2006/05/03 15:03:17 vg #129958# enable copyprj -a work if module is not linked on CWS
1041 lines
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1041 lines
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Executable file
# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
# $RCSfile: CvsModule.pm,v $
# $Revision: 1.16 $
# last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2006-05-24 13:37:26 $
# The Contents of this file are made available subject to
# the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
# =============================================
# Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
# CvsModule.pm - package for manipulating CVS modules
package CvsModule;
use strict;
use Benchmark;
use Carp;
use Cwd;
use FileHandle;
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use CwsConfig;
my $config = CwsConfig::get_config();
my %CvsModuleClassData = (
CVS_BINARY => $config->cvs_binary() . " -f", # name of cvs binary
# "-f" for overriding .cvsrc
CVS_REMOTE => $config->get_cvs_server(), # name of remote server
CVS_REMOTE_REPOSITORY => $config->get_cvs_server_repository(), # remote repository
CVS_MIRROR => $config->get_cvs_mirror(), # local cvsup mirror
CVS_MIRROR_REPOSITORY => $config->get_cvs_server_repository(), # mirror repository
VCSID => $config->get_cvs_server_id() # VCSID of CVS user
##### constructor ####
sub new
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = {};
$self->{MODULE} = undef; # module name
$self->{VERBOSE} = 0; # verbose diagnostics
$self->{CVS_SERVER} = undef; # name of CVS server
$self->{CVS_METHOD} = undef; # checkout method
$self->{CVS_REPOSITORY} = undef; # CVS repository
$self->{DEFS_CACHE} = undef; # cache for module definitions
$self->{LOG_BUFFER} = (); # ring buffer for logging CVS messages
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
#### instance data accessor methods ####
# generate remaining instance data accessor methods
# if this looks strange see 'perldoc perltootc'
for my $datum (qw(module verbose)) {
no strict "refs";
*$datum = sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->{uc($datum)} = shift if @_;
return $self->{uc($datum)};
# if this looks strange see 'perldoc perltootc'
for my $datum (qw(cvs_server cvs_method cvs_repository)) {
no strict "refs";
*$datum = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $ucdatum = uc($datum);
if ( @_ ) {
$self->{$ucdatum} = shift if @_;
else {
$self->get_root() unless $self->{$ucdatum};
return $self->{$ucdatum};
#### class data accessor methods
# generate class data accessor methods
for my $ucdatum (keys %CvsModuleClassData) {
my $datum = lc($ucdatum);
no strict "refs";
*$datum = sub {
shift; # ignore calling class/object
return $CvsModuleClassData{$ucdatum};
# this procedure provides common output
# the result of update method
sub handle_update_information {
my ($self, $updated_files_ref) = @_;
my ($updated, $merged, $conflicts);
foreach ( @$updated_files_ref ) {
print "\t$_->[1]\t$_->[0]\n";
if ( $_->[1] eq 'P' || $_->[1] eq 'U' ) {
elsif ( $_->[1] eq 'M' ) {
elsif ( $_->[1] eq 'C' ) {
else {
# can't happen
croak("ERROR: handle_update_information(): internal error");
print("\t\tUpdated: $updated\n") if $updated;
print("\t\tMerged: $merged\n") if $merged;
print("\t\tConflict(s): $conflicts\n") if $conflicts;
return ($updated, $merged, $conflicts);
# this procedure patches CVS/Root file in module current path
# actions available: 'user' 'server'. Default - both
sub patch_cvs_root_file {
my ($self, $path, $action) = @_;
my @files;
find sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if -d _ && /CVS$/},
$path . '/' . $self->module();
foreach my $cvs_dir (@files) {
my $root_file = "$cvs_dir/Root";
next if (!-f $root_file);
if (!open(ROOT, "<$cvs_dir/Root")) {
croak("ERROR: patch_cvs_root_file(): can't open file '$root_file'");
my $line = <ROOT>;
# patch root
$action = '' if (!defined $action);
if ($action ne 'server') {
# in this case patching user won't be the wrong thing
croak ("ERROR: patch_cvs_root_file(): file '$root_file' has wrong format") if ($line !~ /:(\w+)@/o);
$line = "$`:" . $self->vcsid(). "\@$'";
if ($action ne 'user') {
# in this case patching server won't be the wrong thing either
croak ("ERROR: patch_cvs_root_file(): file '$root_file' has wrong format") if ($line !~ /@/o);
$line = "$`\@" . $self->cvs_server() . ":" . $self->cvs_repository() . "\n";
open(ROOT, ">$root_file") or croak ("ERROR: patch_cvs_root_file(): can't write file '$root_file'");
print ROOT $line;
