2010-10-09 18:56:58 +02:00

715 lines
28 KiB

'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
' This file is part of
' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
' version 3 along with If not, see
' <>
' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
'* owner :
'* short description : Routines for the status page feature
sub hStatusIn ( sTestAppArea as String, sTestname as String, optional sName as String )
'///hStatusIn : initilize variables before the teststart
'/// input : sTestAppArea => name of the application, to where the test is bound in status database -> gTestAppArea
' sTestname => name of the test (converted to LOWERCASE in this sub!) -> gTestName
'///+ output : gStatusDuration => starttime of the test
'///+_ : gTestname => global name of the test
'///+_ : gTestAppArea => global name of the tested application as defined in status database
'///+_ : gTestDate => global start date of the test ( yyyy-mm-dd )
'///+_ : gTestTime => global start time of the test
' sNname => DEPRECATED just kept for compatibility
dim bOverRide as boolean
bOverRide = false
gStatusDuration = now () '(1) used in hStatusOut
' temporarly misused to set the start Date and Time!
' Always needed for crashreporter test hint
gTestName = lcase (sTestname) '(2)
' -------------- EXIT condition ----------------------
if (NOT isStatusEnabled()) then
exit sub
end if
gTestAppArea = lcase (sTestAppArea) '(3)
gTestDate = convertDateToDatabase (gStatusDuration) '(4)
gTestTime = convertTimeToDatabase (gStatusDuration) '(5)
gErrorSum = getErrorCount() ' not 0! if you run 2-times status in/out in one bas-file!
gWarningSum = getWarningCount()
gQaErrorSum = getQaErrorCount()
' make sure we have everything to update the status-Database.
gDatabasePath = getDatabasePath(privateDatabasePath)
if ("" = gDatabasePath) then
'Disable statusfeature, because the public filespace is not available.
gStatusDatabase = FALSE
printlog "** Status will be written to : DISABLED"
printlog "** Status will be written to : " + gDatabasePath
printlog "** Test environment preparation : " + wielange(gTestcaseStart)
end sub
sub hStatusOut ( optional NoKill as Boolean )
'///hStatusOut : last output for the status-page feature
'///+ -> create the duration value for the test and call the routine to write the data into the database
Dim sLocalTestDuration as string
printlog ""
printlog "** All tests finished."
sLocalTestDuration = WieLange( gStatusDuration )
gTestcaseStart= now () ' get time for writing status to database
' -------------- EXIT condition ----------------------
' don't record status if outside of status database
if (NOT isStatusEnabled()) then
Printlog "Date: " + Date() + "; Time: " + Time() + "; Duration: " + WieLange ( gStatusDuration )
exit sub
end if
if (""=gTestName) then
warnlog " You forgot to call hStatusIn(''Application'',''FileName.bas'')"
printlog "** Start generating quaste database files."
hStatusWriteOutputFirstFile() ' write again, to have correct duration written.
