Rüdiger Timm 666f7dc622 INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.36.34); FILE MERGED
2008/04/01 15:24:59 thb #i85898# Stripping all external header guards
2008/04/01 12:34:01 thb #i85898# Stripping all external header guards
2008/03/31 13:23:35 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-10 09:28:37 +00:00

1949 lines
56 KiB

* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: file.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.37 $
* This file is part of
* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 3 along with If not, see
* <>
* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
/** @HTML */
#ifndef _OSL_FILE_HXX_
#define _OSL_FILE_HXX_
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <osl/time.h>
# include <rtl/memory.h>
# include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <osl/file.h>
# include <rtl/byteseq.hxx>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace osl
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Base class for all File System specific objects.
@see Directory
@see DirectoryItem
@see File
class FileBase
enum RC {
E_None = osl_File_E_None,
E_PERM = osl_File_E_PERM,
E_NOENT = osl_File_E_NOENT,
E_SRCH = osl_File_E_SRCH,
E_INTR = osl_File_E_INTR,
E_IO = osl_File_E_IO,
E_NXIO = osl_File_E_NXIO,
E_2BIG = osl_File_E_2BIG,
E_BADF = osl_File_E_BADF,
E_CHILD = osl_File_E_CHILD,
E_AGAIN = osl_File_E_AGAIN,
E_NOMEM = osl_File_E_NOMEM,
E_ACCES = osl_File_E_ACCES,
E_FAULT = osl_File_E_FAULT,
E_BUSY = osl_File_E_BUSY,
E_EXIST = osl_File_E_EXIST,
E_XDEV = osl_File_E_XDEV,
E_NODEV = osl_File_E_NODEV,
E_ISDIR = osl_File_E_ISDIR,
E_INVAL = osl_File_E_INVAL,
E_NFILE = osl_File_E_NFILE,
E_MFILE = osl_File_E_MFILE,
E_NOTTY = osl_File_E_NOTTY,
E_FBIG = osl_File_E_FBIG,
E_NOSPC = osl_File_E_NOSPC,
E_SPIPE = osl_File_E_SPIPE,
E_ROFS = osl_File_E_ROFS,
E_MLINK = osl_File_E_MLINK,
E_PIPE = osl_File_E_PIPE,
E_DOM = osl_File_E_DOM,
E_RANGE = osl_File_E_RANGE,
E_NOLCK = osl_File_E_NOLCK,
E_NOSYS = osl_File_E_NOSYS,
E_LOOP = osl_File_E_LOOP,
E_ILSEQ = osl_File_E_ILSEQ,
E_USERS = osl_File_E_USERS,
E_invalidError = osl_File_E_invalidError, /* unmapped error: always last entry in enum! */
/** Determine a valid unused canonical name for a requested name.
Determines a valid unused canonical name for a requested name.
Depending on the Operating System and the File System the illegal characters are replaced by valid ones.
If a file or directory with the requested name already exists a new name is generated following
the common rules on the actual Operating System and File System.
@param ustrRequestedURL [in]
Requested name of a file or directory.
@param pustrValidURL [out]
On success receives a name which is unused and valid on the actual Operating System and
File System.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
@see DirectoryItem::getFileStatus()
static inline RC getCanonicalName( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrRequestedURL, ::rtl::OUString& ustrValidURL )
return (RC) osl_getCanonicalName( ustrRequestedURL.pData, &ustrValidURL.pData );
/** Convert a path relative to a given directory into an full qualified file URL.
Convert a path relative to a given directory into an full qualified file URL.
The function resolves symbolic links if possible and path ellipses, so on success
the resulting absolute path is fully resolved.
@param ustrBaseDirectoryURL [in]
Base directory URL to which the relative path is related to.
@param ustrRelativeFileURL [in]
An URL of a file or directory relative to the directory path specified by ustrBaseDirectoryURL
or an absolute path.
If ustrRelativeFileURL denotes an absolute path ustrBaseDirectoryURL will be ignored.
@param ustrAbsoluteFileURL [out]
On success it receives the full qualified absoulte file URL.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_NOTDIR not a directory
E_ACCES permission denied
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_NAMETOOLONG file name too long
E_OVERFLOW value too large for defined data type
E_FAULT bad address
E_INTR function call was interrupted
E_LOOP too many symbolic links encountered
E_MULTIHOP multihop attempted
E_NOLINK link has been severed
@see DirectoryItem::getFileStatus()
static inline RC getAbsoluteFileURL( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrBaseDirectoryURL, const ::rtl::OUString& ustrRelativeFileURL, ::rtl::OUString& ustrAbsoluteFileURL )
return (RC) osl_getAbsoluteFileURL( ustrBaseDirectoryURL.pData, ustrRelativeFileURL.pData, &ustrAbsoluteFileURL.pData );
/** Convert a file URL into a system dependend path.
@param ustrFileURL [in]
A File URL.
@param ustrSystemPath [out]
On success it receives the system path.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
@see getFileURLFromSystemPath()
static inline RC getSystemPathFromFileURL( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL, ::rtl::OUString& ustrSystemPath )
return (RC) osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( ustrFileURL.pData, &ustrSystemPath.pData );
/** Convert a system dependend path into a file URL.
@param ustrSystemPath [in]
A System dependent path of a file or directory.
