Kurt Zenker 98c1b112c9 INTEGRATION: CWS sdwarningsbegone (1.8.38); FILE MERGED
2006/11/22 12:41:59 cl #i69285# warning free code changes for
2006-12-12 16:29:52 +00:00

195 lines
7.2 KiB

* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: unoaprms.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.9 $
* last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2006-12-12 17:29:52 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sd.hxx"
#include "drawdoc.hxx"
#include "unoaprms.hxx"
#include "anminfo.hxx"
TYPEINIT1(SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction, SdUndoAction);
|* 2. Ctor, der den ersten (inline) nach der Version 4.0 einmal ersetzen
|* soll (mit 3. Parameter dann)
|* Hier werden die Member mit den Animations-Informationen vorbelegt,
|* um nicht immer alle inline-Methoden aufrufen zu muessen, auch im
|* Hinblick auf zukuenftige Erweiterungen (neue Member etc.)
SdDrawDocument* pTheDoc,
SdrObject* pObj ) :
SdUndoAction ( pTheDoc ),
pObject ( pObj ),
bInfoCreated ( FALSE ) // Fuer Animationsreihenfolge existiert Info
SdAnimationInfo* pInfo = pTheDoc->GetAnimationInfo( pObject );
if( pInfo )
bNewActive = bOldActive = pInfo->mbActive;
eNewEffect = eOldEffect = pInfo->meEffect;
eNewTextEffect = eOldTextEffect = pInfo->meTextEffect;
eNewSpeed = eOldSpeed = pInfo->meSpeed;
bNewDimPrevious = bOldDimPrevious= pInfo->mbDimPrevious;
aNewDimColor = aOldDimColor = pInfo->maDimColor;
bNewDimHide = bOldDimHide = pInfo->mbDimHide;
bNewSoundOn = bOldSoundOn = pInfo->mbSoundOn;
aNewSoundFile = aOldSoundFile = pInfo->maSoundFile;
bNewPlayFull = bOldPlayFull = pInfo->mbPlayFull;
pNewPathObj = pOldPathObj = pInfo->mpPathObj;
eNewClickAction = eOldClickAction = pInfo->meClickAction;
aNewBookmark = aOldBookmark = pInfo->maBookmark;
// bNewInvisibleInPres = bOldInvisibleInPres= pInfo->mbInvisibleInPresentation;
nNewVerb = nOldVerb = pInfo->mnVerb;
nNewPresOrder = nOldPresOrder = pInfo->mnPresOrder;
eNewSecondEffect = eOldSecondEffect = pInfo->meSecondEffect;
eNewSecondSpeed = eOldSecondSpeed = pInfo->meSecondSpeed;
bNewSecondSoundOn = bOldSecondSoundOn = pInfo->mbSecondSoundOn;
bNewSecondPlayFull = bOldSecondPlayFull = pInfo->mbSecondPlayFull;
|* Undo()
void SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction::Undo()
// keine neu Info erzeugt: Daten restaurieren
if (!bInfoCreated)
SdDrawDocument* pDoc = (SdDrawDocument*)pObject->GetModel();
if( pDoc )
SdAnimationInfo* pInfo = pDoc->GetAnimationInfo( pObject );
// So nicht...
//SdAnimationInfo* pInfo = (SdAnimationInfo*)pObject->GetUserData(0);
pInfo->mbActive = bOldActive;
pInfo->meEffect = eOldEffect;
pInfo->meTextEffect = eOldTextEffect;
pInfo->meSpeed = eOldSpeed;
pInfo->mbDimPrevious = bOldDimPrevious;
pInfo->maDimColor = aOldDimColor;
pInfo->mbDimHide = bOldDimHide;
pInfo->mbSoundOn = bOldSoundOn;
pInfo->maSoundFile = aOldSoundFile;
pInfo->mbPlayFull = bOldPlayFull;
// pInfo->mSetPath(pOldPathObj);
pInfo->meClickAction = eOldClickAction;
pInfo->maBookmark = aOldBookmark;
// pInfo->mbInvisibleInPresentation = bOldInvisibleInPres;
pInfo->mnVerb = nOldVerb;
pInfo->mnPresOrder = nOldPresOrder;
pInfo->meSecondEffect = eOldSecondEffect;
pInfo->meSecondSpeed = eOldSecondSpeed;
pInfo->mbSecondSoundOn = bOldSecondSoundOn;
pInfo->mbSecondPlayFull = bOldSecondPlayFull;
// Info wurde durch Aktion erzeugt: Info loeschen
// Damit ein ModelHasChanged() ausgeloest wird, um das Effekte-Window
// auf Stand zu bringen (Animations-Reihenfolge)
|* Redo()
void SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction::Redo()
SdAnimationInfo* pInfo = NULL;
pInfo = SdDrawDocument::GetShapeUserData(*pObject,true);
pInfo->mbActive = bNewActive;
pInfo->meEffect = eNewEffect;
pInfo->meTextEffect = eNewTextEffect;
pInfo->meSpeed = eNewSpeed;
pInfo->mbDimPrevious = bNewDimPrevious;
pInfo->maDimColor = aNewDimColor;
pInfo->mbDimHide = bNewDimHide;
pInfo->mbSoundOn = bNewSoundOn;
pInfo->maSoundFile = aNewSoundFile;
pInfo->mbPlayFull = bNewPlayFull;
// pInfo->mSetPath(pNewPathObj);
pInfo->meClickAction = eNewClickAction;
pInfo->maBookmark = aNewBookmark;
// pInfo->mbInvisibleInPresentation = bNewInvisibleInPres;
pInfo->mnVerb = nNewVerb;
pInfo->mnPresOrder = nNewPresOrder;
pInfo->meSecondEffect = eNewSecondEffect;
pInfo->meSecondSpeed = eNewSecondSpeed;
pInfo->mbSecondSoundOn = bNewSecondSoundOn;
pInfo->mbSecondPlayFull = bNewSecondPlayFull;
// Damit ein ModelHasChanged() ausgeloest wird, um das Effekte-Window
// auf Stand zu bringen (Animations-Reihenfolge)
|* Destruktor