Leonard Sasse 52b08068c9 tdf#158803 compilerplugins: remove semicolons; improve membership checks
Change-Id: Ifd5fdee23e5adba2b5a667f74c38ba6fb28f54b4
Tested-by: Ilmari Lauhakangas <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Ilmari Lauhakangas <>
2024-05-21 11:40:31 +02:00

261 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

import re
import io
definitionSet = set()
definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict()
readSet = set()
writeSet = set()
sourceLocationSet = set()
# clang does not always use exactly the same numbers in the type-parameter vars it generates
# so I need to substitute them to ensure we can match correctly.
normalizeTypeParamsRegex = re.compile(r"type-parameter-\d+-\d+")
def normalizeTypeParams( line ):
return normalizeTypeParamsRegex.sub("type-parameter-?-?", line)
def parseFieldInfo( tokens ):
if len(tokens) == 3:
return (normalizeTypeParams(tokens[1]), tokens[2])
return (normalizeTypeParams(tokens[1]), "")
with"workdir/loplugin.unusedenumconstants.log", "r", buffering=1024*1024) as txt:
for line in txt:
tokens = line.strip().split("\t")
if tokens[0] == "definition:":
fieldInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(tokens[1]), tokens[2])
srcLoc = tokens[3]
# ignore external source code
if (srcLoc.startswith("external/")):
# ignore build folder
if (srcLoc.startswith("workdir/")):
definitionToSourceLocationMap[fieldInfo] = srcLoc
elif tokens[0] == "read:":
elif tokens[0] == "write:":
print( "unknown line: " + line)
def startswith_one_of( srcLoc, fileSet ):
for f in fileSet:
if srcLoc.startswith(f):
return True
return False
def is_ignore(srcLoc):
if startswith_one_of(srcLoc,
# this is all representations of on-disk or external data structures
"include/vcl/settings.hxx", # stored in a setting, can't remove it without potentially triggering UBSAN
"basic/source/inc/opcodes.hxx", # can't touch this without breaking unit tests, not sure why
"include/unotools/securityoptions.hxx", # comes from the UI
"include/vcl/bitmapex.hxx", # TransparentType
"vcl/inc/sft.hxx", # CompositeFlags, WidthClass, WeightClass
"vcl/inc/CommonSalLayout.hxx", # VerticalOrientation
"include/tools/fontenum.hxx", # part of GDI file format
"svx/inc/galobj.hxx", # GalSoundType
"include/svtools/rtftoken.h", # RTF_TOKEN_IDS
"starmath/source/mathtype.hxx", # MathType::MTOKENS
"sd/source/filter/eppt/epptbase.hxx", # PPTExTextAttr
"sc/source/filter/inc/tokstack.hxx", # E_TYPE
"basic/source/inc/filefmt.hxx", # FileOffset
"include/basic/sbxdef.hxx", # SbxDataType
"connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx", # ODbaseTable::DBFType
"codemaker/source/javamaker/classfile.hxx", # AccessFlags
"basic/source/inc/filefmt.hxx", # FileOffset
"basic/source/inc/opcodes.hxx", # SbiOpcode
"sc/source/filter/inc/flttypes.hxx", # BiffTyp
"sc/inc/optutil.hxx", # ScOptionsUtil::KeyBindingType
"include/sfx2/chalign.hxx", # SfxChildAlignment
# unit test code
# general weird nonsense going on
"sw/source/uibase/config/modcfg.cxx", # InsertConfigProp
"sw/inc/calc.hxx", # SwCalcOper
"svtools/source/config/helpopt.cxx", # HelpProperty
"include/sfx2/sidebar/Theme.hxx", # ThemeItem
"sc/source/ui/docshell/impex.cxx", # SylkVersion
"include/i18nutil/paper.hxx", # Paper
"cppcanvas/source/mtfrenderer/emfplus.cxx", # EmfPlusCombineMode
"cppcanvas/source/mtfrenderer/emfpbrush.hxx", # EmfPlusHatchStyle
"include/filter/msfilter/svdfppt.hxx", # PptPlaceholder, PptSlideLayout
"include/filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx", # various
"basic/source/inc/opcodes.hxx", # SbiOpcode
"basic/source/inc/token.hxx", # SbiToken
"binaryurp/source/specialfunctionids.hxx", # binaryurp::SpecialFunctionIds
"connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx", # ODBC3SQLFunctionId
"include/formula/grammar.hxx", # FormulaGrammar::Grammar
"basic/source/sbx/sbxres.hxx", # StringId
"sc/source/core/tool/chartpos.cxx", # CellState
"sc/source/core/data/global2.cxx", # State
"sc/inc/global.hxx", # ScAggregateFunc
"registry/source/reflcnst.hxx", #CPInfoTag
