
1117 lines
40 KiB

* $RCSfile: configpath.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.9 $
* last change: $Author: jb $ $Date: 2001-07-06 13:40:14 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* =================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
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* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#include "configpath.hxx"
#include "configexcept.hxx"
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
//#define CFG_PATH_STRICT 1
namespace configmgr
namespace configuration
// Name validation
bool isValidNameStart(sal_Unicode ch) SAL_THROW(())
return (sal_Unicode('A') <= ch && ch <= sal_Unicode('Z')) ||
(sal_Unicode('a') <= ch && ch <= sal_Unicode('z')) ||
sal_Unicode('_') == ch;
bool isValidNameCont(sal_Unicode ch) SAL_THROW(())
return ( (sal_Unicode('0') <= ch && ch <= sal_Unicode('9'))
|| (sal_Unicode('.') == ch) // eg for module names
|| (sal_Unicode('-') == ch) // eg for locale names
|| (sal_Unicode(':') == ch) // support special namespaced names
bool isSimpleName(OUString const& sName) SAL_THROW(())
sal_Unicode const* const pStr = sName.getStr();
sal_Unicode const* const pEnd = pStr + sName.getLength();
if (pStr == pEnd)
return false;
for (sal_Unicode const* pValidate = pStr; pValidate != pEnd; ++pValidate)
if (!isValidNameStart(*pValidate))
if (pValidate == pStr) // first char - then this means failure
return false;
else if (!isValidNameCont(*pValidate))
return false;
return true;
// class configuration::Name
// tag struct to ensure construction is routed through our helpers
struct Path::PackageOnly {};
// Performance: Could optimize memory usage by using a string pool
Name::Name(OUString const& aString, Path::PackageOnly) SAL_THROW(())
: m_sRep(aString)
Name makeName(OUString const& sName, Name::NoValidate) SAL_THROW(())
return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() );
Name makeNodeName(OUString const& sName, Name::NoValidate) SAL_THROW(())
OSL_ENSURE( isSimpleName(sName), "Creating a Name that is invalid as member node name");
return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() );
Name makeElementName(OUString const& sName, Name::NoValidate) SAL_THROW(())
return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() );
Name validateNodeName(OUString const& sName)
if (!isSimpleName(sName))
throw InvalidName(sName, "is not a valid name for a configuration node");
return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() );
Name validateElementName(OUString const& sName)
return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() );
namespace // path helpers I
const sal_Unicode c_cDelimiter = '/';
const sal_Unicode c_lBracket = '[', c_rBracket = ']';
const sal_Unicode c_cAnytype = '*';
// Textually an Absolute path starts with a slash
bool detectAbsolutePath(sal_Unicode const* _pPath) SAL_THROW(())
OSL_ASSERT( _pPath != NULL );
return *_pPath == c_cDelimiter;
OUString makeWildcardType() SAL_THROW(())
return OUString(&c_cAnytype,1);
// even handles empty strings (if NUL-terminated)
bool isWildcardType(sal_Unicode const* _sType) SAL_THROW(())
return _sType[0] == c_cAnytype &&
_sType[1] == 0;
bool isEmptyString(sal_Unicode const* _sType) SAL_THROW(())
return _sType[0] == 0;
sal_Unicode lastChar(OUString const& _sString) SAL_THROW(())
sal_Int32 const nLen = _sString.getLength();
OSL_PRECOND( nLen > 0, "Non-empty string expected");
return _sString[nLen-1];