printlog "** Creating status duration : " + wielange(gTestcaseStart)
end if
PrintLog Chr(13) + "* - End of the test - *"
Printlog "Date : " + Date() + " Time: " + Time()
Printlog "Duration : " + sLocalTestDuration
end sub
sub hStatusAddTestcase()
' called from after every testcase
' add to list for second file : testresult table / glsStatusPage()
' reset gErrorSum, gWarningSum
dim sTestcaseDuration as string
dim sTestcaseStart as string
Dim sTCname as String
Dim iCut as Integer
dim iErrorCount as integer
dim sErrorList() as string
dim iQaErrorCount as integer
dim sQaErrorList() as string
dim iWarningCount as integer
dim sWarningList() as string
Dim sOutput as String
dim iAllErrorCount as integer
dim sAllErrorList(42000) as string
dim i, x as integer
dim iErrorLevel as integer
dim sErrorString(4) as string
'///The entries in the list are ( seperated by TAB ) :
'///+ testcase name => name of the current testcase in the running test
'///+ errors => only the errors for the current testcase
'///+ warnings => only the warnings for the current testcase
'///+ duration => the duration of the testcase
sTestcaseDuration = wielange(gTestcaseStart, 1) '(2)
sTestcaseStart = convertDateToDatabase(gTestcaseStart) + " " + convertTimeToDatabase(gTestcaseStart) ' TODO: ask HDE/TBO
sTCname = GetTestcaseName ' testtool basic command
iCut = Instr ( sTCname, "(" )
if (iCut <> 0) then
sTCname = Left ( sTCname, iCut - 1 )
sTCname = Trim ( sTCname ) '(1)
iErrorCount = getErrorCount() - gErrorSum ' only the errors in a testcase
iWarningCount = getWarningCount() - gWarningSum ' only the warnings in a testcase
iQaErrorCount = getQaErrorCount() - gQaErrorSum ' only the qaErrors in a testcase
iAllErrorCount = iErrorCount + iWarningCount + iQaErrorCount
if (iAllErrorCount > 0) then
sWarningList() = getWarningList()
for i = (GetWarningCount()+1-iWarningCount) to GetWarningCount()
sAllErrorList(x) = sWarningList(i)
'd printlog "++ " + sAllErrorList(x)
next i
sErrorList() = getErrorList()
for i = (GetErrorCount()+1-iErrorCount) to GetErrorCount()
sAllErrorList(x) = sErrorList(i)
'd printlog "++ " + sAllErrorList(x)
next i
sQaErrorList() = getQaErrorList()
for i = (getQaErrorCount()+1-iQaErrorCount) to getQaErrorCount()
sAllErrorList(x) = sQaErrorList(i)
'd printlog "++ " + sAllErrorList(x)
next i
sAllErrorList(0) = "0;0;0;0"
' generate status line for testcase and append to global array
'/// iErrorLevel: 0: no faults; 1: Warning; 2: Error; 3: qaError ///'
iErrorLevel = -1
'D printlog "Iall: " + iAllErrorCount + " W:" + iWarningCount + " E: " + iErrorCount
for i = 0 to iAllErrorCount
select case i
case 0: if (0 = iAllErrorCount) then ' no errors at all
iErrorLevel = 0
case 1 to iWarningCount: iErrorLevel = 1 'warnings
case (iWarningCount +1) to (iWarningCount + iErrorCount): iErrorLevel = 2 ' Errors
case (iWarningCount + iErrorCount +1) to (iWarningCount + iErrorCount + iQaErrorCount): iErrorLevel = 3 ' qaErrors
end select
if (iErrorLevel > -1) then
'd printlog " " + i + " -------------"
'd printlog "'" + sAllErrorList(i) + "'"
sGetErrorStringFields(sAllErrorList(i), sErrorString())
'd printlog " -------------"
sOutput = sTCname _
+ Chr(9) + sTestcaseDuration _
+ Chr(9) + iErrorLevel _
+ Chr(9) + fRemoveLineBreaks(sErrorString(4)) _
+ Chr(9) + sErrorString(2) _
+ Chr(9) + trim(sErrorString(3)) _
+ Chr(9) + fgetFileName(sErrorString(1)) _
+ Chr(9) 'Description (4)_ 'Line (2)_ 'CVSversion (3)_ 'Filename (1)
if (sTCname <> "") then
ListAppend (glsStatusPage(), sOutput)
'd printlog sOutput
qaErrorlog "please try not to call a testcase from a testcase #116584#"
next i
' to set the variables to the current numbers
gErrorSum = getErrorCount()
gQaErrorSum = getQaErrorCount()
gWarningSum = getWarningCount()
end sub
sub hStatusWriteOutputFirstFile ()
' called from hStatusOut and hStatusIn
Dim sPlat as String
Dim sOutFile as String
Dim sOutFileTemp as String
Dim sBuildHisPath as string
Dim sResultPath as string ' location where to write the files for status to
Dim i as integer
dim j as Integer
dim lTestrun(50) as string
dim sVersionMajor as string
dim sVersionMinor as string
dim sVersionBuilID as string
dim sDebugInfo as string
dim sTemp as string
dim sFileName as string
dim slVersion() as string
dim ilVersion as integer
dim sVersionCWS as string
