Samuel Mehrbrodt 35518c9236 Move all public Java classes to libreoffice.jar
This moves the classes from juh.jar and ridl.jar to libreoffice.jar

The goal is to have one single jar (and Java module, will be added later)
which developers can include to work with LO.

juh.jar and ridl.jar are kept as basically empty jars with libreoffice.jar
on its classpath to keep backwards compatibility.

This is a continuation of ae855bf481
and a preparation to have Java 9 module support.

Change-Id: Ifbbfb97f60373d14256e62ae3122913bd17d5bbb
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Stephan Bergmann <>
2020-05-06 14:48:21 +02:00

1022 lines
35 KiB

// This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
// This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
// with this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
// License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at .
// This script asks for variables, which are necessary for building the
// examples of the Office Development Kit. The script duplicates the template
// script and inserts the variables into the copied script.
// The Script was developed for the operating systems Microsoft Windows.
var regKeyOfficeCurrentUser = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\LibreOffice\\UNO\\InstallPath\\";
var regKeyOfficeLocaleMachine = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\LibreOffice\\UNO\\InstallPath\\";
var regKeyDotNetInstallRoot = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\InstallRoot";
var regKeyDotNet1_1 = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\policy\\v1.1\\4322";
var sDirDotNet1_1 = "v1.1.4322";
var regKeyDotNet2_0 = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\Policy\\v2.0\\50727";
var sDirDotNet2_0 = "v2.0.50727";
var regKeyJDK = "HKLM\\Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit\\";
//var regKeyVC70 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\7.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
//var regKeyVC71 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\7.1\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
var regKeyVC90 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\9.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
//var regKeyVCExpress80 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VCExpress\\8.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
var regKeyVCExpress90 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VCExpress\\9.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
var regKeyWindowsSDK = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\CurrentInstallFolder";
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("process");
var aFileSystemObject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var stdin = WScript.StdIn;
var stdout = WScript.StdOut;
stdout.WriteLine("\n" +
" *** Configure your SDK environment ***\n\n" +
" NOTE: This script is working only for Windows 2000, Windows XP or newer versions!\n");
var oo_sdk_name=WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_NAME");
var oo_sdk_home=getSdkHome();
var oo_user_sdk_dir=WshSysEnv("APPDATA") + "\\" + oo_sdk_name;
var oo_user_sdk_env_script=oo_user_sdk_dir + "\\setsdkenv_windows.bat";
var office_home=getOfficeHome();
var oo_sdk_make_home=getMakeHome();
var oo_sdk_zip_home=getZipHome();
var oo_sdk_cat_home=getCatHome();
var oo_sdk_sed_home=getSedHome();
var oo_sdk_manifest_used="";
var oo_sdk_windowssdk="";
var oo_sdk_cpp_home=getCppHome();
var oo_sdk_cli_home=getCliHome();
var oo_sdk_java_home=getJavaHome();
var oo_sdk_out=getOutputDir();
var sdk_auto_deployment=getAutoDeployment();
writeBatFile(oo_user_sdk_dir, oo_user_sdk_env_script);
"\n ******************************************************************\n" +
" * ... \"" + oo_user_sdk_env_script + "\"\n" +
" * batch file has been prepared.\n" +
" * This batch file will be used in the future to prepare your\n" +
" * personal configured SDK environment.\n" +
" ******************************************************************\n\n");
// " * For each time you want to use this configured SDK environment,\n" +
// " * you have to run the \"setsdkenv_windows.bat\" file in a new shell!\n" +
// done -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function skipChoice(msg)
stdout.Write("\n Do you want to skip the choice of " + msg + " (YES/NO) [YES]:");
var sChoice = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sChoice == "" || sChoice.toLowerCase() == "yes")
return true;
return false;
function getSdkHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0) {
var scriptname = WScript.ScriptFullName;
sSuggestedHome = scriptname.substr(0,scriptname.length-10);
stdout.Write("\n Enter the Office Software Development Kit directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". An SDK is required, please" +
" specify the path to a valid installation.");
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. Please enter the path to a" +
"valid SDK installation.");
//Check if this is an sdk folder by looking for the idl sub - dir
var idlDir = sHome + "\\idl";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(idlDir))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
idlDir + "\". An SDK is required, please specify " +
"the path to a valid SDK installation.");
return sHome;
function getOfficeHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OFFICE_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyOfficeCurrentUser);
//The registry entry points to the program folder but we need the
//installation folder
} catch(exc) {}
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyOfficeLocaleMachine);
//The registry entry points to the program folder but we need
//the installation folder
