2006/11/08 15:11:11 kr fixed: i71291 - stoc/test does not build
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* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: testintrosp.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.15 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2006-12-01 17:22:35 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_stoc.hxx"
#include <sal/main.h>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase4.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/servicefactory.hxx>
#ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
//#include <vos/dynload.hxx>
#include <ModuleA/XIntroTest.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XIntrospection.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyConcept.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/MethodConcept.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XExactName.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XElementAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/reflection/XIdlReflection.hpp>
//#include <com/sun/star/registry/XSimpleRegistry.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/registry/XImplementationRegistration.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XComponent.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace rtl;
using namespace cppu;
//using namespace vos;
using namespace ModuleA;
//using namespace ModuleB;
//using namespace ModuleC;
//using namespace ModuleA::ModuleB;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace com::sun::star::registry;
using namespace com::sun::star::reflection;
using namespace com::sun::star::container;
using namespace com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute;
typedef WeakImplHelper4< XIntroTest, XPropertySet, XNameAccess, XIndexAccess > ImplIntroTestHelper;
typedef WeakImplHelper1< XPropertySetInfo > ImplPropertySetInfoHelper;
#define TEST_ENSHURE(c, m) OSL_ENSURE(c, m)
#define TEST_ENSHURE(c, m) OSL_VERIFY(c)
//class IntroTestWritelnOutput;
//*** Hilfs-Funktion, um vom Type eine XIdlClass zu bekommen ***
Reference<XIdlClass> TypeToIdlClass( const Type& rType, const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > & xMgr )
static Reference< XIdlReflection > xRefl;
// void als Default-Klasse eintragen
Reference<XIdlClass> xRetClass;
typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
rType.getDescription( &pTD );
if( pTD )
OUString sOWName( pTD->pTypeName );
if( !xRefl.is() )
xRefl = Reference< XIdlReflection >( xMgr->createInstance(
OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection") ), UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xRefl.is(), "### no corereflection!" );
xRetClass = xRefl->forName( sOWName );
return xRetClass;
//*** Hilfs-Funktion, um Any als UString auszugeben ***
// ACHTUNG: Kann mal an eine zentrale Stelle uebernommen werden
// Wird zunaechst nur fuer einfache Datentypen ausgefuehrt
OUString AnyToString( const Any& aValue, sal_Bool bIncludeType, const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > & xMgr )
Type aValType = aValue.getValueType();
TypeClass eType = aValType.getTypeClass();
char pBuffer[50];
OUString aRetStr;
switch( eType )
case TypeClass_TYPE: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE TYPE"); break;
case TypeClass_INTERFACE: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE INTERFACE"); break;
case TypeClass_SERVICE: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE SERVICE"); break;
case TypeClass_STRUCT: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE STRUCT"); break;
case TypeClass_TYPEDEF: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE TYPEDEF"); break;
case TypeClass_UNION: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE UNION"); break;
case TypeClass_ENUM: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE ENUM"); break;
case TypeClass_EXCEPTION: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE EXCEPTION"); break;
case TypeClass_ARRAY: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE ARRAY"); break;
case TypeClass_SEQUENCE: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE SEQUENCE"); break;
case TypeClass_VOID: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE void"); break;
case TypeClass_ANY: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE any"); break;
case TypeClass_UNKNOWN: aRetStr = OUString::createFromAscii("TYPE unknown"); break;
case TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
sal_Bool b = *(sal_Bool*)aValue.getValue();
//aRet.setValue( &b, getCppuBooleanType() );
//aValue >>= b;
aRetStr = OUString::valueOf( b );
case TypeClass_CHAR:
sal_Unicode c = *(sal_Unicode*)aValue.getValue();
//aValue >>= c;
aRetStr = OUString::valueOf( c );
case TypeClass_STRING:
aValue >>= aRetStr;
case TypeClass_FLOAT:
float f;
aValue >>= f;
snprintf( pBuffer, sizeof( pBuffer ), "%f", f );
aRetStr = OUString( pBuffer, strlen( pBuffer ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
case TypeClass_DOUBLE:
double d;
aValue >>= d;
snprintf( pBuffer, sizeof( pBuffer ), "%f", d );
aRetStr = OUString( pBuffer, strlen( pBuffer ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
case TypeClass_BYTE:
sal_Int8 n;
aValue >>= n;
aRetStr = OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) n );
case TypeClass_SHORT:
sal_Int16 n;
aValue >>= n;
aRetStr = OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) n );
case TypeClass_LONG:
sal_Int32 n;
aValue >>= n;
aRetStr = OUString::valueOf( n );
case TypeClass_HYPER:
aRetStr = L"TYPE HYPER";
case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
aRetStr = StringToUString(WSString(aValue.getUINT16()), CHARSET_SYSTEM);
case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
aRetStr = StringToUString(WSString(aValue.getUINT32()), CHARSET_SYSTEM);
case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
default: ;
if( bIncludeType )
Reference< XIdlClass > xIdlClass = TypeToIdlClass( aValType, xMgr );
aRetStr = aRetStr + OUString( OUString::createFromAscii(" (Typ: ") ) + xIdlClass->getName() + OUString::createFromAscii(")");
return aRetStr;
// Hilfs-Funktion, um ein UString in einen Any zu konvertieren
UsrAny StringToAny( UString aStr, TypeClass eTargetType )
UsrAny aRetAny;
switch( eTargetType )
case TypeClass_INTERFACE: break;
case TypeClass_SERVICE: break;
case TypeClass_STRUCT: break;