@param ustrFileURL [out]
On success it receives the file URL.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
@see getSystemPathFromFileURL()
static inline RC getFileURLFromSystemPath( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrSystemPath, ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL )
return (RC) osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( ustrSystemPath.pData, &ustrFileURL.pData );
/** Searche a full qualified system path or a file URL.
@param ustrFileName [in]
A system dependent path, a file URL, a file or relative directory
@param ustrSearchPath [in]
A list of system paths, in which a given file has to be searched. The Notation of a path list is
system dependend, e.g. on UNIX system "/usr/bin:/bin" and on Windows "C:\BIN;C:\BATCH".
These paths are only for the search of a file or a relative path, otherwise it will be ignored.
If ustrSearchPath is NULL or while using the search path the search failed, the function searches for
a matching file in all system directories and in the directories listed in the PATH environment
The value of an environment variable should be used (e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH) if the caller is not
aware of the Operating System and so doesn't know which path list delimiter to use.
@param ustrFileURL [out]
On success it receives the full qualified file URL.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOTDIR not a directory
E_NOENT no such file or directory not found
@see getFileURLFromSystemPath()
@see getSystemPathFromFileURL()
static inline RC searchFileURL( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileName, const ::rtl::OUString& ustrSearchPath, ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL )
return (RC) osl_searchFileURL( ustrFileName.pData, ustrSearchPath.pData, &ustrFileURL.pData );
/** Retrieves the file URL of the system's temporary directory path.
@param ustrTempDirURL[out]
On success receives the URL of system's temporary directory path.
E_None on success
E_NOENT no such file or directory not found
static inline RC getTempDirURL( ::rtl::OUString& ustrTempDirURL )
return (RC) osl_getTempDirURL( &ustrTempDirURL.pData );
/** Creates a temporary file in the directory provided by the caller or the
directory returned by getTempDirURL.
Under UNIX Operating Systems the file will be created with read and write
access for the user exclusively.
If the caller requests only a handle to the open file but not the name of
it, the file will be automatically removed on close else the caller is
responsible for removing the file on success.<br><br>
@param pustrDirectoryURL [in]
Specifies the full qualified URL where the temporary file should be created.
If pustrDirectoryURL is 0 the path returned by osl_getTempDirURL will be used.
@param pHandle [out]
On success receives a handle to the open file.
If pHandle is 0 the file will be closed on return, in this case
pustrTempFileURL must not be 0.
@param pustrTempFileURL [out]
On success receives the full qualified URL of the temporary file.
If pustrTempFileURL is 0 the file will be automatically removed
on close, in this case pHandle must not be 0.
If pustrTempFileURL is not 0 the caller receives the name of the
created file and is responsible for removing the file.
Description of the different pHandle, ppustrTempFileURL parameter combinations.
pHandle is 0 and pustrTempDirURL is 0 - this combination is invalid<br>
pHandle is not 0 and pustrTempDirURL is 0 - a handle to the open file
will be returned on success and the file will be automatically removed on close<br>
pHandle is 0 and pustrTempDirURL is not 0 - the name of the file will be
returned, the caller is responsible for opening, closing and removing the file.<br>
pHandle is not 0 and pustrTempDirURL is not 0 - a handle to the open file as well as
the file name will be returned, the caller is responsible for closing and removing
the file.<br>
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameter is invalid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_ACCES Permission denied
E_NOENT No such file or directory
E_NOTDIR Not a directory
E_ROFS Read-only file system
E_NOSPC No space left on device
E_DQUOT Quota exceeded
@see getTempDirURL()
static inline RC createTempFile(
::rtl::OUString* pustrDirectoryURL,
oslFileHandle* pHandle,
::rtl::OUString* pustrTempFileURL)
rtl_uString* pustr_dir_url = pustrDirectoryURL ? pustrDirectoryURL->pData : 0;
rtl_uString** ppustr_tmp_file_url = pustrTempFileURL ? &pustrTempFileURL->pData : 0;
return (RC) osl_createTempFile(pustr_dir_url, pHandle, ppustr_tmp_file_url);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The VolumeDevice class.
@see VolumeInfo
class VolumeDevice : public FileBase
oslVolumeDeviceHandle _aHandle;
/** Constructor.
VolumeDevice() : _aHandle( NULL )
/** Copy constructor.
@param rDevice
The other volume device.
VolumeDevice( const VolumeDevice & rDevice )
_aHandle = rDevice._aHandle;
if ( _aHandle )
osl_acquireVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
/** Destructor.
if ( _aHandle )
osl_releaseVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
/** Assignment operator.
@param rDevice
The other volume device.
inline VolumeDevice & operator =( const VolumeDevice & rDevice )
oslVolumeDeviceHandle newHandle = rDevice._aHandle;
if ( newHandle )
osl_acquireVolumeDeviceHandle( newHandle );
if ( _aHandle )
osl_releaseVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
_aHandle = newHandle;
return *this;
/** Automount a volume device.
E_None on success
specify all error codes that may be returned
inline RC automount()
return (RC)osl_automountVolumeDevice( _aHandle );
/** Unmount a volume device.
E_None on success
specify all error codes that may be returned
inline RC unmount()
return (RC)osl_unmountVolumeDevice( _aHandle );
/** Get the full qualified URL where a device is mounted to.
