3457 lines
131 KiB
3457 lines
131 KiB
eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
# Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
# $RCSfile: build.pl,v $
# $Revision: 1.167 $
# This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
# OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
# <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
# build - build entire project
use Config;
use POSIX;
use Cwd qw (cwd);
use File::Path;
use File::Temp qw(tmpnam);
use File::Find;
use Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use lib ("$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules");
my $in_so_env = 0;
if (defined $ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}) {
unshift(@INC, "$ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}/modules");
require CopyPrj; import CopyPrj;
if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}) {
require Cws; import Cws;
require CwsConfig; import CwsConfig;
require CvsModule; import CvsModule;
require GenInfoParser; import GenInfoParser;
require IO::Handle; import IO::Handle;
my $enable_multiprocessing = 1;
my $cygwin = 0;
$cygwin++ if ($^O eq 'cygwin');
if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT' && !$cygwin) {
eval { require Win32::Process; import Win32::Process; };
$enable_multiprocessing = 0 if ($@);
### for XML file format
eval { require XMLBuildListParser; import XMLBuildListParser; };
if (!$@) {
$enable_xml = 1;
@modes_array = split('\s' , $ENV{BUILD_TYPE});
#### script id #####
( $script_name = $0 ) =~ s/^.*\b(\w+)\.pl$/$1/;
$id_str = ' $Revision: 1.167 $ ';
$id_str =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)\s+\$/
? ($script_rev = $1) : ($script_rev = "-");
print "$script_name -- version: $script_rev\n";
# #
# Globale Variablen #
# #
$perl = "";
$remove_command = "";
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
$perl = "$ENV{PERL}";
$remove_command = "rmdir /S /Q";
$nul = '> NULL';
} else {
use Cwd 'chdir';
$perl = 'perl';
$remove_command = 'rm -rf';
$nul = '> /dev/null';
$QuantityToBuild = 0;
# delete $pid when not needed
%projects_deps_hash = (); # hash of projects with no dependencies,
# that could be built now
%broken_build = (); # hash of hashes of the modules,
# where build was broken (error occurred)
%folders_hashes = ();
%running_children = ();
$dependencies_hash = 0;
$cmd_file = '';
$BuildAllParents = 0;
$show = 0;
$checkparents = 0;
$deliver = 0;
$pre_custom_job = '';
$custom_job = '';
$post_custom_job = '';
%LocalDepsHash = ();
%BuildQueue = ();
%PathHash = ();
%PlatformHash = ();
%AliveDependencies = ();
%global_deps_hash = (); # hash of dependencies of the all modules
%broken_modules_hashes = (); # hash of modules hashes, which cannot be built further
@broken_modules_names = (); # array of modules, which cannot be built further
@dmake_args = ();
%dead_parents = ();
$CurrentPrj = '';
$no_projects = 0;
$only_dependent = 0;
$build_from = '';
$build_all_cont = '';
$build_since = '';
$dlv_switch = '';
$child = 0;
%processes_hash = ();
# %module_announced = ();
$prepare = ''; # prepare for following incompatible build
$ignore = '';
$html = '';
@ignored_errors = ();
%incompatibles = ();
$only_platform = ''; # the only platform to prepare
$only_common = ''; # the only common output tree to delete when preparing
%build_modes = ();
$maximal_processes = 0; # the max number of the processes run
%modules_types = (); # modules types ('mod', 'img', 'lnk') hash
%platforms = (); # platforms available or being working with
%platforms_to_copy = (); # copy output trees for the platforms when --prepare
$tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir(); # temp directory for checkout and other actions
# $dmake_batch = undef; #
@possible_build_lists = ('build.lst', 'build.xlist'); # build lists names
%build_list_paths = (); # build lists names
%build_lists_hash = (); # hash of arrays $build_lists_hash{$module} = \($path, $xml_list_object)
$pre_job = 'announce'; # job to add for not-single module build
$post_job = ''; # -"-
%windows_procs = ();
@warnings = (); # array of warnings to be shown at the end of the process
@errors = (); # array of errors to be shown at the end of the process
%html_info = (); # hash containing all necessary info for generating of html page
%module_by_hash = (); # hash containing all modules names as values and correspondent hashes as keys
%build_in_progress = (); # hash of modules currently being built
%build_is_finished = (); # hash of already built modules
%modules_with_errors = (); # hash of modules with build errors
%build_in_progress_shown = (); # hash of modules being built,
# and shown last time (to keep order)
$build_time = time;
$html_last_updated = 0;
%jobs_hash = ();
$html_path = undef;
$html_file = CorrectPath($ENV{SRC_ROOT} . '/' . $ENV{INPATH}. '.build.html');
$build_finished = 0;
%had_error = (); # hack for misteriuos windows problems - try run dmake 2 times if first time there was an error
$chekoutmissing = 1; # chekout missing modules (links still will be broken anyway)
$mkout = CorrectPath("$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/mkout.pl");
%weights_hash = (); # hash contains info about how many modules are dependent from one module
# %weight_stored = ();
$grab_output = 1;
$stop_build_on_error = 0; # for multiprocessing mode: do not build further module if there is an error
$server_mode = 0;
$setenv_string = ''; # string for configuration of the client environment
$ports_string = ''; # string with possible ports for server
@server_ports = ();
$socket_obj = undef; # socket object for server
my %clients_jobs = ();
my %clients_times = ();
my $client_timeout = 0; # time for client to build (in sec)...
# The longest time period after that
# the server considered as an error/client crash
my %lost_client_jobs = (); # hash containing lost jobs
my %job_jobdir = (); # hash containing job-dir pairs
### main ###
$html_file = CorrectPath($html_path . '/' . $ENV{INPATH}. '.build.html') if (defined $html_path);
# my $temp_html_file = CorrectPath($tmp_dir. '/' . $ENV{INPATH}. '.build.html');
%deliver_env = ();
if ($prepare) {
@modules_built = ();
$StandDir = get_stand_dir(); # This also sets $CurrentPrj
provide_consistency() if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP} && defined($ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}));
$deliver_command = $ENV{DELIVER};
if ($dlv_switch) {
$deliver_command .= ' '. $dlv_switch;
} elsif (!$html) {
$deliver_command .= " -quiet";
%prj_platform = ();
$check_error_string = '';
$dmake = '';
# $dmake_bin = '';
$dmake_args = '';
$echo = '';
$new_line = "\n";
unlink ($cmd_file);
if ($cmd_file) {
if (open (CMD_FILE, ">>$cmd_file")) {
select CMD_FILE;
$echo = 'echo ';
if ($ENV{GUI} ne 'UNX') {
$new_line = "echo.\n";
print "\@$echo off\npushd\n";
} else {
$new_line = $echo."\"\"\n";
} else {
print_error ("Cannot open file $cmd_file");
# } elsif ($show) {
# select STDOUT;
print $new_line;
if ($checkparents) {
GetParentDeps( $CurrentPrj, \%global_deps_hash );
} else {
if (scalar keys %broken_build) {
# } elsif (!$custom_job && $post_custom_job) {
# do_post_custom_job(CorrectPath($StandDir.$CurrentPrj));
if (scalar @warnings) {
print STDERR $_ foreach (@warnings);
if (scalar keys %dead_parents) {
my ($DeadPrj);
print $new_line.$new_line;
print $echo."WARNING! Project(s):\n";
foreach $DeadPrj (keys %dead_parents) {
print $echo."$DeadPrj\n";
print $new_line;
print $echo."not found and couldn't be built. Dependencies on that module(s) ignored. Maybe you should correct build lists.\n";
print $new_line;
do_exit(1) if ($checkparents);
if (($ENV{GUI} ne 'UNX') && $cmd_file) {
print "popd\n";
$ENV{mk_tmp} = '';
if ($cmd_file) {
close CMD_FILE;
print STDOUT "Script $cmd_file generated\n";
if ($ignore && scalar @ignored_errors) {
print STDERR "\nERROR: next directories could not be built:\n";
foreach (@ignored_errors) {
print STDERR "\t$_\n";
print STDERR "\nERROR: please check these directories and build the corresponding module(s) anew!!\n\n";
# #
# Procedures #
# #
# procedure retrieves build list path
# (all possibilities are taken into account)
sub get_build_list_path {
my $module = shift;
my @possible_dirs = ($module, $module. '.lnk');
return $build_list_paths{$module} if (defined $build_list_paths{$module});
foreach (@possible_dirs) {
my $possible_dir_path = $StandDir.$_.'/prj/';
if (-d $possible_dir_path) {
foreach my $build_list (@possible_build_lists) {
my $possible_build_list_path = CorrectPath($possible_dir_path . $build_list);
if (-f $possible_build_list_path) {
$build_list_paths{$module} = $possible_build_list_path;
return $possible_build_list_path;
print_error("There's no build list for $module");
$build_list_paths{$module} = CorrectPath(retrieve_build_list($module));
return $build_list_paths{$module};
# Get dependencies hash of the current and all parent projects
sub GetParentDeps {
my (%parents_deps_hash, $module, $parent);
my $prj_dir = shift;
my $deps_hash = shift;
my @UnresolvedParents = get_parents_array($prj_dir);
$parents_deps_hash{$_}++ foreach (@UnresolvedParents);
$$deps_hash{$prj_dir} = \%parents_deps_hash;
while ($module = pop(@UnresolvedParents)) {
my %parents_deps_hash = ();
$parents_deps_hash{$_}++ foreach (get_parents_array($module));
$$deps_hash{$module} = \%parents_deps_hash;
foreach $Parent (keys %parents_deps_hash) {
if (!defined($$deps_hash{$Parent})) {
push (@UnresolvedParents, $Parent);
sub store_weights {
my $deps_hash = shift;
