139 lines
5.5 KiB
139 lines
5.5 KiB
This script is meant to
1) Identify installed instances of the product
2) check whether the user has write-access (and if not
ask for authentification)
3) install the shipped tarball
-- strings for localisations - to be meant to be replaced
-- by a makefile or similar
set OKLabel to "[OKLabel]"
set InstallLabel to "[InstallLabel]"
set AbortLabel to "[AbortLabel]"
set intro to "[IntroText1]
set chooseMyOwn to "[ChooseMyOwnText]"
set listPrompt to "[ListPromptText]"
set chooseManual to "[ChooseManualText]"
set listOKLabel to "[ListOKLabelText]"
set listCancelLabel to "[ListCancelLabel]"
set appInvalid to "[AppInvalidText1]
[AppInvalidText2]" -- string will begin with the chosen application's name
set startInstall to "[StartInstallText1]
set IdentifyQ to "[IdentifyQText]
set IdentifyYES to "[IdentifyYES]"
set IdentifyNO to "[IdentifyNO]"
set installFailed to "[InstallFailedText]"
set installComplete to "[InstallCompleteTextPatch]"
set sourcedir to (do shell script "dirname " & quoted form of POSIX path of (path to of me))
display dialog intro buttons {AbortLabel, InstallLabel} default button 2
if (button returned of result) is AbortLabel then
return 2
end if
set the found_ooos_all to (do shell script "mdfind \"kMDItemContentType == 'com.apple.application-bundle' && kMDItemDisplayName == '[PRODUCTNAME]*' && kMDItemDisplayName != '[FULLAPPPRODUCTNAME].app'\"") & "
" & chooseMyOwn
set found_ooos_all_paragraphs to paragraphs in found_ooos_all
set found_ooos to {}
repeat with currentApp in found_ooos_all_paragraphs
if currentApp does not start with "/Volumes" then
copy currentApp to the end of found_ooos
end if
end repeat
-- repeat with oneApp in found_ooos
-- display dialog oneApp
-- end repeat
-- the choice returned is of type "list"
-- Show selection dialog only if more than one or no product was found
-- The first item is an empty string, if no app was found and no app started with "/Volumes"
-- The first item is chooseMyOwn, if no app was found and at least one app started with "/Volumes"
if (get first item of found_ooos as string) is "" then
set the choice to (choose from list found_ooos default items (get second item of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
if choice is false then
-- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
return 2 --aborted by user
else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
-- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
-- the user would not be able to select the .app
set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "com.apple.application-bundle" without showing package contents and invisibles)
end if
else if (get first item of found_ooos as string) is chooseMyOwn then
set the choice to (choose from list found_ooos default items (get first item of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
if choice is false then
-- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
return 2 --aborted by user
else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
-- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
-- the user would not be able to select the .app
set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "com.apple.application-bundle" without showing package contents and invisibles)
end if
else if (get second item of found_ooos as string) is chooseMyOwn then
-- set choice to found installation
-- set the choice to (get first paragraph of found_ooos)
set the choice to (get first item of found_ooos)
set the choice to (choose from list found_ooos default items (get first item of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
if choice is false then
-- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
return 2 --aborted by user
else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
-- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
-- the user would not be able to select the .app
set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "com.apple.application-bundle" without showing package contents and invisibles)
end if
end if
-- now only check whether the path is really from [PRODUCTNAME]
do shell script "grep '<string>[PRODUCTNAME] [PRODUCTVERSION]' " & quoted form of (choice as string) & "/Contents/Info.plist"
on error
display dialog (choice as string) & appInvalid buttons {InstallLabel} default button 1 with icon 0
return 3 --wrong target-directory
end try
display dialog startInstall buttons {AbortLabel, InstallLabel} default button 2
if (button returned of result) is AbortLabel then
return 2
end if
set tarCommand to "/usr/bin/tar -C " & quoted form of (choice as string) & " -xjf " & quoted form of sourcedir & "/tarball.tar.bz2"
do shell script tarCommand
on error errMSG number errNUM
display dialog IdentifyQ buttons {IdentifyYES, IdentifyNO} with icon 2
if (button returned of result) is IdentifyYES then
do shell script tarCommand with administrator privileges
on error errMSG number errNUM
display dialog installFailed buttons {OKLabel} default button 1 with icon 0
-- -60005 username/password wrong
-- -128 aborted by user
-- 2 error from tar - tarball not found (easy to test)
return errNUM
end try
return 2 -- aborted by user
end if
end try
display dialog installComplete buttons {OKLabel} default button 1