Miklos Vajna 1127c63470 ODT import: fix MSO-style <text:list text:continue-numbering="true">
The ODF spec says that text:continue-numbering="true" should only
continue the numbering in case the styles of the previous and the
current list match.

In contrast, Word continues the numbering even in case there is e.g.
numbering, then bullets, then numbering again, in case the list styles of
the two numberings are the same.

Work this around at import time when the generator confirms that the
document is coming from Word. At least Office 2019 and the latest
renderer at is affected.

(I've mailed dochelp@microsoft, no answer yet.)

Change-Id: Ib63e14322e5501a6220f798abd9365d7913dab4c
Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
2022-02-24 17:37:59 +01:00

664 lines
29 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <string_view>
#include <o3tl/deleter.hxx>
#include <xmloff/dllapi.h>
#include <sal/types.h>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XExtendedDocumentHandler.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XFastParser.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XUnoTunnel.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XInitialization.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/document/XImporter.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/document/XFilter.hpp>
#include <xmloff/txtimp.hxx>
#include <xmloff/shapeimport.hxx>
#include <xmloff/SchXMLImportHelper.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase.hxx>
#include <xmloff/formlayerimport.hxx>
#include <sax/fastattribs.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XFastDocumentHandler.hpp>
#include <o3tl/typed_flags_set.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
namespace com::sun::star::beans { class XPropertySet; }
namespace com::sun::star::beans { struct NamedValue; }
namespace com::sun::star::document { class XEmbeddedObjectResolver; }
namespace com::sun::star::document { class XGraphicStorageHandler; }
namespace com::sun::star::embed { class XStorage; }
namespace com::sun::star::graphic { class XGraphic; }
namespace com::sun::star::task { class XStatusIndicator; }
namespace com::sun::star::uno { class XComponentContext; }
namespace com::sun::star::util { class XNumberFormatsSupplier; }
namespace com::sun::star::xml::sax { class XAttributeList; }
namespace com::sun::star::xml::sax { class XFastAttributeList; }
namespace com::sun::star::xml::sax { class XFastContextHandler; }
namespace com::sun::star {
namespace frame { class XModel; }
namespace io { class XOutputStream; }
namespace rdf { class XMetadatable; }
namespace comphelper { class UnoInterfaceToUniqueIdentifierMapper; }
namespace comphelper { class AttributeList; }
namespace xmloff {
class RDFaImportHelper;
namespace xmloff::token {
class FastTokenHandler;
class EmbeddedFontsHelper;
class ProgressBarHelper;
class SvXMLNamespaceMap;
class SvXMLImport_Impl;
class SvXMLUnitConverter;
class SvXMLNumFmtHelper;
class XMLFontStylesContext;
class XMLEventImportHelper;
class XMLErrors;
class StyleMap;
enum class SvXMLErrorFlags;
constexpr sal_Int32 LAST_NAMESPACE = 121; // last value in xmloff/xmnspe.hxx
constexpr size_t NMSP_SHIFT = 16;
constexpr sal_Int32 TOKEN_MASK = 0xffff;
constexpr sal_Int32 NMSP_MASK = 0xffff0000;
#define XML_ELEMENT( prefix, name ) ( NAMESPACE_TOKEN(XML_NAMESPACE_##prefix) | name )
constexpr sal_Int32 NAMESPACE_TOKEN( sal_uInt16 prefixToken )
return ( prefixToken + 1 ) << NMSP_SHIFT;
constexpr bool IsTokenInNamespace(sal_Int32 nToken, sal_uInt16 nNamespacePrefix)
auto nTmp = ((nToken & NMSP_MASK) >> NMSP_SHIFT) - 1;
return nTmp == nNamespacePrefix;
enum class SvXMLImportFlags {
NONE = 0x0000,
META = 0x0001,
STYLES = 0x0002,
AUTOSTYLES = 0x0008,
CONTENT = 0x0010,
SCRIPTS = 0x0020,
SETTINGS = 0x0040,
FONTDECLS = 0x0080,
EMBEDDED = 0x0100,
ALL = 0xffff
namespace o3tl
template<> struct typed_flags<SvXMLImportFlags> : is_typed_flags<SvXMLImportFlags, 0xffff> {};
class SvXMLImportFastNamespaceHandler final : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::xml::sax::XFastNamespaceHandler >
struct NamespaceDefine
OUString m_aPrefix;
OUString m_aNamespaceURI;
NamespaceDefine( const OUString& rPrefix, const OUString& rNamespaceURI ) : m_aPrefix( rPrefix ), m_aNamespaceURI( rNamespaceURI ) {}
std::vector< NamespaceDefine > m_aNamespaceDefines;
void addNSDeclAttributes( rtl::Reference < comphelper::AttributeList > const & rAttrList );
virtual void SAL_CALL registerNamespace( const OUString& rNamespacePrefix, const OUString& rNamespaceURI ) override;
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getNamespaceURI( const OUString& rNamespacePrefix ) override;
class XMLOFF_DLLPUBLIC SvXMLLegacyToFastDocHandler final : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper<
css::document::XImporter >
