2006/11/27 16:38:16 aw #i65399# Some necessary cleanups/reworks of handles after aw024
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* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: fucopy.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.13 $
* last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2006-12-12 15:51:21 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sd.hxx"
#include "fucopy.hxx"
#include <sfx2/progress.hxx>
#include <svx/svxids.hrc>
#include "sdresid.hxx"
#include "sdattr.hxx"
#include "strings.hrc"
#include "ViewShell.hxx"
#ifndef SD_VIEW_HXX
#include "View.hxx"
//CHINA001 #ifndef SD_COPY_DLG_HXX
//CHINA001 #include "copydlg.hxx"
//CHINA001 #endif
#include "drawdoc.hxx"
#include "DrawDocShell.hxx"
#ifndef _SV_WRKWIN_HXX
#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
#ifndef _SVDOBJ_HXX //autogen
#include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
#ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX //autogen
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#ifndef _SVX_XCOLORITEM_HXX //autogen
#include <svx/xcolit.hxx>
#ifndef _SVX_XFLCLIT_HXX //autogen
#include <svx/xflclit.hxx>
#ifndef _XDEF_HXX //autogen
#include <svx/xdef.hxx>
#ifndef SVX_XFILLIT0_HXX //autogen
#include <svx/xfillit0.hxx>
#ifndef _SFXREQUEST_HXX //autogen
#include <sfx2/request.hxx>
#include "sdabstdlg.hxx" //CHINA001
#include "copydlg.hrc" //CHINA001
namespace sd {
TYPEINIT1( FuCopy, FuPoor );
|* Konstruktor
FuCopy::FuCopy (
ViewShell* pViewSh,
::sd::Window* pWin,
::sd::View* pView,
SdDrawDocument* pDoc,
SfxRequest& rReq)
: FuPoor(pViewSh, pWin, pView, pDoc, rReq)
FunctionReference FuCopy::Create( ViewShell* pViewSh, ::sd::Window* pWin, ::sd::View* pView, SdDrawDocument* pDoc, SfxRequest& rReq )
FunctionReference xFunc( new FuCopy( pViewSh, pWin, pView, pDoc, rReq ) );
return xFunc;
void FuCopy::DoExecute( SfxRequest& rReq )
if( pView->AreObjectsMarked() )
// Undo
String aString( pView->GetDescriptionOfMarkedObjects() );
aString.Append( sal_Unicode(' ') );
aString.Append( String( SdResId( STR_UNDO_COPYOBJECTS ) ) );
pView->BegUndo( aString );
const SfxItemSet* pArgs = rReq.GetArgs();
if( !pArgs )
SfxItemSet aSet( pViewShell->GetPool(),
// Farb-Attribut angeben
SfxItemSet aAttr( pDoc->GetPool() );
pView->GetAttributes( aAttr );
const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem = NULL;
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == aAttr.GetItemState( XATTR_FILLSTYLE, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
XFillStyle eStyle = ( ( const XFillStyleItem* ) pPoolItem )->GetValue();
if( eStyle == XFILL_SOLID &&
SFX_ITEM_SET == aAttr.GetItemState( XATTR_FILLCOLOR, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
const XFillColorItem* pItem = ( const XFillColorItem* ) pPoolItem;
XColorItem aXColorItem( ATTR_COPY_START_COLOR, pItem->GetName(),
pItem->GetColorValue() );
aSet.Put( aXColorItem );
//CHINA001 CopyDlg* pDlg = new CopyDlg( NULL, aSet, pDoc->GetColorTable(), pView );
SdAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SdAbstractDialogFactory::Create();//CHINA001
DBG_ASSERT(pFact, "SdAbstractDialogFactory fail!");//CHINA001
AbstractCopyDlg* pDlg = pFact->CreateCopyDlg(ResId( DLG_COPY ), NULL, aSet, pDoc->GetColorTable(), pView );
DBG_ASSERT(pDlg, "Dialogdiet fail!");//CHINA001
USHORT nResult = pDlg->Execute();
switch( nResult )
case RET_OK:
pDlg->GetAttr( aSet );
rReq.Done( aSet );
pArgs = rReq.GetArgs();
delete pDlg;
return; // Abbruch
delete( pDlg );
Rectangle aRect;
INT32 lWidth, lHeight, lSizeX = 0L, lSizeY = 0L, lAngle = 0L;
UINT16 nNumber = 0;
Color aStartColor, aEndColor;
BOOL bColor = FALSE;
const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem = NULL;
// Anzahl
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState( ATTR_COPY_NUMBER, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
nNumber = ( ( const SfxUInt16Item* ) pPoolItem )->GetValue();
// Verschiebung
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState( ATTR_COPY_MOVE_X, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
lSizeX = ( ( const SfxInt32Item* ) pPoolItem )->GetValue();
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState( ATTR_COPY_MOVE_Y, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
lSizeY = ( ( const SfxInt32Item* ) pPoolItem )->GetValue();
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState( ATTR_COPY_ANGLE, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
