiveType
enum SolverParameter
SP_OBJ_CELL, // Objective cell
SP_OBJ_TYPE, // Objective type (max, min, value)
SP_OBJ_VAL, // Value (used when objective is of type "value")
SP_VAR_CELLS, // Variable cells
SP_CONSTR_COUNT, // Number of constraints (MSO only)
SP_LO_ENGINE, // Engine name used in LO
SP_MS_ENGINE, // Engine ID used in MSO
SP_INTEGER, // Assume all variables are integer (0: no, 1: yes)
// LpSolve, CoinMP and SwarmSolver
SP_NON_NEGATIVE, // Assume non negativity (1: yes, 2: no)
SP_EPSILON_LEVEL, // Epsilon level
SP_LIMIT_BBDEPTH, // Branch and bound depth
SP_TIMEOUT, // Time limit to return a solution
SP_ALGORITHM, // Algorithm used by the SwarmSolver (1, 2 or 3)
// Engine options common for DEPS and SCO
SP_SWARM_SIZE, // Size of Swarm
SP_LEARNING_CYCLES, // Learning Cycles
SP_GUESS_VARIABLE_RANGE, // Variable Bounds Guessing
SP_VARIABLE_RANGE_THRESHOLD, // Variable Bounds Threshold (when guessing)
SP_ACR_COMPARATOR, // Use ACR Comparator (instead of BCH)
SP_RND_STARTING_POINT, // Use Random starting point
SP_STRONGER_PRNG, // Use a stronger random generator (slower)
SP_STAGNATION_LIMIT, // Stagnation Limit
SP_STAGNATION_TOLERANCE, // Stagnation Tolerance
SP_ENHANCED_STATUS, // Show enhanced solver status
// DEPS Options
SP_AGENT_SWITCH_RATE, // Agent Switch Rate (DE Probability)
SP_SCALING_MIN, // DE: Min Scaling Factor (0-1.2)
SP_SCALING_MAX, // DE: Max Scaling Factor (0-1.2)
SP_CROSSOVER_PROB, // DE: Crossover Probability (0-1)
SP_COGNITIVE_CONST, // Cognitive Constant
SP_SOCIAL_CONST, // Social Constant
SP_CONSTRICTION_COEFF, // PS: Constriction Coefficient
SP_MUTATION_PROB, // Mutation Probability (0-0.005)
// SCO Options
SP_LIBRARY_SIZE, // Size of library
// Starts at 1 to maintain MS compatibility
enum ConstraintOperator
// Parts of a constraint
enum ConstraintPart
// Stores the information of a single constraint (condition)
struct ModelConstraint
OUString aLeftStr;
ConstraintOperator nOperator;
OUString aRightStr;
: nOperator(CO_LESS_EQUAL)
bool IsDefault() const
return aLeftStr.isEmpty() && aRightStr.isEmpty() && nOperator == CO_LESS_EQUAL;
/* Class SolverSettings
* This class is used to load/save and manipulate solver settings in a Calc tab.
* During initialization, (see Initialize() method) all settings stored in the tab are loaded onto
* the object. Settings that are not defined use default values.
* Read/Write methods are private and are used internally to load/write solver settings from
* named ranges associated with the sheet.
* Get/Set methods are public methods used to change object properties (they do not save data
* to the file).
* The method SaveSolverSettings() is used to create the named ranges containing the current
* property values into the file.