} catch (exc) {}
var index=0;
if ((index = sSuggestedHome.lastIndexOf("\\")) != -1)
sSuggestedHome = sSuggestedHome.substr(0, index);
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
sSuggestedHome = searchOffice();
stdout.Write("\n Enter the Office base installation directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\" An office installation is " +
"required, please specify the path to a valid " +
"office installation.");
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
} else
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. Please specify the path to " +
"a valid office installation.");
//Check if this is a valid office installation folder by looking for the
//program sub-directory
var progDir = sHome + "\\program";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(progDir))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
progDir + "\". An office installation is required, " +
"please specify the path to a valid office " +
return sHome;
function searchOffice()
var tmp = oo_sdk_home;
if (aFileSystemObject.FileExists(tmp + "\\program\\soffice.exe")) {
return tmp;
return "";
function getMakeHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME");
stdout.Write("\n Enter GNU make (3.79.1 or higher) tools directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". GNU make is required, " +
"please specify a GNU make tools directory.");
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
} else
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. GNU make is required, " +
"please specify a GNU make tools directory.");
//Check for the make executable
var sMakePath = sHome + "\\make.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sMakePath))
sMakePath = sHome + "\\mingw32-make.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sMakePath))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" + sMakePath +
"\". GNU make is required, please specify a GNU " +
"make tools directory.");
return sHome;
function getZipHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME");
stdout.Write("\n Enter a zip (2.3 or higher) tools directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". zip is required, please " +
"specify a zip tools directory.");
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. zip is required, please " +
"specify a zip tools directory.");
//Check for the make executable
var sZipPath = sHome + "\\zip.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sZipPath))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" + sZipPath +
"\". zip is required, please specify a zip tools " +
return sHome;
function getCatHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_CAT_HOME");
stdout.Write("\n Enter a cat (2.0 or higher) tools directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". cat is required, please " +
"specify a cat tools directory." +
"\nYou can get cat from " +
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. cat is required, please " +
"specify a cat tools directory." +
"\nYou can get cat from " +
//Check for the make executable
var sCatPath = sHome + "\\cat.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sCatPath))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" + sCatPath +
"\". cat is required, please specify a cat tools " +
"directory." +
"\nYou can get cat from " +
return sHome;
function getSedHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_SED_HOME");
stdout.Write("\n Enter a sed (3.02 or higher) tools directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". sed is required, please " +
"specify a sed tools directory." +
"\nYou can get sed from " +
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. sed is required, please " +
"specify a sed tools directory." +
"\nYou can get sed from " +
//Check for the make executable
var sSedPath = sHome + "\\sed.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sSedPath))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" + sSedPath +
"\". sed is required, please specify a sed tools " +
"directory." +
"\nYou can get sed from " +
return sHome;
function getCppHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_CPP_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
var sVC="";
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVCExpress90);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length == 0)
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVC90);
}catch (exc) {}
// check Windows SDK if VC 9
if (sVC.length > 0)
try {
oo_sdk_windowssdk = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyWindowsSDK);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length == 0)
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVCExpress80);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length > 0)
if (sVC.length == 0)
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVC80);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length > 0)
if (sVC.length == 0)
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVC71);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length > 0)
sVC += "bin";
if (aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sVC + "\\cl.exe"))
sSuggestedHome = sVC;
var bSkip = false;
stdout.Write("\n Enter the directory of the C++ compiler (optional) [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, check OO_SDK_CPP_HOME or suggested value
if ( sSuggestedHome.length == 0 ) {
bSkip = true;
} else {
if ( !aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome) )
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\".");
sSuggestedHome = "";
bSkip = true;
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
} else
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sHome + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if ( !bSkip) {
