+mean-value line
704 lines
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704 lines
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// package name: as default, start with complex
package qa;
// imports
import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
import com.sun.star.uno.XInterface;
import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
import com.sun.star.uno.Type;
import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import com.sun.star.lang.*;
import com.sun.star.beans.*;
import com.sun.star.frame.*;
import com.sun.star.chart.*;
import com.sun.star.drawing.*;
import com.sun.star.awt.*;
import com.sun.star.util.XCloseable;
import com.sun.star.util.CloseVetoException;
import drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.XTitled;
import drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.XTitle;
import drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.XDataProvider;
import drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.XFormattedString;
import drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.XDiagramProvider;
import com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter;
import com.sun.star.comp.helper.ComponentContext;
* The following Complex Test will test the
* com.sun.star.document.IndexedPropertyValues
* service
public class TestCaseOldAPI extends ComplexTestCase {
// The name of the tested service
private final String testedServiceName =
// The first of the mandatory functions:
* Return the name of the test.
* In this case it is the actual name of the service.
* @return The tested service.
public String getTestObjectName() {
return testedServiceName;
// The second of the mandatory functions: return all test methods as an
// array. There is only one test function in this example.
* Return all test methods.
* @return The test methods.
public String[] getTestMethodNames() {
return new String[] {
// ____________
public void before()
// change to "true" to get a view
mbCreateView = false;
if( mbCreateView )
mxChartModel = createDocument( "chart" );
mxChartModel = createChartModel();
createFileDataSource( mxChartModel );
mxOldDoc = (XChartDocument) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XChartDocument.class, mxChartModel );
// ____________
public void after()
XCloseable xCloseable = (XCloseable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XCloseable.class, mxChartModel );
assure( "document is no XCloseable", xCloseable != null );
// do not close document if there exists a view
if( ! mbCreateView )
xCloseable.close( true );
catch( CloseVetoException ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ____________
public void testTitle()
// set title at new chart
XTitled xTitled = (XTitled) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XTitled.class, mxChartModel );
// set title via new API
XTitle xTitle = setTitle( xTitled, "Sample", "@main-title" );
// printInterfacesAndServices( xTitle );
// get title via old API
XShape xTitleShape = mxOldDoc.getTitle();
XPropertySet xTitleProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, xTitleShape );
// set property via old API
if( xTitleProp != null )
String aTitle = " Overwritten by Old API ";
float fHeight = (float)17.0;
xTitleProp.setPropertyValue( "String", aTitle );
xTitleProp.setPropertyValue( "CharHeight", new Float( fHeight ) );
float fNewHeight = AnyConverter.toFloat( xTitleProp.getPropertyValue( "CharHeight" ) );
assure( "Changing CharHeight via old API failed", fNewHeight == fHeight );
String aNewTitle = AnyConverter.toString( xTitleProp.getPropertyValue( "String" ) );
assure( "Property \"String\" failed", aNewTitle.equals( aTitle ));
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ____________
public void testSubTitle()
// trying back-querying (from old Wrapper to new Model)
drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.XChartDocument xNewDoc =
(drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.XChartDocument) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
mxOldDoc );
// set title at new chart
XTitled xTitled = (XTitled) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XTitled.class, xNewDoc.getDiagram() );
// set title via new API
setTitle( xTitled, "Sub", "@sub-title" );
// get Property via old API
XShape xTitleShape = mxOldDoc.getSubTitle();
XPropertySet xTitleProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, xTitleShape );
