2004/10/14 18:47:28 rodarvus RESYNC: (1.22-1.23); FILE MERGED 2004/10/14 14:44:12 rodarvus Issue number: #i27368# added support for hebrew Submitted by: obr Reviewed by: rodarvus 2004/10/14 13:21:32 rodarvus Issue number: #i26571# - remove redundant GTK/KDE logic from config_office/ Submitted by: rodarvus 2004/09/21 17:26:16 rodarvus RESYNC: (1.19-1.22); FILE MERGED 2004/09/21 14:46:37 rodarvus Issue number: i26571 Submitted by: kendy Reviewed by: rodarvus 2004/09/14 13:40:08 rodarvus Issue number: i26571 Submitted by: kendy Reviewed by: rodarvus
2445 lines
88 KiB
2445 lines
88 KiB
#!@PERL@ -w
# Program:
# Version: $Revision: 1.25 $
# Date: $Date: 2004-10-27 16:17:53 $
# Author: Willem van Dorp, Ross Nicholson, Oisin Boydell - Sun Microsystems, Ireland.
# Description:
# set_soenv generates a file that contains all necessary
# environment variables for the build proces of OpenOffice
# on Linux, NetBSD, Solaris, Windows NT and Mac OS X/Darwin.
# Program steps.
# I. Checking the command-line arguments.
# IIa. Declaring variables for the system commands, etc.
# IIb. Declaring the environment variables.
# III. Initialising the variables for the system commands, etc.
# IV. Print out some important messages etc.
# V. Initialising the environment variables.
# VI. Open the output file.
# VII. Writing the data to the output file.
# VIII. Closing output file.
# IX. Sourcing the output file.
# X. Set up the build environment.
# XI. Moving the output file to the build home directory.
use strict; # pragma
use File::Basename;
# IIa. Declaring variables for the system commands, etc.
my ( $outfile, $outfile_sh, $outfile_bat, $bootfile, $newline, $comment, $comment4nt, $compiler, $unsetenv, $setenv, $unset, $set, $ds, $ps, $cur_dir,
$par_dir, $I, $L, $D, $buildenv, $answer, $tmp, $Solaris, $Linux, $FreeBSD, $NetBSD, $Tru64, $Irix, $Irix64, $Winnt, $Macosx, $MINGW,
$platform, $cygwinver, $machine_type, $empty, $no_ant, $no_stl, $no_gcc_include,
$no_gxx_include, $warnfile, $Warning, $result, $unsetvars, $unsetvarssh, $unsetvarsbat, $exportvars, $win_format_var, $perl_os);
# IIb. Declaring environment values (constants).
# Platform independent constant values.
$common_build, $MK_UNROLL, $NO_REC_RES, $SO3, $SOLAR_JAVA,
# Platform dependent constant values.
$DEMO_ENV, $DYNAMIC_CRT, $SET_EXCEPTIONS, $emergency, $use_shl_versions, $CDPATHx, $JRELIBDIR,
# IIc. Declaring the environment variables.
# Help variables.
$STLPORT_stlport, $STLPORT_inc_stlport, $PERL_PATH );
# Environment variables.
# IId. Declaring the aliases.
my ( $dmake, $build, $nmake, $mkout, $deliver, $zipdep );
# IIIa. Initialising constants.
$UPD = '@UPD@'; # the project's UPD
$newline = "\n"; # Perl newline character
$unsetenv = "unsetenv"; # c-shell command
$setenv = "setenv"; # c-shell command
$unset = "unset"; # msdos batch file command
$set = "set"; # msdos batch file command
$ds = "/"; # directory separator
$ps = ":"; # path separator
$cur_dir = "."; # current directory
$par_dir = ".."; # parrent directory
$I = " -I"; # include search path
$L = " -L"; # library search path
$D = " -D"; # define search path
$Solaris = "SunOS"; # return of uname command on Solaris
$Linux = "Linux"; # return of uname command on Linux
$NetBSD = "NetBSD"; # return of uname command on NetBSD
$FreeBSD = "FreeBSD"; # return of uname command on FreeBSD
$Tru64 = "OSF1"; # return of uname command of Tru64
$Irix = "IRIX"; # return of uname command of Irix on a 32 bit platform
$Irix64 = "IRIX64"; # return of uname command of Irix on a 64 bit platform
$Winnt = "WINNT"; # return of uname command on Windows NT
$Macosx = "Darwin"; # return of uname command on Mac OS X/Darwin
$empty = ""; # used as argument
$no_stl = "NO_STLPORT4"; # possible argument
$warnfile = "warn"; # logfile configure warnings.
$Warning = ""; # container for warning messages
$STLPORT4 = '@STLPORT4@'; # Location of STLport4
$MINGW = '@WITH_MINGWIN@'; # use MinGW for Windows build
$CC = '@CC@'; # C compiler
$CXX = '@CXX@'; # C++ compiler
$EXCEPTIONS = '@EXCEPTIONS@'; # Exception handling type
$WRAPCMD = ""; # Wrapper (only for winnt)
$GLIBC = ""; # Whether the platform uses glibc
# IV. Initialise the warning container and print a note to the user.
# Add the configure (pre-requisite) warnings to the warning container
# , $Warning.
AddWarning( "configure", "" );
print ("Setting up the environment for building $newline");
# V. Setting the environment variables/values.
# A. Checking the platform first.
$platform = `uname`; # probing the platform
if ( $platform =~ m/CYGWIN/g )
{ $platform = $Winnt;
chomp( $platform );
$machine_type = `uname -m`;
chomp( $machine_type );
# get perls idea for OS
# needed to differentiate cygwin/native perl on windows
$perl_os = $^O;
# B. Gathering information from the system.
# 1. Path
$oldPATH = $ENV{"PATH"};
chomp( $oldPATH ); # cut off new line
# C. Setting the constant values.
# Setting platform independent constant values.
print "Setting platform independent values... ";
# NB: Language options now set at 'ToFile' stage.
$NO_SRS_PATCH = "true";
$common_build = "";
$SO3 = "TRUE";
$TF_SDBAPI = "ist_da";
$TF_UCB = "ist_da";
$BUILD_DELIVER = "true";
$VCL = "TRUE";
$BUILD_SOSL = "true";
$LOCAL_SOLENV = "true";