Name implMakeCompositeName(OUString const& _sBaseName, OUString const& _sPredicate) SAL_THROW((InvalidName));
void implSplitCompositeName(Name const& _aCompositeName, OUString& _rBaseName, OUString& _rPredicate) SAL_THROW(());
namespace Path
// class configuration::Path::Component
inline // though public, this method is not available outside this translation unit
Component::Component(OUString const& _sName, Path::PackageOnly _tag) SAL_THROW(())
: m_aName(_sName, _tag)
inline // though public, this method is not available outside this translation unit
Component::Component(Name const& _aName, Path::PackageOnly) SAL_THROW(())
: m_aName(_aName)
bool Component::isSimpleName() const SAL_THROW(())
return !m_aName.isEmpty() && lastChar(m_aName.toString()) != c_rBracket;
Name Component::getName() const SAL_THROW(())
if (isSimpleName()) return m_aName;
OUString sName, sType;
return Name(sName,PackageOnly());
Name Component::getTypeName() const SAL_THROW(())
if (isSimpleName()) return Name();
OUString sName, sType;
return Name(sType,PackageOnly());
bool Component::splitCompositeName(Name& _rName, Name& _rType) const SAL_THROW(())
if (isSimpleName())
_rName = m_aName;
_rType = Name();
return false;
OUString sName, sType;
_rName = Name(sName, PackageOnly());
_rType = Name(sType, PackageOnly());
return true;
bool Component::splitCompositeName(OUString& _rName, OUString& _rType) const SAL_THROW(())
if (isSimpleName())
_rName = m_aName.toString();
_rType = OUString();
return false;
return true;
Component makeEmptyComponent() SAL_THROW(())
return Component( OUString(), PackageOnly() );
Component wrapSimpleName(OUString const& _sName)
OSL_ENSURE( isSimpleName(_sName), "Simple Name expected creating path component");
if (!isSimpleName(_sName))
throw InvalidName(_sName, "is not a simple name. Cannot convert to path component");
return Component( _sName, PackageOnly() );
Component wrapSimpleName(Name const& _aName)
return wrapSimpleName( _aName.toString() );
Component makeCompositeName(Name const& _aElementName, Name const& _aTypeName)
OUString const sElementName = _aElementName.toString();
OUString const sTypeName = _aTypeName.toString();
return Component( implMakeCompositeName(sTypeName,sElementName), PackageOnly() );
Component makeCompositeName(OUString const& _sElementName, OUString const& _sTypeName)
return Component( implMakeCompositeName(_sTypeName,_sElementName), PackageOnly() );
bool matches(Component const& lhs,Component const& rhs) SAL_THROW(())
// this extra preflight check might be left out (is it good for performance ?)
if (lhs.getInternalName() == rhs.getInternalName())
return true;
if (lhs.getName() != rhs.getName())
return false;
// simple names are considered equivalent to wildcard namess
if (lhs.isSimpleName() || rhs.isSimpleName())
return true;
Name aTypeLHS = lhs.getTypeName();
Name aTypeRHS = rhs.getTypeName();
// this would need an extra test without our preflight check
OSL_ASSERT(aTypeLHS != aTypeRHS); // would have been dicovered by first check
if ( isWildcardType(aTypeLHS.toString()) || isWildcardType(aTypeRHS.toString()) )
return true;
return false;
// weak comparison of components
bool before(Component const& lhs, Component const& rhs) SAL_THROW(())
{ return lhs.getName() < rhs.getName(); }
bool equiv(Component const& lhs, Component const& rhs) SAL_THROW(())
{ return lhs.getName() == rhs.getName(); }
size_t hashCode(Component const& comp) SAL_THROW(())
{ return comp.getName().hashCode(); }
// class configuration::Path::Rep
void Rep::check_not_empty() const
