Ivo Hinkelmann 499d82159c INTEGRATION: CWS mergede01 (1.45.116); FILE MERGED
2007/03/20 14:50:50 ihi #i72301# Remove German
2007-04-19 16:01:09 +00:00

365 lines
5.7 KiB

* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: schedule.src,v $
* $Revision: 1.46 $
* last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2007-04-19 17:01:09 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
************************************************************************/// Dialog labels start at 1000
#define dlgCalTitle 1000
#define dlgCalTitleBack 1001
#define dlgCalTitleOwnData 1002
#define dlgSchdlTitle 1003
#define dlgOK 1004
#define dlgCancel 1005
#define dlgCalFrameOption 1006
#define dlgCalOptionYear 1007
#define dlgCalOptionMonth 1008
#define dlgSchdlDescription 1009
#define dlgSchdlCountry 1010
#define dlgTime 1011
#define dlgYear 1012
#define dlgCalMonth 1013
#define dlgSpecificBankholidays 1014
#define dlgCalOwnData 1015
#define dlgCalInsert 1016
#define dlgCalDelete 1017
#define dlgCalNewEvent 1018
#define dlgCalEvent 1019
#define dlgCalEventOnce 1020
#define dlgCalEventDay 1021
#define dlgCalEventMonth 1022
#define dlgCalEventYear 1023
// Bitmap file is 1099
#define dlgBitmapFile 1099
// Names of states start at 1100
#define dlgState 1100
// Months start at 1200
#define dlgMonth 1200
// Messages start at 1300
#define msgCalErrorTitle 1300
#define msgCalError 1301
#define msgCalRemoveTitle 1302
#define msgCalRemove 1303
// Styles start at 1400
#define stlWorkday 1400
#define stlWeekend 1401
// Sheet names start at 1410
#define nameCalYear 1410
#define nameCalMonth 1411
#define sProgress 1500
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
String dlgCalTitle
Text [ en-US ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calendar";
String dlgCalTitleBack
Text [ en-US ] = "Back";
String dlgCalTitleOwnData
Text [ en-US ] = "Personal Data";
String dlgSchdlTitle
Text [ en-US ] = "Add Holidays to Calendar";
String dlgOK
Text [ en-US ] = "Create";
String dlgCancel
Text [ en-US ] = "Cancel";
String dlgCalFrameOption
Text [ en-US ] = "Calendar";
String dlgCalOptionYear
Text [ en-US ] = "~Year Overview";
String dlgCalOptionMonth
Text [ en-US ] = "~Month";
String dlgSchdlDescription
Text [ en-US ] = "Add holidays for";
String dlgSchdlCountry
Text [ en-US ] = "USA";
String dlgTime
Text [ en-US ] = "Time Frame";
String dlgYear
Text [ en-US ] = "Year";
String dlgCalMonth
Text [ en-US ] = "Month";
String dlgSpecificBankholidays
Text [ en-US ] = "-";
String dlgCalOwnData
Text [ en-US ] = "Personal Data";
String dlgCalInsert
Text [ en-US ] = "~Insert";
String dlgCalDelete
Text [ en-US ] = "~Delete";
String dlgCalNewEvent
Text [ en-US ] = "New Event";
String dlgCalEvent
Text [ en-US ] = "Event";
String dlgCalEventOnce
Text [ en-US ] = "One-Time";
String dlgCalEventDay
Text [ en-US ] = "Day";
String dlgCalEventMonth
Text [ en-US ] = "Month";
String dlgCalEventYear
Text [ en-US ] = "Year";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
String dlgBitmapFile
Text [ en-US ] = "usa.bmp";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
String dlgState
Text [ en-US ] = "Public holidays";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
String dlgMonth
Text [ en-US ] = "January";
String dlgMonth+1
Text [ en-US ] = "February";
String dlgMonth+2
Text [ en-US ] = "March";
String dlgMonth+3
Text [ en-US ] = "April";
String dlgMonth+4
Text [ en-US ] = "May";
String dlgMonth+5
Text [ en-US ] = "June";
String dlgMonth+6
Text [ en-US ] = "July";
String dlgMonth+7
Text [ en-US ] = "August";
String dlgMonth+8
Text [ en-US ] = "September";
String dlgMonth+9
Text [ en-US ] = "October";
String dlgMonth+10
Text [ en-US ] = "November";
String dlgMonth+11
Text [ en-US ] = "December";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
String msgCalErrorTitle
Text [ en-US ] = "Yearly / Monthly Calendar";
String msgCalError
Text [ en-US ] = "An error occurred while creating the calendar.";
String msgCalRemoveTitle
Text [ en-US ] = "Delete event entries";
String msgCalRemove
Text [ en-US ] = "Delete the selected entries?";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
String stlWorkday
Text [ en-US ] = "Workweek";
String stlWeekend
Text [ en-US ] = "Weekend";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
String nameCalYear
Text [ en-US ] = "Calendar";
String nameCalMonth
Text [ en-US ] = "Month";
String sProgress
Text [ en-US ] = "Progress:";