rtl::Reference< SvXMLImport > mrImport;
rtl::Reference< sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList > mxFastAttributes;
std::stack<sal_uInt16> maDefaultNamespaces;
SvXMLLegacyToFastDocHandler( const rtl::Reference< SvXMLImport > & rImport );
// XImporter
virtual void SAL_CALL setTargetDocument( const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XComponent >& xDoc ) override;
// css::xml::sax::XDocumentHandler
virtual void SAL_CALL startDocument() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL endDocument() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL startElement(const OUString& aName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XAttributeList > & xAttribs) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL endElement(const OUString& aName) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL characters(const OUString& aChars) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL ignorableWhitespace(const OUString& aWhitespaces) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL processingInstruction(const OUString& aTarget,
const OUString& aData) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setDocumentLocator(const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XLocator > & xLocator) override;
class XMLOFF_DLLPUBLIC SvXMLImport : public cppu::WeakImplHelper<
friend class SvXMLImportContext;
friend class SvXMLLegacyToFastDocHandler;
css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XLocator > mxLocator;
css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel > mxModel;
css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier > mxNumberFormatsSupplier;
css::uno::Reference< css::document::XGraphicStorageHandler > mxGraphicStorageHandler;
css::uno::Reference< css::document::XEmbeddedObjectResolver > mxEmbeddedResolver;
css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > mxImportInfo;
rtl::Reference< XMLTextImportHelper > mxTextImport;
rtl::Reference< XMLShapeImportHelper > mxShapeImport;
rtl::Reference< SchXMLImportHelper > mxChartImport;
rtl::Reference< ::xmloff::OFormLayerXMLImport > mxFormImport;
rtl::Reference<XMLFontStylesContext> mxFontDecls;
rtl::Reference<SvXMLStylesContext> mxStyles;
rtl::Reference<SvXMLStylesContext> mxAutoStyles;
rtl::Reference<SvXMLStylesContext> mxMasterStyles;
css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > mxGradientHelper;
css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > mxHatchHelper;
css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > mxBitmapHelper;
css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > mxTransGradientHelper;
css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > mxMarkerHelper;
css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > mxDashHelper;
css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > mxNumberStyles;
css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XEventListener > mxEventListener;
std::unique_ptr<SvXMLImport_Impl> mpImpl; // dummy
std::optional<SvXMLNamespaceMap> mxNamespaceMap;
std::unique_ptr<SvXMLUnitConverter> mpUnitConv;
std::stack<SvXMLImportContextRef, std::vector<SvXMLImportContextRef>>
std::unique_ptr<SvXMLNumFmtHelper> mpNumImport;
std::unique_ptr<ProgressBarHelper> mpProgressBarHelper;
std::unique_ptr<XMLEventImportHelper> mpEventImportHelper;
std::unique_ptr<XMLErrors> mpXMLErrors;
rtl::Reference<StyleMap> mpStyleMap;
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void InitCtor_();
SvXMLImportFlags mnImportFlags;
std::set< OUString > embeddedFontUrlsKnown;
css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastParser > mxParser;
rtl::Reference< SvXMLImportFastNamespaceHandler > maNamespaceHandler;
rtl::Reference < comphelper::AttributeList > maNamespaceAttrList;
css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastDocumentHandler > mxFastDocumentHandler;
static rtl::Reference< xmloff::token::FastTokenHandler > xTokenHandler;
static std::unordered_map< sal_Int32, std::pair< OUString, OUString > > aNamespaceMap;
static std::unordered_map< OUString, OUString > aNamespaceURIPrefixMap;
static bool bIsNSMapsInitialized;
static void initializeNamespaceMaps();
void registerNamespaces();
static std::optional<SvXMLNamespaceMap> processNSAttributes(
std::optional<SvXMLNamespaceMap> & rpNamespaceMap,
SvXMLImport *const pImport,
const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XAttributeList >& xAttrList);
css::uno::Reference< css::task::XStatusIndicator > mxStatusIndicator;
// tdf#69060 & tdf#137643 import embedded fonts and activate them in a
// batch in EmbeddedFontsHelper's dtor
std::unique_ptr<EmbeddedFontsHelper, o3tl::default_delete<EmbeddedFontsHelper>> mxEmbeddedFontHelper;
bool mbIsFormsSupported;
bool mbIsTableShapeSupported;
bool mbNotifyMacroEventRead;
// Create top-level element context.
