Noel Grandin ceb8f5d62c loplugin:constantparam
Change-Id: I86592be0717c062a918108bf4437074b0f70b372
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2022-03-24 15:06:24 +01:00

592 lines
22 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <rtl/locale.h>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
#include <i18nlangtag/i18nlangtagdllapi.h>
#include <i18nlangtag/lang.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
/** The ISO 639-2 code reserved for local use used to indicate that a
css::Locale contains a BCP 47 string in its Variant field. The
Locale's Language field then will contain this language code.
@see LanguageTag::getLocale()
Avoid use, only needed internally or if conversion from Locale to
LanguageTag is not wanted, i.e. during ODF import. To check whether a
LanguageTag contains a plain language/country combination or a more
detailed BCP 47 language tag use LanguageTag::isIsoLocale() instead.
#define I18NLANGTAG_QLT_ASCII "qlt"
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral I18NLANGTAG_QLT = u"qlt";
class LanguageTagImpl;
/** Wrapper for liblangtag BCP 47 language tags, MS-LangIDs, locales and
conversions in between.
Note that member variables are mutable and may change their values even in
const methods. Getter methods return either the original value or matching
converted values.
For standalone conversions if no LanguageTag instance is at hand, static
convertTo...() methods exist.
friend class LanguageTagImpl;
/** ScriptType for a language.
Used only in onTheFly languages as a way of marking key script behaviours
for the script of the language without having to store and analyse the
script each time. Used primarily from msLangId.
These need to correspond to the ExtraLanguages.ScriptType template
property in officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs
enum class ScriptType
WESTERN = 1, // Copies css::i18n::ScriptType for strong types
CJK = 2,
CTL = 3,
RTL = 4 // implies CTL
/** Init LanguageTag with existing BCP 47 language tag string.
@param bCanonicalize
If TRUE, canonicalize tag and reparse, the resulting tag string may
be different.
IF FALSE, the tag is simply stored and can be retrieved with
Note that conversions to ISO codes, locales or LanguageType or
obtaining language or script will canonicalize the tag string anyway,
so specifying bCanonicalize=false is not a guarantee that the tag will
stay identical to what was passed.
explicit LanguageTag( const OUString & rBcp47LanguageTag, bool bCanonicalize = false );
/** Init LanguageTag with Locale. */
explicit LanguageTag( const css::lang::Locale & rLocale );
/** Init LanguageTag with LanguageType MS-LangID. */
explicit LanguageTag( LanguageType nLanguage );
/** Init LanguageTag with either BCP 47 language tag (precedence if not
empty), or a combination of language, script and country.
This is a convenience ctor to be used in ODF import where these are
distinct attributes.
explicit LanguageTag( const OUString& rBcp47, const OUString& rLanguage,
std::u16string_view rScript, const OUString& rCountry );
/** Init LanguageTag with rtl_Locale.
This is a convenience ctor.
explicit LanguageTag( const rtl_Locale & rLocale );
LanguageTag(LanguageTag const &) = default;
LanguageTag(LanguageTag &&) = default;
LanguageTag & operator =(LanguageTag const &) = default;
LanguageTag & operator =(LanguageTag &&) = default;
/** Obtain BCP 47 language tag.
@param bResolveSystem
If TRUE, resolve an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to the real locale used.
If FALSE, return an empty OUString for such a tag.
const OUString & getBcp47( bool bResolveSystem = true ) const;
/** Obtain BCP 47 language tag, but with MS malformed exceptions.
To be used *only* in OOXML filter context.
For example, es-ES-u-co-trad is stored as es-ES_tradnl which is not a
valid BCP 47 language tag.
OUString getBcp47MS() const;
/** Obtain language tag as Locale.
As a convention, language tags that can not be expressed as "pure"
css::lang::Locale content using Language and Country fields
store "qlt" (ISO 639 reserved for local use) in the Language field and
the entire BCP 47 language tag in the Variant field. The Country field
contains the corresponding ISO 3166 country code _if_ there is one, or
otherwise is empty.