The full qualified URL where the device is mounted to.
inline rtl::OUString getMountPath()
rtl::OUString aPath;
osl_getVolumeDeviceMountPath( _aHandle, &aPath.pData );
return aPath;
friend class VolumeInfo;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define VolumeInfoMask_Attributes osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_Attributes
#define VolumeInfoMask_TotalSpace osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_TotalSpace
#define VolumeInfoMask_UsedSpace osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_UsedSpace
#define VolumeInfoMask_FreeSpace osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FreeSpace
#define VolumeInfoMask_MaxNameLength osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxNameLength
#define VolumeInfoMask_MaxPathLength osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxPathLength
#define VolumeInfoMask_FileSystemName osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemName
#define VolumeInfoMask_FileSystemCaseHandling osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemCaseHandling
class Directory;
/** The VolumeInfo class.
Neither copy nor assignment is allowed for this class.
@see Directory::getVolumeInfo
class VolumeInfo
oslVolumeInfo _aInfo;
sal_uInt32 _nMask;
VolumeDevice _aDevice;
/** Copy constructor.
VolumeInfo( VolumeInfo& );
/** Assginment operator.
VolumeInfo& operator = ( VolumeInfo& );
/** Constructor.
@param nMask
Set of flaggs decribing the demanded information.
VolumeInfo( sal_uInt32 nMask ): _nMask( nMask )
_aInfo.uStructSize = sizeof( oslVolumeInfo );
rtl_fillMemory( &_aInfo.uValidFields, sizeof( oslVolumeInfo ) - sizeof( sal_uInt32 ), 0 );
_aInfo.pDeviceHandle = &_aDevice._aHandle;
/** Destructor.
if( _aInfo.ustrFileSystemName )
rtl_uString_release( _aInfo.ustrFileSystemName );
/** Check if specified fields are valid.
@param nMask
Set of flags for the fields to check.
@return sal_True if all fields are valid else sal_False.
inline sal_Bool isValid( sal_uInt32 nMask ) const
return ( nMask & _aInfo.uValidFields ) == nMask;
/** Check the remote flag.
sal_True if Attributes are valid and the volume is remote else sal_False.
inline sal_Bool getRemoteFlag() const
return 0 != (_aInfo.uAttributes & osl_Volume_Attribute_Remote);
/** Check the removeable flag.
sal_True if attributes are valid and the volume is removable else sal_False.
inline sal_Bool getRemoveableFlag() const
return 0 != (_aInfo.uAttributes & osl_Volume_Attribute_Removeable);
/** Check the compact disc flag.
sal_True if attributes are valid and the volume is a CDROM else sal_False.
inline sal_Bool getCompactDiscFlag() const
return 0 != (_aInfo.uAttributes & osl_Volume_Attribute_CompactDisc);
/** Check the floppy disc flag.
sal_True if attributes are valid and the volume is a floppy disk else sal_False.
inline sal_Bool getFloppyDiskFlag() const
return 0 != (_aInfo.uAttributes & osl_Volume_Attribute_FloppyDisk);
/** Check the fixed disk flag.
sal_True if attributes are valid and the volume is a fixed disk else sal_False.
inline sal_Bool getFixedDiskFlag() const
return 0 != (_aInfo.uAttributes & osl_Volume_Attribute_FixedDisk);
/** Check the RAM disk flag.
sal_True if attributes are valid and the volume is a RAM disk else sal_False.
inline sal_Bool getRAMDiskFlag() const
return 0 != (_aInfo.uAttributes & osl_Volume_Attribute_RAMDisk);
/** Determine the total space of a volume device.
The total diskspace of this volume if this information is valid,
0 otherwise.
inline sal_uInt64 getTotalSpace() const
return _aInfo.uTotalSpace;
/** Determine the free space of a volume device.
The free diskspace of this volume if this information is valid,
0 otherwise.
inline sal_uInt64 getFreeSpace() const
return _aInfo.uFreeSpace;
/** Determine the used space of a volume device.
The used diskspace of this volume if this information is valid,
0 otherwise.
inline sal_uInt64 getUsedSpace() const
return _aInfo.uUsedSpace;
/** Determine the maximal length of a file name.
The maximal length of a file name if this information is valid,
0 otherwise.
inline sal_uInt32 getMaxNameLength() const
return _aInfo.uMaxNameLength;
/** Determine the maximal length of a path name.
The maximal length of a path if this information is valid,
0 otherwise.
inline sal_uInt32 getMaxPathLength() const
return _aInfo.uMaxPathLength;
/** Determine the name of the volume device's File System.
The name of the volume's fielsystem if this information is valid,
otherwise an empty string.
inline ::rtl::OUString getFileSystemName() const
return _aInfo.ustrFileSystemName ? ::rtl::OUString( _aInfo.ustrFileSystemName ) : ::rtl::OUString();
/** Get the volume device handle.