#### additional public methods ####
#### instance methods #####
# Checkout module to specified scratch area
# If CVS_SERVER matches CVS_REMOTE do a checkout
# from CVS_MIRROR first and than update/checkout
# Otherwise do direct checkout.
# Returns a list of entries corresponding to the files which have been
# checked out or 'nofilesupdated'
# The entries of the returned list have the form [$file, 'U']
sub checkout
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $options = shift;
my $module = $self->module();
if ( !$module ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::checkout(): no module for checkout specified");
if ( ! -d $path ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::checkout(): invalid local path for checkout specified");
# chdir to checkout area
my $saved_cwd = cwd();
if ( !chdir($path) ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule:: can't chdir() to '$path'");
my $from_mirror = 0;
my $update_only = 0;
if ( $self->cvs_server() eq $self->cvs_remote() && defined($self->cvs_mirror()) ) {
# check if module has already been checked out
$from_mirror = 1;
if ( -r "$module/CVS/Root" ) {
open(ROOT, "<$module/CVS/Root");
my @lines = <ROOT>;
if ( $lines[0] =~ $self->cvs_server() ) {
$update_only = 1;
$from_mirror = 0;
my $dirs_ref;
my $files_ref;
if ( $from_mirror ) {
($dirs_ref, $files_ref) = $self->do_checkout($self->cvs_mirror(), '', $options);
if ( @{$dirs_ref} ) {
my $mirror = $self->cvs_mirror();
my $remote = $self->cvs_remote();
my $mirror_rep = $self->cvs_mirror_repository();
my $remote_rep = $self->cvs_remote_repository();
$self->patch_root($mirror, $remote, $mirror_rep, $remote_rep, $dirs_ref);
my $module_dir = $module;
$module_dir = dirname($module) if ($module =~ /\\|\//);
# FIXME We should add an option '-d' here to add directories which
# have been added to the server but not yet synced to the mirror,
# Unfortunately a bug in CVS prevents us from doing so.
my $updated_files_ref;
my $updated_dirs_ref;
my %files_hash;
($updated_dirs_ref, $updated_files_ref) = $self->do_update($tag, $options);
if ( @{$updated_files_ref} ) {
# Ok, something changed in the mean time
# create hash for faster searching
foreach (@{$files_ref}) {
# iterate over updated files from remote and add them if they
# are not yet in $files_ref
foreach (@{$updated_files_ref}) {
push(@{$files_ref}, $_) if !exists $files_hash{$_->[0]};
else {
if ( $update_only ) {
($dirs_ref, $files_ref) = $self->do_update($tag, $options);
else {
($dirs_ref, $files_ref) = $self->do_checkout($self->cvs_server(), $tag, $options);
# chdir() back
return defined($files_ref) ? $files_ref : 'nofilesupdated';
# Update module.
# Returns a list of entries corresponding to the files which have been
# updated or 'nofilesupdated'.
# The entries of the returned list have the form [$file, 'U|P|M|C'].
# Parameters:
# 1) path with top level diretory to be updated
# 2) possible CVS tag
# 3) update options, ie '-dP'
# 4) if true, then update() will return a second reference with all
# unknown files - those which are marked by '?' by CVS.
sub update
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $options = shift;
my $return_unknown_entries = shift || '';
my $module = $self->module();
if ( !$module ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::update(): no module for checkout specified");
if ( !-d "$path/$module" ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::update(): can't find '$path/$module'");
# chdir to update area
my $saved_cwd = cwd();
if ( !chdir("$path/$module") ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::update(): can't chdir() to '$path/$module'");
my ($dirs_ref, $files_ref, $unknown_ref) = $self->do_update($tag, $options);
# chdir() back
if ( $return_unknown_entries ) {
return ($files_ref, $unknown_ref);
else {
return defined($files_ref) ? $files_ref : 'nofilesupdated';