//Check if the C++ compiler exist
var cl = sHome + "\\cl.exe";
var mt = sHome + "\\mt.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(cl))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find the C++ compiler \""
+ cl + "\".");
sHome = "";
bSkip = true;
} else {
if (aFileSystemObject.FileExists(mt)) {
if ( bSkip ) {
if ( skipChoice("the C++ compiler") ) {
return "";
} else {
bSkip = false;
return sHome;
function getCliHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_CLI_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
var _ver = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyDotNet2_0);
if (_ver.length > 0)
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyDotNetInstallRoot);
sSuggestedHome += sDirDotNet2_0;
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
sSuggestedHome = "";
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
_ver = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyDotNet1_1);
if (_ver.length > 0)
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyDotNetInstallRoot);
sSuggestedHome += sDirDotNet1_1;
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
sSuggestedHome = "";
} catch (exc) {}
var bSkip = false;
stdout.Write("\n Enter the directory of the C# and VB.NET compilers (optional) [" + sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, check OO_SDK_CLI_HOME or suggested value
if ( sSuggestedHome.length == 0 ) {
bSkip = true;
} else {
if ( !aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome) )
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\".");
sSuggestedHome = "";
bSkip = true;
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist.");
bSkip = true;
if ( !bSkip ) {
//Check if the C# and VB.NET compiler exist
var csc = sHome + "\\csc.exe";
var vbc = sHome + "\\vbc.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(csc))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find the C# compiler \"" +
csc + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(vbc))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find the VB.NET compiler \"" +
vbc + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if ( bSkip ) {
if ( skipChoice("the C# and VB.NET compilers") ) {
return "";
} else {
bSkip = false;
return sHome;
function getJavaHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
var currentVersion = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyJDK + "CurrentVersion");
if (currentVersion.length > 0)
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyJDK + currentVersion +
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome) )
sSuggestedHome = "";
} catch (exc) {}
var bSkip = false;
stdout.Write("\n Enter JAVA SDK (1.6 or higher) installation directory (optional) [" + sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, check OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME or suggested value
if ( sSuggestedHome.length == 0 ) {
bSkip = true;
} else {
if ( !aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome) )
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\".");
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
} else
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist.");
bSkip = true;
if ( !bSkip) {
//Check if this is an sdk folder by looking for the javac compiler
var javacompiler = sHome + "\\bin\\javac.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(javacompiler))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" +
javacompiler + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if ( bSkip ) {
if ( skipChoice("the Java SDK") ) {
return "";
} else {
bSkip = false;
return sHome;
function getOutputDir()
var defaultdir = "c:\\" + oo_sdk_name;
var sSuggestedDir = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_OUT");
if (sSuggestedDir.length == 0)
sSuggestedDir = defaultdir;
var bSkip = false;
"\n Default output directory is the \"c:\\" + oo_sdk_name + "\".\n" +
" Enter an existent directory if you prefer a different one. But note" +
" that only\n a path without spaces is allowed because of a" +
" limitation of gnu make. (optional) [" + sSuggestedDir + "]:");
var sDir = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sDir.length == 0)
//No user input, check OO_SDK_OUT or suggested value
if ( sSuggestedDir.length == 0 ) {
bSkip = true;
} else {
if (sSuggestedDir == oo_user_sdk_dir || sSuggestedDir == defaultdir) {
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if ( !fso.FolderExists(sSuggestedDir) )
if ( !aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedDir) )
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedDir + "\".");
sSuggestedDir = "";
bSkip = true;
sDir = sSuggestedDir;
if (sDir.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: your specified output directory " +
"\"" + sDir + "\" " +
"contains one or more spaces.\n That " +
"causes problems with gnu make. Please specify" +
" a directory without spaces.");
bSkip = true;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sDir))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sDir + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if ( bSkip ) {
if ( skipChoice("a special output directory") ) {
return "";
} else {
bSkip = false;
return sDir;
function getAutoDeployment()
var sSuggestedAuto = WshSysEnv("SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT");
if (sSuggestedAuto.length == 0)
sSuggestedAuto = "YES";
stdout.Write("\n Automatic deployment of UNO components (YES/NO) ["+
sSuggestedAuto + "]:");
var sAuto = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sAuto.length == 0)
sAuto = sSuggestedAuto;
sAutoU = sAuto.toUpperCase();
if (sAutoU != "YES" && sAutoU != "NO")
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The value \"" + sAuto + "\" is " +
"invalid. Please answer YES or NO.")