dim iPosA as integer
dim iPosB as integer
dim bError as boolean
dim sTestDuration as string
dim sSource as string
dim sProduct as string
dim sUsername as string
'///hStatusWriteOutputFirstFile : output routine for status page of our testscripts
'///The entries in the list are ( seperated by NEWLINE ) :
'///+ 1 major => major number of full buildID of StarOffice ( e.g. '642' )
'///+ 2 minor => minor number of full buildID of StarOffice ( e.g.'L' )
'///+ 3 buildID => only the buildID of full buildID of StarOffice ( e.g.'7733' )
'///+ 4 date ( gTestDate ) time ( gTestTime ) => fix date when the test started
'///+ 5 platform => short cut for platform
'///+ 6 machine name => name of the PC or UNIX-machine where the test is running
'///+ 7 user name => E-mail adress of user
'///+ 8 fileformat => version belonging to this spec
'///+ 9 language => language of the office
'///+ 10 test name => name of the test ( e.g. first.bas )
'///+ 11 test application area (gApplication) => which application is tested
'///+ 12 test duration => Hours:Minutes:Seconds ( e.g.'01:20:33' )
'///+ 13 cws name => if it is the master: 'Master' else the name of the childworkspace
'///+ 14 source tree =>
'///+ 15 product =>
'///+ 16 builder =>
'///+ 17 checksum =>
'///+ data =>
if ("unx" = gPlatgroup) then '(5)
sPlat = gPlatform
sPlat = "win"
end if
sProduct = gProductName '(15)
' major is from start to 'm'
iPosA = 1
iPosB = instr(gVersionsnummer, "m")
if (iPosB = 0) then ' there is no minor
iPosB = instr(gVersionsnummer, "(")
sVersionMajor = Mid(gVersionsnummer, iPosA, (iPosB-iPosA)) '(1) Major
iPosA = iPosB
iPosB = instr(gVersionsnummer, "(")
sVersionMinor = Mid(gVersionsnummer, iPosA, iPosB-iPosA) '(2) Minor
iPosA = instr(gVersionsnummer, ":") + 1
iPosB = instr(gVersionsnummer, ")")
sVersionBuilID = Mid(gVersionsnummer, iPosA, iPosB-iPosA) '(3) Build
if gCWS then
iPosA = instr(iPosB, gVersionsnummer, ":") + 1
iPosB = instr(iPosA, gVersionsnummer, "]")
sVersionCWS = Mid(gVersionsnummer, iPosA, iPosB-iPosA) '(13) CWS
sVersionCWS = "Master"
sSource = left(gMajor,3) '(14) Source tree
' for MSC calculation of test duration hh:mm
sTestDuration = wielange(gStatusDuration, 1) '(12)
if ("" = gReturnAddress) then '(7)
if ("" = gLocalStatusDatabase) then
warnlog "Please set an e-mail adress for your crashreports in TestTool: Extra->Settings->Crashreport:EMail, it will also be used to send you notifications in case of problems submitting the status of the test to the database (quaste)."
sUsername = gUser
sUsername = gReturnAddress
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "fileformat=0.2" )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "product=" + sProduct )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "sourcetree=" + sSource )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "major=" + sVersionMajor )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "minor=" + sVersionMinor )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "buildid=" + sVersionBuilID )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "oooorigin=" + "")
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "startdate=" + gTestDate + " " + gTestTime) '(4) ' generated in hStatusIn
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "duration=" + sTestDuration )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "platform=" + sPlat )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "hostname=" + gPCName ) '(6)
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "username=" + sUsername ) '(7)
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "application=" + gTestAppArea) '(11) ' generated in hStatusIn
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "testname=" + gTestName ) '(10) ' generated in hStatusIn
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "cws=" + sVersionCWS )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "ooolanguage=" + iSprache ) '(9)
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "checksum=" + "")
' ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "data=" + )
' files are created at (convertPath'ed):
sResultPath = convertPath(gDatabasePath)
sFileName = fGetQuasteFileName()
sOutFile = sResultPath + sFileName
' TODO: make sure location is writeable! with file 'sOutFile'!!!
