396 lines
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396 lines
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# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
# This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
# OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
# <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
package par2script::check;
use par2script::globals;
# Checks of the setup script
# Checking if all defined directories are needed
sub check_needed_directories
my $allfiles = $par2script::globals::definitions{'File'};
my $alldirs = $par2script::globals::definitions{'Directory'};
# checking if all defined directories are needed
my $dir;
foreach $dir ( keys %{$alldirs} )
# I. directory has create flag
if (( exists($alldirs->{$dir}->{'Styles'}) ) && ( $alldirs->{$dir}->{'Styles'} =~ /\bCREATE\b/ )) { next; }
# II. there is at least one file in the directory
my $fileinside = 0;
my $file;
foreach $file ( keys %{$allfiles} )
if (( $allfiles->{$file}->{'Dir'} eq $dir ) || ( $allfiles->{$file}->{'NetDir'} eq $dir ))
$fileinside = 1;
if ( $fileinside ) { next; }
# III. the directory is parent for another directory
my $isparent = 0;
my $onedir;
foreach $onedir ( keys %{$alldirs} )
if ( $alldirs->{$onedir}->{'ParentID'} eq $dir )
$isparent = 1;
if ( $isparent ) { next; }
# no condition is true -> directory definition is superfluous
my $infoline = "\tINFO: Directory definition $dir is superfluous\n";
# print $infoline;
push(@par2script::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
# Checking if the directories in the item
# definitions are defined.
sub check_directories_in_item_definitions
my $item;
foreach $item ( @par2script::globals::items_with_directories )
my $allitems = $par2script::globals::definitions{$item};
my $onegid;
foreach $onegid ( keys %{$allitems} )
if ( ! exists($allitems->{$onegid}->{'Dir'}) ) { die "\nERROR: No directory defined for item: $onegid!\n\n"; }
my $dir = $allitems->{$onegid}->{'Dir'};
if (( $dir eq "PD_PROGDIR" ) || ( $dir =~ /PREDEFINED_/ )) { next; }
# checking if this directoryid is defined
if ( ! exists($par2script::globals::definitions{'Directory'}->{$dir}) )
die "\nERROR: Directory $dir in item $onegid not defined!\n\n";
# Checking for all Items, that know their modules,
# whether these modules exist.
sub check_module_existence
my $item;
foreach $item ( @par2script::globals::items_with_moduleid )
my $allitems = $par2script::globals::definitions{$item};
my $onegid;
foreach $onegid ( keys %{$allitems} )
if ( ! exists($allitems->{$onegid}->{'ModuleID'}) ) { die "\nERROR: No ModuleID defined for item: $onegid!\n\n"; }
my $moduleid = $allitems->{$onegid}->{'ModuleID'};
# checking if this directoryid is defined
if ( ! exists($par2script::globals::definitions{'Module'}->{$moduleid}) )
die "\nERROR: ModuleID $moduleid in item $onegid not defined!\n\n";
# If the StarRegistry is not defined in the script,
# it has to be removed from the file definition.
sub check_registry_at_files
my %starregistrygid = ();
my $item;
foreach $item ( keys %{$par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}} )
if (( exists($par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}->{$item}->{'Styles'}) ) &&
( $par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}->{$item}->{'Styles'} =~ /\bSTARREGISTRY\b/ ))
$starregistrygid{$item} = 1;
foreach $item ( keys %{$par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}} )
if ( exists($par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}->{$item}->{'RegistryID'}) )
my $registryid = $par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}->{$item}->{'RegistryID'};
if ( ! exists($starregistrygid{$registryid}) )
die "\nERROR: No definition found for $registryid at file $item\n\n";
# if ( ! ( $par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}->{$item}->{'Styles'} =~ /\bUNO_COMPONENT\b/ ))
# {
# die "\nERROR: Flag UNO_COMPONENT required for file $item\n\n";
# }
# -> also possible, that Regmergefile is defined (does not require flag UNO_COMPONENT)
# and also vice versa
if (( exists($par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}->{$item}->{'Styles'}) ) &&
( $par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}->{$item}->{'Styles'} =~ /\bUNO_COMPONENT\b/ ))
if ( ! exists($par2script::globals::definitions{'File'}->{$item}->{'RegistryID'}) )
die "\nERROR: Flag UNO_COMPONENT defined, but no file as \"RegistryID\" at file $item !\n\n";