sAuto = sAutoU;
return sAuto;
//The function uses sp2bv.exe to obtain a file URL from a
//system path. The URL is already escaped for use as bootstrap variable.
//($ -> \$). Then the resulting string is escaped for use in a bat file.
//That is % signs are made to double % (% -> %%);
function makeBootstrapFileUrl(systemPath)
var oExec = WshShell.Exec("sp2bv.exe \"" + systemPath + "\"");
var output="";
while (true)
if (!oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream)
var next = oExec.StdOut.Read(1);
if (next == '%')
output += "%%";
output += next;
return output;
function writeBatFile(fdir, file)
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if ( !fso.FolderExists(fdir) )
var newFile = fso.CreateTextFile(file, true);
"@echo off\n" +
"REM This script sets all environment variables, which\n" +
"REM are necessary for building the examples of the Office Development Kit.\n" +
"REM The Script was developed for the operating systems Windows.\n" +
"REM The SDK name\n" +
"REM Example: set OO_SDK_NAME=libreoffice3.4_sdk\n" +
"set OO_SDK_NAME=" + oo_sdk_name +
"\n\n" +
"REM Installation directory of the Software Development Kit.\n" +
"REM Example: set OO_SDK_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\LibreOffice 3\\sdk\n" +
"set OO_SDK_HOME=" + oo_sdk_home +
"\n\n" +
"REM Office installation directory.\n" +
"REM Example: set OFFICE_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\LibreOffice 3\n" +
"set OFFICE_HOME=" + office_home +
"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the make command.\n" +
"REM Example: set OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME=D:\\NextGenerationMake\\make\n" +
"set OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME=" + oo_sdk_make_home +
"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the zip tool.\n" +
"REM Example: set OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME=D:\\infozip\\bin\n" +
"set OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME=" + oo_sdk_zip_home +
"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the cat tool.\n" +
"REM Example: set OO_SDK_CAT_HOME=C:\\UnxUtils\\usr\\local\\wbin\n" +
"set OO_SDK_CAT_HOME=" + oo_sdk_cat_home +
"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the sed tool.\n" +
"REM Example: set OO_SDK_SED_HOME=C:\\UnxUtils\\usr\\local\\wbin\n" +
"set OO_SDK_SED_HOME=" + oo_sdk_sed_home +
"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the C++ compiler.\n" +
"REM Example:set OO_SDK_CPP_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\bin\n" +
"set OO_SDK_CPP_HOME=" + oo_sdk_cpp_home +
"\nset CPP_MANIFEST=" + oo_sdk_manifest_used +
"\nset CPP_WINDOWS_SDK=" + oo_sdk_windowssdk +
"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the C# and VB.NET compilers.\n" +
"REM Example:set OO_SDK_CLI_HOME=C:\\WINXP\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v1.0.3705\n" +
"set OO_SDK_CLI_HOME=" + oo_sdk_cli_home +
"\n\n" +
"REM Java SDK installation directory.\n" +
"REM Example: set OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.6.0_05\n" +
"set OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME=" + oo_sdk_java_home +
"\n\n" +
"REM Special output directory\n" +
"REM Example: set OO_SDK_OUT=C:\\" + oo_sdk_name + "\n" +
"set OO_SDK_OUT=" + oo_sdk_out +
"\n\n" +
"REM Automatic deployment\n" +
"set SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT=" + sdk_auto_deployment +
"\n\n" +
"REM Check installation path for the Office Development Kit.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Check installation path for the office.\n" +
"REM if not defined OFFICE_HOME (\n" +
"REM echo Error: the variable OFFICE_HOME is missing!\n" +
"REM goto :error\n" +
"REM )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Check installation path for GNU make.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Check installation path for the zip tool.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Check installation path for the cat tool.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_CAT_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_CAT_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Check installation path for the sed tool.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_SED_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_SED_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set library path. \n" +