if (m_aComponents.empty())
OSL_ENSURE(!m_aComponents.empty(),"Trying to access components of an empty path");
throw Exception("Trying to access components of an empty path");
void Rep::prepend(Rep const& _aOther) SAL_THROW(())
// to prepend the other path append its components
m_aComponents.insert( m_aComponents.end(),
OUString Rep::toString(bool _bAbsolute) const SAL_THROW(())
Iterator cur = begin();
Iterator const stop = end();
rtl::OUStringBuffer sRet;
if (!_bAbsolute && cur != stop)
sRet = cur++->toPathString();
for ( ;cur != stop; ++cur)
sRet.append( c_cDelimiter ).append( cur->toPathString() );
return sRet.makeStringAndClear();
size_t Rep::hashCode() const SAL_THROW(())
const unsigned long mangle_factor = 11; // 1011 (2)
unsigned long nHash = 0;
for (Iterator it = begin(), stop = end(); it != stop; ++it)
nHash = mangle_factor*nHash + Path::hashCode(*it);
return nHash;
bool before(Rep const& lhs, Rep const& rhs) SAL_THROW(())
return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(),lhs.end(),rhs.begin(),rhs.end(), Before());
bool equiv(Rep const& lhs, Rep const& rhs) SAL_THROW(())
return (lhs.countComponents() == rhs.countComponents()) &&
bool matches(Rep const& lhs, Rep const& rhs) SAL_THROW(())
return (lhs.countComponents() == rhs.countComponents()) &&
bool isAbsolutePath(OUString const& _sPath) SAL_THROW(())
return detectAbsolutePath(_sPath);
bool hasMatchingPrefix(Rep const& _aPath, Rep const& _aPrefix) SAL_THROW(())
return (_aPath.countComponents() >= _aPrefix.countComponents()) &&
std::equal( _aPrefix.begin(), _aPrefix.end(), _aPath.begin(), Matches());
Rep stripMatchingPrefix(Rep const& _aPath,Rep const& _aPrefix) // SAL_THROW((InvalidName))
Rep aResult(_aPath);
for (Iterator it = _aPrefix.begin(); it != _aPrefix.end(); ++it)
if (aResult.isEmpty() || !matches(*it,aResult.getFirstName()))
throw InvalidName(aResult.getFirstName().toPathString(), "does not match the expected location.");
return aResult;
} // namespace Path
const sal_Unicode c_quot = '\"';
const sal_Unicode c_apos = '\'';
const sal_Unicode c_amp = '&';
const sal_Unicode c_end_escape = ';';
const sal_Unicode c_normal_quot = c_apos;
static sal_Char const c_amp_name[] = "&amp;";
static sal_Char const c_apos_name[] = "&apos;";
static sal_Char const c_quot_name[] = "&quot;";
const sal_Int32 c_nMinEscapeLen = sizeof c_amp_name - 1;
const sal_Int32 c_nMaxEscapeLen = sizeof c_quot_name - 1;
/// distinguishes which kind of path is held in a path object
enum PathType { eRELATIVE = 1, eABSOLUTE = 2 };
// path parsing iterator type
typedef sal_Unicode const * StrPos;
// missing or mis leading in SAL/rtl: pStr1[nLength] must NOT be evaluated
sal_Int32 cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength( const sal_Unicode* pStr1,
sal_Int32 nStr1Len,
const sal_Char* pStr2 )
while( nStr1Len )
sal_Int32 nRet = static_cast<sal_Int32>(*pStr1)-
static_cast<sal_Int32>(static_cast<unsigned char>(*pStr2));
if (nRet != 0 || *pStr2 == 0) return nRet;
return -static_cast<sal_Int32>(static_cast<unsigned char>(*pStr2));
/** find the char being escaped by the escape sequence in the given string range
the char being escaped or zero, if the range is no known escape
sal_Unicode implParseEscape(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW(())
OSL_PRECOND( pBegin < pEnd, "Nonempty string range expected" );
OSL_PRECOND( pBegin[0] == c_amp, "String range is not a possible escape: missing start marker" );
