2005/09/05 13:36:09 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL
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* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: frmfmt.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.9 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 01:54:59 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _FRMFMT_HXX
#define _FRMFMT_HXX
#ifndef _FORMAT_HXX
#include <format.hxx>
// --> OD 2004-08-06 #i28749#
#include <com/sun/star/text/PositionLayoutDir.hpp>
// <--
#include "swdllapi.h"
class SwDrawContact;
class SwFlyFrm;
class Graphic;
class Point;
class ImageMap;
class IMapObject;
class SwRect;
class SwContact;
class SdrObject;
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwFrmFmt: public SwFmt
friend class SwDoc;
friend class SwPageDesc; //darf den protected CTor rufen.
friend class SwSwgReader; // der SW2-Reader auch!
friend class Sw3IoImp; // der SW3-Reader auch!
SwFrmFmt( SwAttrPool& rPool, const sal_Char* pFmtNm,
SwFrmFmt *pDrvdFrm, USHORT nFmtWhich = RES_FRMFMT,
const USHORT* pWhichRange = 0 )
: SwFmt( rPool, pFmtNm, (pWhichRange ? pWhichRange : aFrmFmtSetRange),
pDrvdFrm, nFmtWhich )
SwFrmFmt( SwAttrPool& rPool, const String &rFmtNm,
SwFrmFmt *pDrvdFrm, USHORT nFmtWhich = RES_FRMFMT,
const USHORT* pWhichRange = 0 )
: SwFmt( rPool, rFmtNm, (pWhichRange ? pWhichRange : aFrmFmtSetRange),
pDrvdFrm, nFmtWhich )
TYPEINFO(); //Bereits in Basisklasse Client drin.
//Vernichtet alle Frms in aDepend (Frms werden per PTR_CAST erkannt).
virtual void DelFrms();
//Erzeugt die Ansichten
virtual void MakeFrms();
virtual Graphic MakeGraphic( ImageMap* pMap = NULL );
virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem* pOldValue, SfxPoolItem* pNewValue );
// returnt das IMapObject, das an dem Format (Fly), in der ImageMap
// an der Point Position definiert ist.
// rPoint - teste auf der DocPosition
// pFly - optionaler FlyFrame, falls der schon bekannt ist.
IMapObject* GetIMapObject( const Point& rPoint,
const SwFlyFrm *pFly = 0 ) const;
// Gibt die tatsaechlche Groesse des Frames zurueck bzw. ein leeres
// Rechteck, wenn kein Layout existiert. Wird pPoint angegeben, dann
// wird der am dichtesten liegende Frame gesucht.
SwRect FindLayoutRect( const BOOL bPrtArea = FALSE,
const Point* pPoint = 0,
const BOOL bCalcFrm = FALSE ) const;
// Sucht das SdrObject. Der SdrObjUserCall ist Client vom Format.
// Der UserCall kennt sein SdrObject.
SwContact *FindContactObj();
const SwContact *FindContactObj() const
{ return ((SwFrmFmt*)this)->FindContactObj(); }
// returns the SdrObject, that ist connected to the ContactObject.
// Only DrawFrmFmts are connected to the "real SdrObject". FlyFrmFmts
// are connected to a Master and all FlyFrms has the "real SdrObject".
// "Real SdrObject" has position and a Z-order.
SdrObject *FindSdrObject();
const SdrObject *FindSdrObject() const
{ return ((SwFrmFmt*)this)->FindSdrObject(); }
SdrObject *FindRealSdrObject();
const SdrObject *FindRealSdrObject() const
{ return ((SwFrmFmt*)this)->FindRealSdrObject(); }
BOOL IsLowerOf( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt ) const;
// --> OD 2004-07-27 #i31698#
enum tLayoutDir
VERT_L2R // not supported yet
virtual SwFrmFmt::tLayoutDir GetLayoutDir() const;
virtual void SetLayoutDir( const SwFrmFmt::tLayoutDir _eLayoutDir );
// <--
// --> OD 2004-08-06 #i28749#
virtual sal_Int16 GetPositionLayoutDir() const;
virtual void SetPositionLayoutDir( const sal_Int16 _nPositionLayoutDir );
// <--
virtual String GetDescription() const;
//Das FlyFrame-Format ------------------------------
class SwFlyFrmFmt: public SwFrmFmt
friend class SwDoc;
//Beide nicht vorhanden.