case TypeClass_TYPEDEF: break;
case TypeClass_UNION: break;
case TypeClass_ENUM: break;
case TypeClass_EXCEPTION: break;
case TypeClass_ARRAY: break;
case TypeClass_SEQUENCE: break;
case TypeClass_VOID: break;
case TypeClass_ANY: break;
case TypeClass_UNKNOWN: break;
case TypeClass_BOOLEAN: aRetAny.setBOOL( short(aStr)!=0 ); break;
case TypeClass_CHAR: aRetAny.setChar( char(aStr) ); break;
case TypeClass_STRING: aRetAny.setString( aStr ); break;
case TypeClass_FLOAT: aRetAny.setFloat( (float)strtod( aStr.GetStr(), NULL ) ); break;
case TypeClass_DOUBLE: aRetAny.setDouble( strtod( aStr.GetStr(), NULL ) ); break;
case TypeClass_BYTE: aRetAny.setBYTE( BYTE(short(aStr)) ); break;
case TypeClass_SHORT: aRetAny.setINT16( short(aStr) ); break;
case TypeClass_LONG: aRetAny.setINT32( long(aStr) ); break;
case TypeClass_HYPER: break;
case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT: aRetAny.setUINT16( USHORT(aStr) ); break;
case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG: aRetAny.setUINT32( ULONG(aStr) ); break;
case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER: break;
return aRetAny;
//*** XPropertySetInfo fuer Test-Klasse ***
class ImplPropertySetInfo : public ImplPropertySetInfoHelper
friend class ImplIntroTest;
Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > mxMgr;
ImplPropertySetInfo( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > & xMgr )
: mxMgr( xMgr ) {}
//: mxMgr( xMgr ), ImplPropertySetInfoHelper( xMgr ) {}
// Methoden von XInterface
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL queryInterface( const Uik & rUik, Any & ifc ) throw( RuntimeException );
virtual void SAL_CALL acquire() throw() { OWeakObject::acquire(); }
virtual void SAL_CALL release() throw() { OWeakObject::release(); }
//ALT: sal_Bool queryInterface( Uik aUik, Reference<XInterface> & rOut );
// Methods of XPropertySetInfo
virtual Sequence< Property > SAL_CALL getProperties( )
virtual Property SAL_CALL getPropertyByName( const OUString& aName )
throw(UnknownPropertyException, RuntimeException);
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasPropertyByName( const OUString& Name )
//virtual Sequence< Property > SAL_CALL getProperties(void) throw( RuntimeException );
//virtual Property SAL_CALL getPropertyByName(const OUString& Name) throw( RuntimeException );
//virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasPropertyByName(const OUString& Name) throw( RuntimeException );
// Methoden von XInterface
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ImplPropertySetInfo::queryInterface( const Uik & rUik, Any & ifc )
throw( RuntimeException )
// PropertySet-Implementation
if( com::sun::star::uno::queryInterface( rUik, ifc,
SAL_STATIC_CAST(XPropertySetInfo*, this) ) )
return sal_True;
return OWeakObject::queryInterface( rUik, ifc );
sal_Bool ImplPropertySetInfo::queryInterface( Uik aUik, Reference<XInterface> & rOut )
if( aUik == XPropertySetInfo::getSmartUik() )
rOut = (XPropertySetInfo *)this;
UsrObject::queryInterface( aUik, rOut );
return rOut.is();
Sequence< Property > ImplPropertySetInfo::getProperties(void)
throw( RuntimeException )
static Sequence<Property> * pSeq = NULL;
if( !pSeq )
// die Informationen f<>r die Properties "Width", "Height" und "Name" anlegen
pSeq = new Sequence<Property>( 3 );
Property * pAry = pSeq->getArray();
pAry[0].Name = OUString::createFromAscii("Factor");
pAry[0].Handle = -1;
pAry[0].Type = getCppuType( (double*) NULL );
//pAry[0].Type = TypeToIdlClass( getCppuType( (double*) NULL ), mxMgr );
//pAry[0].Type = Double_getReflection()->getIdlClass();
pAry[0].Attributes = BOUND | TRANSIENT;
pAry[1].Name = OUString::createFromAscii("MyCount");
pAry[1].Handle = -1;
pAry[1].Type = getCppuType( (sal_Int32*) NULL );
//pAry[1].Type = TypeToIdlClass( getCppuType( (sal_Int32*) NULL ), mxMgr );
//pAry[1].Type = INT32_getReflection()->getIdlClass();
pAry[1].Attributes = BOUND | TRANSIENT;
pAry[2].Name = OUString::createFromAscii("Info");
pAry[2].Handle = -1;
pAry[2].Type = getCppuType( (OUString*) NULL );
//pAry[2].Type = TypeToIdlClass( getCppuType( (OUString*) NULL ), mxMgr );
//pAry[2].Type = OUString_getReflection()->getIdlClass();
pAry[2].Attributes = TRANSIENT;
// Die Information <20>ber alle drei Properties liefern.
return *pSeq;
Property ImplPropertySetInfo::getPropertyByName(const OUString& Name)
throw( UnknownPropertyException, RuntimeException )
Sequence<Property> aSeq = getProperties();
const Property * pAry = aSeq.getConstArray();
for( sal_Int32 i = aSeq.getLength(); i--; )
if( pAry[i].Name == Name )
return pAry[i];
// Property unbekannt, also leere liefern
return Property();
sal_Bool ImplPropertySetInfo::hasPropertyByName(const OUString& Name)
throw( RuntimeException )
Sequence<Property> aSeq = getProperties();
const Property * pAry = aSeq.getConstArray();
for( sal_Int32 i = aSeq.getLength(); i--; )
if( pAry[i].Name == Name )
return sal_True;
// Property unbekannt, also leere liefern
return sal_False;
class ImplIntroTest : public ImplIntroTestHelper
Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > mxMgr;
friend class ImplPropertySetInfo;
// Properties fuer das PropertySet
Any aAnyArray[10];
// Optionale Schnittstelle fuer die writeln-Ausgabe
//IntroTestWritelnOutput* m_pOutput;
Reference< XPropertySetInfo > m_xMyInfo;
OUString m_ObjectName;
sal_Int16 m_nMarkusAge;
sal_Int16 m_nMarkusChildrenCount;
long m_lDroenk;
sal_Int16 m_nBla;
sal_Int16 m_nBlub;
sal_Int16 m_nGulp;
sal_Int16 m_nLaber;
TypeClass eTypeClass;
Sequence< OUString > aStringSeq;
Sequence< Sequence< Sequence< sal_Int16 > > > aMultSeq;
Reference< XIntroTest > m_xIntroTest;
// Daten fuer NameAccess
Reference< XIntroTest >* pNameAccessTab;
// Daten fuer IndexAccess
Reference< XIntroTest >* pIndexAccessTab;
sal_Int16 iIndexAccessCount;
// struct-Properties
Property m_aFirstStruct;
PropertyValue m_aSecondStruct;
// Listener merken (zunaechst einfach, nur einen pro Property)
Reference< XPropertyChangeListener > aPropChangeListener;
OUString aPropChangeListenerStr;
Reference< XVetoableChangeListener > aVetoPropChangeListener;
OUString aVetoPropChangeListenerStr;
void Init( void );
ImplIntroTest( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > & xMgr )
: mxMgr( xMgr )
//: mxMgr( xMgr ), ImplIntroTestHelper( xMgr )
ImplIntroTest( IntroTestWritelnOutput* pOutput_ )