OSL_PRECOND( pEnd[-1] == c_end_escape, "String range is not a possible escape: missing end marker" );
sal_Int32 const nLen = pEnd - pBegin;
sal_Unicode chResult;
if ( c_nMinEscapeLen > nLen || nLen > c_nMaxEscapeLen) // quick check, if there is no possible match
chResult = 0;
// the standard escapes
else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,c_amp_name)) chResult = c_amp;
else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,c_apos_name)) chResult = c_apos;
else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,c_quot_name)) chResult = c_quot;
// extra escapes for XML compatibility
else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,"&lt;")) chResult = sal_Unicode('<');
else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,"&gt;")) chResult = sal_Unicode('>');
else chResult = 0;
return chResult;
/** find the escape sequence to use for the given char
an escape sequence, or NULL, if the char should not be escaped
sal_Char const* implGetEscape(sal_Unicode ch ) SAL_THROW(())
switch (ch)
case c_amp: return c_amp_name;
case c_apos: return c_apos_name;
case c_quot: return c_quot_name;
default: return NULL;
/** find the start of the path component ending before pEnd in the string starting at pBegin
a pointer to the last character before pEnd that is not a name delimiter
StrPos implFindNameStart(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW(())
OSL_PRECOND(pBegin <= pEnd, "Invalid string range");
sal_Int32 const nLen = pEnd-pBegin;
sal_Int32 const nPos = rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pBegin, nLen, c_cDelimiter) + 1;
OSL_ASSERT(0 <= nPos && nPos <= nLen);
return pBegin + nPos;
/** find the start of the bracketed & quoted predicate ending before pEnd in the string starting at pBegin
a pointer to the opening bracket matching the closing bracket at pEnd[-1], if found
<var>pEnd</var>, if no bracketed string was found
NULL, if there was a closing bracket, but the beginning could not be discovered
StrPos implFindPredicateStart(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW(())
OSL_PRECOND(pBegin < pEnd, "Nonempty string range required");
if (pEnd == pBegin || pEnd[-1] != c_rBracket) return pEnd;
if (--pEnd == pBegin)
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Invalid path component: single ']'");
return NULL; // string was only "]"
sal_Unicode chQuote = *--pEnd;
if (chQuote != c_quot && chQuote != c_apos)
// should we support empty brackets ?
if (chQuote == c_lBracket)
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Empty predicate brackets found");
return NULL; // for now we don't
// should we support brackets with non-quoted strings ?
chQuote = c_lBracket; // for now we do
sal_Int32 nStart = rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pBegin, pEnd-pBegin, chQuote);
if (chQuote != c_lBracket) // needed to support non-quoted strings
if (nStart < 0)
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Could not find opening quote or bracket for bracketed predicate");
return NULL;
if (pBegin[nStart] != c_lBracket)
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Illegal quote character in string");
return NULL; // for now we don't
return pBegin + nStart;
/// find the position of the given char in the range given.
sal_Int32 indexOfCharInRange(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd, sal_Unicode ch) SAL_THROW(())
return rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pBegin, pEnd-pBegin, ch);
/// find the position of the given char in the range given.
