710 lines
23 KiB
710 lines
23 KiB
* $RCSfile: shellio.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.15 $
* last change: $Author: mib $ $Date: 2002-06-24 12:51:56 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* =================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
* Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
* Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
* obligations concerning the Software.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#ifndef _SHELLIO_HXX
#define _SHELLIO_HXX
#ifndef _STRING_HXX //autogen
#include <tools/string.hxx>
#ifndef _DATE_HXX //autogen
#include <tools/date.hxx>
#ifndef _TIME_HXX //autogen
#include <tools/time.hxx>
#ifndef _DATETIME_HXX //autogen
#include <tools/datetime.hxx>
#ifndef _REF_HXX //autogen
#include <tools/ref.hxx>
#ifndef _SOT_FORMATS_HXX //autogen
#include <sot/formats.hxx>
#ifndef _SWTYPES_HXX
#include <swtypes.hxx>
#ifndef _DOCFAC_HXX
#include <docfac.hxx> // SwDocFac
// einige Forward - Deklarationen
class SfxFactoryFilterContainer;
class SfxFilter;
class SfxItemPool;
class SfxItemSet;
class SfxMedium;
class SvPtrarr;
class SvStorage;
class SvStorageStreamRef;
class SvStream;
class SvStrings;
class SvStringsSortDtor;
class SvxFontItem;
class SvxMacroTableDtor;
class Sw3Io;
class SwCntntNode;
class SwCrsrShell;
class SwDoc;
class SwPaM;
class SwTextBlocks;
struct SwPosition;
struct Writer_Impl;
// ab so vielen chars wird ein mit einem ASCII/W4W-Reader eingelesener
// Absatz zwangsweise umgebrochen. Muss immer groesser als 200 sein !!!
#define MAX_ASCII_PARA 10000
class SwAsciiOptions
String sFont;
rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet;
USHORT nLanguage;
LineEnd eCRLF_Flag;
const String& GetFontName() const { return sFont; }
void SetFontName( const String& rFont ) { sFont = rFont; }
rtl_TextEncoding GetCharSet() const { return eCharSet; }
void SetCharSet( rtl_TextEncoding nVal ) { eCharSet = nVal; }
USHORT GetLanguage() const { return nLanguage; }
void SetLanguage( USHORT nVal ) { nLanguage = nVal; }
LineEnd GetParaFlags() const { return eCRLF_Flag; }
void SetParaFlags( LineEnd eVal ) { eCRLF_Flag = eVal; }
void Reset()
eCRLF_Flag = GetSystemLineEnd();
eCharSet = ::gsl_getSystemTextEncoding();
nLanguage = 0;
// for the automatic conversion (mail/news/...)
void ReadUserData( const String& );
void WriteUserData( String& );
SwAsciiOptions() { Reset(); }
/**************** SwReader/Reader ************************/
// Basisklasse der moeglichen Optionen fuer einen speziellen Reader
class Reader;
// Ruft den Reader mit seinen Optionen, Dokument, Cursor etc.
class SwReader;
// SwRead ist der Pointer auf die Read-Optionen-Basisklasse
typedef Reader *SwRead;
class SwgReaderOption
SwAsciiOptions aASCIIOpts;
BOOL bFmtsOnly;
BOOL bFrmFmts: 1;
BOOL bPageDescs: 1;
BOOL bTxtFmts: 1;
BOOL bNumRules: 1;
BOOL bMerge:1;
} Fmts;
} What;
void ResetAllFmtsOnly() { What.bFmtsOnly = 0; }
void SetAllFmtsOnly() { What.bFmtsOnly = (BOOL)0xff; }
BOOL IsFmtsOnly() const { return What.bFmtsOnly; }
BOOL IsFrmFmts() const { return What.Fmts.bFrmFmts; }
void SetFrmFmts( const BOOL bNew) { What.Fmts.bFrmFmts = bNew; }
BOOL IsPageDescs() const { return What.Fmts.bPageDescs; }
void SetPageDescs( const BOOL bNew) { What.Fmts.bPageDescs = bNew; }
BOOL IsTxtFmts() const { return What.Fmts.bTxtFmts; }
void SetTxtFmts( const BOOL bNew) { What.Fmts.bTxtFmts = bNew; }
BOOL IsNumRules() const { return What.Fmts.bNumRules; }
void SetNumRules( const BOOL bNew) { What.Fmts.bNumRules = bNew; }
BOOL IsMerge() const { return What.Fmts.bMerge; }
void SetMerge( const BOOL bNew ) { What.Fmts.bMerge = bNew; }
const SwAsciiOptions& GetASCIIOpts() const { return aASCIIOpts; }
void SetASCIIOpts( const SwAsciiOptions& rOpts ) { aASCIIOpts = rOpts; }
void ResetASCIIOpts() { aASCIIOpts.Reset(); }
{ ResetAllFmtsOnly(); aASCIIOpts.Reset(); }
class SwReader: public SwDocFac
SvStream* pStrm;
SvStorage* pStg;
SfxMedium* pMedium; // wer ein Medium haben will (W4W)
SwPaM* pCrsr;
String aFileName;
* Initiales Einlesen. Dokument wird erst beim Read(..) angelegt.