# Find all changed files in a module vs. a specfic tag
# return a LoL: [name of file, rev_old, rev_new].
sub changed_files
my $self = shift;
my $tag_old = shift;
my $tag_new = shift;
my $module = $self->module();
my $cvs_binary = $self->cvs_binary();
my $root = $self->get_rcmd_root();
$tag_old = '-r' . $tag_old;
$tag_new = '-r' . $tag_new;
my $verbose = $self->verbose();
my ($t1, $t0);
if ( $verbose > 1 ) {
$t0 = Benchmark->new();
autoflush STDOUT 1;
print "checking for changed files in module '$module'; $tag_old $tag_new\n";
my $server_died_silently = 1;
my @changed_files = ();
open(RDIFF, "$cvs_binary -d $root rdiff -s $tag_old $tag_new $module 2>&1 |");
while(<RDIFF>) {
if ( /^cvs server: Diffing (.*)$/ ) {
print "." if $verbose;
$server_died_silently = 0;
if ( /\[rdiff aborted\]: connect to/ ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::changed_files(): connection to server failed");
if ( /^File (.+?) / ) {
my $file_name = $1;
my ($rev_old, $rev_new);
if ( /changed from revision ([\d\.]+) to ([\d\.]+)/ ) {
$rev_old = $1;
$rev_new = $2;
elsif ( /is new; current revision ([\d\.]+)/ ) {
$rev_new = $1;
$rev_old = undef;
elsif ( /is removed; not included in release tag/ ) {
$rev_new = undef;
$rev_old = undef;
else {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::changed_files(): unexpected output from rdiff");
$file_name = $self->strip_module_from_path($file_name);
push(@changed_files, [$file_name, $rev_old, $rev_new]);
print "\n" if $verbose;
if ( $verbose > 1) {
$t1 = Benchmark->new();
print "rdiff time: " . timestr(timediff($t1, $t0),'nop') . "\n";
autoflush STDOUT 0
if ( $server_died_silently ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::changed_files(): server died silently");
return wantarray ? @changed_files : \@changed_files;
# Tag all files in module with given tag,
# returns number of newly tagged files and number,
# of warnings/errors due to already existing tags.
sub tag
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $options = shift;
my $module = $self->module();
my $cvs_binary = $self->cvs_binary();
my $branch = ($options && $options =~ /-b/) ? '-b' : '';
my $force = ($options && $options =~ /-F/) ? '-F' : '';
my $verbose = $self->verbose();
my ($t1, $t0);
if ( $verbose > 1) {
$t0 = Benchmark->new();
autoflush STDOUT 1;
print "tag module '$module' with " ;
print $branch ? "branch " : "";
print "tag '$tag'\n";
my $tagged_files = 0;
my $tag_errors = 0;
my $saved_cwd = cwd();
if ( !chdir("$path/$module") ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::tag(): can't chdir() to directory '$path/$module'");
open(TAG, "$cvs_binary tag $force $branch $tag 2>&1 |");
while(<TAG>) {
if ( /\[.* aborted\]: connect to/ ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::tag(): connection to server failed");
if ( /^cvs server: Tagging (.*)$/ ) {
print "." if $verbose;
elsif ( /^T / ) {
elsif ( /^W / ) {
# can't move tag because tag already exists and
# force option -F not specified
my $line = $_;
$line =~ s/^W //;
carp("ERROR: CvsModule::tag():" . "$line");
print "\n" if $verbose;
if ( $verbose > 1) {
$t1 = Benchmark->new();
print "tagging time: " . timestr(timediff($t1, $t0),'nop') . "\n";
autoflush STDOUT 0
return ($tagged_files, $tag_errors);
sub get_aliases_hash {
my $self = shift;
my $cvs_binary = $self->cvs_binary();
my $method = $self->cvs_method();
my $server = $self->cvs_server();
my $repository = $self->cvs_repository();
my $vcsid = $self->vcsid();
if ( !$vcsid ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::get_aliases_hash(): VCSID not set");
my $root = ":$method:$vcsid\@$server:$repository";
my $commando = "$cvs_binary -d $root checkout -c";
if(!open(CHECKOUT, "$commando 2>&1 |")) {
croak("ERROR: get_aliases_hash(): Cannot run commando '$commando'");
my %aliases_hash = ();