The device handle of the volume if this information is valid,
otherwise returns NULL;
inline VolumeDevice getDeviceHandle() const
return _aDevice;
/** Return whether the file system is case sensitive or
case insensitive
true if the file system is case sensitive false otherwise
bool isCaseSensitiveFileSystem() const
return (_aInfo.uAttributes & osl_Volume_Attribute_Case_Sensitive);
/** Return whether the file system preserves the case of
file and directory names or not
true if the file system preserves the case of file and
directory names false otherwise
bool isCasePreservingFileSystem() const
return (_aInfo.uAttributes & osl_Volume_Attribute_Case_Is_Preserved);
friend class Directory;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define FileStatusMask_Type osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type
#define FileStatusMask_Attributes osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes
#define FileStatusMask_CreationTime osl_FileStatus_Mask_CreationTime
#define FileStatusMask_AccessTime osl_FileStatus_Mask_AccessTime
#define FileStatusMask_ModifyTime osl_FileStatus_Mask_ModifyTime
#define FileStatusMask_FileSize osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileSize
#define FileStatusMask_FileName osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName
#define FileStatusMask_FileURL osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL
#define FileStatusMask_LinkTargetURL osl_FileStatus_Mask_LinkTargetURL
#define FileStatusMask_All osl_FileStatus_Mask_All
#define FileStatusMask_Validate osl_FileStatus_Mask_Validate
#define Attribute_ReadOnly osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly
#define Attribute_Hidden osl_File_Attribute_Hidden
#define Attribute_Executable osl_File_Attribute_Executable
#define Attribute_GrpWrite osl_File_Attribute_GrpWrite
#define Attribute_GrpRead osl_File_Attribute_GrpRead
#define Attribute_GrpExe osl_File_Attribute_GrpExe
#define Attribute_OwnWrite osl_File_Attribute_OwnWrite
#define Attribute_OwnRead osl_File_Attribute_OwnRead
#define Attribute_OwnExe osl_File_Attribute_OwnExe
#define Attribute_OthWrite osl_File_Attribute_OthWrite
#define Attribute_OthRead osl_File_Attribute_OthRead
#define Attribute_OthExe osl_File_Attribute_OthExe
class DirectoryItem;
/** The FileStatus class.
@see DirectoryItem::getFileStatus
class FileStatus
oslFileStatus _aStatus;
sal_uInt32 _nMask;
/** Copy constructor.
FileStatus( FileStatus& );
/** Assignment operator.
FileStatus& operator = ( FileStatus& );
enum Type {
Directory = osl_File_Type_Directory,
Volume = osl_File_Type_Volume,
Regular = osl_File_Type_Regular,
Fifo = osl_File_Type_Fifo,
Socket = osl_File_Type_Socket,
Link = osl_File_Type_Link,
Special = osl_File_Type_Special,
Unknown = osl_File_Type_Unknown
/** Constructor.
@param nMask
Set of flaggs decribing the demanded information.
FileStatus( sal_uInt32 nMask ): _nMask( nMask )
_aStatus.uStructSize = sizeof( oslFileStatus );
rtl_fillMemory( &_aStatus.uValidFields, sizeof( oslFileStatus ) - sizeof( sal_uInt32 ), 0 );
/** Destructor.
if ( _aStatus.ustrFileURL )
rtl_uString_release( _aStatus.ustrFileURL );
if ( _aStatus.ustrLinkTargetURL )
rtl_uString_release( _aStatus.ustrLinkTargetURL );
if ( _aStatus.ustrFileName )
rtl_uString_release( _aStatus.ustrFileName );
/** Check if specified fields are valid.
@param nMask
Set of flags for the fields to check.
sal_True if all fields are valid else sal_False.
inline sal_Bool isValid( sal_uInt32 nMask ) const
return ( nMask & _aStatus.uValidFields ) == nMask;
/** Get the file type.
The file type if this information is valid, Unknown otherwise.
inline Type getFileType() const
return (_aStatus.uValidFields & FileStatusMask_Type) ? (Type) _aStatus.eType : Unknown;
/** Get the file attributes.
The set of attribute flags of this file.
inline sal_uInt64 getAttributes() const
return _aStatus.uAttributes;
/** Get the creation time of this file.
The creation time if this information is valid,
an uninitialized TimeValue otherwise.
inline TimeValue getCreationTime() const
return _aStatus.aCreationTime;
/** Get the file access time.
The last access time if this information is valid,
an uninitialized TimeValue otherwise.
inline TimeValue getAccessTime() const
return _aStatus.aAccessTime;
/** Get the file modification time.
The last modified time if this information is valid,
an uninitialized TimeValue otherwise.
inline TimeValue getModifyTime() const
return _aStatus.aModifyTime;
/** Get the size of the file.
The actual file size if this information is valid, 0 otherwise.
inline sal_uInt64 getFileSize() const
return _aStatus.uFileSize;
/** Get the file name.
The file name if this information is valid, an empty string otherwise.
inline ::rtl::OUString getFileName() const
return _aStatus.ustrFileName ? ::rtl::OUString(_aStatus.ustrFileName) : ::rtl::OUString();
/** Get the URL of the file.
The full qualified URL of the file if this information is valid, an empty string otherwise.
inline ::rtl::OUString getFileURL() const
return _aStatus.ustrFileURL ? ::rtl::OUString(_aStatus.ustrFileURL) : ::rtl::OUString();
/** Get the link target URL.
The link target URL if this information is valid, an empty string otherwise.
inline ::rtl::OUString getLinkTargetURL() const
return _aStatus.ustrLinkTargetURL ? ::rtl::OUString(_aStatus.ustrLinkTargetURL) : ::rtl::OUString();
friend class DirectoryItem;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The file class object provides access to file contents and attributes.