bool containsChar(sal_Unicode const * pString, sal_Unicode ch) SAL_THROW(())
return rtl_ustr_indexOfChar(pString, ch) >= 0;
/** validate and normalize a bracketed & quoted predicate from content the string range [pBegin,pEnd)
@param pRequiredEscapes
contains a list of characters that must be preescaped or are otherwise invalid
if NULL is passed, the source range is presumed to contain no escaped data
otherwise the ampersand (&) and all characters in the list are required to be escaped
the normalized, bracketed and quoted predicate
InvalidName, if the predicate data is not valid
OUString implMakeNormalizedPredicate(StrPos pBeginContent, StrPos pEndContent, sal_Unicode const* pRequiredEscapes) SAL_THROW((InvalidName))
OSL_PRECOND(pBeginContent <= pEndContent, "Invalid string range");
if (pBeginContent == pEndContent)
return OUString();
rtl::OUStringBuffer aNormalized(pEndContent-pBeginContent + 4); // reserve approximate size initially
// prefix: opening bracket and quote
// content: copy over each char and handle escaping
for(StrPos pCur = pBeginContent; pCur != pEndContent; ++pCur)
sal_Unicode ch = *pCur;
// maybe parse contained escaping
if (pRequiredEscapes)
if (ch == c_amp)
// find an escape end marker (after pCur). Result is pCur, if the end marker is not there
StrPos pEndEscape = pCur + 1 + indexOfCharInRange(pCur+1,pEndContent,c_end_escape);
sal_Unicode ch2 = pCur != pEndEscape ? implParseEscape(pCur,pEndEscape+1) : 0;
if (ch2 != 0) // found and read a valid escape sequence
ch = ch2;
pCur = pEndEscape;
OSL_ASSERT(*pCur == c_end_escape);
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Character '&' must be escaped in this context");
#if 0
throw InvalidName(OUString(pBeginContent,pEndContent-pBeginContent),
"is not a valid element name string. "
"Character '&' must be escaped in this context");
else if ( containsChar(pRequiredEscapes, ch) )
throw InvalidName(OUString(pBeginContent,pEndContent-pBeginContent),
"is not a valid element name string. "
"Some characters must be escaped in this context");
// now append (escape if normal)
if (sal_Char const * pEscape = implGetEscape(ch))
aNormalized.appendAscii( pEscape );
aNormalized.append( ch );
// suffix: closing quote and bracket
return aNormalized.makeStringAndClear();
/** extract and unescape the normalized predicate content in the string range [pBegin,pEnd)
the denormalized predicate content
OUString implReadPredicate(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW(())
OSL_PRECOND(pBegin <= pEnd, "Invalid string range");
rtl::OUStringBuffer aContent(pEnd-pBegin); // reserve approximate size initially
StrPos pReadPos = pBegin;
// content: copy data, handling escapes
for(StrPos pCur = pReadPos; pCur != pEnd; ++pCur)
if (*pCur != c_amp) continue; // no escape here
// handle an escape
// find an escape end marker (after pCur). Result is pCur, if the end marker is not there
StrPos pEndEscape = pCur + 1 + indexOfCharInRange(pCur+1,pEnd,c_end_escape);
OSL_ENSURE(pEndEscape != pCur, "Found dangling ampersand in normalized data");
sal_Unicode ch = implParseEscape(pCur,pEndEscape+1);
OSL_ENSURE(ch != 0, "Found unreckognized escape in normalized data");
if (ch != 0) // found and read a valid escape sequence
// do copy of preceding data
aContent.append(pReadPos, pCur-pReadPos).append(ch);
pCur = pReadPos = pEndEscape;
OSL_ASSERT(*pCur == c_end_escape);
// otherwise just treat the ampersand as a mormal character
// do copy of remaining data
if (pReadPos != pEnd)
aContent.append(pReadPos, pEnd-pReadPos);
return aContent.makeStringAndClear();
/** validate and normalize the bracketed & quoted predicate in the string range [pBegin,pEnd)
the normalized predicate
InvalidName, if the predicate is not valid
OUString implNormalizePredicate(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW((InvalidName))