// This method is called after the namespace map has been updated, but
// before a context for the current element has been pushed.
// This base class implementation returns a context that ignores everything.
virtual SvXMLImportContext *CreateFastContext( sal_Int32 Element,
const ::css::uno::Reference< ::css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList );
virtual XMLTextImportHelper* CreateTextImport();
void ClearTextImport() { mxTextImport = nullptr; }
virtual XMLShapeImportHelper* CreateShapeImport();
bool HasShapeImport() const { return; }
void ClearShapeImport() { mxShapeImport = nullptr; }
static SchXMLImportHelper* CreateChartImport();
::xmloff::OFormLayerXMLImport* CreateFormImport();
void SetFontDecls( XMLFontStylesContext *pFontDecls );
void SetStyles( SvXMLStylesContext *pStyles );
void SetAutoStyles( SvXMLStylesContext *pAutoStyles );
void SetMasterStyles( SvXMLStylesContext *pMasterStyles );
bool IsODFVersionConsistent( const OUString& aODFVersion );
const css::uno::Reference< css::document::XEmbeddedObjectResolver >& GetEmbeddedResolver() const { return mxEmbeddedResolver; }
inline void SetEmbeddedResolver( css::uno::Reference< css::document::XEmbeddedObjectResolver > const & _xEmbeddedResolver );
const css::uno::Reference<css::document::XGraphicStorageHandler> & GetGraphicStorageHandler() const
return mxGraphicStorageHandler;
void SetGraphicStorageHandler(css::uno::Reference<css::document::XGraphicStorageHandler> const & rxGraphicStorageHandler);
void CreateNumberFormatsSupplier_();
void CreateDataStylesImport_();
// SvXMLImport( sal_uInt16 nImportFlags = IMPORT_ALL ) throw();
* @param sSupportedServiceNames if this is empty we default to our normal supported service names
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& xContext,
OUString const & implementationName,
SvXMLImportFlags nImportFlags = SvXMLImportFlags::ALL,
const css::uno::Sequence< OUString > & sSupportedServiceNames = {});
void cleanup() noexcept;
virtual ~SvXMLImport() noexcept override;
virtual void SAL_CALL startDocument() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL endDocument() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL characters(const OUString& aChars) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL processingInstruction(const OUString& aTarget,
const OUString& aData) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setDocumentLocator(const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XLocator > & xLocator) override;
// ::css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler
virtual void SAL_CALL startFastElement(sal_Int32 Element,
const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList > & Attribs) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL startUnknownElement(const OUString & Namespace,
const OUString & Name,
const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList > & Attribs) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL endFastElement(sal_Int32 Element) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL endUnknownElement(const OUString & Namespace,
const OUString & Name) override;
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SAL_CALL
createFastChildContext(sal_Int32 Element,
const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList > & Attribs) override;
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SAL_CALL
createUnknownChildContext(const OUString & Namespace, const OUString & Name,
const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList > & Attribs) override;
// XFastParser
virtual void SAL_CALL parseStream( const css::xml::sax::InputSource& aInputSource ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setFastDocumentHandler( const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastDocumentHandler >& Handler ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setTokenHandler( const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastTokenHandler >& Handler ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL registerNamespace( const OUString& NamespaceURL, sal_Int32 NamespaceToken ) override;
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getNamespaceURL( const OUString& rPrefix ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setErrorHandler( const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XErrorHandler >& Handler ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setEntityResolver( const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XEntityResolver >& Resolver ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setLocale( const css::lang::Locale& rLocale ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setNamespaceHandler( const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastNamespaceHandler >& Handler) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setCustomEntityNames( const ::css::uno::Sequence< ::css::beans::Pair<::rtl::OUString, ::rtl::OUString> >& replacements ) override;