$comment = "#"; # UNIX script comment character
$comment4nt = "rem"; # Windows 4nt script comment character
# Setting platform dependent constant values.
if ( $platform eq "$Solaris" )
{ print "Setting Solaris specific values... ";
if ($machine_type eq "i86pc")
{ $outfile = "SolarisIntelEnv.Set";
$CPU = "I";
$DLLSUFFIX = "si";
$OUTPATH = "unxsoli4";
$COMEX = 4;
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."motif21";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."native_threads";
{ $outfile = "SolarisSparcEnv.Set";
$CPU = "S";
$COMEX = 4;
$DLLSUFFIX = "ss";
$OUTPATH = "unxsols4";
$COMEX = 4;
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."sparc";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."sparc".$ds."motif21";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."sparc".$ds."native_threads";
$COM = "C52";
$CVER = "C52";
$GUI = "UNX";
$GUIBASE = "unx";
$GUIENV = "sal";
$GVER = "VCL";
elsif ( $platform eq "$NetBSD" )
#Set machine_type specific values:
if ($machine_type eq "i386")
{ print "Setting NetBSD Intel specific values... ";
$outfile = "NetBSDIntelEnv.Set";
$CPU = "I";
$DLLSUFFIX = "bi";
$OUTPATH = "unxbsdi";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."native_threads";
elsif ($machine_type eq "sparc")
{ print "Setting NetBSD Sparc specific values... ";
$outfile = "NetBSDSparcEnv.Set";
$CPU = "S";
$DLLSUFFIX = "bs";
$OUTPATH = "unxbsds";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."sparc";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."sparc".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."sparc".$ds."native_threads";
elsif ($machine_type eq "powerpc")
{ print "Setting NetBSD PPC specific values... ";
$outfile = "NetBSDPPCEnv.Set";
$CPU = "P";
$DLLSUFFIX = "bp";
$OUTPATH = "unxbsdppc";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."ppc";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."ppc".$ds."classic";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."ppc".$ds."native_threads";
{ print "Unsupported NetBSD architecture: $machine_type \n";
exit 1;
#Conditional setting depending on gcc3:
$CVER = "C300";
# General NetBSD settings:
$COM = "GCC";
$GUI = "UNX";
$GUIBASE = "unx";
$GUIENV = "sal";
$GVER = "VCL";
elsif ( $platform eq "$FreeBSD" )
{ print "Setting FreeBSD specific values... ";
$outfile = "FreeBSDEnv.Set";
$COM = "GCC";
$CPU = "I";
$CVER = "C300";
$DLLSUFFIX = "fi";
$GUI = "UNX";
$GUIBASE = "unx";
$GUIENV = "sal";
$GVER = "VCL";
$OUTPATH = "unxfbsd";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."native_threads";
elsif ( $platform eq "$Linux" )
#Set machine_type specific values:
if (($machine_type eq "i686") or ($machine_type eq "i586"))
{ print "Setting Linux Intel specific values... ";
$outfile = "LinuxIntelEnv.Set";
$CPU = "I";
$DLLSUFFIX = "li";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."native_threads";
elsif ($machine_type eq "x86_64")
{ print "Setting Linux x86-64 specific values... ";
$outfile = "LinuxAMDEnv.Set";
$CPU = "X";
$CPUNAME = "X86_64";
$DLLSUFFIX = "lx";
$OUTPATH = "unxlngx4";
# JDK porting project uses `amd64' and `server' in JDK 1.4.2 RC1
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."amd64";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."amd64".$ds."server";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."amd64".$ds."native_threads";
elsif (($machine_type eq "sparc") or ($machine_type eq "sparc64"))
{ print "Setting Linux Sparc specific values... ";
$outfile = "LinuxSparcEnv.Set";
$CPU = "S";
$DLLSUFFIX = "ls";
$OUTPATH = "unxlngs";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."sparc";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."sparc".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."sparc".$ds."native_threads";
elsif (($machine_type eq "ppc") or ($machine_type eq "ppc64"))
{ print "Setting Linux PPC specific values... ";
$outfile = "LinuxPPCEnv.Set";
$CPU = "P";
$DLLSUFFIX = "lp";
$OUTPATH = "unxlngppc";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."ppc";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."ppc".$ds."classic";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."ppc".$ds."native_threads";
elsif ($machine_type eq "s390")
{ print "Setting Linux S/390 specific values... ";
$outfile = "LinuxS390Env.Set";
$CPU = "3";
$CPUNAME = "S390";
$DLLSUFFIX = "l3";
$OUTPATH = "unxlngs390";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."s390";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."s390".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."s390".$ds."native_threads";
elsif ($machine_type eq "alpha")
{ print "Setting Linux Alpha specific values... ";
$outfile = "LinuxAlphaEnv.Set";
$CPU = "A";
$DLLSUFFIX = "la";
$OUTPATH = "unxlnga";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."alpha";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."alpha".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."alpha".$ds."native_threads";
elsif ($machine_type eq "armv4l")
{ print "Setting Linux ARM specific values... ";
$outfile = "LinuxARMEnv.Set";
$CPU = "R";
$DLLSUFFIX = "lr";
$OUTPATH = "unxlngr";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."arm";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."arm".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."arm".$ds."native_threads";
#Conditional setting depending on gcc3 (on x86):
$CVER = "C300";
if (($machine_type eq "i686") or ($machine_type eq "i586"))
$OUTPATH = "unxlngi4"
# General Linux settings:
$COM = "GCC";
$GUI = "UNX";
$GUIBASE = "unx";
$GUIENV = "sal";
$GVER = "VCL";
$OS = "LINUX";
elsif ( $platform eq "$Tru64" )
{ print "Setting Tru64 specific values... ";
$outfile = "Tru64AlphaEnv.Set";
$COM = "CXX";
$CPU = "A";
$CVER = "C62";
$DLLSUFFIX = "t64";
$GUI = "UNX";
$GUIBASE = "unx";
$GUIENV = "sal";
$GVER = "VCL";
$OUTPATH = "unxt64";
$OS = "TRU64";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."alpha";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."alpha".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."alpha".$ds."native_threads";
elsif ( $platform eq "$Irix" || $platform eq "$Irix64" )
{ print "Setting Irix specific values... ";
$outfile = "IrixMipsEnv.Set";
if ($CC =~ "gcc" ) {
$COM = "GCC";
$OUTPATH = "unxirgm";
$CVER = "C300";
else {
$COM = "C730";
$CVER = "C730";
$OUTPATH = "unxirxm3";
$CPU = "M";
$DLLSUFFIX = "im";
$GUI = "UNX";
$GUIBASE = "unx";
$GUIENV = "sal";
$GVER = "VCL";
$OS = "IRIX";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."mips";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."mips".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."mips".$ds."native_threads";
elsif ( $platform eq "$Winnt" )
$COMPATH = PosixFormat('@COMPATH@');
$MSPDB_PATH = PosixFormat('@MSPDB_PATH@');
$MIDL_PATH = PosixFormat('@MIDL_PATH@');
$CSC_PATH = PosixFormat('@CSC_PATH@');
$NMAKE_PATH = PosixFormat('@NMAKE_PATH@');
$PSDK_HOME = PosixFormat('@PSDK_HOME@');
} else {
$FRAME_HOME = PosixFormat('@FRAME_HOME@');
$CPU = "I";
$GUI = "WNT";
$GVER = "NT351";
$OS = "WNT";
$emergency = "FALSE";
$use_shl_versions = "TRUE";
if ( $MINGW eq "yes" )
{ # At the moment this implies the use of tcsh
print "Setting Windows NT cygwin MinGW specific values... ";
$WRAPCMD = "";
$outfile = "winmingw.set";
$COM = "GCC";
$CVER = "C300";
$DLLSUFFIX = "gi";
$OUTPATH = "wntgcci";
else # The MSVC section starts here
{ $outfile = "winenv.set";
$COM = "MSC";
# COMPATH for MSC is differently used
$COMPATH =~ s/\/bin$//i;
$DLLSUFFIX = "mi";
$OUTPATH = "wntmsci@COMEX@";
} else {
$ATL_LIB = $COMPATH.$ds."atlmfc".$ds."lib";
$ATL_INCLUDE = $COMPATH.$ds."atlmfc".$ds."include";
if ( "@COMEX@" eq "10" ) { # .NET 2003 needs M1310
$CVER = "M1310";
} elsif ( "@COMEX@" eq "8" ) { # .NET 2002 needs M1300
$CVER = "M1300";
} else { # Unsupported
die "Unsupported value for COMEX variable.\n";
if ( "@USE_SHELL@" ne "4nt" )
{ print "Setting Windows NT cygwin without 4NT specific values... ";
$WRAPCMD = "";
$CC = $WRAPCMD." ".$CC;
else # "@USE_SHELL@" ne "4nt"
{ print "Setting Windows NT with 4NT specific values... ";
# Change path to lower case.
elsif ( $platform eq "$Macosx" )
{ print "Setting Mac OS X/Darwin specific values... ";
$outfile = "MacosxEnv.Set";
$COM = "GCC";
$CPU = "P";
$CVER = "C300";
$DLLSUFFIX = "mxp";
$GUI = "UNX";
$GUIENV = "sal";
$GVER = "VCL";
$OUTPATH = "unxmacxp";
# GUIBASE is set below; may be "aqua" or "unx".
elsif ( $platform eq "AIX" )
$machine_type = `uname -p`; # trust AIX to be different!
chomp( $machine_type );
if( $machine_type ne "powerpc" )
print "\nAIX has only been ported and tested on powerpc\n";
AddWarning( "set_soenv", "Machine type $machine_type has not been tested");
print "Setting Linux PPC specific values... ";
$outfile = "aixPPCEnv.Set";
$CPU = "P";
$DLLSUFFIX = "ap";
$OUTPATH = "unxlngppc";
$JRELIBDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."ppc";
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."ppc".$ds."classic";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."ppc".$ds."native_threads";
$COM = "GCC";
$CVER = "C300";
$GUI = "UNX";
$GUIBASE = "unx";
$GUIENV = "sal";
$GVER = "VCL";
$OS = "AIX";
else {
print "\nset_soenv: Cannot figure out what platform you are running\n";
print "For $platform and machine type $machine_type\n";
exit 1;
print "done\n";
# D. Gathering directory information from the user.
# If the directory does not exist ask the user to create it.
# 1. build home directory.
$SRC_ROOT = `pwd`;
$SRC_ROOT =~ s/\/config_office//;
CheckPathExist( $SRC_ROOT );
# Copy top level makefile from config_office/ to $SRC_ROOT
if (! -e "makefile.rc")
{ AddWarning( "set_soenv", "makefile.rc not found in config_office/. Could not copy to SRC_ROOT." );
{ `cp -f makefile.rc $SRC_ROOT/`;
# 2. Java home directory.
# JAVA_HOME as argument from autoconf.
$JAVA_HOME = PosixFormat('@JAVA_HOME@') ;
if ( $platform eq "$Winnt" ) {
$JAVA_HOME =~ s/[\s\/]+$//; # remove trailing \n or \/ if there is any.
# 3. Tcsh path.
# Check whether autoconf found the Tcsh path.
if ("@USE_SHELL@" eq "tcsh")
{ # SHELL as argument from autoconf.