foreach (keys %$deps_hash) {
foreach my $module_deps_hash ($$deps_hash{$_}) {
foreach my $dependency (keys %$module_deps_hash) {
# This procedure implements complete in-depth weights search
# it's working, but very slow, so switched off in favor of the
# last (simplified) implementation...
#sub store_weights {
# my $deps_hash = shift;
# $weights_hash{$_} = {} foreach (keys %$deps_hash);
# foreach (keys %$deps_hash) {
# foreach my $module_deps_hash ($$deps_hash{$_}) {
# foreach my $dependency (keys %$module_deps_hash) {
# ${$weights_hash{$dependency}}{$_}++;
# };
# };
# };
# my $current_prj_preq = $$deps_hash{$CurrentPrj};
# foreach (keys %$current_prj_preq) {
# accumulate_weights($deps_hash, $_);
# };
#sub accumulate_weights {
# my ($deps_hash, $module) = @_;
# my @prerequisites = keys %{$$deps_hash{$module}};
# my @is_prereq_for = keys %{$weights_hash{$module}};
# foreach my $prereq_module (@prerequisites) {
## next if (defined $weight_stored{$prereq_module});
## $weight_stored{$prereq_module}++;
# ${$weights_hash{$prereq_module}}{$_}++ foreach @is_prereq_for;
# accumulate_weights($deps_hash, $prereq_module);
# };
# Build everything that should be built
sub BuildAll {
if ($BuildAllParents) {
my ($Prj, $PrjDir, $orig_prj);
GetParentDeps( $CurrentPrj, \%global_deps_hash);
modules_classify(keys %global_deps_hash);
prepare_build_from(\%global_deps_hash) if ($build_from);
prepare_incompatible_build(\%global_deps_hash) if ($incompatible);
if ($build_all_cont || $build_since) {
$modules_number = scalar keys %global_deps_hash;
initialize_html_info($_) foreach (keys %global_deps_hash);
if ($QuantityToBuild) {
if ($server_mode) {
while ($Prj = PickPrjToBuild(\%global_deps_hash)) {
if (!defined $dead_parents{$Prj}) {
if (scalar keys %broken_build) {
print $echo . "Skipping project $Prj because of error(s)\n";
RemoveFromDependencies($Prj, \%global_deps_hash);
$PrjDir = CorrectPath($StandDir.$Prj);
get_deps_hash($Prj, \%LocalDepsHash);
my $info_hash = $html_info{$Prj};
$$info_hash{DIRS} = check_deps_hash(\%LocalDepsHash, $Prj);
$module_by_hash{\%LocalDepsHash} = $Prj;
print $check_error_string;
RemoveFromDependencies($Prj, \%global_deps_hash);
$no_projects = 0;
} else {
get_deps_hash($CurrentPrj, \%LocalDepsHash);
my $info_hash = $html_info{$CurrentPrj};
$$info_hash{DIRS} = check_deps_hash(\%LocalDepsHash, $CurrentPrj);
$module_by_hash{\%LocalDepsHash} = $CurrentPrj;
if ($server_mode) {
} else {
sub initialize_html_info {
my $module = shift;
return if (defined $dead_parents{$module});
$html_info{$module} = { 'DIRS' => [],
'ERRORFUL' => [],
'BUILD_TIME' => 0};
# Do job
sub dmake_dir {
my ($new_BuildDir, $OldBuildDir, $error_code);
my $BuildDir = shift;
$jobs_hash{$BuildDir}->{START_TIME} = time();
$jobs_hash{$BuildDir}->{STATUS} = 'building';
if ($BuildDir =~ /(\s)/o) {
$error_code = do_custom_job($BuildDir, \%LocalDepsHash);
# do_pre_job($`, $pre_job) if ($' eq $pre_job);
# $error_code = do_post_job($`, $', \%LocalDepsHash) if ($' eq $post_job);
# RemoveFromDependencies($BuildDir, \%LocalDepsHash);
# html_store_job_info(\%LocalDepsHash, $BuildDir, $error_code);
} else {
html_store_job_info(\%LocalDepsHash, $BuildDir);
print_error("$BuildDir not found!!\n") if (!-d $BuildDir);
if (!-d $BuildDir) {
$new_BuildDir = $BuildDir;
$new_BuildDir =~ s/_simple//g;
if ((-d $new_BuildDir)) {
print("\nTrying $new_BuildDir, $BuildDir not found!!\n");
$BuildDir = $new_BuildDir;
} else {
print_error("\n$BuildDir not found!!\n");
if ($cmd_file) {
print "cd $BuildDir\n";
print $check_error_string;
print $echo.$BuildDir."\n";
print "$dmake\n";
print $check_error_string;
} else {
print "$BuildDir\n";
RemoveFromDependencies($BuildDir, \%LocalDepsHash) if (!$child);
return if ($cmd_file || $show);
$error_code = run_job($dmake, $BuildDir);
# chdir $BuildDir;
# getcwd();
# if ($html) {
# my $log_file = $jobs_hash{$BuildDir}->{LONG_LOG_PATH};
# my $log_dir = File::Basename::dirname($log_file);
# if (!-d $log_dir) {
# system("$perl $mkout");
# };
# $error_code = system ("$dmake > $log_file 2>&1");
# if (!$grab_output && -f $log_file) {
# system("cat $log_file");
# };
# } else {
# $error_code = system ("$dmake");
# };
html_store_job_info(\%LocalDepsHash, $BuildDir, $error_code) if (!$child);
if ($error_code && $ignore) {
push(@ignored_errors, $BuildDir);
$error_code = 0;
if ($child) {
my $oldfh = select STDERR;
$| = 1;
select $oldfh;
$| =1;
if ($error_code) {
_exit($error_code >> 8);
} else {
_exit($? >> 8) if ($? && ($? != -1));
} elsif ($error_code && ($error_code != -1)) {
print_error("Error $? occurred while making $BuildDir");
# Procedure stores information about build list (and)
# build list object in build_lists_hash
sub store_build_list_content {
my $module = shift;
my $build_list_path = get_build_list_path($module);
return undef if (!defined $build_list_path);
return if (!$build_list_path);
my $xml_list = undef;
if ($build_list_path =~ /\.xlist$/o) {
print_error("XMLBuildListParser.pm couldn\'t be found, so XML format for build lists is not enabled") if (!defined $enable_xml);
$xml_list = XMLBuildListParser->new();
if (!$xml_list->loadXMLFile($build_list_path)) {
print_error("Cannot use $build_list_path");
$build_lists_hash{$module} = $xml_list;
} else {
if (open (BUILD_LST, $build_list_path)) {
my @build_lst = <BUILD_LST>;
$build_lists_hash{$module} = \@build_lst;
close BUILD_LST;
# Get string (list) of parent projects to build
sub get_parents_array {
my $module = shift;
my $build_list_ref = $build_lists_hash{$module};
if (ref($build_list_ref) eq 'XMLBuildListParser') {
return $build_list_ref->getModuleDependencies(\@modes_array);
foreach (@$build_list_ref) {
if ($_ =~ /#/) {
if ($`) {
$_ = $`;
} else {
if ($_ =~ /\:+\s+/) {
return pick_for_build_type($');
return ();
# get folders' platform infos
sub get_prj_platform {
my $build_list_ref = shift;
my ($prj_alias, $line);
foreach(@$build_list_ref) {
if ($_ =~ /\snmake\s/) {
if ($' =~ /\s*-\s+(\w+)[,\S+]*\s+(\S+)/ ) {
my $platform = $1;
my $alias = $2;
print_error ("There is no correct alias set in the line $line!") if ($alias eq 'NULL');
mark_platform($alias, $platform);
} else {
print_error("Misspelling in line: \n$_");
#seek(BUILD_LST, 0, 0);
# Procedure populate the dependencies hash with
# information from XML build list object
sub get_deps_from_object {
my ($module, $build_list_object, $dependencies_hash) = @_;
foreach my $dir ($build_list_object->getJobDirectories("make", $ENV{GUI})) {
$PathHash{$dir} = $StandDir . $module;
$PathHash{$dir} .= $dir if ($dir ne '/');
my %deps_hash = ();
foreach my $dep ($build_list_object->getJobDependencies($dir, "make", $ENV{GUI})) {
$$dependencies_hash{$dir} = \%deps_hash;
# Getting hashes of all internal dependencies and additional
# information for given project
sub get_deps_hash {
my ($dummy, $module_to_build);
%DeadDependencies = ();
$module_to_build = shift;
my $dependencies_hash = shift;
if ($custom_job) {
if ($modules_types{$module_to_build} ne 'lnk') {
add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_custom_job);
add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_job);
add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $custom_job);
add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $post_job);
add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $post_custom_job);
if ( defined $modules_types{$module_to_build} && $modules_types{$module_to_build} ne 'mod') {
add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_job);
my $build_list_ref = $build_lists_hash{$module_to_build};
delete $build_lists_hash{$module_to_build};
if (ref($build_list_ref) eq 'XMLBuildListParser') {
get_deps_from_object($module_to_build, $build_list_ref, $dependencies_hash);
} else {
foreach (@$build_list_ref) {
if ($_ =~ /#/o) {
next if (!$`);
$_ = $`;
if ($_ =~ /\s+nmake\s+/o) {
my ($Platform, $Dependencies, $Dir, $DirAlias);
my %deps_hash = ();
$Dependencies = $';
$dummy = $`;
$dummy =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S*)/o;
$Dir = $2;
$Dependencies =~ /(\w+)/o;
$Platform = $1;
$Dependencies = $';
while ($Dependencies =~ /,(\w+)/o) {
$Dependencies = $';
$Dependencies =~ /\s+(\S+)\s+/o;
$DirAlias = $1;
if (!CheckPlatform($Platform)) {
next if (defined $PlatformHash{$DirAlias});
delete $DeadDependencies{$DirAlias} if (defined $DeadDependencies{$DirAlias});
print_error("Directory alias $DirAlias is defined at least twice!! Please, correct build.lst in module $module_to_build") if (defined $$dependencies_hash{$DirAlias});
$Dependencies = $';
print_error("$module_to_build/prj/build.lst has wrongly written dependencies string:\n$_\n") if (!$Dependencies);
$deps_hash{$_}++ foreach (GetDependenciesArray($Dependencies));
$$dependencies_hash{$DirAlias} = \%deps_hash;
if ($Dir =~ /(\\|\/)/o) {
$Dir = $module_to_build . $1 . $';
} else {$Dir = $module_to_build;};
$PathHash{$DirAlias} = CorrectPath($StandDir . $Dir);
} elsif ($_ !~ /^\s*$/ && $_ !~ /^\w*\s/o) {
push(@errors, $_);
if (scalar @errors) {
my $message = "$module_to_build/prj/build.lst has wrongly written string(s):\n";
$message .= "$_\n" foreach(@errors);
if ($QuantityToBuild) {
$broken_build{$module_to_build} = $message;
$dependencies_hash = undef;
} else {
foreach my $alias (keys %DeadDependencies) {
next if defined $AliveDependencies{$alias};
if (!IsHashNative($alias)) {
RemoveFromDependencies($alias, $dependencies_hash);
delete $DeadDependencies{$alias};
# check_deps_hash($dependencies_hash);
resolve_aliases($dependencies_hash, \%PathHash);
if (!$prepare) {
add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_custom_job);
add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_job);
add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $custom_job);
add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $post_job) if ($module_to_build ne $CurrentPrj);
add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $post_custom_job);
# procedure adds which is independent from anothers, but anothers are dependent from it
sub add_prerequisite_job {
my ($dependencies_hash, $module, $job) = @_;
return if (!$job);
$job = "$module $job";
foreach (keys %$dependencies_hash) {
$deps_hash = $$dependencies_hash{$_};
$$dependencies_hash{$job} = {};
# procedure adds a job wich is dependent from all already registered jobs
sub add_dependent_job {
# $post_job is dependent from all jobs
my ($dependencies_hash, $module, $job) = @_;
return if (!$job);
my %deps_hash = ();
$deps_hash{$_}++ foreach (keys %$dependencies_hash);
$$dependencies_hash{"$module $job"} = \%deps_hash;
# this procedure converts aliases to absolute paths
sub resolve_aliases {
my ($dependencies_hash, $PathHash) = @_;
foreach my $dir_alias (keys %$dependencies_hash) {
my $aliases_hash_ref = $$dependencies_hash{$dir_alias};
my %paths_hash = ();
foreach (keys %$aliases_hash_ref) {
delete $$dependencies_hash{$dir_alias};
$$dependencies_hash{$$PathHash{$dir_alias}} = \%paths_hash;
# mark platform in order to prove if alias has been used according to specs
sub mark_platform {
my $prj_alias = shift;
if (exists $prj_platform{$prj_alias}) {
$prj_platform{$prj_alias} = 'all';
} else {
$prj_platform{$prj_alias} = shift;
# Convert path from abstract (with '\' and/or '/' delimiters)
# to system-independent
sub CorrectPath {
$_ = shift;
if ( ($^O eq 'MSWin32') && (!defined $ENV{SHELL})) {
} else {;
return $_;
sub check_dmake {
#print "Checking dmake...";
# my $dmake_batch = CorrectPath("$tmp_dir/dmake.bat");
if ($QuantityToBuild && ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') && ($ENV{USE_SHELL} eq '4nt')) {
if (open(DMAKEVERSION, "where dmake |")) {
my @output = <DMAKEVERSION>;
$dmake_bin = $output[0];
$dmake_bin =~ /(\b)$/;
$dmake_bin = $`;
return if (-e $dmake_bin);
} elsif (open(DMAKEVERSION, "dmake -V |")) {
# if (open(DMAKEVERSION, "dmake -V |")) {
my @dmake_version = <DMAKEVERSION>;
# if ($dmake_version[0] =~ /^dmake\s\-\sCopyright\s\(c\)/) {
# print " Using version $1\n" if ($dmake_version[0] =~ /Version\s(\d+\.*\d*)/);
# };
my $error_message = 'dmake: Command not found.';
$error_message .= ' Please rerun bootstrap' if (!defined $ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS});
# Get platform-dependent commands
sub get_commands {
my $arg = '';
# Setting alias for dmake
$dmake = 'dmake';
if ($cmd_file) {
if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'UNX') {
$check_error_string = "if \"\$?\" != \"0\" exit\n";
} else {
$check_error_string = "if \"\%?\" != \"0\" quit\n";
$dmake_args = join(' ', 'dmake', @dmake_args);
while ($arg = pop(@dmake_args)) {
$dmake .= ' '.$arg;
# if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') && $QuantityToBuild) {
# print_error("There is no such executable $_4nt_exe") if (!-e $_4nt_exe);
# $dmake_batch = generate_4nt_batch();
# };
# Procedure prooves if current dir is a root dir of the drive
#sub IsRootDir {
# my ($Dir);
# $Dir = shift;
# if ( (($ENV{GUI} eq 'UNX') ||
# ($ENV{GUI} eq 'MACOSX')) &&
# ($Dir eq '/')) {
# return 1;
# } elsif ( (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') ||
# ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WIN') ||
# ($ENV{GUI} eq 'OS2')) &&
# ($Dir =~ /\S:\/$/)) {
# return 1;
# } else {
# return 0;
# };
# Procedure retrieves list of projects to be built from build.lst
sub get_stand_dir {
if (!(defined $ENV{GUI})) {
$ENV{mk_tmp} = '';
die "No environment set\n";
my $StandDir;
$StandDir = getcwd();
my $previous_dir = '';
do {
foreach (@possible_build_lists) {# ('build.lst', 'build.xlist');
if (-e $StandDir . '/prj/'.$_) {
$StandDir =~ /([\.\w]+$)/;
$StandDir = $`;
$CurrentPrj = $1;
return $StandDir;
} elsif ($StandDir eq $previous_dir) {
$ENV{mk_tmp} = '';
print_error('Found no project to build');
$previous_dir = $StandDir;
$StandDir = Cwd::realpath($StandDir . '/..');
while (chdir '..');
# Picks project which can be built now from hash and then deletes it from hash
sub PickPrjToBuild {
my $DepsHash = shift;
handle_dead_children(0) if ($QuantityToBuild);
my $Prj = FindIndepPrj($DepsHash);
delete $$DepsHash{$Prj};
return $Prj;
# Make a decision if the project should be built on this platform
sub CheckPlatform {
my $Platform = shift;
return 1 if ($Platform eq 'all');
return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WIN') && ($Platform eq 'w'));
return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'UNX') && ($Platform eq 'u'));
return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'OS2') && ($Platform eq 'p'));
return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') &&
(($Platform eq 'w') || ($Platform eq 'n')));
return 0;
# Remove project to build ahead from dependencies and make an array
# of all from given project dependent projects
sub RemoveFromDependencies {
my ($ExclPrj, $i, $Prj, $Dependencies);
$ExclPrj = shift;
my $ExclPrj_orig = '';
$ExclPrj_orig = $` if ($ExclPrj =~ /\.lnk$/o);
$Dependencies = shift;
foreach $Prj (keys %$Dependencies) {
my $prj_deps_hash = $$Dependencies{$Prj};
delete $$prj_deps_hash{$ExclPrj} if (defined $$prj_deps_hash{$ExclPrj});
# Check the hash for consistency
sub check_deps_hash {
my ($deps_hash_ref, $module) = @_;
my @possible_order;
my $module_path = $StandDir . $module if (defined $module);
return if (!scalar keys %$deps_hash_ref);
my %deps_hash = %$deps_hash_ref;
my $consistent;
foreach $key (keys %$deps_hash_ref) {
my %values_hash = %{$$deps_hash_ref{$key}};
$deps_hash{$key} = \%values_hash;
my $string;
my $log_name;
my $build_number = 0;
do {
$consistent = '';
foreach $key (sort keys %deps_hash) {
$local_deps_ref = $deps_hash{$key};
if (!scalar keys %$local_deps_ref) {
if (defined $module) {
$string = undef;
if ($key =~ /(\s)/o) {
$string = $key;
} else {
if (length($key) == length($module_path)) {
$string = './';
} else {
$string = substr($key, length($module_path) + 1);
$string =~ s/\\/\//go;
$log_name = $string;
if ($log_name eq "$module $custom_job") {
$log_name = "custom_job";
if ($log_name eq "$module $pre_custom_job") {
$log_name = "pre_custom_job";
if ($log_name eq "$module $post_custom_job") {
$log_name = "post_custom_job";
$log_name =~ s/\\|\//\./g;
$log_name =~ s/\s/_/g;
$log_name = $module if ($log_name =~ /^\.+$/);
$log_name .= '.txt';
push(@possible_order, $key);
$jobs_hash{$key} = { SHORT_NAME => $string,
BUILD_NUMBER => $build_number,
STATUS => 'waiting',
LOG_PATH => $module . "/$ENV{INPATH}/misc/logs/$log_name",
LONG_LOG_PATH => CorrectPath($StandDir . $module . "/$ENV{INPATH}/misc/logs/$log_name"),
CLIENT => '-'
# if (-f $jobs_hash{$key}->{LONG_LOG_PATH} && $html) {
# print STDERR 'Warning: log file ' . $jobs_hash{$key}->{LONG_LOG_PATH} . " already exists!!\n";
# };
RemoveFromDependencies($key, \%deps_hash);
delete $deps_hash{$key};
} while ($consistent && (scalar keys %deps_hash));
return \@possible_order if ($consistent);
print STDERR "Fatal error:";
foreach (keys %deps_hash) {
print STDERR "\n\t$_ depends on: ";
foreach my $i (keys %{$deps_hash{$_}}) {
print STDERR (' ', $i);
if ($child) {
my $oldfh = select STDERR;
$| = 1;
} else {
print_error("There are dead or circular dependencies\n");