// XImporter
virtual void SAL_CALL setTargetDocument( const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XComponent >& xDoc ) override;
// XFilter
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL filter( const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& aDescriptor ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL cancel( ) override;
// XInitialization
virtual void SAL_CALL initialize( const css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any >& aArguments ) override;
// XUnoTunnel
static const css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>& getUnoTunnelId() noexcept;
virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getSomething( const css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aIdentifier ) override;
// XServiceInfo
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName( ) final override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) final override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames( ) final override;
// may be called by certain subclasses that handle document meta-data
// override to provide customized handling of document statistics
// the base class implementation initializes the progress bar and should
// be called by overriding methods
virtual void SetStatistics(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > & i_rStats);
// get import helper for text
inline rtl::Reference< XMLTextImportHelper > const & GetTextImport();
bool HasTextImport() const { return; }
inline SvXMLNumFmtHelper* GetDataStylesImport();
// get import helper for shapes
inline rtl::Reference< XMLShapeImportHelper > const & GetShapeImport();
// get import helper for charts
inline rtl::Reference< SchXMLImportHelper > const & GetChartImport();
// get import helper for form layer
inline rtl::Reference< ::xmloff::OFormLayerXMLImport > const & GetFormImport();
// get XPropertySet with import information
const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet >& getImportInfo() const { return mxImportInfo; }
// get import helper for events
XMLEventImportHelper& GetEventImport();
static const OUString & getNameFromToken( sal_Int32 nToken );
static OUString getPrefixAndNameFromToken( sal_Int32 nToken );
static OUString getNamespacePrefixFromToken(sal_Int32 nToken, const SvXMLNamespaceMap* pMap);
static OUString getNamespaceURIFromToken( sal_Int32 nToken );
static OUString getNamespacePrefixFromURI( const OUString& rURI );
static sal_Int32 getTokenFromName(const OUString& sName);
SvXMLNamespaceMap& GetNamespaceMap() { return *mxNamespaceMap; }
const SvXMLNamespaceMap& GetNamespaceMap() const { return *mxNamespaceMap; }
const SvXMLUnitConverter& GetMM100UnitConverter() const { return *mpUnitConv; }
SvXMLUnitConverter& GetMM100UnitConverter() { return *mpUnitConv; }
const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XLocator > & GetLocator() const { return mxLocator; }
const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel > &
GetModel() const { return mxModel; }
const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > & GetGradientHelper();
const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > & GetHatchHelper();
const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > & GetBitmapHelper();
const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > & GetTransGradientHelper();
const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > & GetMarkerHelper();
const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > & GetDashHelper();
inline css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier > & GetNumberFormatsSupplier();
void SetNumberFormatsSupplier(const css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier >& _xNumberFormatSupplier)
mxNumberFormatsSupplier = _xNumberFormatSupplier;
css::uno::Reference<css::graphic::XGraphic> loadGraphicByURL(OUString const & rURL);
css::uno::Reference<css::graphic::XGraphic> loadGraphicFromBase64(css::uno::Reference<css::io::XOutputStream> const & rxOutputStream);
css::uno::Reference< css::io::XOutputStream > GetStreamForGraphicObjectURLFromBase64() const;
bool IsPackageURL( const OUString& rURL ) const;
OUString ResolveEmbeddedObjectURL( const OUString& rURL,
std::u16string_view rClassId );
css::uno::Reference< css::io::XOutputStream >