$SHELL = '@TCSH@'."\/tcsh";
if ( '@STLPORT4@' eq $no_stl )
$STLPORT4 = "$no_stl";
# ml.exe assembler path for Windows users.
if ($platform eq "$Winnt")
{ $ASM_PATH = PosixFormat('@ASM_HOME@');
# E. Determining the envionment values based on the information
# that was gathered earlier on.
print "Setting the environment variables... ";
$USR = $ds."usr";
$ETC = $ds."etc";
$BIN = $ds."bin";
$LIB = $ds."lib";
$LIB64 = $ds."lib";
$LIB64 .= "64"
if ($platform eq "Linux" && $machine_type eq "x86_64");
$INC = $ds."inc";
$INCLUDE = $ds."include";
$DEV = $ds."dev";
$OPT = $ds."opt";
$LOCAL = $ds."local";
$SOLENV = $ds."solenv";
$SOLVER = $ds."solver";
$CONFIG = $ds."config";
$USR_LOCAL = $USR.$ds."local";
$USR_CCS = $USR.$ds."ccs";
$USR_OPENWIN = $USR.$ds."openwin";
$USR_DT = $USR.$ds."dt";
$COMMON_BUILD_TOOLS = '$SRC_ROOT'.$ds."external".$ds."common";
# Generate alternate output file for sh?
if ('@USE_SHELL@' eq "tcsh")
{ $outfile_sh = $outfile.".sh";
{ undef $outfile_sh;
# Generate output file for 4nt?
if ("@USE_SHELL@" eq "4nt")
{ $outfile_bat = $outfile;
$outfile_bat =~ s/set$/bat/i;
{ undef $outfile_bat;
if ($STLPORT4 ne $no_stl) {
$ps_STLPORT_LIB = $ps.'$STLPORT4'.$LIB64;
$STLPORT_stlport = $I.'$STLPORT4'.$ds.'stlport';
$STLPORT_inc_stlport = $I.'$STLPORT4'.$ds.'include'.$ds.'stlport';
} else {
$ps_STLPORT_LIB = "";
$STLPORT_stlport = $I.$SRC_ROOT.$SOLVER.$ds.$UPD.$ds.$INPATH.$INC.$ds."stl";
$STLPORT_inc_stlport = "";
# Windows NT only variables
if ($platform eq "$Winnt")
if ( $JAVA_HOME ne "" )
# Import SystemDrive enviroment variable
use Env qw(SYSTEMDRIVE);
# Change $SYSTEMDRIVE to lower case.
use Env qw(SYSTEMROOT);
$CYGWIN_PATH = PosixFormat('@CYGWIN_PATH@'); # Windows bash path
$WIN_GREP = '$CYGWIN_PATH'.$ds."grep.exe";
$WIN_FIND = '$CYGWIN_PATH'.$ds."find.exe";
$WIN_LS = '$CYGWIN_PATH'.$ds."ls.exe";
$WIN_GNUCOPY = '$CYGWIN_PATH'.$ds."cp.exe";
$WIN_TOUCH = '$CYGWIN_PATH'.$ds."touch.exe";
if ( $JAVA_HOME ne "" )
$JAVA_INCLUDE = $JAVA_HOME.$ds."include";
$PERL = PosixFormat('@PERL@'); # Perl program
$PERL_PATH = dirname('@PERL@'); # Perl Path
$XLIB = PosixFormat('@XLIB@'); # X11 libraries
$XINC = PosixFormat('@XINC@'); # X11 includes
# Mac OS X/Darwin only variables.
if ( $platform eq "$Macosx" )
{ $FRAMEWORKSHOME = $ds."System".$ds."Library".$ds."Frameworks";
if ( $XLIB eq "no_x_libraries" ) {
$GUIBASE = "aqua";
} else {
$GUIBASE = "unx";
# Same as UPD, used in the buildproces.
# The project's workstamp.
# Location of the build root.
# Location of the source.
# The location of the RESOURCE files.
# Set solenv and solver to given or default values.
# Location of the solenv tree.
{ $SOLARENV = PosixFormat('@LOCAL_SOLENV@');
# Location of the solver tree.
{ $SOLARVER = PosixFormat('@LOCAL_SOLVER@');
#Location of Solar version.
# Location of
# Location of
# Location of
# Location of
$STAR_STANDLST = '$SOLARENV'.$CONFIG.$ds."stand.lst";
# Location of
$STAR_SSCOMMON = '$SOLARENV'.$CONFIG.$ds."ssolar.cmn";
# Location of
$STAR_SSOLARINI = '$SOLARENV'.$CONFIG.$ds."ssolar.ini";
# Path to the recourses.
# Location of the registry file.
$STAR_REGISTRY = '$STAR_RESOURCEPATH'.$ds."applicat.rdb";
# Location of dmake resource.
$DMAKEROOT = '$SOLARENVINC'.$ds."startup";
# Location of JDK classes .zip file.
# but in jdk 1.2 it is called rt.jar and it lives in jre/lib
$CLASSPATH = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds.'jre'.$LIB.$ds."rt.jar".$ps.'.';
# Location of the JDK supported standard file.
# see above for why the change
$XCLASSPATH = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds.'jre'.$LIB.$ds."rt.jar".$ps.'.';
# Paths to run time shared libraries.
if ($platform eq "$Solaris")
{ $LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $cur_dir.
elsif (($platform eq "$Linux") || ($platform eq "$NetBSD") ||
($platform eq "$Tru64") || ($platform eq "$FreeBSD") ||
($platform eq "AIX") )
{ $LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $cur_dir.
elsif ($platform eq "$Irix" || $platform eq "$Irix64")
{ $LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $cur_dir.
elsif ($platform eq $Macosx)
elsif ($platform ne $Winnt )
{ AddWarning( "set_soenv", "$platform not configured for runtime shared libraries" );
# Compiler directives.
if ($platform eq "$Solaris")
elsif (($platform eq "$Linux") || ($platform eq "$NetBSD") ||
($platform eq "$FreeBSD") || ($platform eq "$Tru64") ||
($platform eq "$Irix") || ($platform eq "$Irix64") ||
($platform eq "AIX") )
if ($platform eq "$FreeBSD")
{ $SOLARDEF .= $D."X86".
if ($GLIBC ne "" )
elsif ($platform eq "$Macosx") {
elsif ($platform ne $Winnt )
{ AddWarning( "set_soenv", "$platform not configured for compiler directives" );
# Location used by the linker to create libraries.
if ($platform eq "$Solaris")
{ $SOLAREXTRALIB = $L.$par_dir.$LIB.
elsif (($platform eq "$Linux") || ($platform eq "$NetBSD") ||
($platform eq "$Tru64") || ($platform eq "$Irix") ||
($platform eq "$Irix64") || ($platform eq "$FreeBSD") ||
($platform eq "AIX"))
$SOLAREXTRALIB = $L.$par_dir.$LIB64;
elsif ($platform eq "$Macosx")
elsif ($platform ne $Winnt )
{ AddWarning( "set_soenv", "$platform not configured for linkage create libraries" );
# Windows NT only variables
if ($platform eq "$Winnt")
$ILIB = $cur_dir.$ps_STLPORT_LIB.$ps.
# Mingw is different
if ( $COM eq "MSC" )
{ $ILIB .= $ps.'$COMPATH'.$LIB;
if ( '@ENABLE_DIRECTX@' ) {
$ILIB .= $ps.PosixFormat('@DIRECTXSDK_HOME@').$LIB;
# The general environment path.
if (($platform eq "$Linux") || ($platform eq "$NetBSD") ||
($platform eq "$Tru64") || ($platform eq "$Irix") ||
($platform eq "$Irix64") || ($platform eq "$FreeBSD") ||
($platform eq "AIX") || ($platform eq "$Solaris"))
{ $PATH = $cur_dir.
if ($platform eq "$Solaris") {
$PATH .= $ps.$USR_CCS.$BIN;
$PATH .= $ps.$oldPATH;
my @javaBits;
if ( $JAVA_HOME ne "" ) {
@javaBits = ( '$JAVA_HOME'.$BIN, 'javac' );
} else {
@javaBits = ();
$PATH = GetCorrectPath ($PATH, $COMPATH, $CC,
$PERL_PATH, 'perl',
$TCSH_PATH, 'tcsh',
elsif ($platform eq "$Winnt")
my ( $noldPATH );
$noldPATH = $oldPATH;
# convert path to posix if using native NT perl
$noldPATH = PosixFormat($noldPATH);
$PATH = $cur_dir.