' delete old files
for i = 1 to 4
sOutFileTemp = sOutFile+i+".txt"
if (FileExists(sOutFileTemp)) then
' printlog sOutFileTemp
kill sOutFileTemp
if (dir(sOutFileTemp) <> "") then
warnLog "OLD File can't get deleted: " + sOutFileTemp
end if
next i
ListWrite (lTestrun(), sOutFile+"1.txt")
end sub
function fGetQuasteFileName() as string
dim sPlat as string
dim sName as string
if ("unx" = gPlatgroup) then
sPlat = gPlatform
sPlat = "win"
end if
sName = lcase(sPlat + gUser + gPCname + Left(gTestname, Len(gTestname)-4) + "-" + iSprache + "-" )
fGetQuasteFileName = removeCharacter(sName,46) ' remove '.' dots from filename, would result in errors on uploading file.
end function
sub hStatusWriteOutput (optional NoKill as Boolean)
' called from hStatusOut
Dim sPlat as String
Dim sOutFile as String
Dim sOutFileTemp as String
Dim sBuildHisPath as string
Dim sResultPath as string ' location where to write the files for status to
Dim i as integer
dim j as Integer
dim sDebugInfo as string
dim sTemp as string
dim sFileName as string
dim bError as boolean
dim sTestDuration as string
if ("unx" = gPlatgroup) then '(5)
sPlat = gPlatform
sPlat = "win"
end if
' files are created at (convertPath'ed):
sResultPath = convertPath(gDatabasePath)
sFileName = fGetQuasteFileName()
sOutFile = sResultPath + sFileName
for i = 1 to ListCount(glsStatusPage())
glsStatusPage(i) = "data=" + glsStatusPage(i)
next i
'write 'testresult'
ListWriteAppend (glsStatusPage(), sOutFile+"1.txt")
if (dir(sOutFile+"1.txt") = "") then warnlog "File wasn't created: " + sOutFile+"1.txt"
' debug
' from now on the status routines are not executed, because i use tescases for displaying debug information, that should not get recorded
gTestName="" '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' call php-script to get file into the database
bError = StatusIntoDatabase (sFileName, sPlat, FALSE, gDatabasePath)
if bError then
exit sub ' -> on error no file get's deleted!
end if
' wait until result-file got created; after 3 minutes cancel wait!
sOutFileTemp = sOutFile+"3.txt"
i = 0
while (("" = dir(sOutFileTemp)) AND (i < 18))
sleep 10
inc (i)
bError = True
if (i = 18) then ' big database error; resultfile wasn't created
warnlog "Status Write Error! (TimeOut waiting for webservice result)"
ListRead(glsStatusPage(), sOutFileTemp) '3
i = ListCount(glsStatusPage())
if (1 = i) then
if (glsStatusPage(1) <> "OK") then
warnlog "Error in writing status to database (<> OK): '" + glsStatusPage(1) + "'" +chr(13)+ "Email is send to: " + gReturnAddress
if (gStatusFeatureLevel < 2) then
printlog " * - Status successfully written into database - * "
printlog " * - Status file successfully created - * "
bError = False
warnlog "Error in writing status to database (<> 1 line)" +chr(13)+ "Email is send to: " + gReturnAddress
' delete files
if (bError=FALSE) then
sOutFileTemp = sOutFile+"1.txt"
if (dir(sOutFileTemp) <> "") then
kill ( sOutFileTemp )
end if
if (dir (sOutFileTemp) <> "") then
warnlog "File wasn't deleted: " + sOutFileTemp
sOutFileTemp = sOutFile+"3.txt"
if (dir(sOutFileTemp) <> "") then
kill ( sOutFileTemp )
end if
if (dir (sOutFileTemp) <> "") then
warnlog "File wasn't deleted: " + sOutFileTemp
sOutFileTemp = sOutFile+"4.htm"
if (dir(sOutFileTemp) <> "") then
kill ( sOutFileTemp )
end if
if (dir (sOutFileTemp) <> "") then
warnlog "File wasn't deleted: " + sOutFileTemp
ListAllDelete (glsStatusPage()) ' delete the list, because if you want to use hStatusIn twice or more
end sub
function StatusIntoDatabase (sFile as String, sPlat as String, NoKill as Boolean, sPath as string) as boolean
dim sSource as string
dim sDestination as string
dim i as integer
'///StatusIntoDatabase : write the collected data into the database
if (gStatusFeatureLevel < 2) then
' Automatical entry into database
printlog "** Calling webservice to grab status file."