SwFlyFrmFmt( const SwFlyFrmFmt &rCpy );
SwFlyFrmFmt &operator=( const SwFlyFrmFmt &rCpy );
SwFlyFrmFmt( SwAttrPool& rPool, const sal_Char* pFmtNm,
SwFrmFmt *pDrvdFrm )
: SwFrmFmt( rPool, pFmtNm, pDrvdFrm, RES_FLYFRMFMT )
SwFlyFrmFmt( SwAttrPool& rPool, const String &rFmtNm,
SwFrmFmt *pDrvdFrm )
: SwFrmFmt( rPool, rFmtNm, pDrvdFrm, RES_FLYFRMFMT )
//Erzeugt die Ansichten
virtual void MakeFrms();
SwFlyFrm* GetFrm( const Point* pDocPos = 0,
const BOOL bCalcFrm = FALSE ) const;
virtual Graphic MakeGraphic( ImageMap* pMap = NULL );
virtual BOOL GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
/** SwFlyFrmFmt::IsBackgroundTransparent - for #99657#
OD 22.08.2002 - overloading virtual method and its default implementation,
because format of fly frame provides transparent backgrounds.
Method determines, if background of fly frame is transparent.
@author OD
@return true, if background color is transparent, but not "no fill"
or a existing background graphic is transparent.
virtual const sal_Bool IsBackgroundTransparent() const;
/** SwFlyFrmFmt::IsBackgroundBrushInherited - for #103898#
OD 08.10.2002 - method to determine, if the brush for drawing the
background is "inherited" from its parent/grandparent.
This is the case, if no background graphic is set and the background
color is "no fill"/"auto fill"
@author OD
@return true, if background brush is "inherited" from parent/grandparent
const sal_Bool IsBackgroundBrushInherited() const;
//Das DrawFrame-Format -----------------------------
class SwDrawFrmFmt: public SwFrmFmt
friend class SwDoc;
mutable const SdrObject * pSdrObjCached;
mutable String sSdrObjCachedComment;
//Beide nicht vorhanden.
SwDrawFrmFmt( const SwDrawFrmFmt &rCpy );
SwDrawFrmFmt &operator=( const SwDrawFrmFmt &rCpy );
// --> OD 2004-07-27 #i31698#
SwFrmFmt::tLayoutDir meLayoutDir;
// <--
// --> OD 2004-08-06 #i28749#
sal_Int16 mnPositionLayoutDir;
// <--
// --> OD 2005-03-11 #i44334#, #i44681#
bool mbPosAttrSet;
// <--
SwDrawFrmFmt( SwAttrPool& rPool, const sal_Char* pFmtNm,
SwFrmFmt *pDrvdFrm )
: SwFrmFmt( rPool, pFmtNm, pDrvdFrm, RES_DRAWFRMFMT ),
// --> OD 2004-07-28 #i31698#
meLayoutDir( SwFrmFmt::HORI_L2R ),
// <--
// --> OD 2004-08-06 #i28749#
// --> OD 2005-03-10 #i44344#, #i44681# - undo change of issue #i36010#
mnPositionLayoutDir( com::sun::star::text::PositionLayoutDir::PositionInLayoutDirOfAnchor ),
// <--
// --> OD 2005-03-11 #i44334#, #i44681#
mbPosAttrSet( false ),
// <--
SwDrawFrmFmt( SwAttrPool& rPool, const String &rFmtNm,
SwFrmFmt *pDrvdFrm )
: SwFrmFmt( rPool, rFmtNm, pDrvdFrm, RES_DRAWFRMFMT ),
// --> OD 2004-07-28 #i31698#
meLayoutDir( SwFrmFmt::HORI_L2R ),
// <--
// --> OD 2004-08-06 #i28749#
// --> OD 2005-03-10 #i44344#, #i44681# - undo change of issue #i36010#
mnPositionLayoutDir( com::sun::star::text::PositionLayoutDir::PositionInLayoutDirOfAnchor ),
// <--
// --> OD 2005-03-11 #i44334#, #i44681#
mbPosAttrSet( false ),
// <--
//DrawObjecte werden aus den Arrays am Layout entfernt. Die DrawObjecte
//werden als geloescht gekennzeichnet.
virtual void DelFrms();
//Anmelden der DrawObjecte in den Arrays am Layout. Loeschkennzeichen
//werden zurueckgesetzt.
virtual void MakeFrms();
virtual Graphic MakeGraphic( ImageMap* pMap = NULL );
// --> OD 2004-07-27 #i31698#
virtual SwFrmFmt::tLayoutDir GetLayoutDir() const;
virtual void SetLayoutDir( const SwFrmFmt::tLayoutDir _eLayoutDir );
// <--
// --> OD 2004-08-06 #i28749#
virtual sal_Int16 GetPositionLayoutDir() const;
virtual void SetPositionLayoutDir( const sal_Int16 _nPositionLayoutDir );
// <--
// --> OD 2005-03-11 #i44334#, #i44681#
inline bool IsPosAttrSet() const
return mbPosAttrSet;
inline void PosAttrSet()
mbPosAttrSet = true;
// <--
virtual String GetDescription() const;