m_pOutput = pOutput_;
//BOOL queryInterface( Uik aUik, Reference< XInterface > & rOut );
//Reference< XIdlClass > getIdlClass();
// Trotz virtual inline, um Schreibarbeit zu sparen (nur fuer Testzwecke)
// XPropertySet
virtual Reference< XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL getPropertySetInfo( )
virtual void SAL_CALL setPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName, const Any& aValue )
throw(UnknownPropertyException, PropertyVetoException, IllegalArgumentException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException);
virtual Any SAL_CALL getPropertyValue( const OUString& PropertyName )
throw(UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const Reference< XPropertyChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ )
throw(UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
virtual void SAL_CALL removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const Reference< XPropertyChangeListener >& /*aListener*/ )
throw(UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
virtual void SAL_CALL addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& /*PropertyName*/, const Reference< XVetoableChangeListener >& /*aListener*/ )
throw(UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
virtual void SAL_CALL removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& /*PropertyName*/, const Reference< XVetoableChangeListener >& /*aListener*/ )
throw(UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
virtual void setIndexedPropertyValue(const OUString& aPropertyName, INT32 nIndex, const Any& aValue) {}
virtual Any getIndexedPropertyValue(const UString& aPropertyName, INT32 nIndex) const { return Any(); }
virtual void addPropertyChangeListener(const UString& aPropertyName, const XPropertyChangeListenerRef& aListener)
THROWS( (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) ) {}
virtual void removePropertyChangeListener(const UString& aPropertyName, const XPropertyChangeListenerRef& aListener)
THROWS( (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) ) {}
virtual void addVetoableChangeListener(const UString& aPropertyName, const XVetoableChangeListenerRef& aListener)
THROWS( (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) ) {}
virtual void removeVetoableChangeListener(const UString& aPropertyName, const XVetoableChangeListenerRef& aListener)
THROWS( (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) ) {}
// XIntroTest-Methoden
// Attributes
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getObjectName() throw(RuntimeException)
{ return m_ObjectName; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setObjectName( const OUString& _objectname ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ m_ObjectName = _objectname; }
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getFirstName()
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getLastName() throw(RuntimeException)
{ return OUString( OUString::createFromAscii("Meyer") ); }
virtual sal_Int16 SAL_CALL getAge() throw(RuntimeException)
{ return m_nMarkusAge; }
virtual sal_Int16 SAL_CALL getChildrenCount() throw(RuntimeException)
{ return m_nMarkusChildrenCount; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setChildrenCount( sal_Int16 _childrencount ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ m_nMarkusChildrenCount = _childrencount; }
virtual Property SAL_CALL getFirstStruct() throw(RuntimeException)
{ return m_aFirstStruct; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setFirstStruct( const Property& _firststruct ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ m_aFirstStruct = _firststruct; }
virtual PropertyValue SAL_CALL getSecondStruct() throw(RuntimeException)
{ return m_aSecondStruct; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setSecondStruct( const PropertyValue& _secondstruct ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ m_aSecondStruct = _secondstruct; }
// Methods
virtual void SAL_CALL writeln( const OUString& Text )
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getDroenk( ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ return m_lDroenk; }
virtual Reference< ::ModuleA::XIntroTest > SAL_CALL getIntroTest( ) throw(RuntimeException);
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getUps( sal_Int32 l ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ return 2*l; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setDroenk( sal_Int32 l ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ m_lDroenk = l; }
virtual sal_Int16 SAL_CALL getBla( ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ return m_nBla; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setBla( sal_Int32 n ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ m_nBla = (sal_Int16)n; }
virtual sal_Int16 SAL_CALL getBlub( ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ return m_nBlub; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setBlub( sal_Int16 n ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ m_nBlub = n; }
virtual sal_Int16 SAL_CALL getGulp( ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ return m_nGulp; }
virtual sal_Int16 SAL_CALL setGulp( sal_Int16 n ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ m_nGulp = n; return 1; }
virtual TypeClass SAL_CALL getTypeClass( sal_Int16 /*n*/ ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ return eTypeClass; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setTypeClass( TypeClass t, double /*d1*/, double /*d2*/ ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ eTypeClass = t; }
virtual Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getStrings( ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ return aStringSeq; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setStrings( const Sequence< OUString >& Strings ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ aStringSeq = Strings; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setStringsPerMethod( const Sequence< OUString >& Strings, sal_Int16 /*n*/ ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ aStringSeq = Strings; }
virtual Sequence< Sequence< Sequence< sal_Int16 > > > SAL_CALL getMultiSequence( ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ return aMultSeq; }
virtual void SAL_CALL setMultiSequence( const Sequence< Sequence< Sequence< sal_Int16 > > >& Seq ) throw(RuntimeException)