# Every script has to contain exactly one root module.
# This module has no ParentID or an empty ParentID.
sub check_rootmodule
my $rootgid = "";
my $foundroot = 0;
my $allmodules = $par2script::globals::definitions{'Module'};
my $modulegid = "";
foreach $modulegid (keys %{$allmodules} )
if (( ! exists($allmodules->{$modulegid}->{'ParentID'}) ) || ( $allmodules->{$modulegid}->{'ParentID'} eq "" ))
if ( $foundroot )
die "\nERROR: More than one Root module. Only one module without ParentID or with empty ParentID allowed ($rootgid and $modulegid).\n";
$rootgid = $modulegid;
$foundroot = 1;
if ( ! $foundroot )
die "\nERROR: Could not find Root module. Did not find module without ParentID or with empty ParentID.\n";
print " $rootgid\n";
# File, Shortcut, Directory, Unixlink must not
# contain a ModuleID
sub check_moduleid_at_items
my $item;
foreach $item ( @par2script::globals::items_without_moduleid )
my $allitems = $par2script::globals::definitions{$item};
my $onegid;
foreach $onegid ( keys %{$allitems} )
if ( exists($allitems->{$onegid}->{'ModuleID'}) )
die "\nERROR: ModuleID assigned to $onegid! No module assignment to $item!\n\n";
# Controlling existence of multi assignments
sub check_multiple_assignments
my @multiassignments = ();
my $error;
my $topitem;
foreach $topitem ( keys %par2script::globals::assignedgids )
my $item;
foreach $item ( keys %{$par2script::globals::assignedgids{$topitem}} )
if ( $par2script::globals::assignedgids{$topitem}->{$item} > 1 )
$error = 1;
my $string = "\tGID: $item Assignments: $par2script::globals::assignedgids{$topitem}->{$item}";
push(@multiassignments, $string);
if ( $error ) { par2script::exiter::multiassignmenterror(\@multiassignments); }
# Check, if a defined directory has a flag CREATE
sub contains_create_flag
my ($gid) = @_;
my $createflag = 0;
if (( exists($par2script::globals::definitions{'Directory'}->{$gid}->{'Styles'}) ) &&
( $par2script::globals::definitions{'Directory'}->{$gid}->{'Styles'} =~ /\bCREATE\b/ ))
$createflag = 1;
return $createflag;
# Controlling existence of definitions without
# any assignment
sub check_missing_assignments
# If defined gids for "File", "Directory" or "Unixlink" are not assigned,
# this causes an error.
# Directories only have to be assigned, if they have the flag "CREATE".
my @missingassignments = ();
$error = 0;
my $item;
foreach $item ( @par2script::globals::items_assigned_at_modules )
my $assignedgids = $par2script::globals::assignedgids{$item};
my $definedgids = $par2script::globals::definitions{$item};
my $gid;
foreach $gid ( keys %{$definedgids} )
if ( $item eq "Directory" ) { if ( ! contains_create_flag($gid) ) { next; } }
if ( ! exists( $assignedgids->{$gid} ))
$error = 1;
push(@missingassignments, $gid);
if ( $error ) { par2script::exiter::missingassignmenterror(\@missingassignments); }
# Controlling if for all shortcuts with file assignment
# the file is defined. And for all shortcuts with
# shortcut assignment the shortcut has to be defined.
sub check_shortcut_assignments
my $allshortcuts = $par2script::globals::definitions{'Shortcut'};
my $allfiles = $par2script::globals::definitions{'File'};
my $shortcut;
foreach $shortcut ( keys %{$allshortcuts} )
if (( exists($allshortcuts->{$shortcut}->{'FileID'}) ) &&
( ! exists($allfiles->{$allshortcuts->{$shortcut}->{'FileID'}}) ))
# die "\nERROR: FileID $allshortcuts->{$shortcut}->{'FileID'} has no definition at shortcut $shortcut !\n";
print "\n\tWARNING: FileID $allshortcuts->{$shortcut}->{'FileID'} has no definition at shortcut $shortcut !\n";
if (( exists($allshortcuts->{$shortcut}->{'ShortcutID'}) ) &&
( ! exists($allshortcuts->{$allshortcuts->{$shortcut}->{'ShortcutID'}}) ))
die "\nERROR: ShortcutID $allshortcuts->{$shortcut}->{'ShortcutID'} has no definition at shortcut $shortcut !\n";
if (( ! exists($allshortcuts->{$shortcut}->{'ShortcutID'}) ) &&
( ! exists($allshortcuts->{$shortcut}->{'FileID'}) ))
die "\nERROR: Shortcut requires assignment to \"ShortcutID\" or \"FileID\". Missing at shortcut $shortcut !\n";
# Controlling if for Modules and Directories, the parents
# are defined. If not, this can lead to a problem during
# script creation, because only recursively added
# Modules or Directories are added to the script.
sub check_missing_parents
my @parentitems = ("Module", "Directory");
my %rootparents = ("PREDEFINED_PROGDIR" => "1");
my $oneitem;
foreach $oneitem ( @parentitems )
my $alldefinitions = $par2script::globals::definitions{$oneitem};
my $onegid;
foreach $onegid ( keys %{$alldefinitions} )
# If there is a ParentID used, it must be defined
if (( exists($alldefinitions->{$onegid}->{'ParentID'}) ) &&
( ! exists($alldefinitions->{$alldefinitions->{$onegid}->{'ParentID'}}) ) &&
( ! exists($rootparents{$alldefinitions->{$onegid}->{'ParentID'}}) ))
die "\nERROR: Parent \"$alldefinitions->{$onegid}->{'ParentID'}\" at $oneitem \"$onegid\" is not defined!\n";