GetStreamForEmbeddedObjectURLFromBase64() const;
OUString ResolveEmbeddedObjectURLFromBase64();
// get source storage we're importing from (if available)
css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > const &
GetSourceStorage() const;
void AddStyleDisplayName( XmlStyleFamily nFamily,
const OUString& rName,
const OUString& rDisplayName );
OUString GetStyleDisplayName( XmlStyleFamily nFamily,
const OUString& rName ) const;
ProgressBarHelper* GetProgressBarHelper();
void AddNumberStyle(sal_Int32 nKey, const OUString& sName);
virtual void SetViewSettings(const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& aViewProps);
virtual void SetConfigurationSettings(const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& aConfigProps);
virtual void SetDocumentSpecificSettings(const OUString& _rSettingsGroupName,
const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& _rSettings);
XMLFontStylesContext *GetFontDecls();
SvXMLStylesContext *GetStyles();
SvXMLStylesContext *GetAutoStyles();
const XMLFontStylesContext *GetFontDecls() const;
const SvXMLStylesContext *GetStyles() const;
const SvXMLStylesContext *GetAutoStyles() const;
SvXMLImportFlags getImportFlags() const { return mnImportFlags; }
bool IsFormsSupported() const { return mbIsFormsSupported; }
OUString GetAbsoluteReference(const OUString& rValue) const;
sal_Unicode ConvStarBatsCharToStarSymbol( sal_Unicode c );
sal_Unicode ConvStarMathCharToStarSymbol( sal_Unicode c );
bool IsTableShapeSupported() const { return mbIsTableShapeSupported; }
OUString GetODFVersion() const;
bool IsOOoXML() const; // legacy non-ODF format?
/// Determines if the document was generated by Microsoft Office.
bool IsMSO() const;
* Record an error condition that occurred during import. The
* behavior of SetError can be modified using the error flag
* constants.
void SetError(
/// error ID, may contain an error flag
sal_Int32 nId,
/// string parameters for the error message
const css::uno::Sequence< OUString > & rMsgParams,
/// original exception message (if applicable)
const OUString& rExceptionMessage,
/// error location (if applicable)
const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XLocator> & rLocator );
void SetError(
sal_Int32 nId,
const css::uno::Sequence< OUString> & rMsgParams = {});
void SetError( sal_Int32 nId, const OUString& rMsg1 );
virtual void DisposingModel();
::comphelper::UnoInterfaceToUniqueIdentifierMapper& getInterfaceToIdentifierMapper();
css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > const &
GetComponentContext() const;
// Convert drawing object positions from OOo file format to OASIS file format and vice versa (#i28749#)
bool IsShapePositionInHoriL2R() const;
bool IsTextDocInOOoFileFormat() const;
OUString GetBaseURL() const;
OUString GetDocumentBase() const;
/// set the XmlId attribute of given UNO object (for RDF metadata)
void SetXmlId(css::uno::Reference<
css::uno::XInterface> const & i_xIfc,
OUString const & i_rXmlId);
/// Add a RDFa statement; parameters are XML attribute values
void AddRDFa( const css::uno::Reference< css::rdf::XMetadatable>& i_xObject,
OUString const & i_rAbout,
OUString const & i_rProperty,
OUString const & i_rContent,
OUString const & i_rDatatype);
/// do not dllexport this; only for advanced cases (bookmark-start)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE ::xmloff::RDFaImportHelper & GetRDFaImportHelper();
// #i31958# XForms helper method
// (to be implemented by applications supporting XForms)
virtual void initXForms();
/** returns the upd and build id (f.e. "680m124$Build-8964" gives rMaster = 680 and rBuild = 8964)
from the metafile.
this only works if the meta.xml was already imported and the
import propertyset contains the string property "BuildId".
If false is returned the build ids are not available (yet).
bool getBuildIds( sal_Int32& rUPD, sal_Int32& rBuild ) const;
static constexpr OUStringLiteral aNamespaceSeparator = u":";
static const sal_uInt16 OOo_1x = 10;
static const sal_uInt16 OOo_2x = 20;
static const sal_uInt16 OOo_30x = 30;
static const sal_uInt16 OOo_31x = 31;
static const sal_uInt16 OOo_32x = 32;
static const sal_uInt16 OOo_33x = 33;
static const sal_uInt16 OOo_34x = 34;
// for AOO, no release overlaps with OOo, so continue OOo version numbers
static const sal_uInt16 AOO_40x = 40;
// @ATTENTION: it's not usually ok to use the "4x" "wildcard" in an "=="
// comparison, since that will match unreleased versions too; it is also
// risky to use it in "<" comparison, because it requires checking and
// possibly adapting all such uses when a new value for a more specific
// version is added.