lAngle = ( ( const SfxInt32Item* )pPoolItem )->GetValue();
// Verrgroesserung / Verkleinerung
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState( ATTR_COPY_WIDTH, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
lWidth = ( ( const SfxInt32Item* ) pPoolItem )->GetValue();
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState( ATTR_COPY_HEIGHT, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
lHeight = ( ( const SfxInt32Item* ) pPoolItem )->GetValue();
// Startfarbe / Endfarbe
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState( ATTR_COPY_START_COLOR, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
aStartColor = ( ( const XColorItem* ) pPoolItem )->GetColorValue();
bColor = TRUE;
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState( ATTR_COPY_END_COLOR, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
aEndColor = ( ( const XColorItem* ) pPoolItem )->GetColorValue();
if( aStartColor == aEndColor )
bColor = FALSE;
bColor = FALSE;
// Handles wegnehmen
SfxProgress* pProgress = NULL;
BOOL bWaiting = FALSE;
if( nNumber > 1 )
String aStr( SdResId( STR_OBJECTS ) );
aStr.Append( sal_Unicode(' ') );
aStr.Append( String( SdResId( STR_UNDO_COPYOBJECTS ) ) );
pProgress = new SfxProgress( pDocSh, aStr, nNumber );
pDocSh->SetWaitCursor( TRUE );
bWaiting = TRUE;
const SdrMarkList aMarkList( pView->GetMarkedObjectList() );
const ULONG nMarkCount = aMarkList.GetMarkCount();
SdrPageView* pPageView = pView->GetSdrPageView();
SdrObject* pObj = NULL;
// Anzahl moeglicher Kopien berechnen
aRect = pView->GetAllMarkedRect();
if( lWidth < 0L )
long nTmp = ( aRect.Right() - aRect.Left() ) / -lWidth;
nNumber = (UINT16) Min( nTmp, (long)nNumber );
if( lHeight < 0L )
long nTmp = ( aRect.Bottom() - aRect.Top() ) / -lHeight;
nNumber = (UINT16) Min( nTmp, (long)nNumber );
for( USHORT i = 1; i <= nNumber; i++ )
if( pProgress )
pProgress->SetState( i );
aRect = pView->GetAllMarkedRect();
if( ( 1 == i ) && bColor )
SfxItemSet aNewSet( pViewShell->GetPool(), XATTR_FILLSTYLE, XATTR_FILLCOLOR, 0L );
aNewSet.Put( XFillStyleItem( XFILL_SOLID ) );
aNewSet.Put( XFillColorItem( String(), aStartColor ) );
pView->SetAttributes( aNewSet );
// make a copy of selected objects
// get newly selected objects
SdrMarkList aCopyMarkList( pView->GetMarkedObjectList() );
ULONG j, nCopyMarkCount = aMarkList.GetMarkCount();
// set protection flags at marked copies to null
for( j = 0; j < nCopyMarkCount; j++ )
pObj = aCopyMarkList.GetMark( j )->GetMarkedSdrObj();
if( pObj )
pObj->SetMoveProtect( FALSE );
pObj->SetResizeProtect( FALSE );
Fraction aWidth( aRect.Right() - aRect.Left() + lWidth, aRect.Right() - aRect.Left() );
Fraction aHeight( aRect.Bottom() - aRect.Top() + lHeight, aRect.Bottom() - aRect.Top() );
if( pView->IsResizeAllowed() )
pView->ResizeAllMarked( aRect.TopLeft(), aWidth, aHeight );
if( pView->IsRotateAllowed() )
pView->RotateAllMarked( aRect.Center(), lAngle * 100 );
if( pView->IsMoveAllowed() )
pView->MoveAllMarked( Size( lSizeX, lSizeY ) );
// set protection flags at marked copies to original values
if( nMarkCount == nCopyMarkCount )
for( j = 0; j < nMarkCount; j++ )
SdrObject* pSrcObj = aMarkList.GetMark( j )->GetMarkedSdrObj();
SdrObject* pDstObj = aCopyMarkList.GetMark( j )->GetMarkedSdrObj();
if( pSrcObj && pDstObj &&
( pSrcObj->GetObjInventor() == pDstObj->GetObjInventor() ) &&
( pSrcObj->GetObjIdentifier() == pDstObj->GetObjIdentifier() ) )
pDstObj->SetMoveProtect( pSrcObj->IsMoveProtect() );
pDstObj->SetResizeProtect( pSrcObj->IsResizeProtect() );
if( bColor )
// Koennte man sicher noch optimieren, wuerde aber u.U.
// zu Rundungsfehlern fuehren
BYTE nRed = aStartColor.GetRed() + (BYTE) ( ( (long) aEndColor.GetRed() - (long) aStartColor.GetRed() ) * (long) i / (long) nNumber );
BYTE nGreen = aStartColor.GetGreen() + (BYTE) ( ( (long) aEndColor.GetGreen() - (long) aStartColor.GetGreen() ) * (long) i / (long) nNumber );
BYTE nBlue = aStartColor.GetBlue() + (BYTE) ( ( (long) aEndColor.GetBlue() - (long) aStartColor.GetBlue() ) * (long) i / (long) nNumber );
Color aNewColor( nRed, nGreen, nBlue );
SfxItemSet aNewSet( pViewShell->GetPool(), XATTR_FILLSTYLE, XATTR_FILLCOLOR, 0L );
aNewSet.Put( XFillStyleItem( XFILL_SOLID ) );
aNewSet.Put( XFillColorItem( String(), aNewColor ) );
pView->SetAttributes( aNewSet );
if ( pProgress )
delete pProgress;
if ( bWaiting )
pDocSh->SetWaitCursor( FALSE );
// Handles zeigen
pView->AdjustMarkHdl(); //HMH TRUE );
} // end of namespace