2005/10/19 12:05:37 fs #126247# outsourced the RestrictedPath implementation into a dedicated class (now used in 'Documents&Templates', too) 2005/10/07 15:32:17 kso #125964# - Better handling of non-existing directories/files. Issue number: Submitted by: Reviewed by: 2005/08/30 07:08:46 kso #i53939# - newfolder button now disabled when in a retricted directory. Issue number: Submitted by: Reviewed by:
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* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: iodlg.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.4 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-11-11 11:40:15 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <vcl/dialog.hxx>
#ifndef _SV_BUTTON_HXX
#include <vcl/button.hxx>
#ifndef _SV_FIXED_HXX
#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>
#ifndef _SV_EDIT_HXX
#include <vcl/edit.hxx>
#include <vcl/combobox.hxx>
#ifndef _SV_LSTBOX_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/lstbox.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/StringPair.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/IOErrorCode.hpp>
#include <unotools/confignode.hxx>
#include "svtools/inettype.hxx"
#include "svtools/urlfilter.hxx"
#include <svtools/restrictedpaths.hxx>
#include "asyncfilepicker.hxx"
#include "OfficeControlAccess.hxx"
#include "fpsmartcontent.hxx"
#include <set>
// @@@ using namespace com::sun::star::ucb;
class SvTabListBox;
class SvStringsDtor;
class SvtFileView;
struct ControlChain_Impl;
class SvtFileDialogFilter_Impl;
#define SFXWB_INSERT ( 0x04000000L | WB_OPEN )
#define SFXWB_SHOWALLFOLDER 0x10000000L // alle Ordner auch Mail/News/...
#define SFXWB_MULTISELECTION 0x20000000L // Multiselection an
#define SFXWB_NOREMOTE 0x40000000L
#define SFXWB_SHOWVERSIONS 0x80000000L // Versionsauswahl anzeigen
#define SFX_EXTRA_SHOWVERSIONS 0x00000004L
#define SFX_EXTRA_INSERTASLINK 0x00000008L
#define SFX_EXTRA_SHOWPREVIEW 0x00000010L
#define SFX_EXTRA_TEMPLATES 0x00000020L
#define SFX_EXTRA_PLAYBUTTON 0x00000040L
#define SFX_EXTRA_SELECTION 0x00000080L
#define SFX_EXTRA_IMAGE_TEMPLATE 0x00000100L
#define RET_MANAGER 100
// SvtFileDialog
class SvtExpFileDlg_Impl;
class SvtFileDialog : public ModalDialog, public ::svt::IFilePickerController
// originally from VclFileDialog
ControlChain_Impl* _pUserControls;
CheckBox* _pCbReadOnly;
CheckBox* _pCbLinkBox;
CheckBox* _pCbPreviewBox;
CheckBox* _pCbSelection;
PushButton* _pPbPlay;
Window* _pPrevWin;
FixedBitmap* _pPrevBmp;
SvtFileView* _pFileView;
::svt::IFilePickerListener* _pFileNotifier;
SvtExpFileDlg_Impl* _pImp;
WinBits _nExtraBits;
BOOL _bIsInExecute : 1;
ImageList m_aImages;
::svt::SmartContent m_aContent;
::svt::RestrictedPaths m_aURLFilter;
::std::set< Control* > m_aDisabledControls;
::utl::OConfigurationNode m_aConfiguration;
::rtl::Reference< ::svt::AsyncPickerAction >
bool m_bInExecuteAsync;
bool m_bHasFilename;
DECL_STATIC_LINK( SvtFileDialog, FilterSelectHdl_Impl, ListBox* );
DECL_STATIC_LINK( SvtFileDialog, NewFolderHdl_Impl, PushButton* );
DECL_STATIC_LINK( SvtFileDialog, ViewHdl_Impl, ImageButton* );
DECL_STATIC_LINK( SvtFileDialog, OpenHdl_Impl, void* );
DECL_LINK ( CancelHdl_Impl, void* );
DECL_STATIC_LINK( SvtFileDialog, FileNameGetFocusHdl_Impl, void* );
DECL_STATIC_LINK( SvtFileDialog, FileNameModifiedHdl_Impl, void* );
void Init_Impl( WinBits nBits );
/** find a filter with the given wildcard
@param _rFilter
the wildcard pattern to look for in the filter list
@param _bMultiExt
allow for filters with more than one extension pattern
@param _rFilterChanged
set to <TRUE/> if the filter changed
the filter which has been found
SvtFileDialogFilter_Impl* FindFilter_Impl( const String& _rFilter,
sal_Bool _bMultiExt,
sal_Bool& _rFilterChanged
void ExecuteFilter();
void OpenMultiSelection_Impl();
void AddControls_Impl( );
DECL_LINK( SelectHdl_Impl, SvTabListBox* );
