2006/10/27 12:13:24 aw #i39528# ::basegfx -> basegfx adaption 2005/09/18 01:10:19 aw RESYNC: (1.4-1.5); FILE MERGED 2005/05/25 09:47:04 aw #i39529# 2005/04/26 15:03:25 aw #i39528#
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* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: txtrange.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2006-11-14 12:58:02 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <svtools/svstdarr.hxx>
#include "svx/svxdllapi.h"
class PolyPolygon;
class Range;
class Rectangle;
typedef SvLongs* SvLongsPtr;
|* class TextRanger
|* Beschreibung
|* Ersterstellung 20.01.97
|* Letzte Aenderung AMA 20.01.97
class SVX_DLLPUBLIC TextRanger
Range *pRangeArr;
SvLongsPtr *pCache;
PolyPolygon *mpPolyPolygon; // Flaechenpolygon
PolyPolygon *mpLinePolyPolygon; // Linienpolygon
Rectangle *pBound; // Umfassendes Rechteck
USHORT nCacheSize; // Cache-Size
USHORT nCacheIdx; // Cache-Index
USHORT nRight; // Abstand Kontur-Text
USHORT nLeft; // Abstand Text-Kontur
USHORT nUpper; // Abstand Kontur-Text
USHORT nLower; // Abstand Text-Kontur
sal_uInt32 nPointCount; // Anzahl der Polygonpunkte
BOOL bSimple : 1; // Nur Aussenkante
BOOL bInner : 1; // TRUE: Objekt beschriften (EditEngine);
// FALSE: Objekt umfliessen (StarWriter);
BOOL bVertical :1; // for vertical writing mode
BOOL bFlag3 :1;
BOOL bFlag4 :1;
BOOL bFlag5 :1;
BOOL bFlag6 :1;
BOOL bFlag7 :1;
TextRanger( const TextRanger& ); // not implemented
const Rectangle& _GetBoundRect();
TextRanger( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon, const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon* pLinePolyPolygon,
USHORT nCacheSize, USHORT nLeft, USHORT nRight,
BOOL bSimple, BOOL bInner, BOOL bVert = sal_False );
SvLongsPtr GetTextRanges( const Range& rRange );
USHORT GetRight() const { return nRight; }
USHORT GetLeft() const { return nLeft; }
USHORT GetUpper() const { return nUpper; }
USHORT GetLower() const { return nLower; }
sal_uInt32 GetPointCount() const { return nPointCount; }
BOOL IsSimple() const { return bSimple; }
BOOL IsInner() const { return bInner; }
BOOL IsVertical() const { return bVertical; }
BOOL HasBorder() const { return nRight || nLeft; }
const PolyPolygon& GetPolyPolygon() const { return *mpPolyPolygon; }
const PolyPolygon* GetLinePolygon() const { return mpLinePolyPolygon; }
const Rectangle& GetBoundRect()
{ return pBound ? *pBound : _GetBoundRect(); }
void SetUpper( USHORT nNew ){ nUpper = nNew; }
void SetLower( USHORT nNew ){ nLower = nNew; }
void SetVertical( BOOL bNew );
BOOL IsFlag3() const { return bFlag3; }
void SetFlag3( BOOL bNew ) { bFlag3 = bNew; }
BOOL IsFlag4() const { return bFlag4; }
void SetFlag4( BOOL bNew ) { bFlag4 = bNew; }
BOOL IsFlag5() const { return bFlag5; }
void SetFlag5( BOOL bNew ) { bFlag5 = bNew; }
BOOL IsFlag6() const { return bFlag6; }
void SetFlag6( BOOL bNew ) { bFlag6 = bNew; }
BOOL IsFlag7() const { return bFlag7; }
void SetFlag7( BOOL bNew ) { bFlag7 = bNew; }
#endif // _TXTRANGE_HXX