my $last_alias = '';
my $string = '';
while(<CHECKOUT>) {
if ( /\[.* aborted\]: connect to/ ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::get_aliases_hash(): connection to server failed");
if (/^(\S+)\s+(.+)$/o) {
$last_alias = $1;
$string = $2;
} elsif (/^(\s+)(.+)$/o && $last_alias) {
$string = $aliases_hash{$last_alias} . " $2";
} else {
$last_alias = '';
$aliases_hash{$last_alias} = $string;
return %aliases_hash;
#### private helper methods #####
sub do_checkout
my $self = shift;
my $server = shift;
my $tag = shift || '';
my $options = shift || '';
my $vcsid = $self->vcsid();
if ( !$vcsid ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::do_checkout: VCSID not set");
my $module = $self->module();
my $cvs_binary = $self->cvs_binary();
my $method = $self->cvs_method();
my $repository = $self->cvs_repository();
my $root = ":$method:$vcsid\@$server:$repository";
$tag = '-r' . $tag if $tag ne '';
# do the checkout
my @updated_dirs;
my @updated_files;
my $verbose = $self->verbose();
my ($t1, $t0);
if ( $verbose > 1) {
$t0 = Benchmark->new();
autoflush STDOUT 1;
print "checkout module '$module' from $server'\n";
open(CHECKOUT, "$cvs_binary -d $root checkout $tag $options $module 2>&1 |");
while(<CHECKOUT>) {
if ( /\[.* aborted\]: connect to/ ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::do_checkout(): connection to server failed");
if ( /^cvs server: Updating (.*)$/ ) {
print "." if $verbose;
push(@updated_dirs, $1);
if ( /^([U|M|P|C]) (.*)$/ ) {
push(@updated_files, [$2, $1]);
print "\n" if $verbose;
if ( $verbose > 1 ) {
$t1 = Benchmark->new();
print "checkout time: " . timestr(timediff($t1, $t0),'nop') . "\n";
autoflush STDOUT 0;
return (\@updated_dirs, \@updated_files);
sub do_update
my $self = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $options = shift;
my $module = $self->module();
my $cvs_binary = $self->cvs_binary();
$options = $options ? $options : '';
$tag = '-r' . $tag if $tag ne '';
# sever for update is never a mirror, always the 'real' server
my $server = $self->cvs_server();
# do the update
my @updated_dirs;
my @updated_files;
my @unknown_entries;
my $verbose = $self->verbose();
my ($t1, $t0);
if ( $verbose > 1) {
$t0 = Benchmark->new();
autoflush STDOUT 1;
print "update module '$module' from '$server'\n";
open(UPDATE, "$cvs_binary update $tag $options 2>&1 |");
while(<UPDATE>) {
if ( /\[.* aborted\]: connect to/ ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::do_update(): connection to server failed");
if ( /^cvs server: Updating (.*)$/ ) {
print "." if $verbose;
push(@updated_dirs, $1);
if ( /^([U|M|P|C]) (.*)$/ ) {
push(@updated_files, [$2, $1]);
if ( /^\? (.*)$/ ) {
push(@unknown_entries, $1);
print "\n" if $verbose;
if ( $verbose > 1) {
$t1 = Benchmark->new();
print "update time: " . timestr(timediff($t1, $t0),'nop') . "\n";
autoflush STDOUT 0
return (\@updated_dirs, \@updated_files, \@unknown_entries);
sub get_root
# Try two methods to determine CVS root.
my $self = shift;
my $module = $self->module();
my $cvs_root;
if ( $module && -r "$module/CVS/Root" ) {
# Test if there is a checked out module.
open(ROOT, "<$module/CVS/Root");
my @root = <ROOT>;
$cvs_root = $root[0];
else {
# alternatively check CVSROOT environment variable
$cvs_root = $ENV{CVSROOT};
if ( $cvs_root ) {
my ($dummy, $method, $vcsid_server, $repository) = split(/:/, $cvs_root);
# Remove port number from repository path;
$repository =~ s/^\d*//;
my ($vcsid, $server) = split('@', $vcsid_server);
if ( !($method && $vcsid && $server && $repository) ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::get_root(): can't determine CVS Server");
# sanity check
if ( $vcsid ne $self->vcsid() ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::get_root(): environment VCSID and CVS server root differ");
sub patch_root
# Patch the server part of the root from old to new.
shift; # ignore invocant
my $old_server = shift;
my $new_server = shift;
my $old_rep = shift;
my $new_rep = shift;
my $dirs_ref = shift;
foreach (@{$dirs_ref}) {
# pruned directories may not exist
if ( -d $_ ) {
my $root = "$_/CVS/Root";
open(ROOT, "<$root") or croak("ERROR: CvsModule::patch_root(): can't open file '$root'");
my $line = <ROOT>;
# patch root
$line =~ s/$old_server/$new_server/o; # note: evaluate reg exp. only once
open(ROOT, ">$root") or croak("ERROR: CvsModule::patch_root(): can't write '$root'");
print ROOT $line;
# repository will usually not change
if ( $old_rep ne $new_rep ) {
my $rep = "$_/CVS/Repository";
open(REPOSITORY, "<$rep") or croak("ERROR: CvsModule::patch_root(): can't open '$rep'");
my $line = <REPOSITORY>;
# patch rep
$line =~ s/$old_rep/$new_rep/o; # note: evaluate reg exp. only once
open(REPOSITORY, ">$rep") or croak("ERROR: CvsModule::patch_root(): can't write '$rep'");
print REPOSITORY $line;
# get the root for r-type commands
sub get_rcmd_root
my $self = shift;
my $vcsid = $self->vcsid();
if ( !$vcsid ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::get_rcmd_root(): VCSID not set");
my $method = $self->cvs_method();
my $repository = $self->cvs_repository();
my $server = $self->cvs_server();
my $remote = $self->cvs_remote();
my $root = ":$method:$vcsid\@$server:$repository";
# FIXME OOo's CVS server is pretty much broken. It's impossible
# to use the r-type CVS commands (rtag, rdiff) with the regular cvs root.
# We have to patch the cvs root. This horrendous hack should be removed as
# soon as the server is fixed
if ( $server =~ /$remote/o ) {
$repository = '/shared/data/helm/cvs/repository';
$root = ":$method:$vcsid\@$server:$repository";
if ( !is_valid_login(":$method:$vcsid\@$server:", $repository ) ) {
print STDERR "\nThe cvs rdiff command is broken for the OOo CVS server.\n";
print STDERR "To fix this problem you have to issue the following cvs login command:\n\n";
print STDERR " cvs -d $root login\n\n";
print STDERR "The password is your usual OOo password.\n\n";
return $root;
# Check if a valid login command has been
# issued for the root which is passed
# as argument.
# Needed for r-type command hack. sigh.
sub is_valid_login
my $url = shift;
my $repo = shift;
my $home = $ENV{HOME};
open(CVSPASSWD, "<$home/.cvspass") or return 0;
my @lines = <CVSPASSWD>;
my $is_valid = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
if ( $_ =~ /${url}\d*${repo}/o ) {
$is_valid = 1;
return $is_valid;
# Returns a hash_ref with alias for all modules
sub get_module_definitions
my $self = shift;
my $cvs_binary = $self->cvs_binary();
my $root = $self->get_rcmd_root();
my @entries;
open(MODULESLIST, "$cvs_binary -d $root checkout -c 2>&1 |");
while(<MODULESLIST>) {
# TODO more error checking
if ( /\[checkout aborted\]: connect to/ ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::get_module_definitions(): connection to server failed");
# Module list format:
# A entry starts on the first column, otherwise
# we have a continuation line
if ( /^\S/ ) {
push(@entries, $_);
else {
$entries[-1] .= $_;
my %mod_defs;
foreach ( @entries ) {
my ($name, $definition, $extra) = split(' ', $_);
if ( $extra || $definition =~ /&/ ) {
# if the entries splits in more than
# two entries or the definition
# contains an ampersand than this can't
# be a regular module definition
$mod_defs{$name} = $definition;
return \%mod_defs;
# Strip elements from the front of a path to yield
# a filename relative to module. If this fails retrieve
# the module list from the server and determine the number
# of path elements to be stripped from the the module
# definition.
sub strip_module_from_path
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $module = $self->module;
# Test if the file name is of the form
# project/module/pathelem/..../filename <= OOo server
# module/pathelem/.../filename <= local server
# where project and module can be identical
# If the test fails try as last resort to
# retrieve the module list from the server and
# determine the number of path elements to be stripped
# from the the module definition.
my @elems = split(/\//, $file);
my $elem = shift @elems;
if ( $elem eq $module ) {
$elem = shift @elems;
if ( $elem ne $module ) {
unshift(@elems, $elem);
return join('/', @elems);
else {
$elem = shift @elems;
if ( $elem eq $module ) {
return join('/', @elems);
else {
# try the module definitions from the module list
if ( !defined($self->{DEFS_CACHE}) ) {
$self->{DEFS_CACHE} = $self->get_module_definitions();
if ( exists $self->{DEFS_CACHE}->{$module} ) {
my $definition = $self->{DEFS_CACHE}->{$module};
$file =~ /^$definition\/(.*)$/;
return $1;
else {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::strip_module_from_path(): internal error");
# Procedure does the same as "cvs view",
# extracted to the module in order to provide
# consistency for future implementations
sub view {
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $saved_cwd = cwd();
if ( !chdir($path) ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::view(): can't chdir() to '$path'");
my $module = $self->module();
my $cvs_binary = $self->cvs_binary();
my $verbose = $self->verbose();
my ($info, $seen, @field);
my $line = "$cvs_binary status -R";
# provide info in hash
my @view_info = ();
open(REPOSITORY, 'CVS/Repository');
my $repository = <REPOSITORY>;
$repository =~ s/[\s\r\n]//g;
$repository =~ s/$module$//g;
open (CVSVIEW , "$line 2>&1 |") or croak("ERROR: CvsModule::view(): can't run command '$line'");
$seen = 0;
# check error
if ( $? >> 8 ) {
croak("ERROR: CvsModule::view(): view failed!\n");
while(<CVSVIEW>) {
$line = $_;
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ /^\?/ ) {
print ("$line\n");
if ( $line =~ /Needs\sCheckout/o ) {
$info = "needs checkout";
if ( $line =~ /Needs\sPatch/o ) {
$info = "needs patch";
if ( $line =~ /Needs\sMerge/o ) {
$info = "needs merge";
if ( $line =~ /Locally\sAdded/o ) {
@field = split /\s+/, $line;
print "$field[1]: locally added\n";
if ( $line =~ /Locally\sModified/o ) {
$info = "locally modified";
if ( $line =~ /Locally\sRemoved/o ) {
$info = "locally removed";
if ($line =~ /conflicts/o ) {
$info = "conflicts on merge";
if ($info && $line =~ /Repository/o ) {
@field = split /\s+/, $line;
my $info_line = "$field[4]: $info\n";
print $info_line;
$info_line =~ s/,\S+:/:/;
$info_line =~ s/^$repository//;
push (@view_info, $info_line);
$info = 0;
if ( $line =~/==============/ ) {
$info = 0;
$seen = 1;
close (CVSVIEW);
if ( !$seen ) {
print STDERR "potential \"cvs view\" failure, please use \"cvs status\"\n";
print STDERR "to examine error condition\n";
return \@view_info;
# Simple minded ring buffer for keeping the last lines of the CVS output
my $nlog_size = 5;
my $nindex = 0;
sub append_to_log
my $self = shift;
my $line = shift;
if ( $nindex >= $nlog_size ) {
$nindex = 0;
$self->{LOG_BUFFER}->[$nindex] = $line;
sub get_log
my $self = shift;
my $first = $nindex+1;
if ( $first >= $nlog_size ) {
$first = $first - $nlog_size;
my $log = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nlog_size; $i++) {
my $n = $first + $i;
if ( $n >= $nlog_size ) {
$n = $n - $nlog_size;
if ( $self->{LOG_BUFFER}->[$n] ) {
$log .= $self->{LOG_BUFFER}->[$n];
return $log;
sub clear_log
my $self = shift;
$self->{LOG_BUFFER} = ();
sub die_on_error_code
my $self = shift;
my $method = shift;
my $errcode = $? >> 8;
if ( $errcode ) {
my $error_message = "ERROR: $method: CVS client returned error code '$errcode'!\n";
$error_message .= "The last 5 CVS messages leading up to the problem were:\n";
$error_message .= $self->get_log();
1; # needed by "use" or "require"