# Find project with no dependencies left.
sub FindIndepPrj {
my ($Prj, @Prjs, $Dependencies, $i);
my @candidates = ();
my $children = children_number();
return '' if (!$server_mode && $children && ($children >= $QuantityToBuild));
$Dependencies = shift;
@Prjs = keys %$Dependencies;
if ($#Prjs != -1) {
foreach $Prj (@Prjs) {
next if (&IsHashNative($Prj));
my $PrjDeps = $$Dependencies{$Prj};
push(@candidates, $Prj) if (!scalar keys %$PrjDeps);
#return $Prj if (!scalar keys %$PrjDeps);
if (scalar @candidates) {
my $best_candidate = undef;
my $weight = 0;
foreach my $candidate (sort @candidates) {
# if (defined $weights_hash{$candidate} && scalar keys %{$weights_hash{$candidate}} > $weight) {
if (defined $weights_hash{$candidate} && $weights_hash{$candidate} > $weight) {
$best_candidate = $candidate;
# $weight = scalar keys %{$weights_hash{$candidate}};
$weight = $weights_hash{$candidate};
if (defined $best_candidate) {
# delete $weights_hash{$best_candidate};
return $best_candidate;
my @sorted_candidates = sort(@candidates);
return $sorted_candidates[0];
return '';
} else {
$no_projects = 1;
return '';
# Check if given entry is HASH-native, that is not a user-defined data
sub IsHashNative {
my $Prj = shift;
return 1 if ($Prj =~ /^HASH\(0x[\d | a | b | c | d | e | f]{6,}\)/);
return 0;
# Getting array of dependencies from the string given
sub GetDependenciesArray {
my ($DepString, @Dependencies, $ParentPrj, $prj, $string);
@Dependencies = ();
$DepString = shift;
$string = $DepString;
$prj = shift;
while ($DepString !~ /^NULL/o) {
print_error("Project $prj has wrongly written dependencies string:\n $string") if (!$DepString);
$DepString =~ /(\S+)\s*/o;
$ParentPrj = $1;
$DepString = $';
if ($ParentPrj =~ /\.(\w+)$/o) {
$ParentPrj = $`;
if (($prj_platform{$ParentPrj} ne $1) &&
($prj_platform{$ParentPrj} ne 'all')) {
print_error ("$ParentPrj\.$1 is a wrongly dependency identifier!\nCheck if it is platform dependent");
$AliveDependencies{$ParentPrj}++ if (CheckPlatform($1));
push(@Dependencies, $ParentPrj);
} else {
if ((exists($prj_platform{$ParentPrj})) &&
($prj_platform{$ParentPrj} ne 'all') ) {
print_error("$ParentPrj is a wrongly used dependency identifier!\nCheck if it is platform dependent");
push(@Dependencies, $ParentPrj);
return @Dependencies;
# Getting current directory list
sub GetDirectoryList {
my ($Path);
$Path = shift;
opendir(CurrentDirList, $Path);
@DirectoryList = readdir(CurrentDirList);
return @DirectoryList;
sub print_error {
my $message = shift;
my $force = shift;
# rmtree(CorrectPath($tmp_dir), 0, 1) if ($tmp_dir);
$modules_number -= scalar keys %global_deps_hash;
$modules_number -= 1;
print STDERR "\nERROR: $message\n";
$ENV{mk_tmp} = '';
close CMD_FILE if ($cmd_file);
unlink ($cmd_file);
if (!$child) {
$ENV{mk_tmp} = '';
close CMD_FILE if ($cmd_file);
unlink ($cmd_file);
do_exit(1) if (defined $force);
sub usage {
print STDERR "\nbuild\n";
print STDERR "Syntax: build [--all|-a[:prj_name]]|[--from|-f prj_name1[:prj_name2] [prj_name3 [...]]]|[--since|-c prj_name] [--with_branches|-b]|[--prepare|-p][:platform] [--dontchekoutmissingmodules]] [--deliver|-d [--dlv_switch deliver_switch]]] [-P processes|--server [--setenvstring \"string\"] [--client_timeout MIN] [--port port1[:port2:...:portN]]] [--show|-s] [--help|-h] [--file|-F] [--ignore|-i] [--version|-V] [--mode|-m OOo[,SO[,EXT]] [--html [--html_path html_file_path] [--dontgraboutput]] [--pre_job=pre_job_sring] [--job=job_string|-j] [--post_job=post_job_sring] [--stoponerror]\n";
print STDERR "Example1: build --from sfx2\n";
print STDERR " - build all projects dependent from sfx2, starting with sfx2, finishing with the current module\n";
print STDERR "Example2: build --all:sfx2\n";
print STDERR " - the same as --all, but skip all projects that have been already built when using \"--all\" switch before sfx2\n";
print STDERR "Example3: build --all --server\n";
print STDERR " - build all projects in server mode, use first available port from default range 7890-7894 (running clients required!!)\n";
print STDERR "Example4(for unixes):\n";
print STDERR " build --all --pre_job=echo\\ Starting\\ job\\ in\\ \\\$PWD --job=some_script.sh --post_job=echo\\ Job\\ in\\ \\\$PWD\\ is\\ made\n";
print STDERR " - go through all projects, echo \"Starting job in \$PWD\" in each module, execute script some_script.sh, and finally echo \"Job in \$PWD is made\"\n";
print STDERR "\nSwitches:\n";
print STDERR " --all - build all projects from very beginning till current one\n";
print STDERR " --from - build all projects dependent from the specified (including it) till current one\n";
print STDERR " --mode OOo - build only projects needed for OpenOffice.org\n";
print STDERR " --prepare - clear all projects for incompatible build from prj_name till current one [for platform] (cws version)\n";
print STDERR " --with_branches- build all projects in neighbour branches and current branch starting from actual project\n";
print STDERR " --since - build all projects beginning from the specified till current one (the same as \"--all:prj_name\", but skipping prj_name)\n";
print STDERR " --checkmodules - check if all required parent projects are availlable\n";
print STDERR " --show - show what is going to be built\n";
print STDERR " --file - generate command file file_name\n";
print STDERR " --deliver - only deliver, no build (usable for \'-all\' and \'-from\' keys)\n";
print STDERR " -P - start multiprocessing build, with number of processes passed\n";
print STDERR " --server - start build in server mode (clients required)\n";
print STDERR " --setenvstring - string for configuration of the client environment\n";
print STDERR " --port - set server port, default is 7890. You may pass several ports, the server will be started on the first available\n";
print STDERR " otherwise the server will be started on first available port from the default range 7890-7894\n";
print STDERR " --client_timeout - time frame after which the client/job is considered to be lost. Default is 120 min\n";
print STDERR " --dlv_switch - use deliver with the switch specified\n";
print STDERR " --help - print help info\n";
print STDERR " --ignore - force tool to ignore errors\n";
print STDERR " --html - generate html page with build status\n";
print STDERR " file named $ENV{INPATH}.build.html will be generated in $ENV{SRC_ROOT}\n";
print STDERR " --html_path - set html page path\n";
print STDERR " --dontgraboutput - do not grab console output when generating html page\n";
print STDERR " --stoponerror - stop build when error occurs (for mp builds)\n";
print STDERR " --dontchekoutmissingmodules - do not chekout missing modules when running prepare (links still will be broken)\n";
print STDERR " Custom jobs:\n";
print STDERR " --job=job_string - execute custom job in (each) module. job_string is a shell script/command to be executed instead of regular dmake jobs\n";
print STDERR " --pre_job=pre_job_string - execute preliminary job in (each) module. pre_job_string is a shell script/command to be executed before regular job in the module\n";
print STDERR " --post_job=job_string - execute a postprocess job in (each) module. post_job_string is a shell script/command to be executed after regular job in the module\n";
print STDERR "Default: - build current project\n";
print STDERR "Unknown switches passed to dmake\n";
# Get all options passed
sub get_options {
my ($arg, $dont_grab_output);
while ($arg = shift @ARGV) {
$arg =~ /^-P$/ and $QuantityToBuild = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^-P(\d+)$/ and $QuantityToBuild = $1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--all$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-a$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--show$/ and $show = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--checkmodules$/ and $checkparents = 1 and $ignore = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-s$/ and $show = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--deliver$/ and $deliver = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^(--job=)/ and $custom_job = $' and next;
$arg =~ /^(--pre_job=)/ and $pre_custom_job = $' and next;
$arg =~ /^(--post_job=)/ and $post_custom_job = $' and next;
$arg =~ /^-d$/ and $deliver = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--dlv_switch$/ and $dlv_switch = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^--file$/ and $cmd_file = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^-F$/ and $cmd_file = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^--with_branches$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1
and $build_from = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^--dontchekoutmissingmodules$/ and $chekoutmissing = 0 and next;
$arg =~ /^-b$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1
and $build_from = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^--all:(\S+)$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1
and $build_all_cont = $1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-a:(\S+)$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1
and $build_all_cont = $1 and next;
if ($arg =~ /^--from$/ || $arg =~ /^-f$/) {
$BuildAllParents = 1;
$arg =~ /^--prepare$/ and $prepare = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^-p$/ and $prepare = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--prepare:/ and $prepare = 1 and $only_platform = $' and next;
$arg =~ /^-p:/ and $prepare = 1 and $only_platform = $' and next;
$arg =~ /^--since$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1
and $build_since = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^-c$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1
and $build_since = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^-s$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1
and $build_since = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^--help$/ and usage() and do_exit(0);
$arg =~ /^-h$/ and usage() and do_exit(0);
$arg =~ /^--ignore$/ and $ignore = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--html$/ and $html = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--dontgraboutput$/ and $dont_grab_output = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--html_path$/ and $html_path = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^-i$/ and $ignore = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--server$/ and $server_mode = 1 and next;
$arg =~ /^--client_timeout$/ and $client_timeout = (shift @ARGV)*60 and next;
$arg =~ /^--setenvstring$/ and $setenv_string = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^--port$/ and $ports_string = shift @ARGV and next;
$arg =~ /^--version$/ and do_exit(0);
$arg =~ /^-V$/ and do_exit(0);
$arg =~ /^-m$/ and get_modes() and next;
$arg =~ /^--mode$/ and get_modes() and next;
$arg =~ /^--stoponerror$/ and $stop_build_on_error = 1 and next;
if ($arg =~ /^--$/) {
push (@dmake_args, get_dmake_args()) if (!$custom_job);
