2008/05/28 15:03:18 jl RESYNC: (1.11-1.12); FILE MERGED 2008/05/28 14:55:52 jl #i89584# patch - remove unused code.
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* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: elements.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.13 $
* This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
* OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
* <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
#include <vector>
#include "jvmfwk/framework.h"
#include "fwkutil.hxx"
#include "rtl/ustring.hxx"
#include "rtl/byteseq.hxx"
#include "libxml/parser.h"
#include "boost/optional.hpp"
#define NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK "http://openoffice.org/2004/java/framework/1.0"
#define NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
namespace jfw
/** gets the value of the updated element from the javavendors.xml.
rtl::OString getElementUpdated();
/** create the child elements within the root structure for each platform.
@param bNeedsSave
[out]If true then the respective structure of elements was added and the
document needs to be saved.
void createSettingsStructure(
xmlDoc * document, bool * bNeedsSave);
/** represents the settings saved in the /java/javaInfo element.
It is used within class NodeJava which determines the settings
class CNodeJavaInfo
/** if true, then javaInfo is empty. When writeToNode is called
then all child elements are deleted.
bool m_bEmptyNode;
/** Contains the value of the <updated> element of
the javavendors.xml after loadFromNode was called.
It is not used, when the javaInfo node is written.
see writeToNode
::rtl::OString sAttrVendorUpdate;
/** contains the nil value of the /java/javaInfo@xsi:nil attribute.
Default is true;
bool bNil;
/** contains the value of the /java/javaInfo@autoSelect attribute.
Default is true. If it is false then the user has modified the JRE
selection by actively choosing a JRE from the options dialog. That is,
the function jfw_setSelectedJRE was called. Contrary, the function
jfw_findAndSelectJRE sets the attribute to true.
bool bAutoSelect;
::rtl::OUString sVendor;
::rtl::OUString sLocation;
::rtl::OUString sVersion;
sal_uInt64 nFeatures;
sal_uInt64 nRequirements;
::rtl::ByteSequence arVendorData;
/** reads the node /java/javaInfo.
If javaInfo@xsi:nil = true then member bNil is set to true
an no further elements are read.
void loadFromNode(xmlDoc * pDoc,xmlNode * pJavaInfo);
/** The attribut nil will be set to false. The function gets the value
javaSettings/updated from the javavendors.xml and writes it to
javaInfo@vendorUpdate in javasettings.xml
void writeToNode(xmlDoc * pDoc, xmlNode * pJavaInfo) const;
/** returns NULL if javaInfo is nil.
JavaInfo * makeJavaInfo() const;
/** this class represents the java settings based on a particular
settings file.
Which settings file is used is determined by the value passed into the
constructo and the values of the bootstrap parameters UNO_JAVA_JFW_USER_DATA,
If the value is USER_OR_INSTALL then it depends of the bootstrap parameter
UNO_JAVA_JFW_INSTALL_DATA. If it has as value then it is used. Otherwise the
value from UNO_JAVA_JFW_USER_DATA is used.
The method load reads the data from the settings file.
The method write stores the data into the settings file.
class NodeJava
/** creates settings file and fills it with default values.
When this function is called then it creates the
settings file at the possition determined by the bootstrap parameters
UNO_JAVA_JFW_INSTALL_DATA) and m_layer, unless the file already exists
(see createSettingsDocument).
void prepareSettingsDocument() const;
/** helper function for prepareSettingsDocument.
void createSettingsDocument() const;
/** returns the system path to the data file which is to be used. The value
depends on
the the member m_layer and the bootstrap paramters UNO_JAVA_JFW_USER_DATA,
::rtl::OString getSettingsPath() const;
/** returns the file URL to the data file which is to be used. See getSettingsPath.
::rtl::OUString getSettingsURL() const;
/** Verifies if the respective settings file exist. In case UNO_JAVA_JFW_INSTALL_DATA
is used, the age is checked. If the file is too old then we assume that it does not
exist and wipe its contents. Then still FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST is returned.
jfw::FileStatus checkSettingsFileStatus() const;
/** Determines the layer for which the instance the loads and writes the
Layer m_layer;
/** User configurable option. /java/enabled
If /java/enabled@xsi:nil == true then the value will be uninitialized
after a call to load().
boost::optional<sal_Bool> m_enabled;
/** User configurable option. /java/userClassPath
If /java/userClassPath@xsi:nil == true then the value is uninitialized
after a call to load().
boost::optional< ::rtl::OUString> m_userClassPath;
/** User configurable option. /java/javaInfo
If /java/javaInfo@xsi:nil == true then the value is uninitialized
after a call to load.
boost::optional<CNodeJavaInfo> m_javaInfo;
/** User configurable option. /java/vmParameters
If /java/vmParameters@xsi:nil == true then the value is uninitialized
after a call to load.
boost::optional< ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString> > m_vmParameters;
/** User configurable option. /java/jreLocations
If /java/jreLocaltions@xsi:nil == true then the value is uninitialized
after a call to load.
boost::optional< ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString> > m_JRELocations;
NodeJava(Layer theLayer = USER_OR_INSTALL);
/** sets m_enabled.