static const sal_uInt16 AOO_4x = 41;
static const sal_uInt16 LO_flag = 0x100;
static const sal_uInt16 LO_3x = 30 | LO_flag;
static const sal_uInt16 LO_41x = 41 | LO_flag;
static const sal_uInt16 LO_42x = 42 | LO_flag;
static const sal_uInt16 LO_43x = 43 | LO_flag;
static const sal_uInt16 LO_44x = 44 | LO_flag;
static const sal_uInt16 LO_5x = 50 | LO_flag;
/// @ATTENTION: when adding a new value more specific than "6x", grep for
/// all current uses and adapt them!!!
static const sal_uInt16 LO_6x = 60 | LO_flag;
static const sal_uInt16 LO_63x = 63 | LO_flag;
static const sal_uInt16 LO_7x = 70 | LO_flag;
static const sal_uInt16 ProductVersionUnknown = SAL_MAX_UINT16;
/** depending on whether the generator version indicates LO, compare
against either the given LO or given OOo version */
bool isGeneratorVersionOlderThan(
sal_uInt16 const nOOoVersion, sal_uInt16 const nLOVersion);
/** this checks the build ID and returns
* OOo_1x for files created with 1.x or StarOffice 7 (this also includes binary import over binfilter)
* OOo_2x for files created with 2.x or StarOffice 8
* OOo_30x for files created with 3.0/3.0.1 or StarOffice 9/9 PU01
* OOo_31x for files created with 3.1/3.1.1 or StarOffice 9 PU02/9 PU03
* OOo_32x for files created with 3.2/3.2.1 or StarOffice 9 PU04 or Oracle Open Office 3.2.1
* OOo_33x for files created with 3.3 (and minors) or Oracle Open Office 3.3 (and minors)
* OOo_34x for files created with 3.4 Beta or Oracle Open Office 3.4 Beta
* ProductVersionUnknown for files not created with, StarOffice or Oracle Open Office
sal_uInt16 getGeneratorVersion() const;
Returns true if the embedded font document URL has already been processed.
Otherwise returns false and consequent calls with the same URL will return true.
bool embeddedFontAlreadyProcessed( const OUString& url );
// see EmbeddedFontsHelper::addEmbeddedFont
bool addEmbeddedFont( const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream >& stream,
const OUString& fontName, const char* extra,
std::vector< unsigned char > const & key, bool eot);
virtual void NotifyContainsEmbeddedFont() {}
// something referencing a macro/script was imported
void NotifyMacroEventRead();
bool needFixPositionAfterZ() const;
inline rtl::Reference< XMLTextImportHelper > const & SvXMLImport::GetTextImport()
if( ! )
mxTextImport = CreateTextImport();
return mxTextImport;
inline rtl::Reference< XMLShapeImportHelper > const & SvXMLImport::GetShapeImport()
if( ! )
mxShapeImport = CreateShapeImport();
return mxShapeImport;
inline rtl::Reference< SchXMLImportHelper > const & SvXMLImport::GetChartImport()
if( ! )
mxChartImport = CreateChartImport();
return mxChartImport;
inline rtl::Reference< ::xmloff::OFormLayerXMLImport > const & SvXMLImport::GetFormImport()
if( ! )
mxFormImport = CreateFormImport();
return mxFormImport;
inline void SvXMLImport::SetEmbeddedResolver(
css::uno::Reference< css::document::XEmbeddedObjectResolver > const & _xEmbeddedResolver )
mxEmbeddedResolver = _xEmbeddedResolver;
inline void SvXMLImport::SetGraphicStorageHandler(
css::uno::Reference<css::document::XGraphicStorageHandler> const & rxGraphicStorageHandler)
mxGraphicStorageHandler = rxGraphicStorageHandler;
inline css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier > & SvXMLImport::GetNumberFormatsSupplier()
if ( ! && )
return mxNumberFormatsSupplier;
inline SvXMLNumFmtHelper* SvXMLImport::GetDataStylesImport()
if ( !mpNumImport )
return mpNumImport.get();
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