"set LIB=%OO_SDK_HOME%\\lib;%LIB%\n" +
"if defined CPP_WINDOWS_SDK (\n" +
" set LIB=%LIB%;%CPP_WINDOWS_SDK%\\lib\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set office program path.\n" +
"if defined OFFICE_HOME (\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set UNO path, necessary to ensure that the cpp examples using the\n" +
"REM new UNO bootstrap mechanism use the configured office installation\n" +
"REM (only set when using an Office).\n" +
"if defined OFFICE_HOME (\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set classpath\n" +
"set CLASSPATH=%OO_SDK_URE_JAVA_DIR%\\libreoffice.jar;%OO_SDK_URE_JAVA_DIR%\\unoloader.jar\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the SDK tools to the path.\n" +
"set PATH=%OO_SDK_HOME%\\bin;%OO_SDK_URE_BIN_DIR%;%OO_SDK_OFFICE_BIN_DIR%;%OO_SDK_HOME%\\WINexample.out\\bin;%PATH%\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set PATH appropriate to the output directory\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_OUT set PATH=%OO_SDK_OUT%\\WINexample.out\\bin;%PATH%\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_OUT set PATH=%OO_SDK_HOME%\\WINexample.out\\bin;%PATH%\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the command make to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME set PATH=%OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME%;%PATH%\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the zip tool to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME set PATH=%OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME%;%PATH%\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the cat tool to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_CAT_HOME set PATH=%OO_SDK_CAT_HOME%;%PATH%\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the sed tool to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_SED_HOME set PATH=%OO_SDK_SED_HOME%;%PATH%\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the C++ compiler to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_CPP_HOME set PATH=%OO_SDK_CPP_HOME%;%PATH%\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the Win SDK to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined CPP_WINDOWS_SDK set PATH=%CPP_WINDOWS_SDK%\\bin;%PATH%\n" +
"REM Add directory of the C# and VB.NET compilers to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_CLI_HOME set PATH=%OO_SDK_CLI_HOME%;%PATH%\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the Java tools to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME set PATH=%OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME%\\bin;%OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME%\\jre\\bin;%PATH%\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set environment for C++ compiler tools, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_CPP_HOME call \"%OO_SDK_CPP_HOME%\\VCVARS32.bat\"\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set title to identify the prepared shell.\n" +
"title Shell prepared for SDK\n" +
"\nREM Prepare shell with all necessary environment variables.\n" +
"echo.\n" +
"echo ******************************************************************\n" +
"echo *\n" +
"echo * SDK environment is prepared for Windows\n" +
"echo *\n" +
"echo * SDK = %OO_SDK_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Office = %OFFICE_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Make = %OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Zip = %OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME%\n" +
"echo * cat = %OO_SDK_CAT_HOME%\n" +
"echo * sed = %OO_SDK_SED_HOME%\n" +
"echo * C++ Compiler = %OO_SDK_CPP_HOME%\n" +
"echo * C# and VB.NET compilers = %OO_SDK_CLI_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Java = %OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Special Output directory = %OO_SDK_OUT%\n" +
"echo * Auto deployment = %SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT%\n" +
"echo *\n" +
"echo ******************************************************************\n" +
"echo.\n" +
"goto end\n" +
"\n" +
" :error\n" +
"Error: Please insert the necessary environment variables into the batch file.\n" +
"\n" +
" :end\n"