@param bResolveSystem
If TRUE, resolve an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to the real locale used.
If FALSE, return an empty Locale for such a tag.
const css::lang::Locale & getLocale( bool bResolveSystem = true ) const;
/** Obtain mapping to MS-LangID.
@param bResolveSystem
If TRUE, resolve an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to the real locale used.
If FALSE, return LANGUAGE_SYSTEM for such a tag.
LanguageType getLanguageType( bool bResolveSystem = true ) const;
/** Obtain ISO strings for language, script and country.
This is a convenience method for ODF export places only. Avoid use in
other code.
ATTENTION! May return empty strings if the language tag is not
expressible in valid ISO codes!
@see isIsoODF()
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
void getIsoLanguageScriptCountry( OUString& rLanguage,
OUString& rScript, OUString& rCountry ) const;
/** Get ISO 639 language code, or BCP 47 language.
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
OUString getLanguage() const;
/** Get ISO 15924 script code, if not the default script according to
BCP 47. For default script an empty string is returned.
@see hasScript()
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
OUString getScript() const;
/** Get combined language and script code, separated by '-' if
non-default script, if default script only language.
@see hasScript()
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
OUString getLanguageAndScript() const;
/** Get ISO 3166 country alpha code. Empty if the BCP 47 tags denote a
region not expressible as 2 character country code.
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
OUString getCountry() const;
/** Get BCP 47 variant subtags, of the IANA Language Subtag Registry.
If there are multiple variant subtags they are separated by '-'.
This is NOT related to Locale.Variant!
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
OUString getVariants() const;
/** Get a GLIBC locale string.
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
@param rEncoding
An encoding to be appended to language_country, for example
".UTF-8" including the dot.
@return The resulting GLIBC locale string if it could be constructed,
if not an empty string is returned.
OUString getGlibcLocaleString( std::u16string_view rEncoding ) const;
/** If language tag has a non-default script specified.
bool hasScript() const;
/** If language tag is a locale that can be expressed using only ISO 639
language codes and ISO 3166 country codes, thus is convertible to a
conforming Locale struct without using extension mechanisms.
Note that an empty language tag or empty Locale::Language field or
LanguageType LANGUAGE_SYSTEM could be treated as a valid ISO locale in
some context, but here is not. If you want that ask for
aTag.isSystemLocale() || aTag.isIsoLocale()
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
bool isIsoLocale() const;
/** If language tag is a locale that can be expressed using only ISO 639
language codes and ISO 15924 script codes and ISO 3166 country codes,
thus can be stored in an ODF document using only fo:language, fo:script
and fo:country attributes. If this is FALSE, the locale must be stored
as a <*:rfc-language-tag> element.
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
bool isIsoODF() const;
/** If this is a valid BCP 47 language tag.
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
@seealso static bool isValidBcp47(const OUString&)
bool isValidBcp47() const;
/** If this tag was constructed as an empty tag denoting the system locale.
bool isSystemLocale() const { return mbSystemLocale;}
/** Returns the script type for this language, UNKNOWN if not set */
ScriptType getScriptType() const;
/** Sets the script type for this language */
void setScriptType(ScriptType st);
/** Reset with existing BCP 47 language tag string. See ctor. */
LanguageTag & reset( const OUString & rBcp47LanguageTag );
/** Reset with Locale. */
LanguageTag & reset( const css::lang::Locale & rLocale );
/** Reset with LanguageType MS-LangID. */
LanguageTag & reset( LanguageType nLanguage );
/** Fall back to a known locale.
If the current tag does not represent a known (by us) locale, fall back
to the most likely locale possible known.
If the current tag is known, no change occurs.
LanguageTag & makeFallback();
/** Return a vector of fall-back strings.
In order:
full BCP 47 tag, same as getBcp47()
If the tag includes variants the order is:
full BCP 47 tag, same as getBcp47()
Only strings that differ from a higher order are included, for example
if there is no script the elements will be bcp47, lll-CC, lll; if the
bcp47 string is identical to lll-CC then only lll-CC, lll.