push (@dmake_args, $arg);
if (!$html) {
print_error("\"--html_path\" switch is used only with \"--html\"") if ($html_path);
print_error("\"--dontgraboutput\" switch is used only with \"--html\"") if ($dont_grab_output);
$grab_output = 0 if ($dont_grab_output);
print_error('Switches --with_branches and --all collision') if ($build_from && $build_all_cont);
# print_error('Please prepare the workspace on one of UNIX platforms') if ($prepare && ($ENV{GUI} ne 'UNX'));
print_error('Switches --with_branches and --since collision') if ($build_from && $build_since);
if ($show) {
$QuantityToBuild = 0;
$cmd_file = '';
print_error('Switches --job and --deliver collision') if ($custom_job && $deliver);
$custom_job = 'deliver' if $deliver;
$post_job = 'deliver' if (!$custom_job);
$incompatible = scalar keys %incompatibles;
if ($prepare) {
print_error("--prepare is for use with --from switch only!\n") if (!$incompatible);
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
print "\nATTENTION: Using Windows OS to prepare the CWS is highly unrecommended! It is unsequre and veeeery slooooow. The links will not be broken, the delivered files from the linked modules will not be undelivered, moreover file removal can fail. Use UNIX if possible. Proceed only if you exactly know what you do, otherwise break the build with Ctrl+C\n\n";
if ($QuantityToBuild) {
if ($ignore && !$html) {
print_error("Cannot ignore errors in multiprocessing build");
if (!$enable_multiprocessing) {
print_error("Cannot load Win32::Process module for multiprocessing build");
if ($server_mode) {
print_error("Switches -P and --server collision");
} elsif ($stop_build_on_error) {
print_error("Switche --stoponerror is only for multiprocessing builds");
if ($server_mode) {
$client_timeout = 60 * 60 * 2 if (!$client_timeout);
} else {
print_error("--ports switch is for server mode only!!") if ($ports_string);
print_error("--setenvstring switch is for server mode only!!") if ($setenv_string);
print_error("--client_timeout switch is for server mode only!!") if ($client_timeout);
# $ignore++ if ($html);
if ($only_platform) {
$only_common = 'common';
$only_common .= '.pro' if ($only_platform =~ /\.pro$/);
# Default build modes(for OpenOffice.org)
$ENV{BUILD_TYPE} = 'OOo EXT' if (!defined $ENV{BUILD_TYPE});
@ARGV = @dmake_args;
sub get_dmake_args {
my $arg;
my @job_args = ();
while ($arg = shift @ARGV) {
next if ($arg =~ /^--$/);
push (@job_args, $arg);
return @job_args;
# get all options without '-'
sub get_switch_options {
my $string = '';
my $option = '';
while ($option = shift @ARGV) {
if (!($option =~ /^-+/)) {
$string .= '-' . $option;
$string .= ' ';
} else {
unshift(@ARGV, $option);
$string =~ s/\s$//;
return $string;
# cancel build when one of children has error exit code
sub cancel_build {
# close_server_socket();
$modules_number -= scalar keys %global_deps_hash;
my $broken_modules_number = scalar @broken_modules_names;
if ($broken_modules_number) {
$modules_number -= $broken_modules_number;
print "\n";
print $broken_modules_number;
print " module(s): ";
foreach (@broken_modules_names) {
print "\n\t$_";
# RemoveFromDependencies($_, \%global_deps_hash);
print "\nneed(s) to be rebuilt\n\nReason(s):\n\n";
foreach (keys %broken_build) {
print "ERROR: error " . $broken_build{$_} . " occurred while making $_\n";
print "\nAttention: if you build and deliver the above module(s) you may prolongue your the build issuing command \"build --from @broken_modules_names\"\n";
} else {
# if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') {
while (children_number()) {
foreach (keys %broken_build) {
print "ERROR: error " . $broken_build{$_} . " occurred while making $_\n";
# } else {
# kill 9 => -$$;
# };
print "\n";
# Function for storing error in multiprocessing AllParents build
sub store_error {
my ($pid, $error_code) = @_;
return 0 if (!$error_code);
my $child_nick = $processes_hash{$pid};
if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') {
if (!defined $had_error{$child_nick}) {
return 1;
$broken_build{$child_nick} = $error_code;
if ($stop_build_on_error) {
# Let all children finish their work
while (children_number()) {
return 0;
# child handler (clears (or stores info about) the terminated child)
sub handle_dead_children {
my $running_children = children_number();
return if (!$running_children);
my $force_wait = shift;
my $try_once_more = 0;
do {
my $pid = 0;
if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT' && !$cygwin) {
foreach $pid (keys %processes_hash) {
my $exit_code = undef;
my $proc_obj = $windows_procs{$pid};
if ( $exit_code != 259 ) {
$try_once_more = store_error($pid, $exit_code);
delete $windows_procs{$pid};
if ($try_once_more) {
} else {
sleep 1 if (children_number() >= $QuantityToBuild || ($force_wait && ($running_children == children_number())));
} else {
if (children_number() >= $QuantityToBuild ||
($force_wait && ($running_children == children_number()))) {
$pid = wait();
} else {
$pid = waitpid( -1, &WNOHANG);
if ($pid > 0) {
$try_once_more = store_error($pid, $?);
if ($try_once_more) {
} else {
} while(children_number() >= $QuantityToBuild);
sub give_second_chance {
my $pid = shift;
# A malicious hack for misterious windows problems - try 2 times
# to run dmake in the same directory if errors occurs
my $child_nick = $processes_hash{$pid};
delete $processes_hash{$pid};
start_child($child_nick, $folders_hashes{$child_nick});
sub clear_from_child {
my $pid = shift;
my $child_nick = $processes_hash{$pid};
my $error_code = 0;
if (defined $broken_build{$child_nick}) {
$error_code = $broken_build{$child_nick};
} else {
my $module = $module_by_hash{$folders_hashes{$child_nick}};
html_store_job_info($folders_hashes{$child_nick}, $child_nick, $error_code);
delete $processes_hash{$pid};
$only_dependent = 0;
print 'Running processes: ' . children_number() . "\n";
# Build the entire project according to queue of dependencies
sub BuildDependent {
$dependencies_hash = shift;
my $pid = 0;
my $child_nick = '';
$running_children{$dependencies_hash} = 0 if (!defined $running_children{$dependencies_hash});
while ($child_nick = PickPrjToBuild($dependencies_hash)) {
if (($QuantityToBuild)) { # multiprocessing not for $BuildAllParents (-all etc)!!
do {
if (defined $broken_modules_hashes{$dependencies_hash} && !$ignore) {
return if ($BuildAllParents);
# start current child & all
# that could be started now
start_child($child_nick, $dependencies_hash) if ($child_nick);
$child_nick = PickPrjToBuild($dependencies_hash);
if (!$child_nick) {
return if ($BuildAllParents);
handle_dead_children(1) if (!$no_projects);
} while (!$no_projects);
return if ($BuildAllParents);
while (children_number()) {
# if (defined $last_module) {
# $build_is_finished{$last_module}++ if (!defined $modules_with_errors{$last_module});
# };
if (defined $broken_modules_hashes{$dependencies_hash}) {
} else {
$child_nick = '';
sub children_number {
return scalar keys %processes_hash;
sub start_child {
my ($job_dir, $dependencies_hash) = @_;
$jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{START_TIME} = time();
$jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{STATUS} = 'building';
if ($job_dir =~ /(\s)/o) {
my $error_code = undef;
# do_pre_job($`, $pre_job) if ($' eq $pre_job);
$error_code = do_custom_job($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
# $error_code = do_post_job($`, $', $dependencies_hash) if ($' eq $post_job);
# html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $job_dir, $error_code);
# if ($error_code) {
# # give windows (4nt) one more chance
# if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT' && !$cygwin) {
# $error_code = do_post_job($`, $post_job, $dependencies_hash);
# };
# if ($error_code) {
# $broken_modules_hashes{$dependencies_hash}++;
# $broken_build{$job_dir} = $error_code;
# }
# } else {
# RemoveFromDependencies($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
# };
html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $job_dir);
my $pid = undef;
my $children_running;
my $oldfh = select STDOUT;
$| = 1;
if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT' && !$cygwin) {
print "$job_dir\n";
my $process_obj = undef;
my $rc = Win32::Process::Create($process_obj, $dmake_bin,
# my $rc = Win32::Process::Create($process_obj, $_4nt_exe,
# "/c $dmake_batch",
# $job_dir);
print_error("Cannot start child process") if (!$rc);
$pid = $process_obj->GetProcessID();
$windows_procs{$pid} = $process_obj;
} else {
if ($pid = fork) { # parent
} elsif (defined $pid) { # child
select $oldfh;
$child = 1;
select $oldfh;
$processes_hash{$pid} = $job_dir;
$children_running = children_number();
print 'Running processes: ', $children_running, "\n";
$maximal_processes = $children_running if ($children_running > $maximal_processes);
$folders_hashes{$job_dir} = $dependencies_hash;
# Build everything that should be built multiprocessing version
sub build_multiprocessing {
my $Prj;
my @build_queue = (); # array, containing queue of projects
# to build
do {
while ($Prj = PickPrjToBuild(\%global_deps_hash)) {
my $module_type = $modules_types{$Prj};
push @build_queue, $Prj;
$projects_deps_hash{$Prj} = {};
get_deps_hash($Prj, $projects_deps_hash{$Prj});
my $info_hash = $html_info{$Prj};
$$info_hash{DIRS} = check_deps_hash($projects_deps_hash{$Prj}, $Prj);
$module_by_hash{$projects_deps_hash{$Prj}} = $Prj;
if (!$Prj || !defined $projects_deps_hash{$Prj}) {
cancel_build() if (!scalar @build_queue && !children_number());
} while (scalar (keys %global_deps_hash));
# Let the last module be built till the end
while (scalar @build_queue) {
# Let all children finish their work
while (children_number()) {
cancel_build() if (scalar keys %broken_build);
sub mp_success_exit {
# close_server_socket();
# if (!$custom_job && $post_custom_job) {
# do_post_custom_job(CorrectPath($StandDir.$CurrentPrj));
# };
print "\nMultiprocessing build is finished\n";
print "Maximal number of processes run: $maximal_processes\n";
# Here the built queue is built as long as possible
sub build_actual_queue {
my $build_queue = shift;
my $i = 0;
do {
while ($i <= (scalar(@$build_queue) - 1)) {
$Prj = $$build_queue[$i];
if (defined $broken_modules_hashes{$projects_deps_hash{$Prj}} && !$ignore) {
push (@broken_modules_names, $Prj);
splice (@$build_queue, $i, 1);
$only_dependent = 0;
$no_projects = 0;
if ($no_projects &&
!$running_children{$projects_deps_hash{$Prj}}) {
if (!defined $broken_modules_hashes{$projects_deps_hash{$Prj}} || $ignore)
# chdir(&CorrectPath($StandDir.$Prj));
RemoveFromDependencies($Prj, \%global_deps_hash);
splice (@$build_queue, $i, 1);
$i = 0;
} while (!are_all_dependent($build_queue));
sub run_job {
my ($job, $path, $registered_name) = @_;
my $job_to_do = $job;
$job_to_do = $deliver_command if ($job eq 'deliver');
$registered_name = $path if (!defined $registered_name);
chdir $path;
if ($html) {
my $log_file = $jobs_hash{$registered_name}->{LONG_LOG_PATH};
my $log_dir = File::Basename::dirname($log_file);