// set Property via old API
if( xTitleProp != null )
int nColor = 0x009acd; // DeepSkyBlue3
float fWeight = FontWeight.BOLD;
xTitleProp.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( nColor ) );
xTitleProp.setPropertyValue( "CharWeight", new Float( fWeight ));
int nNewColor = AnyConverter.toInt( xTitleProp.getPropertyValue( "CharColor" ) );
assure( "Changing CharColor via old API failed", nNewColor == nColor );
float fNewWeight = AnyConverter.toFloat( xTitleProp.getPropertyValue( "CharWeight" ) );
assure( "Changing CharWeight via old API failed", fNewWeight == fWeight );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ------------
public void testDiagram()
// testing wall
XDiagram xDia = mxOldDoc.getDiagram();
if( xDia != null )
X3DDisplay xDisp = (X3DDisplay) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
X3DDisplay.class, xDia );
assure( "X3DDisplay not supported", xDisp != null );
XPropertySet xProp = xDisp.getWall();
if( xProp != null )
// log.println( "Testing wall" );
int nColor = 0xffe1ff; // thistle1
xProp.setPropertyValue( "FillColor", new Integer( nColor ) );
int nNewColor = AnyConverter.toInt( xProp.getPropertyValue( "FillColor" ) );
assure( "Changing FillColor via old API failed", nNewColor == nColor );
assure( "Wrong Diagram Type", xDia.getDiagramType().equals(
"com.sun.star.chart.BarDiagram" ));
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ------------
public void testAxis()
XAxisYSupplier xYAxisSuppl = (XAxisYSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XAxisYSupplier.class, mxOldDoc.getDiagram() );
assure( "Diagram is no y-axis supplier", xYAxisSuppl != null );
XPropertySet xProp = xYAxisSuppl.getYAxis();
assure( "No y-axis found", xProp != null );
double nNewMax = 12.3;
double nNewOrigin = 2.7;
xProp.setPropertyValue( "Max", new Double( nNewMax ));
assure( "AutoMax is on", ! AnyConverter.toBoolean( xProp.getPropertyValue( "AutoMax" )) );
assure( "Maximum value invalid",
AnyConverter.toDouble( xProp.getPropertyValue( "Max" )),
nNewMax ));
xProp.setPropertyValue( "AutoMin", new Boolean( true ));
assure( "AutoMin is off", AnyConverter.toBoolean( xProp.getPropertyValue( "AutoMin" )) );
// missing: Min/Max, etc. is not always returning a double
// Object oMin = xProp.getPropertyValue( "Min" );
// assure( "No Minimum set", AnyConverter.isDouble( oMin ));
// log.println( "Minimum retrieved: " + AnyConverter.toDouble( oMin ));
xProp.setPropertyValue( "Origin", new Double( nNewOrigin ));
assure( "Origin invalid",
AnyConverter.toDouble( xProp.getPropertyValue( "Origin" )),
nNewOrigin ));
xProp.setPropertyValue( "AutoOrigin", new Boolean( true ));
assure( "AutoOrigin is off", AnyConverter.toBoolean( xProp.getPropertyValue( "AutoOrigin" )) );
xProp.setPropertyValue( "Logarithmic", new Boolean( true ));
assure( "Scaling is not logarithmic",
AnyConverter.toBoolean( xProp.getPropertyValue( "Logarithmic" )) );
xProp.setPropertyValue( "Logarithmic", new Boolean( false ));
assure( "Scaling is not logarithmic",
! AnyConverter.toBoolean( xProp.getPropertyValue( "Logarithmic" )) );
int nNewColor = 0xcd853f; // peru
xProp.setPropertyValue( "LineColor", new Integer( nNewColor ));
assure( "Property LineColor",
AnyConverter.toInt( xProp.getPropertyValue( "LineColor" )) == nNewColor );
float fNewCharHeight = (float)(16.0);
xProp.setPropertyValue( "CharHeight", new Float( fNewCharHeight ));
assure( "Property CharHeight",
AnyConverter.toFloat( xProp.getPropertyValue( "CharHeight" )) == fNewCharHeight );
int nNewTextRotation = 700; // in 1/100 degrees
xProp.setPropertyValue( "TextRotation", new Integer( nNewTextRotation ));
assure( "Property TextRotation",
AnyConverter.toInt( xProp.getPropertyValue( "TextRotation" )) == nNewTextRotation );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ------------
public void testLegend()
XShape xLegend = mxOldDoc.getLegend();
assure( "No Legend returned", xLegend != null );
XPropertySet xLegendProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, xLegend );
assure( "Legend is no property set", xLegendProp != null );
ChartLegendPosition eNewPos = ChartLegendPosition.BOTTOM;
xLegendProp.setPropertyValue( "Alignment", eNewPos );
assure( "Property Alignment",
new Type( ChartLegendPosition.class ),
xLegendProp.getPropertyValue( "Alignment" )) == eNewPos );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ------------