{ aMultSeq = Seq; }
virtual void SAL_CALL addPropertiesChangeListener( const Sequence< OUString >& PropertyNames, const Reference< XPropertiesChangeListener >& Listener )
virtual void SAL_CALL removePropertiesChangeListener( const Reference< XPropertiesChangeListener >& Listener )
// Methods of XElementAccess
virtual Type SAL_CALL getElementType( )
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasElements( )
//virtual XIdlClassRef getElementType(void) constTHROWS( (UsrSystemException) );
//virtual BOOL hasElements(void) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) );
// XNameAccess-Methoden
// Methods
virtual Any SAL_CALL getByName( const OUString& aName )
throw(NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException);
virtual Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getElementNames( )
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasByName( const OUString& aName )
//virtual Any getByName(const UString& Name) const
//THROWS( (NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) );
//virtual Sequence<UString> getElementNames(void) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) );
//virtual BOOL hasByName(const UString& Name) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) );
// XIndexAccess-Methoden
// Methods
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getCount( )
virtual Any SAL_CALL getByIndex( sal_Int32 Index )
throw(IndexOutOfBoundsException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException);
//virtual INT32 getCount(void) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) );
//virtual Any getByIndex(INT32 Index) const
//THROWS( (IndexOutOfBoundsException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) );
void ImplIntroTest::Init( void )
// Eindeutigen Namen verpassen
static sal_Int32 nObjCount = 0;
OUString aName( OUString::createFromAscii("IntroTest-Obj Nr. ") );
aName += OUString::valueOf( nObjCount );
setObjectName( aName );
// Properties initialisieren
aAnyArray[0] <<= 3.14;
aAnyArray[1] <<= (sal_Int32)42;
aAnyArray[2] <<= OUString( OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo") );
// Output-Interface
//m_pOutput = NULL;
// Einmal fuer den internen Gebrauch die PropertySetInfo abholen
m_xMyInfo = getPropertySetInfo();
m_xMyInfo->acquire(); // sonst raucht es am Programm-Ende ab
m_nMarkusAge = 33;
m_nMarkusChildrenCount = 2;
m_lDroenk = 314;
m_nBla = 42;
m_nBlub = 111;
m_nGulp = 99;
m_nLaber = 1;
eTypeClass = TypeClass_INTERFACE;
// String-Sequence intitialisieren
aStringSeq.realloc( 3 );
OUString* pStr = aStringSeq.getArray();
pStr[ 0 ] = OUString( OUString::createFromAscii("String 0") );
pStr[ 1 ] = OUString( OUString::createFromAscii("String 1") );
pStr[ 2 ] = OUString( OUString::createFromAscii("String 2") );
// structs initialisieren
m_aFirstStruct.Name = OUString::createFromAscii("FirstStruct-Name");
m_aFirstStruct.Handle = 77777;
//XIdlClassRef Type;
m_aFirstStruct.Attributes = -222;
//XInterfaceRef Source;
Any Value;
Value <<= 2.718281828459;
m_aSecondStruct.Value = Value;
//XIdlClassRef ListenerType;
m_aSecondStruct.State = PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
// IndexAccess
pIndexAccessTab = NULL;
pNameAccessTab = NULL;
BOOL ImplIntroTest::queryInterface( Uik aUik, XInterfaceRef & rOut )
if( aUik == XIntroTest::getSmartUik() )
rOut = (XIntroTest*)this;
else if( aUik == XPropertySet::getSmartUik() )
rOut = (XPropertySet*)this;
else if( aUik == XNameAccess::getSmartUik() )
rOut = (XNameAccess*)this;
else if( aUik == XIndexAccess::getSmartUik() )
rOut = (XIndexAccess*)this;
else if( aUik == ((XElementAccess*)NULL)->getSmartUik() )
rOut = (XElementAccess*)(XIndexAccess *)this;
UsrObject::queryInterface( aUik, rOut );
return rOut.is();
XIdlClassRef ImplIntroTest::getIdlClass()
static XIdlClassRef xClass = createStandardClass( L"ImplIntroTest",
UsrObject::getUsrObjectIdlClass(), 4,
XIndexAccess_getReflection() );
return xClass;
Reference< XPropertySetInfo > ImplIntroTest::getPropertySetInfo()
static ImplPropertySetInfo aInfo( mxMgr );
// Alle Objekt haben die gleichen Properties, deshalb kann
// die Info f<>r alle gleich sein
return &aInfo;
//if( m_xMyInfo == NULL )
// ((ImplIntroTest*)this)->m_xMyInfo = new ImplPropertySetInfo( this );
//return m_xMyInfo;
void ImplIntroTest::setPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName, const Any& aValue )
throw(UnknownPropertyException, PropertyVetoException, IllegalArgumentException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
//void ImplIntroTest::setPropertyValue( const UString& aPropertyName, const Any& aValue )
// THROWS( (UnknownPropertyException, PropertyVetoException, IllegalArgumentException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) )
if( aPropChangeListener.is() && aPropertyName == aPropChangeListenerStr )
PropertyChangeEvent aEvt;
aEvt.Source = (OWeakObject*)this;
aEvt.PropertyName = aPropertyName;
aEvt.PropertyHandle = 0L;
aPropChangeListener->propertyChange( aEvt );
if( aVetoPropChangeListener.is() && aPropertyName == aVetoPropChangeListenerStr )
PropertyChangeEvent aEvt;
aEvt.Source = (OWeakObject*)this;
aEvt.PropertyName = aVetoPropChangeListenerStr;
aEvt.PropertyHandle = 0L;
aVetoPropChangeListener->vetoableChange( aEvt );
Sequence<Property> aPropSeq = m_xMyInfo->getProperties();
sal_Int32 nLen = aPropSeq.getLength();
for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )
Property aProp = aPropSeq.getArray()[ i ];
if( aProp.Name == aPropertyName )
aAnyArray[i] = aValue;
Any ImplIntroTest::getPropertyValue( const OUString& PropertyName )
throw(UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
//Any ImplIntroTest::getPropertyValue(const UString& aPropertyName) const
//THROWS( (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) )
Sequence<Property> aPropSeq = m_xMyInfo->getProperties();
sal_Int32 nLen = aPropSeq.getLength();
for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )
Property aProp = aPropSeq.getArray()[ i ];
if( aProp.Name == PropertyName )
return aAnyArray[i];
return Any();
OUString ImplIntroTest::getFirstName(void)
return OUString( OUString::createFromAscii("Markus") );
void ImplIntroTest::writeln( const OUString& Text )
OString aStr( Text.getStr(), Text.getLength(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
// Haben wir ein Output?