if ( $JAVA_HOME ne "" )
# hack either "hotspot" or "client" should be used, depending on the jdk version:
# 1.2.x - no such directory, unsupported
# 1.3.x - hotspot, client missing
# 1.4.x - client, hotspot missing
if ( -d $JAVA_HOME.$ds."jre".$ds."bin".$ds."hotspot" ) {
$PATH .= $ps.$JAVA_HOME.$ds."jre".$ds."bin".$ds."hotspot";
if ( -d $JAVA_HOME.$ds."jre".$ds."bin".$ds."client" ) {
$PATH .= $ps.$JAVA_HOME.$ds."jre".$ds."bin".$ds."client";
# Cygwin or MSVC++ Environement sets the PATH variable, dont add $COMPATH to $PATH !
# anyway, add if path to compiler isn't already set in PATH
if ( ! ( $noldPATH =~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$COMPATH)(?:[:]|\Z|$ds)/ ) )
{ # Mingw is different
if ( $COM eq "MSC" ) {
$PATH .= $ps.'$COMPATH'.$BIN;
} else {
$PATH .= $ps.'$COMPATH';
if ( $COM eq "MSC" ) {
# for MS-Visual Studio 6.0 to find mspdb60.dll (needed by CL.EXE C/C++ Compiler)
# and rcdll.dll (need by RC.EXE -- 32 bit Resource Compiler) location
# and
# for .NET to find mspdb70.dll (needed by CL.EXE C/C++ Compiler)
if ( $noldPATH !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$MSPDB_PATH)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) {
if ( ( $COMEX eq "8" ) || ( $COMEX eq "10" ) ) {
# .NET needs midl.exe
if ( $noldPATH !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$MIDL_PATH)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) {
$PATH .= $ps.$MIDL_PATH;
# .NET needs csc.exe
if ( $noldPATH !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$CSC_PATH)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) {
$PATH .= $ps.$CSC_PATH;
# VC toolkit needs nmake.exe
if ( "@ENABLE_VCTK@" and $noldPATH !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$NMAKE_PATH)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) {
# .NET needs wdevenv.exe, VC toolkit doesn't
if ( !"@ENABLE_VCTK@" and $noldPATH !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$WDEVENV_PATH)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) {
# Check if $PERL_PATH is already set in PATH
if ( ! ( $noldPATH =~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$PERL_PATH)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) )
$PATH .= $ps.'${PERL_PATH}';
# Check if $TCSH_PATH is already set in PATH
if ( ( "'@USE_SHELL@'" eq "tcsh" ) && ( ! $noldPATH =~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$TCSH_PATH)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) )
{ $PATH .= $ps.$TCSH_PATH;
if ( ($COM eq "MSC") && ($ASM_PATH ne "ASM_IN_PATH") )
{ $PATH .= $ps.'${ASM_PATH}';
# unzip.exe path for Windows users.
if( "@ZIP_HOME@" ne "ZIP_IN_PATH")
$PATH .= $ps.PosixFormat('@ZIP_HOME@');
# Check if $CYGWIN_PATH is already set in PATH
if ( ! $noldPATH =~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$CYGWIN_PATH)(?:[:]|\Z)/ )
$PATH .= $ps.'$CYGWIN_PATH';
$PATH .= $ps.$noldPATH.
elsif ($platform eq $Macosx)
{ $PATH = $cur_dir.
# PATHEXTRA variable for Macosx.
{ AddWarning( "set_soenv", "$platform not configured for general environment paths" );
# Linker library search directory paths.
if ($platform eq "$Solaris")
{ $SOLARLIB = $L.$par_dir.$LIB.
elsif (($platform eq "$Linux") || ($platform eq "$NetBSD") ||
($platform eq "$Tru64") || ($platform eq "$Irix") ||
($platform eq "$Irix64") || ($platform eq "AIX") ||
($platform eq "$FreeBSD"))
{ $SOLARLIB = $L.$par_dir.$LIB.
elsif ($platform eq "$Winnt")
{ $SOLARLIB = $L.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$UPD'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$LIB.
elsif ($platform eq "$Macosx")
{ $SOLARLIB = $L.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$UPD'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$LIB.
# [ed] 6/15/02 Add in X11 libraries onto the library path
if ($GUIBASE eq "unx") {
# Location of the compiler include search directory paths.
$SOLARINC = $I.$cur_dir.
if (($platform eq "$Solaris") or ($platform eq "$Linux") or ($platform eq "$Tru64") or ($platform eq "$FreeBSD") or ($platform eq "$NetBSD") or ($platform eq "$Irix") or ($platform eq "$Irix64"))
$SOLARINC .= $STLPORT_stlport;
if ($platform eq "$Linux" || $platform eq "$FreeBSD" || $platform eq "$NetBSD")
# This simply adds an include path, so even cases that break the FHS work
$SOLARINC .= $STLPORT_inc_stlport;
if ($platform eq "$Solaris")
$SOLARINC .= '/SC5 ';
# Platform dependent include path at the top of this list of include paths
if ($platform eq "$Solaris")
{ my $temp;
$temp =~ s:$COMPATH:/bin\$:;
$SOLARINC .= $I.$temp.$ds."include";
if ($platform eq "$Linux")
# This simply adds an include path, so even cases that break the FHS work
$SOLARINC .= $STLPORT_inc_stlport;
$SOLARINC .= $I.'$SOLARENV'.$INC.$ds."Xp31".
#include system dependent Java include directory
if ($platform eq "$Solaris")
{ $SOLARINC .=$I.'$JAVA_HOME'.$INCLUDE.$ds."solaris";
elsif (($platform eq "$Linux") || ($platform eq "$Tru64"))
{ $SOLARINC .=$I.'$JAVA_HOME'.$INCLUDE.$ds."linux";
elsif ($platform eq "$FreeBSD")
$SOLARINC .=$I.'$JAVA_HOME'.$INCLUDE.$ds."freebsd";
elsif ($platform eq "$NetBSD")
{ $SOLARINC .=$I.'$JAVA_HOME'.$INCLUDE.$ds."netbsd";
elsif (($platform eq $Irix) || ($platform eq $Irix64))
{ $SOLARINC .=$I.'$JAVA_HOME'.$INCLUDE.$ds."irix";
#java threads include path
$SOLARINC .=$I.'$JAVA_HOME'.$INCLUDE.$ds."native_threads".$ds."include";
#The tail, if needed
if (($platform eq "$Linux") || ($platform eq "$FreeBSD") ||
($platform eq "$NetBSD"))
elsif ($platform eq "$Tru64")
elsif ($platform eq "$Winnt")
{ $SOLARINC .= $STLPORT_stlport.
# Mingw is different
if ( $COM eq "MSC" )
{ $SOLARINC .= $I.'$COMPATH'.$ds."include";
if ( '@ENABLE_DIRECTX@' ) {
elsif ($platform eq "$Macosx")
{ $SOLARINC .= $STLPORT_stlport.
# [ed] 6/15/02 Add in X11 headers as appropriate for the build
if ($GUIBASE eq "unx") {
{ AddWarning( "set_soenv", "$platform not configured for system dependant include dir" );
$PYTHONPATH = '.'.$ps.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$UPD'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$ds.'lib'.$ps.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$UPD'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$ds.'lib'.$ds.'python'.$ps.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$UPD'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$ds.'lib'.$ds.'python'.$ds.'lib-dynload';
print "done\n";
# F. Setting the different aliases.
print "Setting the aliases... ";
# 1. alias for a full product make.
# ToFile will take care for the right 4nt format
$mkout = '"perl $SOLARENV/bin/"';
$deliver = '"perl $SOLARENV/bin/"';
$build = '"perl $SOLARENV/bin/"';
$zipdep = '"perl $SOLARENV/bin/"';
# 3. alias for a full product make
$nmake = '"dmake"';
print "done\n";
# VI. Open the output file.
open( OUT, ">$outfile" ) ||
die "Cannot open $outfile: $!\n";
{ # Create sh environment file
open( OUT_SH, ">$outfile_sh" ) ||
die "Cannot open $outfile_sh: $!\n";
{ # Create bat environment file
open( OUT_BAT, ">$outfile_bat" ) ||
die "Cannot open $outfile_bat: $!\n";
# VII. Writing the data to the output file.
# Write file header.
CreateFileHeader( *OUT, $UPD, $platform, "(t)csh", "#" );
CreateFileHeader( *OUT_SH, $UPD, $platform, "sh/bash/ksh", "#" ) if defined($outfile_sh);
CreateFileHeader( *OUT_BAT, $UPD, $platform, "4nt", "rem" ) if defined($outfile_bat);