* JP 25.04.95: oder falls es mitgegeben wird, in dieses.
* Sonderfall fuer Load mit Sw3Reader
SwReader( SvStream&, const String& rFilename, SwDoc *pDoc = 0 );
SwReader( SvStorage&, const String& rFilename, SwDoc *pDoc = 0 );
SwReader( SfxMedium&, const String& rFilename, SwDoc *pDoc = 0 );
* In ein existierendes Dokument einlesen, Dokument und
* Position im Dokument werden aus dem SwPaM uebernommen.
SwReader( SvStream&, const String& rFilename, SwPaM& );
SwReader( SvStorage&, const String& rFilename, SwPaM& );
SwReader( SfxMedium&, const String& rFilename, SwPaM& );
* Nur SwReader::Read(...) ist die Export-Schnittstelle!!!
BOOL NeedsPasswd( const Reader& );
BOOL CheckPasswd( const String&, const Reader& );
ULONG Read( const Reader& );
// ask for glossaries
BOOL HasGlossaries( const Reader& );
BOOL ReadGlossaries( const Reader&, SwTextBlocks&, BOOL bSaveRelFiles );
/* */
/**************** SPEZIELLE Reader ************************/
// spezielle - Reader koennen beides sein !! (Excel, W4W, .. )
class Reader
friend class SwReader;
SwDoc* pTemplate;
String aTemplateNm;
Date aDStamp;
Time aTStamp;
DateTime aChkDateTime;
SvStream* pStrm;
SvStorage* pStg;
SfxMedium* pMedium; // wer ein Medium haben will (W4W)
SwgReaderOption aOpt;
BOOL bInsertMode : 1;
BOOL bTmplBrowseMode : 1;
BOOL bReadUTF8: 1; // Stream als UTF-8 interpretieren
BOOL bBlockMode: 1;
BOOL bOrganizerMode : 1;
BOOL bHasAskTemplateName : 1;
virtual String GetTemplateName() const;
virtual ~Reader();
virtual int GetReaderType();
SwgReaderOption& GetReaderOpt() { return aOpt; }
virtual void SetFltName( const String& rFltNm );
static void SetNoOutlineNum( SwDoc& rDoc );
// den Item-Set eines Frm-Formats an das alte Format anpassen
static void ResetFrmFmtAttrs( SfxItemSet &rFrmSet );
// die Rahmen-/Grafik-/OLE-Vorlagen an das alte Format (ohne
// Umrandung etc.) anpassen
static void ResetFrmFmts( SwDoc& rDoc );
// Die Filter-Vorlage laden, setzen und wieder freigeben
SwDoc* GetTemplateDoc();
BOOL SetTemplate( SwDoc& rDoc );
void ClearTemplate();
void SetTemplateName( const String& rDir );
void MakeHTMLDummyTemplateDoc();
BOOL IsReadUTF8() const { return bReadUTF8; }
void SetReadUTF8( BOOL bSet ) { bReadUTF8 = bSet; }
BOOL IsBlockMode() const { return bBlockMode; }
void SetBlockMode( BOOL bSet ) { bBlockMode = bSet; }
BOOL IsOrganizerMode() const { return bOrganizerMode; }
void SetOrganizerMode( BOOL bSet ) { bOrganizerMode = bSet; }
virtual BOOL HasGlossaries() const;
virtual BOOL ReadGlossaries( SwTextBlocks&, BOOL bSaveRelFiles ) const;
// read the sections of the document, which is equal to the medium.