/java/enabled@xsi:nil will be set to false when write is called.
void setEnabled(sal_Bool bEnabled);
/** sets m_sUserClassPath. See setEnabled.
void setUserClassPath(const ::rtl::OUString & sClassPath);
/** sets m_aInfo. See setEnabled.
@param bAutoSelect
true- called by jfw_setSelectedJRE
false called by jfw_findAndSelectJRE
void setJavaInfo(const JavaInfo * pInfo, bool bAutoSelect);
/** sets the /java/vmParameters/param elements.
When this method all previous values are removed and replaced
by those in arParameters.
/java/vmParameters@xsi:nil will be set to true when write() is
void setVmParameters(rtl_uString * * arParameters, sal_Int32 size);
/** sets the /java/jreLocations/location elements.
When this method is called then all previous values are removed
and replaced by those in arParamters.
/java/jreLocations@xsi:nil will be set to true write() is called.
void setJRELocations(rtl_uString * * arParameters, sal_Int32 size);
/** adds a location to the already existing locations.
Note: call load() before, then add the location and then call write().
void addJRELocation(rtl_uString * sLocation);
/** writes the data to user settings.
void write() const;
/** load the values of the settings file.
void load();
/** returns the value of the element /java/enabled
const boost::optional<sal_Bool> & getEnabled() const;
/** returns the value of the element /java/userClassPath.
const boost::optional< ::rtl::OUString> & getUserClassPath() const;
/** returns the value of the element /java/javaInfo.
const boost::optional<CNodeJavaInfo> & getJavaInfo() const;
/** returns the parameters from the element /java/vmParameters/param.
const boost::optional< ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString> > & getVmParameters() const;
/** returns the parameters from the element /java/jreLocations/location.
const boost::optional< ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString> > & getJRELocations() const;
/** merges the settings for shared, user and installation during construction.
The class uses a simple merge mechanism for the javasettings.xml files in share and
user. The following elements completly overwrite the corresponding elements
from share:
In case of an installation, the shared and user settings are completely
The locations of the different settings files is obtained through the
bootstrap variables:
The class also determines useful default values for settings which have not been made.
class MergedSettings
const MergedSettings& operator = (MergedSettings&);
void merge(const NodeJava & share, const NodeJava & user);
sal_Bool m_bEnabled;
::rtl::OUString m_sClassPath;
::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString> m_vmParams;
::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString> m_JRELocations;
CNodeJavaInfo m_javaInfo;
virtual ~MergedSettings();
/** the default is true.
sal_Bool getEnabled() const;
const ::rtl::OUString & getUserClassPath() const;
::std::vector< ::rtl::OString> getVmParametersUtf8() const;
/** returns a JavaInfo structure representing the node
/java/javaInfo. Every time a new JavaInfo structure is created
which needs to be freed by the caller.
If both, user and share settings are nil, then NULL is returned.
JavaInfo * createJavaInfo() const;
/** returns the value of the attribute /java/javaInfo[@vendorUpdate].
::rtl::OString const & getJavaInfoAttrVendorUpdate() const;
#ifdef WNT
/** returns the javaInfo@autoSelect attribute.
Before calling this function loadFromSettings must be called.
It uses the javaInfo@autoSelect attribute to determine
the return value;
bool getJavaInfoAttrAutoSelect() const;
/** returns an array.
Caller must free the strings and the array.
void getVmParametersArray(rtl_uString *** parParameters, sal_Int32 * size) const;
/** returns an array.
Caller must free the strings and the array.
void getJRELocations(rtl_uString *** parLocations, sal_Int32 * size) const;
const ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString> & getJRELocations() const;
class VersionInfo
::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString> vecExcludeVersions;
rtl_uString ** arVersions;
void addExcludeVersion(const ::rtl::OUString& sVersion);
::rtl::OUString sMinVersion;
::rtl::OUString sMaxVersion;
/** The caller DOES NOT get ownership of the strings. That is he
does not need to release the strings.
The array exists as long as this object exists.
rtl_uString** getExcludeVersions();
sal_Int32 getExcludeVersionSize();
struct PluginLibrary
PluginLibrary(rtl::OUString vendor,::rtl::OUString path) :
sVendor(vendor), sPath(path)
/** contains the vendor string which is later userd in the xml API
::rtl::OUString sVendor;
/** File URL the plug-in library
::rtl::OUString sPath;
} //end namespace