class SolverSettings
ScTable& m_rTable;
ScDocument& m_rDoc;
ScDocShell* m_pDocShell;
// Used to read/write the named ranges in the tab
ScRangeName* m_pRangeName;
OUString m_sObjCell;
ObjectiveType m_eObjType;
OUString m_sObjVal;
OUString m_sVariableCells;
OUString m_sLOEngineName;
OUString m_sMSEngineId;
// Solver engine options
OUString m_sInteger;
OUString m_sNonNegative;
OUString m_sEpsilonLevel;
OUString m_sLimitBBDepth;
OUString m_sTimeout;
OUString m_sAlgorithm;
// DEPS and SCO
OUString m_sSwarmSize;
OUString m_sLearningCycles;
OUString m_sGuessVariableRange;
OUString m_sVariableRangeThreshold;
OUString m_sUseACRComparator;
OUString m_sUseRandomStartingPoint;
OUString m_sUseStrongerPRNG;
OUString m_sStagnationLimit;
OUString m_sTolerance;
OUString m_sEnhancedSolverStatus;
// DEPS only
OUString m_sAgentSwitchRate;
OUString m_sScalingFactorMin;
OUString m_sScalingFactorMax;
OUString m_sCrossoverProbability;
OUString m_sCognitiveConstant;
OUString m_sSocialConstant;
OUString m_sConstrictionCoeff;
OUString m_sMutationProbability;
// SCO only
OUString m_sLibrarySize;
std::vector<ModelConstraint> m_aConstraints;
void Initialize();
// Used to create or read a single solver parameter based on its named range
bool ReadParamValue(SolverParameter eParam, OUString& rValue, bool bRemoveQuotes = false);
bool ReadDoubleParamValue(SolverParameter eParam, OUString& rValue);
void WriteParamValue(SolverParameter eParam, OUString sValue, bool bQuoted = false);
void WriteDoubleParamValue(SolverParameter eParam, std::u16string_view sValue);
// Creates or reads all constraints stored in named ranges
void ReadConstraints();
void WriteConstraints();
// Used to create or get a single constraint part
bool ReadConstraintPart(ConstraintPart ePart, tools::Long nIndex, OUString& rValue);
void WriteConstraintPart(ConstraintPart ePart, tools::Long nIndex, const OUString& sValue);
// Creates or reads all named ranges associated with solver engine options
void ReadEngine();
void WriteEngine();
void DeleteAllNamedRanges();
// Maps solver parameters to named ranges
std::map<SolverParameter, OUString> m_mNamedRanges
= { { SP_OBJ_CELL, "solver_opt" },
{ SP_OBJ_TYPE, "solver_typ" },
{ SP_OBJ_VAL, "solver_val" },
{ SP_VAR_CELLS, "solver_adj" },
{ SP_CONSTR_COUNT, "solver_num" },
{ SP_LO_ENGINE, "solver_lo_eng" },
{ SP_MS_ENGINE, "solver_eng" },
{ SP_INTEGER, "solver_int" },
{ SP_NON_NEGATIVE, "solver_neg" },
{ SP_EPSILON_LEVEL, "solver_eps" },
{ SP_LIMIT_BBDEPTH, "solver_bbd" },
{ SP_TIMEOUT, "solver_tim" },
{ SP_ALGORITHM, "solver_alg" },
{ SP_SWARM_SIZE, "solver_ssz" },
{ SP_LEARNING_CYCLES, "solver_lcy" },
{ SP_GUESS_VARIABLE_RANGE, "solver_gvr" },
{ SP_ACR_COMPARATOR, "solver_acr" },
{ SP_RND_STARTING_POINT, "solver_rsp" },
{ SP_STRONGER_PRNG, "solver_prng" },
{ SP_STAGNATION_LIMIT, "solver_slim" },
{ SP_STAGNATION_TOLERANCE, "solver_stol" },
{ SP_ENHANCED_STATUS, "solver_enst" },
{ SP_AGENT_SWITCH_RATE, "solver_asr" },
{ SP_SCALING_MIN, "solver_smin" },
{ SP_SCALING_MAX, "solver_smax" },
{ SP_CROSSOVER_PROB, "solver_crpb" },
{ SP_COGNITIVE_CONST, "solver_cog" },
{ SP_SOCIAL_CONST, "solver_soc" },
{ SP_CONSTRICTION_COEFF, "solver_ccoeff" },
{ SP_MUTATION_PROB, "solver_mtpb" },
{ SP_LIBRARY_SIZE, "solver_lbsz" } };
// Maps LO solver implementation names to MS engine codes
std::map<OUString, OUString> SolverNamesToExcelEngines = {
{ "", "2" }, // Simplex LP
{ "", "2" }, // Simplex LP
{ "", "1" }, // GRG Nonlinear
{ "", "3" }, // DEPS
{ "", "3" } // SCO
// Maps MS solver engine codes to LO solver implementation names