DECL_LINK( DblClickHdl_Impl, SvTabListBox* );
DECL_LINK( EntrySelectHdl_Impl, ComboBox* );
DECL_LINK( OpenDoneHdl_Impl, SvtFileView* );
DECL_LINK( AutoExtensionHdl_Impl, CheckBox* );
DECL_LINK( ClickHdl_Impl, CheckBox* );
DECL_LINK( PlayButtonHdl_Impl, PushButton* );
// entfernt einen Filter mit Wildcards aus dem Path und gibt in zurueck
BOOL IsolateFilterFromPath_Impl( String& rPath, String& rFilter );
void implArrangeControls();
void implUpdateImages( );
virtual long Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt );
void EnableInternet( BOOL bInternet );
// originally from VclFileDialog
Link _aOKHdl;
Link _aFileSelectHdl;
Link _aFilterSelectHdl;
String _aPath;
String _aDefExt;
void ReleaseOwnerShip( Window* pUserControl );
/** enables or disables the complete UI of the file picker, with only offering a
cancel button
This method preserves the "enabled" state of its controls in the following sense:
If you disable a certain control, then disable the dialog UI, then enable the dialog
UI, the control will still be disabled.
This is under the assumption that you'll use EnableControl. Direct access to the control
(such as pControl->Enable()) will break this.
void EnableUI( BOOL _bEnable );
/** enables or disables a control
You are strongly encouraged to prefer this method over pControl->Enable( _bEnable ). See
<member>EnableUI</member> for details.
void EnableControl( Control* _pControl, BOOL _bEnable );
SvtFileDialog( Window* _pParent, WinBits nBits, WinBits nExtraBits );
SvtFileDialog( Window* _pParent, WinBits nBits );
virtual long OK();
virtual short Execute();
void FileSelect();
void FilterSelect();
void SetStandardDir( const String& rStdDir );
const String& GetStandardDir() const;
SvStringsDtor* GetPathList() const; // bei MultiSelektion
void AddFilter( const String& rFilter,
const String& rType );
void AddFilterGroup(
const String& _rFilter,
const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::beans::StringPair >& rFilters );
void SetCurFilter( const String& rFilter );
String GetCurFilter() const;
USHORT GetFilterCount() const;
const String& GetFilterName( USHORT nPos ) const;
const String& GetFilterType( USHORT nPos ) const;
virtual void Resize();
virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& _rDCEvt );
void PrevLevel_Impl();
void OpenURL_Impl( const String& rURL );
inline SvtFileView* GetView() const;
void SetDefaultButtonText( const XubString& rText, ULONG nHelpId = 0 );
void DisableSaveLastDirectory();
void InitSize();
void UpdateControls( const String& rURL );
void SetFileCallback( ::svt::IFilePickerListener *pNotifier ) { _pFileNotifier = pNotifier; }
sal_Int32 getTargetColorDepth();
sal_Int32 getAvailableWidth();
sal_Int32 getAvailableHeight();
void setImage( sal_Int16 aImageFormat, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rImage );
sal_Bool setShowState( sal_Bool bShowState );
sal_Bool getShowState();
sal_Bool isAutoExtensionEnabled();
String getCurrentFileText( ) const;
void setCurrentFileText( const String& _rText, bool _bSelectAll = false );
void onAsyncOperationStarted();
void onAsyncOperationFinished();
void displayIOException( const String& _rURL, ::com::sun::star::ucb::IOErrorCode _eCode );
void simulateAccessDenied( const String& _rURL )
displayIOException( _rURL, ::com::sun::star::ucb::IOErrorCode_ACCESS_DENIED );
// originally from VclFileDialog
virtual BOOL AddControl( Window* pControl, BOOL bNewLine = FALSE );
// inline
inline void SetPath( const String& rNewURL );
inline void SetHasFilename( bool bHasFilename );
inline const String& GetPath() const;
inline void SetDefaultExt( const String& rExt );
inline void EraseDefaultExt( xub_StrLen _nIndex = 0 );
inline const String& GetDefaultExt() const;
inline void SetOKHdl( const Link& rLink );
inline const Link& GetOKHdl() const;
inline void SetFileSelectHdl( const Link& rLink );
inline const Link& GetFileSelectHdl() const;