# Writing the platform independent constant values to file.
# (c = comment, e = environment variable, a = alias )
ToFile( "SRC_ROOT", $SRC_ROOT, "e" );
ToFile( "SHELL", $SHELL, "e" );
ToFile( "JAVA_HOME", $JAVA_HOME, "e" );
if ( '@JDK@' ne '' )
{ ToFile( "JDK", "@JDK@", "e" );
ToFile( "XSLTPROC", "@XSLTPROC@", "e" );
ToFile( "ANT_HOME", "@ANT_HOME@", "e" );
ToFile( "ANT_LIB", "@ANT_LIB@", "e" );
ToFile( "JDKLIB", $JAVA_LIB, "e" );
ToFile( "STLPORT4", $STLPORT4, "e" );
ToFile( "ASM_PATH", $ASM_PATH, "e" );
ToFile( "Empty", $empty, "n" );
ToFile( "BUILD_SOSL", $BUILD_SOSL, "e" );
ToFile( "Empty", $empty, "n" );
ToFile( "Platform independent constant values.", $empty, "c" );
# dictionaries
if ('@WITH_DICT@' =~ m/ALL,/s)
foreach $dict (@DICTIONARIES)
ToFile( "DIC_$dict", "TRUE", "e" );
foreach $dict (@DICTIONARIES)
{ if ('@WITH_DICT@' =~ m/$dict,/s)
{ my $val="TRUE";
ToFile( "DIC_$dict", $val, "e" );
{ my $val;
undef $val;
ToFile( "DIC_$dict", $val, "e" );
# Languages
ToFile( "WITH_LANG", "@WITH_LANG@", "e" );
ToFile( "CALL_CDECL", $CALL_CDECL, "e" );
ToFile( "common_build", $common_build, "e" );
ToFile( "NO_SRS_PATCH", $NO_SRS_PATCH, "e" );
ToFile( "MK_UNROLL", $MK_UNROLL, "e" );
ToFile( "NO_REC_RES", $NO_REC_RES, "e" );
ToFile( "SO3", $SO3, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_FILEURL", $TF_FILEURL, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_CFGDATA", $TF_CFGDATA, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_SVDATA", $TF_SVDATA, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_SDBAPI", $TF_SDBAPI, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_UCB", $TF_UCB, "e" );
ToFile( "UPDATER", $UPDATER, "e" );
ToFile( "build_deliver", $BUILD_DELIVER, "e" );
ToFile( "USE_NEW_RSC", $USE_NEW_RSC, "e" );
ToFile( "VCL", $VCL, "e" );
ToFile( "NEW_JAR_PACK", $NEW_JAR_PACK, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_FILTER", "TRUE", "e" );
if ($ENABLE_DEBUG eq "TRUE") {
ToFile( "debug", "true", "e" );
ToFile( "PRODUCT", "@PRODUCT@", "e" );
ToFile( "PROEXT", $PROEXT, "e" );
ToFile( "ENABLE_GTK", "@ENABLE_GTK@", "e" );
ToFile( "GTK_CFLAGS", "@GTK_CFLAGS@", "e" );
ToFile( "GTK_LIBS", "@GTK_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "ENABLE_KDE", "@ENABLE_KDE@", "e" );
ToFile( "KDE_CFLAGS", "@KDE_CFLAGS@", "e" );
ToFile( "KDE_LIBS", "@KDE_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "PSPRINT", "TRUE", "e" );
# [ed] 5/14/02 If we're building Aqua graphics, insert a C macro to indicate this.
# There may be a better way to do this, like splitting unxmacxp into two, but
# hopefully this hack will work for now...
if ($platform eq "$Macosx")
my $macosxCdefs="";
if( ! -e "/usr/bin/osascript" ) {
# no command line applescript. Chances are we're on a Darwin system
ToFile( "BUILD_OS_DARWIN", "TRUE", "e");
$macosxCdefs.=" -DBUILD_OS_DARWIN";
open DARVER, "/usr/bin/uname -v |";
my $s=<DARVER>;
chomp $s;
if ( $s =~ /(\d+?)\.(\d+?)(.*?)/)
ToFile("BUILD_OS_MAJOR", $1, "e");
$macosxCdefs.=" -DBUILD_OS_MAJOR=" . $1;
ToFile("BUILD_OS_MINOR", $2, "e");
$macosxCdefs.=" -DBUILD_OS_MINOR=" . $2;
if ( $s =~ /(\d+?)/) {
ToFile("BUILD_OS_REV", $1, "e");
$macosxCdefs.=" -DBUILD_OS_REV=" . $1;
} else {
ToFile("BUILD_OS_REV", "0", "e");
$macosxCdefs.=" -DBUILD_OS_REV=0";
close DARVER;
$macosxCdefs.=" -DBUILD_OS_APPLEOSX";
my $majorScript = <<EOF;
on Num32ToHex(num)
if num < 0 then
set num to (2 ^ 32) + num
end if
set out to ""
repeat with idx from 7 to 0 by -1
set bas to (16 ^ idx) as integer
if num >= bas then
set mult to ((num - (num mod bas)) / bas) as integer
set out to out & character mult of "123456789ABCDEF"
set num to (num - bas * mult)
set out to out & "0"
end if
end repeat
return out
end Num32ToHex
tell application "Finder"
system attribute "sysv"
end tell
return (text 5 through 6 of result)
open BLECH, ">/tmp/os$$";
print BLECH $majorScript;
close BLECH;
open OSXMAJ, "/usr/bin/osascript </tmp/os$$|";
my $tmp=<OSXMAJ>;
chomp $tmp;
$macosxCdefs.=" -DBUILD_OS_MAJOR=" . $tmp;
ToFile("BUILD_OS_MAJOR", $tmp, "e");
close OSXMAJ;
unlink "/tmp/os$$";
my $minorScript = <<EOF;
on Num32ToHex(num)
if num < 0 then
set num to (2 ^ 32) + num
end if
set out to ""
repeat with idx from 7 to 0 by -1
set bas to (16 ^ idx) as integer
if num >= bas then
set mult to ((num - (num mod bas)) / bas) as integer
set out to out & character mult of "123456789ABCDEF"
set num to (num - bas * mult)
set out to out & "0"
end if
end repeat
return out
end Num32ToHex
tell application "Finder"
system attribute "sysv"
end tell
return (text 7 through 7 of result)
open BLECH, ">/tmp/os$$";
print BLECH $minorScript;
close BLECH;
open OSXMIN, "/usr/bin/osascript </tmp/os$$|";
chomp $tmp;
$macosxCdefs.=" -DBUILD_OS_MINOR=" . $tmp;
ToFile("BUILD_OS_MINOR", $tmp, "e");
close OSXMIN;
unlink "/tmp/os$$";
my $revScript = <<EOF;
on Num32ToHex(num)
if num < 0 then
set num to (2 ^ 32) + num
end if
set out to ""
repeat with idx from 7 to 0 by -1
set bas to (16 ^ idx) as integer
if num >= bas then
set mult to ((num - (num mod bas)) / bas) as integer
set out to out & character mult of "123456789ABCDEF"
set num to (num - bas * mult)
set out to out & "0"
end if
end repeat
return out
end Num32ToHex
tell application "Finder"
system attribute "sysv"
end tell
return (text 8 through 8 of result)
open BLECH, ">/tmp/os$$";
print BLECH $revScript;
close BLECH;
open OSXREV, "/usr/bin/osascript </tmp/os$$|";
chomp $tmp;
$macosxCdefs.=" -DBUILD_OS_REV=" . $tmp;
ToFile("BUILD_OS_REV", $tmp, "e");
close OSXREV;
unlink "/tmp/os$$";
if ( $GUIBASE eq "aqua" ) {
$macosxCdefs.=" -DQUARTZ";
ToFile( "ENVCDEFS", $macosxCdefs, "e");
ToFile( "MKDEPENDSOLVER", "TRUE", "e" );
# Writing the platform dependent constant values to file.
# (c = comment, e = environment variable, a = alias )
ToFile( "Platform dependent constant values.", $empty, "c" );
ToFile( "SOLAR_JAVA", $SOLAR_JAVA, "e" );
ToFile( "BIG_SVX", $BIG_SVX, "e" );
ToFile( "COM", $COM, "e" );
ToFile( "COMPATH", $COMPATH, "e" );
ToFile( "CPU", $CPU, "e" );
ToFile( "CPUNAME", $CPUNAME, "e" );
ToFile( "CVER", $CVER, "e" );
ToFile( "GUI", $GUI, "e" );
ToFile( "GLIBC", $GLIBC, "e" );
ToFile( "GUIBASE", $GUIBASE, "e" );
ToFile( "GUIENV", $GUIENV, "e" );
ToFile( "GVER", $GVER, "e" );
ToFile( "OS", $OS, "e" );
ToFile( "PTHREAD_LIBS", "@PTHREAD_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "OUTPATH", $OUTPATH, "e" );
ToFile( "INPATH", $INPATH, "e" );
ToFile( "GVERDIR", $GVERDIR, "e" );
ToFile( "COMEX", $COMEX, "e" );
ToFile( "BOTH", $BOTH, "e" );
ToFile( "CDPATHx", $CDPATHx, "e" );
ToFile( "DEMO_ENV", $DEMO_ENV, "e" );
ToFile( "emergency", $emergency, "e" );
ToFile( "use_shl_versions", $use_shl_versions, "e" );
ToFile( "WRAPCMD", $WRAPCMD, "e" );
