2007/07/17 15:53:04 kendy #i79670# One 'if' less ;-) 2007/07/17 14:35:41 mh fix: linkoo brokeness, #i79670#
371 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable file
371 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable file
eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
# This app makes it easy to link a live build
# set into an install set. Then your devel iteration
# is: 'build', execute.
# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
# $RCSfile: linkoo,v $
# $Revision: 1.16 $
# last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2007-07-18 14:59:37 $
# The Contents of this file are made available subject to
# the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
# =============================================
# Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
# ends up in program/ooenv
( $moz_lib = `pkg-config --variable=libdir mozilla-nss` ) =~ tr/\n/:/;
$env_script = '
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:$java_path:' . $moz_lib . '$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
ulimit -c unlimited
export PATH=".:$PATH"
export STAR_RESOURCEPATH=`pwd`/resource
# debugging assistance
export MALLOC_CHECK_=2
$program_dir = 'program';
$program_dir = 'MacOS' if ($ENV{OS} eq 'MACOSX');
my @exceptions = ( 'cppuhelper', 'configmgr2', 'sunjavaplugin', 'libjvmfwk' );
%replaceable = (
$program_dir => '\.so',
$program_dir . '/resource' => '\.res$',
$program_dir . '/classes' => '\.jar$',
'share/config' => '\.zip$',
# 'share/uno_packages' => '\.zip$'
# strangely enough, OSX has those small differences...
$replaceable{$program_dir} = '\.dylib$' if ($ENV{OS} eq 'MACOSX');
@search_dirs = ( 'lib', 'bin', 'class' );
@known_duplicates = ( 'db.jar', 'libi18n' );
sub sniff_target($)
my $build_dir = shift;
my ($dirhandle, $fname);
my ($target, $libver, $lang) = ( 'unxlngi4.pro', '680', 'en-US' ); # defaults
opendir ($dirhandle, $build_dir) || die "Can't open $build_dir";
while ($fname = readdir ($dirhandle)) {
$fname =~ /Set.sh$/ || next;
my $file;
open ($file, "$build_dir/$fname") || die "Can't open $build_dir/$fname";
while (<$file>) {
/\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*\"(\S+)\"/ || next;
if ($1 eq 'INPATH') {
$target = $2;
if ($1 eq 'UPD') {
$libver = $2;
close ($file);
closedir ($dirhandle);
print "Sniffed target: $target, $libver\n";
return ($target, $libver, $lang);
sub build_installed_list($)
my $path = shift;
my %files = ();
for my $suffix (keys %replaceable) {
my $dirname = "$path/$suffix";
my $dirhandle;
my $pattern = $replaceable{$suffix};
if (opendir ($dirhandle, $dirname)) {
while (my $fname = readdir ($dirhandle)) {
$fname =~ m/$pattern/ || next;
my $skip = 0;
for $pattern (@exceptions) {
$fname =~ /$pattern/ || next;
$skip = 1;
$files{$fname} = $dirname if !$skip;
closedir ($dirhandle);
} else {
print "Couldn't find '$dirname': skipping\n";
return \%files;
sub check_create_linked($)
my $path = shift;
my $linked_dir = "$path/linked";
if (! -d $linked_dir) {
mkdir $linked_dir || die "Can't make $linked_dir: $!";
sub do_link($$$$@)
my $src = shift;
my $dest = shift;
my $src_name = shift;
my $dest_name = shift;
my $dont_check_link = shift;
if (-l "$dest/$dest_name" ) {
my $link = readlink ("$dest/$dest_name");
if ($link =~ /^\//) { # Absolute path
if (!$dry_run) {
# re-write the link
unlink ("$dest/$dest_name");
symlink ("$src/$src_name", "$dest/$dest_name") || die "Failed to symlink: $!";
print " [$dest_name]";
} else {
print "re-make link $src/$src_name => $dest/$dest_name\n";
} elsif ($dry_run) {
print "skipping symbolic link $dest/$dest_name -> $link\n";
} else {
check_create_linked ($dest);
if (!$dry_run) {
# move / write the link
rename ("$dest/$dest_name", "$dest/linked/$dest_name") ||
defined $dont_check_link || die "Failed rename of $dest/$dest_name: $!";
symlink ("$src/$src_name", "$dest/$dest_name") || die "Failed to symlink: $!";
print " $dest_name";
} else {
print "move / symlink $src/$src_name => $dest/$dest_name\n";
sub scan_and_link_files($$$)
my $build_path = shift;
my $installed_files = shift;
my $target = shift;
my @modules = ();
my $dirh_toplevel;
opendir ($dirh_toplevel, $build_path) || die "Can't open '$build_path': $!";
while (my $subdir = readdir ($dirh_toplevel)) {
$subdir =~ m/\./ && next; # eg. vcl.old,
my $test = "$build_path/$subdir/$target";
-d $test || next;
push @modules, $test;
closedir ($dirh_toplevel);
# FIXME: re-implement the $product functionality
my $module;
my %build_files;
for $module (@modules) {
for $elem (@search_dirs) {
my $dirh_module;
my $module_path = "$module/$elem";
if (opendir ($dirh_module, $module_path)) {
while (my $file = readdir($dirh_module)) {
if (defined $installed_files->{$file}) {
if (defined $build_files{$file}) {
my $known = 0;
for my $regexp (@known_duplicates) {
if ($file =~ m/$regexp/) {
$known = 1;
if (!$known) {
print "Unknown duplicate file '$file' in: '" .