sal_Unicode sStopCharBuf[2];
sal_Unicode const * pStopChars;
OSL_PRECOND(pBegin < pEnd, "Nonempty string range expected");
OSL_PRECOND(pEnd-pBegin >= 2, "Bracketed string range expected");
OSL_PRECOND(pBegin[0] == c_lBracket,"Bracketed string range expected");
OSL_PRECOND(pEnd[-1] == c_rBracket, "Bracketed string range expected");
++pBegin; --pEnd; // skip brackets
sal_Unicode const chUsedQuot = *pBegin;
if (chUsedQuot == c_apos || chUsedQuot == c_quot)
OSL_PRECOND(pBegin < pEnd && pEnd-pBegin >= 2, "Bracketed quoted string range expected");
OSL_PRECOND(pEnd[-1] == chUsedQuot, "Non-matching quotes in bracketed quoted string");
if (pEnd-pBegin <= 1 || pEnd[-1] != chUsedQuot)
throw InvalidName( OUString(pBegin, pEnd-pBegin), "is not a valid element predicate: quotes do not match");
++pBegin; --pEnd; // skip quotes
sStopCharBuf[0] = chUsedQuot;
sStopCharBuf[1] = 0;
pStopChars = sStopCharBuf;
// non-quoted strings are not really valid, but we tolerate them
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Warning: Invalid path - non-quoted data in bracketed predicate");
static sal_Unicode const sGeneralStoppers[] = { c_quot, c_apos, c_rBracket, c_lBracket, 0 };
pStopChars = sGeneralStoppers;
if (pBegin == pEnd)
throw InvalidName(OUString(pBegin-1,2),"Empty element name in predicate");
return implMakeNormalizedPredicate(pBegin, pEnd, pStopChars);
/// parse a path into a sequence of components
Path::Rep implParsePath(OUString const& _aPathString, PathType eType) SAL_THROW((InvalidName))
Path::Rep aResult;
StrPos pBegin = _aPathString.getStr();
StrPos pEnd = pBegin + _aPathString.getLength();
if (eType == eABSOLUTE)
if ( detectAbsolutePath(_aPathString) )
++pBegin; // skip the leading slash
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Warning: trying to parse relative path as absolute");
OSL_ENSURE(!detectAbsolutePath(_aPathString), "ERROR: trying to parse absolute path as relative one");
if (detectAbsolutePath(pBegin))
throw InvalidName(_aPathString, "is not a valid path. Illegal empty first component");
else if (pBegin != pEnd && pEnd[-1] == '/')
OSL_ENSURE(false, "Illegal configuration path. Terminating '/' found.");
while (pEnd != pBegin)
// check for predicate
StrPos pQuoteStart = implFindPredicateStart(pBegin, pEnd);
if (pQuoteStart == NULL)
throw InvalidName(_aPathString, "is not a valid path. Invalid name or predicate syntax");
StrPos pNameStart = implFindNameStart(pBegin, pQuoteStart);
OUString aElementName(pNameStart, pQuoteStart-pNameStart);
if (!isSimpleName(aElementName))
// this is OK only for few cases WITH predicate
if (pQuoteStart == pEnd)
throw InvalidName(_aPathString, "is not a valid path. Invalid name");
if (isEmptyString(aElementName))
aElementName = makeWildcardType();
else if ( !isWildcardType(aElementName))
throw InvalidName(_aPathString, "is not a valid path. Invalid type tag for predicate");
if (pQuoteStart != pEnd)
aElementName += implNormalizePredicate(pQuoteStart,pEnd);
aResult.prepend( Path::Component(aElementName, Path::PackageOnly()) );
pEnd = pNameStart;
if (pNameStart != pBegin) --pEnd;
return aResult;
/// build a composite path component from a base name (type) and a (somewhat optional) predicate
Name implMakeCompositeName(OUString const& _sBaseName, OUString const& _sPredicate) SAL_THROW((InvalidName))
OUString sComposite(_sBaseName);
if (isEmptyString(_sBaseName))
sComposite = makeWildcardType();
else if (!isWildcardType(_sBaseName) && !isSimpleName(_sBaseName))
throw InvalidName(_sBaseName, "The base-name (type) part of a composite node name must be a simple word");
StrPos pPredStart = _sPredicate.getStr();
StrPos pPredEnd = pPredStart + _sPredicate.getLength();
if (pPredStart != pPredEnd)
sComposite += implMakeNormalizedPredicate(pPredStart, pPredEnd, NULL);