# Writing the variables to file.
# (c = comment, e = environment variable, a = alias, n = newline )
ToFile( "Variable values.", $empty, "c" );
if ( $platform eq "$Winnt" )
{ ToFile( "CYGWIN_PATH", $CYGWIN_PATH, "e" );
ToFile( "PSDK_HOME", $PSDK_HOME, "e" );
ToFile( "ATL_LIB", $ATL_LIB, "e" );
ToFile( "ENABLE_VCTK", "@ENABLE_VCTK@", "e" );
ToFile( "NETTOOLKIT", "@NETTOOLKIT@", "e" );
ToFile( "USE_NEW_SDK", $USE_NEW_SDK, "e" );
ToFile( "NO_HIDS", $NO_HIDS, "e" );
ToFile( "PERL", $PERL, "e" );
ToFile( "GNUMAKE", "@GNUMAKE@", "e" );
ToFile( "UPD", $UPD, "e" );
ToFile( "SOLARUPD", $SOLARUPD, "e" );
ToFile( "WORK_STAMP", $WORK_STAMP, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_ONE51", $TF_ONE51, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_SVDATA", $TF_SVDATA, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_CFGDATA", $TF_CFGDATA, "e" );
ToFile( "TF_FILEURL", $TF_FILEURL, "e" );
ToFile( "URD_ONLY", $URD_ONLY, "e" );
ToFile( "RSCRES", $RSCRES, "e" );
ToFile( "SOLARVER", $SOLARVER, "e" );
ToFile( "SOLARENV", $SOLARENV, "e" );
ToFile( "LOCALINI", $LOCALINI, "e" );
if ( $platform eq "$Macosx" )
else {
if ( $platform eq "$Irix" || $platform eq "$Irix64" ) {
else {
ToFile( "SOLARDEF", $SOLARDEF, "e" );
ToFile( "SCPDEFS", '@SCPDEFS@', "e" );
ToFile( "PATH", $PATH, "e" );
ToFile( "SOLARLIB", $SOLARLIB, "e" );
ToFile( "SOLARINC", $SOLARINC, "e" );
ToFile( "COMP_ENV", $COMP_ENV, "e" );
ToFile( "JAVAHOME", $JAVAHOME, "e" );
ToFile( "CC", $CC, "e" );
ToFile( "CXX", $CXX, "e" );
ToFile( "USE_SYSTEM_STL", "@USE_SYSTEM_STL@", "e" );
if ( $COM ne "MSC" ) {
ToFile( "LINK", $CC, "e" );
ToFile( "ENABLE_CUPS", "@ENABLE_CUPS@", "e" );
ToFile( "VC_STANDARD", "@VC_STANDARD@", "e" );
ToFile( "WITH_GPC", "@WITH_GPC@", "e" );
ToFile( "WITH_LIBART", "@WITH_LIBART@", "e" );
ToFile( "LIBART_LIBS", "@LIBART_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "WITH_LIBSN", "@WITH_LIBSN@", "e" );
ToFile( "LIBSN_CFLAGS", "@LIBSN_CFLAGS@", "e" );
ToFile( "LIBSN_LIBS", "@LIBSN_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "WITH_MOZILLA", "@WITH_MOZILLA@", "e" );
ToFile( "WITH_FONTS", "@WITH_FONTS@", "e" );
if ( '@ENABLE_RPATH@' eq "no" ) {
ToFile( "LINKFLAGSRUNPATH",'', "e" );
ToFile( "SYSTEM_ZLIB", "@SYSTEM_ZLIB@", "e" );
ToFile( "PYTHON_LIBS", "@PYTHON_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "SYSTEM_ICU", "@SYSTEM_ICU@", "e" );
ToFile( "SYSTEM_JPEG", "@SYSTEM_JPEG@", "e" );
ToFile( "LIBXML_LIBS", "@LIBXML_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "SYSTEM_EXPAT", "@SYSTEM_EXPAT@", "e" );
ToFile( "SYSTEM_DB3", "@SYSTEM_DB3@", "e" );
ToFile( "SABLOT_LIBS", "@SABLOT_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "SYSTEM_CURL", "@SYSTEM_CURL@", "e" );
ToFile( "CURL_CFLAGS", "@CURL_CFLAGS@", "e" );
ToFile( "CURL_LIBS", "@CURL_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "SYSTEM_NAS", "@SYSTEM_NAS@", "e" );
ToFile( "NAS_INCLUDES", "@NAS_INCLUDES@", "e" );
ToFile( "SYSTEM_NEON", "@SYSTEM_NEON@", "e" );
ToFile( "NEON_LIBS", "@NEON_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "NEON_CFLAGS", "@NEON_CFLAGS@", "e" );
ToFile( "MOZILLA_LIBS", "@MOZILLA_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "BUILD_DMAKE", "@BUILD_DMAKE@", "e" );
ToFile( "USE_XINERAMA", "@USE_XINERAMA@", "e" );
if ($platform ne "$Winnt")
{ ToFile( "TEMP", $TEMP, "e" );
ToFile( "TMP", $TEMP, "e" );
ToFile( "SOLARSRC", $SOLARSRC, "e" );
if ( $platform eq "$Winnt" )
# these variables marked with "j" are used with cygwin only
ToFile( "ILIB", $ILIB, "j" );
ToFile( "GREP", $WIN_GREP, "e" );
ToFile( "FIND", $WIN_FIND, "e" );
ToFile( "LS", $WIN_LS, "e" );
ToFile( "GNUCOPY", $WIN_GNUCOPY, "e" );
ToFile( "TOUCH", $WIN_TOUCH, "e" );
elsif ($platform eq "$Macosx" )
{ ToFile( "LIB", $MAC_LIB, "e" );
if (( $platform eq "$Winnt" ) and ( '@USE_SHELL@' eq "4nt" )) {
my ($tempstring);
$tempstring="perl ".WinFormat(${SOLARENV}.${BIN}.${ds}."");
if ( $perl_os =~ /cygwin/ ) { $tempstring =~ s#\\#\\\\#g; }
ToFile( "set DELIVER=$tempstring", $empty, "x" );
$tempstring="perl ".WinFormat(${SOLARENV}.${BIN}.${ds}."");
if ( $perl_os =~ /cygwin/ ) { $tempstring =~ s#\\#\\\\#g; }
ToFile( "set MKOUT=$tempstring", $empty, "x" );
$tempstring="perl ".WinFormat(${SOLARENV}.${BIN}.${ds}."");
if ( $perl_os =~ /cygwin/ ) { $tempstring =~ s#\\#\\\\#g; }
ToFile( "set ZIPDEP=$tempstring", $empty, "x" );
ToFile( "HOME", " ", "e" );
} else {
ToFile( "DELIVER", "", "e" );
ToFile( "MKOUT", "", "e" );
ToFile( "ZIPDEP", "", "e" );
ToFile( "GCCINSTLIB", "", "e" );
ToFile( "USE_SHELL", '@USE_SHELL@', "e" );
if ( $platform eq "$Winnt" ) {
} else {
# Writing the aliases to file.
# (c = comment, e = environment variable, a = alias )
ToFile( "Aliases.", $empty, "c" );
ToFile( "alias mkout", $mkout, "a" );
ToFile( "alias deliver", $deliver, "a" );
ToFile( "alias build", $build, "a" );
ToFile( "alias zipdep", $zipdep, "a" );
if ( $platform ne "$Winnt" )
{ ToFile( "alias nmake", $nmake, "a" );
# write make command for dmake for windows
# (x = write as is)
if ( $platform eq "$Winnt" and '@USE_SHELL@' eq "4nt" )
ToFile( "build the dmake executable.", $empty, "c");
ToFile( "if not exist \%SOLARENV\\\%OUTPATH\\bin\\dmake.exe (cd \%SRC_ROOT\\dmake \^ set INCLUDE=\%COMPATH\\include \^ set LIB=\%COMPATH\\lib \^ call make.bat win95-vpp40 \^ cd \%SRC_ROOT)", $empty, "x");
ToFile( "if not exist \%SOLARENV\\\%OUTPATH\\bin\\dmake.exe ( mkdir /S \%SOLARENV\\\%OUTPATH\\bin \^ copy dmake\\dmake.exe \%SOLARENV\\\%OUTPATH\\bin\\dmake.exe )", $empty, "x");
ToFile( "echo Warning! LIB and INCLUDE will be cleared!", $empty, "x");
ToFile( "unset INCLUDE LIB", $empty, "x");
ToFile( " ", $empty, "x");
# on Solaris and FreeBSD, set GNUCOPY and GNUPATCH
if ($platform eq "$Solaris" or $platform eq "$FreeBSD")
ToFile( "GNUPATCH", "@GNUPATCH@", "e");
ToFile( "GNUCOPY", "@GNUCP@", "e");
# Writing unset variables you might not need to file.
print OUT $unsetvars;
{ print OUT_SH "export $exportvars $newline";
print OUT_SH "unset $unsetvarssh $newline";
{ print OUT_BAT $unsetvarsbat;
# VIII. Closing output file.
close( OUT ) || print "Can't close $outfile: $!";
if( defined($outfile_sh))
{ close( OUT_SH ) || print "Can't close $outfile_sh: $!";
if( defined($outfile_bat))
{ close( OUT_BAT ) || print "Can't close $outfile_bat: $!";
# IX. Sourcing the output file.
# X. Set up the build environment.
# Check whether the build environment is set up.
# If not, ask the user to create it.
$buildenv = CheckBuildEnv( $SRC_ROOT );
if ( !$buildenv )
{ print "Your systems build environment is not properly set up.\n";
print "You want to create it now? (y/n): ";
$answer = <STDIN>;
chomp( $answer );
if ( $answer eq "Y" || $answer eq "y" )
{ print "Creating the build environment... ";
CreateBuildEnv( $SRC_ROOT );
print "done\n";
{ print "You need to create the build environment before you ";
print "start building $UPD.\n";
AddWarning( "set_soenv",
"No build environment set-up. Create before building" );
{ print "Build environment is properly set up.\n";
# XI. Moving the output file to the build home directory.
$tmp = $SRC_ROOT.$ds.$outfile;
if (rename( $outfile, $tmp ) ne 1)
{ `mv -f $outfile $tmp`;
$tmp = $SRC_ROOT.$ds.$outfile_sh;
if (rename( $outfile_sh, $tmp ) ne 1)
{ `mv -f $outfile_sh $tmp`;
$tmp = $SRC_ROOT.$ds.$outfile_bat;
if (rename( $outfile_bat, $tmp ) ne 1)
{ `mv -f $outfile_bat $tmp`;
# XII. Message at the end.
print "*********************************************************".