StatusIntoDatabase = getWebPage (sPath, sPath+sFile+"4.htm", sPlat, privateDatabaseServerIP, privateDatabaseServerPath + sFile + "1.txt")
printlog "** Waiting for result from webservice."
' preparation for manual entry into database
StatusIntoDatabase = FALSE
'create 3. file with OK :-)
sSource = convertPath(sPath)
sDestination = ""
if gCWS then
' if we have a CWS, generate a string of the CWS name
i = instr(gVersionsnummer, "[")
if i > 0 then
sDestination = Mid(gVersionsnummer, i+1)
i = len(sDestination)
sDestination = left(sDestination, i-1)
i = inStr(sDestination, ":")
mid(sDestination, i, 1, "_")
sDestination = sSource + lCase(gMajor + gMinor + sDestination)
TextInDatei("OK", sSource+sFile+"3.txt")
'move other files to directory, because standard is to delele successfull submitted data
if (dir(sDestination, 16) = "") then ' doesn't exist
MkDir (sDestination)
if (dir(sDestination, 16) = "") then ' doesn't exist
warnlog "Database directory can't get created: '" + sDestination + "'"
printlog "Database directory created: '" + sDestination + "'"
sDestination = sDestination + gPathSigne
filecopy(sSource+sFile+"1.txt", sDestination+sFile+"1.txt")
end function
function getWebPage (sPath as string, sResult as String, sPlat as String, sHost as string, sPage as string) as boolean
dim iShellReturn as integer
if (sPlat = "win") then
sPlat = "exe"
'httpSetProxy(Host, Port)
iShellReturn = httpSend(sHost, sPage, 80, sResult)
iShellReturn = 99
' when using internal httpSend, iShellReturn contains http status numbers: 200 means: ok
if (iShellReturn = 99) then
printlog "Writing status to database with internal httpsend command failed: " + iShellReturn + chr(13) + sHost+sPage + chr(13) + sResult
if (iShellReturn <> 200) then
warnlog "Writing status to database with internal httpsend command failed: " + iShellReturn + chr(13) + sHost+sPage
end function
testcase tDebugInfoMysql (sTemp as string)
' to show the debuginfo folded in a testcase (if nokill = true)
dim fTemp(900) as string
printlog stemp
ListRead (fTemp(), sTemp)
for i=1 to ListCount (fTemp())
if (fTemp(i) <> "") then printlog fTemp(i)
next i
function isStatusEnabled() as boolean
'/// enable status only when: ///'
'///+ basedirectory is on server (variable is set to 1 gStatusFeatureLevel) ///'
isStatusEnabled = gStatusDatabase
end function
function convertDateToDatabase(byVal inDate as Date) as string
Dim IsoData$, y$, m$, d$
IsoData$ = CDateToIso (inDate)
y$ = left$( IsoData$, 4 )
m$ = mid$( IsoData$, 5, 2 )
d$ = right$( IsoData$, 2 )
convertDateToDatabase = y$ + "-" + m$ + "-" + d$
end function
function convertTimeToDatabase(byVal inTime as Date) as string
dim iSpace as integer
iSpace = inStr(inTime, " ")
if (iSpace > 0) then
inTime = right(inTime, len(inTime) - iSpace)
if (iSystemSprache = 1) then
convertTimeToDatabase = TimeValue(inTime)
qaErrorLog "; looking for root cause: 'Data type mismatch'; Input: '" + inTime + "'"
convertTimeToDatabase = Format (inTime, "hh:mm:ss")
end function
function getDatabasePath(sSubDirectory as string) as string
dim sPath as string
dim sPathSeed as string
if gStatusFeatureLevel = 2 then
' write it below 'errorlog' directory
sPath = convertPath(GetIniValue (gTesttoolIni, gTTProfileName , "LogBaseDir"))
if (right(sPath, 1) <> gPathSigne) then
sPath = sPath + gPathSigne
end if
getDatabasePath = sPath
gLocalStatusDatabase = sPath
' assumption: the only supported testcases are always on local fileserver -> gTestToolPath provides a valid volume !