@see Directory
@see DirectoryItem
class File: public FileBase
oslFileHandle _pData;
::rtl::OUString _aPath;
/** Copy constructor.
File( File& );
/** Assginment operator.
File& operator = ( File& );
/** Constructor.
@param ustrFileURL [in]
The full qualified URL of the file. Relative paths are not allowed.
File( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL ): _pData( 0 ), _aPath( ustrFileURL ) {}
/** Destructor
inline ~File()
#define OpenFlag_Read osl_File_OpenFlag_Read
#define OpenFlag_Write osl_File_OpenFlag_Write
#define OpenFlag_Create osl_File_OpenFlag_Create
/** Open a regular file.
Open a file. Only regular files can be openend.
@param uFlags [in]
Specifies the open mode.
E_None on success
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NAMETOOLONG pathname was too long
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_ACCES permission denied
E_AGAIN a write lock could not be established
E_NOTDIR not a directory
E_NXIO no such device or address
E_NODEV no such device
E_ROFS read-only file system
E_TXTBSY text file busy
E_FAULT bad address
E_LOOP too many symbolic links encountered
E_NOSPC no space left on device
E_ISDIR is a directory
E_MFILE too many open files used by the process
E_NFILE too many open files in the system
E_DQUOT quota exceeded
E_EXIST file exists
E_INTR function call was interrupted
E_IO on I/O errors
E_MULTIHOP multihop attempted
E_NOLINK link has been severed
E_EOVERFLOW value too large for defined data type
@see close()
@see setPos()
@see getPos()
@see read()
@see write()
@see getSize()
@see setSize()
inline RC open( sal_uInt32 uFlags )
return (RC) osl_openFile( _aPath.pData, &_pData, uFlags );
/** Close an open file.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_BADF Bad file
E_INTR function call was interrupted
E_NOLINK link has been severed
E_NOSPC no space left on device
E_IO on I/O errors
@see open()
inline RC close()
oslFileError Error = osl_File_E_BADF;
if( _pData )
Error=osl_closeFile( _pData );
_pData = NULL;
return (RC) Error;
#define Pos_Absolut osl_Pos_Absolut
#define Pos_Current osl_Pos_Current
#define Pos_End osl_Pos_End
/** Set the internal position pointer of an open file.
@param uHow [in]
Distance to move the internal position pointer (from uPos).
@param uPos [in]
Absolute position from the beginning of the file.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_OVERFLOW the resulting file offset would be a value which cannot be represented correctly for regular files
@see open()
@see getPos()
inline RC setPos( sal_uInt32 uHow, sal_Int64 uPos )
return (RC) osl_setFilePos( _pData, uHow, uPos );
/** Retrieve the current position of the internal pointer of an open file.
@param uPos [out]
On success receives the current position of the file pointer.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_OVERFLOW the resulting file offset would be a value which cannot be represented correctly for regular files
@see open()
@see setPos()
@see read()
@see write()
inline RC getPos( sal_uInt64& uPos )
return (RC) osl_getFilePos( _pData, &uPos );
/** Test if the end of a file is reached.
@param pIsEOF [out]
Points to a variable that receives the end-of-file status.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_INTR function call was interrupted
E_IO on I/O errors
E_ISDIR is a directory
E_BADF bad file
E_FAULT bad address
E_AGAIN operation would block
E_NOLINK link has been severed
@see open()
@see read()
@see readLine()
@see setPos()
inline RC isEndOfFile( sal_Bool *pIsEOF )
return (RC) osl_isEndOfFile( _pData, pIsEOF );
/** Set the file size of an open file.
Sets the file size of an open file. The file can be truncated or enlarged by the function.
The position of the file pointer is not affeced by this function.
@param uSize [in]
New size in bytes.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_OVERFLOW the resulting file offset would be a value which cannot be represented correctly for regular files
@see open()
@see setPos()
@see getStatus()
inline RC setSize( sal_uInt64 uSize )
return (RC) osl_setFileSize( _pData, uSize );
/** Get the file size of an open file.
Gets the file size of an open file.
The position of the file pointer is not affeced by this function.
@param rSize [out]
Current size in bytes.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_OVERFLOW the resulting file offset would be a value which cannot be represented correctly for regular files
@see open()
@see setPos()
@see getSize()
@see setSize()
@see getStatus()
inline RC getSize( sal_uInt64 &rSize )
return (RC) osl_getFileSize( _pData, &rSize );
/** Read a number of bytes from a file.
Reads a number of bytes from a file. The internal file pointer is
increased by the number of bytes read.
@param pBuffer [out]
Points to a buffer which receives data. The buffer must be large enough
to hold uBytesRequested bytes.
@param uBytesRequested [in]
Number of bytes which should be retrieved.
@param rBytesRead [out]
On success the number of bytes which have actually been retrieved.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_INTR function call was interrupted
E_IO on I/O errors
E_ISDIR is a directory
E_BADF bad file
E_FAULT bad address
E_AGAIN operation would block
E_NOLINK link has been severed
@see open()
@see write()
@see readLine()
@see setPos()
inline RC read( void *pBuffer, sal_uInt64 uBytesRequested, sal_uInt64& rBytesRead )
return (RC) osl_readFile( _pData, pBuffer, uBytesRequested, &rBytesRead );
/** Write a number of bytes to a file.