"******************* $newline"."*"."$newline";
print "* $UPD configuration. $newline";
for ( $tmp = 0; $tmp < 2; $tmp++ )
{ print "* $newline";
print "* Configuration part of $UPD build is finished. $newline* $newline";
print "* NB! Be aware that you might not be able to build if you $newline".
"* ignore any warning message that were generated during this configuration $newline".
"* process. $newline* $newline" .
"* Any interactive values you have given have not been version checked. $newline* $newline";
if ( $Warning ne "" )
{ print "$Warning*";
print "$newline";
print "$newline* USAGE: $newline";
print "* Source $outfile (in tcsh)";
print " or $ (in sh)" if defined($outfile_sh);
print "$newline";
print "* in order to set up the build-environment variables.$newline";
for ( $tmp = 0; $tmp < 2; $tmp++ )
{ print "* $newline";
print "*********************************************************".
"******************* $newline";
$bootfile = "bootstrap";
open( OUT, ">$bootfile" ) ||
die "Cannot open $bootfile: $!\n";
if ( "@USE_SHELL@" eq "4nt" )
{ $SHELL="tcsh";
print OUT "#!$SHELL -f\n";
close( OUT ) || print "Can't close $bootfile: $!";
open( OUT, ">>$bootfile" ) ||
die "Cannot open $bootfile: $!\n";
print OUT "source $SRC_ROOT/$outfile\n";
close( OUT ) || print "Can't close $bootfile: $!";
system(`cat bootstrap.1 >> bootstrap`);
system(`cat bootstrap.2 >> bootstrap`);
system(`chmod +x bootstrap`);
# Moving the bootstrap file to the build home directory.
$tmp = $SRC_ROOT.$ds.$bootfile;
if (rename( $bootfile, $tmp ) ne 1)
{ `mv -f $bootfile $tmp`;
print "Configure completed\n";
if ($platform ne "$Winnt") {
print "You may now run $tmp in $SRC_ROOT\n";
if ( $Warning ne "" ) {
print "***** WARNINGS ISSUED *****";
# XII. Functions.
# Function name: CheckPathName
# Description: chops off the '/' character if it's the last
# character in a pathname. also adds the '/'
# character if it's not the first character
# in a path.
# Arguments: 1. Path (string)
# Return value: Path (string)
sub CheckPathName
{ my $retrn = $_[ 0 ];
if (($platform ne "$Winnt") or ( '@USE_SHELL@' ne "4nt" ))
{ # Check if the first character is not a '/'.
if ( !( $_[ 0 ] =~ /^\// ) )
{ $retrn = $ds.$_[ 0 ];
# kill the last '/','\','\n' if they exists.
$retrn =~ s![\s/\\]+$!!;
# Done!
return( $retrn );
# Function name: CheckPathExist
# Description: Checks whether the directory that is given
# as an argument exists. If not it asks the
# the user to make it.
# Arguments: 1. Path (string)
# Return value: void
sub CheckPathExist
{ my $dir = $_[ 0 ];
if ( !( -d $dir ) and $platform ne "$Winnt")
{ printf "The directory $_[ 0 ] does not exist. Want to create it (y/n)?: ";
my $answer = <STDIN>;
chomp( $answer );
if ( $answer eq "y" || $answer eq "Y" )
{ mkdir( $_[ 0 ], 0777 ) ||
print ( "Cannot make directory $_[ 0 ]: $!" );
AddWarning( "set_soenv",
"Directory $_[ 0 ] does not exist on your system." );
{ AddWarning( "set_soenv",
"Directory $_[ 0 ] does not exist on your system." );
return "false";
{ # Don't check under "$Winnt". The path is possibly posix and you could use a native NT perl!
return "true";
# Function name: CreateFileHeader
# Description: Creates a header for the outfile.
# Arguments: 1. File to write to
# 2. UPD (string)
# 3. Platform (string)
# 4. name of shell for this file
# 5. comment to use for this file
# Return value: void
sub CreateFileHeader
{ my $timestamp = `date`;
chomp( $timestamp );
my $filehandle = $_[0];
my $comment = $_[4];
print { $filehandle } "$comment #################################################################";
print { $filehandle } $newline;
print { $filehandle } "$comment $_[ 1 ] build environment file for: $_[ 2 ]. $newline";
print { $filehandle } "$comment Generated on: $timestamp $newline";
print { $filehandle } "$comment Source this file to set up the build environment. $newline";
print { $filehandle } "$comment 1. exec $_[3] $newline";
print { $filehandle } "$comment 2. source $outfile $newline";
print { $filehandle } "$comment #################################################################";
print { $filehandle } $newline;
# Function name: ToFile
# Description: Writes the environment variable in the
# output file.
# Arguments: 1. Name of environment variable (string)
# 2. Value of environment variable (string)
# 3. e - env. var, a - alias, c - comment
# j - env. var in DOS style (WINNT only)
# Return value: void
sub ToFile
{ if ( $_[ 2 ] eq "e" )
{ # Write an environment variable to file.
if (defined $_[ 1 ])
{ printf("%-12s %-17s %-10s %s\n", "The variable", $_[ 0 ], "is set to:", $_[ 1 ]) ; # to stdout
print OUT "$setenv $_[ 0 ] \"$_[ 1 ]\"$newline"; # to tcsh file
{ print OUT_SH "$_[ 0 ]=\"$_[ 1 ]\"$newline"; # to sh file
$exportvars .= " $_[ 0 ]"; # add to export list for sh file
{ $win_format_var = WinFormat( $_[ 1 ] ); #Filter for Windows
print OUT_BAT "IF DEFINED $_[ 0 ] $unset $_[ 0 ] $newline";
print OUT_BAT "$set $_[ 0 ]=$win_format_var $newline";
{ printf("%-12s %-17s %-10s %s\n", "The variable", $_[ 0 ], "is set to:", "unset") ; # to stdout
$unsetvars .= "$unsetenv $_[ 0 ] >& /dev/null$newline"; # for tcsh file
$unsetvarssh .= " $_[ 0 ]"; # for sh file
{ $unsetvarsbat .= "$unset $_[ 0 ] >& NUL$newline";
elsif ( $_[ 2 ] eq "a" )
{ # Write an alias to file.
print "The $_[ 0 ] is set to: $_[ 1 ]\n"; # to stdout
print OUT "$_[ 0 ] $_[ 1 ] $newline"; # to tcsh file
print OUT_SH "$_[ 0 ]=$_[ 1 ] $newline" if defined($outfile_sh); # to sh file
if(defined($outfile_bat)) # create the correct 4nt alias format
{ my $aliastmp = $_[ 1 ];
$aliastmp =~ s/\$/\%/g;
$aliastmp =~ s!/!\\!g;
$aliastmp =~ s!"!!g;
print OUT_BAT "$_[ 0 ]=".'`'.$aliastmp.'`'.$newline;
elsif ( $_[ 2 ] eq "c" )
{ # Write a comment to file.