if (!-d $log_dir) {
system("$perl $mkout");
$error_code = system ("$job_to_do > $log_file 2>&1");
if (!$grab_output && -f $log_file) {
system("cat $log_file");
} else {
$error_code = system ("$job_to_do");
return $error_code;
sub do_custom_job {
my ($module_job, $dependencies_hash) = @_;
$module_job =~ /(\s)/o;
my $module = $`;
my $job = $';
html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $module_job);
my $error_code = 0;
if ($job eq $pre_job) {
# html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $job_dir);
RemoveFromDependencies($module_job, $dependencies_hash);
} else {
$error_code = run_job($job, CorrectPath($StandDir.$module), $module_job);
if ($error_code) {
# give windows (4nt) one more chance
if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT' && !$cygwin) {
$error_code = run_job($job, CorrectPath($StandDir.$module), $module_job);
if ($error_code) {
$broken_build{$module} = $error_code;
} else {
RemoveFromDependencies($module_job, $dependencies_hash);
html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $module_job, $error_code);
return $error_code;
#sub do_pre_job {
# my $module = shift;
# announce_module($module);
# if ($pre_custom_job && defined $modules_types{$module} && ($modules_types{$module} eq 'mod')) {
# my $module_path = CorrectPath($StandDir.$module);
# chdir $module_path;
# getcwd();
# my $cj_error_code = system ("$pre_custom_job");
# print_error("Cannot run pre job \"$pre_custom_job\"") if ($cj_error_code);
# };
#sub do_post_custom_job {
# my $module_path = shift;
# chdir $module_path;
# getcwd();
# my $cj_error_code = system ("$post_custom_job");
# print_error("Cannot run post job \"$post_custom_job\"") if ($cj_error_code);
# Print announcement for module just started
sub announce_module {
my $Prj = shift;
sub print_announce {
my $Prj = shift;
my $prj_type = '';
$prj_type = $modules_types{$Prj} if (defined $modules_types{$Prj});
my $text;
if ($prj_type eq 'lnk') {
$text = "Skipping link to $Prj\n";
} elsif ($prj_type eq 'img') {
# return if (defined $module_announced{$`});
$text = "Skipping incomplete $Prj\n";
} elsif ($custom_job) {
$text = "Running custom job \"$custom_job\" in module $Prj\n";
} else {
$text = "Building module $Prj\n";
print $new_line;
print $echo . "=============\n";
print $echo . $text;
print $echo . "=============\n";
sub are_all_dependent {
my $build_queue = shift;
my $folder = '';
foreach my $prj (@$build_queue) {
$folder = FindIndepPrj($projects_deps_hash{$prj});
return '' if ($folder);
return '1';
# Procedure checks out module or its image ($prj_name/prj)
sub checkout_module {
my ($prj_name, $image, $path) = @_;
return '' if (!defined($ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}));
$path = $StandDir if (!$path);
my $cws = Cws->new();
my $cvs_module = get_cvs_module($cws, $prj_name);
print_error("Cannot get cvs_module for $prj_name") if (!$cvs_module);
my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_root_tag, $master_milestone_tag) = $cws->get_tags();
$cvs_module->{MODULE} .= '/prj' if ($image);
if ($show && ($path ne $tmp_dir)) {
print "Checking out $prj_name...\n";
$cvs_module->checkout($path, $master_milestone_tag, '');
# Check if the module is there
if (!-d CorrectPath($path.'/'.$prj_name)) {
$cvs_module->checkout($path, '', '');
if (!-d CorrectPath($path.'/'.$prj_name)) {
my $warning_string = "Cannot checkout $prj_name. Check if you have to login to server or all build dependencies are consistent";
push(@warnings, $warning_string);
print STDERR ($warning_string);
return 1 if ($image);
copy_output_trees($prj_name, $path) if (defined $only_platform);
# Procedure unpacks output trees after checkout
sub copy_output_trees {
return if (!defined $ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS});
return if (!scalar keys %platforms_to_copy);
my $module_name = shift;
my $src_dest = shift;
print "copyprj $module_name\n";
# hash, that should contain all the
# data needed by CopyPrj module
my %ENVHASH = ();
my %projects_to_copy = ();
$ENVHASH{'projects_hash'} = \%projects_to_copy;
$ENVHASH{'prj_to_copy'} = '';
$ENVHASH{'platforms_hash'} = \%platforms_to_copy;
$ENVHASH{'no_otree'} = 1;
$ENVHASH{'no_path'} = 1;
$ENVHASH{'only_otree'} = 1;
$ENVHASH{'only_update'} = 0;
$ENVHASH{'last_minor'} = 0;
$ENVHASH{'spec_src'} = 0;
$ENVHASH{'dest'} = "$src_dest";
$ENVHASH{'i_server'} = '';
$ENVHASH{'current_dir'} = getcwd();
$ENVHASH{'remote'} = '';
# hack for SO environment
$ENVHASH{'SRC_ROOT'} = '/so/ws/' . $ENV{WORK_STAMP} . '/src';
# Procedure defines if the local directory is a
# complete module, an image or a link
# return values: lnk link
# img incomplete (image)
# mod complete (module)
sub modules_classify {
my @modules = @_;
foreach my $module (sort @modules) {
if (-d $StandDir.$module) {
$modules_types{$module} = 'mod';
if (-e $StandDir.$module.'.lnk') {
$modules_types{$module} = 'lnk';
$modules_types{$module} = 'img';
# This procedure provides consistency for cws
# and optimized build (ie in case of -with_branches, -all:prj_name
# and -since switches)
sub provide_consistency {
foreach $var_ref (\$build_from, \$build_all_cont, \$build_since) {
if ($$var_ref) {
return if (-d $StandDir.$$var_ref);
$$var_ref .= '.lnk' and return if (-d $StandDir.$$var_ref.'.lnk');
my $current_dir = getcwd();
checkout_module($$var_ref, 'image');
chdir $current_dir;
# Retrieve CvsModule object for passed module.
# (Heiner's proprietary :)
sub get_cvs_module
my $cws = shift;
my $module = shift;
my $cvs_module = CvsModule->new();
my ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository) = get_cvs_root($cws, $module);
return undef if !($method && $vcsid && $server && $repository);
if (defined $ENV{VCSID}) {
} elsif (!$cvs_module->vcsid()) {
if ($cvs_module->cvs_remote() && (!$in_so_env)) {
# default: use information from user config files:
} else {
return $cvs_module;
# Try to get cvs coordinates via module link
sub get_link_cvs_root{
my $module = shift;
my $cvs_root_file = $StandDir.$module.'.lnk'.'/CVS/Root';
if (!open(CVS_ROOT, $cvs_root_file)) {
#print STDERR "Attention: cannot read $cvs_root_file!!\n";
return '';
my @cvs_root = <CVS_ROOT>;
close CVS_ROOT;
$cvs_root[0] =~ s/[\r\n]+//o;
return $cvs_root[0] if (!($cvs_root[0] =~ /\^\s*$/));
return '';
# Find out which CVS server holds the module, returns
# the elements of CVSROOT.
# (Heiner's proprietary)
sub get_cvs_root
my $cws = shift;
my $module = shift;
my $cvsroot = get_link_cvs_root($module);
if (!$cvsroot) {
my $master = $cws->master();
my $workspace_lst = get_workspace_lst();
if ($workspace_lst) {
my $workspace_db = GenInfoParser->new();
my $success = $workspace_db->load_list($workspace_lst);
if ( !$success ) {
print_error("Can't load workspace list '$workspace_lst'.", 4);
my $key = "$master/drives/o:/projects/$module/scs";
$cvsroot = $workspace_db->get_value($key);
if ( !$cvsroot ) {
print STDERR "\nWarning: No such module '$module' for '$master' in workspace database $workspace_lst. Maybe you should correct build lists.\n";
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
} elsif (open(CVSROOT, CorrectPath("$StandDir$CurrentPrj/CVS/Root"))) {
$cvsroot = <CVSROOT>;
close CVSROOT;
chomp $cvsroot;
} else {
print_error('Cannot figure out cvs parameters for checkout. No CVS/Root...', 1);
my ($dummy1, $method, $user_at_server, $repository) = split(/:/, $cvsroot);
my ($vcsid, $server) = split(/@/, $user_at_server);
if ((!defined $vcsid) || ((defined $ENV{VCSID}) && ($vcsid ne $ENV{VCSID}))) {
$vcsid = $ENV{VCSID};
if ( ! ($method && $server && $repository ) ) {
print_error("Can't determine CVS server for module '$module'.", 0);
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
return ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository);
# Get the workspace list ('stand.lst'), either from 'localini'
# or, if this is not possible, from 'globalini.
# (Heiner's proprietary :)
sub get_workspace_lst
my $home;
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
$home = $ENV{TEMP};
else {
$home = $ENV{HOME};
my $inifile = "$home/localini/stand.lst";
if (-f $inifile) {
return $inifile;
# } else {
# $inifile = get_globalini() . "/stand.lst";
# return $inifile if (-f $inifile);
return '';
# Procedure clears up module for incompatible build
sub ensure_clear_module {
my $module = shift;
my $module_type = $modules_types{$module};
my $lnk_name = $module . '.lnk';
if ($module_type eq 'mod') {
if (-e ($StandDir.$lnk_name)) {
print "Last checkout for $module seems to have been interrupted...\n";
print "Checking it out again...\n";
#rmtree("$StandDir$module", 0, 1);
$module_type = 'lnk';
} else {
if ($module_type eq 'lnk') {
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
my $message = "The link $lnk_name will not be broken. This can cause inconsistent build";
print STDERR "\nWarning: $message\n";
push(@warnings, $message);
} else {
print "\nBreaking link $lnk_name...\n";
return if ($show);
my $action = '';
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
if(!rename("$StandDir$lnk_name", "$StandDir$module.backup.lnk")) {
$action = 'rename';
} else {
if(!unlink $StandDir.$lnk_name) {
$action = 'remove';
print_error("Cannot $action $StandDir$lnk_name. Please $action it manually") if ($action);
} else {
if ($chekoutmissing) {
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
my $message = "No module $module check out. This can cause inconsistent build";
print STDERR "\nWarning: $message\n";
push(@warnings, $message);
} else {
print "Checking out consistent " . $module . "...\n";
checkout_module ($module) if (!$show);
# Procedure removes output tree from the module (without common trees)
sub clear_module {
my $module = shift;
print "Removing module's $module output trees...\n";
print "\n" and return if ($show);
opendir DIRHANDLE, $StandDir.$module;
my @dir_content = readdir(DIRHANDLE);
foreach (@dir_content) {
next if (/^\.+$/);
my $dir = CorrectPath($StandDir.$module.'/'.$_);
if ((!-d $dir.'/CVS') && is_output_tree($dir)) {
#print "I would delete $dir\n";
rmtree("$dir", 0, 1) if ($ENV{USE_SHELL} ne '4nt');
if (-d $dir) {
system("$remove_command $dir");
if (-d $dir) {
push(@warnings, "Cannot delete $dir");
#print_error("Cannot delete $dir");
} else {
print STDERR (">>> Removed $dir by force\n") if ($ENV{USE_SHELL} ne '4nt');
# Figure out if the directory is an output tree
sub is_output_tree {
my $dir = shift;
$dir =~ /([\w\d\.]+)$/;
$_ = $1;
return '1' if (defined $platforms{$_});
if ($only_common) {
return '1' if ($_ eq $only_common);
} else {
if (scalar keys %platforms < scalar keys %platforms_to_copy) {
return '';
return '1' if (/^common$/);
return '1' if (/^common\.pro$/);
return '';
sub get_tmp_dir {
my $tmp_dir;
if( defined($ENV{TMP}) ) {
$tmp_dir = $ENV{TMP} . '/';
} else {
$tmp_dir = '/tmp/';
$tmp_dir .= $$ while (-d $tmp_dir);
$tmp_dir = CorrectPath($tmp_dir);
eval {mkpath($tmp_dir)};
print_error("Cannot create temporary directory for checkout in $tmp_dir") if ($@);
return $tmp_dir;