Note that lll is only ISO 639-1/2 alpha code and CC is only ISO 3166
alpha code. If the region can not be expressed as ISO 3166 then no -CC
tags are included.
@param bIncludeFullBcp47
If TRUE, the full BCP 47 tag is included as first element.
If FALSE, the full tag is not included; used if the caller
obtains the fallbacks only if the full tag did not lead to a
match, so subsequent tries need not to include it again.
::std::vector< OUString > getFallbackStrings( bool bIncludeFullBcp47 ) const;
/** @short Search for an equal or at least for a similar locale in a list
of possible ones.
@descr First search for a locale that is equal to the reference
locale. (means: same BCP47 string)
If the reference locale could not be located, check for
"similar" locales, in the same order as obtained by
If no similar locale could be located, we search for a locale
"en-US" inside the given locale list.
If "en-US" could not be located, we search for a locale "en"
inside the given list.
If no "same" nor any "similar" locale could be found, we try
"x-default" and "x-no-translate" explicitly. Sometimes
variables don't use real localization. For example, in case the
localized value is a fix product name.
If no locale matched until then, we use any other locale that
exists inside the set of given ones, namely the first
@param rList
the vector of possible locales as BCP47 strings.
@param rReference
the reference locale, BCP47 string.
@return An iterator that points to the found element inside the given
locale list. If no matching locale could be found it points to
the beginning of the list.
static ::std::vector< OUString >::const_iterator getFallback( const ::std::vector< OUString > & rList,
const OUString & rReference );
/** @short Search for an equal or for a similar locale in a list
of possible ones where at least the language matches.
@descr First search for a locale that is equal to the reference
If the reference locale could not be located, check for
"similar" locales, in the same order as obtained by
If no locale matches, rList.end() is returned.
@param rList
the vector of possible locales.
@param rReference
the reference locale.
@return An iterator that points to the found element inside the given
locale list. If no matching locale could be found it points to
the end of the list.
static ::std::vector< css::lang::Locale >::const_iterator getMatchingFallback(
const ::std::vector< css::lang::Locale > & rList,
const css::lang::Locale & rReference );
/** Test equality of two LanguageTag, possibly resolving system locale.
Resolve empty language tags denoting the system
locale to the real locale used before comparing.
bool equals( const LanguageTag & rLanguageTag ) const;
/** Test equality of two LanguageTag.
Does NOT resolve system, i.e. if the system locale is en-US
LanguageTag("")==LanguageTag("en-US") returns false! Use
equals(...) instead if system locales shall be resolved.
bool operator==( const LanguageTag & rLanguageTag ) const;
/** Test inequality of two LanguageTag.
Does NOT resolve system, i.e. if the system locale is en-US
LanguageTag("")!=LanguageTag("en-US") returns true! Use
!equals(,..) instead if system locales shall be resolved.
bool operator!=( const LanguageTag & rLanguageTag ) const;
/** Test this LanguageTag less than that LanguageTag.
For sorted containers. Does NOT resolve system.
bool operator<( const LanguageTag & rLanguageTag ) const;
/** Convert MS-LangID to Locale.
@param bResolveSystem
If TRUE, resolve an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to the real locale used.
If FALSE, return an empty Locale for such a tag.
static css::lang::Locale convertToLocale( LanguageType nLangID, bool bResolveSystem = true );
/** Convert Locale to MS-LangID.
@param bResolveSystem
If TRUE, resolve an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to the real locale used.
If FALSE, return LANGUAGE_SYSTEM for such a tag.
static LanguageType convertToLanguageType( const css::lang::Locale& rLocale, bool bResolveSystem = true );
/** Convert MS-LangID to BCP 47 string.
Resolve an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to the real locale used.
static OUString convertToBcp47( LanguageType nLangID );
/** Convert Locale to BCP 47 string.
@param bResolveSystem
If TRUE, resolve an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to the real locale used.
If FALSE, return an empty OUString for such a tag.
static OUString convertToBcp47( const css::lang::Locale& rLocale, bool bResolveSystem = true );
/** Convert BCP 47 string to Locale, convenience method.