//if( m_pOutput )
//m_pOutput->doWriteln( TextStr );
// Sonst einfach rausbraten
printf( "%s", aStr.getStr() );
Reference< XIntroTest > ImplIntroTest::getIntroTest()
//XIntroTestRef ImplIntroTest::getIntroTest(void) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
if( !m_xIntroTest.is() )
m_xIntroTest = new ImplIntroTest( mxMgr );
return m_xIntroTest;
// Methoden von XElementAccess
Type ImplIntroTest::getElementType( )
//XIdlClassRef ImplIntroTest::getElementType(void) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
Type aRetType;
return aRetType;
//return Reference< XIdlClass >();
//return Void_getReflection()->getIdlClass();
sal_Bool ImplIntroTest::hasElements( )
//BOOL ImplIntroTest::hasElements(void) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
return sal_True;
// XNameAccess-Methoden
sal_Int32 getIndexForName( const OUString& ItemName )
OUString aLeftStr = ItemName.copy( 0, 4 );
if( aLeftStr == OUString::createFromAscii("Item") )
OUString aNumStr = ItemName.copy( 4 );
//sal_Int32 iIndex = (INT32)UStringToString( aNumStr, CHARSET_SYSTEM );
//return iIndex;
return -1;
Any ImplIntroTest::getByName( const OUString& aName )
throw(NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
//Any ImplIntroTest::getByName(const UString& Name) const
//THROWS( (NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) )
Any aRetAny;
if( !pNameAccessTab )
((ImplIntroTest*)this)->pNameAccessTab = new Reference< XIntroTest >[ DEFAULT_NAME_ACCESS_COUNT ];
sal_Int32 iIndex = getIndexForName( aName );
if( iIndex != -1 )
if( !pNameAccessTab[iIndex].is() )
ImplIntroTest* p = new ImplIntroTest( mxMgr );
OUString aName2( OUString::createFromAscii("IntroTest by Name-Access, Index = ") );
aName2 += OUString::valueOf( iIndex );
//aName2 = aName2 + StringToUString( String( iIndex ), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
p->setObjectName( aName2 );
pNameAccessTab[iIndex] = p;
Reference< XIntroTest > xRet = pNameAccessTab[iIndex];
aRetAny = makeAny( xRet );
//aRetAny.set( &xRet, XIntroTest_getReflection() );
//return (UsrObject*)(XIntroTest*)pNameAccessTab[iIndex];
return aRetAny;
Sequence< OUString > ImplIntroTest::getElementNames( )
//Sequence<UString> ImplIntroTest::getElementNames(void) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
Sequence<OUString> aStrSeq( DEFAULT_NAME_ACCESS_COUNT );
OUString* pStr = aStrSeq.getArray();
for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < DEFAULT_NAME_ACCESS_COUNT ; i++ )
OUString aName( OUString::createFromAscii("Item") );
aName += OUString::valueOf( i );
//aName = aName + StringToUString( i, CHARSET_SYSTEM );
pStr[i] = aName;
return aStrSeq;
sal_Bool ImplIntroTest::hasByName( const OUString& aName )
//BOOL ImplIntroTest::hasByName(const UString& Name) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
return ( getIndexForName( aName ) != -1 );
// XIndexAccess-Methoden
sal_Int32 ImplIntroTest::getCount( )
//sal_Int32 ImplIntroTest::getCount(void) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
return iIndexAccessCount;
Any ImplIntroTest::getByIndex( sal_Int32 Index )
throw(IndexOutOfBoundsException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
//Any ImplIntroTest::getByIndex( sal_Int32 Index ) const
//THROWS( (IndexOutOfBoundsException, WrappedTargetException, UsrSystemException) )
Any aRetAny;
if( !pIndexAccessTab )
((ImplIntroTest*)this)->pIndexAccessTab = new Reference< XIntroTest >[ iIndexAccessCount ];
if( Index < iIndexAccessCount )
if( !pNameAccessTab[Index].is() )
ImplIntroTest* p = new ImplIntroTest( mxMgr );
OUString aName( OUString::createFromAscii("IntroTest by Index-Access, Index = ") );
aName += OUString::valueOf( Index );
//aName = aName + StringToUString( String( iIndex ), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
p->setObjectName( aName );
pIndexAccessTab[Index] = p;
Reference< XIntroTest > xRet = pIndexAccessTab[Index];
aRetAny = makeAny( xRet );
return aRetAny;
void ImplIntroTest::addPropertiesChangeListener( const Sequence< OUString >& /*PropertyNames*/,
const Reference< XPropertiesChangeListener >& /*Listener*/ )
//void ImplIntroTest::addPropertiesChangeListener
//(const Sequence< UString >& PropertyNames, const XPropertiesChangeListenerRef& Listener)
//THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
void ImplIntroTest::removePropertiesChangeListener
( const Reference< XPropertiesChangeListener >& /*Listener*/ )
//void ImplIntroTest::removePropertiesChangeListener(const XPropertiesChangeListenerRef& Listener)
//THROWS( (UsrSystemException) )
struct DefItem
char const * pName;
sal_Int32 nConcept;
// Spezial-Wert fuer Method-Concept, um "normale" Funktionen kennzeichnen zu koennen
#define MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL 0x80000000
// Test-Objekt liefern
Any getIntrospectionTestObject( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > & xMgr )
Any aObjAny;
Reference< XIntroTest > xTestObj = new ImplIntroTest( xMgr );
aObjAny.setValue( &xTestObj, ::getCppuType( (const Reference< XIntroTest > *)0 ) );
return aObjAny;
static sal_Bool test_introsp( Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr,
Reference< XIdlReflection > /*xRefl*/, Reference< XIntrospection > xIntrospection )
DefItem pPropertyDefs[] =
{ "Factor", PropertyConcept::PROPERTYSET },
{ "MyCount", PropertyConcept::PROPERTYSET },
{ "Info", PropertyConcept::PROPERTYSET },
{ "ObjectName", PropertyConcept::ATTRIBUTES },
{ "FirstName", PropertyConcept::ATTRIBUTES },
{ "LastName", PropertyConcept::ATTRIBUTES },
{ "Age", PropertyConcept::ATTRIBUTES },
{ "ChildrenCount", PropertyConcept::ATTRIBUTES },
{ "FirstStruct", PropertyConcept::ATTRIBUTES },
{ "SecondStruct", PropertyConcept::ATTRIBUTES },
{ "Droenk", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "IntroTest", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "Bla", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "Blub", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "Gulp", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "Strings", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "MultiSequence", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "PropertySetInfo", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "ElementType", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "ElementNames", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "Count", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "Types", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ "ImplementationId", PropertyConcept::METHODS },