sub retrieve_build_list {
my $module = shift;
my $old_fh = select(STDOUT);
# First try to get global depencies from solver's build.lst if such exists
my $solver_inc_dir = "$ENV{SOLARVER}/common";
$solver_inc_dir .= $ENV{PROEXT} if (defined $ENV{PROEXT});
$solver_inc_dir .= '/inc';
$solver_inc_dir .= $ENV{UPDMINOREXT} if (defined $ENV{UPDMINOREXT});
$solver_inc_dir .= "/$module";
$solver_inc_dir = CorrectPath($solver_inc_dir);
print "Fetching dependencies for module $module from solver...";
foreach (@possible_build_lists) {
my $possible_build_lst = "$solver_inc_dir/$_";
if (-e $possible_build_lst) {
print " ok\n";
return $possible_build_lst;
print " failed...\n";
print "Fetching from CVS... ";
if (!checkout_module($module, 'image', $tmp_dir)) {
print " failed\n";
if (!defined $dead_parents{$module}) {
print "WARNING: Cannot figure out CWS for $module. Forgot to set CWS?\n";
return undef;
# no need to announce this module
print "-> ok\n";
eval {
mkpath($solver_inc_dir) if (!-e $solver_inc_dir);
print_error("Cannot create $solver_inc_dir") if (!-d $solver_inc_dir);
my $success;
foreach (@possible_build_lists) {
my $tmp_build_lst = $tmp_dir . '/' . $module . '/prj/' . $_;
$possible_build_lst = undef;
next if (!-e $tmp_build_lst);
$possible_build_lst = $solver_inc_dir . '/' .$_;
my @from_stat = stat($tmp_build_lst);
if (!File::Copy::move($tmp_build_lst, $solver_inc_dir)) {
print_error("Cannot copy build list to $solver_inc_dir");
my @to_stat = stat($possible_build_lst);
$from_stat[9]-- if $from_stat[9] % 2;
utime ($from_stat[9], $from_stat[9], $possible_build_lst);
my $temp_checkout_path = CorrectPath($tmp_dir . '/' . $module);
find(\&fix_permissions ,$temp_checkout_path);
rmtree($temp_checkout_path, 0, 1);
return undef if (!$success);
return $possible_build_lst;
sub fix_permissions {
my $file = $File::Find::name;
return unless -f $file;
chmod '0664', $file;
# Removes projects which it is not necessary to build
# in incompatible build
sub prepare_incompatible_build {
my ($prj, $deps_hash, @missing_modules);
$deps_hash = shift;
foreach (keys %incompatibles) {
my $incomp_prj = $_;
$incomp_prj .= '.lnk' if (!defined $$deps_hash{$_});
delete $incompatibles{$_};
$incompatibles{$incomp_prj} = $$deps_hash{$incomp_prj};
delete $$deps_hash{$incomp_prj};
while ($prj = PickPrjToBuild($deps_hash)) {
RemoveFromDependencies($prj, $deps_hash);
RemoveFromDependencies($prj, \%incompatibles);
foreach (keys %incompatibles) {
$$deps_hash{$_} = $incompatibles{$_};
if ($build_all_cont) {
delete $$deps_hash{$build_all_cont};
@modules_built = keys %$deps_hash;
clear_delivered() if ($prepare);
my $old_output_tree = '';
foreach $prj (sort keys %$deps_hash) {
if ($prepare) {
} else {
next if ($show);
if ($modules_types{$prj} ne 'mod') {
push(@missing_modules, $prj);
} elsif (-d CorrectPath($StandDir.$prj.'/'. $ENV{INPATH})) {
if (scalar @missing_modules) {
my $warning_string = 'Following modules are inconsistent/missing: ' . "@missing_modules";
push(@warnings, $warning_string);
if ($build_all_cont) {
$$deps_hash{$build_all_cont} = ();
$build_all_cont = '';
if ($old_output_tree) {
push(@warnings, 'Some module(s) contain old output tree(s)!');
if (scalar @warnings) {
print "WARNING(S):\n";
print STDERR "$_\n" foreach (@warnings);
print "\nATTENTION: If you are performing an incompatible build, please break the build with Ctrl+C and prepare the workspace with \"--prepare\" switch!\n\n" if (!$prepare);
if ($prepare) {
print "\nPreparation finished";
if (scalar @warnings) {
print " with WARNINGS!!\n\n";
} else {print " successfully\n\n";}
do_exit(0) if ($prepare);
# Removes projects which it is not necessary to build
# with -with_branches switch
sub prepare_build_from {
my ($prj, $deps_hash);
$deps_hash = shift;
my %from_deps_hash = (); # hash of dependencies of the -from project
GetParentDeps($build_from, \%from_deps_hash);
foreach $prj (keys %from_deps_hash) {
delete $$deps_hash{$prj};
RemoveFromDependencies($prj, $deps_hash);
# Removes projects which it is not necessary to build
# with --all:prj_name or --since switch
sub prepare_build_all_cont {
my ($prj, $deps_hash, $border_prj);
$deps_hash = shift;
$border_prj = $build_all_cont if ($build_all_cont);
$border_prj = $build_since if ($build_since);
while ($prj = PickPrjToBuild($deps_hash)) {
$orig_prj = '';
$orig_prj = $` if ($prj =~ /\.lnk$/o);
if (($border_prj ne $prj) &&
($border_prj ne $orig_prj)) {
RemoveFromDependencies($prj, $deps_hash);
} else {
if ($build_all_cont) {
$$deps_hash{$prj} = ();
} else {
RemoveFromDependencies($prj, $deps_hash);
sub get_modes {
my $option = '';
while ($option = shift @ARGV) {
if ($option =~ /^-+/) {
unshift(@ARGV, $option);
} else {
if ($option =~ /,/) {
unshift(@ARGV, $') if ($');
} else {$build_modes{$option}++;};
sub get_incomp_projects {
my $option = '';
while ($option = shift @ARGV) {
if ($option =~ /^-+/) {
unshift(@ARGV, $option);
} else {
if ($option =~ /(:)/) {
$option = $`;
print_error("-from switch collision") if ($build_all_cont);
$build_all_cont = $';
sub get_platforms {
my $platforms_ref = shift;
if ($only_platform) {
foreach (split(',', $only_platform)) {
$platforms_ref = \%platforms_to_copy;
my $workspace_lst = get_workspace_lst();
if ($workspace_lst) {
my $workspace_db = GenInfoParser->new();
my $success = $workspace_db->load_list($workspace_lst);
if ( !$success ) {
print_error("Can't load workspace list '$workspace_lst'.", 4);
my $access_path = $ENV{WORK_STAMP} . '/Environments';
my @platforms_available = $workspace_db->get_keys($access_path);
my $solver = $ENV{SOLARVERSION};
foreach (@platforms_available) {
my $s_path = $solver . '/' . $_;
$$platforms_ref{$_}++ if (-d $s_path);
if (!scalar keys %platforms) {
# An Auses wish - fallback to INPATH for new platforms
if (defined $ENV{INPATH}) {
} else {
print_error("There is no platform found!!") ;
# This procedure clears solver from delivered
# by the modules to be build
sub clear_delivered {
my $message = 'Clearing up delivered';
my %backup_vars;
my $deliver_delete_switches = '-delete';
if (scalar keys %platforms < scalar keys %platforms_to_copy) {
$message .= ' without common trees';
$deliver_delete_switches .= ' -dontdeletecommon';
$only_common = '';
print "$message\n";
foreach my $platform (keys %platforms) {
print "\nRemoving delivered for $platform\n";
my %solar_vars = ();
read_ssolar_vars($platform, \%solar_vars);
if (scalar keys %solar_vars) {
foreach (keys %solar_vars) {
if (!defined $backup_vars{$_}) {
$backup_vars{$_} = $ENV{$_};
$ENV{$_} = $solar_vars{$_};
my $undeliver = "$deliver_command $deliver_delete_switches $nul";
# my $current_dir = getcwd();
foreach my $module (sort @modules_built) {
my $module_path = CorrectPath($StandDir.$module);
if (!(chdir($module_path.'.lnk') or chdir($module_path))) {
push(@warnings, "Could not remove delivered files from the module $module. Your build can become inconsistent.\n");
} else {
print "Removing delivered from module $module\n";
next if ($show);
if (system($undeliver)) {
$ENV{$_} = $backup_vars{$_} foreach (keys %backup_vars);
print_error("Cannot run: $undeliver");
# chdir $current_dir;
# getcwd();
$ENV{$_} = $backup_vars{$_} foreach (keys %backup_vars);
# Run setsolar for given platform and
# write all variables needed in %solar_vars hash
sub read_ssolar_vars {
my ($setsolar, $entries_file, $tmp_file);
$setsolar = $ENV{ENV_ROOT} . '/etools/setsolar.pl';
my ($platform, $solar_vars) = @_;
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
$tmp_file = $ENV{TEMP} . "\\solar.env.$$.tmp";
} else {
$setsolar = '/net/jumbo2.germany/buildenv/r/etools/setsolar.pl' if ! -e $setsolar;
$tmp_file = $ENV{HOME} . "/.solar.env.$$.tmp";
if (!-e $setsolar) {
print STDERR "There is no setsolar found. Falling back to current platform settings\n";
my $pro = "";
if ($platform =~ /\.pro$/) {
$pro = "-pro";
$platform = $`;
my ($verswitch, $source_root, $cwsname);
$verswitch = "-ver $ENV{UPDMINOR}" if (defined $ENV{UPDMINOR});
$source_root = '-sourceroot' if (defined $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT_USED});
$cws_name = "-cwsname $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}" if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP});
my $param = "-$ENV{WORK_STAMP} $verswitch $source_root $cws_name $pro $platform";
my $ss_command = "$perl $setsolar -file $tmp_file $param $nul";
$entries_file = '/CVS/Entries';
if (system($ss_command)) {
unlink $tmp_file;
print_error("Cannot run command:\n$ss_command");
get_solar_vars($solar_vars, $tmp_file);
# read variables to hash
sub get_solar_vars {
my ($solar_vars, $file) = @_;
my ($var, $value);
open SOLARTABLE, "<$file" or die "can<61>t open solarfile $file";
while(<SOLARTABLE>) {
next if(!/^\w+\s+(\w+)/o);
next if (!defined $deliver_env{$1});
$var = $1;
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
my $string_tail = $';
$string_tail =~ /=(\S+)$/o;
$value = $1;
} else {
$value = $1;
$$solar_vars{$var} = $value;
unlink $file;
# Procedure checks out the module when we're
# in link
sub checkout_current_module {
my $module_name = shift;
my $link_name = $module_name . '.lnk';
chdir $StandDir;
print "\nBreaking link to module $module_name";
if (!-d $module_name && !$show) {
print_error("Cannot checkout $module_name");
my $action;
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
$action = 'rename' if (!rename($link_name,
} else {
$action = 'remove' if (!unlink $link_name);
print_error("Cannot $action $link_name. Please $action it manually") if ($action);
chdir $module_name;
sub check_dir {
my $start_dir = getcwd();
my @dir_entries = split(/[\\\/]/, $start_dir);
my $current_module = $dir_entries[$#dir_entries];
$current_module = $` if ($current_module =~ /(\.lnk)$/);
my $link_name = $ENV{SRC_ROOT}.'/'.$current_module.'.lnk';
if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
$start_dir =~ s/\\/\//go;
$link_name =~ s/\\/\//go;
if (lc($start_dir) eq lc($link_name)) {
} elsif ((-l $link_name) && (chdir $link_name)) {
if ($start_dir eq getcwd()) {
# we're dealing with link => fallback to SRC_ROOT under UNIX
$StandDir = $ENV{SRC_ROOT}.'/';
} else {
chdir $start_dir;
# Store all available build modi in %build_modes
sub get_build_modes {
return if (scalar keys %build_modes);
if (defined $ENV{BUILD_TYPE}) {
if ($ENV{BUILD_TYPE} =~ /\s+/o) {
my @build_modes = split (/\s+/, $ENV{BUILD_TYPE});
$build_modes{$_}++ foreach (@build_modes);
} else {
# pick only the modules, that should be built for
# build types from %build_modes
sub pick_for_build_type {
my $modules = shift;
my @mod_array = split(/\s+/, $modules);
print_error("Wrongly written dependencies string:\n $modules\n") if ($mod_array[$#mod_array] ne 'NULL');
pop @mod_array;
my @modules_to_build;
foreach (@mod_array) {
if (/(\w+):(\S+)/o) {
push(@modules_to_build, $2) if (defined $build_modes{$1});
push(@modules_to_build, $_);
return @modules_to_build;
sub do_exit {
# close_server_socket();
my $exit_code = shift;
rmtree(CorrectPath($tmp_dir), 0, 1) if ($tmp_dir);