// returns the count of it
virtual USHORT GetSectionList( SfxMedium& rMedium,
SvStrings& rStrings ) const;
virtual ULONG Read(SwDoc &,SwPaM &,const String &)=0;
// alle die die Streams / Storages nicht geoeffnet brauchen,
// muessen die Methode ueberladen (W4W!!)
virtual int SetStrmStgPtr();
class RtfReader: public Reader
virtual ULONG Read( SwDoc &,SwPaM &,const String &);
class AsciiReader: public Reader
friend class SwReader;
virtual ULONG Read( SwDoc &,SwPaM &,const String &);
AsciiReader(): Reader() {}
class SwgReader: public Reader
virtual ULONG Read( SwDoc &,SwPaM &,const String &);
class StgReader : public Reader
String aFltName;
ULONG OpenMainStream( SvStorageStreamRef& rRef, USHORT& rBuffSize );
virtual int GetReaderType();
const String& GetFltName() { return aFltName; }
virtual void SetFltName( const String& r );
class Sw3Reader : public StgReader
virtual ULONG Read( SwDoc &,SwPaM &,const String &);
Sw3Reader() {}
// read the sections of the document, which is equal to the medium.
// returns the count of it
virtual USHORT GetSectionList( SfxMedium& rMedium,
SvStrings& rStrings ) const;
/* */
// Der uebergebene Stream muss dynamisch angelegt werden und
// vor dem Loeschen der Instanz per Stream() angefordert
// und geloescht werden!
class SwImpBlocks;
class SwTextBlocks
friend class Sw2TextBlocks;
friend class Sw3IoImp;
SwImpBlocks* pImp;
SwTextBlocks( const String& );
SwTextBlocks( SvStorage& );
void Flush(){}
SwDoc* GetDoc();
void ClearDoc(); // Doc-Inhalt loeschen
const String& GetName();
void SetName( const String& );
ULONG GetError() const { return nErr; }
BOOL IsOld() const;
ULONG ConvertToNew(); // Textbausteine konvertieren
USHORT GetCount() const; // Anzahl Textbausteine ermitteln
USHORT GetIndex( const String& ) const; // Index fuer Kurznamen ermitteln
USHORT GetLongIndex( const String& ) const; //Index fuer Langnamen ermitteln
const String& GetShortName( USHORT ) const; // Kurzname fuer Index zurueck
const String& GetLongName( USHORT ) const; // Langname fuer Index zurueck
BOOL Delete( USHORT ); // Loeschen
USHORT Rename( USHORT, const String*, const String* ); // Umbenennen
ULONG CopyBlock( SwTextBlocks& rSource, String& rSrcShort,
const String& rLong ); // Block kopieren
BOOL BeginGetDoc( USHORT ); // Textbaustein einlesen
void EndGetDoc(); // Textbaustein wieder loslassen
BOOL BeginPutDoc( const String&, const String& ); // Speichern Beginn
USHORT PutDoc(); // Speichern Ende
const String& GetText( USHORT ); // Textinhalt einlesen
USHORT PutText( const String&, const String&, const String& ); // Speichern( Kurzn., Text)
BOOL IsOnlyTextBlock( USHORT ) const;
BOOL IsOnlyTextBlock( const String& rShort ) const;
const String& GetFileName() const; // Dateiname von pImp
BOOL IsReadOnly() const; // ReadOnly-Flag von pImp
BOOL GetMacroTable( USHORT nIdx, SvxMacroTableDtor& rMacroTbl );
BOOL SetMacroTable( USHORT nIdx, const SvxMacroTableDtor& rMacroTbl );
String GetValidShortCut( const String& rLong,
BOOL bCheckInBlock = FALSE ) const;
BOOL StartPutMuchBlockEntries();
void EndPutMuchBlockEntries();
extern void _InitFilter();
extern void _FinitFilter();
extern SwRead ReadRtf, ReadAscii, ReadSwg, ReadSw3, ReadHTML, ReadXML;
extern BOOL SetHTMLTemplate( SwDoc &rDoc ); //Fuer Vorlagen aus HTML.vor laden shellio.cxx
/* */
* Schreiben, Writer
/* Basis-Klasse aller Writer */
class Writer : public SvRefBase
SwAsciiOptions aAscOpts;
void _AddFontItem( SfxItemPool& rPool, const SvxFontItem& rFont );
void _AddFontItems( SfxItemPool& rPool, USHORT nWhichId );
Writer_Impl* pImpl;
SvStream* pStrm;
SwPaM* pOrigPam; // der letze zu bearbeitende Pam
const String* pOrigFileName;
void ResetWriter();
BOOL CopyNextPam( SwPaM ** );
void PutNumFmtFontsInAttrPool();
void PutEditEngFontsInAttrPool( BOOL bIncl_CJK_CTL = TRUE );
void PutCJKandCTLFontsInAttrPool();
virtual ULONG WriteStream() = 0;
SwDoc* pDoc;
SwPaM* pCurPam;
