Kurt Zenker 95738ed3f8 INTEGRATION: CWS jl15 (1.7.2); FILE MERGED
2004/11/26 13:02:45 jl #i36957# the directory for the user data is now created according to the bootstrap parameter UNO_JAVA_JFW_USER_DATA
2004-12-16 10:47:13 +00:00

385 lines
14 KiB

* $RCSfile: elements.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.8 $
* last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2004-12-16 11:47:13 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* =================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
* Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at
* Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
* obligations concerning the Software.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#include <vector>
#include "jvmfwk/framework.h"
#include "rtl/ustring.hxx"
#include "rtl/byteseq.hxx"
#include "libxml/parser.h"
namespace jfw
xmlNode* findChildNode(const xmlNode * pParent, const xmlChar* pName);
/** gets the value of the updated element from the javavendors.xml.
rtl::OString getElementUpdated();
/** creates the javasettings.xml in the users home directory.
If javasettings.xml does not exist then it creates the file
and inserts the root element with its namespaces.
The content should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--This is a generated file. Do not alter this file!-->
<java xmlns:="" xmlns:xsi="">
void createUserSettingsDocument();
/** create the child elements within the root structure for each platform.
@param bNeedsSave
[out]If true then the respective structure of elements was added and the
document needs to be saved.
void createSettingsStructure(
xmlDoc * document, bool * bNeedsSave);
/** copies shared settings to user settings.
This must only occur the first time when the javasettings.xml is
prepared for the user. The shared settings shall be provided as bootstrap
@param userParent
The node under which the values are to be copied.
void copyShareSettings(xmlDoc * userDoc, xmlNode* userParent);
/** creates the structure of the documend.
When this function is called the first time for a user then it creates the
javasettings.xml in th ~/<office>/user/config/ unless it already exists
(see createUserSettingsDocument). Then
it creates a section for the current platform unless it already exist and
creates all children elements. If the respective platform section did not exist
then after creating the children, the values from the share/config/javasettings.xml
are copied.
void prepareSettingsDocument();
class CXmlCharPtr;
class CNodeJavaInfo
sUpdated is the value from the <updated> element from the
CNodeJavaInfo(const JavaInfo * pInfo);
/** if true, then javaInfo is empty. When writeToNode is called
then all child elements are deleted.
bool m_bEmptyNode;
/** Contains the value of the <updated> element of
the javavendors.xml after loadFromNode was called.
It is not used, when the javaInfo node is written.
see writeToNode
rtl::OString sAttrVendorUpdate;
/** contains the nil value of the /java/javaInfo@xsi:nil attribute.
Default is true;
bool bNil;
/** contains the value of the /java/javaInfo@autoSelect attribute.
Default is true. If it is false then the user has modified the JRE
selection by actively choosing a JRE from the options dialog. That is,
the function jfw_setSelectedJRE was called. Contrary, the function
jfw_findAndSelectJRE sets the attribute to true.
bool bAutoSelect;
rtl::OUString sVendor;
rtl::OUString sLocation;
rtl::OUString sVersion;
sal_uInt64 nFeatures;
sal_uInt64 nRequirements;
rtl::ByteSequence arVendorData;
/** reads the node /java/javaInfo.
If javaInfo@xsi:nil = true then member bNil is set to true
an no further elements are read.
void loadFromNode(xmlDoc * pDoc,xmlNode * pJavaInfo);
/** Only writes user settings. The attribut nil always gets the value
false. The function gets the value javaSettings/updated from the
javavendors.xml and writes it to javaInfo@vendorUpdate in javasettings.xml
void writeToNode(xmlDoc * pDoc, xmlNode * pJavaInfo) const;
/** returns NULL if javaInfo is nil in both, user and share, settings.
JavaInfo * makeJavaInfo() const;
/** this class represents the javasettings.xml file
class CNodeJava
/** Share settings are a special case. Per default
there are only user settings. Currently there need not be
a share settings file. In that case the function returns
without throwing an exception.
void loadShareSettings();
/** This function is called after loadShareSettings. Elements which have been
modified by the user, that is, the attribute xsi:nil = false, overwrite the
values which have been retrieved with loadShareSettings.
void loadUserSettings();
/** User configurable option. /java/enabled
The value is valid after loadFromSettings has been called
The value is that of the user setting. If it is nil
(/java/enabled[@xsi:nil = true]) then it represents the share setting.
If there are no share settings or the node is also nil then the default
is true.
sal_Bool m_bEnabled;
/** Determines if m_bEnabled has been modified */
bool m_bEnabledModified;
/** User configurable option. /java/userClassPath
The value is valid after loadFromSettings has been called successfully.
The value is that of the user setting. If it is nil
(/java/userClassPath[@xsi:nil = true]) then it represents the share setting.