#sub get_post_job {
# my $job = $deliver_command;
# $job = $custom_job if ($custom_job);
# return $job;
#sub do_post_job {
# my $job = get_post_job();
# if ($show) {
# print $job . "\n";
# return;
# }
# my $module = shift;
# my $post_job_name = shift;
# delete $build_in_progress{$module};
# $module_path = CorrectPath($StandDir.$module);
# my $error_code = undef;
# if ($cmd_file) {
# print "cd $module_path\n";
# print "$job\n";
# } else {
# chdir $module_path;
# getcwd();
# if ($html) {
# # tested on Linux only!!
# my $log_file = $jobs_hash{$post_job_name}->{LONG_LOG_PATH};
# my $log_dir = File::Basename::dirname($log_file);
# if (!-d $log_dir) {
# eval {mkpath($log_dir)};
# print_error("Cannot create log directory $log_dir") if ($@);
# };
# $error_code = system ("$job > $log_file 2>&1");
# if (!$grab_output && -f $log_file) {
# system("cat $log_file");
# };
# } else {
# $error_code = system ("$job");
# }
# };
# $build_is_finished{$module}++ if (!defined $modules_with_errors{$module});
# if (!$error_code && $post_custom_job) {
# do_post_custom_job(CorrectPath($StandDir.$module));
# };
# return $error_code;
# Procedure sorts module in user-frendly order
sub sort_modules_appearance {
foreach (keys %dead_parents) {
delete $build_is_finished{$_} if (defined $build_is_finished{$_});
delete $build_in_progress{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress{$_});
foreach (keys %build_is_finished) {
delete $build_in_progress{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress{$_});
delete $build_in_progress_shown{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress_shown{$_});
@modules_order = sort keys %modules_with_errors;
foreach (keys %modules_with_errors) {
delete $build_in_progress{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress{$_});
delete $build_is_finished{$_} if (defined $build_is_finished{$_});
delete $build_in_progress_shown{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress_shown{$_});
$build_in_progress_shown{$_}++ foreach (keys %build_in_progress);
push(@modules_order, $_) foreach (sort keys %build_in_progress_shown);
push(@modules_order, $_) foreach (sort keys %build_is_finished);
foreach(sort keys %html_info) {
next if (defined $build_is_finished{$_} || defined $build_in_progress{$_} || defined $modules_with_errors{$_});
push(@modules_order, $_);
return @modules_order;
sub generate_html_file {
return if (!$html);
my $force_update = shift;
# $force_update = 1;
# my $html_file = CorrectPath($ENV{HOME} . '/work/' . $ENV{INPATH}. '.build.html');
# my $write_secs = (stat($html_file))[9];
# my @stat = stat($html_file);
# if (defined $write_secs) {
# Regular update no often than once in 5 sec
# return if (!$force_update && (time - $html_last_updated < 5));
# }
$html_last_updated = time;
my @modules_order = sort_modules_appearance();
my ($successes_percent, $errors_percent) = get_progress_percentage(scalar keys %html_info, scalar keys %build_is_finished, scalar keys %modules_with_errors);
my $build_duration = get_time_line(time - $build_time);
my $temp_html_file = File::Temp::tmpnam($ENV{TMP}),#scalar tmpnam();
my $title;
$title = $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP} . ': ' if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP});
$title .= $ENV{INPATH};
die("Cannot open $temp_html_file") if (!open(HTML, ">$temp_html_file"));
print HTML '<html><head>';
print HTML '<TITLE id=MainTitle>' . $title . '</TITLE>';
print HTML '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
print HTML 'initFrames();' . "\n";
print HTML 'var IntervalID;' . "\n";
print HTML 'function loadFrame_0() {' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write("<html>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write("<head>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write("</head>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write("<body>");' . "\n";
if ($build_finished) {
print HTML 'document.write("<h3 align=center style=\"color:red\">Build process is finished</h3>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.frames[0].clearInterval(top.frames[0].IntervalID);' . "\n";
if ($BuildAllParents) {
print HTML 'document.write("<table valign=top cellpadding=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td><a id=ErroneousModules href=\"javascript:top.Error(\'\', \'';
print HTML join('<br>', sort keys %modules_with_errors);
print HTML '\', \'\')\"); title=\"';
print HTML scalar keys %modules_with_errors;
print HTML ' module(s) with errors\">Total Progress:</a></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td height=8* width=';
print HTML $successes_percent + $errors_percent;
if (scalar keys %modules_with_errors) {
print HTML '* bgcolor=red valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
} else {
print HTML '* bgcolor=#25A528 valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td width=';
print HTML 100 - ($successes_percent + $errors_percent);
print HTML '* bgcolor=lightgrey valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td align=right>  Build time: ' . $build_duration .'</td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" </tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write("</table>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write("<table width=100% bgcolor=white>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td width=30% align=\"center\"><strong style=\"color:blue\">Module</strong></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td width=* align=\"center\"><strong style=\"color:blue\">Status</strong></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td width=15% align=\"center\"><strong style=\"color:blue\">CPU Time</strong></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" </tr>");' . "\n";
foreach (@modules_order) {
next if ($modules_types{$_} eq 'lnk');
my ($errors_info_line, $dirs_info_line, $errors_number, $successes_percent, $errors_percent, $time) = get_html_info($_);
#<one module>
print HTML 'document.write(" <tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td width=*>");' . "\n";
if (defined $dirs_info_line) {
print HTML 'document.write(" <a id=';
print HTML $_;
print HTML ' href=\"javascript:top.Error(\'';
print HTML $_ , '\', ' ;
print HTML $errors_info_line;
print HTML ',';
print HTML $dirs_info_line;
print HTML ')\"); title=\"';
print HTML $errors_number;
print HTML ' error(s)\">', $_, '</a>");' . "\n";
} else {
print HTML 'document.write("<em style=color:gray>' . $_ . '</em>");';
print HTML 'document.write(" </td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <table width=100% valign=top cellpadding=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td height=15* width=';
print HTML $successes_percent + $errors_percent;
if ($errors_number) {
print HTML '* bgcolor=red valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
} else {
print HTML '* bgcolor=#25A528 valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td width=';
print HTML 100 - ($successes_percent + $errors_percent);
print HTML '* bgcolor=lightgrey valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" </tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" </table>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" </td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" <td align=\"center\">', $time, '</td>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write(" </tr>");' . "\n";
# </one module>
print HTML 'document.write("</table>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write("</body>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.write("</html>");' . "\n";
print HTML 'document.close();' . "\n";
print HTML 'refreshInfoFrames();' . "\n";
print HTML '}' . "\n";
print HTML 'function refreshInfoFrames() { ' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ModuleNameObj = top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.getElementById("ModuleErrors");' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (ModuleNameObj != null) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ModuleName = ModuleNameObj.getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(ModuleName).getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' eval(ModuleHref);' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else if (top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.getElementById("ErroneousModules") != null) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById("ErroneousModules").getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' eval(ModuleHref);' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs") != null) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ModuleName = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(ModuleName).getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' var HrefString = ModuleHref.toString();' . "\n";
print HTML ' var RefEntries = HrefString.split(",");' . "\n";
print HTML ' var RefreshParams = new Array();' . "\n";
print HTML ' for (i = 0; i < RefEntries.length; i++) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' RefreshParams[i] = RefEntries[i].substring(RefEntries[i].indexOf("\'") + 1, RefEntries[i].lastIndexOf("\'"));' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' FillFrame_1(RefreshParams[0], RefreshParams[1], RefreshParams[2]);' . "\n";
print HTML ' }' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML '}' . "\n";
print HTML 'function loadFrame_1() {' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<h3 align=center>Jobs</h3>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("Click on the project of interest");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.close();' . "\n";
print HTML '}' . "\n";
print HTML 'function loadFrame_2() {' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<tr bgcolor=lightgrey<td><h3>Errors</h3></pre></td></tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("Click on the project of interest");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.close();' . "\n";
print HTML '} function getStatusInnerHTML(Status) { var StatusInnerHtml;' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (Status == "success") {' . "\n";
print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:green>";' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else if (Status == "building") {' . "\n";
print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:blue>";' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else if (Status == "error") {' . "\n";
print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:red>";' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:gray>";' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml += Status + "</em>";' . "\n";
print HTML ' return StatusInnerHtml;' . "\n";
print HTML '} ' . "\n";
print HTML 'function ShowLog(LogFilePath) {' . "\n";
if (defined $html_path) {
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.location.replace("file://"+LogFilePath);' . "\n";
} else {
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.location.replace(LogFilePath);' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.close();' . "\n";
print HTML '};' . "\n";
print HTML 'function FillFrame_1(Module, Message1, Message2) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var FullUpdate = 1;' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs") != null) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ModuleName = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (Module == ModuleName) FullUpdate = 0;' . "\n";
print HTML ' }' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (FullUpdate) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("<h3 align=center>Jobs in module " + Module + ":</h3>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("<table id=ModuleJobs name=" + Module + " width=100% bgcolor=white>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Status</strong></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Job</strong></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Start Time</strong></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Finish Time</strong></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Client</strong></td>");' . "\n" if ($server_mode);
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" </tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' var dir_info_strings = Message2.split("<br><br>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' for (i = 0; i < dir_info_strings.length; i++) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var dir_info_array = dir_info_strings[i].split("<br>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <tr status=" + dir_info_array[0] + ">");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td align=center>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write( getStatusInnerHTML(dir_info_array[0]) + " ");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" </td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (dir_info_array[4] == "@") {' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td style=white-space:nowrap>" + dir_info_array[1] + "</td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td><a href=\"javascript:top.ShowLog(\'" + dir_info_array[4] + "\')\"); title=\"Show Log\">" + dir_info_array[1] + "</a></td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td align=center>" + dir_info_array[2] + "</td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td align=center>" + dir_info_array[3] + "</td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" <td align=center>" + dir_info_array[5] + "</td>");' . "\n" if ($server_mode);
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(" </tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("</table>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var dir_info_strings = Message2.split("<br><br>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ModuleRows = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").rows;' . "\n";
print HTML ' for (i = 0; i < dir_info_strings.length; i++) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var dir_info_array = dir_info_strings[i].split("<br>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' var OldStatus = ModuleRows[i + 1].getAttribute(\'status\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' if(dir_info_array[0] != OldStatus) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var DirectoryInfos = ModuleRows[i + 1].cells;' . "\n";
print HTML ' DirectoryInfos[0].innerHTML = getStatusInnerHTML(dir_info_array[0]) + " ";' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (dir_info_array[4] != "@") {' . "\n";
print HTML ' DirectoryInfos[1].innerHTML = "<a href=\"javascript:top.ShowLog(\'" + dir_info_array[4] + "\')\"); title=\"Show Log\">" + dir_info_array[1] + "</a>";' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' DirectoryInfos[2].innerHTML = dir_info_array[2];' . "\n";
print HTML ' DirectoryInfos[3].innerHTML = dir_info_array[3];' . "\n";
print HTML ' DirectoryInfos[4].innerHTML = dir_info_array[5];' . "\n" if ($server_mode);
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.close();' . "\n";
print HTML '};' . "\n";
print HTML 'function Error(Module, Message1, Message2) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (Module == \'\') {' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (Message1 != \'\') {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var erroneous_modules = Message1.split("<br>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ErrorNumber = erroneous_modules.length;' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<h3 id=ErroneousModules errors=" + erroneous_modules.length + ">Modules with errors:</h3>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' for (i = 0; i < ErrorNumber; i++) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ModuleObj = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(erroneous_modules[i]);' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<a href=\"");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write(ModuleObj.getAttribute(\'href\'));' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("\"); title=\"");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("\">" + erroneous_modules[i] + "</a>  ");' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.close();' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ModuleNameObj = top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.getElementById("ModuleErrors");' . "\n";
print HTML ' var OldErrors = null;' . "\n";
print HTML ' var ErrorNumber = Message1.split("<br>").length;' . "\n";
print HTML ' if ((ModuleNameObj != null) && (Module == ModuleNameObj.getAttribute(\'name\')) ) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' OldErrors = ModuleNameObj.getAttribute(\'errors\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' }' . "\n";
print HTML ' if ((OldErrors == null) || (OldErrors != ErrorNumber)) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<h3 id=ModuleErrors errors=" + ErrorNumber + " name=\"" + Module + "\">Errors in module " + Module + ":</h3>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write(Message1);' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.close();' . "\n";
print HTML ' }' . "\n";
print HTML ' FillFrame_1(Module, Message1, Message2);' . "\n";
print HTML ' }' . "\n";
print HTML '}' . "\n";
print HTML 'function updateInnerFrame() {' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.location.reload();' . "\n";
print HTML ' refreshInfoFrames();' . "\n";
print HTML '};' . "\n\n";
print HTML 'function setRefreshRate() {' . "\n";
print HTML ' RefreshRate = document.Formular.rate.value;' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (!isNaN(RefreshRate * 1)) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.frames[0].clearInterval(IntervalID);' . "\n";