print "$newline";
print "$comment $newline";
print "$comment $_[ 0 ] $newline";
print "$comment $newline";
print OUT "$newline";
print OUT "$comment $newline";
print OUT "$comment $_[ 0 ] $newline";
print OUT "$comment $newline";
print OUT_SH "$newline";
print OUT_SH "$comment $newline";
print OUT_SH "$comment $_[ 0 ] $newline";
print OUT_SH "$comment $newline";
print OUT_BAT "$newline";
print OUT_BAT "$comment4nt $newline";
print OUT_BAT "$comment4nt $_[ 0 ] $newline";
print OUT_BAT "$comment4nt $newline";
elsif ( $_[ 2 ] eq "n" )
{ #Write a newline to a file
print OUT "$newline";
print OUT_SH "$newline" if defined($outfile_sh);
print OUT_BAT "$newline" if defined($outfile_bat);
elsif ( $_[ 2 ] eq "x" )
#Write first argument as is, and nothing else
#Only useful for 4nt
print OUT_BAT "$_[ 0 ] $newline" if defined($outfile_bat);
elsif ( $_[ 2 ] eq "j" )
if ((defined $_[ 1 ]) and ( $platform eq "$Winnt" ))
{ printf("%-12s %-17s %-10s %-39s\n", "The variable", $_[ 0 ], "is set to:", $_[ 1 ]) ; # to stdout
$win_format_var = WinFormat( $_[ 1 ] ); #Filter for Windows
$win_format_var =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
print OUT "$setenv $_[ 0 ] \"$win_format_var\" $newline";
{ # bash needs one layer of escaping more
$win_format_var =~ s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g;
print OUT_SH "$_[ 0 ]=\"$win_format_var\"$newline"; # to sh file
$exportvars .= " $_[ 0 ]"; # add to export list for sh file
if (defined($outfile_bat))
$win_format_var = WinFormat( $_[ 1 ] ); #Filter for Windows
print OUT_BAT "IF DEFINED $_[ 0 ] $unset $_[ 0 ] $newline";
print OUT_BAT "$set $_[ 0 ]=$win_format_var $newline";
print "Type \"j\" only intended for Windows! $newline";
print "use \"e\" to set and unset variables. $newline";
{ print "Unknown type! $newline";
# Function name: PosixFormat
# Description: Format variables to Posix Style Format. Should only be used
# with DOS-style path variables
# Arguments: 1. Variable (string)
# Return value: Reformatted String
sub PosixFormat
{ my ( $variable, $d1, $d2 );
$variable = $_[ 0 ];
# ToDo: Do the replacement only if "Winnt" and var contains "\" and ":"
if ( $platform eq "$Winnt" )
{ $variable =~ s/(\$\{?\w+\}?)/$1/eeg ; # expand the variables
$variable =~ s/(\$\{?\w+\}?)/$1/eeg ; # expand the variables twice!
if ( ( $variable =~ /\\/ ) and ( $variable =~ /:/ ) )
{ $variable =~ s{([c-z]):}{/cygdrive/$1}gi;
# Map drives to /cgydrive/drive
# We do this also for old cygwins, back
# replacement in winformat.
$variable =~ s!\\!/!g;
$variable =~ s/;/:/g;
# Search for posix path :path with space: and replace with short dos path
while ( $variable =~ /(?::|\A)[\'\"]?([^:]+ [^:]+)[\'\"]?(?::|\Z)/ ) {
$d1 = $1 ;
chomp( $d2 = qx{cygpath -d "$d1"} ) || die( "Path with space: $1 propably doesn't exist!" );
chomp( $d2 = qx{cygpath -u "$d2"} ) ;
$variable =~ s/$d1/$d2/ ;
return $variable;
# Function name: WinFormat
# Description: Format variables to Windows Format.
# Arguments: 1. Variable (string)
# Return value: Reformatted String
sub WinFormat
{ my ( $variable, $d1, $d1_prefix, $d1_fname, @split_var );
$variable = $_[ 0 ];
$variable =~ s/^\s+//g ; #remove leading spaces
$variable =~ s/\s+$//g ; #remove trailing spaces
# Here should be NO "\"! If yes, PosixFormat() was forgotten before !
if ( $variable =~ /\\/ )
die("Error! Variable contains \"\\\" : $variable PosixFormat() missing?");
$variable =~ s/\$\{PATH\}/%PATH/g ; # explicit replace ${PATH}
$variable =~ s/(\$\{?\w+\}?)/$1/eeg ; # expand the variables
$variable =~ s/(\$\{?\w+\}?)/$1/eeg ; # expand the variables twice!
$variable =~ s/:+/:/g ; # remove multiple ;
$variable =~ s/:/;/g;
# Search for posix path entry and replace with cygpath -w entry ( -d if filename contains space )
if ( $variable =~ /^\s*-\w/ )
# Include paths
@split_var = split(/\s+-/,$variable);
$split_var[0] =~ s/^-//; # split deletes the "-" from all but the first element
foreach $d1 ( @split_var )
$d1 = "-".$d1;
if ( $d1 =~ /^(-\w)[\'\"]?((?:\/[\w\.~ ]+)+)[\'\"]?/ )
# This regex: option -> $1, filename without quotes -> $2
$d1_prefix = $1;
$d1_fname = $2;
if ( $d1_fname =~ / / )
chomp( $d1_fname = qx{cygpath -d "$d1_fname"} ); # Use DOS 8.3 style to avoid quoting
} # ! This fails when $d1 doesn't exist!
chomp( $d1_fname = qx{cygpath -w "$d1_fname"} ); # Use "normal" filenames
$d1 = $d1_prefix.$d1_fname;
{ # relative paths here
# Do nothing.
$variable = join(' ',@split_var);
elsif ( $variable eq ";" ) {}
# Normal paths
@split_var = split(/;/,$variable);
foreach $d1 ( @split_var )
if ( $d1 =~ /(?:^\/[\w\.~ ]+)+/ )
if ( $d1 =~ / / )
chomp( $d1 = qx{cygpath -d "$d1"} ); # Use DOS 8.3 style to avoid quoting
} # ! This fails when $d1 doesn't exist!
chomp( $d1 = qx{cygpath -w "$d1"} ); # Use "normal" filenames
{ # relative paths here
# Do nothing.
$variable = join(';',@split_var);
$variable =~ s/\//\\/g; # Remaining \ come from e.g.: ../foo/baa
return $variable;
# Function name: CheckBuildEnv
# Description: Checks whether the build environment
# exists on the system.
# Arguments: 1. $SO_HOME: Build home directory (string)
# Return value: 0 - Failure
# 1 - Success
sub CheckBuildEnv
{ my ( $src_root );
$src_root = $_[ 0 ];
if ( !( -d $src_root ) and $platform ne "$Winnt")
{ return 0;
return 1;
# Function name: CreateBuildEnv
# Description: Creates the build environment.
# Arguments: 1. $SO_HOME: Build home directory.
# 2. $UPD: UPD.
# Return value: void
sub CreateBuildEnv
{ my ( $src_root );
$src_root = $_[ 0 ];
# 1. Create the SRC_ROOT directory.
mkdir( $src_root, 0777 ) ||
print ( "Cannot create directory $src_root \n");
# Function name: GetCorrectPath
# Description: Creates the build environment.
# Arguments: 1. existing / original path
# 2... pairs of <path, executable>
# Return value: String - Correct Path
sub GetCorrectPath
sub PathLookup
my $cmd = shift;
while (@_) {
my $elem = shift;
-x "$elem/$cmd" && return $elem;
return '';
sub SaneGrep
# Perl grep is unbelievably strange.
my $needle = shift;
while (@_) {
my $haystack = shift;
if ($needle eq $haystack) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub CleanupPath
my @elements = @_;
my @cleanName = ();
while (@elements) {
my $elem = shift @elements;
if (!SaneGrep ($elem, @cleanName)) {
push @cleanName, $elem;
return @cleanName;
my $oldPath = shift;
my @originalPairs = @_;
my @pairs = @originalPairs;
my @Path = split /$ps/, $oldPath;
while (@pairs) {
my $path = shift @pairs;
my $cmd = shift @pairs;
my $to_append = 1;
my $elem;
if (! -x "$path/$cmd") {
AddWarning ("Missing executable $path/$cmd\n");
for $elem (@Path) {
if ($elem eq $path) {
# print "Hit duplicate path in path; break\n";
$to_append = 0;
if (-f "$elem/$cmd") {
# print "Element already in path ...\n";
unshift @Path, $path;
$to_append = 0;
} else {
# print "No file $elem/$cmd\n";
if ($to_append) {
push @Path, $path;
@pairs = @originalPairs;
while (@pairs) {
my $path = shift @pairs;
my $cmd = shift @pairs;
my $realpath;
$realpath = PathLookup ($cmd, @Path);
if (!($realpath eq $path)) {
AddWarning ("Path conflict for executables " .
"$path/$cmd against $realpath");
return join $ps, CleanupPath (@Path);
# Function name: AddWarning
# Description: Adds any kind of warning for the user.
# The warning will be shown at the end
# of this script.
# Arguments: 1. Add the configure warnings or the set_soenv
# warning (string).
# 2. Warning (string).
# Return value: void
sub AddWarning
{ if ( $_[ 0 ] eq "configure" )
{ open( IN, $warnfile );
while ( <IN> )
{ $Warning = $Warning."* - ".$_;
close( IN );
# Remove the temporary warning file.
# unlink ( $warnfile );
elsif ( $_[ 0 ] eq "set_soenv" )
{ my ( $arg1 );
$arg1 = $_[ 1 ];
chomp( $arg1 ); # cut off new line
$Warning = $Warning."* - set_soenv: warning: $arg1 $newline"; # add the warning
# That's all folks!