return Name( sComposite, Path::PackageOnly() );
/// split a composite path component into a base name (type) and a predicate (if present)
void implSplitCompositeName(Name const& _aCompositeName, OUString& _rBaseName, OUString& _rPredicate) SAL_THROW(())
OUString sComposite = _aCompositeName.toString();
sal_Int32 nPos = sComposite.indexOf(c_lBracket);
if (nPos >= 0)
OSL_ENSURE( nPos > 0, "Invalid name: Only predicate, no base type");
_rBaseName = sComposite.copy(0,nPos);
StrPos pBeginPred = sComposite.getStr() + nPos;
StrPos pEndPred = sComposite.getStr() + sComposite.getLength();
OSL_ASSERT(pBeginPred[0] == c_lBracket);
OSL_ENSURE(pBeginPred[1] == c_normal_quot, "Missing or unexpected quote mark");
OSL_ENSURE(pEndPred[-1] == c_rBracket, "Invalid name: Predicate brackets not closed");
OSL_ENSURE(pEndPred[-2] == c_normal_quot, "Missing or unexpected quote mark");
// skip brackets and quotes - then read data
_rPredicate = implReadPredicate(pBeginPred+2, pEndPred-2);
OSL_ENSURE( sComposite.indexOf(c_rBracket) < 0, "Invalid name: Predicate brackets not opened");
_rBaseName = sComposite;
_rPredicate = OUString();
// class RelativePath
// Currently unused method to check/ensure validity
void RelativePath::init() SAL_THROW(())
RelativePath RelativePath::parse(OUString const& aString)
return RelativePath( implParsePath(aString, eRELATIVE) );
RelativePath::RelativePath(Path::Component const& aName) SAL_THROW(())
: m_aRep(aName)
if (aName.isEmpty()) m_aRep.clearComponents();
RelativePath RelativePath::compose(RelativePath const& aPath) const SAL_THROW(())
Path::Rep aResult = aPath.rep();
aResult.prepend( this->m_aRep );
return RelativePath( aResult );
OUString RelativePath::toString() const SAL_THROW(())
return m_aRep.toString(false);
// class AbsolutePath
// Currently unused method to check/ensure validity
void AbsolutePath::init() SAL_THROW(())
AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::parse(OUString const& aString)
return AbsolutePath( implParsePath(aString, eABSOLUTE) );
AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::root() SAL_THROW(())
return AbsolutePath( Path::Rep() );
AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::detachedRoot() SAL_THROW(())
Path::Rep aRep( Path::makeEmptyComponent() ); // use 1 empty component here, to start detached names
return AbsolutePath( aRep );
static inline Path::Component implMakeSafeModuleName(OUString const& _sModuleName) SAL_THROW(())
OSL_ENSURE( isSimpleName(_sModuleName), "A module name must be a simple name");
// if (isSimpleName(_sModuleName)) sModuleName = escape_name( _sModuleName );
return Path::Component(_sModuleName, Path::PackageOnly());
AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::makeModulePath(Name const& _aModuleName, NoValidate) SAL_THROW(())
return AbsolutePath( Path::Rep( implMakeSafeModuleName(_aModuleName.toString()) ) );
AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::makeModulePath(OUString const& _sModuleName, NoValidate) SAL_THROW(())
return AbsolutePath( Path::Rep( implMakeSafeModuleName(_sModuleName) ) );
AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::compose(RelativePath const& aPath) const SAL_THROW(())
Path::Rep aResult = aPath.rep();
aResult.prepend( this->m_aRep );
return AbsolutePath( aResult );
AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::getParentPath() const
// or: m_aRep.check_not_empty();
OSL_ENSURE(!isRoot(), "ERROR: Requesting the parent of a root path");
if (isRoot()) return *this;
OSL_ENSURE(!isDetached(), "ERROR: Requesting the parent of a detached path");
return AbsolutePath( Path::Rep(begin(),end()-1) );
bool AbsolutePath::isDetached() const SAL_THROW(())
return !m_aRep.isEmpty() && begin()->isEmpty();
OUString AbsolutePath::toString() const SAL_THROW(())
return m_aRep.toString(true);