print HTML ' IntervalID = top.frames[0].setInterval("updateInnerFrame()", RefreshRate * 1000);' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML '};' . "\n";
print HTML 'function initFrames() {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var urlquery = location.href.split("?");' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (urlquery.length == 1) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<html><head><TITLE id=MainTitle>' . $ENV{INPATH} .'</TITLE>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(" <frameset rows=\"12%,88%\">");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(" <frame name=\"topFrame\" src=\"" + urlquery + "?initTop\"/>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(" <frame name=\"innerFrame\" src=\"" + urlquery + "?initInnerPage\"/>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(" </frameset>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("</head></html>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else if (urlquery[1].substring(0,7) == "initTop") {' . "\n";
print HTML ' var urlquerycontent = urlquery[1].split("=");' . "\n";
print HTML ' var UpdateRate = 10' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (urlquerycontent.length > 2) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (isNaN(urlquerycontent[2] * 1)) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' alert(urlquerycontent[2] + " is not a number. Ignored.");' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
print HTML ' UpdateRate = urlquerycontent[2];' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<html><body>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<h3 align=center>Build process progress status</h3>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<div align=\"right\">");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(" <table border=\"0\"> <tr>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<td>Refresh rate(sec):</td>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<th>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<FORM name=\"Formular\" onsubmit=\"setRefreshRate()\">");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"initTop\" value=\"\"/>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<input type=\"text\" id=\"RateValue\" name=\"rate\" autocomplete=\"off\" value=\"" + UpdateRate + "\" size=\"1\"/>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"OK\">");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("</FORM>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("</th></tr></table>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("</div>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(" </frameset>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("</body></html>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' top.frames[0].clearInterval(IntervalID);' . "\n";
print HTML ' IntervalID = top.frames[0].setInterval("updateInnerFrame()", UpdateRate * 1000);' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else if (urlquery[1] == "initInnerPage") {' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("<html><head>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\' <frameset rows="80%,20%\">\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\' <frameset cols="70%,30%">\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\' <frame src="\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\'?initFrame0"/>\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\' <frame src="\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\'?initFrame1"/>\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\' </frameset>\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\' <frame src="\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\'?initFrame2"/>\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write(\' </frameset>\');' . "\n";
print HTML ' document.write("</head></html>");' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
print HTML ' if (urlquery[1] == "initFrame0" ) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' loadFrame_0();' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else if (urlquery[1] == "initFrame1" ) { ' . "\n";
print HTML ' loadFrame_1();' . "\n";
print HTML ' } else if (urlquery[1] == "initFrame2" ) {' . "\n";
print HTML ' loadFrame_2();' . "\n";
print HTML ' }' . "\n";
print HTML ' };' . "\n";
print HTML '};' . "\n";
print HTML '</script><noscript>Your browser doesn\'t support JavaScript!</noscript></head></html>' . "\n";
close HTML;
if(-e $temp_html_file) {
rename($temp_html_file, $html_file) or system("mv", $temp_html_file, $html_file);
if (-e $temp_html_file) {
system("rm -rf $temp_html_file") if (!unlink $temp_html_file);
sub get_local_time_line {
my $epoch_time = shift;
my $local_time_line;
my @time_array;
if ($epoch_time) {
@time_array = localtime($epoch_time);
$local_time_line = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $time_array[2], $time_array[1], $time_array[0]);
} else {
$local_time_line = '-';
return $local_time_line;
sub get_dirs_info_line {
my $job = shift;
my $dirs_info_line = $jobs_hash{$job}->{STATUS} . '<br>';
my @time_array;
my $log_path_string;
$dirs_info_line .= $jobs_hash{$job}->{SHORT_NAME} . '<br>';
$dirs_info_line .= get_local_time_line($jobs_hash{$job}->{START_TIME}) . '<br>';
$dirs_info_line .= get_local_time_line($jobs_hash{$job}->{FINISH_TIME}) . '<br>';
if ($jobs_hash{$job}->{STATUS} eq 'waiting' || (!-f $jobs_hash{$job}->{LONG_LOG_PATH})) {
$dirs_info_line .= '@';
} else {
if (defined $html_path) {
$log_path_string = $jobs_hash{$job}->{LONG_LOG_PATH};
} else {
$log_path_string = $jobs_hash{$job}->{LOG_PATH};
$log_path_string =~ s/\\/\//g;
$dirs_info_line .= $log_path_string;
$dirs_info_line .= '<br>';
$dirs_info_line .= $jobs_hash{$job}->{CLIENT} . '<br>' if ($server_mode);
return $dirs_info_line;
sub get_html_info {
my $module = shift;
my $module_info_hash = $html_info{$module};
my $dirs = $$module_info_hash{DIRS};
my $dirs_number = scalar @$dirs;
my $dirs_info_line = '\'';
if ($dirs_number) {
my %dirs_sorted_by_order = ();
foreach (@$dirs) {
$dirs_sorted_by_order{$jobs_hash{$_}->{BUILD_NUMBER}} = $_;
foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %dirs_sorted_by_order) {
$dirs_info_line .= get_dirs_info_line($dirs_sorted_by_order{$_}) . '<br>';
} else {
return(undef, undef, 0, 0, 0, '-');
# $dirs_info_line .= 'No information available yet';
$dirs_info_line =~ s/(<br>)*$//o;
$dirs_info_line .= '\'';
$dirs = $$module_info_hash{SUCCESSFUL};
my $successful_number = scalar @$dirs;
$dirs = $$module_info_hash{ERRORFUL};
my $errorful_number = scalar @$dirs;
my $errors_info_line = '\'';
if ($errorful_number) {
$errors_info_line .= $_ . '<br>' foreach (@$dirs);
} else {
$errors_info_line .= 'No errors';
$errors_info_line .= '\'';
# if (defined $full_info) {
my $time_line = get_time_line($$module_info_hash{BUILD_TIME});
my ($successes_percent, $errors_percent) = get_progress_percentage($dirs_number, $successful_number, $errorful_number);
return($errors_info_line, $dirs_info_line, $errorful_number, $successes_percent, $errors_percent, $time_line);
# } else {
# return($errors_info_line, $dirs_info_line, $errorful_number);
# };
sub get_time_line {
use integer;
my $seconds = shift;
my $hours = $seconds/3600;
my $minits = ($seconds/60)%60;
$seconds -= ($hours*3600 + $minits*60);
return(sprintf("%02d\:%02d\:%02d" , $hours, $minits, $seconds));
sub get_progress_percentage {
use integer;
my ($dirs_number, $successful_number, $errorful_number) = @_;
return (0 ,0) if (!$dirs_number);
my $errors_percent = ($errorful_number * 100)/ $dirs_number;
my $successes_percent;
if ($dirs_number == ($successful_number + $errorful_number)) {
$successes_percent = 100 - $errors_percent;
} else {
$successes_percent = ($successful_number * 100)/ $dirs_number;
return ($successes_percent, $errors_percent);
# This procedure stores the dmake result in %html_info
sub html_store_job_info {
return if (!$html);
my ($deps_hash, $build_dir, $error_code) = @_;
my $force_update = 0;
if ($build_dir =~ /(\s)/o && (defined $error_code)) {
$force_update++ if (!children_number());
my $module = $module_by_hash{$deps_hash};
my $module_info_hash = $html_info{$module};
# $$module_info_hash{BUILD_TIME} += $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{FINISH_TIME} - $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{START_TIME};
my $dmake_array;
if (defined $error_code) {
$jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{FINISH_TIME} = time();
$$module_info_hash{BUILD_TIME} += $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{FINISH_TIME} - $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{START_TIME};
if ($error_code) {
$jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{STATUS} = 'error';
$dmake_array = $$module_info_hash{ERRORFUL};
$build_dir =~ s/\\/\//g;
} else {
$jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{STATUS} = 'success';
$dmake_array = $$module_info_hash{SUCCESSFUL};
push (@$dmake_array, $build_dir);
# generate_html_file($force_update);
#sub close_server_socket {
# # Actually, the "or warn..." part is for debugging,
# # should be removed for release
# if (defined $new_socket_obj) {
# print $new_socket_obj 'No job';
# close($new_socket_obj) or warn $! ? "Error closing connection: $!"
# : "Exit status $? from closing connection";
# };
# if (defined $socket_obj) {
# close($socket_obj) or warn $! ? "Error closing server socket: $!"
# : "Exit status $? from closing server socket";
# };
#sub stop_server {
# close_server_socket();
# print "Server terminated\n";
# exit($?);
sub start_server_on_port {
my $port = shift;
if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') {
$socket_obj = new IO::Socket::INET (#LocalAddr => hostname(),
LocalPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => 100); # 100 clients can be on queue, I think it is enough
} else {
$socket_obj = new IO::Socket::INET (#LocalAddr => hostname(),
LocalPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp',
ReuseAddr => 1,
Listen => 100); # 100 clients can be on queue, I think it is enough
return('Cannot create socket object') if (!defined $socket_obj);
my $timeout = $socket_obj->timeout($client_timeout);
print "SERVER started on port $port\n";
return 0;
sub accept_connection {
my $new_socket_obj = undef;
do {
$new_socket_obj = $socket_obj->accept();
if (!$new_socket_obj) {
print "Timeout on incoming connection\n";
} while (!$new_socket_obj);
return $new_socket_obj;
sub check_client_jobs {
foreach (keys %clients_times) {
if (time - $clients_times{$_} > $client_timeout) {
print "Client's $_ Job: \"$clients_jobs{$_}\" apparently got lost...\n";
print "Scheduling for rebuild...\n";
print "You might need to check the $_\n";
delete $processes_hash{$_};
delete $clients_jobs{$_};
delete $clients_times{$_};
# } else {
# print time - $clients_times{$_} . "\n";
sub run_server {
my @build_queue = (); # array, containing queue of projects
# to build
# use port 7890 as default
my $default_port = 7890;
if ($ports_string) {
@server_ports = split( /:/, $ports_string);
} else {
@server_ports = ($default_port .. $default_port + 4);
my $error = 0;
if (scalar @server_ports) {
foreach (@server_ports) {
$error = start_server_on_port($_);
if ($error) {
print STDERR "port $_: $error\n";
} else {
# $SIG{KILL} = \&stop_server;
# $SIG{INT} = \&stop_server;
# $SIG{TERM} = \&stop_server;
# $SIG{QUIT} = \&stop_server;
print_error('It is impossible to start server on port(s): ' . "@server_ports\n") if ($error);
my $client_addr;
my $job_string_base = get_job_string_base();
my $new_socket_obj;
while ($new_socket_obj = accept_connection()) {
# find out who connected
my $client_ipnum = $new_socket_obj->peerhost();
my $client_host = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($client_ipnum), AF_INET);
# print who is connected
# print "got a connection from: $client_host", "[$client_ipnum]\n";
# send them a message, close connection
my $client_message = <$new_socket_obj>;
# print $client_message;
chomp $client_message;
my @client_data = split(/ /, $client_message);
my %client_hash = ();
foreach (@client_data) {
$client_hash{$`} = $';
my $pid = $client_hash{pid} . '@' . $client_host;
if (defined $client_hash{platform}) {
if ($client_hash{platform} ne $ENV{OUTPATH} || (defined $client_hash{osname} && ($^O ne $client_hash{osname}))) {
print $new_socket_obj "Wrong platform";
} else {
# handle_dead_children(0);
if ($client_hash{result} eq "0") {
# print "$clients_jobs{$pid} succedded on $pid\n";
} else {
print "Error $client_hash{result}\n";
if (store_error($pid, $client_hash{result})) {
print $new_socket_obj $job_string_base . $clients_jobs{$pid};
$clients_times{$pid} = time;
delete $clients_times{$pid};
delete $clients_jobs{$pid};
print 'Running processes: ', children_number(), "\n";
# Actually, next 3 strings are only for even distribution
# of clients if there are more than one build server running
print $new_socket_obj 'No job';
my $job_string;
my @lost_jobs = keys %lost_client_jobs;
if (scalar @lost_jobs) {
$job_string = $lost_jobs[0];
delete $lost_client_jobs{$lost_jobs[0]};
} else {
# $job_string = get_job_string(\@build_queue, $pid);
$job_string = get_job_string(\@build_queue);
if ($job_string) {
my $job_dir = $job_jobdir{$job_string};
$processes_hash{$pid} = $job_dir;
$jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{CLIENT} = $pid;
print "$pid got $job_dir\n";
print $new_socket_obj $job_string_base . $job_string;
$clients_jobs{$pid} = $job_string;
$clients_times{$pid} = time;
$children_running = children_number();
print 'Running processes: ', $children_running, "\n";
$maximal_processes = $children_running if ($children_running > $maximal_processes);
} else {
print $new_socket_obj 'No job';
# Procedure returns the part of the job string that is similar for all clients
sub get_job_string_base {
if ($setenv_string) {
return "setenv_string=$setenv_string ";
my $job_string_base = "server_pid=$$ setsolar_cmd=$ENV{SETSOLAR_CMD} ";
$job_string_base .= "source_root=$ENV{SOURCE_ROOT} " if (defined $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT});
$job_string_base .= "updater=$ENV{UPDATER} " if (defined $ENV{UPDATER});
return $job_string_base;
sub get_job_string {
my $build_queue = shift;
my $job = $dmake;
my ($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
if ($BuildAllParents) {
do {
($job_dir, $dependencies_hash) = pick_jobdir($build_queue);
return '' if (!$job_dir);
$jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{START_TIME} = time();
$jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{STATUS} = 'building';
if ($job_dir =~ /(\s)$pre_job/o) {
do_custom_job($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
$job_dir = '';
# if ($' eq $pre_job) {
# do_pre_job($`, $pre_job);
# html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $job_dir, undef);
# RemoveFromDependencies($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
# $job_dir = '';
# };
} while (!$job_dir);
} else {
$dependencies_hash = \%LocalDepsHash;
do {
$job_dir = PickPrjToBuild(\%LocalDepsHash);
if (!$job_dir && !children_number()) {
cancel_build() if (scalar keys %broken_build);
return '' if (!$job_dir);
$jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{START_TIME} = time();
$jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{STATUS} = 'building';
if ($job_dir =~ /(\s)$pre_job/o) {
# if ($' eq $pre_job) {
do_custom_job($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
# do_pre_job($`, $pre_job);
# html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $job_dir, undef);
# RemoveFromDependencies($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
$job_dir = '';
# }
} while (!$job_dir);
# $processes_hash{$pid} = $job_dir;
$folders_hashes{$job_dir} = $dependencies_hash;
my $log_file = $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{LONG_LOG_PATH};
# $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{CLIENT} = $pid;
my $full_job_dir = $job_dir;
if ($job_dir =~ /(\s)/o) {
$job = $';
$job = $deliver_command if ($job eq $post_job);
$full_job_dir = CorrectPath($StandDir.$`);
my $log_dir = File::Basename::dirname($log_file);
if (!-d $log_dir) {
chdir $full_job_dir;
system("$perl $mkout");
my $job_string = "job_dir=$full_job_dir job=$job log=$log_file";
$job_jobdir{$job_string} = $job_dir;
return $job_string;
sub pick_jobdir {
my $build_queue = shift;
my $i = 0;
foreach (@$build_queue) {
$Prj = $$build_queue[$i];
my $prj_deps_hash = $projects_deps_hash{$Prj};
if (defined $broken_modules_hashes{$prj_deps_hash} && !$ignore) {
push (@broken_modules_names, $Prj);
splice (@$build_queue, $i, 1);
$only_dependent = 0;
$no_projects = 0;
$running_children{$prj_deps_hash} = 0 if (!defined $running_children{$prj_deps_hash});
$child_nick = PickPrjToBuild($prj_deps_hash);
if ($child_nick) {
return ($child_nick, $prj_deps_hash);
if ($no_projects && !$running_children{$prj_deps_hash}) {
if (!defined $broken_modules_hashes{$prj_deps_hash} || $ignore)
RemoveFromDependencies($Prj, \%global_deps_hash);
splice (@$build_queue, $i, 1);
sub fill_modules_queue {
my $build_queue = shift;
my $Prj;
while ($Prj = PickPrjToBuild(\%global_deps_hash)) {
my $module_type = $modules_types{$Prj};
push @$build_queue, $Prj;
$projects_deps_hash{$Prj} = {};
get_deps_hash($Prj, $projects_deps_hash{$Prj});
my $info_hash = $html_info{$Prj};
$$info_hash{DIRS} = check_deps_hash($projects_deps_hash{$Prj}, $Prj);
$module_by_hash{$projects_deps_hash{$Prj}} = $Prj;
if (!$Prj && !children_number() && (!scalar @$build_queue)) {
cancel_build() if (scalar keys %broken_build);