# Windows or OSX only
"include/vcl/commandevent.hxx", # CommandEvent, MediaCommand, ShowDialogId
"include/canvas/rendering/irendermodule.hxx", # canvas::IRenderModule::PrimitiveType
"sal/osl/unx/file.cxx", # FileHandle_Impl::Kind
# must match some other enum
"include/formula/opcode.hxx", # OpCode
"include/vcl/print.hxx", # NupOrderType, from UI combobox
"sw/source/uibase/inc/swcont.hxx", # RegionMode, from UI; ContentTypeId, from UI(registry)
"sw/inc/toxe.hxx", # ToxAuthorityType (from UI)
"include/svx/sxekitm.hxx", # SdrEdgeKind (from UI)
"include/svx/paraprev.hxx", # SvxPrevLineSpace (from UI)
"include/svx/ctredlin.hxx", # SvxRedlinDateMode (from UI)
"sd/source/ui/inc/animobjs.hxx", # BitmapAdjustment (from UI)
"sd/source/ui/dlg/PhotoAlbumDialog.hxx", # SlideImageLayout (from UI)
"sd/inc/pres.hxx", # AutoLayout (from UI)
"sc/source/ui/inc/scuitphfedit.hxx", # ScHFEntryId (from UI)
"include/i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx", # LanguageTag::ScriptType
"extensions/source/scanner/grid.hxx", # ResetType (from UI)
"dbaccess/source/inc/dsntypes.hxx", # dbaccess::DATASOURCE_TYPE (from UI)
"cui/source/tabpages/tparea.cxx", # FillType (from UI)
"include/editeng/svxenum.hxx", # css::style::NumberingType
"include/editeng/bulletitem.hxx", # css::style::NumberingType
"basic/source/sbx/sbxdec.hxx", # SbxDecimal::CmpResult, must match some Windows API
"codemaker/source/javamaker/javatype.cxx", # TypeInfo::Flags, from UNO
"chart2/source/view/inc/AbstractShapeFactory.hxx", # chart::SymbolEnum, called via int UNO param
# represents constants from an external API
"sc/inc/callform.hxx", # ParamType
"include/i18nlangtag/applelangid.hxx", # AppleLanguageId
"connectivity/source/drivers/firebird/Util.hxx", # firebird::BlobSubtype
return True
if d[1] == "UNKNOWN" or d[1] == "LAST" or d[1].endswith("NONE") or d[1].endswith("None") or d[1].endswith("EQUAL_SIZE"):
return True
return False
untouchedSet = set()
for d in definitionSet:
if d in readSet or d in writeSet:
srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]
if (is_ignore(srcLoc)):
untouchedSet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1], srcLoc))
writeonlySet = set()
for d in writeSet:
if d in readSet:
# can happen with stuff in workdir or external
if d not in definitionSet:
srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]
if (is_ignore(srcLoc)):
writeonlySet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1], srcLoc))
readonlySet = set()
for d in readSet:
if d in writeSet:
# can happen with stuff in workdir or external
if d not in definitionSet:
srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]
if (is_ignore(srcLoc)):
readonlySet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1], srcLoc))
# sort the results using a "natural order" so sequences like [item1,item2,item10] sort nicely
def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')):
return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
for text in re.split(_nsre, s)]
# sort by both the source-line and the datatype, so the output file ordering is stable
# when we have multiple items on the same source line
def v_sort_key(v):
return natural_sort_key(v[1]) + [v[0]]
# sort results by name and line number
tmp1list = sorted(untouchedSet, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v))
tmp2list = sorted(writeonlySet, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v))
tmp3list = sorted(readonlySet, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v))
# print out the results
with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedenumconstants.untouched.results", "wt") as f:
for t in tmp1list:
f.write( t[1] + "\n" )
f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )
with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedenumconstants.writeonly.results", "wt") as f:
for t in tmp2list:
f.write( t[1] + "\n" )
f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )
with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedenumconstants.readonly.results", "wt") as f:
for t in tmp3list:
f.write( t[1] + "\n" )
f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )