Kurt Zenker f25d65e2f3 INTEGRATION: CWS ause058 (1.24.112); FILE MERGED
2006/06/26 12:27:21 hjs RESYNC: (1.24-1.25); FILE MERGED
2006/06/22 16:04:15 hjs #i66658# removed OOoRunner.jar
2006-07-05 20:55:29 +00:00

1841 lines
62 KiB
Executable file

eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
# $RCSfile:,v $
# $Revision: 1.26 $
# last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2006-07-05 21:55:29 $
# The Contents of this file are made available subject to
# the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
# =============================================
# Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
# - sync child workspace modules/files with newer
# milestones of master workspace
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use File::Glob;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Handle;
use Carp;
#### module lookup
my @lib_dirs;
if ( !defined($ENV{SOLARENV}) ) {
die "No environment found (environment variable SOLARENV is undefined)";
push(@lib_dirs, "$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules");
push(@lib_dirs, "$ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}/modules") if defined($ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS});
use lib (@lib_dirs);
use Cws;
eval { require Logging; import Logging; };
my $log = undef;
$log = Logging->new() if (!$@);
eval {
require EnvHelper; import EnvHelper;
require CopyPrj; import CopyPrj;
use CvsModule;
use Cvs;
use GenInfoParser;
use CwsConfig;
#### script id #####
( my $script_name = $0 ) =~ s/^.*\b(\w+)\.pl$/$1/;
my $script_rev;
my $id_str = ' $Revision: 1.26 $ ';
$id_str =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)\s+\$/
? ($script_rev = $1) : ($script_rev = "-");
print "$script_name -- version: $script_rev\n";
#### hardcoded globals #####
my @xtra_files = ( "*.mk", "*.flg", "libCrun*", "libCstd*", "libgcc*", "libstdc*" );
my $platform_resynced_flag = ".cwsresync_complete";
# modules to be obligatory copied to each cws
my %obligatory_modules = ();
#### global #####
my $is_debug = 0; # misc traces for debugging purposes
my $opt_commit = 0; # commit changes
my $opt_merge = 0; # merge from MWS into CWS
my $opt_link = 0; # relink modules, update solver
my $opt_remove_trees = 0; # remove output trees & solver (OO option)
my %global_stats = (); # some overall stats
my @args_bak = @ARGV; # store the @ARGS here for logging
my $umask = umask();
if ( !defined($umask) ) {
$umask = 22;
my $opt_force_checkout = '';
my $opt_skip_update = 0;
#### main #####
my $parameter_list = $log->array2string(";",@args_bak) if (defined $log);
my ($dir, $milestone, @args) = parse_options();
my $cws = get_and_verify_cws();
if ( $milestone ) {
verify_milestone_or_exit($cws, $milestone);
my @action_list = parse_args($cws, $dir, $milestone, @args);
walk_action_list($cws, $dir, $milestone, @action_list);
#### subroutines ####
sub log_stats
my $statistic_log_message;
$statistic_log_message = "success : ";
$statistic_log_message .= "merge mode : " if $opt_merge;
$statistic_log_message .= "commit mode : " if $opt_commit;
$statistic_log_message .= "link mode : " if $opt_link;
$statistic_log_message .= "remove output trees mode : " if $opt_remove_trees;
$statistic_log_message .= "new: $global_stats{'new'} " if $global_stats{'new'};
$statistic_log_message .= "removed: $global_stats{'removed'} " if $global_stats{'removed'};
$statistic_log_message .= "merged: $global_stats{'merged'} " if $global_stats{'merged'};
$statistic_log_message .= "moved: $global_stats{'moved'} " if $global_stats{'moved'};
$statistic_log_message .= "conflicts: $global_stats{'conflict'} " if $global_stats{'conflict'};
$statistic_log_message .= "alerts: $global_stats{'alert'} " if $global_stats{'alert'};
$statistic_log_message .= "failures: $global_stats{'failure'} " if $global_stats{'failure'};
$log->end_log_extended($script_name,"unknown",$statistic_log_message) if (defined $log);
} ##create_log_stats
# Get child workspace from environment.
sub get_and_verify_cws
my $childws = $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP};
my $masterws = $ENV{WORK_STAMP};
if ( !defined($childws) || !defined($masterws) ) {
print_error("Can't determine child workspace environment.\n"
. "Please initialize environment with setsolar ...", 1);
my $cws = Cws->new();
$log->start_log_extended($script_name,$parameter_list,$masterws,$childws) if (defined $log);
# check if we got a valid child workspace
my $id = $cws->eis_id();
print "Master: $masterws, Child: $childws, $id\n" if $is_debug;
if ( !$id ) {
print_error("Child workspace $childws for master workspace $masterws not found in EIS database.", 2);
return $cws;
# Parse options and do some sanity checks;
sub parse_options
{ my $dir = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $success = GetOptions('h' => \$help, 'd=s' => \$dir,
'm=s' => \$opt_merge, 'c' => \$opt_commit, 'l=s' => \$opt_link,
'a' => \$opt_force_checkout, 'r' => \$opt_remove_trees,
'f' => \$opt_skip_update );
if ( !$success || $help ) {
# some sanity checks
if ( !($opt_merge || $opt_commit || $opt_link || $opt_remove_trees) ) {
print_error("Please specify one of '-m', '-c', '-l'.", 0) if defined($log);
print_error("Please specify one of '-m', '-c', '-l', '-r'.", 0) if !defined($log);
if ( ($opt_merge || $opt_commit) && !@ARGV ) {
my $milestone = $opt_merge || $opt_link;
if ( ($opt_merge && $opt_commit) ||
($opt_merge && $opt_link) ||
($opt_commit && $opt_link) )
print_error("The options '-m milestone', '-c', '-l milestone' are mutally exclusive.", 0);
if ( $opt_link && $dir ) {
print_error("The options '-l milestone' and '-d' are mutally exclusive.", 0);
if ( $milestone eq 'HEAD' && $opt_link ) {
print_error("'HEAD' is not a valid milestone for '-l milestone' option.", 0);
$dir = $dir ? $dir : cwd();
# check directory
if ( ! -d $dir ) {
print_error("'$dir' is not a directory.", 1);
if ( ! -w $dir ) {
print_error("Can't write to directory '$dir'.", 1);
return ($dir, $milestone, @ARGV);
# Parse and verify args. Check that all necessary preconditions are fulfilled
# and fill the action_list
sub parse_args
my $cws = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $milestone = shift;
my @args = @_;
# For each entry in the args list we'll prepare a corresponding entry
# in the action list. An arg may be a module, a dir in a cvs module
# or a file in a cvs module. With each arg is an action associated,
# this may be 'resync_module_action', 'resync_dir_action', 'resync_file_action',
# 'commit_dir_action', 'commit_file_action' or 'relink_cws_action' depending on the
# type of the arg and the operation mode
# The action list has the following format
# $action_list [$i] = [$arg, $action]
my @action_list = ();
# The 'merge' and 'commit' modes share quite a bit of logic. The 'link' mode
# is completely independent
if ( (@args > 0) && ($opt_link || $opt_remove_trees)) {
print_error("Invalid argument.", 0);
if ( $opt_link ) {
push(@action_list, [undef, 'relink_cws_action']);
} elsif ($opt_remove_trees) {
push(@action_list, [undef, 'remove_output_trees']);
else {
# Sanity check
if ( @args > 1) {
foreach (@args) {
if ($_ eq 'all') {
print_error("either specify 'all' or a list of modules/files.", 1);
# If HEAD is specified as milestone, make sure that every argument is really a file.
if ( $milestone eq 'HEAD' ) {
foreach ( @args ) {
if ( ! -f $_ ) {
print_error("Only files are allowed as argument for resyncing against HEAD", 0);
print_error("'$_' is not a file: $!", 1);
if ( is_in_module($dir) ) {
# check arguments for inside module operation
check_or_exit($cws, $dir, @args);
foreach my $arg (@args) {
if ( -f $arg ) {
my $action = $opt_commit ? 'commit_file_action' : 'resync_file_action';
push(@action_list, [$arg, $action]);
else {
my $action = $opt_commit ? 'commit_dir_action' : 'resync_dir_action';
push(@action_list, [$arg, $action]);
else {
my @modules = expand_and_verify_modules($cws, @args);
# check arguments for modules level operation
if ( is_scratch_dir($dir) ) {
my $action = $opt_commit ? 'commit_dir_action' : 'resync_module_action';
foreach (@modules) {
push(@action_list, [$_, $action]);
else {
check_or_exit($cws, $dir, @modules);
my $action = $opt_commit ? 'commit_dir_action' : 'resync_dir_action';
foreach (@modules) {
push(@action_list, [$_, $action]);
return @action_list;
# Check if all arguments are physically present on the disk
# either as files or directories
sub check_or_exit
my $cws = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $error;
foreach my $arg (@args) {
if ( ! -e "$dir/$arg" ) {
print_error("Can't find '$dir/$arg': $!", 0);
if ( $error ) {
print_error("Please run '$script_name -m' either in an empty scratch directory,", 0);
print_error("or in a directory containing all specified modules,", 0);
print_error("or, if inside a module,", 0);
print_error("make certain that all specified files/directories exist.", 2);
foreach my $arg (@args) {
my $cvs_dir = "$dir/$arg";
$cvs_dir = dirname("$cvs_dir") if -f $cvs_dir;
if ( !check_sticky_tag($cws, $cvs_dir) ) {
print_error("'$cvs_dir' has not the required sticky tag.", 3);
# Check if we operate inside a module.
sub is_in_module
my $dir = shift;
return -d "$dir/CVS" ? 1 : 0;
# Check if directory contains modules
sub is_modules_level
my $dir = shift;
return 0 if is_in_module($dir);
my @cvsdirs = glob("$dir/*/CVS");
return @cvsdirs ? 1 : 0;
# Check if directory is a scratch directory
sub is_scratch_dir
my $dir = shift;
return (is_in_module($dir) || is_modules_level($dir)) ? 0 : 1;
# Check if requested modules are registered with child workspace.
sub expand_and_verify_modules
my $cws = shift;
my @modules = @_;
my @registered_modules = $cws->modules();
my $child = $cws->child();
# call with empty modules list
return @registered_modules if $modules[0] eq 'all';
# create hash for easier searching
my %registered_modules_hash = ();
for (@registered_modules) {
foreach (@modules) {
if ( !exists $registered_modules_hash{$_} ) {
print_error("Module '$_' is not registered for child '$child'.", 2);
return @modules;
# Process the action list
sub walk_action_list
my $cws = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $qualified_milestone = shift;
my @action_list = @_;
foreach my $entry_ref (@action_list) {
no strict; # disable strict refs for the next call
&{$entry_ref->[1]}($cws, $dir, $qualified_milestone, $entry_ref->[0]);
# emit some stats
print_message(" ========== Totals: ==========") if scalar(%global_stats);
if ( $opt_merge) {
print_message("New file(s): $global_stats{'new'}") if $global_stats{'new'};
print_message("Remove file(s): $global_stats{'removed'}") if $global_stats{'removed'};
print_message("Merge file(s): $global_stats{'merged'}") if $global_stats{'merged'};
print_message("Conflict(s): $global_stats{'conflict'}") if $global_stats{'conflict'};
print_message("Move tag(s): $global_stats{'moved'}") if $global_stats{'moved'};
print_message("Alert(s): $global_stats{'alert'}") if $global_stats{'alert'};
print_message("Failure(s): $global_stats{'failure'}") if $global_stats{'failure'};
else {
print_message("New file(s): $global_stats{'new'}") if $global_stats{'new'};
print_message("Removed file(s): $global_stats{'removed'}") if $global_stats{'removed'};
print_message("Merged file(s): $global_stats{'merged'}") if $global_stats{'merged'};
print_message("Moved tag(s): $global_stats{'moved'}") if $global_stats{'moved'};
print_message("Failure(s): $global_stats{'failure'}") if $global_stats{'failure'};
# Merge a whole module in scratch space. Please note that merging
# a complete module is always done via resync_dir_action if it already
# exists on disk.
sub resync_module_action
my $cws = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $qualified_milestone = shift;
my $module = shift;
my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_anchor_tag) = $cws->get_tags();
my $milestone_tag = get_milestone_tag($cws, $qualified_milestone);
my $cvs_module = get_cvs_module($cws, $module);
if ( !defined($cvs_module) ) {
print_warning("This might happen if '$module' is obsolete.");
print_warning("Skipping '$module' ...");
print_message("Check out module '$module' ...");
my $co_ref = $cvs_module->checkout($dir, $cws_branch_tag, '');
if ( !@{$co_ref} ) {
print_error("Was not able to checkout module '$module',", 0);
print_error("this might be caused by connection failures or authentification problems. That also can be caused by cvs mirror. If you recently added this module, please wait for your mirror server to syncronize", 0);
print_error("Please check your \$HOME/.cvspass for missing entries!", 50);
my $changes_ref = get_changed_files($cvs_module, $cws_anchor_tag, $milestone_tag);
my $save_dir = cwd();
# chdir into module
if ( !chdir("$dir/$module") ) {
print_error("Can't chdir() to '$dir/$module'", 6);
my %stats;
foreach my $file_ref (@{$changes_ref}) {
my $rc = merge_file($cws_anchor_tag, $milestone_tag, $file_ref);
# chdir back
print_message(" ========== '$module' stats: ==========") if scalar(%stats);
print_message("New file(s): $stats{'new'}") if $stats{'new'};
print_message("Remove file(s): $stats{'removed'}") if $stats{'removed'};
print_message("Merge file(s): $stats{'merged'}") if $stats{'merged'};
print_message("Conflict(s): $stats{'conflict'}") if $stats{'conflict'};
print_message("Move tag(s): $stats{'moved'}") if $stats{'moved'};
print_message("Alert(s): $stats{'alert'}") if $stats{'alert'};
print_message("Failure(s): $stats{'failure'}") if $stats{'failure'};
# resync_dir_action: not yet implemented
sub resync_dir_action
my $cws = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $qualified_milestone = shift;
my $cvs_dir = shift;
print_error("Resyncing directories is not yet supported.", 0);
print_error("Please resync either complete modules in a scratch", 0);
print_error("directory or resync files,", 99);
sub resync_file_action
my $cws = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $qualified_milestone = shift;
my $file = shift;
my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_anchor_tag) = $cws->get_tags();
my $resync_tag;
if ( $qualified_milestone eq 'HEAD' ) {
$resync_tag = $master_branch_tag ? $master_branch_tag : 'HEAD';
else {
$resync_tag = get_milestone_tag($cws, $qualified_milestone);
my $cvs_archive = get_cvs_archive($file);
my $tags_ref = $cvs_archive->get_tags();
my $old_rev = $tags_ref->{$cws_anchor_tag};
my $new_rev;
if ( $qualified_milestone eq 'HEAD' ) {
if ( $resync_tag eq 'HEAD' ) {
# resyncing against trunk
$new_rev = $cvs_archive->get_head();
else {
# resycing against MWS on branch
$new_rev = $cvs_archive->get_latest_rev_on_branch($resync_tag);
# check if file is still alive on MWS
if ( $cvs_archive->get_data_by_rev->{$new_rev}->{STATE} eq 'dead' ) {
$new_rev = undef;
else {
$new_rev = $tags_ref->{$resync_tag};
# File has been removed on master
if ( !$new_rev ) {
$old_rev = undef; # follow the example of get_changed_files() reg. removed files
# skip files which are up to date with milestone
if ( $new_rev && ($old_rev eq $new_rev) ) {
print_message("\tResyncing '$file': skip (old rev. and new rev. are identical).");
my $rc = merge_file($cws_anchor_tag, $resync_tag, [$file, $old_rev, $new_rev], $cvs_archive);
sub commit_dir_action
my $cws = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $qualified_milestone = shift; # unused and not initialized
my $cvs_dir = shift;
print_message("========== Commit changes to '$cvs_dir': ==========");
my $save_dir = cwd();
# chdir into module
if ( !chdir("$dir/$cvs_dir") ) {
print_warning("Can't chdir() to '$cvs_dir'.");
print_warning("Skipping '$cvs_dir'.");
local @main::changed_files;
find(\&wanted, '.');
my %stats;
my $rc;
foreach (@main::changed_files) {
$rc = commit_file($cws, $_);
# chdir back
print_message(" ========== '$cvs_dir' stats: ==========") if scalar(%stats);
print_message("New file(s): $stats{'new'}") if $stats{'new'};
print_message("Remove file(s): $stats{'removed'}") if $stats{'removed'};
print_message("Merge file(s): $stats{'merged'}") if $stats{'merged'};
print_message("Move tag(s): $stats{'moved'}") if $stats{'moved'};
print_message("Failure(s): $stats{'failure'}") if $stats{'failure'};
sub commit_file_action
my $cws = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $qualified_milestone = shift; # unused and not initialized
my $file = shift;
my $save_dir = cwd();
# chdir into the reference dir
if ( !chdir("$dir") ) {
print_error("Can't chdir() to '$dir'", 6);
my $rc = commit_file($cws, $file);
# chdir back
# TODO: put into module later... see also
sub get_mws_location
use GenInfoParser;
my $masterws = shift;
my $result = 0;
my $workspace_lst = EnvHelper::get_workspace_lst();
my $workspace_db = GenInfoParser->new();
$result = $workspace_db->load_list($workspace_lst);
if ( !$result ) {
print_message("Can't load workspace list '$workspace_lst'.");
return "";
my $workspace = $workspace_db->get_key($masterws);
print_error("Master workspace '$masterws' not found in '$workspace_lst' database.", 3) if ( !$workspace );
my $wslocation = $workspace_db->get_value($masterws."/Drives/o:/UnixVolume");
print_error("Location of master workspace '$masterws' not found in '$workspace_lst' database.", 3) if ( !defined($wslocation) ) ;
if (! -d $wslocation) {
print_message("Master workspace not found at '$wslocation'!") ;
return "";
return $wslocation;
sub remove_module
my $module_p = shift;
my $result = 0;
if ( -l $module_p ) {
print "unlink module $module_p\n" if $is_debug;
$result |= ! unlink $module_p;
if ( -l $module_p.".lnk" ) {
print "unlink module $module_p.lnk\n" if $is_debug;
$result |= ! unlink "$module_p.lnk";
if ( -d $module_p ) {
print "rm -rf $module_p\n" if $is_debug;
$result |= system("rm -rf $module_p");
} elsif ( -e $module_p ) {
print "no idea what this is... $module_p\n" if $is_debug;
print_error("Couldn't remove $module_p\[.lnk\]. Giving up.", 1);
return $result;
# Procedure copies module to specified path
sub copyprj_module
my $module_name = shift;
my $src_dest = shift;
print "copyprj $module_name\n";
# hash, that should contain all the
# data needed by CopyPrj module
my %ENVHASH = ();
my %projects_to_copy = ();
$ENVHASH{'projects_hash'} = \%projects_to_copy;
$ENVHASH{'no_otree'} = 1;
$ENVHASH{'no_path'} = 1;
$ENVHASH{'only_otree'} = 0;
$ENVHASH{'only_update'} = 1;
$ENVHASH{'last_minor'} = 0;
$ENVHASH{'spec_src'} = 0;
$ENVHASH{'dest'} = "$src_dest";
$ENVHASH{'prj_to_copy'} = '';
$ENVHASH{'i_server'} = '';
$ENVHASH{'current_dir'} = cwd();
$ENVHASH{'remote'} = '';
$ENVHASH{'force_checkout'} = 1 if ($opt_force_checkout);
$ENVHASH{RESYNC_UPDMINOR} = $opt_link if (defined $opt_link);
sub get_platforms_hash {
my $cws = shift;
my $minor_mk_name = $ENV{UPD} . '';
my @files;
my %platforms = ();
find sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if -f _ && /$minor_mk_name/ }, $ENV{SOLARVER};
foreach my $entry (@files) {
do {
$entry = dirname($entry);
} while ($entry =~ /[\\\/]inc[\.\w+]?$/o);
return %platforms;
# remove all output trees
sub remove_output_trees {
my $cws = shift;
my %platforms = get_platforms_hash($cws);
my $stand_dir = $ENV{SRC_ROOT};
if (!opendir(SOURCE_ROOT, $stand_dir)) {
print_error ("Root dir of child workspace not accessible: $!", 1);
my @found_dirs = readdir(SOURCE_ROOT);
closedir SOURCE_ROOT;
my $module_dir = '';
my @warnings = ();
foreach my $module (@found_dirs) {
$module_dir = "$stand_dir/$module";
next if (!-d $module_dir);
print_message("Removing output trees from $module...");
foreach my $plarform (keys %platforms) {
my $output_tree = "$module_dir/$plarform";
next if (!-d $output_tree);
if (!rmtree($output_tree, 0, 1)) {
push(@warnings, $output_tree);
print_message("Removing solver ...");
foreach my $platform (keys %platforms) {
my $output_tree = $ENV{SOLARVERSION} . "/$platform";
next if (!-d $output_tree);
if (!rmtree($output_tree, 0, 1)) {
push(@warnings, $output_tree);
print_warning("'$_' cannot be deleted. Please remove it manually") foreach(@warnings);
print_message("Please run configure & bootstrap again\n") if !defined($log);
# Update the sources to the correspondent master tag
sub update_sources {
my ($cws, $new_master, $milestone) = @_;
my @added_modules = $cws->modules();
my %added_modules_hash = ();
my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_root_tag) = $cws->get_tags($new_master, $milestone);
my $master_milestone_tag = $cws->get_master_tag($new_master, $milestone);
my $stand_dir = $ENV{SRC_ROOT};
$added_modules_hash{$_}++ foreach (@added_modules);
if (!opendir(SOURCE_ROOT, $stand_dir)) {
print_error("Root dir of child ($stand_dir) workspace not accessible: $!", 1);
my @found_dirs = ();
my $cvs_module;
my %cvs_aliases;
if ($opt_skip_update) {
print "Skipping main tree update\n";
else {
@found_dirs = readdir(SOURCE_ROOT);
# TODO clean this incredible mess up
$cvs_module = get_cvs_module('solenv'); # solenv always on OOo CVS server
%cvs_aliases = $cvs_module->get_aliases_hash();
foreach my $module (@found_dirs) {
next if (!-d $stand_dir . "/$module/CVS");
print "\tUpdating '$module'";
my $result ='';
if (defined $added_modules_hash{$module}) {
print " with '$cws_branch_tag' ...\n";
$result = $cvs_module->update($stand_dir, $cws_branch_tag, '-dP');
delete $added_modules_hash{$module};
} elsif (defined $cvs_aliases{$module}) {
print " with $master_milestone_tag' ...\n";
$result = $cvs_module->update($stand_dir, $master_milestone_tag, '-dP');
} else {
print_warning("... Unknown module. Skipping...");
register_cws_milestone($cws, $new_master, $milestone);
sub register_cws_milestone {
my ($cws, $new_master, $milestone) = @_;
my $push_return = '';
if ( $cws->master() ne $new_master ) {
$push_return = $cws->master($new_master);
if ($push_return ne $new_master) {
print_error("Couldn't push new milestone to database", 1);
$push_return = $cws->milestone( $milestone );
if ( $push_return ne $milestone ) {
print_error("Couldn't push new milestone to database", 1);
print_message("Current milestone of CWS updated to '$milestone'.");
print_message("Remove the old and most likely incompatible module output trees and solver with:");
print_message("\tcwsresync -r");
# Implements the link action: relink all modules and update solver
sub relink_cws_action
my $cws = shift;
my $dir = shift; # ignore, this is never set
my $qualified_milestone = shift;
my $cws_master = $cws->master();
my ($new_master, $milestone);
if ( $qualified_milestone =~ /:/ ) {
($new_master, $milestone) = split(/:/, $qualified_milestone);
else {
$new_master = $cws_master;
$milestone = $qualified_milestone;
# ause: Deine Spielwiese
no warnings;
my $result = 0;
my $success = 0;
my $sourceroot;
my $mws_location;
my $mws_accessible = 0;
my $dest_dir;
my @found_platforms;
my @opt_platforms;
my $found_resync_flags = 0;
print_message("Doing some checks ...");
# hack to get the milestone :-(((((
if ( ! defined($cws->milestone()))
$cws->milestone($ENV{UPDMINOR});# = $ENV{UPDMINOR};
# milestone is different from the current milestone
if ( "$new_master" eq "$cws_master" ) {
print_error("Child workspace \"".$cws->child()."\" already based on milestone \"$milestone\"", 1) if $cws->milestone() eq $milestone;
return update_sources($cws, $new_master, $milestone) if (!defined $log); # HACK
# SOURCE_ROOT set correct
print_error("Environment variable \"SOURCE_ROOT\" not set.", 1) if ! defined($ENV{SOURCE_ROOT});
$sourceroot = $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT};
print_error("Environment variable \"SOURCE_ROOT\" pointing to something incorrect.", 1) if ! -d "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/src.".$cws->milestone();
# desired milestone doesn't exist in cws dir or mws changes
if ( "$new_master" eq "$cws_master" ) {
print_error("Looks like there is already a milestone \"$milestone\" in $sourceroot/".$cws_master.".", 1) if -d "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/src.$milestone";
my @checklist = glob( "$sourceroot/$cws_master/*/inc.$milestone/*.mk" );
print_message("Looks like there is already a milestone \"$milestone\" in $sourceroot/".$cws_master." output trees.") if $#checklist != -1;
# mws filesystem accessible
$mws_location = get_mws_location($new_master);
if ( "$mws_location" ne "" ) {
# our OS isn't windows
if ( $^O =~ "MSWin32" || $^O =~ "cygwin" ) {
print_error("Sorry! not for windows",2);
$mws_accessible = 1;
} else {
print_message("Trying without access to master workspace.");
$mws_accessible = 0;
#check if sourceroot points to mws location
print "$sourceroot <-> $mws_location\n" if $is_debug;
my $mws_location_string = $mws_location;
if ( $mws_location_string =~ /\/net/ ) {
my @tmplst = split /\//, $mws_location;
print "list @tmplst\n" if $is_debug;
shift @tmplst;
shift @tmplst;
shift @tmplst;
print "list @tmplst\n" if $is_debug;
$mws_location_string = "/".join '/', @tmplst;
print "$sourceroot <-> $mws_location_string\n" if $is_debug;
if ( $sourceroot =~ /$mws_location_string/ ) {
print_error ("Root dir of child workspace and master directory are too similar\n$sourceroot <-> *$mws_location_string", 1)
print_message("Updating solver.");
my @added_modules = $cws->modules();
if ( $mws_accessible )
require sync_dir; import sync_dir;
#TODO: check for complete mws milestone
print_message("Removing previous solver...");
# find all existing output trees in cws
$result = opendir( SOLVER, "$sourceroot/".$cws_master);
if ( !$result ){ print_error ("Root dir of child workspace not accessible: $!", 1) };
my @found_dirs = readdir( SOLVER );
closedir( SOLVER );
foreach my $dir_candidate ( @found_dirs )
#remove . and ..
next if ( $dir_candidate eq "." || $dir_candidate eq ".." );
# check for the remains of previous tries...
if ( -d "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$dir_candidate/inc.$milestone") {
# check if there is a complete tree
if ( -f "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$dir_candidate/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag" ) {
# try to remove rubbish...
$result = system("rm -rf $sourceroot/$cws_master/$dir_candidate/*.$milestone");
if ( $result ) {
print_error( "Couldn't cleanup \"$sourceroot/$cws_master/$dir_candidate/*.$milestone\". Please do manually!", 1 );
# ...and fake the old minor.
$result = mkpath( "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/$dir_candidate/inc.".$cws->milestone(), 0, 0777-$umask);
if ( -d "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/$dir_candidate/inc.".$cws->milestone() )
push @found_platforms, $dir_candidate;
if ( !@found_platforms )
print_message("No output trees to remove");
$success = 0;
# remove them
$result = 0;
foreach my $platform ( @found_platforms ) {
next if ( -f "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag" );
print_message("Removing $platform");
if ( -d "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform") {
# make sure it's recognized when restarting
my $tmp_result = mkpath( "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/inc.$milestone", 0, 0777-$umask);
$result |= system("rm -rf $sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/*.".$cws->milestone());
} else {
print_error("\"$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform\" isn't a directory,", 0);
print_error("trying to rename...", 0);
$result |= system("mv $sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform $sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform.renamed");
print_error("Couldn\'t remove existing solver on child workspace.", 1) if $result;
# find all existing output trees in mws or use list
# no opt list yet - take the trees that were use before resync
@opt_platforms = @found_platforms;
@found_platforms = ();
# find platforms to copy
if ( $#opt_platforms != -1 || $found_resync_flags > 0 ) {
@found_platforms = map( lc, @opt_platforms );
} else {
print_error("this is an implementaion bug!", 1);
# copy all wanted output trees
$sync_dir::do_keepzip = 1;
sync_dir::set_excludelist( \@added_modules );
my $btarget = "finalize";
foreach my $platform ( @found_platforms )
# don't copy tree that was already successful
next if ( -f "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag" );
%sync_dir::done_hash = ();
print "Create copy of solver for $platform ( ~ 1GB disk space needed !)\n";
my $zipsource = "$mws_location/".$new_master."/$platform/zip.$milestone";
my $copy_dest = "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/$platform/zip.$milestone";
if ( -d "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/$platform" )
# print_error ("$dir/$platform : Please restart on a clean directory tree!", 1);
if ( ! -d $copy_dest )
$result = mkpath($copy_dest, 0, 0777-$umask);
if ( !$result ){ print_error ("Cannot create output tree $copy_dest : $!", 1) };
my $unzip_dest = $copy_dest;
$unzip_dest =~ s/(.*)\/.*$/$1/;
if ( ! -e "$unzip_dest/prepared" ) {
$result = sync_dir::prepare_minor_unzip( $unzip_dest, ".".$milestone );
open( PREPARED, ">$unzip_dest/prepared");
close( PREPARED );
$result = &sync_dir::recurse_unzip( $zipsource, $copy_dest, $btarget );
if ( $result )
# renaming back before exit
$result = sync_dir::finish_minor_unzip( $unzip_dest, ".".$milestone );
print_error ("Copying files to $copy_dest failed : $!", 1);
$result = sync_dir::finish_minor_unzip( $unzip_dest, ".".$milestone );
unlink "$unzip_dest/prepared.$milestone" if -e "$unzip_dest/prepared.$milestone";
open( COMPLETE, ">$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag");
close( COMPLETE );
# cleanup: remove zip files
print "remove zip.$milestone\n";
$result = system("rm -rf $copy_dest");
if ( $result ) {
print_warning ("Could not clean up zip file directory 'copy_dest'");
foreach my $oneextra ( @xtra_files )
my @globlist = glob( "$mws_location/".$new_master."/[!s]*/*.$milestone/$oneextra" );
if ( $#globlist == -1 ) {
print "tried $oneextra in $mws_location/".$new_master."/[!s]*/*.$milestone/$oneextra\n";
foreach my $onefile ( @globlist )
my $destfile = $onefile;
my $m_dir = "$mws_location/".$new_master;
my $c_dir = "$sourceroot/".$cws_master;
$destfile =~ s#$m_dir#$c_dir#;
if ( -d dirname( $destfile ))
$result = copy( $onefile, $destfile);
if ( !$result ){ print_error ("Copying $onefile to CWS failed: $!", 1) };
} else {
print_error("solver tree resync without mws access not yet implemented", 5);
print_message("Recreating CWS source tree with MWS milestone '$milestone'.");
if ( $mws_accessible ) {
# all but added modules
my %modules_hash =();
print "debug: added modules: @added_modules\n" if $is_debug;
$result = opendir( SOURCE, "$mws_location/".$new_master."/src.".$milestone);
if ( !$result ){ print_error ("Source dir of master workspace not accessible: $!", 1) };
my @mws_found_modules = readdir( SOURCE );
closedir( SOURCE );
foreach my $module (@mws_found_modules) { $modules_hash{$module}++; }
delete $modules_hash{"."};
delete $modules_hash{".."};
foreach my $module (@added_modules) { delete $modules_hash{$module}; }
if ( !scalar(keys(%modules_hash)) )
print_error("No valid source tree to copy", 0);
$success = 0;
print "debug: number of modules left: ".scalar(keys(%modules_hash))."\n" if $is_debug;
# now remove them
print_message("Removing old modules");
$dest_dir = "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/src.".$cws->milestone();
$result = 0;
# don't touch solenv if added
if ( defined $modules_hash{"solenv"} ) {
# backup "solenv" for restarting...
$result = system("mv $dest_dir/solenv $dest_dir/solenv.keep");
print_error("Couldn't backup \"solenv\". You better check your tree...", 1) if $result;
foreach my $module ( keys %modules_hash ) {
my $module_path = $dest_dir."/$module";
$result |= remove_module( $module_path );
print_error("Couldn\'t cleanup source tree. Please check.", 1) if ( $result );
# copy instset, res, solenv, link all missing
# preparing pseudo environment for copyprj
$success = 1;
foreach my $module ( keys %modules_hash ) {
# copy modules which are required to be accessable with their
# orginal name without .lnk extension
if (defined $obligatory_modules{$module}) {
&copyprj_module($module, $dest_dir);
next ;
if ( -d "$mws_location/".$new_master."/src.$milestone/$module" ) {
if ( -l "$dest_dir/$module.lnk" &&
readlink( "$dest_dir/$module.lnk" ) eq "$mws_location/".$new_master."/src.$milestone/$module" )
} else {
# better...
$result = symlink( "$mws_location/".$new_master."/src.$milestone/$module", "$dest_dir/$module.lnk");
if ( !$result ) {
print_error ( "Couldn't create link from $mws_location/".$new_master."/src.$milestone/$module to $dest_dir/$module", 0);
$success = 0;
if ( defined $modules_hash{"solenv"} ) {
my $solenv_path = $dest_dir."/solenv.keep";
$result |= remove_module( $solenv_path );
} else {
print_error("source tree resync without mws access not yet implemented", 5);
# remove all but added modules
# checkout all missing
# rename src.* directory
rename $dest_dir, "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/src.$milestone";
# TODO: check if return equals $milestone
my $push_return = $cws->milestone( $milestone );
if ( $push_return ne $milestone ) {
print_error("Couldn't push new milestone to database");
} else {
print_message("Successfully pushed new milestone to database");
# master changed?
if ( $cws_master ne $new_master ) {
# push new master if different
my $push_return = $cws->master( $new_master );
if ( $push_return ne $new_master ) {
print_error("Couldn't push new master to database");
} else {
print_message("Successfully pushed new master to database");
# rename WORKSPACE directory if different
chdir ($sourceroot) if ( cwd() eq "$sourceroot/cws_master" );
rename "$sourceroot/$cws_master", "$sourceroot/$new_master";
chdir ("$sourceroot/$new_master") if ( cwd() eq "$sourceroot" );
# resync done. now remove all $platform_resynced_flag
my @completelist = glob( "$sourceroot/$new_master/*/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag" );
unlink( @completelist );
# Low level merge file routine:
# Merge changes on master copy into the child copy of the file.
# Parameter $cvs_archive is optional and can be used to pass already available
# CVS archive objects to this routine. If not set it will create a new CVS
# archive object from the file named in $file_ref[0].
# Note: The parameters are somewhat redundant.
# We do need both, the tags and the revisions which corresponds to the tags as
# parameter to this method. The tags are needed for proper CVS operation
# (think of added and removed files), the corresponding revisions are needed for
# informational purposes. It would be possible to look them up on a file by file
# basis via the tags but this is quite expensive. Considers this an optimization
# hack
sub merge_file
my $cws_anchor_tag = shift;
my $milestone_tag = shift;
my $file_ref = shift;
my $cvs_archive = shift;
my $file = $file_ref->[0];
my $old_rev = $file_ref->[1];
my $new_rev = $file_ref->[2];
my ($new_file, $removed_file);
print "\tResyncing '$file' ";
if ( !$old_rev && !$new_rev ) {
print "remove file: ";
elsif ( !$old_rev ) {
print "($new_rev) new file: ";
else {
print "($old_rev-$new_rev): ";
# Initialize CVS archive object if not passed to routine
$cvs_archive = get_cvs_archive($file) if !$cvs_archive;
my ($status, $working_rev, $repository_rev, $sticky_tag, $branch_rev,
$sticky_date, $sticky_options);
# A fresh CVS checkout with a branch label is always 'pruned'. Sanitize
# CVS hierarchy so that we can write out our .resync-files in any case.
if ( $new_file ) {
# Check if file has been added on two CWSs, once in this CWS
# and once in an already integrated CWS.
if ( -e $file ) {
# We alert the user and skip the file.
print "file has been added independently in MWS and CWS. Skipping. Please check!.\n";
return 'alert';
else {
write_resync_comment($file, 'new', undef, $new_rev);
print "added, schedule move tag.\n";
return 'new';
elsif ( $removed_file ) {
my $rc = $cvs_archive->update("-j$cws_anchor_tag -j$milestone_tag");
if ( $rc eq 'success' ) {
print "removed, schedule commit.\n";
write_resync_comment($file, 'removed', undef, undef);
return 'removed';
else {
print "failure!\n";
print_error("INTERNAL ERROR: can't resync file.", 0);
return 'failure';
# Get status of file to be merged
($status, $working_rev, $repository_rev, $sticky_tag, $branch_rev,
$sticky_date, $sticky_options) = $cvs_archive->status();
if ( $status eq 'Up-to-date' && ! -e $file ) {
# Special case: file has been removed in CWS but there
# were changes between old and new MWS milestones.
# Resolution: Do nothing, skip this file. The file
# remains being removed on this CWS.
print "removed in CWS, but changes in MWS are pending. Please check!.\n";
return 'alert';
if ( $status eq 'unknownfailure' ) {
print_error("can't get status of '$file': $status", 0);
return 'failure';
if ( $status eq 'Locally Modified' ) {
print_error("Can't merge locally modified file!", 0);
return 'failure';
# Check if we can get by by just moving the branch and the anchor tag
if ( !$removed_file && !$new_file && defined($branch_rev)
&& $branch_rev =~ /$working_rev\.\d+/ ) {
write_resync_comment($file, 'moved', $old_rev, $new_rev);
print "schedule move tag.\n";
return 'moved';
my $rc;
my $success;
if ( $sticky_options eq 'kb' ) {
# We got changes pending in the MWS and we
# have changes in the CWS. Since we can't merge
# binary files we give up here. Sure, we could
# either favor the MWS or the CWS version, but
# there is no way to decide which one is better.
# We alert the user and skip the file.
if ( 1 ) { # TODO check for file mode with explicit version selection
print "binary file has been changed in CWS and in MWS. Skipping. Please check!.\n";
return 'alert';
else {
# TODO implement explicit retrieval of version if in file mode and
# user requested either the CWS or MWS version
$rc = $cvs_archive->update("-j$cws_anchor_tag -j$milestone_tag");
if ( $rc ne 'success' ) {
print "failure!\n";
print_error("INTERNAL ERROR: can't resync binary file.", 0);
return 'failure';
write_resync_comment($file, 'binary', undef, $new_rev);
print "binary, taking $new_rev.\n";
$success = 'binary';
else {
# option -kk needed for clean merge in source files
$rc = $cvs_archive->update("-kk -j$cws_anchor_tag -j$milestone_tag");
if ( $rc eq 'success' ) {
print "merged, schedule commit.\n";
$success = 'merged'
elsif ( $rc eq 'conflict' ) {
print "conflict, schedule commit after resolution.\n";
$success = 'conflict';
else {
print "failure!\n";
print_error("INTERNAL ERROR: can't resync file.", 0);
return 'failure';
write_resync_comment($file, 'merged', $old_rev, $new_rev);
return $success;
# Low level commit file routine:
# Commits file to the childworkspace or move tags
# Requires a valid .resync file next to the CVS file
sub commit_file
my $cws = shift;
my $file = shift;
if ( !open(CHECKIN, "<$file.resync" ) ) {
print_error("can't open $file.resync: $!", 0);
return 'failure';
my @resync_comment = <CHECKIN>;
my ($type, $old_rev, $new_rev);
if ( $resync_comment[0] =~ /^RESYNC (\w+) ([\w\.]+) ([\w\.]+)$/ ) {
$type = lc($1);
$old_rev = $2;
$new_rev = $3;
else {
print_error("$file.resync has an invalid format", 0);
return 'failure';
if ( $type eq 'moved' || $type eq 'new') {
# just move the tags, no cvs->commit()
print "\tCommit '$file': move tag: ";
my $rc = move_tags($cws, $file, $new_rev);
if ( $rc ) {
print_error("can't unlink $file.resync: $!.", 0) unless unlink("$file.resync");
return $rc ? 'moved' : 'failure';
else {
# cvs->commit()
my $comment;
if ( $type eq 'merged' ) {
$comment = "RESYNC: ($old_rev-$new_rev); FILE MERGED\n";
elsif ( $type eq 'binary' ) {
$comment = "RESYNC: ($new_rev); BINARY\n";
elsif ( $type eq 'removed' ) {
$comment = "RESYNC:; FILE REMOVED\n";
else {
# can't happen
print_error("internal_error commit_file(): unknown type: $type", 0);
# prepare commit comment
shift(@resync_comment); shift(@resync_comment);
unshift(@resync_comment, $comment);
print "\tCommit '$file': ";
my $rc = ci_file($cws, $file, $new_rev, \@resync_comment);
if ( $rc ) {
print_error("can't unlink $file.resync: $!.", 0) unless unlink("$file.resync");
return $rc ? $type : 'failure';
return 'failure'; # should never be reached
# Move CWS tags to new revision.
sub move_tags
my $cws = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $new_rev = shift;
my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_anchor_tag) = $cws->get_tags();
my $cvs_archive = get_cvs_archive($file);
my $rc = $cvs_archive->update("-r$new_rev");
if ( $rc ne 'success' ) {
print_error("updating '$file' to new revision '$new_rev' failed.", 0);
return 0;
$rc = $cvs_archive->tag($cws_branch_tag, '-F -b');
if ( $rc ne 'success' ) {
print_error("Tagging '$file': tag operation returned: '$rc'.", 0);
print "failed!\n";
return 0;
$rc = $cvs_archive->tag($cws_anchor_tag, '-F');
if ( $rc ne 'success' ) {
print "failed!\n";
print_error("Tagging '$file': tag operation returned: '$rc'.", 0);
return 0;
$rc = $cvs_archive->update("-r$cws_branch_tag");
if ( $rc ne 'success' ) {
print "failed!\n";
print_error("updating '$file' to '$cws_branch_tag' failed.", 0);
return 0;
print "OK.\n";
return 1;
sub ci_file
my $cws = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $new_rev = shift;
my $comment_ref = shift;
my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_anchor_tag) = $cws->get_tags();
my $cvs_archive = get_cvs_archive($file);
my ($rc, $rev);
my $skip_commit = 0;
if ( $new_rev eq 'none' && ! -e $file ) {
# check if file has been locally removed
my $status = $cvs_archive->status();
if ( $status eq 'Up-to-date' ) {
# Ok, file has been removed on MWS and it has been also
# removed on the CWS. A commit will fail in this case
# so we don't bother.
$rev = 'nothing to remove';
$skip_commit = 1;
if ( !$skip_commit ) {
# comments may be huge, use a tempfile instead of passing
# them via the command line to the cvs client
if ( !open(COMMIT, ">$file.comment") ) {
print_error("can't open file '$file.comment'", 7);
print COMMIT @{$comment_ref};
($rc, $rev) = $cvs_archive->commit("-F $file.comment");
if ( !($rc eq 'success' || $rc eq 'nothingcommitted') ) { # nothingcommitted valid here
print "failed!\n";
print_error("can't commit file '$file': $rc", 0);
return 0;
print_error("can't unlink $file.comment: $!.", 0) unless unlink("$file.comment");
$rev = 'nothing to commit' if $rc eq 'nothingcommitted';
if ( $new_rev eq 'none' ) {
# Uh oh, file has been removed in master workspace.
# There is no easy way to find out in which revision
# exactly the file has been removed, but we know that
# it must be the top level revision of the master branch.
# In this case we can set the Anchor tag to the revision
# which corresponds to the head of the master branch.
$new_rev = $master_branch_tag ? $master_branch_tag : 'HEAD';
# tag with the anchor tag
$rc = $cvs_archive->tag("-F -r$new_rev $cws_anchor_tag");
if ( $rc ne 'success' ) {
print "failed!\n";
print_error("Tagging '$file': tag operation returned: '$rc'.", 0);
return 0;
print "$rev: OK.\n";
return 1;
sub write_resync_comment
my $file = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $old_rev = shift || 'none';
my $new_rev = shift || 'none';
if ( !open(RESYNC_COMMENT, ">$file.resync") ) {
print_error("can't open file '$file.resync'", 7);
my $uctype = uc($type);
print RESYNC_COMMENT "RESYNC $uctype $old_rev $new_rev\n";
if ( $type ne 'moved' ) {
print RESYNC_COMMENT "Everything below this line will be added to the revision comment.\n";
# Check if the CVS subdir is available or
# add it to the local CVS tree
sub sanitize_cvs_hierarchy
my $file = shift;
my $cvs_dir = dirname($file);
return if $cvs_dir eq '.'; # no need to check current dir
return if -d $cvs_dir; # directory exists, nothing to do
my @elements = split(/\//, $cvs_dir);
my $save_dir = cwd();
my $config = CwsConfig::get_config();
my $cvs_binary = $config->cvs_binary();
foreach ( @elements ) {
if ( ! -d $_ ) {
my $rc = mkdir($_);
print_error("can create directory '$_': $!", 9) unless $rc;
# TODO use a Cvs method for this
system("$cvs_binary add $_ > /dev/null 2>&1 ");
if ( !chdir($_) ) {
print_error("Can't chdir() to '$_'", 9);
# chdir back
sub wanted {
my $file = $_;
my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file,'\.\w+') if -f $file;
if ( defined($suffix) && $suffix eq '.resync' ) {
my $cvs_file;
if ( length($File::Find::dir) > 2 ) {
my $dir = substr($File::Find::dir, 2);
$cvs_file = "$dir/$name";
else {
$cvs_file = $name;
push(@main::changed_files, $cvs_file);
sub check_sticky_tag
my $cws = shift;
my $cvs_dir = shift;
my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_anchor_tag) = $cws->get_tags();
if ( !open(CVSTAG, "<$cvs_dir/CVS/Tag") ) {
print_error("'$cvs_dir': can't determine sticky tag.", 0);
return 0;
my @lines = <CVSTAG>;
if ( $lines[0] =~ /^T$cws_branch_tag/ ) {
return 1;
else {
print_error("'$cvs_dir': wrong sticky tag, need '$cws_branch_tag'", 0);
return 0;
# Checks specified milestone.
sub verify_milestone_or_exit
my $cws = shift;
my $qualified_milestone = shift;
# HEAD is not a milestone but a valid resync target for single files.
# This is useful if you want to resync a single file against the latest
# version on a MWS even if that file is not yet part of a valid milestone.
return if $qualified_milestone eq 'HEAD';
my ($master, $milestone);
my $invalid = 0;
$invalid++ if $qualified_milestone =~ /-/;
if ( $qualified_milestone =~ /:/ ) {
($master, $milestone) = split(/:/, $qualified_milestone);
$invalid++ unless ( $master && $milestone );
else {
$milestone = $qualified_milestone;
if ( $invalid ) {
print_error("Invalid milestone", 0);
$master = $cws->master() if !$master;
if ( !$cws->is_milestone($master, $milestone) ) {
print_error("Milestone '$milestone' is not registered with master workspace '$master'.", 2);
# Returns milestone tag determined from the
# full qualified milestone name.
sub get_milestone_tag
my $cws = shift;
my $qualified_milestone = shift;
if ( $qualified_milestone =~ /:/ ) {
my ($master, $milestone) = split(/:/, $qualified_milestone);
return uc($master) . "_$milestone";
else {
return $cws->master() . "_$milestone";
# Returns changed files
sub get_changed_files
my $cvs_module = shift;
my $old_tag = shift;
my $new_tag = shift;
print_message("Retrieving changes ...");
my $changed_files_ref;
eval { $changed_files_ref = $cvs_module->changed_files($old_tag, $new_tag) };
if ( $@ ) {
if ( $@ =~ /server died silently/ ) {
my $time_str = localtime();
print_error("The CVS server has died silently on 'cvs rdiff' operation.", 0);
print_error("Please inform Release Engineering!", 0);
print_error("Time of failure: '$time_str'", 99);
else {
croak($@); # rethrow
return $changed_files_ref;
# Retrieve CvsModule object for passed module.
sub get_cvs_module
my $cws = shift;
my $module = shift;
my $cvs_module = CvsModule->new();
my ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository);
if ( defined($log) ) {
($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository) = get_cvs_root($cws, $module);
else {
# For now just take the configured OOo sever. Later we might implement a mechanism were
# only known OOo modules are fetched from the OOo server, the rest from a local
# server
my $config = CwsConfig::get_config();
($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository) = ($config->get_cvs_server_method(),
return undef if !($method && $vcsid && $server && $repository);
return $cvs_module;
# Return Cvs object for passed file.
sub get_cvs_archive
my $file = shift;
my $cvs_archive = Cvs->new();
return $cvs_archive;
# Find out which CVS server holds the module, returns
# the elements of CVSROOT.
sub get_cvs_root
my $cws = shift;
my $module = shift;
my $master = $cws->master();
my $vcsid = $ENV{VCSID};
if ( !$vcsid ) {
print_error("Can't determine VCSID. Please use setsolar.", 5);
my $workspace_lst = EnvHelper::get_workspace_lst();
my $workspace_db = GenInfoParser->new();
my $success = $workspace_db->load_list($workspace_lst);
if ( !$success ) {
print_error("Can't load workspace list '$workspace_lst'.", 4);
my $key = "$master/drives/o:/projects/$module/scs";
my $cvsroot = $workspace_db->get_value($key);
if ( !$cvsroot ) {
print_warning("No such module '$module' for '$master' in workspace database.");
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
my ($dummy1, $method, $user_at_server, $repository) = split(/:/, $cvsroot);
$repository =~ s/^\d*//;
my ($dummy2, $server) = split(/@/, $user_at_server);
if ( ! ($method && $server && $repository ) ) {
print_error("Can't determine CVS server for module '$module'.", 0);
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
return ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository);
sub print_message
my $message = shift;
print "$script_name: ";
print "$message\n";
sub print_warning
my $message = shift;
print STDERR "$script_name: ";
print STDERR "WARNING: $message\n";
sub print_error
my $message = shift;
my $error_code = shift;
print STDERR "$script_name: ";
print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n";
if ( $error_code ) {
print STDERR "\nFAILURE: $script_name aborted.\n";
$log->end_log_extended($script_name,"unknown",$message) if (defined $log);
sub usage
my $sw_force_update = defined($log) ? " [-a] " : " ";
my $sw_skip_checkout = !defined($log) ? " [-f] " : " ";
print STDERR "Usage:\n";
print STDERR "cwsresync [-h]" . $sw_force_update .
"[-d dir] -m <milest.> <all|mod.|dir|file> [mod.|dir|file ...]\n";
print STDERR "cwsresync [-h]" . $sw_force_update .
"[-d dir] -m HEAD <file> [file ...]\n";
print STDERR "cwsresync [-h] [-d dir] -r|-c <all|module|dir|file> [module|dir|file ...]\n";
print STDERR "cwsresync [-h]" . $sw_skip_checkout ."-l <milestone>\n";
print STDERR "Synchronize child workspace mod./dirs/files ";
print STDERR "with the latest master workspace changes \n";
print STDERR "Options:\n";
print STDERR "\t-h\t\thelp\n";
print STDERR "\t-d dir\t\toperate in directory dir\n";
print STDERR "\t-m milestone\tmerge changes from MWS into CWS\n";
print STDERR "\t-c\t\tcommit the merged files to CWS\n";
print STDERR "\t-l milestone\trenew solver, relink modules to new milestone\n" if defined($log);
print STDERR "\t-l milestone\tregister new milestone with database\n" if !defined($log);
print STDERR "\t-r\t\tremove solver and module output trees, update milestone information\n" if !defined($log);
print STDERR "\t-a\t\tuse cvs checkout instead of copying\n" if defined($log);
print STDERR "\t-f\t\tavoid updating entire tree\n" if !defined($log);
print STDERR "Notes:\n";
print STDERR "\tA Milestone on a different MWS can be specified as <MWS:milestone>.\n";
print STDERR "Examples:\n";
print STDERR "\tcwsresync -m SRX645:m1 all \n";
print STDERR "\tcwsresync -c all \n";
print STDERR "\tcwsresync -l SRX645:m1 \n" if defined($log);
print STDERR "\tcwsresync -r\n" if !defined($log);