Writes a number of bytes to a file.
The internal file pointer is increased by the number of bytes read.
@param pBuffer [in]
Points to a buffer which contains the data.
@param uBytesToWrite [in]
Number of bytes which should be written.
@param rBytesWritten [out]
On success the number of bytes which have actually been written.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_FBIG file too large
E_DQUOT quota exceeded
E_AGAIN operation would block
E_BADF bad file
E_FAULT bad address
E_INTR function call was interrupted
E_IO on I/O errosr
E_NOLCK no record locks available
E_NOLINK link has been severed
E_NOSPC no space left on device
E_NXIO no such device or address
@see open()
@see read()
@see setPos()
inline RC write(const void *pBuffer, sal_uInt64 uBytesToWrite, sal_uInt64& rBytesWritten)
return (RC) osl_writeFile( _pData, pBuffer, uBytesToWrite, &rBytesWritten );
/** Read a line from a file.
Reads a line from a file. The new line delimiter is NOT returned!
@param aSeq [in/out]
A reference to a ::rtl::ByteSequence that will hold the line read on success.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_INTR function call was interrupted
E_IO on I/O errors
E_ISDIR is a directory
E_BADF bad file
E_FAULT bad address
E_AGAIN operation would block
E_NOLINK link has been severed
@see open()
@see read()
@see write()
@see setPos()
inline RC readLine( ::rtl::ByteSequence& aSeq )
return (RC) osl_readLine( _pData, reinterpret_cast<sal_Sequence**>(&aSeq) );
/** Synchronize the memory representation of a file with that on the physical medium.
The function ensures that all modified data and attributes of the file associated with
the given file handle have been written to the physical medium.
In case the hard disk has a write cache enabled, the data may not really be on
permanent storage when osl_syncFile returns.
<dd>On success</dd>
<dd>The value of the input parameter is invalid</dd>
<br><p><strong>In addition to these error codes others may occur as well, for instance:</strong></p><br>
<dd>The file is not open for writing</dd>
<dd>An I/O error occurred</dd>
<dd>There is no enough space on the target device</dd>
<dd>The file is located on a read only file system</dd>
<dd>A remote connection timed out. This may happen when a file is on a remote location</dd>
@see osl_syncFile()
@see open()
@see write()
inline RC sync() const
OSL_PRECOND(_pData, "File::sync(): File not open");
return (RC)osl_syncFile(_pData);
/** Copy a file to a new destination.
Copies a file to a new destination. Copies only files not directories.
No assumptions should be made about preserving attributes or file time.
@param ustrSourceFileURL [in]
Full qualified URL of the source file.
@param ustrDestFileURL [in]
Full qualified URL of the destination file. A directory is NOT a valid destination file!
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_ACCES permission denied
E_PERM operation not permitted
E_NAMETOOLONG file name too long
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_ISDIR is a directory
E_ROFS read-only file system
@see move()
@see remove()
inline static RC copy( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrSourceFileURL, const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDestFileURL )
return (RC) osl_copyFile( ustrSourceFileURL.pData, ustrDestFileURL.pData );
/** Move a file or directory to a new destination or renames it.
Moves a file or directory to a new destination or renames it.
File time and attributes are preserved.
@param ustrSourceFileURL [in]
Full qualified URL of the source file.
@param ustrDestFileURL [in]
Full qualified URL of the destination file. An existing directory is NOT a valid destination !
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_ACCES permission denied
E_PERM operation not permitted
E_NAMETOOLONG file name too long
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_ROFS read-only file system
@see copy()
inline static RC move( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrSourceFileURL, const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDestFileURL )
return (RC) osl_moveFile( ustrSourceFileURL.pData, ustrDestFileURL.pData );
/** Remove a regular file.
@param ustrFileURL [in]
Full qualified URL of the file to remove.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_ACCES permission denied
E_PERM operation not permitted
E_NAMETOOLONG file name too long
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_ISDIR is a directory
E_ROFS read-only file system
E_FAULT bad address
E_LOOP too many symbolic links encountered
E_IO on I/O errors
E_BUSY device or resource busy
E_INTR function call was interrupted
E_LOOP too many symbolic links encountered
E_MULTIHOP multihop attempted
E_NOLINK link has been severed
E_TXTBSY text file busy
@see open()
inline static RC remove( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL )
return (RC) osl_removeFile( ustrFileURL.pData );
/** Set file attributes.
@param ustrFileURL [in]
The full qualified file URL.
@param uAttributes [in]
Attributes of the file to be set.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
@see FileStatus
inline static RC setAttributes( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL, sal_uInt64 uAttributes )
return (RC) osl_setFileAttributes( ustrFileURL.pData, uAttributes );
/** Set the file time.
@param ustrFileURL [in]
The full qualified URL of the file.
@param rCreationTime [in]
Creation time of the given file.
@param rLastAccessTime [in]
Time of the last access of the given file.
@param rLastWriteTime [in]
Time of the last modifying of the given file.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOENT no such file or directory not found
@see FileStatus
inline static RC setTime(
const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL,
const TimeValue& rCreationTime,
const TimeValue& rLastAccessTime,
const TimeValue& rLastWriteTime )
return (RC) osl_setFileTime(
&rLastWriteTime );
friend class DirectoryItem;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The directory item class object provides access to file status information.