BOOL bWriteAll : 1;
BOOL bShowProgress : 1;
BOOL bWriteClipboardDoc : 1;
BOOL bWriteOnlyFirstTable : 1;
BOOL bASCII_ParaAsBlanc : 1;
BOOL bASCII_NoLastLineEnd : 1;
BOOL bUCS2_WithStartChar : 1;
BOOL bBlock : 1;
BOOL bOrganizerMode : 1;
virtual ~Writer();
virtual ULONG Write( SwPaM&, SfxMedium&, const String* = 0 );
ULONG Write( SwPaM&, SvStream&, const String* = 0 );
virtual ULONG Write( SwPaM&, SvStorage&, const String* = 0 );
virtual void SetPasswd( const String& );
virtual void SetVersion( const String&, long );
virtual BOOL IsStgWriter() const;
virtual BOOL IsSw3Writer() const;
BOOL ShowProgress() const { return bShowProgress; }
void SetShowProgress( BOOL bFlag = FALSE ) { bShowProgress = bFlag; }
const String* GetOrigFileName() const { return pOrigFileName; }
const SwAsciiOptions& GetAsciiOptions() const { return aAscOpts; }
void SetAsciiOptions( const SwAsciiOptions& rOpt ) { aAscOpts = rOpt; }
// suche die naechste Bookmark-Position aus der Bookmark-Tabelle
USHORT FindPos_Bkmk( const SwPosition& rPos ) const;
// build a bookmark table, which is sort by the node position. The
// OtherPos of the bookmarks also inserted.
void CreateBookmarkTbl();
// search alle Bookmarks in the range and return it in the Array
USHORT GetBookmarks( const SwCntntNode& rNd,
xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd,
SvPtrarr& rArr );
// lege einen neuen PaM an der Position an
SwPaM* NewSwPaM( SwDoc & rDoc, ULONG nStartIdx, ULONG nEndIdx,
BOOL bNodesArray = TRUE ) const;
// kopiere ggfs. eine lokale Datei ins Internet
BOOL CopyLocalFileToINet( String& rFileNm );
// Stream-spezifische Routinen, im Storage-Writer NICHT VERWENDEN!
// Optimierung der Ausgabe auf den Stream.
SvStream& OutLong( SvStream& rStrm, long nVal );
SvStream& OutULong( SvStream& rStrm, ULONG nVal );
// Hex-Zahl ausgeben, default ist 2.stellige Zahl
SvStream& OutHex( SvStream& rStrm, ULONG nHex, BYTE nLen = 2 );
// 4-st. Hex-Zahl ausgeben
inline SvStream& OutHex4( SvStream& rStrm, USHORT nHex )
{ return OutHex( rStrm, nHex, 4 ); }
// 8-st. Hex-Zahl ausgeben
inline SvStream& OutHex8( SvStream& rStrm, ULONG nHex )
{ return OutHex( rStrm, nHex, 8 ); }
inline SvStream& OutHex( USHORT nHex, BYTE nLen = 2 ) { return OutHex( Strm(), nHex, nLen ); }
inline SvStream& OutHex4( USHORT nHex ) { return OutHex( Strm(), nHex, 4 ); }
inline SvStream& OutHex8( ULONG nHex ) { return OutHex( Strm(), nHex, 8 ); }
inline SvStream& OutLong( long nVal ) { return OutLong( Strm(), nVal ); }
inline SvStream& OutULong( ULONG nVal ) { return OutULong( Strm(), nVal ); }
void SetStrm( SvStream& rStrm ) { pStrm = &rStrm; }
#ifdef PRODUCT
SvStream& Strm() { return *pStrm; }
SvStream& Strm();
BOOL IsOrganizerMode() const { return bOrganizerMode; }
void SetOrganizerMode( BOOL bSet ) { bOrganizerMode = bSet; }
// Basisklasse fuer alle Storage-Writer
class StgWriter : public Writer
String aFltName;
SvStorage* pStg;
// Fehler beim Aufruf erzeugen
virtual ULONG WriteStream();
virtual ULONG WriteStorage() = 0;
StgWriter() : Writer(), pStg( 0 ) {}
virtual BOOL IsStgWriter() const;
virtual ULONG Write( SwPaM&, SvStorage&, const String* = 0 );
SvStorage& GetStorage() const { return *pStg; }
const String& GetFltName() const { return aFltName; }
void SetFltName( const String& r ) { aFltName = r; }
class Sw3Writer : public StgWriter
virtual ULONG WriteStorage();
Sw3Writer() {}
virtual BOOL IsSw3Writer() const;
// Schnittstellenklasse fuer den allgemeinen Zugriff auf die
// speziellen Writer
class SwWriter
SvStream* pStrm;
SvStorage* pStg;
SfxMedium* pMedium;
SwPaM* pOutPam;
SwCrsrShell *pShell;
SwDoc &rDoc;
BOOL bWriteAll;
ULONG Write( WriterRef& rxWriter, const String* = 0);
SwWriter( SvStream&, SwCrsrShell &,BOOL bWriteAll = FALSE );
SwWriter( SvStream&, SwDoc & );
SwWriter( SvStream&, SwPaM &, BOOL bWriteAll = FALSE );
// SwWriter( SvStorage&, SwCrsrShell &,BOOL bWriteAll = FALSE );