public void testArea()
XPropertySet xArea = mxOldDoc.getArea();
assure( "No Area", xArea != null );
int nColor = 0xf5fffa; // mint cream
xArea.setPropertyValue( "FillColor", new Integer( nColor ) );
xArea.setPropertyValue( "FillStyle", FillStyle.SOLID );
int nNewColor = AnyConverter.toInt( xArea.getPropertyValue( "FillColor" ) );
assure( "Changing FillColor of Area failed", nNewColor == nColor );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ------------
public void testChartType()
XMultiServiceFactory xFact = (XMultiServiceFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XMultiServiceFactory.class, mxOldDoc );
assure( "document is no factory", xFact != null );
String aMyServiceName = new String( "com.sun.star.chart.AreaDiagram" );
String aServices[] = xFact.getAvailableServiceNames();
boolean bServiceFound = false;
for( int i = 0; i < aServices.length; ++i )
if( aServices[ i ].equals( aMyServiceName ))
bServiceFound = true;
assure( "getAvailableServiceNames did not return " + aMyServiceName, bServiceFound );
if( bServiceFound )
XDiagram xDia = (XDiagram) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XDiagram.class, xFact.createInstance( aMyServiceName ));
assure( aMyServiceName + " could not be created", xDia != null );
mxOldDoc.setDiagram( xDia );
XPropertySet xDiaProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, xDia );
assure( "Diagram is no XPropertySet", xDiaProp != null );
xDiaProp.getPropertyValue( "Stacked" );
xDiaProp.setPropertyValue( "Stacked", new Boolean( true ));
assure( "StackMode could not be set correctly",
xDiaProp.getPropertyValue( "Stacked" )));
// reset to bar-chart
aMyServiceName = new String( "com.sun.star.chart.BarDiagram" );
XDiagram xDia = (XDiagram) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XDiagram.class, xFact.createInstance( aMyServiceName ));
assure( aMyServiceName + " could not be created", xDia != null );
mxOldDoc.setDiagram( xDia );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ------------
public void testAggregation()
// query to new type
XChartDocument xDiaProv = (XChartDocument) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XChartDocument.class, mxOldDoc );
assure( "query to new interface failed", xDiaProv != null );
com.sun.star.chart.XChartDocument xDoc = (com.sun.star.chart.XChartDocument) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
com.sun.star.chart.XChartDocument.class, xDiaProv );
assure( "querying back to old interface failed", xDoc != null );
// ------------
public void testDataSeriesAndPoints()
XDiagram xDia = mxOldDoc.getDiagram();
assure( "Invalid Diagram", xDia != null );
XPropertySet xProp = xDia.getDataRowProperties( 1 );
assure( "No DataRowProperties for series 1 (0-based)", xProp != null );
// Gradient
Gradient aGradient = new Gradient();
aGradient.Style = GradientStyle.LINEAR;
aGradient.StartColor = 0xe0ffff; // light cyan
aGradient.EndColor = 0xff8c00; // dark orange
aGradient.Angle = 300; // 30 degrees
aGradient.Border = 15;
aGradient.XOffset = 0;
aGradient.YOffset = 0;
aGradient.StartIntensity = 100;
aGradient.EndIntensity = 80;
aGradient.StepCount = 23;
xProp.setPropertyValue( "FillStyle", FillStyle.GRADIENT );
xProp.setPropertyValue( "FillGradient", aGradient );
Gradient aNewGradient = (Gradient) AnyConverter.toObject(
new Type( Gradient.class ),
xProp.getPropertyValue( "FillGradient" ));
assure( "Gradient Style", aNewGradient.Style == aGradient.Style );
assure( "Gradient StartColor", aNewGradient.StartColor == aGradient.StartColor );
assure( "Gradient EndColor", aNewGradient.EndColor == aGradient.EndColor );
assure( "Gradient Angle", aNewGradient.Angle == aGradient.Angle );
assure( "Gradient Border", aNewGradient.Border == aGradient.Border );
assure( "Gradient XOffset", aNewGradient.XOffset == aGradient.XOffset );
assure( "Gradient YOffset", aNewGradient.YOffset == aGradient.YOffset );
assure( "Gradient StartIntensity", aNewGradient.StartIntensity == aGradient.StartIntensity );
assure( "Gradient EndIntensity", aNewGradient.EndIntensity == aGradient.EndIntensity );
assure( "Gradient StepCount", aNewGradient.StepCount == aGradient.StepCount );
// Hatch
xProp = xDia.getDataPointProperties( 1, 1 );
assure( "No DataPointProperties for (1,1)", xProp != null );
Hatch aHatch = new Hatch();
aHatch.Style = HatchStyle.DOUBLE;
aHatch.Color = 0xd2691e; // chocolate
aHatch.Distance = 200; // 2 mm (?)