@see FileStatus
class DirectoryItem: public FileBase
oslDirectoryItem _pData;
/** Constructor.
DirectoryItem(): _pData( NULL )
/** Copy constructor.
DirectoryItem( const DirectoryItem& rItem ): _pData( rItem._pData)
if( _pData )
osl_acquireDirectoryItem( _pData );
/** Destructor.
if( _pData )
osl_releaseDirectoryItem( _pData );
/** Assignment operator.
DirectoryItem& operator=(const DirectoryItem& rItem )
if (&rItem != this)
if( _pData )
osl_releaseDirectoryItem( _pData );
_pData = rItem._pData;
if( _pData )
osl_acquireDirectoryItem( _pData );
return *this;
/** Check for validity of this instance.
sal_True if object is valid directory item else sal_False.
inline sal_Bool is()
return _pData != NULL;
/** Retrieve a single directory item.
Retrieves a single directory item. The returned handle has an initial refcount of 1.
Due to performance issues it is not recommended to use this function while
enumerating the contents of a directory. In this case use osl_getNextDirectoryItem() instead.
@param ustrFileURL [in]
An absolute file URL.
@param rItem [out]
On success it receives a handle which can be used for subsequent calls to osl_getFileStatus().
The handle has to be released by a call to osl_releaseDirectoryItem().
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_ACCES permission denied
E_MFILE too many open files used by the process
E_NFILE too many open files in the system
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_LOOP too many symbolic links encountered
E_NAMETOOLONG the file name is too long
E_NOTDIR a component of the path prefix of path is not a directory
E_IO on I/O errors
E_MULTIHOP multihop attempted
E_NOLINK link has been severed
E_FAULT bad address
E_INTR the function call was interrupted
@see FileStatus
@see Directory::getNextItem()
static inline RC get( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL, DirectoryItem& rItem )
if( rItem._pData)
osl_releaseDirectoryItem( rItem._pData );
rItem._pData = NULL;
return (RC) osl_getDirectoryItem( ustrFileURL.pData, &rItem._pData );
/** Retrieve information about a single file or directory.
@param rStatus [in|out]
Reference to a class which receives the information of the file or directory
represented by this directory item.
E_None on success
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_LOOP too many symbolic links encountered
E_ACCES permission denied
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_NAMETOOLONG file name too long
E_BADF invalid oslDirectoryItem parameter
E_FAULT bad address
E_OVERFLOW value too large for defined data type
E_INTR function call was interrupted
E_NOLINK link has been severed
E_MULTIHOP components of path require hopping to multiple remote machines and the file system does not allow it
E_MFILE too many open files used by the process
E_NFILE too many open files in the system
E_NOSPC no space left on device
E_NXIO no such device or address
E_IO on I/O errors
E_NOSYS function not implemented
@see get()
@see Directory::getNextItem()
@see FileStatus
inline RC getFileStatus( FileStatus& rStatus )
return (RC) osl_getFileStatus( _pData, &rStatus._aStatus, rStatus._nMask );
friend class Directory;
/** Base class for observers of directory creation notifications.
Clients which uses the method createDirectoryPath of the class
Directory may want to be informed about the directories that
have been created. This may be accomplished by deriving from
this base class and overwriting the virtual function
@see Directory::createPath
class DirectoryCreationObserver
virtual ~DirectoryCreationObserver() {};
/** This method will be called when a new directory has been
created and needs to be overwritten by derived classes.
You must not delete the directory that was just created
otherwise you will run into an endless loop.
@param aDirectoryUrl
[in]The absolute file URL of the directory that was just created by
virtual void DirectoryCreated(const rtl::OUString& aDirectoryUrl) = 0;
// This just an internal helper function for
// private use.
extern "C" inline void SAL_CALL onDirectoryCreated(void* pData, rtl_uString* aDirectoryUrl)
/** The directory class object provides a enumeration of DirectoryItems.
@see DirectoryItem
@see File
class Directory: public FileBase
oslDirectory _pData;
::rtl::OUString _aPath;
/** Copy constructor.
Directory( Directory& );
/** Assignment operator.
Directory& operator = ( Directory& );
/** Constructor.
@param strPath [in]
The full qualified URL of the directory.
Relative URLs are not allowed.
Directory( const ::rtl::OUString& strPath ): _pData( 0 ), _aPath( strPath )
/** Destructor.
/** Open a directory for enumerating its contents.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOENT the specified path doesn't exist
E_NOTDIR the specified path is not an directory
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_ACCES permission denied
E_MFILE too many open files used by the process
E_NFILE too many open files in the system
E_NAMETOOLONG File name too long
E_LOOP Too many symbolic links encountered
@see getNextItem()
@see close()
inline RC open()
return (RC) osl_openDirectory( _aPath.pData, &_pData );
/** Query if directory is open.
Query if directory is open and so item enumeration is valid.
sal_True if the directory is open else sal_False.
@see open()
@see close()
inline sal_Bool isOpen() { return _pData != NULL; };
/** Close a directory.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_BADF invalid oslDirectory parameter
E_INTR the function call was interrupted
@see open()
inline RC close()
oslFileError Error = osl_File_E_BADF;
if( _pData )
Error=osl_closeDirectory( _pData );
_pData = NULL;
return (RC) Error;
/** Resets the directory item enumeration to the beginning.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOENT the specified path doesn't exist
E_NOTDIR the specified path is not an directory
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_ACCES permission denied
E_MFILE too many open files used by the process
E_NFILE too many open files in the system
E_NAMETOOLONG File name too long
E_LOOP Too many symbolic links encountered
@see open()
inline RC reset()
return open();
/** Retrieve the next item of a previously opened directory.
Retrieves the next item of a previously opened directory.
@param rItem [out]
On success a valid DirectoryItem.
@param nHint [in]
With this parameter the caller can tell the implementation that (s)he
is going to call this function uHint times afterwards. This enables the implementation to
get the information for more than one file and cache it until the next calls.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_NOENT no more entries in this directory
E_BADF invalid oslDirectory parameter
E_OVERFLOW the value too large for defined data type
@see DirectoryItem
inline RC getNextItem( DirectoryItem& rItem, sal_uInt32 nHint = 0 )
if( rItem._pData )
osl_releaseDirectoryItem( rItem._pData );
rItem._pData = 0;
return ( RC) osl_getNextDirectoryItem( _pData, &rItem._pData, nHint );
/** Retrieve information about a volume.
Retrieves information about a volume. A volume can either be a mount point, a network
resource or a drive depending on Operating System and File System.
@param ustrDirectoryURL [in]
Full qualified URL of the volume
@param rInfo [out]
On success it receives information about the volume.
E_None on success
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOTDIR not a directory
E_NAMETOOLONG file name too long
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_ACCES permission denied
E_LOOP too many symbolic links encountered
E_FAULT Bad address
E_IO on I/O errors
E_NOSYS function not implemented
E_MULTIHOP multihop attempted
E_NOLINK link has been severed
E_INTR function call was interrupted
@see FileStatus
@see VolumeInfo
inline static RC getVolumeInfo( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDirectoryURL, VolumeInfo& rInfo )
return (RC) osl_getVolumeInformation( ustrDirectoryURL.pData, &rInfo._aInfo, rInfo._nMask );
/** Create a directory.
@param ustrDirectoryURL [in]
Full qualified URL of the directory to create.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_EXIST file exists
E_ACCES permission denied
E_NAMETOOLONG file name too long
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_NOTDIR not a directory
E_ROFS read-only file system
E_NOSPC no space left on device
E_DQUOT quota exceeded
E_LOOP too many symbolic links encountered
E_FAULT bad address
E_IO on I/O errors
E_MLINK too many links
E_MULTIHOP multihop attempted
E_NOLINK link has been severed
@see remove()
inline static RC create( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDirectoryURL )
return (RC) osl_createDirectory( ustrDirectoryURL.pData );
/** Remove an empty directory.
@param ustrDirectoryURL [in]
Full qualified URL of the directory.
E_None on success
E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid
E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures
E_PERM operation not permitted
E_ACCES permission denied
E_NOENT no such file or directory
E_NOTDIR not a directory
E_NOTEMPTY directory not empty
E_FAULT bad address
E_NAMETOOLONG file name too long
E_BUSY device or resource busy
E_ROFS read-only file system
E_LOOP too many symbolic links encountered
E_BUSY device or resource busy
E_EXIST file exists
E_IO on I/O errors
E_MULTIHOP multihop attempted
E_NOLINK link has been severed
@see create()
inline static RC remove( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDirectoryURL )
return (RC) osl_removeDirectory( ustrDirectoryURL.pData );
/** Create a directory path.
The osl_createDirectoryPath function creates a specified directory path.
All nonexisting sub directories will be created.
<p><strong>PLEASE NOTE:</strong> You cannot rely on getting the error code
E_EXIST for existing directories. Programming against this error code is
in general a strong indication of a wrong usage of osl_createDirectoryPath.</p>
@param aDirectoryUrl
[in] The absolute file URL of the directory path to create.
A relative file URL will not be accepted.
@param aDirectoryCreationObserver
[in] Pointer to an instance of type DirectoryCreationObserver that will
be informed about the creation of a directory. The value of this
parameter may be NULL, in this case notifications will not be sent.
<dd>On success</dd>
<dd>The format of the parameters was not valid</dd>
<dd>Permission denied</dd>
<dd>The final node of the specified directory path already exist</dd>
<dd>The name of the specified directory path exceeds the maximum allowed length</dd>
<dd>A component of the specified directory path already exist as file in any part of the directory path</dd>
<dd>Read-only file system</dd>
<dd>No space left on device</dd>
<dd>Quota exceeded</dd>
<dd>Bad address</dd>
<dd>I/O error</dd>
<dd>Too many symbolic links encountered</dd>
<dd>Link has been severed</dd>
<dd>An unknown error occurred</dd>
@see DirectoryCreationObserver
@see create
static RC createPath(
const ::rtl::OUString& aDirectoryUrl,
DirectoryCreationObserver* aDirectoryCreationObserver = NULL)
return (RC)osl_createDirectoryPath(
(aDirectoryCreationObserver) ? onDirectoryCreated : NULL,
} /* namespace osl */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _OSL_FILE_HXX_ */