{ NULL, 0 }
// Tabelle der Property-Namen, die gefunden werden muessen
// char* pDemandedPropNames[] =
// {
// "Factor",
// "MyCount",
// "Info",
// "ObjectName",
// "FirstName",
// "LastName",
// "Age",
// "ChildrenCount",
// "FirstStruct",
// "SecondStruct",
// "Droenk",
// "IntroTest",
// "Bla",
// "Blub",
// "Gulp",
// "Strings",
// "MultiSequence",
// "PropertySetInfo",
// "ElementType",
// "ElementNames",
// "Count",
// "Types"
// "ImplementationId"
// };
char const * pDemandedPropVals[] =
"IntroTest-Obj Nr. 0",
char const * pDemandedModifiedPropVals[] =
"Hallo (Modified!)",
"IntroTest-Obj Nr. 0 (Modified!)",
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert",
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert",
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert",
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert",
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert",
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert",
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert",
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert",
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert"
"Wert wurde nicht modifiziert"
char const * pDemandedPropTypes[] =
//is() nDemandedPropCount = 22;
DefItem pMethodDefs[] =
{ "queryInterface", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "acquire", MethodConcept::DANGEROUS },
{ "release", MethodConcept::DANGEROUS },
{ "writeln", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "getDroenk", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "getIntroTest", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "getUps", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "setDroenk", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "getBla", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "setBla", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "getBlub", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "setBlub", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "getGulp", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "setGulp", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "getTypeClass", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "setTypeClass", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "getStrings", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "setStrings", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "setStringsPerMethod", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "getMultiSequence", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "setMultiSequence", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "addPropertiesChangeListener", MethodConcept::LISTENER },
{ "removePropertiesChangeListener", MethodConcept::LISTENER },
{ "getPropertySetInfo", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "setPropertyValue", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "getPropertyValue", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ "addPropertyChangeListener", MethodConcept::LISTENER },
{ "removePropertyChangeListener", MethodConcept::LISTENER },
{ "addVetoableChangeListener", MethodConcept::LISTENER },
{ "removeVetoableChangeListener", MethodConcept::LISTENER },
{ "getElementType", MethodConcept::PROPERTY | MethodConcept::NAMECONTAINER| MethodConcept::INDEXCONTAINER | MethodConcept::ENUMERATION },
{ "hasElements", MethodConcept::NAMECONTAINER | MethodConcept::INDEXCONTAINER | MethodConcept::ENUMERATION },
{ "getByName", MethodConcept::NAMECONTAINER },
{ "getElementNames", MethodConcept::PROPERTY | MethodConcept::NAMECONTAINER },
{ "hasByName", MethodConcept::NAMECONTAINER },
{ "getCount", MethodConcept::PROPERTY | MethodConcept::INDEXCONTAINER },
{ "getByIndex", MethodConcept::INDEXCONTAINER },
{ "getTypes", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "getImplementationId", MethodConcept::PROPERTY },
{ "queryAdapter", MethodConcept_NORMAL_IMPL },
{ NULL, 0 }
OString aErrorStr;
// Test-Objekt anlegen
Any aObjAny = getIntrospectionTestObject( xMgr );
// Introspection-Service holen
//Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xServiceManager(getProcessServiceManager(), USR_QUERY);
//Reference< XIntrospection > xIntrospection( xMgr->createInstance(L"com.sun.star.beans.Introspection"), UNO_QUERY );
//TEST_ENSHURE( xIntrospection.is(), "Creation of introspection instance failed" );
//if( !xIntrospection.is() )
//return sal_False;
// und unspecten
Reference< XIntrospectionAccess > xAccess = xIntrospection->inspect( aObjAny );
xAccess = xIntrospection->inspect( aObjAny );
xAccess = xIntrospection->inspect( aObjAny );
TEST_ENSHURE( xAccess.is(), "introspection failed, no XIntrospectionAccess returned" );
if( !xAccess.is() )
return sal_False;
// Ergebnis der Introspection pruefen
// XPropertySet-UIK ermitteln
Type aType = getCppuType( (Reference< XPropertySet >*) NULL );
//typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* pTypeDesc = NULL;
//aType.getDescription( (typelib_TypeDescription**)&pTypeDesc );
//Uik aPropertySetUik = *(Uik*)&pTypeDesc->aUik;
//typelib_typedescription_release( (typelib_TypeDescription*)pTypeDesc );
Reference< XInterface > xPropSetIface = xAccess->queryAdapter( aType );
//Reference< XInterface > xPropSetIface = xAccess->queryAdapter( aPropertySetUik );
Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xPropSetIface, UNO_QUERY );
//XPropertySetRef xPropSet = (XPropertySet*)xPropSetIface->
// queryInterface( XPropertySet::getSmartUik() );
TEST_ENSHURE( xPropSet.is(), "Could not get XPropertySet by queryAdapter()" );
// XExactName
Reference< XExactName > xExactName( xAccess, UNO_QUERY );
TEST_ENSHURE( xExactName.is(), "Introspection unterstuetzt kein ExactName" );
// Schleife ueber alle Kombinationen von Concepts
for( sal_Int32 nConcepts = 0 ; nConcepts < 16 ; nConcepts++ )
//printf( "*******************************************************\n" );
//printf( "nConcepts = %ld\n", nConcepts );
// Wieviele Properties sollten es sein
sal_Int32 nDemandedPropCount = 0;
sal_Int32 iList = 0;
while( pPropertyDefs[ iList ].pName )
if( pPropertyDefs[ iList ].nConcept & nConcepts )
if( xPropSet.is() )
Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xPropSetInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo();
//Sequence<Property> aRetSeq = xPropSetInfo->getProperties();