aHatch.Angle = 230; // 23 degrees
xProp.setPropertyValue( "FillHatch", aHatch );
xProp.setPropertyValue( "FillStyle", FillStyle.HATCH );
Hatch aNewHatch = (Hatch) AnyConverter.toObject(
new Type( Hatch.class ),
xProp.getPropertyValue( "FillHatch" ));
assure( "Hatch Style", aNewHatch.Style == aHatch.Style );
assure( "Hatch Color", aNewHatch.Color == aHatch.Color );
assure( "Hatch Distance", aNewHatch.Distance == aHatch.Distance );
assure( "Hatch Angle", aNewHatch.Angle == aHatch.Angle );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ------------
public void testStatistics()
XDiagram xDia = mxOldDoc.getDiagram();
assure( "Invalid Diagram", xDia != null );
XPropertySet xProp = xDia.getDataRowProperties( 0 );
assure( "No DataRowProperties for first series", xProp != null );
xProp.setPropertyValue( "MeanValue", new Boolean( true ));
assure( "No MeanValue", AnyConverter.toBoolean( xProp.getPropertyValue( "MeanValue" )) );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ================================================================================
private XModel mxChartModel;
private XChartDocument mxOldDoc;
private boolean mbCreateView;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void createFileDataSource( XModel xModel )
XMultiServiceFactory xFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory) param.getMSF();
XDataProvider xDataProv = (XDataProvider) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
xFactory.createInstance( "com.sun.star.comp.chart.FileDataProvider" ));
drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.XChartDocument xDoc =
(drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.XChartDocument) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
xModel );
if( xDataProv != null &&
xDoc != null )
xDoc.attachDataProvider( xDataProv );
String aURL = "file://" + System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) +
System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + "data.chd";
log.println( aURL );
xDoc.setRangeRepresentation( aURL );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
// ------------
private XModel createDocument( String sDocType )
XModel aResult = null;
XComponentLoader aLoader = (XComponentLoader) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
((XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF()).createInstance( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" ) );
aResult = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
aLoader.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/" + sDocType,
new PropertyValue[ 0 ] ) );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
return aResult;
// ------------
public XModel createChartModel()
XModel aResult = null;
aResult = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
((XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF()).createInstance( "com.sun.star.comp.chart2.ChartModel" ) );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
return aResult;
// ------------
private XTitle setTitle( XTitled xTitleParent, String aTitle, String aId )
XTitle xTitle = null;
if( xTitleParent != null )
XMultiServiceFactory xFact = (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF();
XMultiComponentFactory xCompFact = (XMultiComponentFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XMultiComponentFactory.class, xFact );
XFormattedString[] aStrings = new XFormattedString[ 2 ];
aStrings[0] = (XFormattedString) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
"drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.FormattedString" ));
aStrings[1] = (XFormattedString) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
"drafts.com.sun.star.chart2.FormattedString" ));
aStrings[0].setString( aTitle );
aStrings[1].setString( " Title" );
Hashtable aParams = new Hashtable();
aParams.put( "Identifier", aId );
xTitle = (XTitle) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
new ComponentContext( aParams, getComponentContext( xFact ) )));
xTitle.setText( aStrings );
XPropertySet xTitleProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, xTitle );
xTitleProp.setPropertyValue( "FillColor", new Integer( 0xfff8dc )); // cornsilk1
xTitleParent.setTitle( xTitle );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
return xTitle;
// ------------
private XComponentContext getComponentContext( XMultiServiceFactory xFact )
XComponentContext xResult = null;
XPropertySet xProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, xFact );
if( xProp != null )
xResult = (XComponentContext)
new Type( XComponentContext.class ),
xProp.getPropertyValue( "DefaultContext" ) );
catch( Exception ex )
failed( ex.getMessage() );
ex.printStackTrace( (PrintWriter)log );
return xResult;
// ------------
private void printInterfacesAndServices( Object oObj )
log.println( "Services:" );
util.dbg.getSuppServices( oObj );
log.println( "Interfaces:" );
util.dbg.printInterfaces( (XInterface)oObj, true );
// ------------
/// see rtl/math.hxx
private boolean approxEqual( double a, double b )
if( a == b )
return true;
double x = a - b;
return (x < 0.0 ? -x : x)
< ((a < 0.0 ? -a : a) * (1.0 / (16777216.0 * 16777216.0)));