std::map<OUString, OUString> SolverCodesToLOEngines = {
{ "1", "" }, // GRG Nonlinear
{ "2", "" }, // Simplex LP
{ "3", "" } // Evolutionary
// Maps LO solver parameters to named ranges to be used
// NonNegative: for MS compatibility, use 1 for selected and 2 for not selected
typedef std::vector<std::variant<OUString, SolverParameter>> TParamInfo;
std::map<OUString, TParamInfo> SolverParamNames
= { { u"Integer"_ustr, { SP_INTEGER, "solver_int", "bool" } },
{ u"NonNegative"_ustr, { SP_NON_NEGATIVE, "solver_neg", "bool" } },
{ u"EpsilonLevel"_ustr, { SP_EPSILON_LEVEL, "solver_eps", "int" } },
{ u"LimitBBDepth"_ustr, { SP_LIMIT_BBDEPTH, "solver_bbd", "bool" } },
{ u"Timeout"_ustr, { SP_TIMEOUT, "solver_tim", "int" } },
{ u"Algorithm"_ustr, { SP_ALGORITHM, "solver_alg", "int" } },
// SCO and DEPS
{ u"AssumeNonNegative"_ustr, { SP_NON_NEGATIVE, "solver_neg", "bool" } },
{ u"SwarmSize"_ustr, { SP_SWARM_SIZE, "solver_ssz", "int" } },
{ u"LearningCycles"_ustr, { SP_LEARNING_CYCLES, "solver_lcy", "int" } },
{ u"GuessVariableRange"_ustr, { SP_GUESS_VARIABLE_RANGE, "solver_gvr", "bool" } },
{ u"VariableRangeThreshold"_ustr,
{ SP_VARIABLE_RANGE_THRESHOLD, "solver_vrt", "double" } },
{ u"UseACRComparator"_ustr, { SP_ACR_COMPARATOR, "solver_acr", "bool" } },
{ u"UseRandomStartingPoint"_ustr, { SP_RND_STARTING_POINT, "solver_rsp", "bool" } },
{ u"UseStrongerPRNG"_ustr, { SP_STRONGER_PRNG, "solver_prng", "bool" } },
{ u"StagnationLimit"_ustr, { SP_STAGNATION_LIMIT, "solver_slim", "int" } },
{ u"Tolerance"_ustr, { SP_STAGNATION_TOLERANCE, "solver_stol", "double" } },
{ u"EnhancedSolverStatus"_ustr, { SP_ENHANCED_STATUS, "solver_enst", "bool" } },
// DEPS only
{ u"AgentSwitchRate"_ustr, { SP_AGENT_SWITCH_RATE, "solver_asr", "double" } },
{ u"DEFactorMin"_ustr, { SP_SCALING_MIN, "solver_smin", "double" } },
{ u"DEFactorMax"_ustr, { SP_SCALING_MAX, "solver_smax", "double" } },
{ u"DECR"_ustr, { SP_CROSSOVER_PROB, "solver_crpb", "double" } },
{ u"PSC1"_ustr, { SP_COGNITIVE_CONST, "solver_cog", "double" } },
{ u"PSC2"_ustr, { SP_SOCIAL_CONST, "solver_soc", "double" } },
{ u"PSWeight"_ustr, { SP_CONSTRICTION_COEFF, "solver_ccoeff", "double" } },
{ u"PSCL"_ustr, { SP_MUTATION_PROB, "solver_mtpb", "double" } },
// SCO only
{ u"LibrarySize"_ustr, { SP_LIBRARY_SIZE, "solver_lbsz", "int" } } };
// Stores the roots used for named ranges of constraint parts
// Items here must be in the same order as in ConstraintPart enum
std::vector<OUString> m_aConstraintParts{ u"solver_lhs"_ustr, u"solver_rel"_ustr,
u"solver_rhs"_ustr };
/* A SolverSettings object is linked to the ScTable where solver parameters
* are located and saved to */
SolverSettings(ScTable& pTable);
SC_DLLPUBLIC OUString GetParameter(SolverParameter eParam);
SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetParameter(SolverParameter eParam, const OUString& sValue);
SC_DLLPUBLIC ObjectiveType GetObjectiveType() { return m_eObjType; }
SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetObjectiveType(ObjectiveType eType);
SC_DLLPUBLIC void GetEngineOptions(css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& aOptions);
SetEngineOptions(const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& aOptions);
SC_DLLPUBLIC const std::vector<ModelConstraint>& GetConstraints() { return m_aConstraints; }
SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetConstraints(std::vector<ModelConstraint> aConstraints);
SC_DLLPUBLIC void SaveSolverSettings();
SC_DLLPUBLIC void ResetToDefaults();
SC_DLLPUBLIC bool TabHasSolverModel();
} // namespace sc
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