2008/06/10 11:04:41 fs +describeCurrentSelectionForType 2008/06/01 21:02:33 fs #i80943# more preparations for context menu interception, including some re-factoring 2008/05/29 11:32:26 fs during #i80943#: refactoring: IController now passed around as reference, not as pointer
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* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: AppView.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.17 $
* This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
* OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
* <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
#include "dataview.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XDatabaseMetaData.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XContent.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdb/application/NamedDatabaseObject.hpp>
#ifndef _SV_FIXED_HXX
#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>
#include <unotools/eventlisteneradapter.hxx>
#include "IClipBoardTest.hxx"
#include "AppElementType.hxx"
namespace com{ namespace sun { namespace star { namespace beans { class XPropertySet; } } } }
class Control;
class SvLBoxEntry;
class MnemonicGenerator;
namespace dbaui
class IControlActionListener;
class IApplicationController;
class OApplicationView;
class OApplicationDetailView;
class OApplicationSwapWindow;
class OTitleWindow;
class OAppBorderWindow : public Window
OTitleWindow* m_pPanel;
OApplicationDetailView* m_pDetailView;
OApplicationView* m_pView;
void ImplInitSettings();
// Window
virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt );
OAppBorderWindow(OApplicationView* _pParent,PreviewMode _ePreviewMode);
virtual ~OAppBorderWindow();
// window overloads
virtual void GetFocus();
virtual void Resize();
OApplicationView* getView() const;
OApplicationSwapWindow* getPanel() const;
OApplicationDetailView* getDetailView() const;
class OApplicationView : public ODataView
,public IClipboardTest
,public ::utl::OEventListenerAdapter
enum ChildFocusState
::com::sun::star::lang::Locale m_aLocale;
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent >
OAppBorderWindow* m_pWin;
IApplicationController& m_rAppController;
ChildFocusState m_eChildFocus;
IClipboardTest* getActiveChild() const;
void ImplInitSettings();
// return the Rectangle where I can paint myself
virtual void resizeDocumentView(Rectangle& rRect);
// OEventListenerAdapter
virtual void _disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& _rSource );
// Window
virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt );
OApplicationView( Window* pParent
,const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >&
,IApplicationController& _rAppController
,PreviewMode _ePreviewMode
virtual ~OApplicationView();
/// automatically creates mnemonics for the icon/texts in our left hand side panel
void createIconAutoMnemonics( MnemonicGenerator& _rMnemonics );
/// automatically creates mnemonics for the texts in our task pane
void setTaskExternalMnemonics( MnemonicGenerator& _rMnemonics );
// window overloads
virtual long PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt );
virtual void GetFocus();
inline IApplicationController& getAppController() const { return m_rAppController; }
inline const ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale& getLocale() const { return m_aLocale;}
// IClipboardTest
virtual sal_Bool isCutAllowed();
virtual sal_Bool isCopyAllowed();
virtual sal_Bool isPasteAllowed();
virtual sal_Bool hasChildPathFocus() { return HasChildPathFocus(); }
virtual void copy();
virtual void cut();
virtual void paste();
/// get the left panel
inline OApplicationSwapWindow* getPanel() const { return m_pWin->getPanel(); }
/// get the detail page
inline OApplicationDetailView* getDetailView() const { return m_pWin->getDetailView(); }
/** return the qualified name.
@param _pEntry
The entry of a table, or query, form, report to get the qualified name.
If the entry is <NULL/>, the first selected is chosen.
the qualified name
::rtl::OUString getQualifiedName( SvLBoxEntry* _pEntry ) const;
/** returns if an entry is a leaf
@param _pEntry
The entry to check
<TRUE/> if the entry is a leaf, otherwise <FALSE/>
sal_Bool isLeaf(SvLBoxEntry* _pEntry) const;
/** returns if one of the selected entries is a leaf
<TRUE/> if the entry is a leaf, otherwise <FALSE/>
sal_Bool isALeafSelected() const;
/** select all entries in the detail page
void selectAll();
/// returns <TRUE/> if it sorts ascending
sal_Bool isSortUp() const;
/// sort the entries in the detail page down
void sortDown();
/// sort the entries in the detail page up
void sortUp();
/// returns <TRUE/> when a detail page was filled
sal_Bool isFilled() const;
/// return the element of currently select entry
ElementType getElementType() const;
/// returns the count of entries
sal_Int32 getElementCount();
/// returns the count of selected entries
sal_Int32 getSelectionCount();
/** clears the detail page and the selection on the left side.
@param _bTaskAlso
If <TRUE/> the task window will also be cleared.
void clearPages(sal_Bool _bTaskAlso = sal_True);
/** returns the element names which are selected
@param _rNames
The list will be filled.
void getSelectionElementNames( ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString>& _rNames ) const;
/** describes the current selection for the given control
void describeCurrentSelectionForControl(
const Control& _rControl,
::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::sdb::application::NamedDatabaseObject >& _out_rSelectedObjects
/** describes the current selection for the given ElementType
void describeCurrentSelectionForType(
const ElementType _eType,
::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::sdb::application::NamedDatabaseObject >& _out_rSelectedObjects
/** select all names on the currently selected container. Non existence names where ignored.
* \param _aNames the element names
void selectElements(const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString>& _aNames);
/** adds a new object to the detail page.
@param _eType
The type where the entry shold be appended.
@param _rName
The name of the object to be inserted
@param _rObject
The object to add.
@param _rxConn
If we insert a table, the connection must be set.
SvLBoxEntry* elementAdded(ElementType _eType
,const ::rtl::OUString& _rName
,const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& _rObject );
/** replaces a objects name with a new one
@param _eType
The type where the entry shold be appended.
@param _rOldName
The old name of the object to be replaced
@param _rNewName
The new name of the object to be replaced
@param _rxConn
If we insert a table, the connection must be set.
@param _xObject
The object which was replaced
void elementReplaced(ElementType eType
,const ::rtl::OUString& _rOldName
,const ::rtl::OUString& _rNewName );
/** removes an element from the detail page.
@param _eType
The type where the entry shold be appended.
@param _rName
The name of the element to be removed.
@param _rxConn
If we remove a table, the connection must be set.
void elementRemoved(ElementType _eType
,const ::rtl::OUString& _rName );
/** changes the container which should be displayed. The select handler will also be called.
@param _eType
Which container to show.
void selectContainer(ElementType _eType);
/// returns the preview mode
PreviewMode getPreviewMode();
/// <TRUE/> if the preview is enabled
sal_Bool isPreviewEnabled();
/** switches to the given preview mode
@param _eMode
the mode to set for the preview
void switchPreview(PreviewMode _eMode);
/** shows the Preview of the content when it is enabled.
@param _xContent
The content which must support the "preview" command.
void showPreview(const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::ucb::XContent >& _xContent);
/** shows the Preview of a table or query
@param _sDataSourceName
the name of the data source
@param _xConnection
the connection which will be shared
@param _sName
the name of table or query
@param _bTable
<TRUE/> if it is a table, otherwise <FALSE/>
@return void
void showPreview( const ::rtl::OUString& _sDataSourceName,
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XConnection>& _xConnection,
const ::rtl::OUString& _sName,
sal_Bool _bTable);
SvLBoxEntry* getEntry( const Point& _aPosPixel ) const;
DECL_LINK( SwitchHdl, Accelerator* );