$build_files{$file} . "' vs '" .
$module_path . "' in module $module\n";
exit (1);
$build_files{$file} = $module_path;
closedir ($dirh_module);
for my $file (keys %build_files) {
my $src = $build_files{$file};
my $dest = $installed_files->{$file};
do_link ($src, $dest, $file, $file);
print "\n";
sub evilness($)
my $doit = shift;
my $name = 'librecentfile.so';
my $src = "$OOO_BUILD/shell/$TARGET/lib/$name";
my $dest = "$OOO_BUILD/sfx2/$TARGET/lib/$name";
if ($doit eq 'undo') {
if (-l $dest) {
print " unlink $name\n";
unlink $dest;
} else {
$doit eq 'do' || die;
if (-f $src) {
print " link $name\n";
symlink $src, $dest;
sub link_iso_res()
print "Special iso.res case: ";
my $ooo_res="$OOO_INSTALL/" . $program_dir . "/resource/ooo".$LIBVER.$LANG.".res";
my $star_res="$OOO_INSTALL/" . $program_dir . "/resource/iso".$LIBVER.$LANG.".res";
if (-l $ooo_res && -l $star_res) {
if ($dry_run) {
print "link $ooo_res to $star_res";
} else {
unlink ($star_res);
symlink ($ooo_res, $star_res);
print "clobbered";
print "\n";
# Hack for (renamed) types.rdb (types.db)
sub link_types_rdb()
print "Types.rdb case:";
my $src = "$OOO_BUILD/offapi/$TARGET/ucr";
my $dest = "$OOO_INSTALL/" . $program_dir;
do_link ($src, $dest, 'types.db', 'types.rdb');
print "\n";
# link installed files back into src tree:
sub link_soffice_bin_files()
my $dest;
my $src = "$OOO_INSTALL/" . $program_dir;
print "soffice files";
$dest = "$OOO_BUILD/desktop/$TARGET/bin";
do_link ($src, $dest, 'soffice', 'soffice.bin', 1);
do_link ($src, $dest, 'bootstraprc', 'bootstraprc', 1);
do_link ($src, $dest, 'intro.bmp', 'intro.bmp', 1);
do_link ("$OOO_INSTALL", "$OOO_BUILD/desktop/$TARGET", 'share', 'share', 1);
$dest = "$OOO_BUILD/configmgr/$TARGET/lib";
do_link ($src, $dest, 'configmgrrc', 'configmgrrc', 1);
print "\n";
my $a;
my $usage = 0;
for $a (@ARGV) {
# options
if ($a =~ /--product/) {
$product = 1;
} elsif ($a =~ /--dry-run/) {
$dry_run = 1;
} elsif (($a eq '--help') || ($a eq '-h')) {
$usage = 1;
# ordered arguments
} elsif (!defined $OOO_INSTALL) {
} elsif (!defined $OOO_BUILD) {
$OOO_BUILD = $a;
} else {
print "Unknown argument '$a'\n";
$usage = 1;
if (!defined $OOO_BUILD && defined $ENV{SRC_ROOT}) {
if ($usage || !defined $OOO_INSTALL || !defined $OOO_BUILD) {
printf "Usage: linkoo </path/to/ooo/install> [</path/to/ooo/build/tree>] [--product] [--dry-run]\n";
exit (1);
substr ($OOO_INSTALL, 0, 1) eq '/' || die "linkoo requires absolute paths ($OOO_INSTALL does not qualify)";
substr ($OOO_BUILD, 0, 1) eq '/' || die "linkoo requires absolute paths ($OOO_BUILD does not qualify)";
-d $OOO_INSTALL || die "No such directory $OOO_INSTALL";
-w $OOO_INSTALL || die "You need write access to $OOO_INSTALL";
-d $OOO_BUILD || die "No such directory $OOO_BUILD";
-d "$OOO_INSTALL/" . $program_dir . "/resource" || die "$OOO_INSTALL doesn't look like an OO install";
($TARGET, $LIBVER, $LANG) = sniff_target ($OOO_BUILD);
evilness ('undo');
my $installed_files = build_installed_list ($OOO_INSTALL);
scan_and_link_files ($OOO_BUILD, $installed_files, $TARGET);
if (!-f "$OOO_INSTALL/" . $program_dir . "/ooenv") {
print "Creating '$OOO_INSTALL/", $program_dir, "/ooenv'\n";
open ($ooenv, ">$OOO_INSTALL/" . $program_dir . "/ooenv") || die "Can't open $OOO_INSTALL/" . $program_dir . "/ooenv: $!";
print $ooenv $env_script;
close ($ooenv);
evilness ('do');
print "\nlinkoo finished, please don't forget to source ooenv before ./soffice.\n";