Sequence<Property> aRetSeq = xAccess->getProperties( nConcepts );
sal_Int32 nLen = aRetSeq.getLength();
aErrorStr = "Expected to find ";
aErrorStr += OString::valueOf( nDemandedPropCount );
aErrorStr += " properties but found ";
aErrorStr += OString::valueOf( nLen );
TEST_ENSHURE( nLen == nDemandedPropCount, aErrorStr.getStr() );
// cout << "**********************************\n";
// cout << "*** Ergebnis der Introspection ***\n";
// cout << "**********************************\n";
// cout << "\nIntrospection hat " << nLen << " Properties gefunden:\n";
const Property* pProps = aRetSeq.getConstArray();
Any aPropVal;
sal_Int32 i;
iList = 0;
for( i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )
const Property aProp = pProps[ i ];
// Naechste Passende Methode in der Liste suchen
while( pPropertyDefs[ iList ].pName )
if( pPropertyDefs[ iList ].nConcept & nConcepts )
sal_Int32 iDemanded = iList;
OUString aPropName = aProp.Name;
OString aNameStr( aPropName.getStr(), aPropName.getLength(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
//UStringToString(aPropName, CHARSET_SYSTEM);
//printf( "Property = %s\n", aNameStr.getStr() );
OString aDemandedName = pPropertyDefs[ iDemanded ].pName;
//OString aDemandedName = pDemandedPropNames[ i ];
aErrorStr = "Expected property \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\", found \"";
aErrorStr += aNameStr;
aErrorStr += "\"";
TEST_ENSHURE( aNameStr == aDemandedName, aErrorStr.getStr() );
// cout << "Property " << (i+1) << ": \"" << (const char*)UStringToString(aPropName, CHARSET_SYSTEM) << "\"";
Type aPropType = aProp.Type;
OString aTypeNameStr( OUStringToOString(aPropType.getTypeName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US) );
//Reference< XIdlClass > xPropType = aProp.Type;
//OString aTypeNameStr( xPropType->getName(), xPropType->getName().getLength(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
OString aDemandedTypeNameStr = pDemandedPropTypes[ iDemanded ];
//OString aDemandedTypeNameStr = pDemandedPropTypes[ i ];
aErrorStr = "Property \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\", expected type >";
aErrorStr += aDemandedTypeNameStr;
aErrorStr += "< found type >";
aErrorStr += aTypeNameStr;
aErrorStr += "<";
TEST_ENSHURE( aTypeNameStr == aDemandedTypeNameStr, aErrorStr.getStr() );
// cout << " (Prop-Typ: " << (const char*)UStringToString(xPropType->getName(), CHARSET_SYSTEM) << ")";
// Wert des Property lesen und ausgeben
aPropVal = xPropSet->getPropertyValue( aPropName );
// cout << "\n\tWert = " << (const char*)UStringToString(AnyToString( aPropVal, sal_True ), CHARSET_SYSTEM);
OString aValStr = OUStringToOString( AnyToString( aPropVal, sal_False, xMgr ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
OString aDemandedValStr = pDemandedPropVals[ iDemanded ];
//OString aDemandedValStr = pDemandedPropVals[ i ];
aErrorStr = "Property \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\", expected val >";
aErrorStr += aDemandedValStr;
aErrorStr += "< found val >";
aErrorStr += aValStr;
aErrorStr += "<";
TEST_ENSHURE( aValStr == aDemandedValStr, aErrorStr.getStr() );
// Wert pruefen und typgerecht modifizieren
TypeClass eType = aPropVal.getValueType().getTypeClass();
//Reference< XIdlClass > xIdlClass = aPropVal.getReflection()->getIdlClass();
//TypeClass eType = xIdlClass->getTypeClass();
Any aNewVal;
sal_Bool bModify = sal_True;
switch( eType )
case TypeClass_STRING:
OUString aStr;
aPropVal >>= aStr;
//OString aStr = aPropVal.getString();
aStr = aStr + OUString::createFromAscii(" (Modified!)");
aNewVal <<= aStr;
case TypeClass_DOUBLE:
double d;
aPropVal >>= d;
aNewVal <<= d + 1.0;
case TypeClass_SHORT:
sal_Int16 n;
aPropVal >>= n;
aNewVal <<= sal_Int16( n + 1 );
case TypeClass_LONG:
sal_Int32 n;
aPropVal >>= n;
aNewVal <<= sal_Int32( n + 1 );
bModify = sal_False;
// Modifizieren nur beim letzten Durchlauf
if( nConcepts == 15 )
// XExactName pruefen, dafuer alles gross machen
// (Introspection ist mit LowerCase implementiert, also anders machen)
OUString aUpperUStr = aPropName.toAsciiUpperCase();
OUString aExactName = xExactName->getExactName( aUpperUStr );
if( aExactName != aPropName )
aErrorStr = "Property \"";
aErrorStr += OUStringToOString( aPropName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
aErrorStr += "\", not found as \"";
aErrorStr += OUStringToOString(aUpperUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
aErrorStr += "\" using XExactName";
TEST_ENSHURE( sal_False, aErrorStr.getStr() );
bModify = sal_False;
// Neuen Wert setzen, wieder lesen und ausgeben
if( bModify )
// cout.flush();
// 1.7.1999, UnknownPropertyException bei ReadOnly-Properties abfangen
xPropSet->setPropertyValue( aPropName, aNewVal );
catch(UnknownPropertyException e1)
aPropVal = xPropSet->getPropertyValue( aPropName );
// cout << "\n\tModifizierter Wert = " << (const char*) UStringToString(AnyToString( aPropVal, sal_True ), CHARSET_SYSTEM) << "\n";
OUString aStr = AnyToString( aPropVal, sal_False, xMgr );
OString aModifiedValStr = OUStringToOString( aStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
OString aDemandedModifiedValStr = pDemandedModifiedPropVals[ i ];
aErrorStr = "Property \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\", expected modified val >";
aErrorStr += aDemandedModifiedValStr;
aErrorStr += "< found val >";
aErrorStr += aModifiedValStr;
aErrorStr += "<";
TEST_ENSHURE( aModifiedValStr == aDemandedModifiedValStr, aErrorStr.getStr() );
// cout << "\n\tWert wurde nicht modifiziert\n";
// Checken, ob alle Properties auch einzeln gefunden werden
aErrorStr = "property \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\" not found with hasProperty()";
OUString aWDemandedName = OStringToOUString(aDemandedName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
sal_Bool bProperty = xAccess->hasProperty( aWDemandedName, nConcepts );
//sal_Bool bProperty = xAccess->hasProperty( aWDemandedName, PropertyConcept::ALL - PropertyConcept::DANGEROUS );
TEST_ENSHURE( bProperty, aErrorStr.getStr() );
aErrorStr = "property \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\" not equal to same Property in sequence returned by getProperties()";
Property aGetProp = xAccess->getProperty( aWDemandedName, nConcepts );
//Property aGetProp = xAccess->getProperty( aWDemandedName, PropertyConcept::ALL );
//TEST_ENSHURE( aGetProp == aProp , aErrorStr.getStr() );
catch (RuntimeException e1)
