2005/09/22 19:46:39 sb RESYNC: (1.4-1.5); FILE MERGED 2005/09/19 15:23:45 sb #i53898# Made code warning-free.
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* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: lrucache.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2006-06-20 00:01:26 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _LRU_CACHE_HXX_
#define _LRU_CACHE_HXX_
// __CACHE_DIAGNOSE forces cache size to 4 and works only for OUString keys
// #define __CACHE_DIAGNOSE 1
#ifndef _OSL_MUTEX_HXX_
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
#ifndef _RTL_USTRING_
#include "rtl/ustring.hxx"
#include <hash_map>
/** Implementation of a least recently used (lru) cache.
@author Daniel Boelzle
template< class t_Key, class t_Val, class t_KeyHash, class t_KeyEqual >
class LRU_Cache
struct CacheEntry
t_Key aKey;
t_Val aVal;
CacheEntry * pPred;
CacheEntry * pSucc;
typedef ::std::hash_map< t_Key, CacheEntry *, t_KeyHash, t_KeyEqual > t_Key2Element;
mutable ::osl::Mutex _aCacheMutex;
sal_Int32 _nCachedElements;
t_Key2Element _aKey2Element;
CacheEntry * _pBlock;
mutable CacheEntry * _pHead;
mutable CacheEntry * _pTail;
inline void toFront( CacheEntry * pEntry ) const;
/** Constructor:
@param nCachedElements number of elements to be cached; default param set to 128
inline LRU_Cache( sal_Int32 nCachedElements = 128 );
/** Destructor: releases all cached elements and keys.
inline ~LRU_Cache();
/** Retrieves a value from the cache. Returns default constructed value,
if none was found.
@param rKey a key
@return value
inline t_Val getValue( const t_Key & rKey ) const;
/** Sets a value to be cached for given key.
@param rKey a key
@param rValue a value
inline void setValue( const t_Key & rKey, const t_Val & rValue );
/** Tests whether a value is cached for given key.
@param rKey a key
@return true, if value is cached
inline sal_Bool hasValue( const t_Key & rKey ) const;
/** Clears the cache, thus releasing all cached elements and keys.
inline void clear();
template< class t_Key, class t_Val, class t_KeyHash, class t_KeyEqual >
inline LRU_Cache< t_Key, t_Val, t_KeyHash, t_KeyEqual >::LRU_Cache( sal_Int32 nCachedElements )
: _nCachedElements( 4 )
: _nCachedElements( nCachedElements )
, _pBlock( 0 )
if (_nCachedElements > 0)
_pBlock = new CacheEntry[_nCachedElements];
_pHead = _pBlock;
_pTail = _pBlock + _nCachedElements -1;
for ( sal_Int32 nPos = _nCachedElements; nPos--; )
_pBlock[nPos].pPred = _pBlock + nPos -1;
_pBlock[nPos].pSucc = _pBlock + nPos +1;
template< class t_Key, class t_Val, class t_KeyHash, class t_KeyEqual >
inline LRU_Cache< t_Key, t_Val, t_KeyHash, t_KeyEqual >::~LRU_Cache()
delete [] _pBlock;
template< class t_Key, class t_Val, class t_KeyHash, class t_KeyEqual >
inline void LRU_Cache< t_Key, t_Val, t_KeyHash, t_KeyEqual >::toFront( CacheEntry * pEntry ) const
if (pEntry != _pHead)
// cut out element
if (pEntry == _pTail)
_pTail = pEntry->pPred;
pEntry->pSucc->pPred = pEntry->pPred;
pEntry->pPred->pSucc = pEntry->pSucc;
// push to front
_pHead->pPred = pEntry;
pEntry->pSucc = _pHead;
_pHead = pEntry;
template< class t_Key, class t_Val, class t_KeyHash, class t_KeyEqual >
inline sal_Bool LRU_Cache< t_Key, t_Val, t_KeyHash, t_KeyEqual >::hasValue( const t_Key & rKey ) const
::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( _aCacheMutex );
const typename t_Key2Element::const_iterator iFind( _aKey2Element.find( rKey ) );
return (iFind != _aKey2Element.end());
template< class t_Key, class t_Val, class t_KeyHash, class t_KeyEqual >
inline t_Val LRU_Cache< t_Key, t_Val, t_KeyHash, t_KeyEqual >::getValue( const t_Key & rKey ) const
::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( _aCacheMutex );
const typename t_Key2Element::const_iterator iFind( _aKey2Element.find( rKey ) );
if (iFind != _aKey2Element.end())
CacheEntry * pEntry = (*iFind).second;
toFront( pEntry );
OSL_TRACE( "> retrieved element \"" );
OSL_TRACE( ::rtl::OUStringToOString( pEntry->aKey, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() );
OSL_TRACE( "\" from cache <\n" );
return pEntry->aVal;
return t_Val();
template< class t_Key, class t_Val, class t_KeyHash, class t_KeyEqual >
inline void LRU_Cache< t_Key, t_Val, t_KeyHash, t_KeyEqual >::setValue(
const t_Key & rKey, const t_Val & rValue )
if (_nCachedElements > 0)
::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( _aCacheMutex );
const typename t_Key2Element::const_iterator iFind( _aKey2Element.find( rKey ) );
CacheEntry * pEntry;
if (iFind == _aKey2Element.end())
pEntry = _pTail; // erase last element
if (pEntry->aKey.getLength())
OSL_TRACE( "> kicking element \"" );
OSL_TRACE( ::rtl::OUStringToOString( pEntry->aKey, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() );
OSL_TRACE( "\" from cache <\n" );
_aKey2Element.erase( pEntry->aKey );
_aKey2Element[ pEntry->aKey = rKey ] = pEntry;
pEntry = (*iFind).second;
OSL_TRACE( "> replacing element \"" );
OSL_TRACE( ::rtl::OUStringToOString( pEntry->aKey, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() );
OSL_TRACE( "\" in cache <\n" );
pEntry->aVal = rValue;
toFront( pEntry );
template< class t_Key, class t_Val, class t_KeyHash, class t_KeyEqual >
inline void LRU_Cache< t_Key, t_Val, t_KeyHash, t_KeyEqual >::clear()
::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( _aCacheMutex );
for ( sal_Int32 nPos = _nCachedElements; nPos--; )
_pBlock[nPos].aKey = t_Key();
_pBlock[nPos].aVal = t_Val();
OSL_TRACE( "> cleared cache <\n" );
struct FctHashOUString : public ::std::unary_function< const ::rtl::OUString &, size_t >
size_t operator()( const ::rtl::OUString & rKey ) const
{ return rKey.hashCode(); }
/** Template instance for OUString keys, Any values.<br>
typedef LRU_Cache< ::rtl::OUString, ::com::sun::star::uno::Any,
FctHashOUString, ::std::equal_to< ::rtl::OUString > >