LO uses basically the formula "newpixel=(oldpixel-128)*contrast+128+brightness", i.e. contrast is applied first. It looks like there's no "oficial" formula for this, so a formula that applies brightness first would be ok too. MSO for some weird reason apparently uses a formula that applies half of brightness before contrast and half afterwards (insert funny political correctness or compromise joke here). While the result is the same like with the LO formula if only either brightness or contrast is adjusted, the result is different if both are involved. Just modify the image using the MSO algorithm if this is the case. Change-Id: I55fe8f395832685b90f024cf2f58b0797c1ba588
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249 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <tools/link.hxx>
#include <vcl/mapmod.hxx>
#include <vector>
class OutputDevice;
class MetaAction;
class MetaCommentAction;
class SvStream;
class Color;
class BitmapEx;
class Polygon;
class PolyPolygon;
class Gradient;
// - GDIMetaFile-Types -
#define GDI_METAFILE_END ((size_t)0xFFFFFFFF)
#define MTF_MIRROR_NONE 0x00000000UL
#define MTF_MIRROR_HORZ 0x00000001UL
#define MTF_MIRROR_VERT 0x00000002UL
enum MtfConversion
// - Color conversion routines -
typedef Color (*ColorExchangeFnc)( const Color& rColor, const void* pColParam );
typedef BitmapEx (*BmpExchangeFnc)( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const void* pBmpParam );
::std::vector< MetaAction* > aList;
size_t nCurrentActionElement;
MapMode aPrefMapMode;
Size aPrefSize;
Link aHookHdlLink;
GDIMetaFile* pPrev;
GDIMetaFile* pNext;
OutputDevice* pOutDev;
bool bPause;
bool bRecord;
bool bUseCanvas;
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static Color ImplColAdjustFnc( const Color& rColor, const void* pColParam );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static BitmapEx ImplBmpAdjustFnc( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const void* pBmpParam );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static Color ImplColConvertFnc( const Color& rColor, const void* pColParam );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static BitmapEx ImplBmpConvertFnc( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const void* pBmpParam );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static Color ImplColMonoFnc( const Color& rColor, const void* pColParam );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static BitmapEx ImplBmpMonoFnc( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const void* pBmpParam );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static Color ImplColReplaceFnc( const Color& rColor, const void* pColParam );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static BitmapEx ImplBmpReplaceFnc( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const void* pBmpParam );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplExchangeColors( ColorExchangeFnc pFncCol, const void* pColParam,
BmpExchangeFnc pFncBmp, const void* pBmpParam );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE Point ImplGetRotatedPoint( const Point& rPt, const Point& rRotatePt,
const Size& rOffset, double fSin, double fCos );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE Polygon ImplGetRotatedPolygon( const Polygon& rPoly, const Point& rRotatePt,
const Size& rOffset, double fSin, double fCos );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE PolyPolygon ImplGetRotatedPolyPolygon( const PolyPolygon& rPoly, const Point& rRotatePt,
const Size& rOffset, double fSin, double fCos );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplAddGradientEx( GDIMetaFile& rMtf,
const OutputDevice& rMapDev,
const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly,
const Gradient& rGrad );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplPlayWithRenderer( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPos, Size rLogicDestSize );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplDelegate2PluggableRenderer( const MetaCommentAction* pAct, OutputDevice* pOut );
virtual void Linker( OutputDevice* pOut, bool bLink );
virtual long Hook();
GDIMetaFile( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf );
virtual ~GDIMetaFile();
GDIMetaFile& operator=( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf );
bool operator==( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf ) const;
bool operator!=( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf ) const { return !( *this == rMtf ); }
void Clear();
bool Mirror( sal_uLong nMirrorFlags );
void Move( long nX, long nY );
// additional Move method getting specifics how to handle MapMode( MAP_PIXEL )
void Move( long nX, long nY, long nDPIX, long nDPIY );
void Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY );
void Scale( const Fraction& rScaleX, const Fraction& rScaleY );
void Rotate( long nAngle10 );
void Clip( const Rectangle& );
/* get the bound rect of the contained actions
* caveats:
* - clip actions will limit the contained actions,
* but the current clipregion of the passed OutputDevice will not
* - coordinates of actions will be transformed to preferred mapmode
* - the returned rectangle is relative to the preferred mapmode of the metafile
Rectangle GetBoundRect( OutputDevice& i_rReference, Rectangle* pHairline = 0 ) const;
void Adjust( short nLuminancePercent = 0, short nContrastPercent = 0,
short nChannelRPercent = 0, short nChannelGPercent = 0,
short nChannelBPercent = 0, double fGamma = 1.0,
bool bInvert = false, bool msoBrightness = false
void Convert( MtfConversion eConversion );
void ReplaceColors( const Color* pSearchColors, const Color* rReplaceColors,
sal_uLong nColorCount, sal_uLong* pTols = NULL );
GDIMetaFile GetMonochromeMtf( const Color& rCol ) const;
void Record( OutputDevice* pOutDev );
bool IsRecord() const { return bRecord; }
void Play( GDIMetaFile& rMtf, size_t nPos = GDI_METAFILE_END );
void Play( OutputDevice* pOutDev, size_t nPos = GDI_METAFILE_END );
void Play( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rPos,
const Size& rSize, size_t nPos = GDI_METAFILE_END );
void Pause( bool bPause );
bool IsPause() const { return bPause; }
void Stop();
void WindStart();
void WindPrev();
size_t GetActionSize() const;
void AddAction( MetaAction* pAction );
void AddAction( MetaAction* pAction, size_t nPos );
void RemoveAction( size_t nPos );
void push_back( MetaAction* pAction );
MetaAction* FirstAction();
MetaAction* NextAction();
MetaAction* GetAction( size_t nAction ) const;
MetaAction* GetCurAction() const { return GetAction( nCurrentActionElement ); }
* @param pAction takes ownership
MetaAction* ReplaceAction( MetaAction* pAction, size_t nAction );
const Size& GetPrefSize() const { return aPrefSize; }
void SetPrefSize( const Size& rSize ) { aPrefSize = rSize; }
const MapMode& GetPrefMapMode() const { return aPrefMapMode; }
void SetPrefMapMode( const MapMode& rMapMode ) { aPrefMapMode = rMapMode; }
void SetHookHdl( const Link& rLink ) { aHookHdlLink = rLink; }
const Link& GetHookHdl() const { return aHookHdlLink; }
sal_uLong GetChecksum() const;
sal_uLong GetSizeBytes() const;
// Methods for reading and writing the new formats;
// the Read method also reads the old format
SvStream& Read( SvStream& rIStm );
SvStream& Write( SvStream& rOStm );
// Stream-operators write (still) the old format
// and read both the old and the new format
friend VCL_DLLPUBLIC SvStream& ReadGDIMetaFile( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rGDIMetaFile );
friend VCL_DLLPUBLIC SvStream& WriteGDIMetaFile( SvStream& rOStm, const GDIMetaFile& rGDIMetaFile );
/// Creates an antialiased thumbnail, with maximum width or height of nMaximumExtent.
bool CreateThumbnail(BitmapEx& rBmpEx, sal_uInt32 nMaximumSize = 256) const;
void UseCanvas( bool _bUseCanvas );
bool GetUseCanvas() const { return bUseCanvas; }
/** Create a special metaaction that delegates rendering to specified
This factory function creates a MetaCommentAction that delegates
rendering to the specified services, once played back in the
@param rRendererServiceName
Renderer service. Gets an awt::XGraphic on instantiation
@param rGraphicServiceName
Graphic service. Gets the raw data on instantiation
@param pData
Raw data. Gets copied
@param nDataSize
Length, in byte, of raw data
MetaCommentAction* makePluggableRendererAction( const OUString& rRendererServiceName,
const OUString& rGraphicServiceName,
const void* pData,
sal_uInt32 nDataSize );
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