SwWriter( SvStorage&, SwDoc & );
// SwWriter( SvStorage&, SwPaM&, BOOL bWriteAll = FALSE );
SwWriter( SfxMedium&, SwCrsrShell &,BOOL bWriteAll = FALSE );
SwWriter( SfxMedium&, SwDoc & );
// SwWriter( SfxMedium&, SwPaM&, BOOL bWriteAll = FALSE );
/* */
void GetRTFWriter( const String&, WriterRef& );
void GetASCWriter( const String&, WriterRef& );
void GetSw3Writer( const String&, WriterRef& );
void GetHTMLWriter( const String&, WriterRef& );
void GetXMLWriter( const String&, WriterRef& );
// Die folgende Klasse ist ein Wrappe fuer die Basic-I/O-Funktionen
// des Writer 3.0. Alles ist statisch. Alle u.a. Filternamen sind die
// Writer-internen Namen, d.h. die namen, die in INSTALL.INI vor dem
// Gleichheitszeichen stehen, z.b. SWG oder ASCII.
class SwIoSystem
// suche ueber den Filtertext den Filtereintrag
static const SfxFilter* GetFilterOfFilterTxt( const String& rFilterNm,
const SfxFactoryFilterContainer* pCnt = 0 );
// suche ueber den internen FormatNamen den Filtereintrag
static const SfxFilter* GetFilterOfFormat( const String& rFormat,
const SfxFactoryFilterContainer* pCnt = 0 );
// Feststellen des zu verwendenden Filters fuer die uebergebene
// Datei. Der Filtername wird zurueckgeliefert. Konnte kein Filter
// zurueckgeliefert werden, wird der Name des ASCII-Filters geliefert!
static const SfxFilter* GetFileFilter( const String& rFileName,
const String& rPrefFltName,
SfxMedium* pMedium = 0 );
// Feststellen ob das File in dem vorgegebenen Format vorliegt.
// Z.z werden nur unsere eigene Filter unterstuetzt!!
static FASTBOOL IsFileFilter( SfxMedium& rMedium, const String& rFmtName,
const SfxFilter** ppFlt = 0 );
static FASTBOOL IsValidStgFilter( SvStorage& , const SfxFilter& );
static const SfxFilter* GetTextFilter( const sal_Char* pBuf, ULONG nLen );
// gebe einen bestimmten Reader zurueck
static Reader* GetReader( const String& rFltName );
// gebe einen bestimmten Writer zurueck
static void GetWriter( const String& rFltName, WriterRef& xWrt );
static const String GetSubStorageName( const SfxFilter& rFltr );
// ----------------------------------
// diese Filter sind immer vorhanden und koennen ueber die
// Formatnamen gesucht werden. Alle anderen Filter sind nur intern
// bekannt. Die UI-Seite benutzt die GetReader()/GetWriter() -Funktionen,
// um die speziellen zu erhalten.
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SWG[]; // SWG-Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_RTF[]; // RTF-Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_TEXT[]; // Text-Filter mit Default-CodeSet
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_BAS[]; // StarBasic (identisch mit ANSI)
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_W4W[]; // W4W-Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_WW8[]; // WinWord 97-Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SW3[]; // SW3-Storage Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SW4[]; // SW4-Storage Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SW4[]; // SW4-Storage Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SW5[]; // SW5-Storage Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SWGV[]; // SWG-Vorlagen Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SW3V[]; // SW3-Storage Vorlagen Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SW4V[]; // SW4-Storage Vorlagen Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SW5V[]; // SW5-Storage Vorlagen Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SWW4V[]; // SW/Web Storage Vorlagen Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_SWW5V[]; // SW/Web Storage Vorlagen Filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_TEXT_DLG[]; // text filter with encoding dialog
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_XML[]; // XML filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_XMLV[]; // XML filter
extern sal_Char __FAR_DATA FILTER_XMLVW[]; // XML filter