aErrorStr = "property \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\", exception was thrown when trying getProperty()";
TEST_ENSHURE( sal_False, aErrorStr.getStr() );
// Schleife ueber alle Kombinationen von Concepts
for( sal_Int32 nConcepts = 0 ; nConcepts < 128 ; nConcepts++ )
//printf( "*******************************************************\n" );
//printf( "nConcepts = %ld\n", nConcepts );
// Das 2^6-Bit steht fuer "den Rest"
sal_Int32 nRealConcepts = nConcepts;
if( nConcepts & 0x40 )
nRealConcepts |= (0xFFFFFFFF - 0x3F);
// Wieviele Methoden sollten es sein
sal_Int32 nDemandedMethCount = 0;
sal_Int32 iList = 0;
while( pMethodDefs[ iList ].pName )
if( pMethodDefs[ iList ].nConcept & nRealConcepts )
// Methoden-Array ausgeben
//aMethodSeq = xAccess->getMethods
Sequence< Reference< XIdlMethod > > aMethodSeq = xAccess->getMethods( nRealConcepts );
//Sequence<XIdlMethodRef> aMethodSeq = xAccess->getMethods
// ( MethodConcept::ALL - MethodConcept::DANGEROUS - MethodConcept::PROPERTY );
sal_Int32 nLen = aMethodSeq.getLength();
// cout << "\n\n*** Methoden ***\n";
// cout << "Introspection hat " << nLen << " Methoden gefunden:\n";
aErrorStr = "Expected to find ";
aErrorStr += OString::valueOf( nDemandedMethCount );
aErrorStr += " methods but found ";
aErrorStr += OString::valueOf( nLen );
TEST_ENSHURE( nLen == nDemandedMethCount, aErrorStr.getStr() );
const Reference< XIdlMethod >* pMethods = aMethodSeq.getConstArray();
sal_Int32 i;
iList = 0;
for( i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )
// Methode ansprechen
const Reference< XIdlMethod >& rxMethod = pMethods[i];
// Methode ausgeben
OUString aMethName = rxMethod->getName();
OString aNameStr = OUStringToOString(aMethName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
//printf( "Method = %s\n", aNameStr.getStr() );
// Naechste Passende Methode in der Liste suchen
while( pMethodDefs[ iList ].pName )
if( pMethodDefs[ iList ].nConcept & nRealConcepts )
OString aDemandedName = pMethodDefs[ iList ].pName;
//OString aDemandedName = pDemandedMethNames[ i ];
aErrorStr = "Expected method \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\", found \"";
aErrorStr += aNameStr;
aErrorStr += "\"";
TEST_ENSHURE( aNameStr == aDemandedName, aErrorStr.getStr() );
// cout << "Methode " << (i+1) << ": " << (const char*) UStringToString(rxMethod->getReturnType()->getName(), CHARSET_SYSTEM)
// << " " << (const char*) UStringToString(rxMethod->getName(), CHARSET_SYSTEM) << "( ";
// Checken, ob alle Methoden auch einzeln gefunden werden
aErrorStr = "method \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\" not found with hasMethod()";
OUString aWDemandedName = OStringToOUString(aDemandedName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
sal_Bool bMethod = xAccess->hasMethod( aWDemandedName, nRealConcepts );
//sal_Bool bMethod = xAccess->hasMethod( aWDemandedName, MethodConcept::ALL );
TEST_ENSHURE( bMethod, aErrorStr.getStr() );
aErrorStr = "method \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\" not equal to same method in sequence returned by getMethods()";
Reference< XIdlMethod > xGetMethod = xAccess->getMethod( aWDemandedName, nRealConcepts );
//XIdlMethodRef xGetMethod = xAccess->getMethod( aWDemandedName, MethodConcept::ALL );
TEST_ENSHURE( xGetMethod == rxMethod , aErrorStr.getStr() );
catch (RuntimeException e1)
aErrorStr = "method \"";
aErrorStr += aDemandedName;
aErrorStr += "\", exception was thrown when trying getMethod()";
TEST_ENSHURE( sal_False, aErrorStr.getStr() );
// Listener-Klassen ausgeben
Sequence< Type > aClassSeq = xAccess->getSupportedListeners();
sal_Int32 nLen = aClassSeq.getLength();
// cout << "\n\n*** Anmeldbare Listener ***\n";
// cout << "Introspection hat " << nLen << " Listener gefunden:\n";
const Type* pListeners = aClassSeq.getConstArray();
for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )
// Methode ansprechen
const Type& aListenerType = pListeners[i];
// Namen besorgen
OUString aListenerClassName = aListenerType.getTypeName();
// cout << "Listener " << (i+1) << ": " << (const char*)UStringToString(aListenerClassName, CHARSET_SYSTEM) << "\n";
// Performance bei hasMethod testen.
//CheckMethodPerformance( xAccess, "queryInterface", 100000 );
//CheckMethodPerformance( xAccess, "getIdlClasses", 100000 );
// cout.flush();
return sal_True;
Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr( createRegistryServiceFactory( OUString::createFromAscii("stoctest.rdb") ) );
sal_Bool bSucc = sal_False;
Reference< XImplementationRegistration > xImplReg(
xMgr->createInstance( OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.registry.ImplementationRegistration") ), UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xImplReg.is(), "### no impl reg!" );
// Register services
"reflection.uno" SAL_DLLEXTENSION) );
// ORealDynamicLoader::computeLibraryName( OUString::createFromAscii("corefl"), libName);
fprintf(stderr, "1\n" );
libName, Reference< XSimpleRegistry >() );
fprintf(stderr, "2\n" );
Reference< XIdlReflection > xRefl( xMgr->createInstance( OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection") ), UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xRefl.is(), "### no corereflection!" );
// Introspection
libName = OUString::createFromAscii(
"introspection.uno" SAL_DLLEXTENSION);
// ORealDynamicLoader::computeLibraryName( OUString::createFromAscii("insp"), libName);
fprintf(stderr, "3\n" );
libName, Reference< XSimpleRegistry >() );
fprintf(stderr, "4\n" );
Reference< XIntrospection > xIntrosp( xMgr->createInstance( OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.beans.Introspection") ), UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xRefl.is(), "### no corereflection!" );
fprintf(stderr, "before test_introsp\n" );
bSucc = test_introsp( xMgr, xRefl, xIntrosp );
fprintf(stderr, "after test_introsp\n" );
//bSucc = test_corefl( xRefl );
catch (Exception & rExc)
OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "### exception occured!" );
OString aMsg( OUStringToOString( rExc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
OSL_TRACE( "### exception occured: " );
OSL_TRACE( aMsg.getStr() );
OSL_TRACE( "\n" );
Reference< XComponent >( xMgr, UNO_QUERY )->dispose();
printf( "testintrosp %s !\n", (bSucc ? "succeeded" : "failed") );
return (bSucc ? 0 : -1);
//*** TEST-Implementationen ***
// Bleibt auf Dauer nicht drin, dient als exportierbare Test-Klasse
// z.B. fuer Basic-Anbindung