inline void SetFilterSelectHdl( const Link& rLink );
inline const Link& GetFilterSelectHdl() const;
inline Image GetButtonImage( sal_uInt16 _nButtonId ) const { return m_aImages.GetImage( _nButtonId ); }
sal_Bool ContentIsFolder( const rtl::OUString& rURL ) { return m_aContent.isFolder( rURL ) && m_aContent.isValid(); }
sal_Bool ContentHasParentFolder( const rtl::OUString& rURL );
sal_Bool ContentCanMakeFolder( const rtl::OUString& rURL );
sal_Bool ContentGetTitle( const rtl::OUString& rURL, String& rTitle );
/** updates the sizes of the listboxes in the bottom area of the dialog, and of their labels,
according to the space occupied by the current label texts
@since #i42824#
void updateListboxLabelSizes();
/** checks URL access permissions
<p>with the "restriction" feature we have in the file dialog, it's possible that
only certain URLs can be browsed. This method checks whether a given URL belongs
to this set of permitted URLs.</p>
<p>If no "access restriction" is effective, this method always returns <TRUE/>.</p>
inline bool isUrlAllowed( const String& _rURL ) const { return m_aURLFilter.isUrlAllowed( _rURL ); }
SvtFileDialogFilter_Impl* implAddFilter( const String& _rFilter, const String& _rType );
/** updates _pUserFilter with a new filter
<p>No checks for necessity are made.</p>
@param _bAllowUserDefExt
set to <TRUE/> if a filter like "*.txt" should reset the DefaultExtension to doc.
In a file-save-dialog this would have the following effect:<br/>
Say that auto-extension is checked, and the user enters *.txt, while a non-txt filter is selected.<br/>
If _bAllowUserDefExt is set to <TRUE/>, then a user input of "foo" would save a foo.txt, but in a format
which is determined by the filter selected (which is no txt file as said above).<br/>
If _bAllowUserDefExt is set to <FALSE/>, the default extension will be the one of the selected filter, means
in the above scenario a file "foo.<ext>" will be saved where ext is the extension of the selected filter.
@return <TRUE/> if the new filter is "*.*"
sal_Bool createNewUserFilter( const String& _rNewFilter, sal_Bool _bAllowUserDefExt );
sal_uInt16 adjustFilter( const String& _rFilter );
// IFilePickerController, needed by OControlAccess
virtual Control* getControl( sal_Int16 _nControlId, sal_Bool _bLabelControl = sal_False ) const;
virtual void enableControl( sal_Int16 _nControlId, sal_Bool _bEnable );
virtual String getCurFilter( ) const;
String implGetInitialURL( const String& _rPath, const String& _rFallback );
/// initializes the special URL lists, such as our favourites and our restricted paths
void implInitializeSpecialURLLists( );
/// executes a certain FileView action asynchronously
void executeAsync(
::svt::AsyncPickerAction::Action _eAction,
const String& _rURL,
const String& _rFilter
inline void SvtFileDialog::SetPath( const String& rNewURL )
_aPath = rNewURL;
inline void SvtFileDialog::SetHasFilename( bool bHasFilename )
m_bHasFilename = bHasFilename;
inline const String& SvtFileDialog::GetPath() const
return _aPath;
inline void SvtFileDialog::SetDefaultExt( const String& rExt )
_aDefExt = rExt;
inline void SvtFileDialog::EraseDefaultExt( xub_StrLen _nIndex )
_aDefExt.Erase( _nIndex );
inline const String& SvtFileDialog::GetDefaultExt() const
return _aDefExt;
inline void SvtFileDialog::SetOKHdl
const Link& rLink
_aOKHdl = rLink;
inline const Link& SvtFileDialog::GetOKHdl() const
return _aOKHdl;
inline void SvtFileDialog::SetFileSelectHdl
const Link& rLink
_aFileSelectHdl = rLink;
inline const Link& SvtFileDialog::GetFileSelectHdl() const
return _aFileSelectHdl;
inline void SvtFileDialog::SetFilterSelectHdl
const Link& rLink
_aFilterSelectHdl = rLink;
inline const Link& SvtFileDialog::GetFilterSelectHdl() const
return _aFilterSelectHdl;
inline SvtFileView* SvtFileDialog::GetView() const
return _pFileView;
class SvtFilePicker;
#endif // #ifndef _IODLG_HXX