if (gStatusFeatureLevel = 1) then
' global filespace for database is defined in testtoolrc
sPath = gLocalStatusDatabase + gPathSigne
sPath = fRemoveDoubleCharacter(sPath, gPathSigne)
'gStatusFeatureLevel = 0
' status database server is global defined
sPath = gTestToolPath + gPathSigne + sSubDirectory
sPath = convertPath(sPath)
sPath = fRemoveDoubleCharacter(sPath, gPathSigne)
sPath = fRelativeToAbsolutePath(sPath)
sPath = fRemoveDoubleCharacter(sPath+ gPathSigne, gPathSigne)
if (NOT fileExists(sPath + "quaste.txt")) then
qaErrorLog "The public file space seems to be wrong: " + sPath
getDatabasePath = sPath
end function
sub sGetErrorStringFields(sIn as string, sOut() as string)
'/// put semicolon seperated string into an array ///'
'/// only used on every line from returnvalue of get*List() ///'
dim sTemp(3) as string
dim sTemp2() as string
dim i as integer
if ("" = sIn) then ' workaround for i23697 split() returns wrong value on empty string
for i=0 to 3
sTemp(i) = ""
next i
sTemp() = Split(sIn, ";")
if ((uBound(sTemp())+1) <> uBound(sOut())) then
for i = 1 to (uBound(sOut()) -1)
sOut(i) = sTemp(i-1)
next i
redim sTemp2(uBound(sTemp()) - uBound(sOut())+1) as string
for i = (uBound(sOut())-1) to uBound(sTemp())
sTemp2(i-(uBound(sOut())-1)) = sTemp(i)
next i
sOut(uBound(sOut())) = join(sTemp2(), ":")
for i = 0 to uBound(sTemp())
sOut(i+1) = sTemp(i)
next i
' for i = 0 to uBound(sTemp())
'd printlog "" + i + ": " + sTemp(i)
' next i
end sub
function fRemoveLineBreaks(sIn as string) as string
'/// Clean string from reserved characters and remove linebreaks ///'
'/// only used for errormessage in third field from get*List() ///'
dim sLocal as string
dim x as integer
dim iCharacters(7) as integer
iCharacters(1) = 9 ' TAB because it is field seperator in data file
iCharacters(2) = 10 ' LF because no linebreak is allowed in data file
iCharacters(3) = 13 ' CR because no linebreak is allowed in data file
iCharacters(4) = 39 ' ' because is string delemiter for mysql
iCharacters(5) = 8216 ' ' because is string delemiter for mysql
iCharacters(6) = 8217 ' ' because is string delemiter for mysql
iCharacters(7) = 92 '\ ' because it is escape code
sLocal = sIn
for x = 1 to 7
sLocal = removeCharacter(sLocal,iCharacters(x))
next x
fRemoveLineBreaks = sLocal
end function
function removeCharacter(sIn as string, iCharacter as integer) as string
dim sLocal as string
dim sArray() as string
dim i as integer
dim iBound as integer
sLocal = sIn
if ("" = sLocal) then ' workaround for i23697 split() returns wrong value on empty string
' for i=0 to 3
' sTemp(i) = ""
' next i
sArray() = split(sLocal, chr(iCharacter))
sLocal = ""
iBound = uBound(sArray())
' if (iBound > 0) then printlog "########## " + i + " - " + iCharacters(x) + " ++++ " + iBound
for i = 0 to iBound
sLocal = sLocal + sArray(i)
next i
removeCharacter = sLocal
end function
function fgetFileName(byVal sIn as string) as string
'/// extract file name from string, where PathSeperator is always Backslash ///'
'/// only used for filestring in first field from get*List() ///'
dim sTemp(0) as string
if ("" = sIn) then ' workaround for i23697 split() returns wrong value on empty string
sTemp(0) = ""
sTemp() = split(sIn, "\") ' GH returns hopefully always a Backslash as seperator
fgetFileName = sTemp(uBound(sTemp()))
end function