If there are no share settings or the node is also nil then the default
is an empty string.
rtl::OUString m_sUserClassPath;
/** Determines if m_sUserClassPath has been modified */
bool m_bUserClassPathModified;
/** User configurable option. /java/javaInfo
The value is valid after loadFromSettings has been called successfully.
The value is that of the user setting. If it is nil
(/java/javaInfo[@xsi:nil = true]) then it represents the share setting.
If there are no share settings then the structure is regarded as empty.
CNodeJavaInfo m_aInfo;
/** Determines if m_aInfo has been modified */
bool m_bJavaInfoModified;
/** User configurable option. /java/vmParameters
The value is valid after loadFromSettings has been called successfully.
The value is that of the user setting. If it is nil
(/java/vmParameters[@xsi:nil = true]) then it represents the share setting.
If there are no share settings then array is empty.
std::vector<rtl::OString> m_arVmParameters;
bool m_bVmParametersModified;
/** User configurable option. /java/jreLocations
The value is valid after loadFromSettings has been called successfully.
The value is that of the user setting. If it is nil
(/java/jreLocations[@xsi:nil = true]) then it represents the share setting.
If there are no share settings then array is empty.
std::vector<rtl::OString> m_arJRELocations;
bool m_bJRELocationsModified;
/** sets m_bEnabled. It also sets a flag, that the value has been
modified. This will cause that /java/enabled[@xsi:nil] will be
set to false. The nil value and the value of enabled are only
written when write Settings is called.
void setEnabled(sal_Bool bEnabled);
/** returns the value of the element /java/enabled
sal_Bool getEnabled() const;
/** sets m_sUserClassPath. Analog to setEnabled.
void setUserClassPath(const rtl::OUString & sClassPath);
/** returns the value of the element /java/userClassPath.
rtl::OUString const & getUserClassPath() const;
/** sets m_aInfo. Analog to setEnabled.
@param bAutoSelect
true- called by jfw_setSelectedJRE
false called by jfw_findAndSelectJRE
void setJavaInfo(const JavaInfo * pInfo, bool bAutoSelect);
/** returns a JavaInfo structure representing the node
/java/javaInfo. Every time a new JavaInfo structure is created
which needs to be freed by the caller.
If both, user and share settings are nil, then NULL is returned.
JavaInfo * createJavaInfo() const;
/** returns the value of the attribute /java/javaInfo[@vendorUpdate].
rtl::OString const & getJavaInfoAttrVendorUpdate() const;
/** returns the javaInfo@autoSelect attribute.
Before calling this function loadFromSettings must be called.
It uses the javaInfo@autoSelect attribute to determine
the return value;
bool getJavaInfoAttrAutoSelect() const;
/** sets the /java/vmParameters/param elements.
The values are kept in a vector m_arVmParameters. When this method is
called then the vector is cleared and the new values are inserted.
The xsi:nil attribute of vmParameters will be set to true;
void setVmParameters(rtl_uString * * arParameters, sal_Int32 size);
/** returns the parameters from the element /java/vmParameters/param.
const std::vector<rtl::OString> & getVmParameters() const;
/** returns an array.
Caller must free the strings and the array.
void getVmParametersArray(rtl_uString *** parParameters, sal_Int32 * size) const;
/** sets the /java/jreLocations/location elements.
The values are kept in a vector m_arJRELocations. When this method is
called then the vector is cleared and the new values are inserted.
The xsi:nil attribute of vmParameters will be set to true;
void setJRELocations(rtl_uString * * arParameters, sal_Int32 size);
void addJRELocation(rtl_uString * sLocation);
/** returns the parameters from the element /java/jreLocations/location.
const std::vector<rtl::OString> & getJRELocations() const;
/** returns an array.
Caller must free the strings and the array.
void getJRELocations(rtl_uString *** parLocations, sal_Int32 * size) const;
/** reads user and share settings. user data supersede
share data. These elements can be changed by the user:
<enabled>, <userClasspath>, <javaInfo>, <vmParameters>
If the user has not changed them then the nil attribute is
set to true;
void loadFromSettings();
/** writes the data to user settings.
void writeSettings() const;
class VersionInfo
std::vector<rtl::OUString> vecExcludeVersions;
rtl_uString ** arVersions;
void addExcludeVersion(const rtl::OUString& sVersion);
rtl::OUString sMinVersion;
rtl::OUString sMaxVersion;
/** The caller DOES NOT get ownership of the strings. That is he
does not need to release the strings.
The array exists as long as this object exists.
rtl_uString** getExcludeVersions();
sal_Int32 getExcludeVersionSize();
struct PluginLibrary
PluginLibrary(rtl::OUString vendor, rtl::OUString path) :
sVendor(vendor), sPath(path)
/** contains the vendor string which is later userd in the xml API
rtl::OUString sVendor;
/** File URL the plug-in library
rtl::OUString sPath;
} //end namespace