NOTE: exists only for consistency with the other convertTo...()
methods, internally uses a temporary LanguageTag instance for
conversion so does not save anything compared to
@param bResolveSystem
If TRUE, resolve an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to the real locale used.
If FALSE, return an empty Locale for such a tag.
static css::lang::Locale convertToLocale( const OUString& rBcp47, bool bResolveSystem = true );
/** Convert BCP 47 string to MS-LangID, convenience method.
NOTE: exists only for consistency with the other convertTo...()
methods, internally uses a temporary LanguageTag instance for
conversion so does not save anything compared to
Resolve an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to the real locale used.
static LanguageType convertToLanguageType( const OUString& rBcp47 );
/** Convert BCP 47 string to MS-LangID with fallback, convenience method.
NOTE: exists only for consistency with the other convertTo...()
methods, internally uses a temporary LanguageTag instance for
conversion so does not save anything compared to
@see makeFallback()
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
static LanguageType convertToLanguageTypeWithFallback( const OUString& rBcp47 );
/** Convert BCP 47 string to Locale with fallback, convenience method.
NOTE: exists only for consistency with the other convertTo...()
methods, internally uses a temporary LanguageTag instance for
conversion so does not save anything compared to
@see makeFallback()
Always resolves an empty tag to the system locale.
static css::lang::Locale convertToLocaleWithFallback( const OUString& rBcp47 );
/** Convert Locale to MS-LangID with fallback.
Resolves an empty language tag denoting the system
locale to LANGUAGE_SYSTEM and does not fallback.
static LanguageType convertToLanguageTypeWithFallback( const css::lang::Locale& rLocale );
/** If rString represents a valid BCP 47 language tag.
Never resolves an empty tag to the system locale, in fact an empty
string is invalid here. Does not create an instance to be registered
with a conversion to Locale or LanguageType.
@param o_pCanonicalized
If given and rString is a valid BCP 47 language tag, the
canonicalized form is assigned, which may differ from the
original string even if that was a valid tag. If rString is not
a valid tag, nothing is assigned.
@param bDisallowPrivate
If TRUE, valid tags according to BCP 47 but reserved for
private use, like 'x-...', are not allowed and FALSE is
returned in this case.
static bool isValidBcp47( const OUString& rString, OUString* o_pCanonicalized,
bool bDisallowPrivate = false );
/** If nLang is a generated on-the-fly LangID */
static bool isOnTheFlyID( LanguageType nLang );
static ScriptType getOnTheFlyScriptType( LanguageType nLang );
/** @ATTENTION: _ONLY_ to be called by the application's configuration! */
static void setConfiguredSystemLanguage( LanguageType nLang );
/** @ATTENTION: _ONLY_ to be called by fuzzing setup */
static void disable_lt_tag_parse();
typedef std::shared_ptr< LanguageTagImpl > ImplPtr;
mutable css::lang::Locale maLocale;
mutable OUString maBcp47;
mutable LanguageType mnLangID;
mutable ImplPtr mpImpl;
bool mbSystemLocale : 1;
mutable bool mbInitializedBcp47 : 1;
mutable bool mbInitializedLocale : 1;
mutable bool mbInitializedLangID : 1;
bool mbIsFallback : 1;
LanguageTagImpl* getImpl();
LanguageTagImpl const* getImpl() const;
ImplPtr registerImpl() const;
void syncFromImpl();
void syncVarsFromRawImpl() const;
void syncVarsFromImpl() const;
void convertLocaleToLang();
void convertBcp47ToLocale();
void convertBcp47ToLang();
void convertLangToLocale();
void convertFromRtlLocale();
/** Canonicalize if not yet done and synchronize initialized conversions.
@return whether BCP 47 language tag string was changed.
bool synCanonicalize();
void resetVars();
static bool isIsoLanguage( const OUString& rLanguage );
static bool isIsoScript( const OUString& rScript );
static bool isIsoCountry( const OUString& rRegion );
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